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@enplug/sdk-dashboard - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.4.0 to 5.4.1



@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import { EnplugDashboardSDK } from './types';


"name": "@enplug/sdk-dashboard",
"version": "5.4.0",
"version": "5.4.1",
"description": "Enplug Dashboard SDK",
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"typings": "./index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf dist/ && mkdirp dist",
"lint": "tslint -c tslint.json './src/**/*.ts' -e './**/*.d.ts'",
"lint": "eslint src/ --ext .ts --ignore-pattern *.d.ts --ignore-pattern *.spec.ts",
"test": "karma start test/karma.conf.js",

@@ -15,5 +15,6 @@ "bundle": "npm run clean && webpack && npm run generateTypings",

"release": "npm run bundle && enplug-release-sdk",
"release:prod": "npm run bundle:prod && enplug-release-sdk",
"release:prod": "npm run bundle:prod && enplug-release-sdk && npm run release:docs",
"release:dev": "npm run bundle && enplug-release-sdk --dev",
"generateTypings": "tsc -d ./src/sdk.ts --declarationDir ./types --emitDeclarationOnly --allowJs"
"generateTypings": "tsc -d ./src/sdk.ts --declarationDir ./types --emitDeclarationOnly --allowJs",
"release:docs": "echo Building Enplug SDK docs... && cd ../enplug-docs && npm run release:prod"

@@ -63,5 +64,13 @@ "repository": {

"@types/node": "8.10.59",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.28.4",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-tslint": "^4.28.4",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.28.4",
"command-line-args": "4.0.7",
"dts-gen": "^0.6.0",
"es6-shim": "0.35.5",
"eslint": "^7.31.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.23.4",
"eslint-plugin-jsdoc": "^35.5.0",
"eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow": "^1.2.3",
"eslint-plugin-tsdoc": "^0.2.14",
"fs": "0.0.1-security",

@@ -71,9 +80,7 @@ "inquirer": "6.5.2",

"jasmine-core": "2.99.1",
"karma": "4.4.1",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "2.2.0",
"karma-jasmine": "1.1.2",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "1.0.4",
"karma-phantomjs-shim": "1.5.0",
"karma-spec-reporter": "0.0.31",
"karma-typescript": "4.1.1",
"karma": "^6.3.4",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^3.1.0",
"karma-jasmine": "^4.0.1",
"karma-mocha-reporter": "^2.2.5",
"karma-typescript": "^5.5.1",
"mkdirp": "0.5.1",

@@ -86,3 +93,3 @@ "npm-run-all": "4.1.5",

"ts-loader": "6.2.1",
"tslint": "5.20.1",
"tslint": "^6.1.3",
"typescript": "~4.0.0",

@@ -89,0 +96,0 @@ "uglifyjs-webpack-plugin": "1.3.0",

@@ -1,5 +0,29 @@

import { Asset, DefaultAssetLevel, DeployDialogOptions, DisplayGroup, EnplugAccount, EnplugUser, FeedData, Layout, ThemeDefinition, ThemeAsset, FontDefinition, FontsApiItem, DefaultAsset, ZoningAppsResponse, ZoningConfig, AccountCustomPropertiesResponse } from './external-types';
import { Asset, DefaultAssetLevel, DeployDialogOptions, EnplugAccount, EnplugUser, FeedData, Layout, ThemeDefinition, ThemeAsset, FontDefinition, FontsApiItem, DefaultAsset, ZoningAppsResponse, ZoningConfig, AccountCustomPropertiesResponse } from './external-types';
import { BridgeBase } from './bridge/bridge-base';
* Account API is a part of the Dashboard SDK used for managing assets, and other app, user and account related data.
* Use global `enplug.account` object to access these methods.
* ```typescript title="Example usage of the Account API"
* const assets = await enplug.account.getAssets();
* ```
* Among others, this API allows you to fetch and manipulate the assets:
* - {@link getAssets|`enplug.account.getAssets()`} - fetch the asset list
* - {@link getAssetsByIds|`enplug.account.getAssetsByIds()`} - fetch provided assets
* - {@link saveAsset|`enplug.account.saveAsset()`} - creates/updates an asset, can display Deploy Dialog for editing
* - {@link deleteAsset|`enplug.account.deleteAsset()`} - removes an asset
* - {@link touchAsset|`enplug.account.touchAsset()`} - marks asset as recently viewed
* Other useful commands:
* - {@link getAccount|`enplug.account.getAccount()`} - fetch current account data
* - {@link getUser|`enplug.account.getUser()`} - fetch current user data
* - {@link getThemes|`enplug.account.getThemes()`} - fetches list of themes
* - {@link getTheme|`enplug.account.getTheme()`} - fetches theme
* - {@link editTheme|`enplug.account.editTheme()`} - edits the theme
* - {@link deleteTheme|`enplug.account.deleteTheme()`} - deletes the theme
export declare class Account {
private bridge;
/** @internal */
constructor(bridge: BridgeBase);

@@ -9,4 +33,2 @@ /**

* account type, token, account ID, venue ID, and environment.
* Data is passed as the first param to the success callback.

