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@@ -1,19 +0,93 @@

import type { CardPayload } from 'types';
import type { CardTranslations } from 'types';
import type { CustomConfig as CustomConfig_2 } from '@evervault/browser';
import type EvervaultClient from '@evervault/browser';
import type { EvervaultRequestProps } from '@evervault/browser';
import type { InputSettings } from '@evervault/browser';
import type { PinOptions } from 'types';
import type { PinPayload } from 'types';
import { events } from 'events';
import * as React_2 from 'react';
import { ReactNode } from 'react';
import type { RevealFormat } from 'types';
import type { RevealSettings } from '@evervault/browser';
import type { SwipedCard } from 'types';
import type { ThemeDefinition } from 'types';
import * as themes from 'themes';
import type { Styles } from 'jss';
declare interface CageKey {
teamUuid: string;
appUuid: string;
key: string;
ecdhKey: string;
ecdhP256Key: string;
ecdhP256KeyUncompressed: string;
isDebugMode: boolean;
export declare function Card({ theme, onSwipe, onReady, onError, onChange, translations, }: CardProps): React_2.JSX.Element;
declare class Card_2 {
values?: CardPayload;
constructor(client: EvervaultClient, options?: CardOptions);
get config(): {
theme: ThemeDefinition | undefined;
config: {
autoFocus: boolean | undefined;
translations: Partial<CardTranslations> | undefined;
hiddenFields: string;
mount(selector: SelectorType): this;
update(options?: CardOptions): this;
unmount(): this;
on<T extends keyof CardEvents>(event: T, callback: CardEvents[T]): () => void;
validate(): this;
declare interface CardEvents {
ready: () => void;
error: () => void;
change: (payload: CardPayload) => void;
swipe: (payload: SwipedCard) => void;
declare interface CardExpiry {
month: string | null;
year: string | null;
export declare type CardField = "number" | "expiry" | "cvc";
declare interface CardFieldTranslations<E extends TranslationsObject>
extends TranslationsObject {
label?: string;
placeholder?: string;
errors?: E;
export declare interface CardFrameClientMessages
extends EvervaultFrameClientMessages {
EV_SWIPE: SwipedCard;
EV_CHANGE: CardPayload;
export declare interface CardFrameHostMessages
extends EvervaultFrameHostMessages {
EV_VALIDATE: undefined;
export declare interface CardOptions {
theme?: ThemeDefinition;
autoFocus?: boolean;
hiddenFields?: CardField[];
translations?: Partial<CardTranslations>;
export declare interface CardPayload {
isValid: boolean;
card: {
brand: string | undefined;
number: string | null;
lastFour: string | null;
bin: string | null;
expiry: CardExpiry;
cvc: string | null;
errors: null | Partial<{
number?: string;
cvc?: string;
expiry?: string;
declare interface CardProps {

@@ -28,2 +102,91 @@ theme?: ThemeDefinition;

export declare interface CardTranslations extends TranslationsObject {
number: CardFieldTranslations<{ invalid?: string }>;
expiry: CardFieldTranslations<{ invalid?: string }>;
cvc: CardFieldTranslations<{ invalid?: string }>;
declare function clean(extended?: ThemeDefinition): ThemeDefinition {
return (utils) => ({
styles: {
body: {
paddingBottom: 2,
label: {
fontSize: 14,
marginBottom: 4,
display: "block",
color: "#0a2540",
input: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 6,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "0 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
"0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .03), 0px 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .02)",
"&::placeholder": {
color: "#717f96",
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
borderColor: "#63e",
".field[ev-valid=false] input": {
color: "#df1c41",
borderColor: "#df1c41",
".error": {
color: "#df1c41",
fontSize: "0.75rem",
padding: "0.25rem 0",
"[ev-component=card]": {
gap: 16,
"[ev-component=pin] input": {
height: 80,
fontSize: 20,
caretColor: "transparent",
...(extended ? utils.extend(extended) : {}),
declare interface ComponentsConfig {
url: string;
declare interface Config {
teamId: string;
appId: string;
encryption: EncryptionSubConfig;
http: HttpConfig;
input: InputConfig;
components: ComponentsConfig;
debugKey: typeof debugKey;
declare interface ConfigUrls {
keysUrl?: string;
inputsUrl?: string;
inputsOrigin?: string;
apiUrl?: string;
componentsUrl?: string;
declare class CoreCrypto {
constructor(ecdhTeamKey: Uint8Array, ecdhPublicKey: CryptoKey, derivedSecret: ArrayBuffer, config: EncryptionSubConfig, isDebug: boolean);
encrypt(data: unknown): Promise<string | Blob | File | Datatypes.EncryptedValue | Datatypes.EncryptedValue[] | Datatypes.EncrypedObject>;
export declare interface CustomConfig extends CustomConfig_2 {

