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@@ -1,5 +0,281 @@

import * as Function from 'effect/Function';
export { Function as F };
import * as Option from 'effect/Option';
export { Option as O };
export * from 'effect/Predicate';
type Pretty<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: T[P];
} & {};
type IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & NoInfer<T> ? true : false;
* An extension of Extract for type predicates which falls back to the base
* in order to narrow the `unknown` case.
* @example
* function isMyType<T>(data: T | MyType): data is NarrowedTo<T, MyType> { ... }
type NarrowedTo<T, Base> = Extract<T, Base> extends never ? Base : IsAny<T> extends true ? Base : Extract<T, Base>;
type Reverse<T extends Record<any, any>> = {
[U in keyof T as T[U]]: U;
declare function birecord<const T extends Record<any, any>>(original: T): BiRecord<T>;
declare class BiRecord<const T extends Record<any, any>> {
original: T;
reversed: Reverse<T>;
constructor(original: T, reversed?: Reverse<T>);
get<U extends keyof T | T[keyof T]>(key: U): U extends keyof T ? T[U] : U extends T[keyof T] ? Reverse<T>[U] : unknown;
has(key: any): key is keyof T | T[keyof T];
type EntriesEntryForKey<T, Key extends keyof T> = Key extends number | string ? [key: `${Key}`, value: Required<T>[Key]] : never;
type EntriesEntry<T> = Pretty<{
[P in keyof T]-?: EntriesEntryForKey<T, P>;
}[keyof T]>;
declare function entries<T extends {}>(data: T): Array<EntriesEntry<T>>;
declare function entries(): <T extends {}>(data: T) => Array<EntriesEntry<T>>;
type IterableContainer<T = unknown> = readonly [] | ReadonlyArray<T>;
type FromEntriesEntry<Key extends PropertyKey = PropertyKey, Value = unknown> = readonly [
key: Key,
value: Value
type FromEntries<Entries> = Entries extends readonly [
infer First,
...infer Tail
] ? FromEntriesTuple<First, Tail> : Entries extends readonly [...infer Head, infer Last] ? FromEntriesTuple<Last, Head> : Entries extends IterableContainer<FromEntriesEntry> ? FromEntriesArray<Entries> : "ERROR: Entries array-like could not be inferred";
type FromEntriesTuple<E, Rest> = E extends FromEntriesEntry ? FromEntries<Rest> & Record<E[0], E[1]> : "ERROR: Array-like contains a non-entry element";
type FromEntriesArray<Entries extends IterableContainer<FromEntriesEntry>> = string extends AllKeys<Entries> ? Record<string, Entries[number][1]> : number extends AllKeys<Entries> ? Record<number, Entries[number][1]> : symbol extends AllKeys<Entries> ? Record<symbol, Entries[number][1]> : FromEntriesArrayWithLiteralKeys<Entries>;
type FromEntriesArrayWithLiteralKeys<Entries extends IterableContainer<FromEntriesEntry>> = {
[P in AllKeys<Entries>]?: ValueForKey<Entries, P>;
type AllKeys<Entries extends IterableContainer<FromEntriesEntry>> = Extract<Entries[number], FromEntriesEntry>[0];
type ValueForKey<Entries extends IterableContainer<FromEntriesEntry>, K extends PropertyKey> = (Extract<Entries[number], FromEntriesEntry<K>> extends never ? Entries[number] : Extract<Entries[number], FromEntriesEntry<K>>)[1];
declare function fromEntries<Entries extends IterableContainer<FromEntriesEntry>>(entries: Entries): Pretty<FromEntries<Entries>>;
declare function fromEntries(): <Entries extends IterableContainer<FromEntriesEntry>>(entries: Entries) => Pretty<FromEntries<Entries>>;
* Creates a function that can be used in a data-last (aka `pipe`able) or
* data-first style.
* The first parameter to `dual` is either the arity of the uncurried function
* or a predicate that determines if the function is being used in a data-first
* or data-last style.
* Using the arity is the most common use case, but there are some cases where
* you may want to use a predicate. For example, if you have a function that
* takes an optional argument, you can use a predicate to determine if the
* function is being used in a data-first or data-last style.
* @param arity - Either the arity of the uncurried function or a predicate
* which determines if the function is being used in a data-first
* or data-last style.
* @param body - The definition of the uncurried function.
* @example
* ```ts
* import { dual, pipe } from "effect/Function"
* // Exampe using arity to determine data-first or data-last style
* const sum: {
* (that: number): (self: number) => number
* (self: number, that: number): number
* } = dual(2, (self: number, that: number): number => self + that)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(sum(2, 3), 5)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(pipe(2, sum(3)), 5)
* // Example using a predicate to determine data-first or data-last style
* const sum2: {
* (that: number): (self: number) => number
* (self: number, that: number): number
* } = dual((args) => args.length === 1, (self: number, that: number): number => self + that)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(sum(2, 3), 5)
* assert.deepStrictEqual(pipe(2, sum(3)), 5)
* ```
declare const dual: {
<DataLast extends (...args: Array<any>) => any, DataFirst extends (...args: Array<any>) => any>(arity: Parameters<DataFirst>["length"], body: DataFirst): DataLast & DataFirst;
<DataLast extends (...args: Array<any>) => any, DataFirst extends (...args: Array<any>) => any>(isDataFirst: (args: IArguments) => boolean, body: DataFirst): DataLast & DataFirst;
* Reverses the order of arguments for a curried function.
