Tailwind CSS based UI framework for Rails.
We use:
You can use satis helpers in your own helpers:
def mycard(&block)
sts.card(icon: 'fad fa-user', title: "Profile", &block)
and then in your template:
= mycard do |card|
Each component has it's own documentation in the component folder.
Other engines can add components to Satis too:
Satis.add_helper :name, ViewComponent::Class
= sts.form_with model: @user, url: profile_url, class: 'mt-2' do |f|
= f.input :id, as: :hidden
= f.input :first_name
= f.input :last_name
= f.association :account, collection: policy_scope(Account).with(@user.account_id), as: :dropdown
= f.input :location_id, url: select_locations_url(format: :html), as: :dropdown, hint: "The user's main location"
= f.button
= f.submit
= f.reset
= f.continue
Browser detection
Satis now includes browser detection using the browser gem, you can use it in controllers and in your views:
For more information see the browser gem
bg-gray-800 - hoofd achtergrond card/sidebar
bg-gray-700 - highlight card/sidebar / hover
text-gray-300 - tekst kleur
bg-gray-600 - body achtergrond kleur
Known issues
- dropdown results will not overlap the card, they should, just like date-time picker
- dropdown triggers on-change upon initial population (for attributes), which is different from select's
- dropdown hoogte van results is niet altijd goed
- table state is not saved
- table columns removing is weird, you really need to be on the left part of the screen to drag
- table filters initially passed should not be editable
- sidebar has no small / collapsed version
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'satis'
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.