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@droz-js/sdk - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.20 to 0.4.21


"name": "@droz-js/sdk",
"description": "Droz SDK",
"version": "0.4.20",
"version": "0.4.21",
"private": false,

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "exports": {

@@ -322,2 +322,3 @@ export type Maybe<T> = T;

products?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['JSON']['output']>>;
source?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']['output']>;

@@ -422,3 +423,3 @@ export declare enum TicketState {

export type TicketMessageFragment = Pick<TicketMessage, 'id' | 'ticketId' | 'from' | 'to' | 'channelId' | 'contentType' | 'content' | 'filename' | 'size' | 'createdAt' | 'updatedAt'>;
export type SessionAttributesFragment = Pick<TicketSessionAttributes, 'order' | 'organization' | 'products'>;
export type SessionAttributesFragment = Pick<TicketSessionAttributes, 'organization' | 'source' | 'order' | 'products'>;
export type GetTicketQueryVariables = Exact<{

@@ -565,3 +566,3 @@ id: Scalars['ID']['input'];

export declare const TicketMessageFragmentDoc = "\n fragment ticketMessage on TicketMessage {\n id\n ticketId\n from\n to\n channelId\n contentType\n content\n filename\n size\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n ";
export declare const SessionAttributesFragmentDoc = "\n fragment sessionAttributes on TicketSessionAttributes {\n order\n organization\n products\n}\n ";
export declare const SessionAttributesFragmentDoc = "\n fragment sessionAttributes on TicketSessionAttributes {\n organization\n source\n order\n products\n}\n ";
export declare const GetDrozChatChannelDocument = "\n query getDrozChatChannel($id: ID!) {\n getDrozChatChannel(id: $id) {\n ...drozChatChannel\n }\n}\n \n fragment drozChatChannel on DrozChatChannel {\n id\n name\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n ";

@@ -572,3 +573,3 @@ export declare const ListDrozChatChannelsDocument = "\n query listDrozChatChannels {\n listDrozChatChannels {\n ...drozChatChannel\n }\n}\n \n fragment drozChatChannel on DrozChatChannel {\n id\n name\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n ";

export declare const RemoveDrozChatChannelDocument = "\n mutation removeDrozChatChannel($input: RemoveDrozChatChannelInput!) {\n removeDrozChatChannel(input: $input) {\n ...drozChatChannel\n }\n}\n \n fragment drozChatChannel on DrozChatChannel {\n id\n name\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n ";
export declare const GetTicketDocument = "\n query getTicket($id: ID!) {\n getTicket(id: $id) {\n ...ticket\n sessionAttributes {\n ...sessionAttributes\n }\n }\n}\n \n fragment ticket on Ticket {\n channelId\n id\n state\n status\n priority\n assignee {\n ...drozChatAgent\n }\n customer {\n ...customer\n }\n triggerApp {\n ...ticketTriggerApp\n }\n messagesCount\n lastMessage\n lastMessageAt\n unreadMessagesCount\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n \n fragment drozChatAgent on DrozChatAgent {\n id\n name\n}\n \n\n fragment customer on DrozChatCustomer {\n id\n name\n email\n phone\n document\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n \n\n fragment ticketTriggerApp on TicketTriggerApp {\n drn\n name\n appId\n appName\n appColor\n channels {\n id\n main\n readonly\n hidden\n sources\n unreadMessagesCount\n }\n}\n \n\n fragment sessionAttributes on TicketSessionAttributes {\n order\n organization\n products\n}\n ";
export declare const GetTicketDocument = "\n query getTicket($id: ID!) {\n getTicket(id: $id) {\n ...ticket\n sessionAttributes {\n ...sessionAttributes\n }\n }\n}\n \n fragment ticket on Ticket {\n channelId\n id\n state\n status\n priority\n assignee {\n ...drozChatAgent\n }\n customer {\n ...customer\n }\n triggerApp {\n ...ticketTriggerApp\n }\n messagesCount\n lastMessage\n lastMessageAt\n unreadMessagesCount\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n \n fragment drozChatAgent on DrozChatAgent {\n id\n name\n}\n \n\n fragment customer on DrozChatCustomer {\n id\n name\n email\n phone\n document\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n \n\n fragment ticketTriggerApp on TicketTriggerApp {\n drn\n name\n appId\n appName\n appColor\n channels {\n id\n main\n readonly\n hidden\n sources\n unreadMessagesCount\n }\n}\n \n\n fragment sessionAttributes on TicketSessionAttributes {\n organization\n source\n order\n products\n}\n ";
export declare const ListTicketsDocument = "\n query listTickets($state: TicketState!, $assigneeId: ID, $next: Base64) {\n listTickets(state: $state, assigneeId: $assigneeId, next: $next) {\n nodes {\n ...ticket\n }\n pageInfo {\n hasNext\n next\n }\n }\n}\n \n fragment ticket on Ticket {\n channelId\n id\n state\n status\n priority\n assignee {\n ...drozChatAgent\n }\n customer {\n ...customer\n }\n triggerApp {\n ...ticketTriggerApp\n }\n messagesCount\n lastMessage\n lastMessageAt\n unreadMessagesCount\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n \n fragment drozChatAgent on DrozChatAgent {\n id\n name\n}\n \n\n fragment customer on DrozChatCustomer {\n id\n name\n email\n phone\n document\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n \n\n fragment ticketTriggerApp on TicketTriggerApp {\n drn\n name\n appId\n appName\n appColor\n channels {\n id\n main\n readonly\n hidden\n sources\n unreadMessagesCount\n }\n}\n ";

