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@@ -1,2 +0,779 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0}),Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype,"__global__",{get:function(){return this},configurable:!0});var t=__global__;function e(t){return(e="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t})(t)}function r(t){return function(t){if(Array.isArray(t)){for(var e=0,r=new Array(t.length);e<t.length;e++)r[e]=t[e];return r}}(t)||function(t){if(Symbol.iterator in Object(t)||"[object Arguments]" Array.from(t)}(t)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance")}()}delete Object.prototype.__global__,t.globalThis=t;var n=function(t){if(null===t)return!1;var r=e(t);return"object"===r||"function"===r},o=new WeakMap,i=new Map,c=function(t){return o.get(t)},a=function(t){!function t(e,c){if(n(e)){if(o.has(e))return;o.set(e,c);var a=function(n){var o;try{o=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,n)}catch(t){if("SecurityError";throw t}if("value"in o){var i=o.value;t(i,r(c).concat([n]))}};Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach(function(t){return a(t)}),Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e).forEach(function(t){return a(t)})}i.set(e,c)}(t,[])};"object"===("undefined"==typeof window?"undefined":e(window))&&a(window),"object"===("undefined"==typeof global?"undefined":e(global))&&a(global);var f=function(t,e){var o=e.functionAllowed,i={},a=[],f=function t(e){var i=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:[];if(!n(e)){var f=s(e);if(void 0!==f)return f;var g=j(e);return a[g]=u(e),g}if("function"==typeof Promise&&e instanceof Promise)throw new Error(d({path:i}));if("function"==typeof WeakSet&&e instanceof WeakSet)throw new Error(b({path:i}));if("function"==typeof WeakMap&&e instanceof WeakMap)throw new Error(h({path:i}));if("function"==typeof e&&!o)throw new Error(m({path:i}));var E=y(e);if(void 0!==E)return E;var k=j(e),D=c(e);if(D)return a[k]=l(D),k;var S={};Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach(function(n){var c=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,n),a={};Object.keys(c).forEach(function(e){var f=c[e];if("set"===e&&f&&!o)throw new Error(w({path:i,propertyName:n}));if("get"===e&&f&&!o)throw new Error(O({path:i,propertyName:n}));var u=t(e,r(i).concat(['["'.concat(n,'"]'),"[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(e,"]]")])),p=t(f,r(i).concat(['["'.concat(n,'"]'),"[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(e,"]]")]));a[u]=p});var f=t(n,r(i).concat([n]));S[f]=a});var I={};Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e).forEach(function(n){var o=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,n),c={};Object.keys(o).forEach(function(e){var a=t(e,r(i).concat(["[".concat(n.toString(),"]"),"[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(e,"]]")])),f=t(o[e],r(i).concat(["[".concat(n.toString(),"]"),"[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(e,"]]")]));c[a]=f});var a=t(n,r(i).concat([n]));I[a]=c});var x=p(e,i),A=Object.isExtensible(e);return a[k]=v({propertiesDescription:S,symbolsDescription:I,methodsDescription:x,extensible:A}),k},p=function(t,e){var n={};if("function"==typeof Set&&t instanceof Set){var o=[];t.forEach(function(t,n){var i=f(t,r(e).concat(["[[SetEntryValue]]",n]));o.push([i])}),n[f("add")]=o}if("function"==typeof Map&&t instanceof Map){var i=[];t.forEach(function(t,n){var o=f(n,r(e).concat(["[[MapEntryKey]]",n])),c=f(t,r(e).concat(["[[MapEntryValue]]",t]));i.push([o,c])}),n[f("set")]=i}return n},s=function(t){return Object.keys(i).find(function(e){var r=i[e];return!!,r)||t===r})},y=function(t){return Object.keys(i).find(function(e){var r=i[e];return t===r})},j=function(t){var e=D();return i[e]=t,e},k=-1,D=function(){var t=String(parseInt(k)+1);return k=t,t},S=f(t);return a.slice().forEach(function(t,e){if("composite"===t.type){var o=i[e];if("function"==typeof o){var u=D();return a[u]={type:"primitive",value:o},void(t.valueOfIdentifier=u)}if(o instanceof RegExp){var p=D();return a[p]={type:"primitive",value:o},void(t.valueOfIdentifier=p)}t.valueOfIdentifier=function(t){var e=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:[];if(t instanceof Array)return f(t.length,r(e).concat(["length"]));if("valueOf"in t!=0&&"function"==typeof t.valueOf){var o=t.valueOf();if(!n(o))return f(o,r(e).concat(["valueOf()"]));if(o!==t)throw new Error(g())}}(o);var s=Object.getPrototypeOf(o);t.prototypeIdentifier=function(t){if(null===t)return f(t);var e=y(t);if(void 0!==e)return e;var r=j(t),n=c(t);if(n)return a[r]=l(n),r;throw new Error(E({prototypeValue:t}))}(s)}}),{recipeArray:a,mainIdentifier:S}},u=function(t){return"symbol"===e(t)?p(t):s(t)},p=function(t){var e=Symbol.keyFor(t);if(void 0!==e)return y(e);var r,n=(r=t,i.get(r));if(!n)throw new Error(j({symbol:t}));return l(n)},s=function(t){return{type:"primitive",value:t}},l=function(t){return{type:"global-reference",path:t}},y=function(t){return{type:"global-symbol",key:t}},v=function(t){return{type:"composite",prototypeIdentifier:t.prototypeIdentifier,valueOfIdentifier:t.valueOfIdentifier,propertiesDescription:t.propertiesDescription,symbolsDescription:t.symbolsDescription,methodsDescription:t.methodsDescription,extensible:t.extensible}},d=function(t){var e=t.path;return 0===e.length?"promise are not supported.":"promise are not supported.\npromise found at: ".concat(e.join(""))},b=function(t){var e=t.path;return 0===e.length?"weakSet are not supported.":"weakSet are not supported.\nweakSet found at: ".concat(e.join(""))},h=function(t){var e=t.path;return 0===e.length?"weakMap are not supported.":"weakMap are not supported.\nweakMap found at: ".concat(e.join(""))},m=function(t){var e=t.path;return 0===e.length?"function are not allowed.":"function are not allowed.\nfunction found at: ".concat(e.join(""))},O=function(t){var e=t.path,r=t.propertyName;return"property getter are not allowed.\ngetter found on property: ".concat(r,"\nat: ").concat(e.join(""))},w=function(t){var e=t.path,r=t.propertyName;return"property setter are not allowed.\nsetter found on property: ".concat(r,"\nat: ").concat(e.join(""))},g=function(){return"valueOf() must return a primitive of the object itself."},j=function(t){var e=t.symbol;return"symbol must be global, like Symbol.iterator, or created using Symbol.for().\nsymbol: ".concat(e.toString())},E=function(){return"prototype must be global, like Object.prototype, or somewhere in the value."},k=function(t){var n=t.recipeArray,o=t.mainIdentifier,i="object"===("undefined"==typeof window?"undefined":e(window))?window:global,c={},a=function(t){return t.value},f=function(t){var e=t.key;return Symbol.for(e)},u=function(t){for(var e=t.path,r=i,n=0;n<e.length;){var o=e[n];if(n++,o in r==!1)throw new Error(y({path:e,index:n}));r=r[o]}return r},p=function(t){var e=t.prototypeIdentifier,r=t.valueOfIdentifier;if(void 0===e)return c[r];var n=c[e];if(null===n)return Object.create(null);var o=n.constructor;return o===Object?Object.create(n):void 0===r?new o:new o(c[r])};n.forEach(function(t,e){var r=function(t){return"primitive"===t.type?a(t):"global-symbol"===t.type?f(t):"global-reference"===t.type?u(t):p(t)}(t);c[e]=r});var s=function(t,e){var n=t.propertiesDescription,o=t.symbolsDescription,i=t.methodsDescription,a=t.extensible,f=void 0===a||a,u=c[e];n&&Object.keys(n).forEach(function(t){var e=c[t],r=n[t];l(u,e,r)}),o&&Object.keys(o).forEach(function(t){var e=c[t],r=o[t];l(u,e,r)}),i&&Object.keys(i).forEach(function(t){var e=c[t];i[t].forEach(function(t){var{return c[t]});u[e].apply(u,r(n))})}),f||Object.preventExtensions(u)},l=function(t,e,r){var n=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,e);if(!n||!1!==n.configurable){var o={};Object.keys(r).forEach(function(t){var e=r[t],n=c[t],i=c[e];o[n]=i}),Object.defineProperty(t,e,o)}};n.forEach(function(t,e){!function(t,e){"composite"===t.type&&s(t,e)}(t,e)});var y=function(t){var e=t.path,r=t.index;return"value not found for path.\npart not found: ".concat(e[r],"\npath: ").concat(e.join(","))};return c[o]},D=function(t){for(var e=String(t),r=0,n=e.length,o="";r<n;){var i=e[r];o+='"'===i||"'"===i||"\\"===i?"\\".concat(i):"\n"===i?"\\n":"\r"===i?"\\r":"\u2028"===i?"\\u2028":"\u2029"===i?"\\u2029":i,r++}return o},S=function(t){var r=function(t){return t instanceof Array?n(t):t instanceof RegExp?t.toString():null===t?"null":"object"===e(t)?o(t):"string"==typeof t?'"'.concat(D(t),'"'),-0)?"-0":String(t)},n=function(t){var{return r(t)});return"[".concat(e.join(","),"]")},o=function(t){var e=Object.keys(t).map(function(e){return'"'.concat(D(e),'":').concat(r(t[e]))});return"{".concat(e.join(","),"}")};return r(t)};exports.uneval=function(t){var e=(arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{}).functionAllowed,r=function(t){var e=t.recipeArray,r=t.mainIdentifier;return e.forEach(function(t){"composite"===t.type&&(void 0===t.prototypeIdentifier&&delete t.prototypeIdentifier,void 0===t.valueOfIdentifier&&delete t.valueOfIdentifier,!0===t.extensible&&delete t.extensible,0===Object.keys(t.propertiesDescription).length&&delete t.propertiesDescription,0===Object.keys(t.symbolsDescription).length&&delete t.symbolsDescription,0===Object.keys(t.methodsDescription).length&&delete t.methodsDescription)}),{recipeArray:e,mainIdentifier:r}}(function(t){var e=t.recipeArray,r=t.mainIdentifier,n=function(t,r){for(var n=t;"composite"===n.type;){var o=n.prototypeIdentifier;if(void 0===o)break;if(r(n=e[o],o))return o}},o=e.slice();o.sort(function(t,r){var o=t.type,i=r.type;if("composite"===o&&"composite"===i){if(n(t,function(t){return t===r}))return 1;if(n(r,function(e){return e===t}))return-1}if(o!==i){if("composite"===o)return 1;if("composite"===i)return-1}return e.indexOf(t)<e.indexOf(r)?-1:1});var i={};e.forEach(function(t,e){var r=o.indexOf(t);e!==r&&(i[e]=r)});var c=function(t){return t in i?i[t]:t},a=function(t){var e={};return Object.keys(t).forEach(function(r){e[c(r)]=c(t[r])}),e};return o.forEach(function(t){if("composite"===t.type){t.valueOfIdentifier=c(t.valueOfIdentifier),t.prototypeIdentifier=c(t.prototypeIdentifier);var e=t.propertiesDescription,r={};Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t){r[c(t)]=a(e[t])}),t.propertiesDescription=r;var n=t.symbolsDescription,o={};Object.keys(n).forEach(function(t){o[c(t)]=a(n[t])}),t.symbolsDescription=o;var i=t.methodsDescription,f={};Object.keys(i).forEach(function(t){var e=i[t].map(function(t){return{return c(t)})});f[c(t)]=e}),t.methodsDescription=f}}),{recipeArray:o,mainIdentifier:c(r)}}(f(t,{functionAllowed:void 0!==e&&e}))),n=k.toString(),o=S(r);return"(".concat(n,")(").concat(o,")")};
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "__global__", {
get: function get() {
return this;
configurable: true
}); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
var globalThis = __global__;
delete Object.prototype.__global__;
globalThis.globalThis = globalThis;
function _typeof(obj) {
if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
_typeof = function (obj) {
return typeof obj;
} else {
_typeof = function (obj) {
return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
return _typeof(obj);
function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
return arr2;
function _iterableToArray(iter) {
if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter);
function _nonIterableSpread() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
var isComposite = function isComposite(value) {
if (value === null) return false;
var type = _typeof(value);
if (type === "object") return true;
if (type === "function") return true;
return false;
var compositeWellKnownMap = new WeakMap();
var primitiveWellKnownMap = new Map();
var getCompositeGlobalPath = function getCompositeGlobalPath(value) {
return compositeWellKnownMap.get(value);
var getPrimitiveGlobalPath = function getPrimitiveGlobalPath(value) {
return primitiveWellKnownMap.get(value);
var visitGlobalObject = function visitGlobalObject(value) {
var visitValue = function visitValue(value, path) {
if (isComposite(value)) {
if (compositeWellKnownMap.has(value)) return; // prevent infinite recursion
compositeWellKnownMap.set(value, path);
var visitProperty = function visitProperty(property) {
var descriptor;
try {
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, property);
} catch (e) {
if ( === "SecurityError") {
throw e;
