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@everymatrix/blog-articles-grid - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.44.0 to 1.45.0




@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

import{p as e,b as t}from"./p-cb7acb6b.js";(()=>{const t=import.meta.url,a={};return""!==t&&(a.resourcesUrl=new URL(".",t).href),e(a)})().then((e=>t([["p-cbc63da6",[[1,"blog-articles-grid",{cmsEndpoint:[513,"cms-endpoint"],language:[513],userRoles:[513,"user-roles"],cmsEnv:[513,"cms-env"],clientStyling:[513,"client-styling"],clientStylingUrl:[513,"client-styling-url"],showPublishingDate:[516,"show-publishing-date"],showImage:[516,"show-image"],showTitle:[516,"show-title"],showContent:[516,"show-content"],showButton:[516,"show-button"],usePostmessage:[516,"use-postmessage"],postMessageEvent:[513,"post-message-event"],blogsLimit:[513,"blogs-limit"],paginationActive:[516,"pagination-active"],arrowsActive:[516,"arrows-active"],secondaryArrowsActive:[516,"secondary-arrows-active"],numberedNavActive:[516,"numbered-nav-active"],intlDateTimeFormat:[513,"intl-date-time-format"],page:[513],paginationBlogList:[32],currentPage:[32],hasErrors:[32],isLoading:[32],bannerMatrixReady:[32],nextPage:[32],previousPage:[32],device:[32],blogData:[32],totalBlogs:[32]},[[8,"BannerMatrixReady","handleBannerReady"],[0,"hpPageChange","hpPageChange"]]],[1,"helper-pagination",{nextPage:[1537,"next-page"],prevPage:[1537,"prev-page"],offset:[1538],limit:[1538],total:[1538],language:[1537],clientStyling:[1537,"client-styling"],clientStylingUrlContent:[1537,"client-styling-url-content"],arrowsActive:[1540,"arrows-active"],secondaryArrowsActive:[1540,"secondary-arrows-active"],numberedNavActive:[1540,"numbered-nav-active"],offsetInt:[32],lastPage:[32],previousPage:[32],limitInt:[32],totalInt:[32],pagesArray:[32],endInt:[32],limitStylingAppends:[32]}]]]],e)));
import{p as e,b as t}from"./p-786304d4.js";export{s as setNonce}from"./p-786304d4.js";import{g as n}from"./p-e1255160.js";(()=>{const t=import.meta.url,n={};return""!==t&&(n.resourcesUrl=new URL(".",t).href),e(n)})().then((async e=>(await n(),t([["p-dde0107e",[[1,"blog-articles-grid",{cmsEndpoint:[513,"cms-endpoint"],language:[513],userRoles:[513,"user-roles"],cmsEnv:[513,"cms-env"],clientStyling:[513,"client-styling"],clientStylingUrl:[513,"client-styling-url"],showPublishingDate:[516,"show-publishing-date"],showImage:[516,"show-image"],showTitle:[516,"show-title"],showContent:[516,"show-content"],showButton:[516,"show-button"],usePostmessage:[516,"use-postmessage"],postMessageEvent:[513,"post-message-event"],blogsLimit:[513,"blogs-limit"],paginationActive:[516,"pagination-active"],arrowsActive:[516,"arrows-active"],secondaryArrowsActive:[516,"secondary-arrows-active"],numberedNavActive:[516,"numbered-nav-active"],intlDateTimeFormat:[513,"intl-date-time-format"],page:[513],paginationBlogList:[32],currentPage:[32],hasErrors:[32],isLoading:[32],bannerMatrixReady:[32],nextPage:[32],previousPage:[32],device:[32],blogData:[32],totalBlogs:[32]},[[8,"BannerMatrixReady","handleBannerReady"],[0,"hpPageChange","hpPageChange"]],{page:["watchEndpoint"],hasErrors:["watchEndpoint"],cmsEndpoint:["watchEndpoint"],language:["watchEndpoint"],cmsEnv:["watchEndpoint"],userRoles:["watchEndpoint"],blogsLimit:["watchEndpoint"],clientStyling:["handleStylingChange"],clientStylingUrl:["handleStylingChange"]}],[1,"helper-pagination",{nextPage:[1537,"next-page"],prevPage:[1537,"prev-page"],offset:[1538],limit:[1538],total:[1538],language:[1537],clientStyling:[1537,"client-styling"],clientStylingUrlContent:[1537,"client-styling-url-content"],arrowsActive:[1540,"arrows-active"],secondaryArrowsActive:[1540,"secondary-arrows-active"],numberedNavActive:[1540,"numbered-nav-active"],offsetInt:[32],lastPage:[32],previousPage:[32],limitInt:[32],totalInt:[32],pagesArray:[32],endInt:[32],limitStylingAppends:[32]}]]]],e))));

@@ -5,170 +5,104 @@ 'use strict';