@@ -33,2 +196,167 @@ jsSdkUrl: string;

declare interface CustomConfig_2 {
isDebugMode?: boolean;
urls?: ConfigUrls;
publicKey?: string;
declare interface CustomStyles {
cardNumberText?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
cardNumberLabel?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
cardNumberGroup?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
securityCodeText?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
securityCodeLabel?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
securityCodeGroup?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
expirationDateText?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
expirationDateLabel?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
expirationDateGroup?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
topRow?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
bottomRow?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
copyButton?: CSSStyleDeclaration;
declare namespace Datatypes {
declare const debugKey: {
readonly ecdhP256KeyUncompressed: "BF1/Mo85D7t/XvC3I+YYpJvP+OsSyxIbSrhtDhg1SClQ2xdoyGpXYrplO/f8AZ+7cGkUnMF3tzSfLC5Io8BuNyw=";
readonly ecdhP256Key: "Al1/Mo85D7t/XvC3I+YYpJvP+OsSyxIbSrhtDhg1SClQ";
readonly isDebugMode: true;
declare const encryptionConstants: {
cipherAlgorithm: "aes-256-gcm";
keyLength: 32;
ivLength: 12;
authTagLength: 128;
publicHash: "sha256";
evVersion: "NOC";
header: {
iss: "evervault";
version: 1;
maxFileSizeInMB: 25;
maxFileSizeInBytes: number;
declare type EncryptionSubConfig = typeof encryptionConstants & {
publicKey?: string;
declare class EvervaultClient {
/** @deprecated */
forms: {
handleForm(form: any): Promise<{}>;
register(): void;
events: events;
config: Config;
http: {
getCageKey: () => Promise<CageKey>;
decryptWithToken: <T>(token: string, data: T) => Promise<{
value: T;
input: {
generate(id: string, settings: InputSettings | RevealSettings, isReveal?: boolean, request?: Request | EvervaultRequestProps | undefined, onCopyCallback?: (() => void) | undefined): {
isInputsLoaded: Promise<boolean>;
getData: () => Promise<unknown>;
on: (e: unknown, fn: (data: unknown) => void) => void;
setLabels: (labels: Record<string, unknown>) => void;
ui: UIComponents;
* The SDK constructor accepts two parameters:
* - Your Team ID
* - Your App ID
* @param teamId The ID of your Evervault team. This can be found inside of your team settings on the [Evervault dashboard](
* @param appId The ID of your Evervault app. This can be found inside of your app settings on the [Evervault dashboard](
constructor(teamId: string, appId: string, customConfig?: CustomConfig_2);
loadKeys(): Promise<CoreCrypto>;
getContext(origin: string, inputsUrl: string): SdkContext;
* Initializes Evervault Inputs. Evervault Inputs makes it easy to collect encrypted cardholder data in a completely PCI-compliant environment.
* Evervault Inputs are served within an iFrame retrieved directly from Evervault’s PCI-compliant infrastructure, which can reduce your PCI DSS compliance scope to the simplest form (SAQ A).
* Simply pass the ID of the element in which the iFrame should be embedded.
* We also support themes and custom styles so you can customise how Inputs looks in your UI.
* @param data - The data to encrypt.
* @returns The encrypted data.
encrypt(data: File): Promise<File>;
encrypt(data: Blob): Promise<Blob>;
encrypt(data: Datatypes.EncryptableAsString): Promise<string>;
encrypt(data: Datatypes.EncryptableValue[]): Promise<Datatypes.EncryptedValue[]>;
encrypt(data: Datatypes.EncryptableObject): Promise<NonNullable<unknown>>;
encrypt(data: unknown): Promise<string>;
* Initializes Evervault Inputs. Evervault Inputs makes it easy to collect encrypted cardholder data in a completely PCI-compliant environment.
* Evervault Inputs are served within an iFrame retrieved directly from Evervault’s PCI-compliant infrastructure, which can reduce your PCI DSS compliance scope to the simplest form (SAQ A).
* Simply pass the ID of the element in which the iFrame should be embedded.
* We also support themes and custom styles so you can customise how Inputs looks in your UI.
* @param elementId ID of the DOM element in which the Evervault Inputs iFrame should be embedded.
* @param config A theme string (supported: default, minimal or material), or a config object for custom styles.
* @returns
inputs(elementId: string, config?: string | InputSettings): {
isInputsLoaded: Promise<boolean>;
getData: () => Promise<unknown>;
on: (event: unknown, fn: (data: unknown) => void) => void;
setLabels: (labels: Record<string, unknown>) => void;
reveal(elementId: string, request: Request | EvervaultRequestProps, config?: RevealSettings, onCopy?: () => void): {
isRevealLoaded: Promise<boolean>;
* @deprecated
auto(fieldsToEncrypt?: never[]): void;
decrypt<T>(token: string, data: T): Promise<{
value: T;
isInDebugMode(): boolean;
export declare interface EvervaultFrameClientMessages {
EV_RESIZE: { height: number };
EV_FRAME_READY: undefined;
export declare interface EvervaultFrameHostMessages {
theme?: ThemeObject;
config?: unknown;
theme?: ThemeObject;
config?: unknown;
export declare function EvervaultInput({ onChange, config, onInputsLoad, }: EvervaultInputProps): React_2.JSX.Element;