} // do not trigger getter/setter
if ("value" in descriptor) {
var propertyValue = descriptor.value;
visitValue(propertyValue, _toConsumableArray(path).concat([property]));
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).forEach(function (name) {
return visitProperty(name);
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(value).forEach(function (symbol) {
return visitProperty(symbol);
primitiveWellKnownMap.set(value, path);
visitValue(value, []);
if ((typeof window === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(window)) === "object") visitGlobalObject(window);
if ((typeof global === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(global)) === "object") visitGlobalObject(global);
var decompose = function decompose(mainValue, _ref) {
var functionAllowed = _ref.functionAllowed;
var valueMap = {};
var recipeArray = [];
var valueToIdentifier = function valueToIdentifier(value) {
var path = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : [];
if (!isComposite(value)) {
var _existingIdentifier = identifierForPrimitive(value);
if (_existingIdentifier !== undefined) return _existingIdentifier;
var _identifier = identifierForNewValue(value);
recipeArray[_identifier] = primitiveToRecipe(value);
return _identifier;
if (typeof Promise === "function" && value instanceof Promise) throw new Error(createPromiseAreNotSupportedMessage({
path: path
if (typeof WeakSet === "function" && value instanceof WeakSet) throw new Error(createWeakSetAreNotSupportedMessage({
path: path
if (typeof WeakMap === "function" && value instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error(createWeakMapAreNotSupportedMessage({
path: path
if (typeof value === "function" && !functionAllowed) throw new Error(createForbiddenFunctionMessage({
path: path
var existingIdentifier = identifierForComposite(value);
if (existingIdentifier !== undefined) return existingIdentifier;
var identifier = identifierForNewValue(value);
var compositeGlobalPath = getCompositeGlobalPath(value);
if (compositeGlobalPath) {
recipeArray[identifier] = createGlobalReferenceRecipe(compositeGlobalPath);
return identifier;
var propertiesDescription = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).forEach(function (propertyName) {
var propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, propertyName);
var propertyDescription = {};
Object.keys(propertyDescriptor).forEach(function (descriptorName) {
var descriptorValue = propertyDescriptor[descriptorName];
if (descriptorName === "set" && descriptorValue && !functionAllowed) throw new Error(createForbiddenPropertySetterMessage({
path: path,
propertyName: propertyName
if (descriptorName === "get" && descriptorValue && !functionAllowed) throw new Error(createForbiddenPropertyGetterMessage({
path: path,
propertyName: propertyName
var descriptorNameIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(descriptorName, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[\"".concat(propertyName, "\"]"), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(descriptorName, "]]")]));
var descriptorValueIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(descriptorValue, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[\"".concat(propertyName, "\"]"), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(descriptorName, "]]")]));
propertyDescription[descriptorNameIdentifier] = descriptorValueIdentifier;
var propertyNameIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(propertyName, _toConsumableArray(path).concat([propertyName]));
propertiesDescription[propertyNameIdentifier] = propertyDescription;
var symbolsDescription = {};
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(value).forEach(function (symbol) {
var propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, symbol);
var propertyDescription = {};
Object.keys(propertyDescriptor).forEach(function (descriptorName) {
var descriptorNameIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(descriptorName, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[".concat(symbol.toString(), "]"), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(descriptorName, "]]")]));
var descriptorValueIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(propertyDescriptor[descriptorName], _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[".concat(symbol.toString(), "]"), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(descriptorName, "]]")]));
propertyDescription[descriptorNameIdentifier] = descriptorValueIdentifier;
var symbolIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(symbol, _toConsumableArray(path).concat([symbol]));
symbolsDescription[symbolIdentifier] = propertyDescription;
var methodsDescription = computeMethodsDescription(value, path);
var extensible = Object.isExtensible(value);
recipeArray[identifier] = createCompositeRecipe({
propertiesDescription: propertiesDescription,
symbolsDescription: symbolsDescription,
methodsDescription: methodsDescription,
extensible: extensible
return identifier;
var computeMethodsDescription = function computeMethodsDescription(value, path) {
var methodsDescription = {};
if (typeof Set === "function" && value instanceof Set) {
var addCallArray = [];
value.forEach(function (entryValue, index) {
var entryValueIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(entryValue, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[[SetEntryValue]]", index]));
methodsDescription[valueToIdentifier("add")] = addCallArray;
if (typeof Map === "function" && value instanceof Map) {
var setCallArray = [];
value.forEach(function (entryValue, entryKey) {
var entryKeyIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(entryKey, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[[MapEntryKey]]", entryKey]));
var entryValueIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(entryValue, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[[MapEntryValue]]", entryValue]));
setCallArray.push([entryKeyIdentifier, entryValueIdentifier]);
methodsDescription[valueToIdentifier("set")] = setCallArray;
return methodsDescription;
var identifierForPrimitive = function identifierForPrimitive(value) {
return Object.keys(valueMap).find(function (existingIdentifier) {
var existingValue = valueMap[existingIdentifier];
if (, existingValue)) return true;
return value === existingValue;
var identifierForComposite = function identifierForComposite(value) {
return Object.keys(valueMap).find(function (existingIdentifier) {
var existingValue = valueMap[existingIdentifier];
return value === existingValue;
var identifierForNewValue = function identifierForNewValue(value) {
var identifier = nextIdentifier();
valueMap[identifier] = value;
return identifier;
var currentIdentifier = -1;
var nextIdentifier = function nextIdentifier() {
var identifier = String(parseInt(currentIdentifier) + 1);
currentIdentifier = identifier;
return identifier;
var mainIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(mainValue); // prototype, important to keep after the whole structure was visited
// so that we discover if any prototype is part of the value
var prototypeValueToIdentifier = function prototypeValueToIdentifier(prototypeValue) {
// prototype is null
if (prototypeValue === null) return valueToIdentifier(prototypeValue); // prototype found somewhere already
var prototypeExistingIdentifier = identifierForComposite(prototypeValue);
if (prototypeExistingIdentifier !== undefined) return prototypeExistingIdentifier; // mark prototype as visited
var prototypeIdentifier = identifierForNewValue(prototypeValue); // prototype is a global reference ?
var prototypeGlobalPath = getCompositeGlobalPath(prototypeValue);
if (prototypeGlobalPath) {
recipeArray[prototypeIdentifier] = createGlobalReferenceRecipe(prototypeGlobalPath);
return prototypeIdentifier;
} // otherwise prototype is unknown
throw new Error(createUnknownPrototypeMessage({
prototypeValue: prototypeValue
var identifierForValueOf = function identifierForValueOf(value) {
var path = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : [];
if (value instanceof Array) return valueToIdentifier(value.length, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["length"]));
if ("valueOf" in value === false) return undefined;
if (typeof value.valueOf !== "function") return undefined;
var valueOfReturnValue = value.valueOf();
if (!isComposite(valueOfReturnValue)) return valueToIdentifier(valueOfReturnValue, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["valueOf()"]));
if (valueOfReturnValue === value) return undefined;
throw new Error(createUnexpectedValueOfReturnValueMessage());
recipeArray.slice().forEach(function (recipe, index) {
if (recipe.type === "composite") {
var value = valueMap[index];
if (typeof value === "function") {
var valueOfIdentifier = nextIdentifier();
recipeArray[valueOfIdentifier] = {
type: "primitive",
value: value
recipe.valueOfIdentifier = valueOfIdentifier;
if (value instanceof RegExp) {
var _valueOfIdentifier = nextIdentifier();
recipeArray[_valueOfIdentifier] = {
type: "primitive",
value: value
recipe.valueOfIdentifier = _valueOfIdentifier;
} // valueOf, mandatory to uneval new Date(10) for instance.
recipe.valueOfIdentifier = identifierForValueOf(value);
var prototypeValue = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
recipe.prototypeIdentifier = prototypeValueToIdentifier(prototypeValue);
return {
recipeArray: recipeArray,
mainIdentifier: mainIdentifier
var primitiveToRecipe = function primitiveToRecipe(value) {
if (_typeof(value) === "symbol") return symbolToRecipe(value);
return createPimitiveRecipe(value);
var symbolToRecipe = function symbolToRecipe(symbol) {
var globalSymbolKey = Symbol.keyFor(symbol);
if (globalSymbolKey !== undefined) return createGlobalSymbolRecipe(globalSymbolKey);
var symbolGlobalPath = getPrimitiveGlobalPath(symbol);
if (!symbolGlobalPath) throw new Error(createUnknownSymbolMessage({
symbol: symbol
return createGlobalReferenceRecipe(symbolGlobalPath);
var createPimitiveRecipe = function createPimitiveRecipe(value) {
return {
type: "primitive",
value: value
var createGlobalReferenceRecipe = function createGlobalReferenceRecipe(path) {
var recipe = {
type: "global-reference",
path: path
return recipe;
var createGlobalSymbolRecipe = function createGlobalSymbolRecipe(key) {
return {
type: "global-symbol",
key: key
var createCompositeRecipe = function createCompositeRecipe(_ref2) {
var prototypeIdentifier = _ref2.prototypeIdentifier,
valueOfIdentifier = _ref2.valueOfIdentifier,
propertiesDescription = _ref2.propertiesDescription,
symbolsDescription = _ref2.symbolsDescription,
methodsDescription = _ref2.methodsDescription,
extensible = _ref2.extensible;
return {
type: "composite",
prototypeIdentifier: prototypeIdentifier,
valueOfIdentifier: valueOfIdentifier,
propertiesDescription: propertiesDescription,
symbolsDescription: symbolsDescription,
methodsDescription: methodsDescription,
extensible: extensible
var createPromiseAreNotSupportedMessage = function createPromiseAreNotSupportedMessage(_ref3) {
var path = _ref3.path;
if (path.length === 0) return "promise are not supported.";
return "promise are not supported.\npromise found at: ".concat(path.join(""));
var createWeakSetAreNotSupportedMessage = function createWeakSetAreNotSupportedMessage(_ref4) {
var path = _ref4.path;
if (path.length === 0) return "weakSet are not supported.";
return "weakSet are not supported.\nweakSet found at: ".concat(path.join(""));
var createWeakMapAreNotSupportedMessage = function createWeakMapAreNotSupportedMessage(_ref5) {
var path = _ref5.path;
if (path.length === 0) return "weakMap are not supported.";
return "weakMap are not supported.\nweakMap found at: ".concat(path.join(""));
var createForbiddenFunctionMessage = function createForbiddenFunctionMessage(_ref6) {
var path = _ref6.path;
if (path.length === 0) return "function are not allowed.";
return "function are not allowed.\nfunction found at: ".concat(path.join(""));
var createForbiddenPropertyGetterMessage = function createForbiddenPropertyGetterMessage(_ref7) {
var path = _ref7.path,
propertyName = _ref7.propertyName;
return "property getter are not allowed.\ngetter found on property: ".concat(propertyName, "\nat: ").concat(path.join(""));
var createForbiddenPropertySetterMessage = function createForbiddenPropertySetterMessage(_ref8) {
var path = _ref8.path,
propertyName = _ref8.propertyName;