@@ -575,0 +576,0 @@ export declare const ListTicketsInQueueDocument = "\n query listTicketsInQueue($next: Base64) {\n listTicketsInQueue(next: $next) {\n nodes {\n ...ticket\n }\n pageInfo {\n hasNext\n next\n }\n }\n}\n \n fragment ticket on Ticket {\n channelId\n id\n state\n status\n priority\n assignee {\n ...drozChatAgent\n }\n customer {\n ...customer\n }\n triggerApp {\n ...ticketTriggerApp\n }\n messagesCount\n lastMessage\n lastMessageAt\n unreadMessagesCount\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n \n fragment drozChatAgent on DrozChatAgent {\n id\n name\n}\n \n\n fragment customer on DrozChatCustomer {\n id\n name\n email\n phone\n document\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n \n\n fragment ticketTriggerApp on TicketTriggerApp {\n drn\n name\n appId\n appName\n appColor\n channels {\n id\n main\n readonly\n hidden\n sources\n unreadMessagesCount\n }\n}\n ";

@@ -141,4 +141,5 @@ "use strict";

fragment sessionAttributes on TicketSessionAttributes {

@@ -145,0 +146,0 @@ }

@@ -243,2 +243,3 @@ export type Maybe<T> = T;

sessionId: Scalars['ID']['output'];
source?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']['output']>;
ticketId: Scalars['ID']['output'];

@@ -287,3 +288,3 @@ triggerApp: TriggerApp;

export type GetTicketSessionAttributesQuery = {
getTicketSessionAttributes?: Maybe<(Pick<ZendeskTicketSessionAttributes, 'sessionId' | 'instanceId' | 'order' | 'products' | 'organization'> & {
getTicketSessionAttributes?: Maybe<(Pick<ZendeskTicketSessionAttributes, 'sessionId' | 'instanceId' | 'organization' | 'source' | 'order' | 'products'> & {
customer: ZendeskCustomerFragment;

@@ -318,3 +319,3 @@ triggerApp: Pick<TriggerApp, 'id' | 'name' | 'description'>;

export declare const AssertCanUserInteractDocument = "\n query assertCanUserInteract($ticketId: ID!, $userId: Float!) {\n assertCanUserInteract(ticketId: $ticketId, userId: $userId)\n}\n ";
export declare const GetTicketSessionAttributesDocument = "\n query getTicketSessionAttributes($ticketId: ID!) {\n getTicketSessionAttributes(ticketId: $ticketId) {\n sessionId\n instanceId\n customer {\n ...zendeskCustomer\n }\n order\n products\n organization\n triggerApp {\n id\n name\n description\n }\n }\n}\n \n fragment zendeskCustomer on ZendeskCustomer {\n id\n name\n email\n phone\n externalId\n document\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n ";
export declare const GetTicketSessionAttributesDocument = "\n query getTicketSessionAttributes($ticketId: ID!) {\n getTicketSessionAttributes(ticketId: $ticketId) {\n sessionId\n instanceId\n organization\n customer {\n ...zendeskCustomer\n }\n source\n order\n products\n triggerApp {\n id\n name\n description\n }\n }\n}\n \n fragment zendeskCustomer on ZendeskCustomer {\n id\n name\n email\n phone\n externalId\n document\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n ";
export declare const CreateZendeskInstanceDocument = "\n mutation createZendeskInstance($input: CreateZendeskInstanceInput!) {\n createZendeskInstance(input: $input) {\n ...zendeskInstance\n }\n}\n \n fragment zendeskInstance on ZendeskInstance {\n id\n name\n domain\n credentialId\n closedStatuses\n appChannelRoleMappings {\n appId\n channelId\n zendeskRoleId\n }\n sessionFieldMappings {\n expression\n customFieldId\n }\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n ";

@@ -321,0 +322,0 @@ export declare const UpdateZendeskInstanceDocument = "\n mutation updateZendeskInstance($input: UpdateZendeskInstanceInput!) {\n updateZendeskInstance(input: $input) {\n ...zendeskInstance\n }\n}\n \n fragment zendeskInstance on ZendeskInstance {\n id\n name\n domain\n credentialId\n closedStatuses\n appChannelRoleMappings {\n appId\n channelId\n zendeskRoleId\n }\n sessionFieldMappings {\n expression\n customFieldId\n }\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n}\n ";

@@ -94,8 +94,9 @@ "use strict";

customer {
triggerApp {

@@ -102,0 +103,0 @@ id

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