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@enact/spotlight - npm Package Versions






[2.0.0-rc.2] - 2018-07-16


  • spotlight debugging to visualize which components will be targeted as the next component for any 5-way direction


  • moonstone/Input to not focus by tab key
  • moonstone/Picker to properly set focus when navigating between buttons
  • moonstone/ProgressBar.ProgressBarTooltip unknown props warning
  • moonstone/Scrollable to disable spotlight container during flick events only when contents can scroll
  • moonstone/Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList to scroll properly when animate is false via scrollTo
  • moonstone/Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList page controls to stop propagating an event when the event is handled
  • moonstone/Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList to hide overscroll effect when focus is moved from a disabled paging control button to the opposite button
  • moonstone/Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList to show overscroll effect when reaching the edge for the first time by wheel
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to display feedback tooltip when pointer leaves slider while playing
  • moonstone/VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualGridList to restore focus on items focused by pointer
published 2.0.0-rc.1 •



[2.0.0-rc.1] - 2018-07-09


  • core/util.withContextFromProps function
  • i18n/I18nDecorator.contextTypes, replaced by i18n/I18nDecorator.I18nContextDecorator
  • moonstone/Button built-in support for tooltips
  • ui/FloatingLayer.contextTypes export
  • ui/Marquee.controlContextTypes export
  • ui/Placeholder.contextTypes export
  • ui/Resizable.contextTypes export


  • i18n/I18nDecorator.I18nContextDecorator HOC to support notification of locale changes
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList support data-webos-voice-focused and data-webos-voice-group-label


  • moonstone/Spinner to blur Spotlight when the spinner is active


  • i18n/Uppercase to apply the designated casing prop format to each child instead of only the first child
  • moonstone/Scroller.Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList to handle direction, page up, and page down keys properly on page controls them when focusableScrollbar is false
  • moonstone/Scroller.Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList to handle a page up or down key in pointer mode
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer.MediaControls to correctly handle more button color when the prop is not specified
published 2.0.0-beta.9 •



[2.0.0-beta.9] - 2018-07-02


  • moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator instance method positionContextualPopup()
  • moonstone/MoonstoneDecorator config property disableFullscreen to prevent the decorator from filling the entire screen
  • moonstone/Scroller prop onUpdate


  • moonstone/Scrollable to update scroll properly on pointer click
  • moonstone/TooltipDecorator to prevent unnecessary re-renders when losing focus
  • moonstone/TooltipDecorator to not dismiss the tooltip on pointer click
published 2.0.0-beta.8 •



[2.0.0-beta.8] - 2018-06-25


  • moonstone/Scroller.Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList support for scrolling via voice control on webOS
  • moonstone/Scroller.Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList overscroll effect when the edges are reached


  • moonstone/Divider property marqueeOn default value to render
  • moonstone/Scroller.Scroller, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList scrollbar button to move a previous or next page when pressing a page up or down key instead of releasing it


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to prevent updating state when the source is changed to the preload source, but the current preload source is the same
  • moonstone/MediaOverlay to marquee correctly
  • moonstone/MediaOverlay to match UX guidelines
  • spotlight/Spottable to retain focus for disabled component after updates
  • spotlight/Spottable to emulate onMouseUp events that occur immediately after a non-enter key press
  • spotlight/Spottable to prevent scroll on focus on webOS
  • ui/VirtualList to allow scrolling on focus by default on webOS
published 2.0.0-beta.7 •



[2.0.0-beta.7] - 2018-06-11


  • i18n/Uppercase property preserveCase, replaced by casing
  • moonstone/Dialog properties preserveCase and showDivider, replaced by casing and noDivider respectively
  • moonstone/Divider property preserveCase, replaced by casing
  • moonstone/ExpandableInput property onInputChange, replaced by onChange
  • moonstone/MoonstoneDecorator.TextSizeDecorator, replaced by moonstone/MoonstoneDecorator.AccessibilityDecorator
  • moonstone/Panels.Header property preserveCase, replaced by casing
  • moonstone/Panels.Panel property noAutoFocus, replaced by autoFocus
  • moonstone/TooltipDecorator property tooltipPreserveCase, replaced by tooltipCasing


  • ui/FloatingLayer.FloatingLayerBase export


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to allow spotlight focus to move left and right from MediaControls
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to disable bottom controls when loading until it's playable
  • ui/FloatingLayer to call onOpen only after it is rendered


  • moonstone/EditableIntegerPicker to disable itself when on a range consisting of a single static value
  • moonstone/Picker to disable itself when containing fewer than two items
  • moonstone/Popup to spot its content correctly when open by default
  • moonstone/RangePicker to disable itself when on a range consisting of a single static value
  • moonstone/TooltipDecorator to hide when onDismiss has been invoked
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to show media controls when pressing down in pointer mode
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to provide a more natural 5-way focus behavior
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer.MediaControls to handle left and right key to jump when moonstone/VideoPlayer is focused
  • ui/MarqueeDecorator to stop marqueeing when using hover and pointer hides
published 2.0.0-beta.6 •



[2.0.0-beta.6] - 2018-06-04


  • moonstone/IncrementSlider prop children which was no longer supported for setting the tooltip (since 2.0.0-beta.1)


