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@@ -1,2 +0,330 @@

var __dmail_uneval__=function(n){"use strict";function t(n){return(t="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(n){return typeof n}:function(n){return n&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&n.constructor===Symbol&&n!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof n})(n)}function e(n,t,e){return t in n?Object.defineProperty(n,t,{value:e,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):n[t]=e,n}function o(n){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var o=null!=arguments[t]?arguments[t]:{},r=Object.keys(o);"function"==typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols&&(r=r.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o).filter(function(n){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o,n).enumerable}))),r.forEach(function(t){e(n,t,o[t])})}return n}function r(n,t){if(null==n)return{};var e,o,r=function(n,t){if(null==n)return{};var e,o,r={},c=Object.keys(n);for(o=0;o<c.length;o++)e=c[o],t.indexOf(e)>=0||(r[e]=n[e]);return r}(n,t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var c=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n);for(o=0;o<c.length;o++)e=c[o],t.indexOf(e)>=0||,e)&&(r[e]=n[e])}return r}var c=function(n,t){var e=t.parenthesis,o=t.useNew,r=n;return e&&(r="(".concat(n,")")),o&&(r="new ".concat(r)),r},i=function(n){var t=n.count,e=n.useTabs,o=n.size;return e?"\n"+"\t".repeat(t):"\n"+" ".repeat(t*o)},u=function(n,t){var e=t.depth,o=void 0===e?0:e,r=t.indentUsingTab,c=t.indentSize;return"".concat(i({count:o+1,useTabs:r,size:c})).concat(n)},a=function(n,t){return"".concat(u(n,t)).concat((o=(e=t).depth,r=void 0===o?0:o,c=e.indentUsingTab,a=e.indentSize,i({count:r,useTabs:c,size:a})));var e,o,r,c,a},f=function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},e=t.seen,r=void 0===e?[]:e;if(r.indexOf(n)>-1)return"Symbol.for('circular')";r.push(n);for(var i,f="",d=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n),l=0,s=d.length,v=t.depth,b=void 0===v?0:v,h=t.compact,g=o({},t,{depth:b+1,seen:r});l<s;){var y=d[l],O=parseInt(y,10),m=p(Number.isInteger(O)?O:y,g),S=p(n[y],g);f+=h?0===l?"".concat(m,": ").concat(S):", ".concat(m,": ").concat(S):0===l?"".concat(m,": ").concat(S):",".concat(u("".concat(m,": ").concat(S),t)),l++}return i=f.length?"".concat(h?f:a(f,t)):"",i=t.objectConstructor?"Object({".concat(i,"})"):"{".concat(i,"}"),c(i,t)},d=Object.prototype.toString,l={Array:function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},e=t.seen,r=void 0===e?[]:e;if(r.indexOf(n)>-1)return"Symbol.for('circular')";r.push(n);for(var i,f="",d=0,l=n.length,s=t.compact,v=t.depth,b=o({},t,{depth:(void 0===v?0:v)+1,seen:r});d<l;){var h=n.hasOwnProperty(d)?p(n[d],b):"";f+=s?0===d?h:h?", ".concat(h):",":0===d?h:",".concat(u(h,t)),d++}return i=f.length?s?"".concat(f):a(f,t):"",i="[".concat(i,"]"),c(i,t)},Boolean:function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},e=t.depth,r=void 0===e?0:e,i=p(n.valueOf(),o({},t,{depth:r+1}));return c("Boolean(".concat(i,")"),t)},Date:function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},e=t.depth,r=void 0===e?0:e,i=p(n.valueOf(),o({},t,{depth:r+1}));return c("Date(".concat(i,")"),t)},Error:function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},e=t.depth,r=void 0===e?0:e,i=p(n.message,o({},t,{depth:r+1}));return c("".concat(,"(").concat(i,")"),t)},Number:function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},e=t.depth,r=void 0===e?0:e,i=p(n.valueOf(),o({},t,{depth:r+1}));return c("Number(".concat(i,")"),t)},Object:f,RegExp:function(n){return n.toString()},String:function(n,t){var e=t.depth,r=void 0===e?0:e,i=p(n.valueOf(),o({},t,{depth:r+1}));return c("String(".concat(i,")"),t)}},s=function(n,t){var e=t.singleQuote,o=function(n){for(var t=String(n),e=0,o=t.length,r="";e<o;){var c=t[e];r+='"'===c||"'"===c||"\\"===c?"\\".concat(c):"\n"===c?"\\n":"\r"===c?"\\r":"\u2028"===c?"\\u2028":"\u2029"===c?"