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Module base class for E-mc.

  • 0.8.17
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  • NodeJS 14
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import type { LogStatus } from "./squared";

import type { IHost } from "./index";
import type { IAbortComponent, IPermission } from "./core";
import type { LOG_TYPE, STATUS_TYPE, ExecCommand, LogArguments, LogComponent, LogDate, LogFailOptions, LogMessageOptions, LogOptions, LogProcessOptions, LogTime, LogType, LogValue, StatusType } from "./logger";
import type { AsHashOptions, CheckSemVerOptions, CopyDirOptions, CopyDirResult, CopyFileOptions, CreateDirOptions, DeleteFileOptions, GetTempDirOptions, MoveFileOptions, NormalizeFlags, ParseFunctionOptions, PermissionOptions, ProtocolType, ReadBufferOptions, ReadFileCallback, ReadFileOptions, ReadHashOptions, ReadTextOptions, RemoveDirOptions, WriteFileOptions } from "./module";
import type { Settings } from "./node";

import type { SpawnOptions } from "child_process";
import type { BinaryLike } from "crypto";
import type { FileTypeResult } from "file-type";
import type { NoParamCallback } from "fs";

import type * as EventEmitter from "events";

type BufferView = Buffer | string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView;
type CpuUsage = NodeJS.CpuUsage;

interface IModule extends EventEmitter, IAbortComponent {
    readonly status: LogStatus<StatusType>[];
    readonly errors: unknown[];
    supported(major: number, minor?: number, patch?: number, lts?: boolean): boolean;
    supports(name: string, value?: boolean): boolean;
    getTempDir(options: GetTempDirOptions): string;
    getTempDir(uuidDir: boolean, createDir?: boolean): string;
    getTempDir(pathname: string, createDir?: boolean): string;
    getTempDir(uuidDir: boolean, filename: string, createDir?: boolean): string;
    getTempDir(pathname?: string, filename?: string, createDir?: boolean): string;
    canRead(uri: string, options?: PermissionOptions): boolean;
    canWrite(uri: string, options?: PermissionOptions): boolean;
    readFile(src: string): Buffer | undefined;
    readFile(src: string, options?: ReadFileOptions): Promise<Buffer | string> | Buffer | string | undefined;
    readFile(src: string, promises: true): Promise<Buffer | undefined>;
    readFile(src: string, options: ReadFileOptions, promises: true): Promise<Buffer | string | undefined>;
    readFile(src: string, callback: ReadFileCallback<Buffer>): Buffer | undefined;
    readFile(src: string, options: ReadFileOptions, callback: ReadFileCallback<Buffer | string>): Buffer | string | undefined;
    writeFile(src: string, data: BufferView, options?: WriteFileOptions): boolean;
    writeFile(src: string, data: BufferView, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    writeFile(src: string, data: BufferView, options: WriteFileOptions, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    writeFile(src: string, data: BufferView, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    writeFile(src: string, data: BufferView, options: WriteFileOptions, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    deleteFile(src: string, options?: DeleteFileOptions): boolean;
    deleteFile(src: string, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    deleteFile(src: string, options: DeleteFileOptions, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    deleteFile(src: string, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    deleteFile(src: string, options: DeleteFileOptions, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    copyFile(src: string, dest: string, options?: CopyFileOptions): boolean;
    copyFile(src: string, dest: string, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    copyFile(src: string, dest: string, options: CopyFileOptions, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    copyFile(src: string, dest: string, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    copyFile(src: string, dest: string, options: CopyFileOptions, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    moveFile(src: string, dest: string, options?: MoveFileOptions): boolean;
    moveFile(src: string, dest: string, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    moveFile(src: string, dest: string, options: MoveFileOptions, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    moveFile(src: string, dest: string, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    moveFile(src: string, dest: string, options: MoveFileOptions, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    createDir(src: string, options?: CreateDirOptions): boolean;
    createDir(src: string, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    createDir(src: string, options: CreateDirOptions, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    createDir(src: string, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    createDir(src: string, options: CreateDirOptions, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    removeDir(src: string, options?: RemoveDirOptions): boolean;
    removeDir(src: string, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    removeDir(src: string, options: RemoveDirOptions, promises: true): Promise<boolean>;
    removeDir(src: string, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    removeDir(src: string, options: RemoveDirOptions, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
    allSettled(values: readonly PromiseLike<unknown>[], rejected?: LogValue, options?: LogFailOptions | LogType): Promise<PromiseFulfilledResult<unknown>[]>;
    formatMessage(type: LogType, title: string, value: LogValue, message?: unknown, options?: LogMessageOptions): void;
    formatFail(type: LogType, title: string, value: LogValue, message?: unknown, options?: LogFailOptions): void;
    writeFail(value: LogValue, message?: unknown, options?: LogFailOptions | LogType): void;
    writeTimeProcess(title: string, value: string, startTime: LogTime, options?: LogProcessOptions): void;
    writeTimeElapsed(title: string, value: LogValue, startTime: LogTime, options?: LogMessageOptions): void;
    checkPackage(err: unknown, name: string | undefined, options?: LogFailOptions | LogType): boolean;
    checkPackage(err: unknown, name: string | undefined, value?: LogValue, options?: LogFailOptions | LogType): boolean;
    checkFail(message: unknown, options: LogFailOptions): LogArguments | false | undefined;
    writeLog(component: LogComponent, queue?: boolean): void;
    writeLog(type: StatusType, value: unknown, options?: LogOptions): void;
    writeLog(type: StatusType, value: unknown, timeStamp?: LogDate, duration?: number): void;
    addLog(component: LogComponent, queue?: boolean): void;
    addLog(type: StatusType, value: unknown, from: string, source?: string): void;
    addLog(type: StatusType, value: unknown, options?: LogOptions): void;
    addLog(type: StatusType, value: unknown, timeStamp?: LogDate, from?: string, source?: string): void;
    addLog(type: StatusType, value: unknown, timeStamp?: LogDate, duration?: number, from?: string, source?: string): void;
    getLog(...type: StatusType[]): LogStatus<StatusType>[];
    flushLog(): void;
    willAbort(value: unknown): boolean;
    hasOwnPermission(): boolean;
    isFatal(err?: unknown): boolean;
    detach(): void;
    reset(): void;
    get moduleName(): string;
    set host(value);
    get host(): IHost | null;
    set permission(value);
    get permission(): IPermission | null;
    get aborted(): boolean;
    set abortable(value);
    get abortable(): boolean;
    get threadable(): boolean;
    set sessionId(value);
    get sessionId(): string;
    set broadcastId(value);
    get broadcastId(): string | string[];
    get logType(): LOG_TYPE;
    set logLevel(value: number | string);
    get logLevel(): number;
    get statusType(): STATUS_TYPE;
    set tempDir(value);
    get tempDir(): string;