@@ -18,6 +40,18 @@ getAccount(): Promise<EnplugAccount>;

getUser(): Promise<EnplugUser>;
getDisplayGroups(): Promise<DisplayGroup[]>;
* Loads information for the currently selected display group(s).
* @returns In the account context, it will return all Display Groups in the account;
* in the Display Group context, it will return only this group’s information.
getDisplayGroups(): Promise<any[]>;
getSelectedDisplayId(): Promise<string>;
* Loads an array of assets for the current app instance.
* The list is also limited to the {@link setDisplaySelectorCallback|Display Group selector} dropdown's choice.
* @param T - Model of asset's value
* @returns Array of assets added by current app filtered by the {@link setDisplaySelectorCallback|Display Group selection} if it is set.

@@ -27,3 +61,7 @@ getAssets<T>(): Promise<Array<Asset<T>>>;

* Loads an array of assets by Ids.
* @param {string[]} assetsIds An array of ids of the assets that are to be returned.
* @param T - Model of asset's value
* @param assetsIds - An array of ids of the assets that are to be returned.
* @returns Resolves to an array of requested assets.

@@ -34,10 +72,15 @@ getAssetsByIds<T>(assetsIds: string[]): Promise<Array<Asset<T>>>;

* Data is passed as the first param to the success callback.
* @param {string} appId An id of an app.
* @param T - Model of asset's value
* @param appId - An id of an app.
getAssetsForApp<T>(appId: string): Promise<Array<Asset<T>>>;
* Loads an content-approval asset revision.
* Data is passed as the first param to the success callback.
* @param {string} assetId An id of an asset.
* @param {string} version A version of an asset.
* Loads a content-approval asset revision.
* @param T - Model of asset's value
* @param assetId - ID of an asset
* @param version - Version of the asset
* @returns Resolves to the provided revision of the asset.

@@ -47,5 +90,7 @@ getAssetRevision<T>(assetId: string, version: string): Promise<Asset<T>>;

* Creates an asset under the current app instance.
* @param {Asset<T>[]} assets An array of asset object to create.
* @param {DeployDialogOptions?} dialogOptions An object with details about displaying a deploy dialog
* @param assets - An array of assets to create.
* @param dialogOptions - An object with details about displaying the deploy dialog
* and its content after save.
* @returns Resolves to list of saved assets as they came from the server.

@@ -55,32 +100,79 @@ bulkCreateAssets<T>(assets: Array<Asset<T>>, dialogOptions?: DeployDialogOptions): Promise<Array<Asset<T>>>;

* Creates an asset under the current app instance.
* @param {Asset<T>[]} assets An array of assets to deploy.
* @param {DeployDialogOptions?} dialogOptions An object with details about displaying a deploy dialog
* @param assets - An array of assets to deploy.
* @param dialogOptions - An object with details about displaying the deploy dialog
* and its content after save.
* @returns Resolves to list of saved assets as they came from the server.
bulkDeployAssets<T>(assets: Array<Asset<T>>, dialogOptions?: DeployDialogOptions): Promise<Array<Asset<T>>>;
* Saves an asset without showing the deployment dialog.
* @param {Asset<T>} asset An asset to save.
* @param {DeployDialogOptions?} dialogOptions An object with details about displaying a deploy dialog
* and its content after save.
* Creates or updates an asset. Can also be used to present the Deploy Dialog for changing asset's settings,
* such as assigning to Display Groups or changing the scheduling.
* When saving a new asset (`asset.Id` not defined) it will open the Deploy Dialog.
* ![Deploy Dialog](/img/dashboard-sdk/account/save-asset-deploy-dialog.png)<br />
* *Deploy Dialog*
* ```typescript title="Saving the asset"
* const dialogOptions: DeployDialogOptions = {
* showSchedule: true,
* scheduleOptions: {
* showDuration: true
* }
* };
* const savedAsset = await enplug.account.saveAsset(asset, dialogOptions);
* ```
* Saving an already existing asset will save it instantly without showing the Deploy Dialog.
* Another useful scenario is to allow the user to assign an existing asset to Display Groups or change the scheduling.
* To achieve this, you can force showing the Deploy Dialog for an already saved asset, by adjusting the `dialogOptions`.
* ```typescript title="Opening the Deploy Dialog to assign existing asset to Display Groups"
* const dialogOptions: DeployDialogOptions = {
* showDeployDialog: true, // this forces the Deploy Dialog to appear for an already saved asset
* showSchedule: true,
* scheduleOptions: {
* showDuration: true
* }
* };
* const savedAsset = await enplug.account.saveAsset(asset, dialogOptions);
* ```
* *See more: {@link DeployDialogOptions}*
* @param T - Model of Asset's value
* @param asset - An asset to save.
* @param dialogOptions - Used to configure the Deploy Dialog, which can be shown to
* assign the asset to Display Groups or modify the scheduling options.
* @returns Promise resolving with the saved asset.
saveAsset<T>(asset: Asset<T>, dialogOptions?: DeployDialogOptions): Promise<Asset<T>>;
saveAssetForApp<T>(appId: string, asset: Asset<T>, dialogOptions?: DeployDialogOptions): Promise<any>;
saveAssetForApp<T>(appId: string, asset: Asset<T>, dialogOptions?: DeployDialogOptions): Promise<unknown>;
* This is for saving an order of assets if needed for the current app. An array of asset Ids
* is all that is needed, but the implementation also accepts an array of asset objects with "Id" string properties.
* @param {string[] | Asset<any>[]} assets An array of assetIds or assets in order which is to be saved.
* This is for saving an order of assets if needed for the current app. An array of asset IDs
* is all that is needed, but the implementation also accepts an array of asset objects with `Id` string properties.
* @param T - Model of asset's value
* @param assets - An array of assetIds or assets in order which is to be saved
* @returns Resolves if the order was successfully updated. Rejects otherwise.
updateAssetOrder(assets: string[] | Array<Asset<any>>): Promise<void>;
updateAssetOrder<T>(assets: string[] | Array<Asset<T>>): Promise<void>;
* Deletes an asset for the current app instance.
* @param {string|string[]} id Id of an asset to delete.
* Deletes one or many assets under the current app instance.
* @param id - Id of an asset to delete. To delete multiple assets, an array of ids can be passed.
* @returns Resolves after successfully deleting the assets.
deleteAsset(id: string | string[]): Promise<void>;
* Marks asset as recently viewed
* Marks asset as recently viewed.
touchAsset(id: string): Promise<any>;
* Marks asset as recently viewed
* Marks asset as needing approval.