@@ -51,2 +379,16 @@

declare interface EvervaultRequestProps {
cache?: RequestCache;
credentials?: RequestCredentials;
destination?: RequestDestination;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
integrity?: string;
keepalive?: boolean;
method?: string;
mode?: RequestMode;
referrer?: string;
referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
url?: string;
export declare function EvervaultReveal({ request, config, onCopy, onRevealLoad, onRevealError, }: EvervaultRevealProps): React_2.JSX.Element;

@@ -62,4 +404,299 @@

declare interface HttpConfig {
keysUrl: string;
apiUrl: string;
declare interface InputConfig {
inputsOrigin: string;
declare interface InputSettings {
theme?: string;
height?: string;
primaryColor?: string;
labelColor?: string;
inputBorderColor?: string;
inputTextColor?: string;
inputBackgroundColor?: string;
inputBorderRadius?: string;
inputHeight?: string;
cardNumberLabel?: string;
expirationDateLabel?: string;
securityCodeLabel?: string;
expirationDatePlaceholder?: string;
invalidCardNumberLabel?: string;
invalidExpirationDateLabel?: string;
invalidSecurityCodeLabel?: string;
fontUrl?: string;
fontFamily?: string;
inputFontSize?: string;
inputBoxShadow?: string;
labelFontSize?: string;
labelWeight?: string;
disableCVV?: string;
disableExpiry?: string;
declare function material(extended?: ThemeDefinition): ThemeDefinition {
return (utils) => ({
styles: {
body: {
paddingTop: 4,
".field": {
position: "relative",
label: {
top: 10,
left: 8,
zIndex: 3,
fontSize: 14,
lineHeight: 1,
height: "20px",
display: "flex",
color: "#717f96",
padding: "0 4px",
alignItems: "center",
position: "absolute",
pointerEvents: "none",
transformOrigin: "center left",
transition: "transform 150ms, background 150ms",
input: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 6,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "0 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
"&::placeholder": {
color: "transparent",
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
borderColor: "#63e",
".field[ev-valid=false] input": {
color: "#df1c41",
borderColor: "#df1c41",
".field:focus-within label, .field:not([ev-has-value=false]) label": {
background: "white",
transform: "translateY(-100%) scale(0.8)",
".error": {
color: "#df1c41",
fontSize: "0.75rem",
padding: "0.25rem 0",
".field:not([ev-valid=false]):focus-within label": {
color: "#63e",
".field[ev-valid=false] label": {
color: "#df1c41",
".field[ev-has-value=true][ev-valid=true]:not(:focus-within) label": {
color: "#0a2540",
"[ev-component=card]": {
gap: 16,
...(extended ? utils.extend(extended) : {}),
declare function minimal(extended?: ThemeDefinition): ThemeDefinition {
return (utils) => ({
styles: {
body: {
paddingBottom: 2,
label: {
fontSize: 14,
marginBottom: "0.5rem",
color: "#0a2540",
display: "none",