const index = require('./index-159efcd2.js');
const index = require('./index-fad8e671.js');
const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE$1 = 'en';
const TRANSLATIONS$1 = {
en: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ro: {
error: 'Eroare',
readmore: 'Read more',
fr: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ar: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Read more',
hu: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Tovább olvasom',
hr: {
error: 'Greška',
readmore: 'Pročitaj više'
'pt-br': {
error: 'Erro',
readmore: 'Ler mais'
'es-mx': {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Leer más'
en: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ro: {
error: 'Eroare',
readmore: 'Read more',
fr: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ar: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Read more',
hu: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Tovább olvasom',
hr: {
error: 'Greška',
readmore: 'Pročitaj više'
'pt-br': {
error: 'Erro',
readmore: 'Ler mais'
'es-mx': {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Leer más'
const translate$1 = (key, customLang) => {
const lang = customLang;
return TRANSLATIONS$1[(lang !== undefined) && (lang in TRANSLATIONS$1) ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE$1][key];
const lang = customLang;
return TRANSLATIONS$1[(lang !== undefined) && (lang in TRANSLATIONS$1) ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE$1][key];
function checkCustomDeviceWidth() {
const width = screen.availWidth;
if (width < 600) {
return 'mobile';
else if (width >= 600 && width < 1100) {
return 'tablet';
const width = screen.availWidth;
if (width < 600) {
return 'mobile';
else if (width >= 600 && width < 1100) {
return 'tablet';
function isIpad() {
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
// Traditional iPad user agent
if (userAgent.includes('ipad')) {
return true;
return userAgent.indexOf('macintosh') > -1 && navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2;
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
// Traditional iPad user agent
if (userAgent.includes('ipad')) {
return true;
return userAgent.indexOf('macintosh') > -1 && navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2;
function getDeviceCustom() {
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
let source = '';
source = (userAgent.includes('android') || userAgent.includes('iphone') || isIpad()) ? checkCustomDeviceWidth() : 'desktop';
return source;
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
let source = '';
source = (userAgent.includes('android') || userAgent.includes('iphone') || isIpad()) ? checkCustomDeviceWidth() : 'desktop';
return source;
const getDevice = () => {
let userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/i)) {
return 'Android';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/iphone/i)) {
return 'iPhone';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/ipad|ipod/i)) {
return 'iPad';
return 'PC';
const getDevicePlatform = () => {
const device = getDevice();
if (device) {
if (device === 'PC') {
return 'dk';
let userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/i)) {
return 'Android';
else if (device === 'iPad' || device === 'iPhone') {
return 'mtWeb';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/iphone/i)) {
return 'iPhone';
else {
return 'mtWeb';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/ipad|ipod/i)) {
return 'iPad';
return 'PC';
const getDevicePlatform = () => {
const device = getDevice();
if (device) {
if (device === 'PC') {
return 'dk';
else if (device === 'iPad' || device === 'iPhone') {
return 'mtWeb';
else {
return 'mtWeb';
const blogArticlesGridCss = ":host {\n display: block;\n}\n\n.BlogPageContainer {\n background: #0A0A17;\n padding: 20px;\n}\n\n.GridContainerWrapper {\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;\n gap: 20px;\n}\n\n.BlogPage-0 .GridContainer.FeaturedPost:first-child {\n width: 100%;\n flex-basis: auto;\n}\n\n.GridContainer {\n container-type: inline-size;\n container-name: article;\n border-radius: 15px;\n color: #000;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n.GridContainer.FeaturedPost:first-child {\n grid-column: 1/-1;\n width: 100%;\n}\n.GridContainer .GridWrapper {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n height: 280px;\n background: var(--emfe-w-color-white, #FFFFFF);\n}\n.GridContainer .GridSector {\n flex-basis: 50%;\n position: relative;\n}\n.GridContainer .GridSector:first-of-type {\n height: 280px;\n display: flex;\n}\n.GridContainer .GridSector:last-of-type {\n padding: 20px 40px;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n}\n.GridContainer .VisualContent {\n width: 100%;\n}\n.GridContainer .BlogDate {\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 0px;\n left: 30px;\n font-size: 12px;\n border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;\n padding: 10px;\n width: fit-content;\n text-align: center;\n color: var(--emfe-w-color-white, #FFFFFF);\n background-color: #CD0B5E;\n z-index: 1;\n}\n.GridContainer .BlogTitle {\n font-size: 24px;\n color: #000;\n padding-bottom: 10px;\n}\n.GridContainer .BlogContent {\n display: -webkit-box;\n font-size: 14px;\n line-height: 1.2em;\n -webkit-line-clamp: 6;\n color: #000;\n -webkit-box-orient: vertical;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n.GridContainer .BlogLink {\n color: #000;\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 16px;\n}\n.GridContainer .BlogLink button {\n font-size: 14px;\n border: none;\n padding: 0;\n background: none;\n color: #D0046C;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n@container article (max-width: 550px) {\n .GridContainer .GridWrapper {\n height: 380px;\n flex-direction: column;\n }\n .GridContainer .GridWrapper .GridSector:first-of-type {\n height: 120px;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n flex-basis: 150px;\n }\n .GridContainer .GridWrapper .GridSector:last-of-type {\n padding: 20px 20px 40px;\n }\n}\n.LoadingImage {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n background-color: var(--emfe-w-color-gray-100, #E6E6E6);\n}\n\n.LoadingStripe {\n border: 1px solid var(--emfe-w-color-white, #FFFFFF);\n height: 20%;\n background-color: var(--emfe-w-color-gray-100, #E6E6E6);\n margin-bottom: 5px;\n}\n\n.LoadingSmallStripe {\n width: 40%;\n}\n\n.LoadingMediumStripe {\n width: 70%;\n}\n\n.BlogLink.LoadingLongStripe {\n position: static;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.GridContainerWrapper.LoadingGrid .GridSector {\n justify-content: space-around;\n}\n\n.GridContainerWrapper.LoadingGrid .LoadingImage, .GridContainerWrapper.LoadingGrid .LoadingStripe {\n animation: pulsatingLoader 2s ease-in-out 0s infinite reverse;\n -webkit-animation: pulsatingLoader 2s ease-in-out 0s infinite reverse;\n}\n\n@keyframes pulsatingLoader {\n 0% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n }\n 50% {\n opacity: 1;\n }\n 100% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n }\n}\n@-webkit-keyframes pulsatingLoader {\n 0% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n }\n 50% {\n opacity: 1;\n }\n 100% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n }\n}";
const BlogArticlesGridStyle0 = blogArticlesGridCss;
const BlogArticlesGrid = class {
constructor(hostRef) {
index.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.ArticleActionButton = index.createEvent(this, "ArticleActionButton", 7);
* Language of the widget
this.language = 'en';
* User roles
this.userRoles = 'everyone';
* CMS Endpoint stage
this.cmsEnv = 'stage';
* Client custom styling via string
this.clientStyling = '';
* Client custom styling via url
this.clientStylingUrl = '';
* Property used to display the publishing date
this.showPublishingDate = true;
* Property used to display the image
this.showImage = true;
* Property used to display the image
this.showTitle = true;
* Property used to display the description
this.showContent = true;
* Property used to display the button
this.showButton = true;
* Event name to be sent when the button is clicked
this.postMessageEvent = '';
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation
this.blogsLimit = '0';
* Intl date format
this.intlDateTimeFormat = '';
* Page to particularly be opened on start
*/ = '1';
this.paginationBlogList = {
offset: 0
this.currentPage = 0;
this.hasErrors = false;
this.isLoading = true;
this.bannerMatrixReady = false;
this.nextPage = '';
this.previousPage = '';
this.device = '';
this.totalBlogs = 0;
this.clientStylingContent = '';
this.defaultStyling = `
constructor(hostRef) {
index.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.articleActionButton = index.createEvent(this, "articleActionButton", 7);
this.clientStylingContent = '';
this.defaultStyling = `
div#PaginationContainer {

@@ -222,214 +156,246 @@ justify-content: right;

