Dermveda Components
Components used by learnskin and dermveda
View Components
Getting Started
Install the component library
npm install @dnovicki/dv-components
import React from 'react';
import { Atoms } from '@dnovicki/dv-components';
const App = () => (
<Atoms.Button onClick=({ () => alert('yay!'); })>
Click Me!
export default App;
View Available components
View Components
npm run storybook
open localhost:6007
Background Learning
Styled Components
The basis for the entire library. All components are built on styled components as the base, with some slight tools to make overall implementations easier. The idea behind styled components is one of css-in-js.
Styled System
A library that adds base utilities such as padding, margins, colors. This is based on a theme that is passed down by the theme provider. The Theme Table details which function names relate to which theme field.
System Components
A wrapper for styled system that allows for object declaration. This allows for less code when a component is basically just an extension of styled system. System components also exposes the is
prop, which allows us to change the tag on the fly. This is useful if you want to make something a h1
tag. A common pattern in the component library is to expose some attribute like titleAttributes
allow the is
prop to be passed in to the element.
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { space } from 'styled-system';
const Card = styled.section.attrs({
p: 3
import sys from 'system-components';
const Card = sys({
p: 3,
is: 'section'
Skeleton Loading
Some components in the library are marked as Allowed for skeleton loading. These components use the skeletor framework to
allow for a skeleton provider to be passed to the component that allows for non-interactive blocking of loading. Use this instead of showing a loading spinner. Read More about Skeelton Loading
Example Code
import { createSkeletonProvider } from '@trainline/react-skeletor';
const UserDetailPage = ({ user }) => (
<NameCard user={user} />
export default createSkeletonProvider(
user: {
firstName: '_____',
lastName: '________'
({ user }) => user === undefined,
() => ({
color: 'grey',
backgroundColor: 'grey'
import { createSkeletonElement } from '@trainline/react-skeletor';
const H1 = createSkeletonElement('h1');
const H2 = createSkeletonElement('h2');
const NameCard = ({ firstName, lastName }) => (
<H1 style={style}>{ firstName }</H1>
<H2 style={style}>{ lastName }</H2>
export default NameCard;