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@envelop/types - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1-alpha-1b981cc.0


import { Plugin } from './plugin';
import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
import { PromiseOrValue } from 'graphql/jsutils/PromiseOrValue';
import { OriginalExecuteFn, OriginalParseFn, OriginalSubscribeFn, OriginalValidateFn } from './hooks';
import { ExecuteFunction, ParseFunction, SubscribeFunction, ValidateFunction } from './graphql';
import { ArbitraryObject, Spread } from './utils';

@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ export { ArbitraryObject } from './utils';

<InitialContext extends ArbitraryObject>(initialContext?: InitialContext): {
execute: OriginalExecuteFn;
validate: OriginalValidateFn;
subscribe: OriginalSubscribeFn;
parse: OriginalParseFn;
execute: ExecuteFunction;
validate: ValidateFunction;
subscribe: SubscribeFunction;
parse: ParseFunction;
contextFactory: <ContextExtension>(contextExtension?: ContextExtension) => PromiseOrValue<Spread<[InitialContext, PluginsContext, ContextExtension]>>;

@@ -16,0 +16,0 @@ schema: GraphQLSchema;

@@ -1,3 +0,4 @@

import type { DocumentNode, GraphQLFieldResolver, GraphQLSchema, SubscriptionArgs, ExecutionResult, ExecutionArgs, GraphQLTypeResolver } from 'graphql';
import type { Maybe, PromiseOrValue, AsyncIterableIteratorOrValue } from './utils';
import type { DocumentNode, GraphQLFieldResolver, GraphQLSchema, SubscriptionArgs, ExecutionArgs, GraphQLTypeResolver, subscribe, execute, parse, validate } from 'graphql';
import type { Maybe } from './utils';
/** @private */
export declare type PolymorphicExecuteArguments = [ExecutionArgs] | [

@@ -15,3 +16,4 @@ GraphQLSchema,

export declare type ExecuteFunction = (...args: PolymorphicExecuteArguments) => PromiseOrValue<AsyncIterableIteratorOrValue<ExecutionResult>>;
export declare type ExecuteFunction = typeof execute;
/** @private */
export declare type PolymorphicSubscribeArguments = [SubscriptionArgs] | [

@@ -29,2 +31,24 @@ GraphQLSchema,

export declare type SubscribeFunction = (...args: PolymorphicSubscribeArguments) => PromiseOrValue<AsyncIterableIteratorOrValue<ExecutionResult>>;
export declare type SubscribeFunction = typeof subscribe;
export declare type ParseFunction = typeof parse;
export declare type ValidateFunction = typeof validate;
export declare type ValidateFunctionParameter = {
* GraphQL schema instance.
schema: Parameters<ValidateFunction>[0];
* Parsed document node.
documentAST: Parameters<ValidateFunction>[1];
* The rules used for validation.
* validate uses specifiedRules as exported by the GraphQL module if this parameter is undefined.
rules?: Parameters<ValidateFunction>[2];
* TypeInfo instance which is used for getting schema information during validation
typeInfo?: Parameters<ValidateFunction>[3];
options?: Parameters<ValidateFunction>[4];

@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

import type { DocumentNode, ExecutionArgs, ExecutionResult, GraphQLError, GraphQLResolveInfo, GraphQLSchema, parse, ParseOptions, Source, SubscriptionArgs, TypeInfo, validate, ValidationRule } from 'graphql';
import type { DocumentNode, ExecutionArgs, ExecutionResult, GraphQLError, GraphQLResolveInfo, GraphQLSchema, ParseOptions, Source, SubscriptionArgs, ValidationRule } from 'graphql';
import { Maybe } from 'graphql/jsutils/Maybe';
import { PromiseOrValue } from 'graphql/jsutils/PromiseOrValue';
import { DefaultContext } from './context-types';
import { AsyncIterableIteratorOrValue, ExecuteFunction } from '@envelop/core';
import { AsyncIterableIteratorOrValue, ExecuteFunction, ParseFunction, ValidateFunction, ValidateFunctionParameter } from '@envelop/core';
import { SubscribeFunction } from './graphql';

@@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ import { Plugin } from './plugin';

export declare type SetSchemaFn = (newSchema: GraphQLSchema) => void;
/** onSchemaChange */
* The payload forwarded to the onSchemaChange hook.
export declare type OnSchemaChangeEventPayload = {

@@ -16,22 +18,55 @@ schema: GraphQLSchema;

