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@effect/schema - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.33.0 to 0.33.1


"name": "@effect/schema",
"version": "0.33.0",
"version": "0.33.1",
"description": "Modeling the schema of data structures as first-class values",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

@@ -913,2 +913,89 @@ <h3 align="center">

## Classes
As an alternative to the `struct` constructor, you can create schemas as classes by extending the `Class` utility.
They offer a few conveniences that can help with some common use cases:
- define a schema and an opaque type in one pass
- attach common functionality using class methods or getters
- check equality by value and hashing (`Class` implements `Data.Case`)
Take a look at the following example:
import * as S from "@effect/schema/Schema";
// Define your schema by extending `Class` with the desired fields
class Person extends S.Class({
id: S.number,
name: S.string
}) {
// Add getters and methods
get upperName() {
// Extend an existing schema `Class` using the `extend` utility
class PersonWithAge extends Person.extend({
age: S.number
}) {
get isAdult() {
return this.age >= 18;
// You can use the class constructor to validate and then create a new instance from some properties
const tim = new Person({ id: 1, name: "Tim" });
// $ExpectType Schema<{ readonly id: number; name: string; }, Person>
// $ExpectType Schema<{ readonly id: number; name: string; }, { readonly id: number; name: string; }>
#### Transforms
You can enhance a class with (effectful) transforms. This can be useful if you want to embellish or validate an entity from a data store.
import * as Effect from "@effect/io/Effect";
import * as S from "@effect/schema/Schema";
import * as O from "@effect/data/Option";
import * as PR from "@effect/schema/ParseResult";
class Person extends S.Class({
id: S.number,
name: S.string
function fetchThing(id: number): Effect.Effect<never, Error, string> { ... }
class PersonWithTransform extends Person.transform(
thing: S.optional(S.string).toOption(),
(input) =>
Effect.mapBoth(fetchThing(, {
onFailure: (e) => PR.parseError([PR.type(S.string, input, e.message)]),
onSuccess: (thing) => ({ ...input, thing: O.some(thing) })
) {}
class PersonWithTransformFrom extends Person.transformFrom(
thing: S.optional(S.string).toOption(),
(input) =>
Effect.mapBoth(fetchThing(, {
onFailure: (e) => PR.parseError([PR.type(S.string, input, e.message)]),
onSuccess: (thing) => ({ ...input, thing })
) {}
## Pick

@@ -1127,4 +1214,2 @@

import * as Effect from "@effect/io/Effect";
import fetch from "node-fetch";
import { pipe } from "@effect/data/Function";
import * as TF from "@effect/schema/TreeFormatter";

@@ -1150,7 +1235,6 @@

(s) =>
(e) => PR.parseError([PR.type(PeopleId.ast, s, e.message)]),
() => s
Effect.mapBoth(api(`${s}`), {
onFailure: (e) => PR.parseError([PR.type(PeopleId.ast, s, e.message)]),
onSuccess: () => s

@@ -1160,3 +1244,3 @@ );

const parse = (id: string) =>
Effect.mapError(S.parseEffect(PeopleIdFromString)(id), (e) =>
Effect.mapError(S.parse(PeopleIdFromString)(id), (e) =>

@@ -1163,0 +1247,0 @@ );

@@ -317,6 +317,26 @@ /**

* @since 1.0.0
export type StructFields = Record<PropertyKey, Schema<any> | Schema<never> | PropertySignature<any, boolean, any, boolean> | PropertySignature<never, boolean, never, boolean>>;
* @since 1.0.0
export type FromStruct<Fields extends StructFields> = {
readonly [K in Exclude<keyof Fields, FromOptionalKeys<Fields>>]: From<Fields[K]>;
} & {
readonly [K in FromOptionalKeys<Fields>]?: From<Fields[K]>;
* @since 1.0.0
export type ToStruct<Fields extends StructFields> = {
readonly [K in Exclude<keyof Fields, ToOptionalKeys<Fields>>]: To<Fields[K]>;
} & {
readonly [K in ToOptionalKeys<Fields>]?: To<Fields[K]>;
* @category combinators
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const struct: <Fields extends Record<PropertyKey, Schema<any, any> | Schema<never, never> | PropertySignature<any, boolean, any, boolean> | PropertySignature<never, boolean, never, boolean>>>(fields: Fields) => Schema<Spread<{ readonly [K in Exclude<keyof Fields, FromOptionalKeys<Fields>>]: From<Fields[K]>; } & { readonly [K_1 in FromOptionalKeys<Fields>]?: From<Fields[K_1]>; }>, Spread<{ readonly [K_2 in Exclude<keyof Fields, ToOptionalKeys<Fields>>]: To<Fields[K_2]>; } & { readonly [K_3 in ToOptionalKeys<Fields>]?: To<Fields[K_3]>; }>>;
export declare const struct: <Fields extends StructFields>(fields: Fields) => Schema<Spread<FromStruct<Fields>>, Spread<ToStruct<Fields>>>;

@@ -504,2 +524,32 @@ * @category combinators

export declare const documentation: (documentation: AST.DocumentationAnnotation) => <I, A>(self: Schema<I, A>) => Schema<I, A>;
* @category classes
* @since 1.0.0
export interface Class<I, A, Inherited = {}> {
new (props: A): A & D.Case & Omit<Inherited, keyof A>;
schema<T extends new (...args: any) => any>(this: T): Schema<I, InstanceType<T>>;
schemaStruct(): Schema<I, A>;
extend<T extends new (...args: any) => any, Fields extends StructFields>(this: T, fields: Fields): Class<Spread<Omit<Class.From<T>, keyof Fields> & FromStruct<Fields>>, Spread<Omit<Class.To<T>, keyof Fields> & ToStruct<Fields>>, InstanceType<T>>;
transform<T extends new (...args: any) => any, Fields extends StructFields>(this: T, fields: Fields, decode: (input: Class.To<T>) => ParseResult<Omit<Class.To<T>, keyof Fields> & ToStruct<Fields>>, encode: (input: Omit<Class.To<T>, keyof Fields> & ToStruct<Fields>) => ParseResult<Class.To<T>>): Class<Class.From<T>, Spread<Omit<Class.To<T>, keyof Fields> & ToStruct<Fields>>, InstanceType<T>>;
transformFrom<T extends new (...args: any) => any, Fields extends StructFields>(this: T, fields: Fields, decode: (input: Class.From<T>) => ParseResult<Omit<Class.From<T>, keyof Fields> & FromStruct<Fields>>, encode: (input: Omit<Class.From<T>, keyof Fields> & FromStruct<Fields>) => ParseResult<Class.From<T>>): Class<Class.From<T>, Spread<Omit<Class.To<T>, keyof Fields> & ToStruct<Fields>>, InstanceType<T>>;
* @since 1.0.0
export declare namespace Class {
* @since 1.0.0
type To<A> = A extends Class<infer _F, infer T> ? T : never;
* @since 1.0.0
type From<A> = A extends Class<infer F, infer _T> ? F : never;
* @category classes
* @since 1.0.0
export declare const Class: <Fields extends StructFields>(fields: Fields) => Class<Spread<FromStruct<Fields>>, Spread<ToStruct<Fields>>, {}>;
declare const _undefined: Schema<undefined>;

@@ -506,0 +556,0 @@ declare const _void: Schema<void>;

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