return "property setter are not allowed.\nsetter found on property: ".concat(propertyName, "\nat: ").concat(path.join(""));
var createUnexpectedValueOfReturnValueMessage = function createUnexpectedValueOfReturnValueMessage() {
return "valueOf() must return a primitive of the object itself.";
var createUnknownSymbolMessage = function createUnknownSymbolMessage(_ref9) {
var symbol = _ref9.symbol;
return "symbol must be global, like Symbol.iterator, or created using Symbol.for().\nsymbol: ".concat(symbol.toString());
var createUnknownPrototypeMessage = function createUnknownPrototypeMessage() {
return "prototype must be global, like Object.prototype, or somewhere in the value.";
// be carefull because this function is mutating recipe objects inside the recipeArray.
// this is not an issue because each recipe object is not accessible from the outside
// when used internally by uneval
var compositionToRecipe = function compositionToRecipe(_ref) {
var recipeArray = _ref.recipeArray,
mainIdentifier = _ref.mainIdentifier;
var findInRecipePrototypeChain = function findInRecipePrototypeChain(recipe, callback) {
var currentRecipe = recipe; // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
if (currentRecipe.type !== "composite") break;
var prototypeIdentifier = currentRecipe.prototypeIdentifier;
if (prototypeIdentifier === undefined) break;
currentRecipe = recipeArray[prototypeIdentifier];
if (callback(currentRecipe, prototypeIdentifier)) return prototypeIdentifier;
return undefined;
var recipeArrayOrdered = recipeArray.slice();
recipeArrayOrdered.sort(function (leftRecipe, rightRecipe) {
var leftType = leftRecipe.type;
var rightType = rightRecipe.type;
if (leftType === "composite" && rightType === "composite") {
var rightRecipeIsInLeftRecipePrototypeChain = findInRecipePrototypeChain(leftRecipe, function (recipeCandidate) {
return recipeCandidate === rightRecipe;
}); // if left recipe requires right recipe, left must be after right
if (rightRecipeIsInLeftRecipePrototypeChain) return 1;
var leftRecipeIsInRightRecipePrototypeChain = findInRecipePrototypeChain(rightRecipe, function (recipeCandidate) {
return recipeCandidate === leftRecipe;
}); // if right recipe requires left recipe, right must be after left
if (leftRecipeIsInRightRecipePrototypeChain) return -1;
if (leftType !== rightType) {
// if left is a composite, left must be after right
if (leftType === "composite") return 1; // if right is a composite, right must be after left
if (rightType === "composite") return -1;
var leftIndex = recipeArray.indexOf(leftRecipe);
var rightIndex = recipeArray.indexOf(rightRecipe); // left was before right, don't change that
if (leftIndex < rightIndex) return -1; // right was after left, don't change that
return 1;
var moves = {};
recipeArray.forEach(function (recipe, index) {
var indexOrdered = recipeArrayOrdered.indexOf(recipe);
if (index !== indexOrdered) {
moves[index] = indexOrdered;
var remapIdentifier = function remapIdentifier(identifier) {
if (identifier in moves) return moves[identifier];
return identifier;
var remapPropertyDescription = function remapPropertyDescription(propertyDescription) {
var remappedPropertyDescription = {};
Object.keys(propertyDescription).forEach(function (descriptorNameIdentifier) {
remappedPropertyDescription[remapIdentifier(descriptorNameIdentifier)] = remapIdentifier(propertyDescription[descriptorNameIdentifier]);
return remappedPropertyDescription;
recipeArrayOrdered.forEach(function (recipe) {
if (recipe.type !== "composite") return;
recipe.valueOfIdentifier = remapIdentifier(recipe.valueOfIdentifier);
recipe.prototypeIdentifier = remapIdentifier(recipe.prototypeIdentifier);
var propertiesDescription = recipe.propertiesDescription;
var remappedPropertiesDescription = {};
Object.keys(propertiesDescription).forEach(function (propertyNameIdentifier) {
remappedPropertiesDescription[remapIdentifier(propertyNameIdentifier)] = remapPropertyDescription(propertiesDescription[propertyNameIdentifier]);
recipe.propertiesDescription = remappedPropertiesDescription;
var symbolsDescription = recipe.symbolsDescription;
var remappedSymbolsDescription = {};
Object.keys(symbolsDescription).forEach(function (symbolIdentifier) {
remappedSymbolsDescription[remapIdentifier(symbolIdentifier)] = remapPropertyDescription(symbolsDescription[symbolIdentifier]);
recipe.symbolsDescription = remappedSymbolsDescription;
var methodsDescription = recipe.methodsDescription;
var remappedMethodsDescription = {};
Object.keys(methodsDescription).forEach(function (methodNameIdentifier) {
var callsDescription = methodsDescription[methodNameIdentifier];
var remappedCallsDescription = (argumentIdentifiers) {
return (argumentIdentifier) {
return remapIdentifier(argumentIdentifier);
remappedMethodsDescription[remapIdentifier(methodNameIdentifier)] = remappedCallsDescription;
recipe.methodsDescription = remappedMethodsDescription;
return {
recipeArray: recipeArrayOrdered,
mainIdentifier: remapIdentifier(mainIdentifier)
// This function would return recipes that does not contain default values
// for instance we'll consider extensible as false by default
// empty propertiesMap and symbolsMap can be omitted
// it would decrease the size of value string representation a bit
var minifyRecipe = function minifyRecipe(_ref) {
var recipeArray = _ref.recipeArray,
mainIdentifier = _ref.mainIdentifier;
recipeArray.forEach(function (recipe) {
if (recipe.type === "composite") {
if (recipe.prototypeIdentifier === undefined) delete recipe.prototypeIdentifier;
if (recipe.valueOfIdentifier === undefined) delete recipe.valueOfIdentifier;
if (recipe.extensible === true) delete recipe.extensible;
if (Object.keys(recipe.propertiesDescription).length === 0) delete recipe.propertiesDescription;
if (Object.keys(recipe.symbolsDescription).length === 0) delete recipe.symbolsDescription;
if (Object.keys(recipe.methodsDescription).length === 0) delete recipe.methodsDescription;
return {
recipeArray: recipeArray,
mainIdentifier: mainIdentifier
function recompose(param) {
var recipeArray = param.recipeArray;
var mainIdentifier = param.mainIdentifier;
var globalObject = (typeof window === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(window)) === "object" ? window : global;
var materials = {};
function setupMaterial(recipe) {
if (recipe.type === "primitive") return setupPrimitiveMaterial(recipe);
if (recipe.type === "global-symbol") return setupGlobalSymbolMaterial(recipe);
if (recipe.type === "global-reference") return setupGlobalReferenceMaterial(recipe);
return setupCompositeMaterial(recipe);
function setupPrimitiveMaterial(recipe) {
return recipe.value;
function setupGlobalSymbolMaterial(recipe) {
return Symbol.for(recipe.key);
function setupGlobalReferenceMaterial(recipe) {
var path = recipe.path;
var currentValue = globalObject;
var i = 0;
while (i < path.length) {
var part = path[i];
if (part in currentValue === false) throw new Error(createValueNotFoundErrorMessage({
path: path,
index: i
currentValue = currentValue[part];
return currentValue;
function setupCompositeMaterial(recipe) {
var prototypeIdentifier = recipe.prototypeIdentifier;
var valueOfIdentifier = recipe.valueOfIdentifier; // regexp and function
if (prototypeIdentifier === undefined) return materials[valueOfIdentifier];
var prototypeValue = materials[prototypeIdentifier];
if (prototypeValue === null) return Object.create(null);
var Constructor = prototypeValue.constructor;
if (Constructor === Object) return Object.create(prototypeValue);
if (valueOfIdentifier === undefined) return new Constructor();
var valueOfValue = materials[valueOfIdentifier];
return new Constructor(valueOfValue);
recipeArray.forEach(function (recipe, index) {
var value = setupMaterial(recipe);
materials[index] = value;
function followRecipe(recipe, index) {
if (recipe.type === "composite") followCompositeRecipe(recipe, index);
function followCompositeRecipe(recipe, index) {
var composite = materials[index];
var propertiesDescription = recipe.propertiesDescription;
if (propertiesDescription) {
Object.keys(propertiesDescription).forEach(function (propertyNameIdentifier) {
var propertyName = materials[propertyNameIdentifier];
var description = propertiesDescription[propertyNameIdentifier];
defineProperty(composite, propertyName, description);
var symbolsDescription = recipe.symbolsDescription;
if (symbolsDescription) {
Object.keys(symbolsDescription).forEach(function (symbolIdentifier) {
var symbol = materials[symbolIdentifier];
var description = symbolsDescription[symbolIdentifier];
defineProperty(composite, symbol, description);
var methodsDescription = recipe.methodsDescription;
if (methodsDescription) {
Object.keys(methodsDescription).forEach(function (methodNameIdentifier) {
var methodName = materials[methodNameIdentifier];
var calls = methodsDescription[methodNameIdentifier];
calls.forEach(function (argumentIdentifiers) {
var argumentValues = (argumentIdentifier) {
return materials[argumentIdentifier];
composite[methodName].apply(composite, _toConsumableArray(argumentValues));
var extensible = recipe.extensible || true;
if (!extensible) Object.preventExtensions(composite);
function defineProperty(composite, propertyNameOrSymbol, propertyDescription) {
var currentDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composite, propertyNameOrSymbol);
if (currentDescriptor && currentDescriptor.configurable === false) return;
var descriptor = {};
Object.keys(propertyDescription).forEach(function (descriptorNameIdentifier) {
var descriptorValueIdentifier = propertyDescription[descriptorNameIdentifier];
var descriptorName = materials[descriptorNameIdentifier];
var descriptorValue = materials[descriptorValueIdentifier];
descriptor[descriptorName] = descriptorValue;
Object.defineProperty(composite, propertyNameOrSymbol, descriptor);
recipeArray.forEach(function (recipe, index) {
followRecipe(recipe, index);
function createValueNotFoundErrorMessage(data) {
var path = data.path;
var index = data.index;
var message = "value not found for path.";
message += "\n"; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
message += "part not found: " + path[index];
message += "\n"; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
message += "path: " + path.join("");
return message;
return materials[mainIdentifier];
var escapeString = function escapeString(value) {
var string = String(value);
var i = 0;
var j = string.length;
var escapedString = "";
while (i < j) {
var char = string[i];
var escapedChar = void 0;
if (char === '"' || char === "'" || char === "\\") {
escapedChar = "\\".concat(char);
} else if (char === "\n") {
escapedChar = "\\n";
} else if (char === "\r") {
escapedChar = "\\r";
} else if (char === "\u2028") {
escapedChar = "\\u2028";
} else if (char === "\u2029") {
escapedChar = "\\u2029";
} else {
escapedChar = char;
escapedString += escapedChar;
return escapedString;
var uneval = function uneval(value) {
var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},
_ref$functionAllowed = _ref.functionAllowed,
functionAllowed = _ref$functionAllowed === void 0 ? false : _ref$functionAllowed;
var composition = decompose(value, {
functionAllowed: functionAllowed
var recipe = compositionToRecipe(composition);
var recipeMinified = minifyRecipe(recipe);
var recomposeSource = recompose.toString();
var recomposeParamSouce = recipeToSource(recipeMinified);
return "(".concat(recomposeSource, ")(").concat(recomposeParamSouce, ")");
var recipeToSource = function recipeToSource(recipe) {
var valueToSource = function valueToSource(value) {
if (value instanceof Array) return arrayToSource(value);
if (value instanceof RegExp) return value.toString();
if (value === null) return "null";
if (_typeof(value) === "object") return objectToSource(value);
if (typeof value === "string") return "\"".concat(escapeString(value), "\"");
if (, -0)) return "-0";
return String(value);
var arrayToSource = function arrayToSource(array) {
var valueSourceArray = (value) {
return valueToSource(value);
return "[".concat(valueSourceArray.join(","), "]");
var objectToSource = function objectToSource(object) {
var propertiesSources = Object.keys(object).map(function (key) {
return "\"".concat(escapeString(key), "\":").concat(valueToSource(object[key]));
return "{".concat(propertiesSources.join(","), "}");
return valueToSource(recipe);
exports.uneval = uneval;