this.setClientStyling = () => {
this.clientStylingContent += this.clientStyling;
const sheet = document.createElement('style');
sheet.innerHTML = this.clientStylingContent;
this.setImage = (image) => {
let source = '';
switch (this.device) {
case 'mobile':
source = image.sources[0].pictureSource;
case 'tablet':
source = image.sources[1].pictureSource;
case 'desktop':
source = image.sources[2].pictureSource;
return source;
this.renderContentConditionally = (content) => {
if (!content)
const hasBanner = content.indexOf('<bannermatrix-banner') !== -1;
if (!hasBanner) {
return index.h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
if (this.bannerMatrixReady) {
return index.h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
return null;
getArticleId(postId, slug, customPath) {
if (this.usePostmessage) {
window.postMessage({ type: this.postMessageEvent, postId, slug, customPath });
this.setClientStyling = () => {
this.clientStylingContent += this.clientStyling;
const sheet = document.createElement('style');
sheet.innerHTML = this.clientStylingContent;
this.setImage = (image) => {
let source = '';
switch (this.device) {
case 'mobile':
source = image.sources[0].pictureSource;
case 'tablet':
source = image.sources[1].pictureSource;
case 'desktop':
source = image.sources[2].pictureSource;
return source;
this.renderContentConditionally = (content) => {
if (!content)
const hasBanner = content.indexOf('<bannermatrix-banner') !== -1;
if (!hasBanner) {
return index.h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
if (this.bannerMatrixReady) {
return index.h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
return null;
this.cmsEndpoint = undefined;
this.language = 'en';
this.userRoles = 'everyone';
this.cmsEnv = 'stage';
this.clientStyling = '';
this.clientStylingUrl = '';
this.showPublishingDate = true;
this.showImage = true;
this.showTitle = true;
this.showContent = true;
this.showButton = true;
this.usePostmessage = undefined;
this.postMessageEvent = '';
this.blogsLimit = '0';
this.paginationActive = undefined;
this.arrowsActive = undefined;
this.secondaryArrowsActive = undefined;
this.numberedNavActive = undefined;
this.intlDateTimeFormat = ''; = '1';
this.paginationBlogList = {
offset: 0
this.currentPage = 0;
this.hasErrors = false;
this.isLoading = true;
this.bannerMatrixReady = false;
this.nextPage = '';
this.previousPage = '';
this.device = '';
this.blogData = undefined;
this.totalBlogs = 0;
else {
this.ArticleActionButton.emit({ postId, slug, customPath });
getArticleId(postId, slug, customPath) {
if (this.usePostmessage) {
window.postMessage({ type: this.postMessageEvent, postId, slug, customPath });
else {
this.articleActionButton.emit({ postId, slug, customPath });
// Rerender when bannermatrix has finished loaded. Issue when bannermatrix passed as content from CMS.
handleBannerReady() {
this.bannerMatrixReady = true;
watchEndpoint(newValue, oldValue) {
this.currentPage = parseInt( - 1;
if (newValue && newValue != oldValue && this.cmsEndpoint && this.language) {
// Rerender when bannermatrix has finished loaded. Issue when bannermatrix passed as content from CMS.
handleBannerReady() {
this.bannerMatrixReady = true;
handleStylingChange(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
this.fetchClientStyling().then(_ => this.setClientStyling());
watchEndpoint(newValue, oldValue) {
this.currentPage = parseInt( - 1;
if (newValue && newValue != oldValue && this.cmsEndpoint && this.language) {
hpPageChange(event) {
var _a, _b;
this.paginationBlogList = event.detail;
this.currentPage = Math.floor(((_a = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offset) / ((_b = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.limit));
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
handleStylingChange(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
this.fetchClientStyling().then(_ => this.setClientStyling());
if (this.currentPage + 1 > this.lastPage) {
this.nextPage = null;
hpPageChange(event) {
var _a, _b;
this.paginationBlogList = event.detail;
this.currentPage = Math.floor(((_a = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offset) / ((_b = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.limit));
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
if (this.currentPage + 1 > this.lastPage) {
this.nextPage = null;
if (this.currentPage < 0) {
this.previousPage = null;
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridActivePagination', currentPage: this.currentPage }, window.location.href);
if (this.currentPage < 0) {
this.previousPage = null;
sortArticlesByDate(arr) {
arr.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.publishingDate > b.publishingDate)
return -1;
if (a.publishingDate < b.publishingDate)
return 1;
return 0;
return arr;
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridActivePagination', currentPage: this.currentPage }, window.location.href);
sortArticlesByDate(arr) {
arr.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.publishingDate > b.publishingDate)
return -1;
if (a.publishingDate < b.publishingDate)
return 1;
return 0;
return arr;
findLatestFeatured(array) {
let featuredItems = array.filter(item => item.isFeaturedPost);
if (featuredItems.length === 0) {
return null;
findLatestFeatured(array) {
let featuredItems = array.filter(item => item.isFeaturedPost);
if (featuredItems.length === 0) {
return null;
featuredItems = this.sortArticlesByDate(featuredItems);
return featuredItems[0];
featuredItems = this.sortArticlesByDate(featuredItems);
return featuredItems[0];
moveLatestFeatureToStart(articlesArray, latestFeatured) {
const index = articlesArray.indexOf(latestFeatured);
if (index !== -1) {
articlesArray.splice(index, 1);
moveLatestFeatureToStart(articlesArray, latestFeatured) {
const index = articlesArray.indexOf(latestFeatured);
if (index !== -1) {
articlesArray.splice(index, 1);
return articlesArray;
return articlesArray;
getBlogArticleGrid(page) {
this.isLoading = true;
let url = new URL(`${this.cmsEndpoint}/${this.language}/blog-posts`);
url.searchParams.append('per_page', this.blogsLimit);
url.searchParams.append('page', JSON.stringify(page ? page : this.currentPage + 1));
url.searchParams.append('env', this.cmsEnv);
url.searchParams.append('userRoles', this.userRoles);
url.searchParams.append('device', getDevicePlatform());
.then((res) => {
if (res.status >= 300) {
this.hasErrors = true;
throw new Error('There was an error while fetching the data');
return res.json();
.then((blogContent) => {
this.lastPage = +blogContent.pages.last.match(/&page=(\d+)/)[1];
let blogItems = blogContent.items;
this.nextPage =;
this.previousPage = blogContent.pages.previous;
this.totalBlogs =;
const latestFeatured = this.findLatestFeatured(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.sortArticlesByDate(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.moveLatestFeatureToStart(blogItems, latestFeatured);
this.blogData.items = => {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { publishingDate: new Date(item.publishingDate).toLocaleDateString() });
this.isLoading = false;
this.hasErrors = false;
.catch((err) => {
this.hasErrors = true;
console.log('Error', err);
.finally(() => this.isLoading = false);
connectedCallback() {
if (this.cmsEndpoint && this.language && this.blogsLimit) {
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
else {
getBlogArticleGrid(page) {
this.isLoading = true;
let url = new URL(`${this.cmsEndpoint}/${this.language}/blog-posts`);
url.searchParams.append('per_page', this.blogsLimit);
url.searchParams.append('page', JSON.stringify(page ? page : this.currentPage + 1));
url.searchParams.append('env', this.cmsEnv);
url.searchParams.append('userRoles', this.userRoles);
url.searchParams.append('device', getDevicePlatform());
.then((res) => {
if (res.status >= 300) {
this.hasErrors = true;
throw new Error('There was an error while fetching the data');
return res.json();
.then((blogContent) => {
this.lastPage = +blogContent.pages.last.match(/&page=(\d+)/)[1];
let blogItems = blogContent.items;
this.nextPage =;
this.previousPage = blogContent.pages.previous;
this.totalBlogs =;
const latestFeatured = this.findLatestFeatured(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.sortArticlesByDate(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.moveLatestFeatureToStart(blogItems, latestFeatured);
this.blogData.items = => {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { publishingDate: new Date(item.publishingDate).toLocaleDateString() });
this.isLoading = false;
this.hasErrors = false;
.catch((err) => {
this.hasErrors = true;
console.log('Error', err);
.finally(() => this.isLoading = false);
componentWillLoad() {
if (this.clientStylingUrl)
return this.fetchClientStyling();
componentDidLoad() {
if (this.clientStyling || this.clientStylingUrl)
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridLoaded' }, window.location.href);
this.device = getDeviceCustom();
fetchClientStyling() {
if (!this.clientStylingUrl)
return new Promise(resolve => {
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((data) => {
this.clientStylingContent += data;
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Error fetching Client Styling:', err);
formatDate(dateString) {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.intlDateTimeFormat).format(new Date(dateString));
render() {
var _a, _b;
if (this.hasErrors) {
return (index.h("div", { class: "BlogsContainer" }, index.h("div", { class: "ErrorMessage" }, translate$1('error', this.language))));
connectedCallback() {
if (this.cmsEndpoint && this.language && this.blogsLimit) {
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
else {
// Create an array to store the placeholder elements for each card
const placeholderCards = [];
// Loop through the blogsLimit in order to generate the desired number of cards
for (let i = 0; i < parseInt(this.blogsLimit); i++) {
placeholderCards.push(index.h("div", { class: "GridContainer FeaturedPost Skeleton" }, index.h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" }, index.h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, index.h("div", { class: "VisualContent LoadingImage" })), index.h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, index.h("div", { class: "BlogTitle LoadingStripe LoadingSmallStripe" }), index.h("div", { class: "BlogDetails LoadingStripe LoadingMediumStripe" }), index.h("div", { class: "BlogLink LoadingStripe LoadingLongStripe" })))));
componentWillLoad() {
if (this.clientStylingUrl)
return this.fetchClientStyling();
return (index.h("div", { ref: el => this.stylingContainer = el }, index.h("div", { class: "BlogPageContainer" }, index.h("div", { class: "BlogGridPaginationWrapper" }, this.paginationActive == true && this.totalBlogs > +this.blogsLimit && index.h("helper-pagination", { "next-page": this.nextPage, "prev-page": this.previousPage, offset: this.paginationBlogList.offset, limit: this.blogsLimit, total: (_b = (_a = this.blogData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.items) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length, language: this.language, "client-styling": this.clientStyling || this.defaultStyling, "arrows-active": this.arrowsActive || true, "secondary-arrows-active": this.secondaryArrowsActive || false, "numbered-nav-active": this.numberedNavActive || false })), (!this.isLoading) &&
index.h("div", { class: `GridContainerWrapper BlogPage-${this.currentPage}` }, this.blogData && => {
componentDidLoad() {
if (this.clientStyling || this.clientStylingUrl)
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridLoaded' }, window.location.href);
this.device = getDeviceCustom();
fetchClientStyling() {
if (!this.clientStylingUrl)
return new Promise(resolve => {
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((data) => {
this.clientStylingContent += data;
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Error fetching Client Styling:', err);
formatDate(dateString) {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.intlDateTimeFormat).format(new Date(dateString));
render() {
var _a, _b;
return index.h("div", { key: data.postID, class: data.isFeaturedPost ? 'GridContainer FeaturedPost' : 'GridContainer' }, index.h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" }, index.h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, this.showPublishingDate &&
index.h("div", { class: "BlogDate" }, this.formatDate(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.publishingDate)), this.showImage && ((_a = data.image) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.src) ? (index.h("div", { class: "VisualContent", style: { background: `url(${this.setImage(data.image)}) no-repeat center center / cover` } })) : (((_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.sources[this.device]) ? (index.h("video", { class: "VisualContent", src:[this.device], controls: true })) : (index.h("h1", { class: "VisualContent", style: { color: "#fff" } }, "No Image")))), index.h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, this.showTitle &&
index.h("div", { class: "BlogTitle" }, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.title), this.showContent &&
this.renderContentConditionally(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.descriptionPreview), this.showButton &&
index.h("div", { class: "BlogLink" }, index.h("button", { onClick: () => this.getArticleId(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.postID, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.slug, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.customPath) }, translate$1('readmore', this.language))))));
})), (this.isLoading) &&
index.h("div", { class: "GridContainerWrapper LoadingGrid" }, placeholderCards))));
static get watchers() { return {
"page": ["watchEndpoint"],
"hasErrors": ["watchEndpoint"],
"cmsEndpoint": ["watchEndpoint"],
"language": ["watchEndpoint"],
"cmsEnv": ["watchEndpoint"],
"userRoles": ["watchEndpoint"],
"blogsLimit": ["watchEndpoint"],
"clientStyling": ["handleStylingChange"],
"clientStylingUrl": ["handleStylingChange"]
}; }
if (this.hasErrors) {
return (index.h("div", { class: "BlogsContainer" }, index.h("div", { class: "ErrorMessage" }, translate$1('error', this.language))));
// Create an array to store the placeholder elements for each card
const placeholderCards = [];
// Loop through the blogsLimit in order to generate the desired number of cards
for (let i = 0; i < parseInt(this.blogsLimit); i++) {
placeholderCards.push(index.h("div", { class: "GridContainer FeaturedPost Skeleton" }, index.h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" }, index.h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, index.h("div", { class: "VisualContent LoadingImage" })), index.h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, index.h("div", { class: "BlogTitle LoadingStripe LoadingSmallStripe" }), index.h("div", { class: "BlogDetails LoadingStripe LoadingMediumStripe" }), index.h("div", { class: "BlogLink LoadingStripe LoadingLongStripe" })))));
return (index.h("div", { ref: el => this.stylingContainer = el }, index.h("div", { class: "BlogPageContainer" }, index.h("div", { class: "BlogGridPaginationWrapper" }, this.paginationActive == true && this.totalBlogs > +this.blogsLimit && index.h("helper-pagination", { "next-page": this.nextPage, "prev-page": this.previousPage, offset: this.paginationBlogList.offset, limit: parseInt(this.blogsLimit, 10), total: (_b = (_a = this.blogData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.items) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length, language: this.language, "client-styling": this.clientStyling || this.defaultStyling, "arrows-active": this.arrowsActive || true, "secondary-arrows-active": this.secondaryArrowsActive || false, "numbered-nav-active": this.numberedNavActive || false })), (!this.isLoading) &&
index.h("div", { class: `GridContainerWrapper BlogPage-${this.currentPage}` }, this.blogData && => {
var _a, _b;
return index.h("div", { key: data.postID, class: data.isFeaturedPost ? 'GridContainer FeaturedPost' : 'GridContainer' }, index.h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" }, index.h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, this.showPublishingDate &&
index.h("div", { class: "BlogDate" }, this.formatDate(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.publishingDate)), this.showImage && ((_a = data.image) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.src) ? (index.h("div", { class: "VisualContent", style: { background: `url(${this.setImage(data.image)}) no-repeat center center / cover` } })) : (((_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.sources[this.device]) ? (index.h("video", { class: "VisualContent", src:[this.device], controls: true })) : (index.h("h1", { class: "VisualContent", style: { color: "#fff" } }, "No Image")))), index.h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, this.showTitle &&
index.h("div", { class: "BlogTitle" }, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.title), this.showContent &&
this.renderContentConditionally(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.descriptionPreview), this.showButton &&
index.h("div", { class: "BlogLink" }, index.h("button", { onClick: () => this.getArticleId(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.postID, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.slug, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.customPath) }, translate$1('readmore', this.language))))));
})), (this.isLoading) &&
index.h("div", { class: "GridContainerWrapper LoadingGrid" }, placeholderCards))));
static get watchers() { return {
"page": ["watchEndpoint"],
"hasErrors": ["watchEndpoint"],
"cmsEndpoint": ["watchEndpoint"],
"language": ["watchEndpoint"],
"cmsEnv": ["watchEndpoint"],
"userRoles": ["watchEndpoint"],
"blogsLimit": ["watchEndpoint"],
"clientStyling": ["handleStylingChange"],
"clientStylingUrl": ["handleStylingChange"]
}; }
}; = blogArticlesGridCss; = BlogArticlesGridStyle0;