* @param f - A curried function that takes multiple arguments.
* @example
* ```ts
* import { flip } from "effect/Function"
* const f = (a: number) => (b: string) => a - b.length
* assert.deepStrictEqual(flip(f)('aaa')(2), -1)
* ```
declare const flip: <A extends Array<unknown>, B extends Array<unknown>, C>(f: (...a: A) => (...b: B) => C) => (...b: B) => (...a: A) => C;
* Pipes the value of an expression into a pipeline of functions.
* **When to Use**
* This is useful in combination with data-last functions as a simulation of
* methods:
* ```ts
* ```
* becomes:
* ```ts
* import { pipe, Array } from "eff"
* pipe(as,, Array.filter(g))
* ```
* **Details**
* The `pipe` function is a utility that allows us to compose functions in a
* readable and sequential manner. It takes the output of one function and
* passes it as the input to the next function in the pipeline. This enables us
* to build complex transformations by chaining multiple functions together.
* ```ts
* import { pipe } from "eff"
* const result = pipe(input, func1, func2, ..., funcN)
* ```
* In this syntax, `input` is the initial value, and `func1`, `func2`, ...,
* `funcN` are the functions to be applied in sequence. The result of each
* function becomes the input for the next function, and the final result is
* returned.
* Here's an illustration of how `pipe` works:
* ```text
* ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌────────┐
* │ input │───►│ func1 │───►│ func2 │───►│ ... │───►│ funcN │───►│ result │
* └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └────────┘
* ```
* It's important to note that functions passed to `pipe` must have a **single
* argument** because they are only called with a single argument.
* @example
* ```ts
* // Example: Chaining Arithmetic Operations
* import { pipe } from "eff"
* // Define simple arithmetic operations
* const increment = (x: number) => x + 1
* const double = (x: number) => x * 2
* const subtractTen = (x: number) => x - 10
* // Sequentially apply these operations using `pipe`
* const result = pipe(5, increment, double, subtractTen)
* console.log(result)
* // Output: 2
* ```
declare function pipe<A>(a: A): A;
declare function pipe<A, B = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B): B;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C): C;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D): D;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E): E;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F): F;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G): G;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H): H;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I): I;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J): J;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never, K = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J, jk: (j: J) => K): K;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never, K = never, L = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J, jk: (j: J) => K, kl: (k: K) => L): L;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never, K = never, L = never, M = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J, jk: (j: J) => K, kl: (k: K) => L, lm: (l: L) => M): M;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never, K = never, L = never, M = never, N = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J, jk: (j: J) => K, kl: (k: K) => L, lm: (l: L) => M, mn: (m: M) => N): N;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never, K = never, L = never, M = never, N = never, O = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J, jk: (j: J) => K, kl: (k: K) => L, lm: (l: L) => M, mn: (m: M) => N, no: (n: N) => O): O;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never, K = never, L = never, M = never, N = never, O = never, P = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J, jk: (j: J) => K, kl: (k: K) => L, lm: (l: L) => M, mn: (m: M) => N, no: (n: N) => O, op: (o: O) => P): P;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never, K = never, L = never, M = never, N = never, O = never, P = never, Q = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J, jk: (j: J) => K, kl: (k: K) => L, lm: (l: L) => M, mn: (m: M) => N, no: (n: N) => O, op: (o: O) => P, pq: (p: P) => Q): Q;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never, K = never, L = never, M = never, N = never, O = never, P = never, Q = never, R = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J, jk: (j: J) => K, kl: (k: K) => L, lm: (l: L) => M, mn: (m: M) => N, no: (n: N) => O, op: (o: O) => P, pq: (p: P) => Q, qr: (q: Q) => R): R;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never, K = never, L = never, M = never, N = never, O = never, P = never, Q = never, R = never, S = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J, jk: (j: J) => K, kl: (k: K) => L, lm: (l: L) => M, mn: (m: M) => N, no: (n: N) => O, op: (o: O) => P, pq: (p: P) => Q, qr: (q: Q) => R, rs: (r: R) => S): S;
declare function pipe<A, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never, K = never, L = never, M = never, N = never, O = never, P = never, Q = never, R = never, S = never, T = never>(a: A, ab: (a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J, jk: (j: J) => K, kl: (k: K) => L, lm: (l: L) => M, mn: (m: M) => N, no: (n: N) => O, op: (o: O) => P, pq: (p: P) => Q, qr: (q: Q) => R, rs: (r: R) => S, st: (s: S) => T): T;
* Performs left-to-right function composition. The first argument may have any arity, the remaining arguments must be unary.
* See also [`pipe`](#pipe).
