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Drovp utility to determine path for file results.

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Drovp plugin utility to help plugins provide users with powerful output path determination interface. Also comes with option schema to easily plugin into your processor's profile options.


Destination option is a string template with embedded expressions support (JavaScript template literals), with access to a lot of useful variables, such as all of the file path parts like ${basename}, ${filename}, ${extension}, ... as well as common platform folder paths like ${downloads}, ${documents}, ${pictures}, ..., and output file checksums ${crc32}, ${md5}, ...

You can also extend the available variables with extra ones. You can even pass functions or other utilities.

Separate options to Delete original file and Overwrite destination (only or even if it's a different file than original), so that the saving destination is generated exactly to user's needs.

Configurable filename incrementation style for when the desired destination already exists, but the user configuration says it can't be overwritten.


npm install @drovp/save-as-path


In main file, make and add save-as-path option namespace item to your processor options schema:

// Main plugin file (index.js)
const {makeOptionSchema} = require('@drovp/save-as-path');

module.exports = (plugin) => {
	plugin.registerProcessor('name', {
		// ...
		options: [
			// ... other options

This will add saving namespace to your profile options, ready to be passed to saveAsPath() inside your processor to handle all the tedious renaming related stuff for you:

// processor.js
const {saveAsPath, checkSaveAsPathOptions, TemplateError} = require('@drovp/save-as-path');
const {promises: FSP} = require('fs');

module.exports = async (payload, utils) => {
	const {input, options} = payload;
	const outputExtension = 'jpg';
	const tmpPath = `${input.path}.tmp${Math.random().toString().slice(-6)}`;

	// First, we check that options have a valid template.
	// This is so that invalid options throw an error BEFORE we potentially
	// spend half an hour creating a new file, and not afterwards.
	try {
	} catch (error) {
		if (error instanceof TemplateError) {
			utils.output.error(`Destination template error: ${error.message}`);

	// We create a new file at a unique temporary path
	await FSP.writeFile(tmpPath, 'new file contents');

	// We let saveAsPath handle deleting the original file (when requested by
	// options), and renaming the new one.
	const outputPath = await saveAsPath(input.path, tmpPath, outputExtension, options.saving);

	// We emit a new file


In TypeScript, you can import Options type and extend your options with it:

import {PayloadData} from '@drovp/types';
import {Options as SaveAsOptions} from '@drovp/save-as-path';

type Options = SaveAsOptions & {
	myOther: string,
	options: boolean,

export type Payload = PayloadData<Options>;

// ... rest of the main file


All exported interfaces.


Options data type the makeOptionSchema() will produce on your options object:

interface Options {
	saving: {
		destination: string;
		deleteOriginal: boolean;
		overwriteDestination: boolean;
		incrementer: 'space' | 'dash' | 'underscore' | 'parentheses';


makeOptionSchema(options?: MakeOptionSchemaOptions): OptionNamespace

A function to construct saving namespace option item schema. Example:

plugin.registerProcessor('foo', {
	options: [
		/* other options */
	// ...

Type: MakeOptionSchemaOptions

interface MakeOptionSchemaOptions {
	extraVariables?: Record<string, string>;

An object map with extra variable names and their descriptions if you are using any. They'll be listed in the destination template description so that users know these tokens are available.


	extraVariables: {
		// As used in @drovp/encode
		codec: `name of the codec used to encode the file`,


saveAsPath(inputPath: string | string[], tmpPath: string, outputExtension: string, options?): Promise<string>;

An async function that determines the final file destination, and handles all the renaming, deleting, or copying between partitions/drives. Example:

const outputPath = await saveAsPath(payload.input.path, 'tmpfile1e44', 'webp', payload.options.saving);

Type: string | string[] required

Path to the original file that has been processed. This path doesn't have to exist anymore, saveAsPath() only uses it to extract path related variables to be used in a template.

Though when deleteOriginal option is enabled, saveAsPath() will ensure it's deleted before renaming or deciding the new file name.