@@ -90,30 +182,46 @@ getAssetNeedsApproval(id: string): Promise<any>;

* Loads an array of default assets for the current instance's app definition.
* Data is passed as the first param to the success callback.
* @param {string} level 'Default', 'Network', 'Account'
* @param {string} levelId NetworkId or AccountId
* @param T - Model of asset's value
* @param level - 'Default', 'Network', 'Account'
* @param levelId - NetworkId or AccountId
* @returns Resolves to an array of default assets.
getDefaultAssets<T>(level?: DefaultAssetLevel, levelId?: string): Promise<Array<DefaultAsset<T>>>;
* Loads list of banner/ticker widget apps
* @internal
* Loads list of banner/ticker widget apps.
getZoningApps(): Promise<ZoningAppsResponse>;
* Loads widget assets used in a given zoning asset layout
* @internal
* Loads widget assets used in a given zoning asset layout.
getZoningLayoutAssets(assetId: string): Promise<Array<Asset<any>>>;
* Shows modal allowing to pick existing widget or create new
* @internal
* Shows modal allowing to pick existing widget or create new.
acquireZoningWidget(zoningAssetId: string, slotConfig: ZoningConfig, widgetAppId: string, usedAssetsIds: string[]): Promise<Asset<any>>;
* Fetches zoning data available after adding/editing a widget
* @internal
* Fetches zoning data available after adding/editing a widget.
editZoningWidget(zoningAssetId: string, slotConfig: ZoningConfig, widgetAppId: string, widgetAssetId: string): Promise<any>;
* Fetches zoning data available after adding/editing a widget
* @internal
* Fetches zoning data available after adding/editing a widget.
getZoningData(): Promise<any>;
* Loads available fonts for the current app or for specified appId.
* @param {string?} appId
* Loads the list of available fonts for the current app or for specified appId.
* ```typescript title="Loading the list of fonts"
* const { fonts } = await enplug.account.getFonts();
* console.log('List of available fonts', fonts);
* ```
* @param appId - ID of app for which the font list should be fetched. If not provided, the fonts for current app will be loaded.
* @returns Resolves to an object: `{ fonts: FontsApiItem[] }`. See: {@link FontsApiItem}.