* @example
* ```ts
* import { flow } from "effect/Function"
* const len = (s: string): number => s.length
* const double = (n: number): number => n * 2
* const f = flow(len, double)
* assert.strictEqual(f('aaa'), 6)
* ```
declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B = never>(ab: (...a: A) => B): (...a: A) => B;
declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B = never, C = never>(ab: (...a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C): (...a: A) => C;
declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B = never, C = never, D = never>(ab: (...a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D): (...a: A) => D;
declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never>(ab: (...a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E): (...a: A) => E;
declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never>(ab: (...a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F): (...a: A) => F;
declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never>(ab: (...a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G): (...a: A) => G;
declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never>(ab: (...a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H): (...a: A) => H;
declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never>(ab: (...a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I): (...a: A) => I;
declare function flow<A extends ReadonlyArray<unknown>, B = never, C = never, D = never, E = never, F = never, G = never, H = never, I = never, J = never>(ab: (...a: A) => B, bc: (b: B) => C, cd: (c: C) => D, de: (d: D) => E, ef: (e: E) => F, fg: (f: F) => G, gh: (g: G) => H, hi: (h: H) => I, ij: (i: I) => J): (...a: A) => J;
* 1-byte version undefined, produces fewer bytes than `undefined` or `void 0` in the minified output d.ts.
type _ = undefined;
* 1-byte version undefined, produces fewer bytes than `undefined` or `void 0` in the minified output js.
declare const _: undefined;
* Do nothing and return false
declare function returnFalse(): false;
* Do nothing and return true
declare function returnTrue(): true;
* Do nothing and return undefined
declare function returnVoid(): _;
* Returns its argument.
declare function identity<T>(x: T): T;
* A function that takes a guard function as predicate and returns a guard that negates it.
* @param predicate - The guard function to negate.
* @returns Function A guard function.
declare function not<T, S extends T>(predicate: (data: T) => data is S): (data: T) => data is Exclude<T, S>;
declare function not<T>(predicate: (data: T) => boolean): (data: T) => boolean;
declare function or<T, S extends T, U extends T>(a: (data: T) => data is S, b: (data: T) => data is U): (data: T) => data is S | U;
declare function or<T, S extends T>(a: (data: T) => data is S, b: (data: T) => boolean): (data: T) => data is S;
declare function or<T, U extends T>(a: (data: T) => boolean, b: (data: T) => data is U): (data: T) => data is U;
declare function or<T>(a: (data: T) => boolean, b: (data: T) => boolean): (data: T) => boolean;
* A function that checks if the passed parameter is an Array and narrows its type accordingly.
* @param data - The variable to check.
* @returns True if the passed input is an Array, false otherwise. s
declare function isArray<T>(data: ArrayLike<unknown> | T): data is NarrowedTo<T, ReadonlyArray<unknown>>;
* Checks if the given parameter is of type `"object"` via `typeof`, excluding `null`.
* @param data - The variable to be checked for being an object type.
* @returns The input type, narrowed to only objects.
declare function isObject<T>(data: T | object): data is NarrowedTo<T, object>;
* A function that checks if the passed parameter is truthy and narrows its type accordingly.
* @param data - The variable to check.
* @returns True if the passed input is truthy, false otherwise.
declare function isTruthy<T>(data: T): data is Exclude<T, "" | 0 | false | null | undefined>;
export { BiRecord, type NarrowedTo, type Pretty, _, birecord, dual, entries, flip, flow, fromEntries, identity, isArray, isObject, isTruthy, not, or, pipe, returnFalse, returnTrue, returnVoid };


'use strict';
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __export = (target, all3) => {
for (var name in all3)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all3[name], enumerable: true });
// src/collection.ts
function reverse(record) {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(record).map(([key, value]) => [value, key])
function birecord(original) {
return new BiRecord(original);
var BiRecord = class {
constructor(original, reversed = reverse(original)) {
this.original = original;
this.reversed = reversed;
get(key) {
return this.original[key] ?? this.reversed[key];
has(key) {
return key in this.original || key in this.reversed;
function entries(...args) {
return Object.entries(args);
function fromEntries(...args) {
return Object.fromEntries(args);
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Function.js
var Function_exports = {};
__export(Function_exports, {
SK: () => SK,
absurd: () => absurd,
apply: () => apply,
compose: () => compose,
constFalse: () => constFalse,
constNull: () => constNull,
constTrue: () => constTrue,
constUndefined: () => constUndefined,
constVoid: () => constVoid,
constant: () => constant,
dual: () => dual,
flip: () => flip,
flow: () => flow,
hole: () => hole,
identity: () => identity,
isFunction: () => isFunction,
pipe: () => pipe,
satisfies: () => satisfies,
tupled: () => tupled,
unsafeCoerce: () => unsafeCoerce,
untupled: () => untupled
var isFunction = (input) => typeof input === "function";
// src/function.ts
var dual = function(arity, body) {

@@ -96,19 +93,3 @@ if (typeof arity === "function") {