".field:first-child label": {
display: "block",
"fieldset[ev-valid=false]": {
paddingBottom: "1.5rem",
input: {
height: 40,
fontSize: 16,
borderRadius: 0,
color: "#0a2540",
padding: "0 12px",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
border: "1px solid #e6ebf1",
"0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .03), 0px 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .02)",
"&::placeholder": {
color: "#717f96",
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
borderColor: "#63e",
".field[ev-valid=false] input": {
color: "#df1c41",
borderColor: "#df1c41",
".error": {
color: "#df1c41",
fontSize: "0.75rem",
padding: "0.25rem 0",
position: "absolute",
left: 0,
bottom: 0,
display: "none",
".field[ev-valid=false]": {
zIndex: 4,
".field:focus-within": {
zIndex: 5,
"[ev-component=card]": {
gap: 0,
"& .field[ev-valid=false]:nth-child(1) .error": {
display: "block",
"& [ev-valid=true]:nth-child(1) + [ev-valid=false] .error": {
display: "block",
"& [ev-valid=true]:nth-child(1) + [ev-valid=true]:nth-child(2) + [ev-valid=false] .error":
display: "block",
"& [ev-name=number]": {
marginBottom: "-1px",
"& input": {
borderTopLeftRadius: 6,
borderTopRightRadius: 6,
"& .field:nth-child(2) input": {
borderBottomLeftRadius: 6,
"& .field:nth-child(3)": {
marginLeft: "-1px",
"& .field:last-child input": {
borderBottomRightRadius: 6,
"[ev-component=pin]": {
gap: 0,
"& input": {
height: 60,
"& .field:not(:first-child)": {
marginLeft: "-1px",
"& .field:first-child input": {
borderTopLeftRadius: 6,
borderBottomLeftRadius: 6,
"& .field:last-child input": {
borderTopRightRadius: 6,
borderBottomRightRadius: 6,
...(extended ? utils.extend(extended) : {}),
export declare function Pin({ theme, onReady, onChange, onError, length }: PinProps): React_2.JSX.Element;
declare class Pin_2 {
values: PinPayload;
constructor(client: EvervaultClient, options?: PinOptions);
get config(): {
theme: ThemeDefinition | undefined;
config: {
length: number;
mode: "numeric" | "alphanumeric";
autoFocus: boolean | undefined;
inputType: "number" | "text" | "password" | undefined;
mount(selector: SelectorType): this;
unmount(): this;
update(options: PinOptions): this;
on<T extends keyof PinEvents>(event: T, callback: PinEvents[T]): () => void;
declare interface PinEvents {
ready: () => void;
error: () => void;
change: (payload: PinPayload) => void;
complete: (payload: PinPayload) => void;
export declare interface PinFrameClientMessages extends EvervaultFrameClientMessages {
EV_CHANGE: PinPayload;
EV_COMPLETE: PinPayload;
export declare interface PinOptions {
theme?: ThemeDefinition;
length?: number;
autoFocus?: boolean;
mode?: "numeric" | "alphanumeric";
inputType?: "number" | "text" | "password";
export declare interface PinPayload {
isComplete: boolean;
value: string | null;
declare type PinProps = PinOptions & {