@@ -125,3 +233,2 @@ getFonts(appId?: string): Promise<{

* Loads available themes for the current app or for specified appId.
* @param {string?} [appId]

@@ -131,3 +238,3 @@ getThemes<T>(appId?: string): Promise<Array<ThemeAsset<T>>>;

* Loads theme by id.
* @param {string} themeId An id of a theme
* @param themeId - An id of a theme

@@ -138,10 +245,3 @@ getTheme<T>(id: string): Promise<ThemeAsset<T>>;

* The new theme will be available only under the current user's account.
* @param {object} themeDefinition
* @param {object} theme
* @param {string} previewUrl
* @param {Array} previewAsset
* @param {object} layout
* @param {Array} fonts
* @param {object} feedData
* @returns {number} callId
* @returns callId

@@ -152,3 +252,2 @@ editTheme<AssetValue, FeedType>(themeDefinition: ThemeDefinition, theme: ThemeAsset<any>, previewUrl: string, previewAsset?: Array<Asset<AssetValue>>, layout?: Layout | ZoningConfig, fonts?: FontDefinition[], feedData?: FeedData<FeedType>): Promise<ThemeAsset<AssetValue>>;

* The new theme will be available to all users in the account.
* @param {object} theme

@@ -159,13 +258,16 @@ saveTheme(theme: ThemeAsset<any>): Promise<any>;

* the current app definition. Cannot remove default themes.
* @param {string} themeId
deleteTheme(themeId: string): Promise<any>;
* Returns flag status on account
* Returns flag status on account.
hasFeatureFlag(flagName: string): Promise<any>;
* Retrieve all custom display group properties on an account
* Retrieve all custom display group properties on an account.
getDisplayGroupCustomProperties(): Promise<AccountCustomPropertiesResponse[]>;
* Returns account info such as network type and billing
loadAccount(accountId: string): Promise<any>;

@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ import { InboundMessage, OutboundMessage } from '../internal-types';

constructor(window: Window);
sendMessage(message: OutboundMessage, persistentCallback?: (...args: any[]) => void): Promise<any>;
abstract setWindowEventHandler(eventName: string, handler: (event: Event) => void): void;
sendMessage<T>(message: OutboundMessage, persistentCallback?: (...args: any[]) => void): Promise<T>;
* Receives and parses a message from the dashboard.
* @param {MessageEvent} event An event coming from calling `postMessage` on the App's frame.
* @returns {boolean} Whether to allow the event to ne handled by another event handler.
* @param event - An event coming from calling `postMessage` on the App's frame.
* @returns Whether to allow the event to be handled by another event handler.

@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ protected receiveMessage(event: MessageEvent): boolean;

* Decides what to do with an incoming message.
* @param {InboundMessage} response A dashboard's response to App's call.
* @returns {boolean} Whether to allow the event to ne handled by another event handler.
* @param response - A dashboard's response to App's call.
* @returns Whether to allow the event to ne handled by another event handler.
protected dispatchResponse(response: InboundMessage): boolean;
abstract setWindowEventHandler(eventName: string, handler: (event: Event) => void): void;
import { Asset, Button, DisplaySelectorCallback, FeedData, Layout, OpenConfirmOptions, ThemeAsset, EncodingStatusResult, UploaderOptions, UploadedFileResult, ApiDataConnectorOptions, DataConnectionConfig, AssetPreviewRequest, AssetPreviewData } from './external-types';
import { BridgeBase } from './bridge/bridge-base';
* Dashboard API is a part of the Dashboard SDK. It can be used to present standardized User Interface elements.
* Use global `enplug.dashboard` object to access these methods.
* ```typescript title="Example usage of the Dashboard API"
* enplug.dashboard.pageLoading(false);
* ```
* **Useful commands**
* Header section:
* - {@link setHeaderTitle|`enplug.dashboard.setHeaderTitle()`} - sets header title
* - {@link setHeaderButtons|`enplug.dashboard.setHeaderButtons()`} - sets header buttons
* - {@link setDisplaySelectorCallback|`enplug.dashboard.setDisplaySelectorCallback()`} - sets Display Group selector callback
* - {@link setDisplaySelectorVisibility|`enplug.dashboard.setDisplaySelectorVisibility()`} - sets Display Group selector visibility
* Progress indicator:
* - {@link pageLoading|`enplug.dashboard.pageLoading()`} - sets the app's loader visibility
* - {@link loadingIndicator|`enplug.dashboard.loadingIndicator()`} - shows **Loading** indicator
* - {@link successIndicator|`enplug.dashboard.successIndicator()`} - shows **Success** indicator
* - {@link errorIndicator|`enplug.dashboard.errorIndicator()`} - shows **Error** indicator
* Dialogs:
* - {@link previewAsset|`enplug.dashboard.previewAsset()`} - shows asset preview
* - {@link upload|`enplug.dashboard.upload()`} - shows upload dialog
* - {@link openConfirm|`enplug.dashboard.openConfirm()`} - shows custom confirmation dialog
* - {@link confirmUnsavedChanges|`enplug.dashboard.confirmUnsavedChanges()`} - shows unsaved changes dialog
* - {@link setAppHasUnsavedChanges|`enplug.dashboard.setAppHasUnsavedChanges()`} - sets dashboard's navigation guard
export declare class Dashboard {

@@ -8,3 +37,2 @@ private bridge;

* Stored locally so that we can respond to click events
* @type {Button[]}

@@ -14,10 +42,11 @@ private currentButtons;

* Keeps track of whether the dashboard is loading mode so clients can check.
* @type {boolean}
private isLoadingCache;
/** @internal */
constructor(bridge: BridgeBase);
* Notifies the parent dashboard of a click in the child iFrame. Used to close
* dropdown windows etc which were opened in parent window and are unable to
* respond to click events in child iFrame.
* @internal
* Notifies the parent dashboard of a click in the child iframe. Used to close
* dropdown windows, etc. which were opened in parent window and are unable to
* respond to click events in child iframe.