    /* EventEmitter */
    on(event: "exec", listener: (command: ExecCommand, options?: SpawnOptions) => void): this;
    on(event: "error", listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
    on(event: "file:read", listener: (src: string, data: Buffer | string, options?: ReadFileOptions) => void): this;
    on(event: "file:write", listener: (src: string, options?: WriteFileOptions) => void): this;
    on(event: "file:delete", listener: (src: string, options?: DeleteFileOptions) => void): this;
    on(event: "file:copy", listener: (dest: string, options?: CopyFileOptions) => void): this;
    on(event: "file:move", listener: (dest: string, options?: MoveFileOptions) => void): this;
    on(event: "dir:create", listener: (src: string, options?: CreateDirOptions) => void): this;
    on(event: "dir:remove", listener: (src: string, options?: RemoveDirOptions) => void): this;
    once(event: "exec", listener: (command: ExecCommand, options?: SpawnOptions) => void): this;
    once(event: "error", listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
    once(event: "file:read", listener: (src: string, data: Buffer | string, options?: ReadFileOptions) => void): this;
    once(event: "file:write", listener: (src: string, options?: WriteFileOptions) => void): this;
    once(event: "file:delete", listener: (src: string, options?: DeleteFileOptions) => void): this;
    once(event: "file:copy", listener: (dest: string, options?: CopyFileOptions) => void): this;
    once(event: "file:move", listener: (dest: string, options?: MoveFileOptions) => void): this;
    once(event: "dir:create", listener: (src: string, options?: CreateDirOptions) => void): this;
    once(event: "dir:remove", listener: (src: string, options?: RemoveDirOptions) => void): this;
    emit(event: "exec", command: ExecCommand, options?: SpawnOptions): boolean;
    emit(event: "error", err: Error): boolean;
    emit(event: "file:read", src: string, data: Buffer | string, options?: ReadFileOptions): boolean;
    emit(event: "file:write", src: string, options?: WriteFileOptions): boolean;
    emit(event: "file:delete", src: string, options?: DeleteFileOptions): boolean;
    emit(event: "file:copy", dest: string, options?: CopyFileOptions): boolean;
    emit(event: "file:move", dest: string, options?: MoveFileOptions): boolean;
    emit(event: "dir:create", src: string, options?: CreateDirOptions): boolean;
    emit(event: "dir:remove", src: string, options?: RemoveDirOptions): boolean;

