Draft Js Plugins Core components
MIT © juliankrispel
import { Plugin } from '@djsp/core' }
A plugin inherits the same props as as the Draft js Editor including a few exceptions. Here's the full list of props:
export type PluginProps = {
blockRendererFn: (block: BlockNodeRecord) => ?Object,
blockStyleFn: (block: BlockNodeRecord) => string,
keyBindingFn: (e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<>) => ?string,
handleReturn?: (
e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<>,
editorState: EditorState,
) => DraftHandleValue,
handleKeyCommand?: (
command: DraftEditorCommand | string,
editorState: EditorState,
eventTimeStamp: number,
) => DraftHandleValue,
handleBeforeInput?: (
chars: string,
editorState: EditorState,
eventTimeStamp: number,
) => DraftHandleValue,
handlePastedText?: (
text: string,
html?: string,
editorState: EditorState,
) => DraftHandleValue,
handlePastedFiles?: (files: Array<Blob>) => DraftHandleValue,
handleDroppedFiles?: (
selection: SelectionState,
files: Array<Blob>,
) => DraftHandleValue,
handleDrop?: (
selection: SelectionState,
dataTransfer: Object,
isInternal: DraftDragType,
) => DraftHandleValue,
onEscape?: (e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<>) => void,
onTab?: (e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<>) => void,
onUpArrow?: (e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<>) => void,
onRightArrow?: (e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<>) => void,
onDownArrow?: (e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<>) => void,
onLeftArrow?: (e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<>) => void,
onBlur?: (e: SyntheticEvent<>) => void,
onFocus?: (e: SyntheticEvent<>) => void,
customStyleMap?: Object,
customStyleFn?: (style: DraftInlineStyle, block: BlockNodeRecord) => ?Object,
blockRenderMap: DraftBlockRenderMap,