@@ -1,548 +0,781 @@

var __dmail_uneval__ = function (t) {
"use strict";
var __dmail_uneval__ = function (exports) {
'use strict'; //
// eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "__global__", {
get: function () {
get: function get() {
return this;
configurable: !0
var e = __global__;
configurable: true
}); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
function r(t) {
return (r = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) {
return typeof t;
} : function (t) {
return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
var globalThis = __global__;
delete Object.prototype.__global__;
globalThis.globalThis = globalThis;
function _typeof(obj) {
if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
_typeof = function (obj) {
return typeof obj;
} else {
_typeof = function (obj) {
return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
return _typeof(obj);
function n(t) {
return function (t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
for (var e = 0, r = new Array(t.length); e < t.length; e++) r[e] = t[e];
function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();
return r;
}(t) || function (t) {
if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t) || "[object Arguments]" === return Array.from(t);
}(t) || function () {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
return arr2;
delete Object.prototype.__global__, e.globalThis = e;
function _iterableToArray(iter) {
if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter);
var o = function (t) {
if (null === t) return !1;
var e = r(t);
return "object" === e || "function" === e;
i = new WeakMap(),
c = new Map(),
a = function (t) {
return i.get(t);
f = function (t) {
!function t(e, r) {
if (o(e)) {
if (i.has(e)) return;
i.set(e, r);
function _nonIterableSpread() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
} //
var a = function (o) {
var i;
var isComposite = function isComposite(value) {
if (value === null) return false;
var type = _typeof(value);
if (type === "object") return true;
if (type === "function") return true;
return false;
var compositeWellKnownMap = new WeakMap();
var primitiveWellKnownMap = new Map();
var getCompositeGlobalPath = function getCompositeGlobalPath(value) {
return compositeWellKnownMap.get(value);
var getPrimitiveGlobalPath = function getPrimitiveGlobalPath(value) {
return primitiveWellKnownMap.get(value);
var visitGlobalObject = function visitGlobalObject(value) {
var visitValue = function visitValue(value, path) {
if (isComposite(value)) {
if (compositeWellKnownMap.has(value)) return; // prevent infinite recursion
compositeWellKnownMap.set(value, path);
var visitProperty = function visitProperty(property) {
var descriptor;
try {
i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, o);
} catch (t) {
if ("SecurityError" === return;
throw t;
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, property);
} catch (e) {
if ( === "SecurityError") {
if ("value" in i) {
var c = i.value;
t(c, n(r).concat([o]));
throw e;
} // do not trigger getter/setter
if ("value" in descriptor) {
var propertyValue = descriptor.value;
visitValue(propertyValue, _toConsumableArray(path).concat([property]));
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach(function (t) {
return a(t);
}), Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e).forEach(function (t) {
return a(t);
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).forEach(function (name) {
return visitProperty(name);
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(value).forEach(function (symbol) {
return visitProperty(symbol);
c.set(e, r);
}(t, []);
primitiveWellKnownMap.set(value, path);
visitValue(value, []);
"object" === ("undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" : r(window)) && f(window), "object" === ("undefined" == typeof global ? "undefined" : r(global)) && f(global);
if ((typeof window === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(window)) === "object") visitGlobalObject(window);
if ((typeof global === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(global)) === "object") visitGlobalObject(global);
var u = function (t, e) {
var r = e.functionAllowed,
i = {},
c = [],
f = function t(e) {
var i = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : [];
var decompose = function decompose(mainValue, _ref) {
var functionAllowed = _ref.functionAllowed;
var valueMap = {};
var recipeArray = [];
if (!o(e)) {
var f = s(e);
if (void 0 !== f) return f;
var j = v(e);
return c[j] = p(e), j;
var valueToIdentifier = function valueToIdentifier(value) {
var path = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : [];
if (!isComposite(value)) {
var _existingIdentifier = identifierForPrimitive(value);
if (_existingIdentifier !== undefined) return _existingIdentifier;
var _identifier = identifierForNewValue(value);
recipeArray[_identifier] = primitiveToRecipe(value);
return _identifier;
if ("function" == typeof Promise && e instanceof Promise) throw new Error(b({
path: i
if (typeof Promise === "function" && value instanceof Promise) throw new Error(createPromiseAreNotSupportedMessage({
path: path
if ("function" == typeof WeakSet && e instanceof WeakSet) throw new Error(h({
path: i
if (typeof WeakSet === "function" && value instanceof WeakSet) throw new Error(createWeakSetAreNotSupportedMessage({
path: path
if ("function" == typeof WeakMap && e instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error(m({
path: i
if (typeof WeakMap === "function" && value instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error(createWeakMapAreNotSupportedMessage({
path: path
if ("function" == typeof e && !r) throw new Error(O({
path: i
if (typeof value === "function" && !functionAllowed) throw new Error(createForbiddenFunctionMessage({
path: path
var E = l(e);
if (void 0 !== E) return E;
var k = v(e),
D = a(e);
if (D) return c[k] = y(D), k;
var S = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach(function (o) {
var c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, o),
a = {};
Object.keys(c).forEach(function (e) {
var f = c[e];
if ("set" === e && f && !r) throw new Error(g({
path: i,
propertyName: o
var existingIdentifier = identifierForComposite(value);
if (existingIdentifier !== undefined) return existingIdentifier;
var identifier = identifierForNewValue(value);
var compositeGlobalPath = getCompositeGlobalPath(value);
if (compositeGlobalPath) {
recipeArray[identifier] = createGlobalReferenceRecipe(compositeGlobalPath);
return identifier;
var propertiesDescription = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).forEach(function (propertyName) {
var propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, propertyName);
var propertyDescription = {};
Object.keys(propertyDescriptor).forEach(function (descriptorName) {
var descriptorValue = propertyDescriptor[descriptorName];
if (descriptorName === "set" && descriptorValue && !functionAllowed) throw new Error(createForbiddenPropertySetterMessage({
path: path,
propertyName: propertyName
if ("get" === e && f && !r) throw new Error(w({
path: i,
propertyName: o
if (descriptorName === "get" && descriptorValue && !functionAllowed) throw new Error(createForbiddenPropertyGetterMessage({
path: path,
propertyName: propertyName
var u = t(e, n(i).concat(['["'.concat(o, '"]'), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(e, "]]")])),
p = t(f, n(i).concat(['["'.concat(o, '"]'), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(e, "]]")]));
a[u] = p;
var descriptorNameIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(descriptorName, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[\"".concat(propertyName, "\"]"), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(descriptorName, "]]")]));
var descriptorValueIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(descriptorValue, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[\"".concat(propertyName, "\"]"), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(descriptorName, "]]")]));
propertyDescription[descriptorNameIdentifier] = descriptorValueIdentifier;
var f = t(o, n(i).concat([o]));
S[f] = a;
var propertyNameIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(propertyName, _toConsumableArray(path).concat([propertyName]));
propertiesDescription[propertyNameIdentifier] = propertyDescription;
var I = {};
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e).forEach(function (r) {
var o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r),
c = {};
Object.keys(o).forEach(function (e) {
var a = t(e, n(i).concat(["[".concat(r.toString(), "]"), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(e, "]]")])),
f = t(o[e], n(i).concat(["[".concat(r.toString(), "]"), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(e, "]]")]));
c[a] = f;
var symbolsDescription = {};
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(value).forEach(function (symbol) {
var propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, symbol);
var propertyDescription = {};
Object.keys(propertyDescriptor).forEach(function (descriptorName) {
var descriptorNameIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(descriptorName, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[".concat(symbol.toString(), "]"), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(descriptorName, "]]")]));
var descriptorValueIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(propertyDescriptor[descriptorName], _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[".concat(symbol.toString(), "]"), "[[propertyDescriptor:".concat(descriptorName, "]]")]));
propertyDescription[descriptorNameIdentifier] = descriptorValueIdentifier;
