Shared library for microservices, written for Node.js, in TypeScript.
Execute the following command from your project folder, where your package.json
file is stored:
npm install --save @egomobile/microservices
Hash passwords with bcrypt:
import { checkPassword, checkPasswordSync, hashPassword, hashPasswordSync } from '@egomobile/microservices';
const hash1 = await hashPassword('test');
const doesMatch1 = await checkPassword('test', hash1);
const hash2 = hashPasswordSync('test');
const doesMatch2 = checkPasswordSync('Test', hash2);
Sign and verify JSON Web Tokens:
import { signJWT, verifyJWT } from '@egomobile/microservices';
interface IUserToken {
uuid: string;
const jwt = signJWT({
uuid: 'cb246b52-b8cd-4916-bfad-6bfc43845597'
const decodedToken = verifyJWT<IUserToken>(jwt);
Use predefined Express middleware to verify and decode JWTs:
import express from 'express';
import { withJWT } from '@egomobile/microservices';
const app = express();
app.get('/', withJWT(), async (request, response) => {
app.listen(4242, () => {
console.log('Service is listening ...');
Azure AD
You can connect with Azure AD, by using passport and passport-azure-ad modules:
import express from 'express';
import { setupAppForAzureAD } from '@egomobile/microservices';
const app = express();
const { withAzureADBearer } = setupAppForAzureAD(app);
app.get('/', withAzureADBearer(), async (request, response) => {
const authInfo: any = request.authInfo;
return response.json(authInfo);
app.listen(4242, () => {
console.log('Service is listening ...');
Name | Description | Example |
APPLICATION_INSIGHTS_KEY | Application Insights key. | dd7589fc-1cf9-413e-bf6c-aa1253858b55 |
AZURE_AD_AUDIENCE | Azure AD audience. | 6b3c51b9-7cc0-4327-a901-e5b889efbbaa |
AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID | App ID for Azure AD. | 6b3c51b9-7cc0-4327-a901-e5b889efbbaa |
AZURE_AD_IDENTITY_METADATA | Identity metadata. | https://myazuread.b2clogin.com/myazuread.onmicrosoft.com/my_policy/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration |
AZURE_AD_IS_B2C | true if Azure AD is running in B2C context. | true |
AZURE_AD_LOGGING_LEVEL | Azure ADlogging level. Possible values are error , info or warn . | info |
AZURE_AD_PASS_REQ_TO_CALLBACK | true if Azure AD request should be passed to callback. | false |
AZURE_AD_POLICY_NAME | Azure AD policy name. | my_policy |
AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_* | The string of the connection to the storage. | DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;....windows.net |
AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_*_CONTAINER | The name of the underlying container. | my_container |
AZURE_AD_VALIDATE_ISSUER | true if Azure AD issuer should be validated or not. | false |
BCRYPT_ROUNDS | The number of rounds for bcrypt hashing. Default: 10 | 12 |
EMAIL_FROM | The email from field. | no-reply@e-go-mobile.com |
EMAIL_HOST | The host for sending mail. | smtp.office365.com |
EMAIL_PASSWORD | The email password for authentication. | <some secure password> |
EMAIL_PORT | The port for sending mail. | 587 |
EMAIL_SECURE | Should the email be send encryted? | false |
EMAIL_USER | The email user for authentication. | no-reply@e-go-mobile.com |
EMAIL_TO | The email to field. | some@address.com |
JWT_SECRET | The secret for signing and validating JWT. | mySecretJWTSecret |
LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT | true if app running in local development context or not. | false |
LOG_LEVEL | The name of the logging level. | debug |
MONGO_DB | The name of the database to connect to. | myDatabase |
MONGO_IS_LAZY | If true , MongoDatabase will throw an error, if not enough configuration data is available, the first time an instance of it is used, instead the time an instance of it is created. | true |
MONGO_URL | The connection URL. | mongodb://mongo.example.com:27017 |
NATS_CLUSTER_ID | The name of the cluster, that contains all microservices. | my-cluster |
NATS_GROUP | The name of the pod group / Kubernetes deployment. | my-service-or-deployment |
NATS_URL | The URL to the NATS server. | http://my-nats-service:4222 |
POD_NAME | The name of the pod. This should come as imported metadata from Kubernetes. | my-service-or-deployment-xcsgbxv |
The library uses winston as logger:
import { logger } from '@egomobile/microservices';
logger.info('Hello e.GO!', {
file: __filename
Application Insights
Setup Application Insights:
import { setupApplicationInsights } from '@egomobile/microservices';
Use schema
namespace, which is a link to embedded joi module, and build-in middlewares to validate input.
import { schema, withDataURI, withSchema } from '@egomobile/microservices';
interface IMySchema {
email?: string;
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
const mySchema = schema.object({
email: schema.string().strict().trim().email().optional()
first_name: schema.string().strict().trim().min(1).required()
last_name: schema.string().strict().trim().min(1).required()
app.post('/user/register', withSchema(mySchema), async (request, response) => {
const body: IMySchema = request.body;
app.put('/user/image', withDataURI(), async (request, response) => {
const mime = request.headers['content-type'] as string;
const body: Buffer = request.body;
Use MongoDatabase
class, which has simple support to handle MongoDB connections:
import { MongoDatabase } from '@egomobile/microservices';
const mongo = new MongoDatabase();
await mongoDb.connect();
await mongo.insert('myCollection', [{
uuid: '8d41b8fc-2110-4b05-91ff-0a40c007be9d',
last_name: 'Kloubert',
first_name: 'Marcel'
}, {
uuid: '90b7191d-44ce-43c9-a6e3-b777a8b9c8a6',
last_name: 'M',
first_name: 'Tanja'
const docs = await mongo.find('myCollection', {
first_name: 'Tanja'
const docsCount = await mongo.count('myCollection', {
first_name: 'Marcel'
Connect to a NATS server:
import { stan } from '@egomobile/microservices';
await stan.connect();
Listen for events:
import { NatsListener } from '@egomobile/microservices';
interface IMyEvent {
foo: string;
bar: number;
const myEventListener = new NatsListener<IMyEvent>('my.event');
myEventListener.onMessage = async (context) => {
Publish events:
import { NatsPublisher } from '@egomobile/microservices';
interface IMyEvent {
foo: string;
bar: number;
const myEventPublisher = new NatsPublisher<IMyEvent>('my.event');
await myEventPublisher.publish({
foo: "TM+MK",
bar: 42
The API documentation can be found here.