You can also pass an array of paths in case they were all used to construct the final finale at tmpPath (i.e. concatenating videos). In this case the first one is going to be used as seed for the template, and the rest ignored, but still deleted when deleteOriginal is enabled.


Type: string required

Temporary path that holds now finished output file. This is used to generate checksum variables for templates (only when templates need it), and than it'll be renamed according to the template and other saving options.


Type: string | null | undefined required

The extension the output file should have. Can be same as the original, or none.


Type: SaveAsPathOptions optional

interface SaveAsPathOptions {
	destination?: string;
	deleteOriginal?: boolean;
	overwriteDestination?: boolean;
	incrementer?: 'space' | 'dash' | 'underscore' | 'parentheses';
	extraVariables?: Record<string, any>;
	onOutputPath?: (outputPath: string) => void;

Options destination, deleteOriginal, overwriteDestination, and incrementer are provided by the saving option schema.


Type: string Default: '${basename}'

A desired destination template. Relative paths resolve from the original path's dirname.

Currently exposes these variables:

Examples assume inputPath /foo/bar/baz.png and outputExtension jpg.

  • ${basename} - result file basename → baz.jpg
  • ${filename} - file name without the extension → baz
  • ${extname} - result file extension with the dot → .jpg
  • ${ext} - result file extension without the dot → jpg
  • ${dirname} - directory path → /foo/bar
  • ${dirbasename} - name of a parent directory → baz
  • ${srcBasename} - original file basename → baz.jpg
  • ${srcExtname} - original file extension with the dot → .jpg
  • ${srcExt} - original file extension without the dot → jpg
  • ${crc32/md5/sha1/sha256/sha512} - output file checksums
  • ${CRC32/MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512} - uppercase output file checksums
  • Platform folders: ${tmp}, ${home}, ${downloads}, ${documents}, ${pictures}, ${music}, ${videos}, ${desktop}
  • Utilities:
    • Time() - day.js util to help with time. Example: ${Time().format('YY')}
    • uid(size? = 10) - unique string generator, size is optional, default is 10. Example: ${uid()}

You can add more variables with extraVariables option below.


Type: boolean Default: false

Wether to delete the original file.


Type: boolean Default: false

Specifies wether the new path is allowed to overwrite existing files.

When enabled, it'll overwrite any existing file on the requested destination, UNLESS the deleteOriginal options is disabled, then it'll ensuring at least the original is not deleted.

When disabled, filename will be incremented until there's no conflict, UNLESS the deleteOriginal options is enabled and the desired result path matches the original, in which case the file will simply replace the original.


Type: 'space' | 'dash' | 'underscore' | 'parentheses' Default: space

Filename incrementation style. When there's already a file on a requested destination path, and the configuration states it shouldn't be overwritten, saveAsPath() will increment the filename until it satisfies the configuration requirements.


  • spacefile 1.jpg
  • dashfile-1.jpg
  • underscorefile_1.jpg
  • parenthesesfile (1).jpg

Type: Record<string, any> optional

An object with extra variables that should be available in a template. Because templates are JavaScript template literals, this can be anything including utility functions and constructors.

In this example, template ${foo} ${baz()} will generate 'bar something else':

const outputPath = await saveAsPath(input.path, tmpPath, 'jpg', {
	extraVariables: {
		foo: 'bar',
		baz: () => 'something else',

Type: (outputPath: string) => void optional

An event triggered right after the outputPath has been determined. Sometimes, new path might be on a different partition/drive than the temporary file, and if the file is big, it'll take a second to transfer, but you might want to log that this operation is happening before it starts.


Promise that resolves with output file path.


checkSaveAsPathOptions(options: SaveAsPathOptions): true

A synchronous function that checks if template in options is not trying to use non-existent variables, or has any syntax or runtime errors.

This is so that invalid options throw an error BEFORE we potentially spend half an hour creating a new file, and not afterwards.


Type: SaveAsPathOptions required

Same options you intend to pass to saveAsPath() later.


Returns true if options look all right, or throws TemplateError with message of what is wrong with them.


Error thrown when template tries to use a non-existent variable, or has a syntax or runtime errors.



Package last updated on 16 Aug 2022

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