@@ -82,4 +719,46 @@ onReady?: () => void;

declare class Reveal_2 {
ready: boolean;
channel: string;
consumers: (RevealText_2 | RevealCopyButton_2)[];
constructor(client: EvervaultClient, request: Request);
text(path: string, options?: RevealTextOptions): RevealText_2;
copyButton(path: string, options?: RevealCopyButtonOptions): RevealCopyButton_2;
unmount(): this;
on<T extends keyof RevealEvents>(event: T, callback: RevealEvents[T]): () => void;
checkIfReady(): void;
export declare interface RevealConsumerClientMessages
extends EvervaultFrameClientMessages {
EV_COPY: undefined;
declare function RevealCopyButton({ path, onCopy, ...options }: RevealCopyButtonProps): React_2.JSX.Element;
declare class RevealCopyButton_2 {
path: string;
ready: boolean;
options: RevealCopyButtonOptions;
constructor(reveal: Reveal_2, client: EvervaultClient, path: string, options?: RevealCopyButtonOptions);
mount(selector: SelectorType): this;
unmount(): this;
on<T extends keyof RevealCopyButtonEvents>(event: T, callback: RevealCopyButtonEvents[T]): () => void;
declare interface RevealCopyButtonEvents {
copy: () => void;
declare interface RevealCopyButtonOptions {
theme?: ThemeDefinition;
text?: string;
icon?: string;
format?: RevealFormat;
declare interface RevealCopyButtonProps {

@@ -90,2 +769,12 @@ path: string;

declare interface RevealEvents {
ready: () => void;
error: () => void;
export declare interface RevealFormat {
regex: RegExp;
replace: string;
declare interface RevealProps {

@@ -98,4 +787,41 @@ request: Request;

export declare interface RevealRequestClientMessages
extends EvervaultFrameClientMessages {
EV_ERROR: undefined;
declare interface RevealSettings {
theme?: string;
height?: string;
revealFontSize?: string;
revealFontWeight?: string;
revealTextColor?: string;
fontUrl?: string;
fontFamily?: string;
cardNumberLabel?: string;
expirationDateLabel?: string;
securityCodeLabel?: string;
labelFontSize?: string;
labelFontWeight?: string;
labelColor?: string;
customStyles?: CustomStyles;
declare function RevealText({ path, theme, format }: RevealTextProps): React_2.JSX.Element;
declare class RevealText_2 {
path: string;
ready: boolean;
constructor(reveal: Reveal_2, client: EvervaultClient, path: string, options?: RevealTextOptions);
mount(selector: SelectorType): this;
unmount(): this;
declare interface RevealTextOptions {
theme?: ThemeDefinition;
format?: RevealFormat;
declare interface RevealTextProps {

@@ -107,9 +833,61 @@ path: string;

declare type SdkContext = "inputs" | "default";
export declare type SelectorType = string | HTMLElement;
export declare interface SwipedCard {
brand: string | undefined;
number: string | null;
expiry: CardExpiry | null;
firstName: string | null;
lastName: string | null;
lastFour: string | null;
bin: string | null;
export declare type ThemeDefinition = ThemeObject | ThemeFunction;
export declare type ThemeFunction = (utilities: ThemeUtilities) => ThemeObject;
export declare interface ThemeObject {
fonts?: string[];
styles?: ThemeStyles;
declare namespace themes {
export {
export { themes }
export declare function useEvervault(): PromisifiedEvervaultClient | null;
export declare type ThemeStyles = Partial<Styles>;
export declare interface ThemeUtilities {
media: (property: string, styles: ThemeStyles) => object;
extend: (theme: ThemeDefinition) => object;
export * from "types";
export declare interface TranslationsObject {
[key: string]: string | TranslationsObject | undefined;
export declare interface UIComponentMessageDetail {
type: string;
payload: unknown;
declare class UIComponents {
client: EvervaultClient;
themes: typeof themes;
constructor(client: EvervaultClient);
card(opts?: CardOptions): Card_2;
pin(opts?: PinOptions): Pin_2;
reveal(request: Request): Reveal_2;
export declare function useEvervault(): PromisifiedEvervaultClient | null;
export { }


"private": false,
"name": "@evervault/react",
"version": "2.3.1",
"version": "2.3.2",
"description": "React package for the Evervault SDK",

@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ "license": "MIT",

"types": "^0.0.0",
"@evervault/browser": "^2.17.0",
"themes": "^0.0.0",
"tsconfig": "^0.0.1",
"@evervault/browser": "^2.17.0"
"tsconfig": "^0.0.1"

@@ -42,0 +42,0 @@ "scripts": {

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