@@ -29,4 +58,16 @@ * Event handler is automatically bound when the SDK is created.

* Opens a confirm window asking the user to confirm their unsaved changes.
* If the user clicks the confirm button, the returned promise is resolved.
* Otherwise the error callback is called.
* ```typescript title="Presenting Unsaved Changes dialog"
* try {
* await enplug.dashboard.confirmUnsavedChanges();
* // user confirmed - take action
* } catch {
* // user cancelled
* }
* ```
* ![Unsaved Changes dialog](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/dialog-hasunsavedchanges.png)<br />
* *Unsaved Changes dialog*
* @returns Resolves if dialog was confirmed, rejects otherwise.

@@ -36,4 +77,13 @@ confirmUnsavedChanges(): Promise<any>;

* Shows the error indicator.
* Should only be used after a call has been made to .loadingIndicator().
* @param {string} message
* ```typescript title="Presenting the error indicator"
* enplug.dashboard.errorIndicator('Asset could not be removed');
* ```
* ![Error indicator](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/progress-error.png)
* *Error indicator*
* @param message - A message to show in the error toast.
* @returns Resolves after the error indicator shows up on screen.

@@ -45,2 +95,6 @@ errorIndicator(message: string): Promise<any>;

* of successful SDK call from the dashboard.
* @see {@link pageLoading} to update the page loading state.
* @returns Current page loading state.

@@ -50,24 +104,27 @@ isLoading(): boolean;

* Turns on the progress indicator, typically used during asynchronous actions.
* :::note
* Note that the progress indicator will continue until a call is made to the
* errorIndicator or successIndicator APIs.
* {@link errorIndicator} or {@link successIndicator} APIs.
* :::
* ```typescript title="Presenting the loading indicator"
* enplug.dashboard.loadingIndicator('Removing asset');
* ```
* ![Loading indicator](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/progress-loading.png)
* *Loading indicator*
* @param message - A message to show in the loading toast.
* @returns Resolves after the loading indicator shows up on screen.
loadingIndicator(message: string): Promise<any>;
loadingIndicator(message: string): Promise<void>;
* Navigates to url.
* @param {string} url Url to navigate to.
* Navigate to given relative dashboard URL.
navigate(url: string): Promise<any>;
* @deprecated use `navigateToZoning()`
* Navigate back from widget.
* @param {string} assetId Id of an asset to which to go back to.
navigateBack(assetId: string): Promise<any>;
* Navigate to given relative dashboard url
navigateToUrl(url: string): Promise<any>;
* Navigate back to zoning from widget.
* assetId is optional, fallback parameter for v1->v2 transition phase
* @param assetId - optional, fallback parameter for v1-\>v2 transition phase

@@ -77,5 +134,25 @@ navigateToZoning(assetId?: string): Promise<any>;

* Opens a confirm window with Yes/No buttons and configurable messages.
* If the user clicks the Confirm button, the returned promise is resolved.
* Otherwise the promise is rejected.
* @param {OpenConfirmOpyions} options Confirm dialog options.
* ```typescript title="Presenting confirmation dialog"
* try {
* await enplug.dashboard.openConfirm({
* title: 'Delete asset?',
* text: 'Are you sure you want to delete this asset? This action cannot be undone.',
* cancelText: 'Cancel',
* confirmText: 'Delete',
* confirmClass: 'btn-danger'
* });
* // remove the asset
* } catch {
* // user cancelled
* }
* ```
* ![Confirm dialog](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/dialog-confirm.png)<br />
* *Confirm dialog*
* @param options - Confirm dialog options.
* @returns Resolves if Confirm button was clicked, rejects otherwise.

@@ -85,62 +162,144 @@ openConfirm(options: OpenConfirmOptions): Promise<any>;