* Invoked each time the schema is changed via a setSchema call.
export declare type OnSchemaChangeHook = (options: OnSchemaChangeEventPayload) => void;
/** onPluginInit */
* Payload forwarded to the onPluginInit hook.
export declare type OnPluginInitEventPayload = {
* Register a new plugin.
addPlugin: (newPlugin: Plugin<any>) => void;
* A list of all currently active plugins.
plugins: Plugin<any>[];
* Set the GraphQL schema.
setSchema: SetSchemaFn;
* Invoked when a plugin is initialized.
export declare type OnPluginInitHook = (options: OnPluginInitEventPayload) => void;
/** onPluginInit */
export declare type OnEnvelopedHookEventPayload<ContextType> = {
* Set the schema that should be used for execution.
setSchema: SetSchemaFn;
* The context object.
context: Readonly<Maybe<ContextType>>;
* Extend the context object with a partial.
extendContext: (contextExtension: Partial<ContextType>) => void;
export declare type OnEnvelopedHook<ContextType> = (options: OnEnvelopedHookEventPayload<ContextType>) => void;
/** onParse */
export declare type OriginalParseFn = typeof parse;
export declare type OnParseEventPayload<ContextType> = {
* The current context object.
context: Readonly<ContextType>;
* Extend the context object with a partial.
extendContext: (contextExtension: Partial<ContextType>) => void;
* The parameters that are passed to the parse call.
params: {

@@ -41,53 +76,140 @@ source: string | Source;

parseFn: OriginalParseFn;
setParseFn: (newFn: OriginalParseFn) => void;
* The current parse function
parseFn: ParseFunction;
* Replace the current parse function
setParseFn: (newFn: ParseFunction) => void;
* Set/overwrite the parsed document.
* If a parsed document is set the call to the parseFn will be skipped.
setParsedDocument: (doc: DocumentNode) => void;
export declare type AfterParseEventPayload<ContextType> = {
* The current context object.
context: Readonly<ContextType>;
* Extend the context object with a partial.
extendContext: (contextExtension: Partial<ContextType>) => void;
* The result of the parse phase.
result: DocumentNode | Error | null;
* Replace the parse result with a new result.
replaceParseResult: (newResult: DocumentNode | Error) => void;
* Hook that is invoked after the parse function has been invoked.
export declare type AfterParseHook<ContextType> = (options: AfterParseEventPayload<ContextType>) => void;
* Hook that is invoked before the parse function is invoked.
export declare type OnParseHook<ContextType> = (options: OnParseEventPayload<ContextType>) => void | AfterParseHook<ContextType>;
/** onValidate */
export declare type OriginalValidateFn = typeof validate;
* Payload forwarded to the onValidate hook.
export declare type OnValidateEventPayload<ContextType> = {
* The current context object.
context: Readonly<ContextType>;
* Extend the context object with a partial.
extendContext: (contextExtension: Partial<ContextType>) => void;
params: {
schema: GraphQLSchema;
documentAST: DocumentNode;
rules?: ReadonlyArray<ValidationRule>;
typeInfo?: TypeInfo;
options?: {
maxErrors?: number;
* The parameters with which the validate function will be invoked.
params: ValidateFunctionParameter;
* Register a validation rule that will be used for the validate invocation.
addValidationRule: (rule: ValidationRule) => void;
validateFn: OriginalValidateFn;
setValidationFn: (newValidate: OriginalValidateFn) => void;
* The current validate function that will be invoked.
validateFn: ValidateFunction;
* Overwrite the current validate function.
setValidationFn: (newValidate: ValidateFunction) => void;
* Set a validation error result and skip the validate invocation.
setResult: (errors: readonly GraphQLError[]) => void;
* Payload forwarded to the afterValidate hook.
export declare type AfterValidateEventPayload<ContextType> = {
* The current context object.
context: Readonly<ContextType>;
* Extend the context object with a partial.
extendContext: (contextExtension: Partial<ContextType>) => void;
* Whether the validation raised any errors or not.
valid: boolean;
* An array of errors that were raised during the validation phase.
* The array is empty if no errors were raised.
result: readonly GraphQLError[];
* AfterValidateHook is invoked after the validate function has been invoked.
export declare type AfterValidateHook<ContextType> = (options: AfterValidateEventPayload<ContextType>) => void;
* The OnValidateHook is invoked before the validate function has been invoked.
export declare type OnValidateHook<ContextType> = (options: OnValidateEventPayload<ContextType>) => void | AfterValidateHook<ContextType>;
/** onContextBuilding */
* The payload forwarded to the onContextBuilding hook.
export declare type OnContextBuildingEventPayload<ContextType> = {
* The current context object.
context: Readonly<ContextType>;
* Extend the context object with a partial.
extendContext: (contextExtension: Partial<ContextType>) => void;
* The payload forwarded to the afterContextBuilding hook.
export declare type AfterContextBuildingEventPayload<ContextType> = {
* The current context object.
context: ContextType;
* Extend the context object with a partial.
extendContext: (contextExtension: Partial<ContextType>) => void;
context: ContextType;
* Invoked after the context has been builded.
export declare type AfterContextBuildingHook<ContextType> = (options: AfterContextBuildingEventPayload<ContextType>) => PromiseOrValue<void>;
* Invoked before the context has been builded.
* Return a AfterContextBuildingHook, which is invoked after the context building has been finished.
export declare type OnContextBuildingHook<ContextType> = (options: OnContextBuildingEventPayload<ContextType>) => PromiseOrValue<void | AfterContextBuildingHook<ContextType>>;
/** onResolverCalled */
export declare type ResolverFn<ParentType = unknown, ArgsType = DefaultArgs, ContextType = unknown, ResultType = unknown> = (root: ParentType, args: ArgsType, context: ContextType, info: GraphQLResolveInfo) => PromiseOrValue<ResultType>;