\\u2029":c,e++}return r}(n);return e?"'".concat(o,"'"):'"'.concat(o,'"')},v={boolean:function(n){return n.toString()},function:function(n,t){var e,o=t.showFunctionBody,r=t.parenthesis,c=t.depth;if(o)e=n.toString();else{var i=void 0===n.prototype?"() =>":"function ".concat(0===c?"","()");e="".concat(i," {/* hidden */}")}return r?"(".concat(e,")"):e},null:function(){return"null"},number:function(n){return,-0)?"-0":n.toString()},object:function(n,e){var r=function(n){if("object"===t(n)&&null===Object.getPrototypeOf(n))return"Object";var"[object ".length,-1);if("Object"===e){var;if("Object"!==o)return o}return e}(n);return r in l?l[r](n,e):c("".concat(r,"(").concat(f(n,e),")"),o({},e,{parenthesis:!1}))},string:s,symbol:function(n,t){var e=n.toString(),o=e.indexOf("("),r=e.indexOf(")"),c=e.slice(o+1,r),i=c?s(c,t):"",u="Symbol(".concat(i,")");return t.parenthesis?"".concat(u):u},undefined:function(){return"undefined"}},p=function(n){var e=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},c=e.parenthesis,i=void 0!==c&&c,u=e.singleQuote,a=void 0!==u&&u,f=e.useNew,d=void 0!==f&&f,l=e.objectConstructor,s=void 0!==l&&l,p=e.compact,b=void 0!==p&&p,h=e.showFunctionBody,g=void 0!==h&&h,y=e.indentUsingTab,O=void 0!==y&&y,m=e.indentSize,S=void 0===m?2:m,j=e.depth,w=void 0===j?0:j,P=r(e,["parenthesis","singleQuote","useNew","objectConstructor","compact","showFunctionBody","indentUsingTab","indentSize","depth"]),z=function(n){return null===n?"null":void 0===n?"undefined":t(n)}(n);return v[z](n,o({parenthesis:i,singleQuote:a,useNew:d,objectConstructor:s,compact:b,showFunctionBody:g,indentUsingTab:O,indentSize:S,depth:w},P))};return n.uneval=p,n}({});
System.register([], function (n, e) {
"use strict";
return {
execute: function () {
function e(n) {
return (e = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (n) {
return typeof n;
} : function (n) {
return n && "function" == typeof Symbol && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
function t(n, e, t) {
return e in n ? Object.defineProperty(n, e, {
value: t,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}) : n[e] = t, n;
function r(n) {
for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
var r = null != arguments[e] ? arguments[e] : {},
o = Object.keys(r);
"function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && (o = o.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(r).filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, n).enumerable;
}))), o.forEach(function (e) {
t(n, e, r[e]);
return n;
var o = Object.prototype.toString,
i = function (n) {
if ("object" === e(n) && null === Object.getPrototypeOf(n)) return "Object";
var t ="[object ".length, -1);
if ("Object" === t) {
var r =;
if ("Object" !== r) return r;
return t;
c = function (n) {
return null === n ? "null" : void 0 === n ? "undefined" : e(n);
a = function (n, e) {
var t = e.depth,
r = e.indentUsingTab,
o = e.indentSize;
return "".concat(u({
count: t + 1,
useTabs: r,
size: o
u = function (n) {
var e = n.count,
t = n.useTabs,
r = n.size;
return t ? "\n" + "\t".repeat(e) : "\n" + " ".repeat(e * r);
s = function (n, e) {
var t = e.depth,
r = e.indentUsingTab,
o = e.indentSize;
return "".concat(a(n, {
depth: t,
indentUsingTab: r,
indentSize: o
})).concat(function (n) {
var e = n.depth,
t = n.indentUsingTab,
r = n.indentSize;
return u({
count: e,
useTabs: t,
size: r
depth: t,
indentUsingTab: r,
indentSize: o
d = {
boolean: function (n) {
return n.toString();
null: function () {
return "null";
number: function (n) {
return, -0) ? "-0" : n.toString();
string: function (n, e) {
var t = e.singleQuote,
r = function (n) {
for (var e = String(n), t = 0, r = e.length, o = ""; t < r;) {
var i = e[t];
o += '"' === i || "'" === i || "\\" === i ? "\\".concat(i) : "\n" === i ? "\\n" : "\r" === i ? "\\r" : "\u2028" === i ? "\\u2028" : "\u2029" === i ? "\\u2029" : i, t++;
return o;
return t ? "'".concat(r, "'") : '"'.concat(r, '"');
symbol: function (n, e) {
var t = e.nestedUneval,
r = e.parenthesis,
o = n.toString(),
i = o.indexOf("("),
c = o.indexOf(")"),
a = o.slice(i + 1, c),