var apply = (a) => (self) => self(a);
var identity = (a) => a;
var satisfies = () => (b) => b;
var unsafeCoerce = identity;
var constant = (value) => () => value;
var constTrue = /* @__PURE__ */ constant(true);
var constFalse = /* @__PURE__ */ constant(false);
var constNull = /* @__PURE__ */ constant(null);
var constUndefined = /* @__PURE__ */ constant(undefined);
var constVoid = constUndefined;
var flip = (f) => (...b) => (...a) => f(...a)(...b);
var compose = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (ab, bc) => (a) => bc(ab(a)));
var absurd = (_) => {
throw new Error("Called `absurd` function which should be uncallable");
var tupled = (f) => (a) => f(...a);
var untupled = (f) => (...a) => f(a);
function pipe(a, ab, bc, cd, de, ef, fg, gh, hi) {

@@ -182,922 +163,50 @@ switch (arguments.length) {

var hole = /* @__PURE__ */ unsafeCoerce(absurd);
var SK = (_, b) => b;
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Option.js
var Option_exports = {};
__export(Option_exports, {
Do: () => Do,
TypeId: () => TypeId3,
all: () => all2,
andThen: () => andThen,
ap: () => ap,
as: () => as,
asVoid: () => asVoid,
bind: () => bind2,
bindTo: () => bindTo2,
composeK: () => composeK,
contains: () => contains,
containsWith: () => containsWith,
exists: () => exists,
filter: () => filter,
filterMap: () => filterMap,
firstSomeOf: () => firstSomeOf,
flatMap: () => flatMap,
flatMapNullable: () => flatMapNullable,
flatten: () => flatten,
fromIterable: () => fromIterable,
fromNullable: () => fromNullable,
gen: () => gen,
getEquivalence: () => getEquivalence,
getLeft: () => getLeft2,
getOrElse: () => getOrElse,
getOrNull: () => getOrNull,
getOrThrow: () => getOrThrow,
getOrThrowWith: () => getOrThrowWith,
getOrUndefined: () => getOrUndefined,
getOrder: () => getOrder,
getRight: () => getRight2,
isNone: () => isNone2,
isOption: () => isOption2,
isSome: () => isSome2,
let: () => let_2,
lift2: () => lift2,
liftNullable: () => liftNullable,
liftPredicate: () => liftPredicate,
liftThrowable: () => liftThrowable,
map: () => map,
match: () => match,
none: () => none2,
orElse: () => orElse,
orElseEither: () => orElseEither,
orElseSome: () => orElseSome,
partitionMap: () => partitionMap,
product: () => product2,
productMany: () => productMany2,
reduceCompact: () => reduceCompact,
some: () => some3,
tap: () => tap,
toArray: () => toArray,
toRefinement: () => toRefinement,
void: () => void_,
zipLeft: () => zipLeft,
zipRight: () => zipRight,
zipWith: () => zipWith
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/internal/version.js
var moduleVersion = "3.12.1";
var getCurrentVersion = () => moduleVersion;
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/GlobalValue.js
var globalStoreId = `effect/GlobalValue/globalStoreId/${/* @__PURE__ */ getCurrentVersion()}`;
var globalStore;
var globalValue = (id, compute) => {
if (!globalStore) {
globalThis[globalStoreId] ??= /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
globalStore = globalThis[globalStoreId];
if (!globalStore.has(id)) {
globalStore.set(id, compute());
return globalStore.get(id);
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Predicate.js
var mapInput = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, f) => (b) => self(f(b)));
var isTupleOf = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, n) => self.length === n);
var isTupleOfAtLeast = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, n) => self.length >= n);
var isTruthy = (input) => !!input;
var isSet = (input) => input instanceof Set;
var isMap = (input) => input instanceof Map;
var isString = (input) => typeof input === "string";
var isNumber = (input) => typeof input === "number";
var isBoolean = (input) => typeof input === "boolean";
var isBigInt = (input) => typeof input === "bigint";
var isSymbol = (input) => typeof input === "symbol";
var isFunction2 = isFunction;
var isUndefined = (input) => input === undefined;
var isNotUndefined = (input) => input !== undefined;
var isNull = (input) => input === null;
var isNotNull = (input) => input !== null;
var isNever = (_) => false;
var isUnknown = (_) => true;
var isRecordOrArray = (input) => typeof input === "object" && input !== null;
var isObject = (input) => isRecordOrArray(input) || isFunction2(input);
var hasProperty = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, property) => isObject(self) && property in self);
var isTagged = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, tag) => hasProperty(self, "_tag") && self["_tag"] === tag);
var isNullable = (input) => input === null || input === undefined;
var isNotNullable = (input) => input !== null && input !== undefined;
var isError = (input) => input instanceof Error;
var isUint8Array = (input) => input instanceof Uint8Array;
var isDate = (input) => input instanceof Date;
var isIterable = (input) => hasProperty(input, Symbol.iterator);
var isRecord = (input) => isRecordOrArray(input) && !Array.isArray(input);
var isReadonlyRecord = isRecord;
var isPromise = (input) => hasProperty(input, "then") && "catch" in input && isFunction2(input.then) && isFunction2(input.catch);
var isPromiseLike = (input) => hasProperty(input, "then") && isFunction2(input.then);
var isRegExp = (input) => input instanceof RegExp;
var compose2 = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (ab, bc) => (a) => ab(a) && bc(a));
var product = (self, that) => ([a, b]) => self(a) && that(b);
var all = (collection) => {
return (as2) => {
let collectionIndex = 0;
for (const p of collection) {
if (collectionIndex >= as2.length) {
if (p(as2[collectionIndex]) === false) {
return false;
return true;
var productMany = (self, collection) => {
const rest = all(collection);
return ([head, ...tail]) => self(head) === false ? false : rest(tail);