@@ -443,6 +409,6 @@ /**

const isMobile = (userAgent) => {
return !!(userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/blackberry|bb/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/iphone|ipad|ipod/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/windows phone|windows mobile|iemobile|wpdesktop/i));
return !!(userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/blackberry|bb/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/iphone|ipad|ipod/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/windows phone|windows mobile|iemobile|wpdesktop/i));

@@ -452,237 +418,208 @@

en: {
firstPage: 'First',
previousPage: 'Previous',
nextPage: 'Next',
lastPage: 'Last'
ro: {
firstPage: 'Prima',
previousPage: 'Anterior',
nextPage: 'Urmatoarea',
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ar: {
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hr: {
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en: {
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nextPage: 'Next',
lastPage: 'Last'
ro: {
firstPage: 'Prima',
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nextPage: 'Urmatoarea',
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fr: {
firstPage: 'First',
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ar: {
firstPage: 'First',
previousPage: 'Previous',
nextPage: 'Next',
lastPage: 'Last'
hu: {
firstPage: 'First',
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nextPage: 'Következő',
lastPage: 'Last'
hr: {
firstPage: 'Prva',
previousPage: 'Prethodna',
nextPage: 'Slijedeća',
lastPage: 'Zadnja'
const translate = (key, customLang) => {
const lang = customLang;
return TRANSLATIONS[(lang !== undefined) && (lang in TRANSLATIONS) ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE][key];
const lang = customLang;
return TRANSLATIONS[(lang !== undefined) && (lang in TRANSLATIONS) ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE][key];
const helperPaginationCss = "@import url(\"\");:host{display:block;font-family:\"Roboto\", sans-serif}#PaginationContainer{width:100%;margin:20px 0;display:inline-flex;justify-content:space-between;align-items:center}.LeftItems button:not(:first-child),.RightItems button:not(:last-child){margin:0 10px}.LeftItems button,.RightItems button{padding:0;background-color:#009993;border-color:#009993}.PaginationArea{display:inline-flex;gap:10px;list-style:none}.PaginationArea li{margin:0;padding:0}.PaginationArea li button{width:24px;height:24px;display:flex;border:0;padding:0;justify-content:center;align-items:center;background-color:transparent;color:#000;cursor:pointer;pointer-events:all}.PaginationItem.ActiveItem button{background:#009993;border-color:#009993;color:#fff}.PaginationItem.ActiveItem button:disabled{pointer-events:none;cursor:not-allowed}.PaginationItem button:hover,.PaginationItem button:active{background:#009993;border-color:#009993;color:#fff;opacity:0.8}button{width:100px;height:32px;border:1px solid #524e52;border-radius:5px;background:#524e52;color:#fff;font-size:14px;font:inherit;cursor:pointer;transition:all 0.1s linear;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:0}button:hover,button:active{background:#004D4A;border-color:#004D4A}button:disabled{background-color:#ccc;border-color:#ccc;color:#fff;cursor:not-allowed}@media screen and (max-width: 720px){button{width:90px;font-size:14px}}@media screen and (max-width: 480px){button{width:70px;font-size:14px}.paginationArea{padding:5px}}@media screen and (max-width: 320px){button{width:58px;font-size:12px}.paginationArea{padding:5px;gap:5px}}@media (hover: none){.paginationItem button:hover{background:inherit;border-color:inherit;color:inherit;opacity:1}.paginationItem.activeItem button:hover{background:#009993;border-color:#009993;color:#fff}}";
const HelperPaginationStyle0 = helperPaginationCss;
const HelperPagination = class {
constructor(hostRef) {
index.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.hpPageChange = index.createEvent(this, "hpPageChange", 7);
* Next page string value - determines if the next page is disabled or active
this.nextPage = '';
* Previous page string value - determines if the previous page is disabled or active
this.prevPage = '';
* The received offset
this.offset = 0;
* The received limit for the number of pages
this.limit = 1;
* The received total number of pages
*/ = 1;
* Language
this.language = 'en';
* Client custom styling via string
this.clientStyling = '';
* Client custom styling via url content
this.clientStylingUrlContent = '';
* Component working variable for last page
this.lastPage = false;
* Component working variable for prvious page
this.previousPage = false;
* In component working variable for the array of pages
this.pagesArray = [];
* In component working variable for last page
this.endInt = 0;
this.userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
this.currentPage = 1;
this.limitStylingAppends = false;
* Navigation logic
this.navigateTo = (navigationPage) => {
switch (navigationPage) {
case 'firstPage':
this.offsetInt = 0;
case 'lastPage':
this.offsetInt = this.endInt * this.limitInt;
case 'previousPage':
this.offsetInt -= this.limitInt;
case 'nextPage':
this.offsetInt += this.limitInt;
case 'fivePagesBack':
this.offsetInt -= this.limitInt * 5;
this.offsetInt = this.offsetInt <= 0 ? 0 : this.offsetInt;
case 'fivePagesForward':
this.offsetInt += this.limitInt * 5;
this.offsetInt = this.offsetInt / this.limitInt >= this.endInt ? this.endInt * this.limitInt : this.offsetInt;
this.previousPage = !this.offsetInt ? false : true;
this.hpPageChange.emit({ offset: this.offsetInt, limit: this.limitInt, total: this.totalInt });
* Handle navigation from here
this.paginationNavigation = (pageNumber, index) => {
this.previousPage = true;
if (!isNaN(pageNumber)) {
if (pageNumber === 1) {
this.offsetInt = pageNumber - 1;
this.previousPage = false;
constructor(hostRef) {
index.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.hpPageChange = index.createEvent(this, "hpPageChange", 7);
this.userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
this.currentPage = 1;
* Navigation logic
this.navigateTo = (navigationPage) => {
switch (navigationPage) {
case 'firstPage':
this.offsetInt = 0;
case 'lastPage':
this.offsetInt = this.endInt * this.limitInt;
case 'previousPage':
this.offsetInt -= this.limitInt;
case 'nextPage':
this.offsetInt += this.limitInt;
case 'fivePagesBack':
this.offsetInt -= this.limitInt * 5;
this.offsetInt = this.offsetInt <= 0 ? 0 : this.offsetInt;
case 'fivePagesForward':
this.offsetInt += this.limitInt * 5;
this.offsetInt = this.offsetInt / this.limitInt >= this.endInt ? this.endInt * this.limitInt : this.offsetInt;
this.previousPage = !this.offsetInt ? false : true;
this.hpPageChange.emit({ offset: this.offsetInt, limit: this.limitInt, total: this.totalInt });
* Handle navigation from here
this.paginationNavigation = (pageNumber, index) => {
this.previousPage = true;
if (!isNaN(pageNumber)) {
if (pageNumber === 1) {
this.offsetInt = pageNumber - 1;
this.previousPage = false;
else {
this.offsetInt = (pageNumber - 1) * this.limitInt;
else {
if (index === 0 && this.currentPage <= 4) {
else if (index === 0 && this.currentPage > 4) {
else if (index === 4 && this.endInt - this.currentPage >= 2) {
this.hpPageChange.emit({ offset: this.offsetInt, limit: this.limitInt, total: this.totalInt });
this.setClientStyling = () => {
let sheet = document.createElement('style');
sheet.innerHTML = this.clientStyling;
this.setClientStylingURL = () => {
let cssFile = document.createElement('style');
setTimeout(() => {
cssFile.innerHTML = this.clientStylingUrlContent;
}, 1);
this.nextPage = '';
this.prevPage = '';
this.offset = 0;
this.limit = 1; = 1;
this.language = 'en';
this.clientStyling = '';
this.clientStylingUrlContent = '';
this.arrowsActive = undefined;
this.secondaryArrowsActive = undefined;
this.numberedNavActive = undefined;
this.offsetInt = undefined;
this.lastPage = false;
this.previousPage = false;
this.limitInt = undefined;
this.totalInt = undefined;
this.pagesArray = [];
this.endInt = 0;
this.limitStylingAppends = false;
componentWillRender() {
this.offsetInt = this.offset;
this.limitInt = this.limit;
this.currentPage = (this.offsetInt / this.limitInt) + 1;
this.limitInt = this.limit;
this.totalInt =;
this.endInt = (Math.ceil(this.totalInt / this.limitInt) - 1);
this.lastPage = (this.offsetInt >= this.endInt * this.limitInt) ? false : true;
* Construct numbered navigation area based on current page position
if (this.currentPage == 1 || this.currentPage == 2) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_, i) => i + 1);
else {
this.offsetInt = (pageNumber - 1) * this.limitInt;
else if (this.currentPage >= 3 && ((this.endInt - this.currentPage) >= 2)) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 3 }, (_, i) => this.currentPage + i - 1);
else {
if (index === 0 && this.currentPage <= 4) {
else if ((this.endInt - this.currentPage) < 3) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_, i) => this.endInt - 2 + i);
else if (index === 0 && this.currentPage > 4) {
componentDidRender() {
// start custom styling area
if (!this.limitStylingAppends && this.stylingContainer) {
if (this.clientStyling)
if (this.clientStylingUrlContent)
this.limitStylingAppends = true;
else if (index === 4 && this.endInt - this.currentPage >= 2) {
// end custom styling area
render() {