var a = t(r, n(i).concat([r]));
I[a] = c;
var symbolIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(symbol, _toConsumableArray(path).concat([symbol]));
symbolsDescription[symbolIdentifier] = propertyDescription;
var methodsDescription = computeMethodsDescription(value, path);
var extensible = Object.isExtensible(value);
recipeArray[identifier] = createCompositeRecipe({
propertiesDescription: propertiesDescription,
symbolsDescription: symbolsDescription,
methodsDescription: methodsDescription,
extensible: extensible
return identifier;
var _ = u(e, i),
A = Object.isExtensible(e);
var computeMethodsDescription = function computeMethodsDescription(value, path) {
var methodsDescription = {};
return c[k] = d({
propertiesDescription: S,
symbolsDescription: I,
methodsDescription: _,
extensible: A
}), k;
u = function (t, e) {
var r = {};
if ("function" == typeof Set && t instanceof Set) {
var o = [];
t.forEach(function (t, r) {
var i = f(t, n(e).concat(["[[SetEntryValue]]", r]));
}), r[f("add")] = o;
if (typeof Set === "function" && value instanceof Set) {
var addCallArray = [];
value.forEach(function (entryValue, index) {
var entryValueIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(entryValue, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[[SetEntryValue]]", index]));
methodsDescription[valueToIdentifier("add")] = addCallArray;
if ("function" == typeof Map && t instanceof Map) {
var i = [];
t.forEach(function (t, r) {
var o = f(r, n(e).concat(["[[MapEntryKey]]", r])),
c = f(t, n(e).concat(["[[MapEntryValue]]", t]));
i.push([o, c]);
}), r[f("set")] = i;
if (typeof Map === "function" && value instanceof Map) {
var setCallArray = [];
value.forEach(function (entryValue, entryKey) {
var entryKeyIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(entryKey, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[[MapEntryKey]]", entryKey]));
var entryValueIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(entryValue, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["[[MapEntryValue]]", entryValue]));
setCallArray.push([entryKeyIdentifier, entryValueIdentifier]);
methodsDescription[valueToIdentifier("set")] = setCallArray;
return r;
s = function (t) {
return Object.keys(i).find(function (e) {
var r = i[e];
return !!, r) || t === r;
return methodsDescription;
var identifierForPrimitive = function identifierForPrimitive(value) {
return Object.keys(valueMap).find(function (existingIdentifier) {
var existingValue = valueMap[existingIdentifier];
if (, existingValue)) return true;
return value === existingValue;
l = function (t) {
return Object.keys(i).find(function (e) {
var r = i[e];
return t === r;
var identifierForComposite = function identifierForComposite(value) {
return Object.keys(valueMap).find(function (existingIdentifier) {
var existingValue = valueMap[existingIdentifier];
return value === existingValue;
v = function (t) {
var e = D();
return i[e] = t, e;
E = -1,
D = function () {
var t = String(parseInt(E) + 1);
return E = t, t;
S = f(t);
return c.slice().forEach(function (t, e) {
if ("composite" === t.type) {
var r = i[e];
var identifierForNewValue = function identifierForNewValue(value) {
var identifier = nextIdentifier();
valueMap[identifier] = value;
return identifier;
if ("function" == typeof r) {
var u = D();
return c[u] = {
type: "primitive",
value: r
}, void (t.valueOfIdentifier = u);
var currentIdentifier = -1;
if (r instanceof RegExp) {
var p = D();
return c[p] = {
var nextIdentifier = function nextIdentifier() {
var identifier = String(parseInt(currentIdentifier) + 1);
currentIdentifier = identifier;
return identifier;
var mainIdentifier = valueToIdentifier(mainValue); // prototype, important to keep after the whole structure was visited
// so that we discover if any prototype is part of the value
var prototypeValueToIdentifier = function prototypeValueToIdentifier(prototypeValue) {
// prototype is null
if (prototypeValue === null) return valueToIdentifier(prototypeValue); // prototype found somewhere already
var prototypeExistingIdentifier = identifierForComposite(prototypeValue);
if (prototypeExistingIdentifier !== undefined) return prototypeExistingIdentifier; // mark prototype as visited
var prototypeIdentifier = identifierForNewValue(prototypeValue); // prototype is a global reference ?
var prototypeGlobalPath = getCompositeGlobalPath(prototypeValue);
if (prototypeGlobalPath) {
recipeArray[prototypeIdentifier] = createGlobalReferenceRecipe(prototypeGlobalPath);
return prototypeIdentifier;
} // otherwise prototype is unknown
throw new Error(createUnknownPrototypeMessage({
prototypeValue: prototypeValue
var identifierForValueOf = function identifierForValueOf(value) {
var path = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : [];
if (value instanceof Array) return valueToIdentifier(value.length, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["length"]));
if ("valueOf" in value === false) return undefined;
if (typeof value.valueOf !== "function") return undefined;
var valueOfReturnValue = value.valueOf();
if (!isComposite(valueOfReturnValue)) return valueToIdentifier(valueOfReturnValue, _toConsumableArray(path).concat(["valueOf()"]));
if (valueOfReturnValue === value) return undefined;
throw new Error(createUnexpectedValueOfReturnValueMessage());
recipeArray.slice().forEach(function (recipe, index) {
if (recipe.type === "composite") {
var value = valueMap[index];
if (typeof value === "function") {
var valueOfIdentifier = nextIdentifier();
recipeArray[valueOfIdentifier] = {
type: "primitive",
value: r
}, void (t.valueOfIdentifier = p);
value: value
recipe.valueOfIdentifier = valueOfIdentifier;
t.valueOfIdentifier = function (t) {
var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : [];
if (t instanceof Array) return f(t.length, n(e).concat(["length"]));
if (value instanceof RegExp) {
var _valueOfIdentifier = nextIdentifier();
if ("valueOf" in t != 0 && "function" == typeof t.valueOf) {
var r = t.valueOf();
if (!o(r)) return f(r, n(e).concat(["valueOf()"]));
if (r !== t) throw new Error(j());
recipeArray[_valueOfIdentifier] = {
type: "primitive",
value: value
recipe.valueOfIdentifier = _valueOfIdentifier;
} // valueOf, mandatory to uneval new Date(10) for instance.
var s = Object.getPrototypeOf(r);
t.prototypeIdentifier = function (t) {
if (null === t) return f(t);
var e = l(t);
if (void 0 !== e) return e;
var r = v(t),
n = a(t);
if (n) return c[r] = y(n), r;
throw new Error(k({
prototypeValue: t
recipe.valueOfIdentifier = identifierForValueOf(value);
var prototypeValue = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
recipe.prototypeIdentifier = prototypeValueToIdentifier(prototypeValue);
}), {
recipeArray: c,
mainIdentifier: S
return {
recipeArray: recipeArray,
mainIdentifier: mainIdentifier
p = function (t) {
return "symbol" === r(t) ? s(t) : l(t);
s = function (t) {
var e = Symbol.keyFor(t);
if (void 0 !== e) return v(e);
var r,
n = (r = t, c.get(r));
if (!n) throw new Error(E({
symbol: t
var primitiveToRecipe = function primitiveToRecipe(value) {
if (_typeof(value) === "symbol") return symbolToRecipe(value);
return createPimitiveRecipe(value);
var symbolToRecipe = function symbolToRecipe(symbol) {
var globalSymbolKey = Symbol.keyFor(symbol);
if (globalSymbolKey !== undefined) return createGlobalSymbolRecipe(globalSymbolKey);
var symbolGlobalPath = getPrimitiveGlobalPath(symbol);
if (!symbolGlobalPath) throw new Error(createUnknownSymbolMessage({
symbol: symbol
return y(n);
l = function (t) {
return createGlobalReferenceRecipe(symbolGlobalPath);
var createPimitiveRecipe = function createPimitiveRecipe(value) {
return {
type: "primitive",
value: t
value: value
y = function (t) {
return {
var createGlobalReferenceRecipe = function createGlobalReferenceRecipe(path) {
var recipe = {
type: "global-reference",
path: t
path: path
v = function (t) {
return recipe;
var createGlobalSymbolRecipe = function createGlobalSymbolRecipe(key) {
return {
type: "global-symbol",
key: t
key: key
d = function (t) {
var createCompositeRecipe = function createCompositeRecipe(_ref2) {
var prototypeIdentifier = _ref2.prototypeIdentifier,
valueOfIdentifier = _ref2.valueOfIdentifier,
propertiesDescription = _ref2.propertiesDescription,
symbolsDescription = _ref2.symbolsDescription,
methodsDescription = _ref2.methodsDescription,
extensible = _ref2.extensible;
return {
type: "composite",
prototypeIdentifier: t.prototypeIdentifier,
valueOfIdentifier: t.valueOfIdentifier,
propertiesDescription: t.propertiesDescription,
symbolsDescription: t.symbolsDescription,
methodsDescription: t.methodsDescription,
extensible: t.extensible
prototypeIdentifier: prototypeIdentifier,
valueOfIdentifier: valueOfIdentifier,
propertiesDescription: propertiesDescription,
symbolsDescription: symbolsDescription,
methodsDescription: methodsDescription,
extensible: extensible
b = function (t) {
var e = t.path;
return 0 === e.length ? "promise are not supported." : "promise are not supported.\npromise found at: ".concat(e.join(""));
h = function (t) {
var e = t.path;
return 0 === e.length ? "weakSet are not supported." : "weakSet are not supported.\nweakSet found at: ".concat(e.join(""));
m = function (t) {
var e = t.path;
return 0 === e.length ? "weakMap are not supported." : "weakMap are not supported.\nweakMap found at: ".concat(e.join(""));
O = function (t) {
var e = t.path;
return 0 === e.length ? "function are not allowed." : "function are not allowed.\nfunction found at: ".concat(e.join(""));
w = function (t) {
var e = t.path,
r = t.propertyName;
return "property getter are not allowed.\ngetter found on property: ".concat(r, "\nat: ").concat(e.join(""));
