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@enact/core - npm Package Versions






[3.0.0-beta.1] - 2019-07-15


  • core/kind config property contextTypes
  • i18n/ilib embedded copy of iLib in favour of the NPM package ilib
  • small prop in moonstone/Input, moonstone/ToggleButton, moonstone/Button, moonstone/Icon, moonstone/IconButton, and moonstone/LabeledIcon, replaced by size prop, which accepts "small" or "large"
  • moonstone/Divider, replaced by moonstone/Heading


  • ilib@^14.2.0 package as a peer dependency for @enact/i18n and @enact/moonstone, which apps will need to include
  • moonstone/Dropdown widths tiny, and huge
  • ui/VirtualList.VirtualGridList and ui/VirtualList.VirtualList support for resizing a window


  • Moonstone Fonts to use the updated names of global fonts available in the system
  • core/platform logic for webOS detection
  • moonstone/Popup to properly handle closing in mid-transition
  • moonstone/Scroller to properly move focus out of the container
  • moonstone/VirtualList to allow keydown events to bubble up when not handled by the component
  • moonstone/IncrementSlider to support aria-label when disabled
  • moonstone/LabeledItem to not clip the bottom of descender glyphs in large text mode
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList to focus an item properly after an update
  • moonstone/Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList not to scroll too far by page up/down keys
  • spotlight/SpotlightContainerDecorator to correctly forward onFocusCapture and onBlurCapture events
  • ui/Icon to support arbitrary icon name strings, like in material icons
published 3.0.0-alpha.7 •



[3.0.0-alpha.7] - 2019-06-24


  • sampler look and feel by updating to Storybook 5 and applying an Enact theme


  • moonstone/Dropdown to scroll to and focus the selected item when opened
  • moonstone/ExpandableItem.ExpandableItemBase to not error if onClose or onOpen was not supplied
  • moonstone/GridListImageItem to support overriding the image CSS class name
  • moonstone/Scroller to scroll and to move focus to the paging control properly if the current item sticking to the top is only spottable
  • moonstone/VirtualList to scroll to the focused item when navigating out of the viewport via 5-way
published 3.0.0-alpha.6 •



[3.0.0-alpha.6] - 2019-06-17


  • i18n/Uppercase HOC, replaced by i18n/util casing functions
  • moonstone/Divider, moonstone/Dialog, and moonstone/Heading prop casing


  • moonstone/Dropdown to support voice readout
  • moonstone/Dropdown remaining open after it becomes disabled
  • ui/ViewManager to correctly arrange views when initially rendering a non-zero index
published 3.0.0-alpha.5 •



[3.0.0-alpha.5] - 2019-06-10


  • moonstone/Dropdown property width to support 'small', 'medium', and 'large' sizes
  • ui/Toggleable HOC config prop eventProps to allow wrapped components to specify additional event information


  • Fonts for non-Latin to not intermix font weights for bold when using a combination of Latin and non-Latin glyphs
  • moonstone/VirtualList to restore focus to an item when scrollbars are visible
  • ui/ToggleItem to send its value prop when toggled
published 2.5.3 •



[2.5.3] - 2019-06-06


  • moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator imperative methods to be correctly bound to the instance
  • moonstone/ExpandableInput to retain focus when touching within the input field on touch platforms
  • moonstone/ExpandableList to not error if selected is passed as an array to a non-multi-select list
  • moonstone/Input refocusing on touch on iOS
  • moonstone/Scroller to allow changing spotlight focus to opposite scroll button when switching to 5way mode
  • moonstone/Scroller and moonstone/VirtualList to animate with 5-way navigation by default
  • moonstone/Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList to change spotlight focus due to touch events
  • moonstone/Slider to not scroll the viewport when dragging on touch platforms
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to correctly handle touch events while moving slider knobs
  • spotlight to unspot the current element when tapping on non-spottable target on touch platforms
  • ui/Scroller, ui/VirtualList, and ui/VirtualGridList to size properly
  • ui/Scroller, ui/VirtualList, and ui/VirtualGridList to scroll correctly on iOS and Safari
  • ui/Touchable to not misfire a hold pulse when a drag re-enters a touch target and cancelOnMove is set
  • ui/ViewManager to correctly handle transitioning quickly between two children
published 3.0.0-alpha.4 •



[3.0.0-alpha.4] - 2019-06-03


  • moonstone/Dropdown to prevent spotlight moving out of the popup
  • moonstone/Dropdown to use radio selection which allows only changing the selection but not deselection


  • Non-Latin locale font assignments to match the new font family support in LG Smart UI
  • moonstone/Checkbox, moonstone/FormCheckbox, moonstone/Panels.Header, moonstone/RadioItem, moonstone/Slider, and moonstone/Switch to render correctly in high contrast
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to hide scrim for high contrast if bottom controls are hidden
published 3.0.0-alpha.3 •



[3.0.0-alpha.3] - 2019-05-29


  • moonstone/Panels support for managing share state of contained components
  • moonstone/Scroller and moonstone/VirtualList support for restoring scroll position when within a moonstone/Panels.Panel
  • moonstone/Panels.Header sample