  • moonstone/Scroller to check focus possibilities first then go to fallback at the top of the container of focused item
  • moonstone/Scroller to scroll by page when focus was at the edge of the viewport
  • moonstone/ToggleButton padding and orientation for RTL
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to not hide title and info section when showing more components
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to select a position in slider to seek in 5-way mode
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to show thumbnail only when focused on slider
  • spotlight to provide more natural 5-way behavior
  • spotlight to handle pointer events only when pointer has moved
  • spotlight to update the last focused container when unable to set focus within that container
  • spotlight/Spottable to not trigger a scroll on focus on webOS
  • ui/FloatingLayer to render correctly if already opened at mounting time
  • webos/speech method readAlert to subscribe to changes in audio guidance to improve speech response time
published 2.0.0-beta.5 •



[2.0.0-beta.5] - 2018-05-29


  • moonstone/Popup, moonstone/Dialog and moonstone/Notification property spotlightRestrict option 'none'
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer prop preloadSource, to be replaced by moonstone/VideoPlayer.Video prop preloadSource
  • moonstone/Button and moonstone/IconButton allowed value 'opaque' from prop backgroundOpacity which was the default and therefore has the same effect as omitting the prop


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer props selection and onSeekOutsideRange to support selecting a range and notification of interactions outside of that range
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer.Video component to support preloading video sources
  • ui/FloatingLayerDecorator imperative API to close all floating layers registered in the same id
  • ui/ProgressBar and ui/Slider prop progressAnchor to configure from where in the progress bar or slider progress should begin
  • ui/Slider prop progressBarComponent to support customization of progress bar within a slider
  • ui/ForwardRef HOC to adapt React.forwardRef to HOC chains
  • ui/Media component


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer.videoComponent prop to default to ui/Media.Media instead of 'video'. As a result, to use a custom video element, one must pass an instance of ui/Media with its mediaComponent prop set to the desired element.


  • moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator to properly stop propagating keydown event if fired from the popup container
  • moonstone/Slider to read when knob gains focus or for a change in value
  • moonstone/Scroller to not cut off Expandables when scrollbar appears
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to correctly read out when play button is pressed
  • ui/MarqueeController to update hovered state when pointer hides
  • ui/Touchable to end gestures when focus is lost
  • ui/VirtualList.VirtualList and ui/VirtualList.VirtualGridList to prevent items overlap with scroll buttons
published 2.0.0-beta.4 •



[2.0.0-beta.4] - 2018-05-21


  • core/handle.handle utility bindAs to facilitate debugging and binding handlers to component instances
  • moonstone/Button and moonstone/IconButton class name small to the list of allowed css overrides
  • moonstone/ProgressBar prop highlighted for when the UX needs to call special attention to a progress bar


  • moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator to not set focus to activator when closing if focus was set elsewhere
  • moonstone/IconButton to allow external customization of vertical alignment of its Icon by setting line-height
  • moonstone/Marquee.MarqueeController to not cancel valid animations
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer feedback and feedback icon to hide properly on play/pause/fast forward/rewind
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to correctly focus to default media controls component
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to show controls on mount and when playing next preload video
  • moonstone/VirtualList, moonstone/VirtualGridList, ui/VirtualList, and ui/VirtualGridList samples to show items properly when dataSize is greater than 1000
  • spotlight/Spottable to not make components spottable when spotlightDisabled is set
  • ui/Touchable to guard against null events
published 2.0.0-beta.3 •



[2.0.0-beta.3] - 2018-05-14


  • moonstone/SelectableItem.SelectableItemDecorator
  • ui/Touchable support to fire onTap when a click event occurs


  • moonstone/ToggleItem to forward native events on onFocus and onBlur
  • moonstone/Input and moonstone/ExpandableInput to support forwarding valid <input> props to the contained <input> node
  • moonstone/ToggleButton to fire onToggle when toggled
  • ui/Touchable custom events onDown, onUp, onMove, and onTap to use the event name as the type rather than the shorter name (e.g. onTap rather than tap)
  • ui/Toggleable to forward events on activate and deactivate instead of firing toggled payload. Use toggle to handle toggled payload from the event.


  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/Scroller.Scroller to ignore any user key events in pointer mode
  • moonstone/Image so it automatically swaps the src to the appropriate resolution dynamically as the screen resizes
  • moonstone/Popup to support all spotlightRestrict options
  • moonstone component disabled colors to match the most recent design guidelines (from 30% to 60% opacity)
  • moonstone/ExpandableInput spotlight behavior when leaving the component via 5-way
  • spotlight to retry setting focus when the window is activated
  • spotlight handling of 5-way events after the pointer hides
published 2.0.0-beta.2 •



[2.0.0-beta.2] - 2018-05-07


  • core/dispatcher.on to not add duplicate event handlers
  • moonstone/IconButton to allow theme-style customization, like it claimed was possible
  • moonstone/ExpandableItem and related expandables to deal with disabled items and the autoClose, lockBottom and noLockBottom props
  • moonstone/Slider not to fire onChange event when 5-ways out of boundary
  • moonstone/ToggleButton layout for RTL locales
  • moonstone/Item, moonstone/SlotItem, moonstone/ToggleItem to not apply duplicate className values
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList, moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList, and moonstone/Scroller.Scroller scrollbar button's aria-label in RTL
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList to scroll properly with all disabled items
  • moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualList.VirtualGridList to not scroll on focus when jumping
  • spotlight/Spottable to not add a focused state when a component had already been set as disabled
  • ui/Marquee to always marquee when marqueeOn is set to 'render'
  • ui/Item to use its natural width rather than imposing a 100% width allowing inline Items to be the correct width
  • ui/Marquee.MarqueeDecorator to correctly reset animation when children updates
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