var tuple = (...elements) => all(elements);
var struct = (fields) => {
const keys = Object.keys(fields);
return (a) => {
for (const key of keys) {
if (!fields[key](a[key])) {
return false;
return true;
var not = (self) => (a) => !self(a);
var or = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => (a) => self(a) || that(a));
var and = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => (a) => self(a) && that(a));
var xor = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => (a) => self(a) !== that(a));
var eqv = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => (a) => self(a) === that(a));
var implies = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (antecedent, consequent) => (a) => antecedent(a) ? consequent(a) : true);
var nor = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => (a) => !(self(a) || that(a)));
var nand = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => (a) => !(self(a) && that(a)));
var every = (collection) => (a) => {
for (const p of collection) {
if (!p(a)) {
return false;
return true;
var some = (collection) => (a) => {
for (const p of collection) {
if (p(a)) {
return true;
// src/lang.ts
var _ = undefined;
function returnFalse() {
return false;
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/internal/errors.js
var getBugErrorMessage = (message) => `BUG: ${message} - please report an issue at`;
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Utils.js
var GenKindTypeId = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Gen/GenKind");
var isGenKind = (u) => isObject(u) && GenKindTypeId in u;
var GenKindImpl = class {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
* @since 2.0.0
get _F() {
return identity;
* @since 2.0.0
get _R() {
return (_) => _;
* @since 2.0.0
get _O() {
return (_) => _;
* @since 2.0.0
get _E() {
return (_) => _;
* @since 2.0.0
[GenKindTypeId] = GenKindTypeId;
* @since 2.0.0
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return new SingleShotGen(this);
var SingleShotGen = class _SingleShotGen {
called = false;
constructor(self) {
this.self = self;
* @since 2.0.0
next(a) {
return this.called ? {
value: a,
done: true
} : (this.called = true, {
value: this.self,
done: false
* @since 2.0.0
return(a) {
return {
value: a,
done: true
* @since 2.0.0
throw(e) {
throw e;
* @since 2.0.0
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return new _SingleShotGen(this.self);
var adapter = () => function() {
let x = arguments[0];
for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
x = arguments[i](x);
return new GenKindImpl(x);
var YieldWrapTypeId = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Utils/YieldWrap");
var YieldWrap = class {
* @since 3.0.6
constructor(value) {
this.#value = value;
* @since 3.0.6
[YieldWrapTypeId]() {
return this.#value;
function yieldWrapGet(self) {
if (typeof self === "object" && self !== null && YieldWrapTypeId in self) {
return self[YieldWrapTypeId]();
throw new Error(getBugErrorMessage("yieldWrapGet"));
var structuralRegionState = /* @__PURE__ */ globalValue("effect/Utils/isStructuralRegion", () => ({
enabled: false,
tester: undefined
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Hash.js
var randomHashCache = /* @__PURE__ */ globalValue(/* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Hash/randomHashCache"), () => /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap());
var symbol = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Hash");
var hash = (self) => {
if (structuralRegionState.enabled === true) {
return 0;
switch (typeof self) {
case "number":
return number(self);
case "bigint":
return string(self.toString(10));
case "boolean":
return string(String(self));
case "symbol":
return string(String(self));
case "string":
return string(self);
case "undefined":
return string("undefined");
case "function":
case "object": {
if (self === null) {
return string("null");
} else if (self instanceof Date) {
return hash(self.toISOString());
} else if (isHash(self)) {
return self[symbol]();
} else {
return random(self);
throw new Error(`BUG: unhandled typeof ${typeof self} - please report an issue at`);
var random = (self) => {
if (!randomHashCache.has(self)) {
randomHashCache.set(self, number(Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)));
return randomHashCache.get(self);
var combine = (b) => (self) => self * 53 ^ b;
var optimize = (n) => n & 3221225471 | n >>> 1 & 1073741824;
var isHash = (u) => hasProperty(u, symbol);
var number = (n) => {
if (n !== n || n === Infinity) {
return 0;
let h = n | 0;
if (h !== n) {
h ^= n * 4294967295;
while (n > 4294967295) {
h ^= n /= 4294967295;
return optimize(h);
var string = (str) => {
let h = 5381, i = str.length;
while (i) {
h = h * 33 ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
return optimize(h);
var cached = function() {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
const self2 = arguments[0];
return function(hash3) {
Object.defineProperty(self2, symbol, {
value() {
return hash3;
enumerable: false
return hash3;
const self = arguments[0];
const hash2 = arguments[1];
Object.defineProperty(self, symbol, {
value() {
return hash2;
enumerable: false
return hash2;
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Equal.js
var symbol2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Equal");
function equals() {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return (self) => compareBoth(self, arguments[0]);
return compareBoth(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
function returnTrue() {
return true;
function compareBoth(self, that) {
if (self === that) {
return true;
const selfType = typeof self;
if (selfType !== typeof that) {
return false;
if (selfType === "object" || selfType === "function") {
if (self !== null && that !== null) {