* Center navigation area
let navigationArea = index.h("ul", { class: "PaginationArea" },, index$1) => {
return (index.h("li", { class: 'PaginationItem' + (item === this.currentPage ? ' ActiveItem' : ' ') + ' ' + (isMobile(this.userAgent) ? 'MobileButtons' : '') }, index.h("button", { disabled: item === this.currentPage ? true : false, onClick: this.paginationNavigation.bind(this, item, index$1) }, index.h("span", null, item))));
* Left navigation area
let buttonSecondaryLeftSide = index.h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'firstPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('firstPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" }));
let buttonsLeftSide = index.h("div", { class: "LeftItems" }, this.secondaryArrowsActive && buttonSecondaryLeftSide, index.h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'previousPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('previousPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
if (isMobile(this.userAgent)) {
buttonsLeftSide =
index.h("div", { class: "LeftItems" }, index.h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'previousPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('previousPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
this.hpPageChange.emit({ offset: this.offsetInt, limit: this.limitInt, total: this.totalInt });
this.setClientStyling = () => {
let sheet = document.createElement('style');
sheet.innerHTML = this.clientStyling;
this.setClientStylingURL = () => {
let cssFile = document.createElement('style');
setTimeout(() => {
cssFile.innerHTML = this.clientStylingUrlContent;
}, 1);
componentWillRender() {
this.offsetInt = this.offset;
this.limitInt = this.limit;
this.currentPage = (this.offsetInt / this.limitInt) + 1;
this.limitInt = this.limit;
this.totalInt =;
this.endInt = (Math.ceil(this.totalInt / this.limitInt) - 1);
this.lastPage = (this.offsetInt >= this.endInt * this.limitInt) ? false : true;
* Construct numbered navigation area based on current page position
if (this.currentPage == 1 || this.currentPage == 2) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_, i) => i + 1);
* Right navigation area
let buttonSecondaryRightSide = index.h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'lastPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('lastPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" }));
let buttonsRightSide = index.h("div", { class: "RightItems" }, index.h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'nextPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('nextPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })), this.secondaryArrowsActive && buttonSecondaryRightSide);
if (isMobile(this.userAgent)) {
buttonsRightSide =
index.h("div", { class: "RightItems" }, index.h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'nextPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('nextPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
return (index.h("div", { id: "PaginationContainer", ref: el => this.stylingContainer = el }, this.arrowsActive && buttonsLeftSide, this.numberedNavActive && navigationArea, this.arrowsActive && buttonsRightSide));
else if (this.currentPage >= 3 && ((this.endInt - this.currentPage) >= 2)) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 3 }, (_, i) => this.currentPage + i - 1);
else if ((this.endInt - this.currentPage) < 3) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_, i) => this.endInt - 2 + i);
componentDidRender() {
// start custom styling area
if (!this.limitStylingAppends && this.stylingContainer) {
if (this.clientStyling)
if (this.clientStylingUrlContent)
this.limitStylingAppends = true;
// end custom styling area
render() {
* Center navigation area
let navigationArea = index.h("ul", { class: "PaginationArea" },, index$1) => {
return (index.h("li", { class: 'PaginationItem' + (item === this.currentPage ? ' ActiveItem' : ' ') + ' ' + (isMobile(this.userAgent) ? 'MobileButtons' : '') }, index.h("button", { disabled: item === this.currentPage ? true : false, onClick: this.paginationNavigation.bind(this, item, index$1) }, index.h("span", null, item))));
* Left navigation area
let buttonSecondaryLeftSide = index.h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'firstPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('firstPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" }));
let buttonsLeftSide = index.h("div", { class: "LeftItems" }, this.secondaryArrowsActive && buttonSecondaryLeftSide, index.h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'previousPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('previousPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
if (isMobile(this.userAgent)) {
buttonsLeftSide =
index.h("div", { class: "LeftItems" }, index.h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'previousPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('previousPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
* Right navigation area
let buttonSecondaryRightSide = index.h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'lastPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('lastPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" }));
let buttonsRightSide = index.h("div", { class: "RightItems" }, index.h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'nextPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('nextPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })), this.secondaryArrowsActive && buttonSecondaryRightSide);
if (isMobile(this.userAgent)) {
buttonsRightSide =
index.h("div", { class: "RightItems" }, index.h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'nextPage') }, index.h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('nextPage', this.language)), index.h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
return (index.h("div", { id: "PaginationContainer", ref: el => this.stylingContainer = el }, this.arrowsActive && buttonsLeftSide, this.numberedNavActive && navigationArea, this.arrowsActive && buttonsRightSide));
}; = helperPaginationCss; = HelperPaginationStyle0;
exports.blog_articles_grid = BlogArticlesGrid;
exports.helper_pagination = HelperPagination;
'use strict';
const index = require('./index-159efcd2.js');
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
const index = require('./index-fad8e671.js');
const appGlobals = require('./app-globals-3a1e7e63.js');
Stencil Client Patch Browser v2.15.2 | MIT Licensed |
Stencil Client Patch Browser v4.20.0 | MIT Licensed |
const patchBrowser = () => {
const importMeta = (typeof document === 'undefined' ? new (require('u' + 'rl').URL)('file:' + __filename).href : (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src || new URL('blog-articles-grid.cjs.js', document.baseURI).href));
const opts = {};
if (importMeta !== '') {
opts.resourcesUrl = new URL('.', importMeta).href;
return index.promiseResolve(opts);
var patchBrowser = () => {
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const opts = {};
if (importMeta !== "") {
opts.resourcesUrl = new URL(".", importMeta).href;
return index.promiseResolve(opts);
patchBrowser().then(options => {
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patchBrowser().then(async (options) => {
await appGlobals.globalScripts();
return index.bootstrapLazy([["blog-articles-grid_2.cjs",[[1,"blog-articles-grid",{"cmsEndpoint":[513,"cms-endpoint"],"language":[513],"userRoles":[513,"user-roles"],"cmsEnv":[513,"cms-env"],"clientStyling":[513,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrl":[513,"client-styling-url"],"showPublishingDate":[516,"show-publishing-date"],"showImage":[516,"show-image"],"showTitle":[516,"show-title"],"showContent":[516,"show-content"],"showButton":[516,"show-button"],"usePostmessage":[516,"use-postmessage"],"postMessageEvent":[513,"post-message-event"],"blogsLimit":[513,"blogs-limit"],"paginationActive":[516,"pagination-active"],"arrowsActive":[516,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[516,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[516,"numbered-nav-active"],"intlDateTimeFormat":[513,"intl-date-time-format"],"page":[513],"paginationBlogList":[32],"currentPage":[32],"hasErrors":[32],"isLoading":[32],"bannerMatrixReady":[32],"nextPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"device":[32],"blogData":[32],"totalBlogs":[32]},[[8,"BannerMatrixReady","handleBannerReady"],[0,"hpPageChange","hpPageChange"]],{"page":["watchEndpoint"],"hasErrors":["watchEndpoint"],"cmsEndpoint":["watchEndpoint"],"language":["watchEndpoint"],"cmsEnv":["watchEndpoint"],"userRoles":["watchEndpoint"],"blogsLimit":["watchEndpoint"],"clientStyling":["handleStylingChange"],"clientStylingUrl":["handleStylingChange"]}],[1,"helper-pagination",{"nextPage":[1537,"next-page"],"prevPage":[1537,"prev-page"],"offset":[1538],"limit":[1538],"total":[1538],"language":[1537],"clientStyling":[1537,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrlContent":[1537,"client-styling-url-content"],"arrowsActive":[1540,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[1540,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[1540,"numbered-nav-active"],"offsetInt":[32],"lastPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"limitInt":[32],"totalInt":[32],"pagesArray":[32],"endInt":[32],"limitStylingAppends":[32]}]]]], options);
exports.setNonce = index.setNonce;