u = a ? t(a) : "",
s = "Symbol(".concat(u, ")");
return r ? "".concat(s) : s;
undefined: function () {
return "undefined";
f = function (n, e) {
var t = e.parenthesis,
r = e.useNew,
o = n;
return t && (o = "(".concat(n, ")")), r && (o = "new ".concat(o)), o;
p = function (n, e) {
var t = e.nestedUneval,
r = e.seen,
o = void 0 === r ? [] : r,
i = e.compact,
c = e.depth,
u = e.indentUsingTab,
d = e.indentSize,
p = e.objectConstructor,
l = e.parenthesis,
v = e.useNew;
if (o.indexOf(n) > -1) return "Symbol.for('circular')";
for (var b, h = "", g = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n), y = 0, m = g.length; y < m;) {
var S = g[y],
O = parseInt(S, 10),
w = t(Number.isInteger(O) ? O : S),
U = t(n[S], {
seen: o
h += i ? 0 === y ? "".concat(w, ": ").concat(U) : ", ".concat(w, ": ").concat(U) : 0 === y ? "".concat(w, ": ").concat(U) : ",".concat(a("".concat(w, ": ").concat(U), {
depth: c,
indentUsingTab: u,
indentSize: d
})), y++;
return b = h.length ? "".concat(i ? h : s(h, {
depth: c,
indentUsingTab: u,
indentSize: d
})) : "", b = p ? "Object({".concat(b, "})") : "{".concat(b, "}"), f(b, {
parenthesis: l,
useNew: v
l = {
Array: function (n, e) {
var t = e.seen,
r = void 0 === t ? [] : t,
o = e.nestedUneval,
i = e.compact,
c = e.depth,
u = e.indentUsingTab,
d = e.indentSize,
p = e.parenthesis,
l = e.useNew;
if (r.indexOf(n) > -1) return "Symbol.for('circular')";
for (var v, b = "", h = 0, g = n.length; h < g;) {
var y = n.hasOwnProperty(h) ? o(n[h], {
seen: r
}) : "";
b += i ? 0 === h ? y : y ? ", ".concat(y) : "," : 0 === h ? y : ",".concat(a(y, {
depth: c,
indentUsingTab: u,
indentSize: d
})), h++;
return v = b.length ? i ? "".concat(b) : s(b, {
depth: c,
indentUsingTab: u,
indentSize: d
}) : "", v = "[".concat(v, "]"), f(v, {
parenthesis: p,
useNew: l
Boolean: function (n, e) {
var t = e.nestedUneval,
r = e.useNew,
o = e.parenthesis,
i = t(n.valueOf());
return f("Boolean(".concat(i, ")"), {
useNew: r,
parenthesis: o
Error: function (n, e) {
var t = e.nestedUneval,
r = e.useNew,
o = e.parenthesis,
i = t(n.message);
return f("".concat(, "(").concat(i, ")"), {
useNew: r,
parenthesis: o
Date: function (n, e) {
var t = e.nestedUneval,
r = e.useNew,
o = e.parenthesis,
i = t(n.valueOf());
return f("Date(".concat(i, ")"), {
useNew: r,
parenthesis: o
Function: function (n, e) {
var t,
r = e.showFunctionBody,
o = e.parenthesis,
i = e.depth;
if (r) t = n.toString();else {
var c = void 0 === n.prototype ? "() =>" : "function ".concat(0 === i ? : "", "()");
t = "".concat(c, " {/* hidden */}");
return o ? "(".concat(t, ")") : t;
Number: function (n, e) {
var t = e.nestedUneval,
r = e.useNew,
o = e.parenthesis,
i = t(n.valueOf());
return f("Number(".concat(i, ")"), {
useNew: r,
parenthesis: o
Object: p,
RegExp: function (n) {
return n.toString();
String: function (n, e) {
var t = e.nestedUneval,
r = e.useNew,
o = e.parenthesis,
i = t(n.valueOf());
return f("String(".concat(i, ")"), {
useNew: r,
parenthesis: o
n("uneval", function (n) {
var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
t = e.parenthesis,
o = void 0 !== t && t,
a = e.singleQuote,
u = void 0 !== a && a,
s = e.useNew,
v = void 0 !== s && s,
b = e.objectConstructor,
h = void 0 !== b && b,
g = e.compact,
y = void 0 !== g && g,
m = e.showFunctionBody,
S = void 0 !== m && m,
O = e.indentUsingTab,
w = void 0 !== O && O,
U = e.indentSize;
return function n(e, t) {
var o = function (n) {
var e = c(n);
return "function" === e ? {
compositeType: "Function"
} : "object" === e ? {
compositeType: i(n)
} : {
primitiveType: e
a = o.primitiveType,
u = o.compositeType,
s = r({}, t, {
nestedUneval: function (e) {
var o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
return n(e, r({}, t, {
depth: t.depth + 1
}, o));
return a ? d[a](e, s) : u in l ? l[u](e, s) : f("".concat(u, "(").concat(p(e, s), ")"), r({}, s, {
parenthesis: !1
}(n, {
parenthesis: o,
singleQuote: u,
useNew: v,
objectConstructor: h,
compact: y,
showFunctionBody: S,
indentUsingTab: w,
indentSize: void 0 === U ? 2 : U,
depth: 0
//# sourceMappingURL=./