if (isEqual(self) && isEqual(that)) {
if (hash(self) === hash(that) && self[symbol2](that)) {
return true;
} else {
return structuralRegionState.enabled && structuralRegionState.tester ? structuralRegionState.tester(self, that) : false;
} else if (self instanceof Date && that instanceof Date) {
return self.toISOString() === that.toISOString();
if (structuralRegionState.enabled) {
if (Array.isArray(self) && Array.isArray(that)) {
return self.length === that.length && self.every((v, i) => compareBoth(v, that[i]));
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(self) === Object.prototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(self) === Object.prototype) {
const keysSelf = Object.keys(self);
const keysThat = Object.keys(that);
if (keysSelf.length === keysThat.length) {
for (const key of keysSelf) {
if (!(key in that && compareBoth(self[key], that[key]))) {
return structuralRegionState.tester ? structuralRegionState.tester(self, that) : false;
return true;
return structuralRegionState.tester ? structuralRegionState.tester(self, that) : false;
return structuralRegionState.enabled && structuralRegionState.tester ? structuralRegionState.tester(self, that) : false;
function returnVoid() {
return _;
var isEqual = (u) => hasProperty(u, symbol2);
var equivalence = () => equals;
function identity(x) {
return x;
function not(predicate) {
return (data) => !predicate(data);
function or(a, b) {
return (data) => a(data) || b(data);
function isArray(data) {
return Array.isArray(data);
function isObject(data) {
return typeof data === "object" && data !== null;
function isTruthy(data) {
return Boolean(data);
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Equivalence.js
var make = (isEquivalent) => (self, that) => self === that || isEquivalent(self, that);
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/internal/doNotation.js
var let_ = (map2) => dual(3, (self, name, f) => map2(self, (a) => Object.assign({}, a, {
[name]: f(a)
var bindTo = (map2) => dual(2, (self, name) => map2(self, (a) => ({
[name]: a
var bind = (map2, flatMap2) => dual(3, (self, name, f) => flatMap2(self, (a) => map2(f(a), (b) => Object.assign({}, a, {
[name]: b
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Inspectable.js
var NodeInspectSymbol = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom");
var toJSON = (x) => {
try {
if (hasProperty(x, "toJSON") && isFunction2(x["toJSON"]) && x["toJSON"].length === 0) {
return x.toJSON();
} else if (Array.isArray(x)) {
} catch (_) {
return {};
return redact(x);
var format = (x) => JSON.stringify(x, null, 2);
var symbolRedactable = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Inspectable/Redactable");
var isRedactable = (u) => typeof u === "object" && u !== null && symbolRedactable in u;
var redactableState = /* @__PURE__ */ globalValue("effect/Inspectable/redactableState", () => ({
fiberRefs: undefined
var redact = (u) => {
if (isRedactable(u) && redactableState.fiberRefs !== undefined) {
return u[symbolRedactable](redactableState.fiberRefs);
return u;
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Pipeable.js
var pipeArguments = (self, args) => {
switch (args.length) {
case 0:
return self;
case 1:
return args[0](self);
case 2:
return args[1](args[0](self));
case 3:
return args[2](args[1](args[0](self)));
case 4:
return args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self))));
case 5:
return args[4](args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self)))));
case 6:
return args[5](args[4](args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self))))));
case 7:
return args[6](args[5](args[4](args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self)))))));
case 8:
return args[7](args[6](args[5](args[4](args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self))))))));
case 9:
return args[8](args[7](args[6](args[5](args[4](args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self)))))))));
default: {
let ret = self;
for (let i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) {
ret = args[i](ret);
return ret;
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/internal/effectable.js
var EffectTypeId = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Effect");
var StreamTypeId = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Stream");
var SinkTypeId = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Sink");
var ChannelTypeId = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Channel");
var effectVariance = {
/* c8 ignore next */
_R: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_E: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_A: (_) => _,
_V: /* @__PURE__ */ getCurrentVersion()
var sinkVariance = {
/* c8 ignore next */
_A: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_In: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_L: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_E: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_R: (_) => _
var channelVariance = {
/* c8 ignore next */
_Env: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_InErr: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_InElem: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_InDone: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_OutErr: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_OutElem: (_) => _,
/* c8 ignore next */
_OutDone: (_) => _
var EffectPrototype = {
[EffectTypeId]: effectVariance,
[StreamTypeId]: effectVariance,
[SinkTypeId]: sinkVariance,
[ChannelTypeId]: channelVariance,
[symbol2](that) {
return this === that;
[symbol]() {
return cached(this, random(this));
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return new SingleShotGen(new YieldWrap(this));
pipe() {
return pipeArguments(this, arguments);
