Entur design tokens
This package contains all design tokens used throughout the design system. You'l find all of them in the src/tokens.ts
💡 Looking for the documentation?
npm install @entur/tokens
yarn add @entur/tokens
Please refer to the documentation for in-depth usage information.
This package has several main exports:
- a CSS file with all tokens as kebab-cased CSS properties
- a SCSS file with all tokens as kebab-cased SCSS variables
- a LESS file with all tokens as kebab-cased LESS variables
- a JavaScript file with all tokens as nested objects.
To use the CSS file, import it into your bundle like so:
import '@entur/tokens/dist/styles.css';
You'll then have access to all design tokens as CSS variables. You can then use them like so:
.custom-box {
background-color: var(--colors-greys-grey10);
color: var(--colors-brand-coral);
font-size: var(--font-sizes-medium);
margin: var(--space-medium) var(--space-large);
Please refer to the design system documentation for which ones are available.
To use the LESS or SCSS files, import it into your LESS or SCSS file. The method is the same:
@import '~@entur/tokens/dist/styles.less';
@import '~@entur/tokens/dist/styles.scss';
You'll then be able to use the variables in your code as usual.
.custom-box {
background-color: @colors-greys-grey10;
color: @colors-brand-coral;
font-size: @font-sizes-medium;
margin: @space-medium @space-large;
.custom-box {
background-color: $colors-greys-grey10;
color: $colors-brand-coral;
font-size: $font-sizes-medium;
margin: $space-medium $space-large;
To use the design tokens in JavaScript, import the ones you need like so:
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { colors, breakpoints, fontSizes } from '@entur/tokens';
example: {
fontSize: fontSizes.medium,
color: colors.brand.coral,