g = function (t) {
var e = t.path,
r = t.propertyName;
return "property setter are not allowed.\nsetter found on property: ".concat(r, "\nat: ").concat(e.join(""));
j = function () {
var createPromiseAreNotSupportedMessage = function createPromiseAreNotSupportedMessage(_ref3) {
var path = _ref3.path;
if (path.length === 0) return "promise are not supported.";
return "promise are not supported.\npromise found at: ".concat(path.join(""));
var createWeakSetAreNotSupportedMessage = function createWeakSetAreNotSupportedMessage(_ref4) {
var path = _ref4.path;
if (path.length === 0) return "weakSet are not supported.";
return "weakSet are not supported.\nweakSet found at: ".concat(path.join(""));
var createWeakMapAreNotSupportedMessage = function createWeakMapAreNotSupportedMessage(_ref5) {
var path = _ref5.path;
if (path.length === 0) return "weakMap are not supported.";
return "weakMap are not supported.\nweakMap found at: ".concat(path.join(""));
var createForbiddenFunctionMessage = function createForbiddenFunctionMessage(_ref6) {
var path = _ref6.path;
if (path.length === 0) return "function are not allowed.";
return "function are not allowed.\nfunction found at: ".concat(path.join(""));
var createForbiddenPropertyGetterMessage = function createForbiddenPropertyGetterMessage(_ref7) {
var path = _ref7.path,
propertyName = _ref7.propertyName;
return "property getter are not allowed.\ngetter found on property: ".concat(propertyName, "\nat: ").concat(path.join(""));
var createForbiddenPropertySetterMessage = function createForbiddenPropertySetterMessage(_ref8) {
var path = _ref8.path,
propertyName = _ref8.propertyName;
return "property setter are not allowed.\nsetter found on property: ".concat(propertyName, "\nat: ").concat(path.join(""));
var createUnexpectedValueOfReturnValueMessage = function createUnexpectedValueOfReturnValueMessage() {
return "valueOf() must return a primitive of the object itself.";
E = function (t) {
var e = t.symbol;
return "symbol must be global, like Symbol.iterator, or created using Symbol.for().\nsymbol: ".concat(e.toString());
k = function () {
var createUnknownSymbolMessage = function createUnknownSymbolMessage(_ref9) {
var symbol = _ref9.symbol;
return "symbol must be global, like Symbol.iterator, or created using Symbol.for().\nsymbol: ".concat(symbol.toString());
var createUnknownPrototypeMessage = function createUnknownPrototypeMessage() {
return "prototype must be global, like Object.prototype, or somewhere in the value.";
D = function (t) {
var e = t.recipeArray,
o = t.mainIdentifier,
i = "object" === ("undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" : r(window)) ? window : global,
c = {},
a = function (t) {
return t.value;
f = function (t) {
var e = t.key;
return Symbol.for(e);
u = function (t) {
for (var e = t.path, r = i, n = 0; n < e.length;) {
var o = e[n];
if (n++, o in r == !1) throw new Error(y({
path: e,
index: n
r = r[o];
}; // be carefull because this function is mutating recipe objects inside the recipeArray.
// this is not an issue because each recipe object is not accessible from the outside
// when used internally by uneval
var compositionToRecipe = function compositionToRecipe(_ref) {
var recipeArray = _ref.recipeArray,
mainIdentifier = _ref.mainIdentifier;
var findInRecipePrototypeChain = function findInRecipePrototypeChain(recipe, callback) {
var currentRecipe = recipe; // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
if (currentRecipe.type !== "composite") break;
var prototypeIdentifier = currentRecipe.prototypeIdentifier;
if (prototypeIdentifier === undefined) break;
currentRecipe = recipeArray[prototypeIdentifier];
if (callback(currentRecipe, prototypeIdentifier)) return prototypeIdentifier;
return r;
p = function (t) {
var e = t.prototypeIdentifier,
r = t.valueOfIdentifier;
if (void 0 === e) return c[r];
var n = c[e];
if (null === n) return Object.create(null);
var o = n.constructor;
return o === Object ? Object.create(n) : void 0 === r ? new o() : new o(c[r]);
return undefined;
e.forEach(function (t, e) {
var r = function (t) {
return "primitive" === t.type ? a(t) : "global-symbol" === t.type ? f(t) : "global-reference" === t.type ? u(t) : p(t);
var recipeArrayOrdered = recipeArray.slice();
recipeArrayOrdered.sort(function (leftRecipe, rightRecipe) {
var leftType = leftRecipe.type;
var rightType = rightRecipe.type;
c[e] = r;
if (leftType === "composite" && rightType === "composite") {
var rightRecipeIsInLeftRecipePrototypeChain = findInRecipePrototypeChain(leftRecipe, function (recipeCandidate) {
return recipeCandidate === rightRecipe;
}); // if left recipe requires right recipe, left must be after right
if (rightRecipeIsInLeftRecipePrototypeChain) return 1;
var leftRecipeIsInRightRecipePrototypeChain = findInRecipePrototypeChain(rightRecipe, function (recipeCandidate) {
return recipeCandidate === leftRecipe;
}); // if right recipe requires left recipe, right must be after left
if (leftRecipeIsInRightRecipePrototypeChain) return -1;
if (leftType !== rightType) {
// if left is a composite, left must be after right
if (leftType === "composite") return 1; // if right is a composite, right must be after left
if (rightType === "composite") return -1;
var leftIndex = recipeArray.indexOf(leftRecipe);
var rightIndex = recipeArray.indexOf(rightRecipe); // left was before right, don't change that
if (leftIndex < rightIndex) return -1; // right was after left, don't change that
return 1;
var moves = {};
recipeArray.forEach(function (recipe, index) {
var indexOrdered = recipeArrayOrdered.indexOf(recipe);
var s = function (t, e) {
var r = t.propertiesDescription,
o = t.symbolsDescription,
i = t.methodsDescription,
a = t.extensible,
f = void 0 === a || a,
u = c[e];
r && Object.keys(r).forEach(function (t) {
var e = c[t],
n = r[t];
l(u, e, n);
}), o && Object.keys(o).forEach(function (t) {
var e = c[t],
r = o[t];
l(u, e, r);
}), i && Object.keys(i).forEach(function (t) {
var e = c[t];
i[t].forEach(function (t) {
var r = (t) {
return c[t];
if (index !== indexOrdered) {
moves[index] = indexOrdered;
var remapIdentifier = function remapIdentifier(identifier) {
if (identifier in moves) return moves[identifier];
return identifier;
var remapPropertyDescription = function remapPropertyDescription(propertyDescription) {
var remappedPropertyDescription = {};
Object.keys(propertyDescription).forEach(function (descriptorNameIdentifier) {
remappedPropertyDescription[remapIdentifier(descriptorNameIdentifier)] = remapIdentifier(propertyDescription[descriptorNameIdentifier]);
return remappedPropertyDescription;
recipeArrayOrdered.forEach(function (recipe) {
if (recipe.type !== "composite") return;
recipe.valueOfIdentifier = remapIdentifier(recipe.valueOfIdentifier);
recipe.prototypeIdentifier = remapIdentifier(recipe.prototypeIdentifier);
var propertiesDescription = recipe.propertiesDescription;
var remappedPropertiesDescription = {};
Object.keys(propertiesDescription).forEach(function (propertyNameIdentifier) {
remappedPropertiesDescription[remapIdentifier(propertyNameIdentifier)] = remapPropertyDescription(propertiesDescription[propertyNameIdentifier]);
recipe.propertiesDescription = remappedPropertiesDescription;
var symbolsDescription = recipe.symbolsDescription;
var remappedSymbolsDescription = {};
Object.keys(symbolsDescription).forEach(function (symbolIdentifier) {
remappedSymbolsDescription[remapIdentifier(symbolIdentifier)] = remapPropertyDescription(symbolsDescription[symbolIdentifier]);
recipe.symbolsDescription = remappedSymbolsDescription;
var methodsDescription = recipe.methodsDescription;
var remappedMethodsDescription = {};
Object.keys(methodsDescription).forEach(function (methodNameIdentifier) {
var callsDescription = methodsDescription[methodNameIdentifier];
var remappedCallsDescription = (argumentIdentifiers) {
return (argumentIdentifier) {
return remapIdentifier(argumentIdentifier);
u[e].apply(u, n(r));
}), f || Object.preventExtensions(u);
l = function (t, e, r) {
var n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);
remappedMethodsDescription[remapIdentifier(methodNameIdentifier)] = remappedCallsDescription;
recipe.methodsDescription = remappedMethodsDescription;
return {
recipeArray: recipeArrayOrdered,
mainIdentifier: remapIdentifier(mainIdentifier)
}; // This function would return recipes that does not contain default values
// for instance we'll consider extensible as false by default
// empty propertiesMap and symbolsMap can be omitted
// it would decrease the size of value string representation a bit
if (!n || !1 !== n.configurable) {
var o = {};
Object.keys(r).forEach(function (t) {
var e = r[t],
n = c[t],
i = c[e];
o[n] = i;
}), Object.defineProperty(t, e, o);
var minifyRecipe = function minifyRecipe(_ref) {
var recipeArray = _ref.recipeArray,
mainIdentifier = _ref.mainIdentifier;
recipeArray.forEach(function (recipe) {
if (recipe.type === "composite") {
if (recipe.prototypeIdentifier === undefined) delete recipe.prototypeIdentifier;
if (recipe.valueOfIdentifier === undefined) delete recipe.valueOfIdentifier;
if (recipe.extensible === true) delete recipe.extensible;
if (Object.keys(recipe.propertiesDescription).length === 0) delete recipe.propertiesDescription;
if (Object.keys(recipe.symbolsDescription).length === 0) delete recipe.symbolsDescription;
if (Object.keys(recipe.methodsDescription).length === 0) delete recipe.methodsDescription;
return {
recipeArray: recipeArray,
mainIdentifier: mainIdentifier
e.forEach(function (t, e) {
!function (t, e) {
"composite" === t.type && s(t, e);
}(t, e);
function recompose(param) {
var recipeArray = param.recipeArray;