* Puts the page into error state.
* ![Page error](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/page-error.png)<br />
* *Page error*
* @returns Resolves after the Dashboard shows the page error.
pageError(): Promise<any>;
pageError(): Promise<void>;
* Controls the loading state for the entire page. Every application starts off in
* loading state, and must set pageLoading(false) to notify the dashboard that it
* loading state, and must set `pageLoading(false)` to notify the dashboard that it
* has successfully loaded.
* Use .isLoading() to synchronously check current loading state.
* @param {boolean} bool Page loading state
* ```typescript title="Turning off the loading spinner after app has started"
* enplug.dashboard.pageLoading(false);
* ```
* ![Page Loading spinner](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/pageloading-spinner.png)<br />
* *Page Loading spinner*
* @param isLoading - Page loading state:<br />
* `false` - hides the loader and shows the app,<br />
* `true` - shows the loader and hides the app.
* @returns Resolves after the loading state has been updated by the Dashboard.
pageLoading(bool: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
pageLoading(isLoading: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
* Puts the page into 404 state.
* Puts the page into not found (404) state.
* ![Page not available](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/page-404.png)<br />
* *Page not available*
* @returns Resolves when after the Dashboard shows the page not found error.
pageNotFound(): Promise<any>;
pageNotFound(): Promise<void>;
* @deprecated use `previewAsset()`
* @deprecated use {@link previewAsset}
* Opens app preview modal.
* @param {string} url
* @param {Asset<AssetValue>} asset
* @param {object} theme
* @param {object} layout
* @param {object} feedData
preview<AssetValue, ThemeValue, FeedType>(url: string, asset: Asset<AssetValue>, theme: ThemeAsset<ThemeValue>, layout?: Layout, feedData?: FeedData<FeedType>): Promise<any>;
* Opens app asset preview modal.
* Opens asset preview modal.
* ![Asset preview modal](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/previewAsset.png)<br />
* *Asset preview modal*
* ```typescript title="Previewing an asset"
* function showPreview(asset: Asset<AssetModel>) {
* enplug.dashboard.previewAsset({ asset });
* }
* ```
* The above code opens the preview dialog with provided data.
* This method allows many preview customizations, see {@link AssetPreviewRequest}.
* :::note
* The app inside of the preview modal is presented in an iframe and the app is provided with basic SDK functionalities
* needed to display the asset only. The app's Player URL from app's definition will be used.
* The app is not run in a WebPlayer environment, so the behavior might be different.
* Most SDK calls will have no effect.
* :::
* @param TAssetValue - Model of asset's value
* @param TThemeValue - Model of theme's value (optional)
* @param TFeedType - Model of the feed (used for social apps)
* @returns Resolves after the preview modal gets closed.
previewAsset<TAssetValue = any, TThemeValue = any, TFeedType = any>(request: AssetPreviewRequest<TAssetValue, TThemeValue, TFeedType>): Promise<any>;
previewAsset<TAssetValue = any, TThemeValue = any, TFeedType = any>(request: AssetPreviewRequest<TAssetValue, TThemeValue, TFeedType>): Promise<void>;
* Get preview params for an app asset for custom preview handling
* @param appId
* @param asset
* @param origin (default: true) - custom origin url, when omitted or falsy, `window.location.origin` will be attached
* @internal
* Get preview parameters for an app asset for custom preview handling.
* @param origin - (default: true) - custom origin url, when omitted or falsy, `window.location.origin` will be attached
getAssetPreviewData(appId: string, asset: Asset<any>, origin?: string | boolean): Promise<AssetPreviewData>;
* Sets the current callback for the title bar breadcrumb display selector dropdown.
* Attaching a callback enables the dropdown, it is disabled by default.
* The title is reset when the dashboard changes routes.
* Sets the current callback for the title bar breadcrumb Display Group selector dropdown.
* Attaching a callback enables the dropdown and resets the title.
* the callback is fired when a display is selected, the callback will get the ID
* value when a single display is fired, or null when the 'All' selection is selected
* @param {DisplaySelectorCallback} callback A function to be called every time a user changes current display
* with display selector
* The callback is fired when a Display Group is selected from the dropdown, the callback will get the ID
* value when a single display is fired, or null when the whole 'Library' selection.
* ```typescript title="Setting up the Display Group selector"
* enplug.dashboard.setDisplaySelectorCallback(async () => {
* // update your asset list using enplug.account.getAssets() which will return
* // the assets assigned to the selected Display Group only
* yourAssetList = await enplug.account.getAssets();
* });
* ```
* ![Display Group selector dropdown](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/display-group-selector-dropdown.png)<br />
* *Display Group selector dropdown*
* @param callback - A function to be called every time a user changes current Display Group
* with the dropdown selector. The callback should reload the asset list to get the filtered version.
* @returns Promise which resolves after the command gets executed by the Dashboard.
setDisplaySelectorCallback(callback: DisplaySelectorCallback): void;
setDisplaySelectorCallback(callback: DisplaySelectorCallback): Promise<void>;
* Hides or shows the display dropdown selector in the page title breadcrumb bar.
* Hides or shows the Display Group dropdown selector in the page title breadcrumb bar.
* Send true to show the selector, false to hide it.
* The Display Group selector dropdown can be used to filter assets currently deployed to a specific Display Group.
* You can view all the saved assets by account for your app by selecting the 'Library' view from the dropdown on the upper left.
* ![Display Group selector dropdown](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/display-group-selector-dropdown.png)
* *Display Group selector dropdown*
* @returns Promise which resolves after the command gets executed by the Dashboard.
setDisplaySelectorVisibility(show: boolean): Promise<any>;
setDisplaySelectorVisibility(show: boolean): Promise<void>;
* Sets the primary action buttons for a page in the titlebar.
* Sets the action buttons for a page in the titlebar.
* Accepts either a single button object, or an array of buttons.
* Each button must have a button.action callback.
* @param {Button[]|Button} buttons A button (single or array) to set on a header.
* ```typescript title="Updating the buttons"
* function updateButtons(hasUnsavedChanges: boolean) {
* enplug.dashboard.setHeaderButtons([{
* text: 'My Signs',
* action: () => { \/* your code to navigate back to the Asset list *\/ },
* class: 'btn-default'
* }, {
* text: 'Save',
* action: () => { \/* your code saving the asset *\/ },
* class: 'btn-primary',
* disabled: !hasUnsavedChanges // this will disable the button if there are no unsaved changes
* }]);
* }
* ```
* ![Header buttons](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/header-buttons.png)<br />
* *Header buttons*
* @param buttons - A button (single or array) to set on a header.
* @returns Resolves after the buttons get updated.
setHeaderButtons(buttons: Button[] | Button): void;
setHeaderButtons(buttons: Button[] | Button): Promise<void>;