@@ -1,2 +0,151 @@

"use strict";function n(t){return(n="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(n){return typeof n}:function(n){return n&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&n.constructor===Symbol&&n!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof n})(t)}function t(n,t,e){return t in n?Object.defineProperty(n,t,{value:e,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):n[t]=e,n}function e(n){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var o=null!=arguments[e]?arguments[e]:{},r=Object.keys(o);"function"==typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols&&(r=r.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o).filter(function(n){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o,n).enumerable}))),r.forEach(function(e){t(n,e,o[e])})}return n}function o(n,t){if(null==n)return{};var e,o,r=function(n,t){if(null==n)return{};var e,o,r={},c=Object.keys(n);for(o=0;o<c.length;o++)e=c[o],t.indexOf(e)>=0||(r[e]=n[e]);return r}(n,t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var c=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n);for(o=0;o<c.length;o++)e=c[o],t.indexOf(e)>=0||,e)&&(r[e]=n[e])}return r}Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});var r=function(n,t){var e=t.parenthesis,o=t.useNew,r=n;return e&&(r="(".concat(n,")")),o&&(r="new ".concat(r)),r},c=function(n){var t=n.count,e=n.useTabs,o=n.size;return e?"\n"+"\t".repeat(t):"\n"+" ".repeat(t*o)},i=function(n,t){var e=t.depth,o=void 0===e?0:e,r=t.indentUsingTab,i=t.indentSize;return"".concat(c({count:o+1,useTabs:r,size:i})).concat(n)},u=function(n,t){return"".concat(i(n,t)).concat((o=(e=t).depth,r=void 0===o?0:o,u=e.indentUsingTab,a=e.indentSize,c({count:r,useTabs:u,size:a})));var e,o,r,u,a},a=function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},o=t.seen,c=void 0===o?[]:o;if(c.indexOf(n)>-1)return"Symbol.for('circular')";c.push(n);for(var a,d="",f=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n),s=0,l=f.length,v=t.depth,b=void 0===v?0:v,h=t.compact,g=e({},t,{depth:b+1,seen:c});s<l;){var y=f[s],O=parseInt(y,10),m=p(Number.isInteger(O)?O:y,g),j=p(n[y],g);d+=h?0===s?"".concat(m,": ").concat(j):", ".concat(m,": ").concat(j):0===s?"".concat(m,": ").concat(j):",".concat(i("".concat(m,": ").concat(j),t)),s++}return a=d.length?"".concat(h?d:u(d,t)):"",a=t.objectConstructor?"Object({".concat(a,"})"):"{".concat(a,"}"),r(a,t)},d=Object.prototype.toString,f={Array:function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},o=t.seen,c=void 0===o?[]:o;if(c.indexOf(n)>-1)return"Symbol.for('circular')";c.push(n);for(var a,d="",f=0,s=n.length,l=t.compact,v=t.depth,b=e({},t,{depth:(void 0===v?0:v)+1,seen:c});f<s;){var h=n.hasOwnProperty(f)?p(n[f],b):"";d+=l?0===f?h:h?", ".concat(h):",":0===f?h:",".concat(i(h,t)),f++}return a=d.length?l?"".concat(d):u(d,t):"",a="[".concat(a,"]"),r(a,t)},Boolean:function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},o=t.depth,c=void 0===o?0:o,i=p(n.valueOf(),e({},t,{depth:c+1}));return r("Boolean(".concat(i,")"),t)},Date:function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},o=t.depth,c=void 0===o?0:o,i=p(n.valueOf(),e({},t,{depth:c+1}));return r("Date(".concat(i,")"),t)},Error:function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},o=t.depth,c=void 0===o?0:o,i=p(n.message,e({},t,{depth:c+1}));return r("".concat(,"(").concat(i,")"),t)},Number:function(n){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},o=t.depth,c=void 0===o?0:o,i=p(n.valueOf(),e({},t,{depth:c+1}));return r("Number(".concat(i,")"),t)},Object:a,RegExp:function(n){return n.toString()},String:function(n,t){var o=t.depth,c=void 0===o?0:o,i=p(n.valueOf(),e({},t,{depth:c+1}));return r("String(".concat(i,")"),t)}},s=function(n,t){var e=t.singleQuote,o=function(n){for(var t=String(n),e=0,o=t.length,r="";e<o;){var c=t[e];r+='"'===c||"'"===c||"\\"===c?"\\".concat(c):"\n"===c?"\\n":"\r"===c?"\\r":"\u2028"===c?"\\u2028":"\u2029"===c?"\\u2029":c,e++}return r}(n);return e?"'".concat(o,"'"):'"'.concat(o,'"')},l={boolean:function(n){return n.toString()},function:function(n,t){var e,o=t.showFunctionBody,r=t.parenthesis,c=t.depth;if(o)e=n.toString();else{var i=void 0===n.prototype?"() =>":"function ".concat(0===c?"","()");e="".concat(i," {/* hidden */}")}return r?"(".concat(e,")"):e},null:function(){return"null"},number:function(n){return,-0)?"-0":n.toString()},object:function(t,o){var c=function(t){if("object"===n(t)&&null===Object.getPrototypeOf(t))return"Object";var"[object ".length,-1);if("Object"===e){var;if("Object"!==o)return o}return e}(t);return c in f?f[c](t,o):r("".concat(c,"(").concat(a(t,o),")"),e({},o,{parenthesis:!1}))},string:s,symbol:function(n,t){var e=n.toString(),o=e.indexOf("("),r=e.indexOf(")"),c=e.slice(o+1,r),i=c?s(c,t):"",u="Symbol(".concat(i,")");return t.parenthesis?"".concat(u):u},undefined:function(){return"undefined"}},p=function(t){var r=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},c=r.parenthesis,i=void 0!