@@ -5,18 +5,12 @@ 'use strict';

const index = require('./index-159efcd2.js');
const index = require('./index-fad8e671.js');
const appGlobals = require('./app-globals-3a1e7e63.js');
Stencil Client Patch Esm v2.15.2 | MIT Licensed |
const patchEsm = () => {
return index.promiseResolve();
const defineCustomElements = async (win, options) => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') return undefined;
await appGlobals.globalScripts();
return index.bootstrapLazy([["blog-articles-grid_2.cjs",[[1,"blog-articles-grid",{"cmsEndpoint":[513,"cms-endpoint"],"language":[513],"userRoles":[513,"user-roles"],"cmsEnv":[513,"cms-env"],"clientStyling":[513,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrl":[513,"client-styling-url"],"showPublishingDate":[516,"show-publishing-date"],"showImage":[516,"show-image"],"showTitle":[516,"show-title"],"showContent":[516,"show-content"],"showButton":[516,"show-button"],"usePostmessage":[516,"use-postmessage"],"postMessageEvent":[513,"post-message-event"],"blogsLimit":[513,"blogs-limit"],"paginationActive":[516,"pagination-active"],"arrowsActive":[516,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[516,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[516,"numbered-nav-active"],"intlDateTimeFormat":[513,"intl-date-time-format"],"page":[513],"paginationBlogList":[32],"currentPage":[32],"hasErrors":[32],"isLoading":[32],"bannerMatrixReady":[32],"nextPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"device":[32],"blogData":[32],"totalBlogs":[32]},[[8,"BannerMatrixReady","handleBannerReady"],[0,"hpPageChange","hpPageChange"]],{"page":["watchEndpoint"],"hasErrors":["watchEndpoint"],"cmsEndpoint":["watchEndpoint"],"language":["watchEndpoint"],"cmsEnv":["watchEndpoint"],"userRoles":["watchEndpoint"],"blogsLimit":["watchEndpoint"],"clientStyling":["handleStylingChange"],"clientStylingUrl":["handleStylingChange"]}],[1,"helper-pagination",{"nextPage":[1537,"next-page"],"prevPage":[1537,"prev-page"],"offset":[1538],"limit":[1538],"total":[1538],"language":[1537],"clientStyling":[1537,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrlContent":[1537,"client-styling-url-content"],"arrowsActive":[1540,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[1540,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[1540,"numbered-nav-active"],"offsetInt":[32],"lastPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"limitInt":[32],"totalInt":[32],"pagesArray":[32],"endInt":[32],"limitStylingAppends":[32]}]]]], options);
const defineCustomElements = (win, options) => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') return Promise.resolve();
return patchEsm().then(() => {
return index.bootstrapLazy([["blog-articles-grid_2.cjs",[[1,"blog-articles-grid",{"cmsEndpoint":[513,"cms-endpoint"],"language":[513],"userRoles":[513,"user-roles"],"cmsEnv":[513,"cms-env"],"clientStyling":[513,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrl":[513,"client-styling-url"],"showPublishingDate":[516,"show-publishing-date"],"showImage":[516,"show-image"],"showTitle":[516,"show-title"],"showContent":[516,"show-content"],"showButton":[516,"show-button"],"usePostmessage":[516,"use-postmessage"],"postMessageEvent":[513,"post-message-event"],"blogsLimit":[513,"blogs-limit"],"paginationActive":[516,"pagination-active"],"arrowsActive":[516,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[516,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[516,"numbered-nav-active"],"intlDateTimeFormat":[513,"intl-date-time-format"],"page":[513],"paginationBlogList":[32],"currentPage":[32],"hasErrors":[32],"isLoading":[32],"bannerMatrixReady":[32],"nextPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"device":[32],"blogData":[32],"totalBlogs":[32]},[[8,"BannerMatrixReady","handleBannerReady"],[0,"hpPageChange","hpPageChange"]]],[1,"helper-pagination",{"nextPage":[1537,"next-page"],"prevPage":[1537,"prev-page"],"offset":[1538],"limit":[1538],"total":[1538],"language":[1537],"clientStyling":[1537,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrlContent":[1537,"client-styling-url-content"],"arrowsActive":[1540,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[1540,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[1540,"numbered-nav-active"],"offsetInt":[32],"lastPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"limitInt":[32],"totalInt":[32],"pagesArray":[32],"endInt":[32],"limitStylingAppends":[32]}]]]], options);
exports.setNonce = index.setNonce;
exports.defineCustomElements = defineCustomElements;
"entries": [
"compiler": {
"name": "@stencil/core",
"version": "2.15.2",
"typescriptVersion": "4.5.4"
"version": "4.20.0",
"typescriptVersion": "5.5.3"