interface ModuleConstructor {
    PROCESS_TIMEOUT: number;
    LOG_STYLE_FAIL: LogMessageOptions;
    LOG_STYLE_SUCCESS: LogMessageOptions;
    LOG_STYLE_INFO: LogMessageOptions;
    LOG_STYLE_WARN: LogMessageOptions;
    LOG_STYLE_NOTICE: LogMessageOptions;
    LOG_STYLE_REVERSE: LogMessageOptions;
    readonly VERSION: string;
    readonly LOG_TYPE: LOG_TYPE;
    readonly MAX_TIMEOUT: number;
    readonly TEMP_DIR: string;
    supported(major: number, minor?: number, patch?: number, lts?: boolean): boolean;
    formatMessage(type: LogType, title: string, value: LogValue, message?: unknown, options?: LogMessageOptions): void;
    writeFail(value: LogValue, message?: unknown, options?: LogFailOptions | LogType): void;
    enabled(key: string, username?: string): boolean;
    parseFunction(value: unknown, options?: ParseFunctionOptions): ((...args: unknown[]) => Promise<unknown> | unknown) | null;
    parseFunction(value: unknown, absolute: boolean, sync?: boolean): ((...args: unknown[]) => Promise<unknown> | unknown) | null;
    asString(value: unknown, cacheKey?: boolean | "throws"): string;
    asHash(data: BinaryLike, options: AsHashOptions): string;
    asHash(data: BinaryLike, digest: unknown): string;
    asHash(data: BinaryLike, algorithm?: NumString | AsHashOptions, digest?: unknown): string;
    readHash(value: string | URL, options?: ReadHashOptions): Promise<string>;
    toPosix(value: unknown, normalize: boolean): string;
    toPosix(value: unknown, filename?: string, normalize?: boolean): string;
    hasLogType(value: LogType): boolean;
    isURL(value: string, ...exclude: string[]): boolean;
    isFile(value: string | URL, type?: ProtocolType): boolean;
    isDir(value: string | URL): boolean;
    isPath(value: string | URL, type?: "unc" | "unc-exists"): boolean;
    isPath(value: string | URL, isFile?: boolean): boolean;
    isErrorCode(err: unknown, ...code: string[]): boolean;
    fromLocalPath(value: string): string;
    resolveFile(value: string): string;
    resolvePath(value: string, base: string | URL): string;
    joinPath(...values: [...paths: unknown[], normalize: boolean][]): string;
    joinPath(...values: unknown[]): string;
    normalizePath(value: unknown, flags?: boolean | NormalizeFlags): string;
    createDir(value: string | URL, overwrite?: boolean): boolean;
    removeDir(value: string | URL, sinceCreated: number, recursive?: boolean): boolean;
    removeDir(value: string | URL, empty?: boolean, recursive?: boolean): boolean;
    copyDir(src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: CopyDirOptions): Promise<CopyDirResult>;
    copyDir(src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, move?: boolean, recursive?: boolean): Promise<CopyDirResult>;
    renameFile(src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, throws?: boolean): boolean;
    streamFile(src: string, cache: boolean): Promise<Buffer | string>;
    streamFile(src: string, options: ReadBufferOptions): Promise<Buffer | string>;
    streamFile(src: string, cache?: boolean | ReadBufferOptions, options?: ReadBufferOptions): Promise<Buffer | string>;
    readText(value: string | URL, cache: boolean): string;
    readText(value: string | URL, options: ReadTextOptions): Promise<string> | string;
    readText(value: string | URL, encoding?: BufferEncoding | boolean | ReadTextOptions, cache?: boolean): string;
    readBuffer(value: string | URL, options: ReadBufferOptions): Promise<Buffer | null> | Buffer | null;
    readBuffer(value: string | URL, cache?: boolean): Buffer | null;
    resolveMime(data: string | Buffer | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
    lookupMime(value: string, extension?: boolean): string;
    initCpuUsage(instance?: IModule): CpuUsage;
    getCpuUsage(start: CpuUsage, format: true): string;
    getCpuUsage(start: CpuUsage, format?: boolean): number;
    getMemUsage(format: true): string;
    getMemUsage(format?: boolean): number;
    formatCpuMem(start: CpuUsage, all?: boolean): string;
    getPackageVersion(name: string | [string, string], startDir: string, baseDir?: string): string;
    getPackageVersion(name: string | [string, string], unstable?: boolean, startDir?: string, baseDir?: string): string;
    checkSemVer(name: string | [string, string], options: CheckSemVerOptions): boolean;
    checkSemVer(name: string | [string, string], min: number | string, max: number | string, options: CheckSemVerOptions): boolean;
    checkSemVer(name: string | [string, string], min: number | string, max?: number | string, unstable?: boolean, startDir?: string): boolean;
    sanitizeCmd(value: string): string;
    sanitizeArgs(value: string, doubleQuote?: boolean): string;
    sanitizeArgs(values: string[], doubleQuote?: boolean): string[];
    purgeMemory(percent: number, parent: boolean | number): Promise<number>;
    purgeMemory(percent?: number, limit?: number, parent?: boolean | number): Promise<number>;
    canWrite(name: "temp" | "home"): boolean;
    loadSettings(settings: Settings, password?: string): boolean;
    readonly prototype: IModule<IHost>;
    new(): IModule<IHost>;






Package last updated on 24 Aug 2024

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