==c&&c,u=r.singleQuote,a=void 0!==u&&u,d=r.useNew,f=void 0!==d&&d,s=r.objectConstructor,p=void 0!==s&&s,v=r.compact,b=void 0!==v&&v,h=r.showFunctionBody,g=void 0!==h&&h,y=r.indentUsingTab,O=void 0!==y&&y,m=r.indentSize,j=void 0===m?2:m,S=r.depth,w=void 0===S?0:S,P=o(r,["parenthesis","singleQuote","useNew","objectConstructor","compact","showFunctionBody","indentUsingTab","indentSize","depth"]),x=function(t){return null===t?"null":void 0===t?"undefined":n(t)}(t);return l[x](t,e({parenthesis:i,singleQuote:a,useNew:f,objectConstructor:p,compact:b,showFunctionBody:g,indentUsingTab:O,indentSize:j,depth:w},P))};exports.uneval=p;
'use strict';
var entryPointName = "main";
var groupMap = {
"best": {
"incompatibleNameArray": ["proposal-json-strings", "proposal-optional-catch-binding", "proposal-unicode-property-regex", "syntax-object-rest-spread", "syntax-optional-catch-binding", "transform-dotall-regex"],
"platformCompatMap": {
"node": "8.3"
"otherwise": {
"incompatibleNameArray": ["proposal-object-rest-spread", "proposal-optional-catch-binding", "proposal-unicode-property-regex", "proposal-json-strings", "syntax-object-rest-spread", "syntax-optional-catch-binding", "transform-async-to-promises", "transform-arrow-functions", "transform-block-scoped-functions", "transform-block-scoping", "transform-classes", "transform-computed-properties", "transform-destructuring", "transform-dotall-regex", "transform-duplicate-keys", "transform-exponentiation-operator", "transform-for-of", "transform-function-name", "transform-literals", "transform-new-target", "transform-object-super", "transform-parameters", "transform-shorthand-properties", "transform-spread", "transform-sticky-regex", "transform-template-literals", "transform-typeof-symbol", "transform-unicode-regex"],
"platformCompatMap": {}
var detect = function detect() {
return {
name: "node",
version: process.version.slice(1)
var valueToVersion = function valueToVersion(value) {
if (typeof value === "number") {
return numberToVersion(value);
if (typeof value === "string") {
return stringToVersion(value);
throw new TypeError(createValueErrorMessage({
version: value
var numberToVersion = function numberToVersion(number) {
return {
major: number,
minor: 0,
patch: 0
var stringToVersion = function stringToVersion(string) {
if (string.indexOf(".") > -1) {
var parts = string.split(".");
return {
major: Number(parts[0]),
minor: parts[1] ? Number(parts[1]) : 0,
patch: parts[2] ? Number(parts[2]) : 0
if (isNaN(string)) {
return {
major: 0,
minor: 0,
patch: 0
return {
major: Number(string),
minor: 0,
patch: 0
var createValueErrorMessage = function createValueErrorMessage(_ref) {
var value = _ref.value;
return "value must be a number or a string.\nvalue: ".concat(value);
var versionCompare = function versionCompare(versionA, versionB) {
var semanticVersionA = valueToVersion(versionA);
var semanticVersionB = valueToVersion(versionB);
var majorDiff = semanticVersionA.major - semanticVersionB.major;
if (majorDiff > 0) {
return majorDiff;
if (majorDiff < 0) {
return majorDiff;
var minorDiff = semanticVersionA.minor - semanticVersionB.minor;
if (minorDiff > 0) {
return minorDiff;
if (minorDiff < 0) {
return minorDiff;
var patchDiff = semanticVersionA.patch - semanticVersionB.patch;
if (patchDiff > 0) {
return patchDiff;
if (patchDiff < 0) {
return patchDiff;
return 0;
var versionIsBelow = function versionIsBelow(versionSupposedBelow, versionSupposedAbove) {
return versionCompare(versionSupposedBelow, versionSupposedAbove) < 0;
var findHighestVersion = function findHighestVersion() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, values = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
values[_key] = arguments[_key];
if (values.length === 0) throw new Error("missing argument");
return values.reduce(function (highestVersion, value) {
if (versionIsBelow(highestVersion, value)) {
return value;
return highestVersion;
var nodeToCompileId = function nodeToCompileId(_ref, groupMap) {
var name =,
version = _ref.version;
return Object.keys(groupMap).find(function (compileIdCandidate) {
var platformCompatMap = groupMap[compileIdCandidate].platformCompatMap;
if (name in platformCompatMap === false) {
return false;
var versionForGroup = platformCompatMap[name];
var highestVersion = findHighestVersion(version, versionForGroup);
return highestVersion === version;
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved
var compileId = nodeToCompileId(detect(), groupMap); // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-dynamic-require
module.exports = require("./".concat(compileId, "/").concat(entryPointName, ".js"));