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ "collections": [

@@ -1,76 +0,9 @@

import { Component, Prop, State, Event, Watch, h, Listen } from '@stencil/core';
import { translate } from '../../utils/locale.utils';
import { getDevicePlatform, getDeviceCustom } from '../../utils/utils';
import '@everymatrix/helper-pagination';
import { h } from "@stencil/core";
import { translate } from "../../utils/locale.utils";
import { getDevicePlatform, getDeviceCustom } from "../../utils/utils";
import "../../../../../helper-pagination/dist/types/index";
export class BlogArticlesGrid {
constructor() {
* Language of the widget
this.language = 'en';
* User roles
this.userRoles = 'everyone';
* CMS Endpoint stage
this.cmsEnv = 'stage';
* Client custom styling via string
this.clientStyling = '';
* Client custom styling via url
this.clientStylingUrl = '';
* Property used to display the publishing date
this.showPublishingDate = true;
* Property used to display the image
this.showImage = true;
* Property used to display the image
this.showTitle = true;
* Property used to display the description
this.showContent = true;
* Property used to display the button
this.showButton = true;
* Event name to be sent when the button is clicked
this.postMessageEvent = '';
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation
this.blogsLimit = '0';
* Intl date format
this.intlDateTimeFormat = '';
* Page to particularly be opened on start
*/ = '1';
this.paginationBlogList = {
offset: 0
this.currentPage = 0;
this.hasErrors = false;
this.isLoading = true;
this.bannerMatrixReady = false;
this.nextPage = '';
this.previousPage = '';
this.device = '';
this.totalBlogs = 0;
this.clientStylingContent = '';
this.defaultStyling = `
constructor() {
this.clientStylingContent = '';
this.defaultStyling = `
div#PaginationContainer {

@@ -124,659 +57,685 @@ justify-content: right;