@@ -152,31 +311,47 @@ * Sets the last part of the title bar breadcrumb.

* The home/default page for an app should have no title set.
* @param {string} title A title to set.
* ```typescript title="Updating header's title"
* enplug.dashboard.setHeaderTitle('Setup');
* ```
* ![Header title](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/header-title.png)
* *Header title section*
* @param title - A title to set.
* @returns Resolves after the title has been modified.
setHeaderTitle(title: string): Promise<any>;
setHeaderTitle(title: string): Promise<void>;
* Shows the success indicator.
* Should only be used after a call has been made to .loadingIndicator().
* @param {string} message A message to show in a success toast.
* ```typescript title="Presenting the success indicator"
* enplug.dashboard.successIndicator('Asset removed');
* ```
* ![Success indicator](/img/dashboard-sdk/dashboard/progress-success.png)
* *Success indicator*
* @param message - A message to show in the success toast.
* @returns Resolves after the success indicator shows up on screen.
successIndicator(message: string): Promise<any>;
successIndicator(message: string): Promise<void>;
* Switches to account view aka "All" selection of instance selector or DisplayGroup view
* Switches to account view "Library"/All selection of instance selector or Display Group view.
switchToView(displayGroupId: any, displayGroupName: any): Promise<any>;
switchToView(displayGroupId: string, displayGroupName: string): Promise<any>;
* Uses upload interface and Enplug encoding service, returns uploaded object
* @param {UploaderOptions} options Filepicker options
* @param options - Filepicker options
upload(options: UploaderOptions): Promise<UploadedFileResult[]>;
* Uses connect data interface, returns connection configuration object
* @param {ApiDataConnectorOptions} options Api Data Connector configuration options
* Uses connect data interface, returns connection configuration object.
* @param options - API Data Connector configuration options.
connectData(options: ApiDataConnectorOptions): Promise<DataConnectionConfig>;
* Creates new assets and begins encoding process
processAssetResource<T>(accountId: string, appId: string, assets: Array<Asset<T>>): Promise<any>;
* Returns current encoding status of an asset
* @internal
* Returns current encoding status of an asset.
* @deprecated legacy FileStack upload flow

@@ -187,13 +362,14 @@ * @see resourcesEncodingStatus

* Returns current encoding statuses of resources or asset ids
* @param byAssetId if true, the provided ids are interpreted as asset ids, otherwise they are resource ids
* Returns current encoding statuses of resources or asset IDs.
* @param byAssetId - If `true`, the provided IDs are interpreted as asset IDs, otherwise they are resource IDs.
resourcesEncodingStatus(ids: string[], byAssetId?: boolean): Promise<EncodingStatusResult[]>;
* opens content interval settings dialog for ad-scheduler app
* Opens content interval settings dialog for Ad Scheduler app.
openContentIntervalSettingsDialog(appName: string, level: string, levelId: string): Promise<any>;
* Lets dashboard know that the state of user changes in the app changed
* @param {boolean} hasUnsavedChanges Whether the app has unsaved changes.
* Lets dashboard know that the state of user changes in the app changed.
* @param hasUnsavedChanges - Whether the app has unsaved changes.