"name": "@dmail/uneval",
"version": "4.4.0",
"version": "4.5.0",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -12,20 +12,19 @@ "repository": {

"module": "index.js",
"browser": "dist/browser/main.js",
"main": "dist/node/main.js",
"module": "index.js",
"files": [
"engines": {
"node": ">=8.6.0"
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"@jsenv/core": "4.4.0",
"@jsenv/core": "5.6.0",
"@jsenv/eslint-config": "8.0.0",
"@jsenv/eslint-import-resolver": "2.0.0",
"@jsenv/eslint-import-resolver": "4.1.0",
"@jsenv/prettier-config": "1.0.0",
"@jsenv/babel-plugin-description": "1.0.0",
"@dmail/assert": "2.0.0",
"@jsenv/prettier-check-project": "1.0.0",
"@jsenv/babel-config-map": "1.0.0",
"@dmail/assert": "3.0.0",
"babel-eslint": "11.0.0-beta.0",

@@ -40,15 +39,15 @@ "prettier": "1.15.3",

"generate-import-map": "node ./script/generate-import-map/generate-import-map.js",
"lint": "eslint .",
"check-format": "node ./script/check-format/check-format.js",
"start-browsing-server": "node ./script/start-browsing-server/start-browsing-server.js",
"test": "node ./script/test/test.js",
"eslint-check-project": "eslint .",
"prettier-check-project": "node ./script/prettier-check-project/prettier-check-project.js",
"generate-coverage": "node ./script/generate-coverage/generate-coverage.js",
"upload-coverage": "node ./script/upload-coverage/upload-coverage.js",
"start-browsing-server": "node ./script/start-browsing-server/start-browsing-server.js",
"clean": "rimraf dist && rimraf coverage",
"dist": "npm run clean && npm run bundle-browser && npm run bundle-node",
"bundle-browser": "node ./script/bundle-browser/bundle-browser.js",
"bundle-node": "node ./script/bundle-node/bundle-node.js",
"dist": "npm run clean && npm run bundle-browser && npm run bundle-node",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run dist",
"reinstall": "npm run clean && rimraf node_modules && npm install"
"clean": "rimraf dist && rimraf coverage",
"reinstall": "npm run clean && rimraf node_modules && npm install",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run dist"

@@ -15,44 +15,2 @@ # uneval

import { uneval } from "@dmail/uneval"
array: [],
boolean: true,
date: new Date(7),
function: (a) => a,
null: null,
number: 10,
regExp: /ok/,
string: "dmail",
symbol: Symbol("foo"),
typeError: new TypeError("cannot read property 0 of undefined"),
undefined: undefined,
Executing above code logs in the console
"array": [],
"boolean": true,
"date": Date(7),
"function": () => {/* hidden */},
"null": null,
"number": 10,
"regExp": /ok/
"string": "dmail",
"symbol": Symbol("foo"),
"typeError": TypeError("cannot ready property 0 of undefined"),
"undefined": undefined,
## Style guide
Prettier and eslint are used to ensure code style and format
## API

@@ -59,0 +17,0 @@

import { unevalArray } from "./unevalArray.js"
import { unevalObject } from "./unevalObject.js"
import { unevalConstructor } from "../util.js"
import { unevalPrimitive } from "../primitive/index.js"
import { unevalFunction } from "./unevalFunction.js"
import { unevalDate } from "./unevalDate.js"
import { unevalNumberObject } from "./unevalNumberObject.js"
import { unevalStringObject } from "./unevalStringObject.js"
import { unevalBooleanObject } from "./unevalBooleanObject.js"
import { unevalError } from "./unevalError.js"
import { unevalRegExp } from "./unevalRegExp.js"
const unevalBoolean = (value, options = {}) => {
const { depth = 0 } = options
const booleanSource = unevalPrimitive(value.valueOf(), { ...options, depth: depth + 1 })
return unevalConstructor(`Boolean(${booleanSource})`, options)
const unevalError = (value, options = {}) => {
const { depth = 0 } = options
const messageSource = unevalPrimitive(value.message, { ...options, depth: depth + 1 })
return unevalConstructor(`${}(${messageSource})`, options)
const unevalRegExp = (value) => {
return value.toString()
const unevalNumber = (value, options = {}) => {
const { depth = 0 } = options
const numberSource = unevalPrimitive(value.valueOf(), { ...options, depth: depth + 1 })
return unevalConstructor(`Number(${numberSource})`, options)
const unevalString = (value, options) => {
const { depth = 0 } = options
const stringSource = unevalPrimitive(value.valueOf(), { ...options, depth: depth + 1 })
return unevalConstructor(`String(${stringSource})`, options)
const { toString } = Object.prototype
const getCompositeType = (object) => {
if (typeof object === "object" && Object.getPrototypeOf(object) === null) return "Object"
const toStringResult =
// returns format is '[object ${tagName}]';
// and we want ${tagName}
const tagName = toStringResult.slice("[object ".length, -1)
if (tagName === "Object") {
const objectConstructorName =
if (objectConstructorName !== "Object") {
return objectConstructorName
return tagName
const mapping = {
export const compositeMap = {
Array: unevalArray,
Boolean: unevalBoolean,
Boolean: unevalBooleanObject,
Error: unevalError,
Date: unevalDate,
Error: unevalError,
Number: unevalNumber,
Function: unevalFunction,
Number: unevalNumberObject,
Object: unevalObject,
RegExp: unevalRegExp,
String: unevalString,
String: unevalStringObject,
export const unevalComposite = (value, options) => {
const type = getCompositeType(value)
if (type in mapping) {
return mapping[type](value, options)
return unevalConstructor(`${type}(${unevalObject(value, options)})`, {
parenthesis: false,