var mainIdentifier = param.mainIdentifier;
var globalObject = (typeof window === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(window)) === "object" ? window : global;
var materials = {};
function setupMaterial(recipe) {
if (recipe.type === "primitive") return setupPrimitiveMaterial(recipe);
if (recipe.type === "global-symbol") return setupGlobalSymbolMaterial(recipe);
if (recipe.type === "global-reference") return setupGlobalReferenceMaterial(recipe);
return setupCompositeMaterial(recipe);
function setupPrimitiveMaterial(recipe) {
return recipe.value;
function setupGlobalSymbolMaterial(recipe) {
return Symbol.for(recipe.key);
function setupGlobalReferenceMaterial(recipe) {
var path = recipe.path;
var currentValue = globalObject;
var i = 0;
while (i < path.length) {
var part = path[i];
if (part in currentValue === false) throw new Error(createValueNotFoundErrorMessage({
path: path,
index: i
currentValue = currentValue[part];
return currentValue;
function setupCompositeMaterial(recipe) {
var prototypeIdentifier = recipe.prototypeIdentifier;
var valueOfIdentifier = recipe.valueOfIdentifier; // regexp and function
if (prototypeIdentifier === undefined) return materials[valueOfIdentifier];
var prototypeValue = materials[prototypeIdentifier];
if (prototypeValue === null) return Object.create(null);
var Constructor = prototypeValue.constructor;
if (Constructor === Object) return Object.create(prototypeValue);
if (valueOfIdentifier === undefined) return new Constructor();
var valueOfValue = materials[valueOfIdentifier];
return new Constructor(valueOfValue);
recipeArray.forEach(function (recipe, index) {
var value = setupMaterial(recipe);
materials[index] = value;
var y = function (t) {
var e = t.path,
r = t.index;
return "value not found for path.\npart not found: ".concat(e[r], "\npath: ").concat(e.join(","));
function followRecipe(recipe, index) {
if (recipe.type === "composite") followCompositeRecipe(recipe, index);
return c[o];
S = function (t) {
for (var e = String(t), r = 0, n = e.length, o = ""; r < n;) {
var i = e[r];
o += '"' === i || "'" === i || "\\" === i ? "\\".concat(i) : "\n" === i ? "\\n" : "\r" === i ? "\\r" : "\u2028" === i ? "\\u2028" : "\u2029" === i ? "\\u2029" : i, r++;
function followCompositeRecipe(recipe, index) {
var composite = materials[index];
var propertiesDescription = recipe.propertiesDescription;
if (propertiesDescription) {
Object.keys(propertiesDescription).forEach(function (propertyNameIdentifier) {
var propertyName = materials[propertyNameIdentifier];
var description = propertiesDescription[propertyNameIdentifier];
defineProperty(composite, propertyName, description);
var symbolsDescription = recipe.symbolsDescription;
if (symbolsDescription) {
Object.keys(symbolsDescription).forEach(function (symbolIdentifier) {
var symbol = materials[symbolIdentifier];
var description = symbolsDescription[symbolIdentifier];
defineProperty(composite, symbol, description);
var methodsDescription = recipe.methodsDescription;
if (methodsDescription) {
Object.keys(methodsDescription).forEach(function (methodNameIdentifier) {
var methodName = materials[methodNameIdentifier];
var calls = methodsDescription[methodNameIdentifier];
calls.forEach(function (argumentIdentifiers) {
var argumentValues = (argumentIdentifier) {
return materials[argumentIdentifier];
composite[methodName].apply(composite, _toConsumableArray(argumentValues));
var extensible = recipe.extensible || true;
if (!extensible) Object.preventExtensions(composite);
return o;
I = function (t) {
var e = function (t) {
return t instanceof Array ? n(t) : t instanceof RegExp ? t.toString() : null === t ? "null" : "object" === r(t) ? o(t) : "string" == typeof t ? '"'.concat(S(t), '"') :, -0) ? "-0" : String(t);
n = function (t) {
var r = (t) {
return e(t);
function defineProperty(composite, propertyNameOrSymbol, propertyDescription) {
var currentDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composite, propertyNameOrSymbol);
if (currentDescriptor && currentDescriptor.configurable === false) return;
var descriptor = {};
Object.keys(propertyDescription).forEach(function (descriptorNameIdentifier) {
var descriptorValueIdentifier = propertyDescription[descriptorNameIdentifier];
var descriptorName = materials[descriptorNameIdentifier];
var descriptorValue = materials[descriptorValueIdentifier];
descriptor[descriptorName] = descriptorValue;
return "[".concat(r.join(","), "]");
o = function (t) {
var r = Object.keys(t).map(function (r) {
return '"'.concat(S(r), '":').concat(e(t[r]));
return "{".concat(r.join(","), "}");
Object.defineProperty(composite, propertyNameOrSymbol, descriptor);
return e(t);
recipeArray.forEach(function (recipe, index) {
followRecipe(recipe, index);
function createValueNotFoundErrorMessage(data) {
var path = data.path;
var index = data.index;
var message = "value not found for path.";
message += "\n"; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
message += "part not found: " + path[index];
message += "\n"; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
message += "path: " + path.join("");
return message;
return materials[mainIdentifier];
} //
var escapeString = function escapeString(value) {
var string = String(value);
var i = 0;
var j = string.length;
var escapedString = "";
while (i < j) {
var char = string[i];
var escapedChar = void 0;
if (char === '"' || char === "'" || char === "\\") {
escapedChar = "\\".concat(char);
} else if (char === "\n") {
escapedChar = "\\n";
} else if (char === "\r") {
escapedChar = "\\r";
} else if (char === "\u2028") {
escapedChar = "\\u2028";
} else if (char === "\u2029") {
escapedChar = "\\u2029";
} else {
escapedChar = char;
escapedString += escapedChar;
return escapedString;
return t.uneval = function (t) {
var e = (arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}).functionAllowed,
r = function (t) {
var e = t.recipeArray,
r = t.mainIdentifier;
return e.forEach(function (t) {
"composite" === t.type && (void 0 === t.prototypeIdentifier && delete t.prototypeIdentifier, void 0 === t.valueOfIdentifier && delete t.valueOfIdentifier, !0 === t.extensible && delete t.extensible, 0 === Object.keys(t.propertiesDescription).length && delete t.propertiesDescription, 0 === Object.keys(t.symbolsDescription).length && delete t.symbolsDescription, 0 === Object.keys(t.methodsDescription).length && delete t.methodsDescription);
}), {
recipeArray: e,
mainIdentifier: r
}(function (t) {
var e = t.recipeArray,
r = t.mainIdentifier,
n = function (t, r) {
for (var n = t; "composite" === n.type;) {
var o = n.prototypeIdentifier;
if (void 0 === o) break;
if (r(n = e[o], o)) return o;
o = e.slice();
var uneval = function uneval(value) {
var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},
_ref$functionAllowed = _ref.functionAllowed,
functionAllowed = _ref$functionAllowed === void 0 ? false : _ref$functionAllowed;
o.sort(function (t, r) {
var o = t.type,
i = r.type;
var composition = decompose(value, {
functionAllowed: functionAllowed
var recipe = compositionToRecipe(composition);
var recipeMinified = minifyRecipe(recipe);
var recomposeSource = recompose.toString();
var recomposeParamSouce = recipeToSource(recipeMinified);
return "(".concat(recomposeSource, ")(").concat(recomposeParamSouce, ")");
if ("composite" === o && "composite" === i) {
if (n(t, function (t) {
return t === r;
})) return 1;
if (n(r, function (e) {
return e === t;
})) return -1;
var recipeToSource = function recipeToSource(recipe) {
var valueToSource = function valueToSource(value) {
if (value instanceof Array) return arrayToSource(value);
if (value instanceof RegExp) return value.toString();
if (value === null) return "null";
if (_typeof(value) === "object") return objectToSource(value);
if (typeof value === "string") return "\"".concat(escapeString(value), "\"");
if (, -0)) return "-0";
return String(value);
if (o !== i) {
if ("composite" === o) return 1;
if ("composite" === i) return -1;
var arrayToSource = function arrayToSource(array) {
var valueSourceArray = (value) {
return valueToSource(value);
return "[".concat(valueSourceArray.join(","), "]");
return e.indexOf(t) < e.indexOf(r) ? -1 : 1;
var objectToSource = function objectToSource(object) {
var propertiesSources = Object.keys(object).map(function (key) {
return "\"".concat(escapeString(key), "\":").concat(valueToSource(object[key]));
var i = {};
e.forEach(function (t, e) {
var r = o.indexOf(t);
e !== r && (i[e] = r);
return "{".concat(propertiesSources.join(","), "}");
var c = function (t) {
return t in i ? i[t] : t;
a = function (t) {
var e = {};
return Object.keys(t).forEach(function (r) {
e[c(r)] = c(t[r]);
}), e;
return valueToSource(recipe);
return o.forEach(function (t) {
if ("composite" === t.type) {
t.valueOfIdentifier = c(t.valueOfIdentifier), t.prototypeIdentifier = c(t.prototypeIdentifier);
var e = t.propertiesDescription,
r = {};
Object.keys(e).forEach(function (t) {
r[c(t)] = a(e[t]);
}), t.propertiesDescription = r;
var n = t.symbolsDescription,
o = {};
Object.keys(n).forEach(function (t) {
o[c(t)] = a(n[t]);
}), t.symbolsDescription = o;
var i = t.methodsDescription,
f = {};
Object.keys(i).forEach(function (t) {
var e = i[t].map(function (t) {
return (t) {
return c(t);
f[c(t)] = e;
}), t.methodsDescription = f;
}), {
recipeArray: o,
mainIdentifier: c(r)
}(u(t, {
functionAllowed: void 0 !== e && e
n = D.toString(),
o = I(r);
return "(".concat(n, ")(").concat(o, ")");
}, t;
exports.uneval = uneval;
return exports;
//# sourceMappingURL=./
"name": "@dmail/uneval",
"version": "5.1.0",
"version": "5.2.0",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "repository": {