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/internal/option.js
var TypeId = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Option");
var CommonProto = {
[TypeId]: {
_A: (_) => _
[NodeInspectSymbol]() {
return this.toJSON();
toString() {
return format(this.toJSON());
var SomeProto = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(CommonProto), {
_tag: "Some",
_op: "Some",
[symbol2](that) {
return isOption(that) && isSome(that) && equals(this.value, that.value);
[symbol]() {
return cached(this, combine(hash(this._tag))(hash(this.value)));
toJSON() {
return {
_id: "Option",
_tag: this._tag,
value: toJSON(this.value)
var NoneHash = /* @__PURE__ */ hash("None");
var NoneProto = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(CommonProto), {
_tag: "None",
_op: "None",
[symbol2](that) {
return isOption(that) && isNone(that);
[symbol]() {
return NoneHash;
toJSON() {
return {
_id: "Option",
_tag: this._tag
var isOption = (input) => hasProperty(input, TypeId);
var isNone = (fa) => fa._tag === "None";
var isSome = (fa) => fa._tag === "Some";
var none = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(NoneProto);
var some2 = (value) => {
const a = Object.create(SomeProto);
a.value = value;
return a;
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/internal/either.js
var TypeId2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Either");
var CommonProto2 = {
[TypeId2]: {
_R: (_) => _
[NodeInspectSymbol]() {
return this.toJSON();
toString() {
return format(this.toJSON());
var RightProto = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(CommonProto2), {
_tag: "Right",
_op: "Right",
[symbol2](that) {
return isEither(that) && isRight(that) && equals(this.right, that.right);
[symbol]() {
return combine(hash(this._tag))(hash(this.right));
toJSON() {
return {
_id: "Either",
_tag: this._tag,
right: toJSON(this.right)
var LeftProto = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(CommonProto2), {
_tag: "Left",
_op: "Left",
[symbol2](that) {
return isEither(that) && isLeft(that) && equals(this.left, that.left);
[symbol]() {
return combine(hash(this._tag))(hash(this.left));
toJSON() {
return {
_id: "Either",
_tag: this._tag,
left: toJSON(this.left)
var isEither = (input) => hasProperty(input, TypeId2);
var isLeft = (ma) => ma._tag === "Left";
var isRight = (ma) => ma._tag === "Right";
var left = (left2) => {
const a = Object.create(LeftProto);
a.left = left2;
return a;
var right = (right2) => {
const a = Object.create(RightProto);
a.right = right2;
return a;
var getLeft = (self) => isRight(self) ? none : some2(self.left);
var getRight = (self) => isLeft(self) ? none : some2(self.right);
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Order.js
var make2 = (compare) => (self, that) => self === that ? 0 : compare(self, that);
// ../../../node_modules/.pnpm/effect@3.12.1/node_modules/effect/dist/esm/Option.js
var TypeId3 = /* @__PURE__ */ Symbol.for("effect/Option");
var none2 = () => none;
var some3 = some2;
var isOption2 = isOption;
var isNone2 = isNone;
var isSome2 = isSome;
var match = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, {
}) => isNone2(self) ? onNone() : onSome(self.value));
var toRefinement = (f) => (a) => isSome2(f(a));
var fromIterable = (collection) => {
for (const a of collection) {
return some3(a);
return none2();
var getRight2 = getRight;
var getLeft2 = getLeft;
var getOrElse = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, onNone) => isNone2(self) ? onNone() : self.value);
var orElse = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => isNone2(self) ? that() : self);
var orElseSome = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, onNone) => isNone2(self) ? some3(onNone()) : self);
var orElseEither = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => isNone2(self) ? map(that(), right) : map(self, left));
var firstSomeOf = (collection) => {
let out = none2();
for (out of collection) {
if (isSome2(out)) {
return out;
return out;
var fromNullable = (nullableValue) => nullableValue == null ? none2() : some3(nullableValue);
var liftNullable = (f) => (...a) => fromNullable(f(...a));
var getOrNull = /* @__PURE__ */ getOrElse(constNull);
var getOrUndefined = /* @__PURE__ */ getOrElse(constUndefined);
var liftThrowable = (f) => (...a) => {
try {
return some3(f(...a));
} catch (e) {
return none2();
var getOrThrowWith = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, onNone) => {
if (isSome2(self)) {
return self.value;
throw onNone();
var getOrThrow = /* @__PURE__ */ getOrThrowWith(() => new Error("getOrThrow called on a None"));
var map = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, f) => isNone2(self) ? none2() : some3(f(self.value)));
var as = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, b) => map(self, () => b));
var asVoid = /* @__PURE__ */ as(undefined);
var void_ = /* @__PURE__ */ some3(undefined);
var flatMap = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, f) => isNone2(self) ? none2() : f(self.value));
var andThen = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, f) => flatMap(self, (a) => {
const b = isFunction(f) ? f(a) : f;
return isOption2(b) ? b : some3(b);
var flatMapNullable = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, f) => isNone2(self) ? none2() : fromNullable(f(self.value)));
var flatten = /* @__PURE__ */ flatMap(identity);
var zipRight = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => flatMap(self, () => that));
var composeK = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (afb, bfc) => (a) => flatMap(afb(a), bfc));
var zipLeft = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => tap(self, () => that));
var tap = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, f) => flatMap(self, (a) => map(f(a), () => a)));