@@ -1,6 +0,8 @@

import { unevalConstructor, preNewLineAndIndentation, wrapNewLineAndIndentation } from "../util.js"
import { unevalPrimitive } from "../primitive/index.js"
import { preNewLineAndIndentation, wrapNewLineAndIndentation } from "../util.js"
import { unevalConstructor } from "../unevalConstructor.js"
export const unevalArray = (value, options = {}) => {
const { seen = [] } = options
export const unevalArray = (
{ seen = [], nestedUneval, compact, depth, indentUsingTab, indentSize, parenthesis, useNew },
) => {
if (seen.indexOf(value) > -1) {

@@ -14,13 +16,5 @@ return "Symbol.for('circular')"

const j = value.length
const { compact } = options
const { depth = 0 } = options
const nestedOptions = {
depth: depth + 1,
while (i < j) {
const valueSource = value.hasOwnProperty(i) ? unevalPrimitive(value[i], nestedOptions) : ""
const valueSource = value.hasOwnProperty(i) ? nestedUneval(value[i], { seen }) : ""
if (compact) {

@@ -37,3 +31,7 @@ if (i === 0) {

} else {
valuesSource += `,${preNewLineAndIndentation(valueSource, options)}`
valuesSource += `,${preNewLineAndIndentation(valueSource, {

@@ -48,3 +46,3 @@ i++

} else {
arraySource = wrapNewLineAndIndentation(valuesSource, options)
arraySource = wrapNewLineAndIndentation(valuesSource, { depth, indentUsingTab, indentSize })

@@ -57,3 +55,3 @@ } else {

return unevalConstructor(arraySource, options)
return unevalConstructor(arraySource, { parenthesis, useNew })

@@ -1,9 +0,6 @@

import { unevalConstructor } from "../util.js"
import { unevalPrimitive } from "../primitive/index.js"
import { unevalConstructor } from "../unevalConstructor.js"
export const unevalDate = (value, options = {}) => {
const { depth = 0 } = options
const dateSource = unevalPrimitive(value.valueOf(), { ...options, depth: depth + 1 })
return unevalConstructor(`Date(${dateSource})`, options)
export const unevalDate = (value, { nestedUneval, useNew, parenthesis }) => {
const dateSource = nestedUneval(value.valueOf())
return unevalConstructor(`Date(${dateSource})`, { useNew, parenthesis })

@@ -1,6 +0,18 @@

import { unevalConstructor, preNewLineAndIndentation, wrapNewLineAndIndentation } from "../util.js"
import { unevalPrimitive } from "../primitive/index.js"
import { preNewLineAndIndentation, wrapNewLineAndIndentation } from "../util.js"
import { unevalConstructor } from "../unevalConstructor.js"
export const unevalObject = (value, options = {}) => {
const { seen = [] } = options
export const unevalObject = (
seen = [],
) => {
if (seen.indexOf(value) > -1) {

@@ -15,19 +27,10 @@ return "Symbol.for('circular')"

const j = propertyNames.length
const { depth = 0 } = options
const { compact } = options
const nestedOptions = {
depth: depth + 1,
while (i < j) {
const propertyName = propertyNames[i]
const propertyNameAsNumber = parseInt(propertyName, 10)
const propertyNameSource = unevalPrimitive(
const propertyNameSource = nestedUneval(
Number.isInteger(propertyNameAsNumber) ? propertyNameAsNumber : propertyName,
const propertyValueSource = unevalPrimitive(value[propertyName], nestedOptions)
const propertyValueSource = nestedUneval(value[propertyName], { seen })

@@ -45,3 +48,3 @@ if (compact) {

`${propertyNameSource}: ${propertyValueSource}`,
{ depth, indentUsingTab, indentSize },

@@ -58,3 +61,7 @@ }

} else {
objectSource = `${wrapNewLineAndIndentation(propertiesSource, options)}`
objectSource = `${wrapNewLineAndIndentation(propertiesSource, {

@@ -65,3 +72,2 @@ } else {

const { objectConstructor } = options
if (objectConstructor) {

@@ -73,3 +79,3 @@ objectSource = `Object({${objectSource}})`

return unevalConstructor(objectSource, options)
return unevalConstructor(objectSource, { parenthesis, useNew })