@@ -108,64 +230,190 @@ export declare type OnBeforeResolverCalledEventPayload<ParentType = unknown, ArgsType = DefaultArgs, ContextType = unknown, ResultType = unknown> = {

export declare type OnResolverCalledHook<ParentType = unknown, ArgsType = DefaultArgs, ContextType = DefaultContext, ResultType = unknown> = (options: OnBeforeResolverCalledEventPayload<ParentType, ArgsType, ContextType, ResultType>) => PromiseOrValue<void | AfterResolverHook>;
/** onExecute */
* Execution arguments with inferred context value type.
export declare type TypedExecutionArgs<ContextType> = Omit<ExecutionArgs, 'contextValue'> & {
contextValue: ContextType;
export declare type OriginalExecuteFn = ExecuteFunction;
* Payload that is passed to the onExecute hook.
export declare type OnExecuteEventPayload<ContextType> = {
executeFn: OriginalExecuteFn;
* Current execute function that will be used for execution.
executeFn: ExecuteFunction;
* Arguments the execute function will be invoked with.
args: TypedExecutionArgs<ContextType>;
setExecuteFn: (newExecute: OriginalExecuteFn) => void;
* Replace the current execute function with a new one.
setExecuteFn: (newExecute: ExecuteFunction) => void;
* Set a execution result and skip calling the execute function.
setResultAndStopExecution: (newResult: ExecutionResult) => void;
* Extend the context object with a partial.
extendContext: (contextExtension: Partial<ContextType>) => void;
* Payload that is passed to the onExecuteDone hook.
export declare type OnExecuteDoneHookResultOnNextHookPayload = {
* The execution result.
result: ExecutionResult;
* Replace the execution result with a new execution result.
setResult: (newResult: ExecutionResult) => void;
* Hook that is invoked for each value a AsyncIterable returned from execute publishes.
export declare type OnExecuteDoneHookResultOnNextHook = (payload: OnExecuteDoneHookResultOnNextHookPayload) => void | Promise<void>;
* Hook that is invoked after a AsyncIterable returned from execute completes.
export declare type OnExecuteDoneHookResultOnEndHook = () => void;
* Hook for hooking into AsyncIterables returned from execute.
export declare type OnExecuteDoneHookResult = {
* Hook that is invoked for each value a AsyncIterable returned from execute publishes.
onNext?: OnExecuteDoneHookResultOnNextHook;
* Hook that is invoked after a AsyncIterable returned from execute completes.
onEnd?: OnExecuteDoneHookResultOnEndHook;
* Payload with which the onExecuteDone hook is invoked.
export declare type OnExecuteDoneEventPayload = {
* The execution result returned from the execute function.
* Can return an AsyncIterable if a graphql.js that has defer/stream implemented is used.
result: AsyncIterableIteratorOrValue<ExecutionResult>;
* Replace the execution result with a new execution result.
setResult: (newResult: AsyncIterableIteratorOrValue<ExecutionResult>) => void;
* Hook that is invoked after the execute function has been invoked.
* Allows returning a OnExecuteDoneHookResult for hooking into stream values if execute returned an AsyncIterable.
export declare type OnExecuteDoneHook = (options: OnExecuteDoneEventPayload) => void | OnExecuteDoneHookResult;
* Result returned from the onExecute hook result for hooking into subsequent phases.
export declare type OnExecuteHookResult<ContextType> = {
* Invoked with the execution result returned from execute.
onExecuteDone?: OnExecuteDoneHook;
* Invoked before each resolver has been invoked during the execution phase.
onResolverCalled?: OnResolverCalledHook<any, DefaultArgs, ContextType>;
* onExecute hook that is invoked before the execute function is invoked.
export declare type OnExecuteHook<ContextType> = (options: OnExecuteEventPayload<ContextType>) => PromiseOrValue<void | OnExecuteHookResult<ContextType>>;
/** onSubscribe */
* Subscription arguments with inferred context value type.
export declare type TypedSubscriptionArgs<ContextType> = Omit<SubscriptionArgs, 'contextValue'> & {
contextValue: ContextType;
export declare type OriginalSubscribeFn = SubscribeFunction;