var product2 = (self, that) => isSome2(self) && isSome2(that) ? some3([self.value, that.value]) : none2();
var productMany2 = (self, collection) => {
if (isNone2(self)) {
return none2();
const out = [self.value];
for (const o of collection) {
if (isNone2(o)) {
return none2();
return some3(out);
var all2 = (input) => {
if (Symbol.iterator in input) {
const out2 = [];
for (const o of input) {
if (isNone2(o)) {
return none2();
return some3(out2);
const out = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(input)) {
const o = input[key];
if (isNone2(o)) {
return none2();
out[key] = o.value;
return some3(out);
var zipWith = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(3, (self, that, f) => map(product2(self, that), ([a, b]) => f(a, b)));
var ap = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, that) => zipWith(self, that, (f, a) => f(a)));
var reduceCompact = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(3, (self, b, f) => {
let out = b;
for (const oa of self) {
if (isSome2(oa)) {
out = f(out, oa.value);
return out;
var toArray = (self) => isNone2(self) ? [] : [self.value];
var partitionMap = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, f) => {
if (isNone2(self)) {
return [none2(), none2()];
const e = f(self.value);
return isLeft(e) ? [some3(e.left), none2()] : [none2(), some3(e.right)];
var filterMap = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, f) => isNone2(self) ? none2() : f(self.value));
var filter = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, predicate) => filterMap(self, (b) => predicate(b) ? some2(b) : none));
var getEquivalence = (isEquivalent) => make((x, y) => isNone2(x) ? isNone2(y) : isNone2(y) ? false : isEquivalent(x.value, y.value));
var getOrder = (O) => make2((self, that) => isSome2(self) ? isSome2(that) ? O(self.value, that.value) : 1 : -1);
var lift2 = (f) => dual(2, (self, that) => zipWith(self, that, f));
var liftPredicate = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (b, predicate) => predicate(b) ? some3(b) : none2());
var containsWith = (isEquivalent) => dual(2, (self, a) => isNone2(self) ? false : isEquivalent(self.value, a));
var _equivalence = /* @__PURE__ */ equivalence();
var contains = /* @__PURE__ */ containsWith(_equivalence);
var exists = /* @__PURE__ */ dual(2, (self, refinement) => isNone2(self) ? false : refinement(self.value));
var bindTo2 = /* @__PURE__ */ bindTo(map);
var let_2 = /* @__PURE__ */ let_(map);
var bind2 = /* @__PURE__ */ bind(map, flatMap);
var Do = /* @__PURE__ */ some3({});
var adapter2 = /* @__PURE__ */ adapter();
var gen = (...args) => {
let f;
if (args.length === 1) {
f = args[0];
} else {
f = args[1].bind(args[0]);
const iterator = f(adapter2);
let state =;
if (state.done) {
return some3(state.value);
} else {
let current = state.value;
if (isGenKind(current)) {
current = current.value;
} else {
current = yieldWrapGet(current);
if (isNone2(current)) {
return current;
while (!state.done) {
state =;
if (!state.done) {
current = state.value;
if (isGenKind(current)) {
current = current.value;
} else {
current = yieldWrapGet(current);
if (isNone2(current)) {
return current;
return some3(state.value);
exports.F = Function_exports;
exports.O = Option_exports;
exports.all = all;
exports.and = and;
exports.compose = compose2;
exports.eqv = eqv;
exports.every = every;
exports.hasProperty = hasProperty;
exports.implies = implies;
exports.isBigInt = isBigInt;
exports.isBoolean = isBoolean;
exports.isDate = isDate;
exports.isError = isError;
exports.isFunction = isFunction2;
exports.isIterable = isIterable;
exports.isMap = isMap;
exports.isNever = isNever;
exports.isNotNull = isNotNull;
exports.isNotNullable = isNotNullable;
exports.isNotUndefined = isNotUndefined;
exports.isNull = isNull;
exports.isNullable = isNullable;
exports.isNumber = isNumber;
exports.BiRecord = BiRecord;
exports._ = _;
exports.birecord = birecord;
exports.dual = dual;
exports.entries = entries;
exports.flip = flip;
exports.flow = flow;
exports.fromEntries = fromEntries;
exports.identity = identity;
exports.isArray = isArray;
exports.isObject = isObject;
exports.isPromise = isPromise;
exports.isPromiseLike = isPromiseLike;
exports.isReadonlyRecord = isReadonlyRecord;
exports.isRecord = isRecord;
exports.isRecordOrArray = isRecordOrArray;
exports.isRegExp = isRegExp;
exports.isSet = isSet;
exports.isString = isString;
exports.isSymbol = isSymbol;
exports.isTagged = isTagged;
exports.isTruthy = isTruthy;
exports.isTupleOf = isTupleOf;
exports.isTupleOfAtLeast = isTupleOfAtLeast;
exports.isUint8Array = isUint8Array;
exports.isUndefined = isUndefined;
exports.isUnknown = isUnknown;
exports.mapInput = mapInput;
exports.nand = nand;
exports.nor = nor;
exports.not = not;
exports.or = or;
exports.product = product;
exports.productMany = productMany;
exports.some = some;
exports.struct = struct;
exports.tuple = tuple;
exports.xor = xor;
exports.pipe = pipe;
exports.returnFalse = returnFalse;
exports.returnTrue = returnTrue;
exports.returnVoid = returnVoid;
"name": "@eslint-react/eff",
"version": "1.23.3-next.8",
"description": "A subset of effect to produce a more lightweight version of the library.",
"homepage": "",
"version": "1.24.0-next.0",
"description": "JavaScript and TypeScript utilities (previously some re-exports of the effect library).",
"homepage": "",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"url": ""
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+",
"url": "git+",
"directory": "packages/utilities/eff"

@@ -36,3 +36,2 @@ },

"devDependencies": {
"effect": "^3.12.1",
"tsup": "^8.3.5",

@@ -39,0 +38,0 @@ "@workspace/configs": "0.0.0"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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