@@ -1,69 +0,12 @@

import { quote } from "../util.js"
import { unevalComposite } from "../composite/index.js"
import { unevalBoolean } from "./unevalBoolean.js"
import { unevalNull } from "./unevalNull.js"
import { unevalNumber } from "./unevalNumber.js"
import { unevalString } from "./unevalString.js"
import { unevalSymbol } from "./unevalSymbol.js"
import { unevalUndefined } from "./unevalUndefined.js"
const unevalBoolean = (value) => value.toString()
const unevalFunction = (value, { showFunctionBody, parenthesis, depth }) => {
let functionSource
if (showFunctionBody) {
functionSource = value.toString()
} else {
const isArrowFunction = value.prototype === undefined
const head = isArrowFunction ? "() =>" : `function ${depth === 0 ? : ""}()`
functionSource = `${head} {/* hidden */}`
if (parenthesis) {
return `(${functionSource})`
return functionSource
const unevalNull = () => "null"
const unevalNumber = (value) => {
return, -0) ? "-0" : value.toString()
const unevalString = (value, { singleQuote }) => {
const quotedValue = quote(value)
return singleQuote ? `'${quotedValue}'` : `"${quotedValue}"`
const unevalSymbol = (value, options) => {
const toStringResult = value.toString()
const openingParenthesisIndex = toStringResult.indexOf("(")
const closingParenthesisIndex = toStringResult.indexOf(")")
const symbolDescription = toStringResult.slice(
openingParenthesisIndex + 1,
const symbolDescriptionSource = symbolDescription ? unevalString(symbolDescription, options) : ""
const symbolSource = `Symbol(${symbolDescriptionSource})`
if (options.parenthesis) {
return `${symbolSource}`
return symbolSource
const unevalUndefined = () => "undefined"
const getPrimitiveType = (value) => {
if (value === null) {
return "null"
if (value === undefined) {
return "undefined"
return typeof value
const mappings = {
export const primitiveMap = {
boolean: unevalBoolean,
function: unevalFunction,
null: unevalNull,
number: unevalNumber,
object: unevalComposite,
string: unevalString,

@@ -73,31 +16,1 @@ symbol: unevalSymbol,

export const unevalPrimitive = (
parenthesis = false,
singleQuote = false,
useNew = false,
objectConstructor = false,
compact = false,
showFunctionBody = false,
indentUsingTab = false,
indentSize = 2,
depth = 0, // internal, not meant to be used in public api
} = {},
) => {
const type = getPrimitiveType(value)
return mappings[type](value, {

@@ -1,3 +0,53 @@

/* eslint-disable import/max-dependencies */
import { valueToType } from "./valueToType.js"
import { primitiveMap } from "./primitive/index.js"
import { compositeMap } from "./composite/index.js"
import { unevalConstructor } from "./unevalConstructor.js"
import { unevalObject } from "./composite/unevalObject.js"
export { unevalPrimitive as uneval } from "./primitive/index.js"
export const uneval = (
parenthesis = false,
singleQuote = false,
useNew = false,
objectConstructor = false,
compact = false,
showFunctionBody = false,
indentUsingTab = false,
indentSize = 2,
} = {},
) => {
const scopedUneval = (scopedValue, scopedOptions) => {
const { primitiveType, compositeType } = valueToType(scopedValue)
const options = {
nestedUneval: (nestedValue, nestedOptions = {}) => {
return scopedUneval(nestedValue, {
depth: scopedOptions.depth + 1,
if (primitiveType) return primitiveMap[primitiveType](scopedValue, options)
if (compositeType in compositeMap) return compositeMap[compositeType](scopedValue, options)
return unevalConstructor(`${compositeType}(${unevalObject(scopedValue, options)})`, {
parenthesis: false,
return scopedUneval(value, {
depth: 0,

@@ -30,14 +30,12 @@ //

export const unevalConstructor = (value, { parenthesis, useNew }) => {
let formattedString = value
export const preNewLineAndIndentation = (value, { depth, indentUsingTab, indentSize }) => {
return `${newLineAndIndent({
count: depth + 1,
useTabs: indentUsingTab,
size: indentSize,
if (parenthesis) {
formattedString = `(${value})`
if (useNew) {
formattedString = `new ${formattedString}`
return formattedString
const postNewLineAndIndentation = ({ depth, indentUsingTab, indentSize }) => {
return newLineAndIndent({ count: depth, useTabs: indentUsingTab, size: indentSize })

@@ -54,16 +52,8 @@

export const preNewLineAndIndentation = (value, { depth = 0, indentUsingTab, indentSize }) => {
return `${newLineAndIndent({
count: depth + 1,
useTabs: indentUsingTab,
size: indentSize,
export const wrapNewLineAndIndentation = (value, { depth, indentUsingTab, indentSize }) => {
return `${preNewLineAndIndentation(value, {
})}${postNewLineAndIndentation({ depth, indentUsingTab, indentSize })}`
const postNewLineAndIndentation = ({ depth = 0, indentUsingTab, indentSize }) => {
return newLineAndIndent({ count: depth, useTabs: indentUsingTab, size: indentSize })
export const wrapNewLineAndIndentation = (value, options) => {
return `${preNewLineAndIndentation(value, options)}${postNewLineAndIndentation(options)}`

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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