React component wrapper for Wavesurfer v2
Welcome! This component is still a work in progress, and is heavily based off the previous work done in react-wavesurfer by @mspae (and others). After wavesurfer-js released version 2, and the react-wavesurfer projected became unmaintained, I decided that it was safer to start my own version that I had better control over.
Please report any issues you encounter and I will try my best to get them fixed.
Here's a basic demo and the example code include in this repo:
Here's an example of the personal project where I'm using this code:
npm install --save @dschoon/react-waves
Basic Example
import React from 'react';
import ReactWaves from '@dschoon/react-waves';
import africa from '../audio/africa.mp3';
export default class BasicExample extends React.Component {
state = {
playing: false
render () {
return (
<div className={'container example'}>
<div className="play button" onClick={() => { this.setState({ playing: !this.state.playing }) }}>
{ !this.state.playing ? '▶' : '■' }
barHeight: 2,
cursorWidth: 0,
height: 200,
hideScrollbar: true,
progressColor: '#EC407A',
responsive: true,
waveColor: '#D1D6DA',
Available Props
props = {
playing: PropTypes.bool,
pos: PropTypes.number,
audioFile: (props, propName, componentName) => {
const prop = props[propName];
if (
prop &&
typeof prop !== 'string' &&
!(prop instanceof window.Blob) &&
!(prop instanceof window.File)
) {
return new Error(`Invalid ${propName} supplied to ${componentName}
expected either string or file/blob`);
return null;
mediaElt: PropTypes.oneOfType([
audioPeaks: PropTypes.array,
volume: PropTypes.number,
zoom: PropTypes.number,
onPosChange: PropTypes.func,
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.element, PropTypes.array]),
options: PropTypes.shape({
audioRate: PropTypes.number,
audioContext: PropTypes.object,
audioScriptProcessor: PropTypes.object,
autoCenter: PropTypes.bool,
backend: PropTypes.oneOf(['WebAudio', 'MediaElement']),
barGap: positiveIntegerProptype,
barHeight: positiveIntegerProptype,
barWidth: (props, propName, componentName) => {
const prop = props[propName];
if (prop !== undefined && typeof prop !== 'number') {
return new Error(`Invalid ${propName} supplied to ${componentName}
expected either undefined or number`);
return null;
closeAudioContext: PropTypes.bool,
cursorColor: PropTypes.string,
cursorWidth: positiveIntegerProptype,
fillParent: PropTypes.bool,
forceDecode: PropTypes.bool,
height: positiveIntegerProptype,
hideScrollbar: PropTypes.bool,
interact: PropTypes.bool,
loopSelection: PropTypes.bool,
maxCanvasWidth: positiveIntegerProptype,
mediaControls: PropTypes.bool,
mediaType: PropTypes.oneOf(['audio', 'video']),
minPxPerSec: positiveIntegerProptype,
normalize: PropTypes.bool,
partialRender: PropTypes.bool,
pixelRatio: PropTypes.number,
progressColor: PropTypes.string,
removeMediaElementOnDestroy: PropTypes.bool,
renderer: PropTypes.object,
responsive: PropTypes.bool,
scrollParent: PropTypes.bool,
skipLength: PropTypes.number,
splitChannels: PropTypes.bool,
waveColor: PropTypes.oneOfType([
xhr: PropTypes.object,
MIT © Dan Schoonmaker (github)