  • moonstone/Scroller to scroll when no spottable child exists in the pressed 5-way key direction and, when focusableScrollbar is set, focus the scrollbar button
  • ui/ViewManager to use Web Animations instead of animation callbacks to improve performance resulting in API changes to Arranger and the pre-configured arrangers SlideArranger, SlideBottomArranger, SlideLeftArranger, SlideRightArranger, and SlideTopArranger


  • Fonts to correctly use the new font files and updated the international font name from "Moonstone LG Display" to "Moonstone Global"
  • moonstone/Dropdown children propType so it supports the same format as ui/Group (an array of strings or an array of objects with props)
  • moonstone/FormCheckbox, moonstone/Input, moonstone/ProgressBar, moonstone/RadioItem, moonstone/SwitchItem, and moonstone/Tooltip light skin colors.
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to have correct sized control buttons
published 3.0.0-alpha.2 •



[3.0.0-alpha.2] - 2019-05-20


  • moonstone/Heading prop spacing with default value 'small'


  • moonstone/Button background colors for translucent and lightTranslucent
  • moonstone/Checkbox by updating colors for both dark and light skins
  • moonstone/DaySelector item text size in large-text mode
  • moonstone/Dropdown popup scroller arrows showing in non-latin locales and added large-text mode support
  • moonstone/FormCheckboxItem to match the designs
  • moonstone/Panels.Header with Input to not have a distracting white background color
  • moonstone/Input caret color to match the designs (black bar on white background, white bar on black background, standard inversion)
  • moonstone/Item height in non-latin locales
  • moonstone/RadioItem and moonstone/SelectableItem icon size in large-text mode
published 3.0.0-alpha.1 •



[3.0.0-alpha.1] - 2019-05-15

NOTE: Support for 2019 TV platform (Blink <68) has been dropped from this version of Enact


  • moonstone/Button and moonstone/Panels.Header prop casing which is no longer supported
  • moonstone/Input.InputBase prop focused which was used to indicate when the internal input field had focused but was replaced by the :focus-within pseudo-selector
  • moonstone/VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList property isItemDisabled


  • core/util.clamp to safely clamp a value between min and max bounds
  • moonstone/BodyText prop size to offer a new "small" size
  • moonstone/Button prop iconPosition
  • moonstone/ContextualPopup config noArrow
  • moonstone/Dropdown component
  • moonstone/Panels.Header prop centered to support immersive apps with a completely centered design
  • moonstone/Heading component, an improved version of moonstone/Divider with additional features
  • moonstone/Panels slot <controls> to easily add custom controls next to the Panels' "close" button
  • moonstone/Spinner prop size to support a new "small" size for use inside SlotItem components
  • moonstone/TooltipDecorator prop tooltipRelative and moonstone/TooltipDecorator.Tooltip prop relative to support relative positioning. This is an advanced feature and requires a container with specific rules. See documentation for details.
  • ui/Button public class .hasIcon which is present on the root node only when an icon has been provided
  • ui/Heading component
  • ui/Measurable HOC and Hook for quick and convenient measuring of simple components
  • ui/Scroller, ui/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and ui/VirtualList.VirtualList prop noScrollByWheel for preventing scroll by wheel


  • moonstone/Button.ButtonDecorator to remove i18n/Uppercase HOC
  • moonstone/Button, moonstone/Checkbox, moonstone/CheckboxItem, moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator, moonstone/FormCheckbox, moonstone/FormCheckboxItem, moonstone/Panels.Header, moonstone/Notification, moonstone/RadioItem, and moonstone/Tooltip appearance to match the latest designs
  • moonstone/Button, moonstone/Dropdown, moonstone/Icon, moonstone/IconButton, moonstone/Input, and moonstone/ToggleButton default size to "small", which unifies their initial heights
  • moonstone/DaySelector to have squared check boxes to match the rest of the checkmark components
  • moonstone/LabeledIcon and moonstone/LabeledIconButton text size to be smaller
  • moonstone/Panel and moonstone/Panels now allocate slightly more screen edge space for a cleaner look
  • moonstone/Scroller.Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList scrollbar button to gain focus when pressing a page up or down key if focusableScrollbar is true
  • spotlight/Spottable to allow disabled items to be focused
  • global styling rules affecting standard font-weight, disabled opacity, and LESS color variable definitions


  • ui/Measurable to remeasure after a re-layout so the measurement value is always correct
  • ui/Scroller, ui/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and ui/VirtualList.VirtualList not to scroll by wheel at the same time when multiple lists/scrollers are nested
published 2.5.2 •



[2.5.2] - 2019-04-23


  • moonstone/EditableIntegerPicker text alignment when not editing the value
  • moonstone/Scroller to scroll via dragging when the platform has touch support
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to continue to display the thumbnail image while the slider is focused
  • ui/Skinnable to allow overriding default skinVariant values
  • ui/Touchable to prevent events firing on different nodes for the same touch action
  • ui/Touchable to neither force focus to components nor blur components after they are touched
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