* Payload with which the onSubscribe hook is invoked.
export declare type OnSubscribeEventPayload<ContextType> = {
subscribeFn: OriginalSubscribeFn;
* Current subscribe function that will be used for setting up the subscription.
subscribeFn: SubscribeFunction;
* Current arguments with which the subscribe function will be invoked.
args: TypedSubscriptionArgs<ContextType>;
setSubscribeFn: (newSubscribe: OriginalSubscribeFn) => void;
* Replace the current subscribe function with a new one that will be used for setting up the subscription.
setSubscribeFn: (newSubscribe: SubscribeFunction) => void;
* Extend the context object with a partial.
extendContext: (contextExtension: Partial<ContextType>) => void;
* Payload with which the onSubscribeResult hook is invoked.
export declare type OnSubscribeResultEventPayload = {
* The current execution result.
result: AsyncIterableIterator<ExecutionResult> | ExecutionResult;
* Replace the current execution result with a new execution result.
setResult: (newResult: AsyncIterableIterator<ExecutionResult> | ExecutionResult) => void;
export declare type OnSubscribeResultResultOnNextHookPayload = {
* The current execution result.
result: ExecutionResult;
* Replace the current execution result with a new execution result.
setResult: (newResult: ExecutionResult) => void;
* Hook invoked for each value published by the AsyncIterable returned from subscribe.
export declare type OnSubscribeResultResultOnNextHook = (payload: OnSubscribeResultResultOnNextHookPayload) => void | Promise<void>;
* Hook invoked after the AsyncIterable returned from subscribe completes.
export declare type OnSubscribeResultResultOnEndHook = () => void;
export declare type OnSubscribeResultResult = {
* Invoked for each value published by the AsyncIterable returned from subscribe.
onNext?: OnSubscribeResultResultOnNextHook;
* Invoked after the AsyncIterable returned from subscribe completes.
onEnd?: OnSubscribeResultResultOnEndHook;
* Hook that is invoked with the result of the subscribe call.
* Return a OnSubscribeResultResult for hooking into the AsyncIterable returned from subscribe.
export declare type SubscribeResultHook = (options: OnSubscribeResultEventPayload) => void | OnSubscribeResultResult;
export declare type OnSubscribeHookResult<ContextType> = {
* Invoked with the result returned from subscribe.
onSubscribeResult?: SubscribeResultHook;
* Invoked before each resolver has been invoked during the execution phase.
onResolverCalled?: OnResolverCalledHook<ContextType>;
* onSubscribe hook that is invoked before the subscribe function is called.
* Return a OnSubscribeHookResult for hooking into phase after the subscribe function has been called.
export declare type OnSubscribeHook<ContextType> = (options: OnSubscribeEventPayload<ContextType>) => PromiseOrValue<void | OnSubscribeHookResult<ContextType>>;
"name": "@envelop/types",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1-alpha-1b981cc.0",
"sideEffects": false,

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "peerDependencies": {

import { OnEnvelopedHook } from '@envelop/core';
import { OnContextBuildingHook, OnExecuteHook, OnParseHook, OnPluginInitHook, OnSchemaChangeHook, OnSubscribeHook, OnValidateHook } from './hooks';
export interface Plugin<PluginContext extends Record<string, any> = {}> {
* Invoked for each call to getEnveloped.
onEnveloped?: OnEnvelopedHook<PluginContext>;
* Invoked each time the GraphQL schema has been replaced from within a plugin.
onSchemaChange?: OnSchemaChangeHook;
* Invoked when a plugin is initialized.
onPluginInit?: OnPluginInitHook;
* Invoked for each execute call.
onExecute?: OnExecuteHook<PluginContext>;
* Invoked for each subscribe call.
onSubscribe?: OnSubscribeHook<PluginContext>;
* Invoked for each parse call.
onParse?: OnParseHook<PluginContext>;
* Invoked for each validate call.
onValidate?: OnValidateHook<PluginContext>;
* Invoked for each time the context is builded.
onContextBuilding?: OnContextBuildingHook<PluginContext>;
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