@@ -203,5 +379,4 @@ setAppHasUnsavedChanges(hasUnsavedChanges: boolean): Promise<any>;

* The last callback registered with the dashboard title bar.
* @type {DisplaySelectorCallback}
private currentDisplayCallback;

@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ /** These are meant to available to client apps */

IsZoningWidget?: boolean;
/** Currently @ Value.Name - subject to change. Display name of the asset. used in lists. */
/** Currently @ Value.Zone - subject to change. Zoning widget asset slot type */
/** Currently \@ Value.Name - subject to change. Display name of the asset. used in lists. */
/** Currently \@ Value.Zone - subject to change. Zoning widget asset slot type */
/** List of zoning assets on which the obj - a widget asset is placed */

@@ -72,2 +72,3 @@ ZoningAssetIds?: string[];

export declare type DataItem = Date | DataImage | string;
/** @internal */
export declare class DataImage {

@@ -300,9 +301,2 @@ url: string;

export interface DisplayGroup {
/** e.g. English, Russian, French */
language: string;
/** Landscape or Portrait */
orientation: string;
timezone: string;
export interface DeployDialogOptions {

@@ -351,3 +345,3 @@ /** Whether to show the schedule tab in the dialog. */

showTagsEditor?: boolean;
/** Graphics and Arts app only this one - list of assets to traverse with < > buttons */
/** Graphics and Arts app only this one - list of assets to traverse with &lt; &gt; buttons */
assetsToNavigate?: Array<Asset<any>>;

@@ -423,3 +417,3 @@ /** Graphics and Arts app only use this one */

bindingPairs: BindingPair[];
sampleData?: object;
sampleData?: any;

@@ -444,3 +438,3 @@ export interface BindingPair {

interface ConnectionParams {
export interface ConnectionParams {
name: string;

@@ -486,10 +480,41 @@ value: string;

* Type used to pass the asset, theme and other configuration details to the preview modal.
* For usage, see [`enplug.dashboard.previewAsset()`](/docs/sdk-dashboard/classes/Dashboard#previewasset).
* @param TAssetValue - Model of asset's value
* @param TThemeValue - Model of theme's value (optional)
* @param TFeedType - Model of the feed (used for social apps)
export interface AssetPreviewRequest<TAssetValue, TThemeValue, TFeedType> {
/** Asset which is to be displayed in the preview modal */
asset: Asset<TAssetValue>;
* Theme applied to the asset.
* If your app uses themes, pass the theme here. It will be passed to the app,
* when it calls [`enplug.assets.getTheme()`](/docs/sdk-player/classes/Assets#gettheme).
theme?: ThemeAsset<TThemeValue>;
* Feed data - used for social apps.
feedData?: FeedData<TFeedType>;
/** incompatible with `zoningConfig`. Pass `layout` for regular asset preview */
* Customize the preview layout by, for example, providing the initial orientation of the preview.
layout?: Layout;
/** incompatible with `layout`. Pass `zoningConfig` for zoning widget asset preview */
* @internal
* Zoning preview options.
* This setting is incompatible with `layout`. Pass either `layout` for regular asset preview
* or `zoningConfig` for zoning widget asset preview
zoningConfig?: ZoningConfig;
* Limits the maximal pixel size of the preview.
sizingConfig?: SizingConfig;

@@ -533,2 +558,1 @@ }

export {};
export * from './external-types';
export * from './sdk';

@@ -111,4 +111,2 @@ /**

LoadingIndicator = "dashboard.indicator.loading",
Navigate = "dashboard.navigate",
NavigateBack = "dashboard.navigateBack",
NavigateToZoning = "dashboard.navigateToZoning",

@@ -132,3 +130,2 @@ NavigateToUrl = "dashboard.navigateToUrl",

EditDataConnection = "dashboard.editDataConnection",
ProcessAssetResource = "dashboard.processAssetResource",
EncodeStatus = "dashboard.encodeStatus",

@@ -162,3 +159,4 @@ ResourcesEncodingStatus = "dashboard.resourcesEncodingStatus",

LoadBlacklist = "social.loadBlacklist",
UnbanUser = "social.unbanUser"
UnbanUser = "social.unbanUser",
LoadAccount = "app.loadAccount"

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import { Account } from './account';

import { BridgeBase } from './bridge/bridge-base';
import { PreapprovalDialogOptions, SocialItemsResponse, TwitterSubscriptionStatusResponse } from './external-types';
* Social API is a part of the Dashboard SDK used to access social media related data.
* Use global `` object to access these methods.
export declare class Social {
private bridge;
/** @internal */
constructor(bridge: BridgeBase);

@@ -13,3 +18,3 @@ clearQueryString(): Promise<any>;

* Saves Teams Admin token to backend.
* @param tenantId A user id returned from MS Teams after authenticating.
* @param tenantId - A user id returned from MS Teams after authenticating.

@@ -23,4 +28,4 @@ authenticateTeamsAdmin(tenantId: string): Promise<any>;

* Returns Channels available for a given user id
* @param tenantId An ID returned after authenticating the user with MS Teams
* Returns Channels available for a given user ID.
* @param tenantId - An ID returned after authenticating the user with MS Teams.

@@ -27,0 +32,0 @@ getTeamsChannels(tenantId: string): Promise<any>;

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ export declare function validateArray(arg: any, message: string): void;

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