@@ -1,6 +0,8 @@

export const recompose = ({ recipeArray, mainIdentifier }) => {
const globalObject = typeof window === "object" ? window : global
const materials = {}
export function recompose(param) {
var recipeArray = param.recipeArray
var mainIdentifier = param.mainIdentifier
var globalObject = typeof window === "object" ? window : global
var materials = {}
const setupMaterial = (recipe) => {
function setupMaterial(recipe) {
if (recipe.type === "primitive") return setupPrimitiveMaterial(recipe)

@@ -12,11 +14,16 @@ if (recipe.type === "global-symbol") return setupGlobalSymbolMaterial(recipe)

const setupPrimitiveMaterial = ({ value }) => value
function setupPrimitiveMaterial(recipe) {
return recipe.value
const setupGlobalSymbolMaterial = ({ key }) => Symbol.for(key)
function setupGlobalSymbolMaterial(recipe) {
return Symbol.for(recipe.key)
const setupGlobalReferenceMaterial = ({ path }) => {
let currentValue = globalObject
let i = 0
function setupGlobalReferenceMaterial(recipe) {
var path = recipe.path
var currentValue = globalObject
var i = 0
while (i < path.length) {
const part = path[i]
var part = path[i]

@@ -30,10 +37,13 @@ if (part in currentValue === false)

const setupCompositeMaterial = ({ prototypeIdentifier, valueOfIdentifier }) => {
function setupCompositeMaterial(recipe) {
var prototypeIdentifier = recipe.prototypeIdentifier
var valueOfIdentifier = recipe.valueOfIdentifier
// regexp and function
if (prototypeIdentifier === undefined) return materials[valueOfIdentifier]
const prototypeValue = materials[prototypeIdentifier]
var prototypeValue = materials[prototypeIdentifier]
if (prototypeValue === null) return Object.create(null)
const Constructor = prototypeValue.constructor
var Constructor = prototypeValue.constructor
if (Constructor === Object) return Object.create(prototypeValue)

@@ -43,25 +53,23 @@

const valueOfValue = materials[valueOfIdentifier]
var valueOfValue = materials[valueOfIdentifier]
return new Constructor(valueOfValue)
recipeArray.forEach((recipe, index) => {
const value = setupMaterial(recipe)
recipeArray.forEach(function(recipe, index) {
var value = setupMaterial(recipe)
materials[index] = value
const followRecipe = (recipe, index) => {
function followRecipe(recipe, index) {
if (recipe.type === "composite") followCompositeRecipe(recipe, index)
const followCompositeRecipe = (
{ propertiesDescription, symbolsDescription, methodsDescription, extensible = true },
) => {
const composite = materials[index]
function followCompositeRecipe(recipe, index) {
var composite = materials[index]
var propertiesDescription = recipe.propertiesDescription
if (propertiesDescription) {
Object.keys(propertiesDescription).forEach((propertyNameIdentifier) => {
const propertyName = materials[propertyNameIdentifier]
const description = propertiesDescription[propertyNameIdentifier]
Object.keys(propertiesDescription).forEach(function(propertyNameIdentifier) {
var propertyName = materials[propertyNameIdentifier]
var description = propertiesDescription[propertyNameIdentifier]
defineProperty(composite, propertyName, description)

@@ -71,6 +79,7 @@ })

var symbolsDescription = recipe.symbolsDescription
if (symbolsDescription) {
Object.keys(symbolsDescription).forEach((symbolIdentifier) => {
const symbol = materials[symbolIdentifier]
const description = symbolsDescription[symbolIdentifier]
Object.keys(symbolsDescription).forEach(function(symbolIdentifier) {
var symbol = materials[symbolIdentifier]
var description = symbolsDescription[symbolIdentifier]
defineProperty(composite, symbol, description)

@@ -80,10 +89,11 @@ })

var methodsDescription = recipe.methodsDescription
if (methodsDescription) {
Object.keys(methodsDescription).forEach((methodNameIdentifier) => {
const methodName = materials[methodNameIdentifier]
const calls = methodsDescription[methodNameIdentifier]
calls.forEach((argumentIdentifiers) => {
const argumentValues =
(argumentIdentifier) => materials[argumentIdentifier],
Object.keys(methodsDescription).forEach(function(methodNameIdentifier) {
var methodName = materials[methodNameIdentifier]
var calls = methodsDescription[methodNameIdentifier]
calls.forEach(function(argumentIdentifiers) {
var argumentValues = {
return materials[argumentIdentifier]

@@ -94,14 +104,15 @@ })

var extensible = recipe.extensible || true
if (!extensible) Object.preventExtensions(composite)
const defineProperty = (composite, propertyNameOrSymbol, propertyDescription) => {
const currentDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composite, propertyNameOrSymbol)
function defineProperty(composite, propertyNameOrSymbol, propertyDescription) {
var currentDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composite, propertyNameOrSymbol)
if (currentDescriptor && currentDescriptor.configurable === false) return
const descriptor = {}
Object.keys(propertyDescription).forEach((descriptorNameIdentifier) => {
const descriptorValueIdentifier = propertyDescription[descriptorNameIdentifier]
const descriptorName = materials[descriptorNameIdentifier]
const descriptorValue = materials[descriptorValueIdentifier]
var descriptor = {}
Object.keys(propertyDescription).forEach(function(descriptorNameIdentifier) {
var descriptorValueIdentifier = propertyDescription[descriptorNameIdentifier]
var descriptorName = materials[descriptorNameIdentifier]
var descriptorValue = materials[descriptorValueIdentifier]
descriptor[descriptorName] = descriptorValue

@@ -112,11 +123,20 @@ })

recipeArray.forEach((recipe, index) => {
recipeArray.forEach(function(recipe, index) {
followRecipe(recipe, index)
const createValueNotFoundErrorMessage = ({ path, index }) => `value not found for path.
part not found: ${path[index]}
path: ${path.join(",")}`
function createValueNotFoundErrorMessage(data) {
var path = data.path
var index = data.index
var message = "value not found for path."
message += "\n"
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
message += "part not found: " + path[index]
message += "\n"
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
message += "path: " + path.join("")
return message
return materials[mainIdentifier]

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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