this.setClientStyling = () => {
this.clientStylingContent += this.clientStyling;
const sheet = document.createElement('style');
sheet.innerHTML = this.clientStylingContent;
this.setImage = (image) => {
let source = '';
switch (this.device) {
case 'mobile':
source = image.sources[0].pictureSource;
case 'tablet':
source = image.sources[1].pictureSource;
case 'desktop':
source = image.sources[2].pictureSource;
return source;
this.renderContentConditionally = (content) => {
if (!content)
const hasBanner = content.indexOf('<bannermatrix-banner') !== -1;
if (!hasBanner) {
return h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
if (this.bannerMatrixReady) {
return h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
return null;
getArticleId(postId, slug, customPath) {
if (this.usePostmessage) {
window.postMessage({ type: this.postMessageEvent, postId, slug, customPath });
this.setClientStyling = () => {
this.clientStylingContent += this.clientStyling;
const sheet = document.createElement('style');
sheet.innerHTML = this.clientStylingContent;
this.setImage = (image) => {
let source = '';
switch (this.device) {
case 'mobile':
source = image.sources[0].pictureSource;
case 'tablet':
source = image.sources[1].pictureSource;
case 'desktop':
source = image.sources[2].pictureSource;
return source;
this.renderContentConditionally = (content) => {
if (!content)
const hasBanner = content.indexOf('<bannermatrix-banner') !== -1;
if (!hasBanner) {
return h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
if (this.bannerMatrixReady) {
return h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
return null;
this.cmsEndpoint = undefined;
this.language = 'en';
this.userRoles = 'everyone';
this.cmsEnv = 'stage';
this.clientStyling = '';
this.clientStylingUrl = '';
this.showPublishingDate = true;
this.showImage = true;
this.showTitle = true;
this.showContent = true;
this.showButton = true;
this.usePostmessage = undefined;
this.postMessageEvent = '';
this.blogsLimit = '0';
this.paginationActive = undefined;
this.arrowsActive = undefined;
this.secondaryArrowsActive = undefined;
this.numberedNavActive = undefined;
this.intlDateTimeFormat = ''; = '1';
this.paginationBlogList = {
offset: 0
this.currentPage = 0;
this.hasErrors = false;
this.isLoading = true;
this.bannerMatrixReady = false;
this.nextPage = '';
this.previousPage = '';
this.device = '';
this.blogData = undefined;
this.totalBlogs = 0;
else {
this.ArticleActionButton.emit({ postId, slug, customPath });
getArticleId(postId, slug, customPath) {
if (this.usePostmessage) {
window.postMessage({ type: this.postMessageEvent, postId, slug, customPath });
else {
this.articleActionButton.emit({ postId, slug, customPath });
// Rerender when bannermatrix has finished loaded. Issue when bannermatrix passed as content from CMS.
handleBannerReady() {
this.bannerMatrixReady = true;
watchEndpoint(newValue, oldValue) {
this.currentPage = parseInt( - 1;
if (newValue && newValue != oldValue && this.cmsEndpoint && this.language) {
// Rerender when bannermatrix has finished loaded. Issue when bannermatrix passed as content from CMS.
handleBannerReady() {
this.bannerMatrixReady = true;
handleStylingChange(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
this.fetchClientStyling().then(_ => this.setClientStyling());
watchEndpoint(newValue, oldValue) {
this.currentPage = parseInt( - 1;
if (newValue && newValue != oldValue && this.cmsEndpoint && this.language) {
hpPageChange(event) {
var _a, _b;
this.paginationBlogList = event.detail;
this.currentPage = Math.floor(((_a = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offset) / ((_b = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.limit));
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
handleStylingChange(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
this.fetchClientStyling().then(_ => this.setClientStyling());
if (this.currentPage + 1 > this.lastPage) {
this.nextPage = null;
hpPageChange(event) {
var _a, _b;
this.paginationBlogList = event.detail;
this.currentPage = Math.floor(((_a = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offset) / ((_b = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.limit));
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
if (this.currentPage + 1 > this.lastPage) {
this.nextPage = null;
if (this.currentPage < 0) {
this.previousPage = null;
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridActivePagination', currentPage: this.currentPage }, window.location.href);
if (this.currentPage < 0) {
this.previousPage = null;
sortArticlesByDate(arr) {
arr.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.publishingDate > b.publishingDate)
return -1;
if (a.publishingDate < b.publishingDate)
return 1;
return 0;
return arr;
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridActivePagination', currentPage: this.currentPage }, window.location.href);
sortArticlesByDate(arr) {
arr.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.publishingDate > b.publishingDate)
return -1;
if (a.publishingDate < b.publishingDate)
return 1;
return 0;
return arr;
findLatestFeatured(array) {
let featuredItems = array.filter(item => item.isFeaturedPost);
if (featuredItems.length === 0) {
return null;
findLatestFeatured(array) {
let featuredItems = array.filter(item => item.isFeaturedPost);
if (featuredItems.length === 0) {
return null;
featuredItems = this.sortArticlesByDate(featuredItems);
return featuredItems[0];
featuredItems = this.sortArticlesByDate(featuredItems);
return featuredItems[0];
moveLatestFeatureToStart(articlesArray, latestFeatured) {
const index = articlesArray.indexOf(latestFeatured);
if (index !== -1) {
articlesArray.splice(index, 1);
moveLatestFeatureToStart(articlesArray, latestFeatured) {
const index = articlesArray.indexOf(latestFeatured);
if (index !== -1) {
articlesArray.splice(index, 1);
return articlesArray;
return articlesArray;
getBlogArticleGrid(page) {
this.isLoading = true;
let url = new URL(`${this.cmsEndpoint}/${this.language}/blog-posts`);
url.searchParams.append('per_page', this.blogsLimit);
url.searchParams.append('page', JSON.stringify(page ? page : this.currentPage + 1));
url.searchParams.append('env', this.cmsEnv);
url.searchParams.append('userRoles', this.userRoles);
url.searchParams.append('device', getDevicePlatform());
.then((res) => {
if (res.status >= 300) {
this.hasErrors = true;
throw new Error('There was an error while fetching the data');
return res.json();
.then((blogContent) => {
this.lastPage = +blogContent.pages.last.match(/&page=(\d+)/)[1];
let blogItems = blogContent.items;
this.nextPage =;
this.previousPage = blogContent.pages.previous;
this.totalBlogs =;
const latestFeatured = this.findLatestFeatured(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.sortArticlesByDate(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.moveLatestFeatureToStart(blogItems, latestFeatured);
this.blogData.items = => {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { publishingDate: new Date(item.publishingDate).toLocaleDateString() });
this.isLoading = false;
this.hasErrors = false;
.catch((err) => {
this.hasErrors = true;
console.log('Error', err);
.finally(() => this.isLoading = false);
connectedCallback() {
if (this.cmsEndpoint && this.language && this.blogsLimit) {
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
else {
getBlogArticleGrid(page) {
this.isLoading = true;
let url = new URL(`${this.cmsEndpoint}/${this.language}/blog-posts`);
url.searchParams.append('per_page', this.blogsLimit);
url.searchParams.append('page', JSON.stringify(page ? page : this.currentPage + 1));
url.searchParams.append('env', this.cmsEnv);
url.searchParams.append('userRoles', this.userRoles);
url.searchParams.append('device', getDevicePlatform());
.then((res) => {
if (res.status >= 300) {
this.hasErrors = true;
throw new Error('There was an error while fetching the data');
return res.json();
.then((blogContent) => {
this.lastPage = +blogContent.pages.last.match(/&page=(\d+)/)[1];
let blogItems = blogContent.items;
this.nextPage =;
this.previousPage = blogContent.pages.previous;
this.totalBlogs =;
const latestFeatured = this.findLatestFeatured(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.sortArticlesByDate(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.moveLatestFeatureToStart(blogItems, latestFeatured);
this.blogData.items = => {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { publishingDate: new Date(item.publishingDate).toLocaleDateString() });
this.isLoading = false;
this.hasErrors = false;
.catch((err) => {
this.hasErrors = true;
console.log('Error', err);
.finally(() => this.isLoading = false);
componentWillLoad() {
if (this.clientStylingUrl)
return this.fetchClientStyling();
componentDidLoad() {
if (this.clientStyling || this.clientStylingUrl)
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridLoaded' }, window.location.href);
this.device = getDeviceCustom();
fetchClientStyling() {
if (!this.clientStylingUrl)
return new Promise(resolve => {
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((data) => {
this.clientStylingContent += data;
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Error fetching Client Styling:', err);
formatDate(dateString) {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.intlDateTimeFormat).format(new Date(dateString));
render() {
var _a, _b;
if (this.hasErrors) {
return (h("div", { class: "BlogsContainer" },
h("div", { class: "ErrorMessage" }, translate('error', this.language))));
connectedCallback() {
if (this.cmsEndpoint && this.language && this.blogsLimit) {
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
else {
// Create an array to store the placeholder elements for each card
const placeholderCards = [];
// Loop through the blogsLimit in order to generate the desired number of cards
for (let i = 0; i < parseInt(this.blogsLimit); i++) {
placeholderCards.push(h("div", { class: "GridContainer FeaturedPost Skeleton" },
h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" },
h("div", { class: "GridSector" },
h("div", { class: "VisualContent LoadingImage" })),
h("div", { class: "GridSector" },
h("div", { class: "BlogTitle LoadingStripe LoadingSmallStripe" }),
h("div", { class: "BlogDetails LoadingStripe LoadingMediumStripe" }),
h("div", { class: "BlogLink LoadingStripe LoadingLongStripe" })))));
componentWillLoad() {
if (this.clientStylingUrl)
return this.fetchClientStyling();
return (h("div", { ref: el => this.stylingContainer = el },
h("div", { class: "BlogPageContainer" },
h("div", { class: "BlogGridPaginationWrapper" }, this.paginationActive == true && this.totalBlogs > +this.blogsLimit && h("helper-pagination", { "next-page": this.nextPage, "prev-page": this.previousPage, offset: this.paginationBlogList.offset, limit: this.blogsLimit, total: (_b = (_a = this.blogData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.items) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length, language: this.language, "client-styling": this.clientStyling || this.defaultStyling, "arrows-active": this.arrowsActive || true, "secondary-arrows-active": this.secondaryArrowsActive || false, "numbered-nav-active": this.numberedNavActive || false })),
(!this.isLoading) &&
h("div", { class: `GridContainerWrapper BlogPage-${this.currentPage}` }, this.blogData && => {
var _a, _b;
return h("div", { key: data.postID, class: data.isFeaturedPost ? 'GridContainer FeaturedPost' : 'GridContainer' },
h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" },
h("div", { class: "GridSector" },
this.showPublishingDate &&
h("div", { class: "BlogDate" }, this.formatDate(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.publishingDate)),
this.showImage && ((_a = data.image) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.src) ? (h("div", { class: "VisualContent", style: { background: `url(${this.setImage(data.image)}) no-repeat center center / cover` } })) : (((_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.sources[this.device]) ? (h("video", { class: "VisualContent", src:[this.device], controls: true })) : (h("h1", { class: "VisualContent", style: { color: "#fff" } }, "No Image")))),
h("div", { class: "GridSector" },
this.showTitle &&
h("div", { class: "BlogTitle" }, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.title),
this.showContent &&
this.renderContentConditionally(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.descriptionPreview),
this.showButton &&
h("div", { class: "BlogLink" },
h("button", { onClick: () => this.getArticleId(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.postID, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.slug, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.customPath) }, translate('readmore', this.language))))));
(this.isLoading) &&
h("div", { class: "GridContainerWrapper LoadingGrid" }, placeholderCards))));
static get is() { return "blog-articles-grid"; }
static get encapsulation() { return "shadow"; }
static get originalStyleUrls() { return {
"$": ["blog-articles-grid.scss"]
}; }
static get styleUrls() { return {
"$": ["blog-articles-grid.css"]
}; }
static get properties() { return {
"cmsEndpoint": {
"type": "string",
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"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Endpoint URL for the source of data"
"attribute": "cms-endpoint",
"reflect": true
"language": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Language of the widget"
"attribute": "language",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "'en'"
"userRoles": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "User roles"
"attribute": "user-roles",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "'everyone'"
"cmsEnv": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "CMS Endpoint stage"
"attribute": "cms-env",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "'stage'"
"clientStyling": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Client custom styling via string"
"attribute": "client-styling",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "''"
"clientStylingUrl": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Client custom styling via url"
"attribute": "client-styling-url",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "''"
"showPublishingDate": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Property used to display the publishing date"
"attribute": "show-publishing-date",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "true"
"showImage": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Property used to display the image"
"attribute": "show-image",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "true"
"showTitle": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Property used to display the image"
"attribute": "show-title",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "true"
"showContent": {
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"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Property used to display the description"
"attribute": "show-content",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "true"
"showButton": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Property used to display the button"
"attribute": "show-button",
"reflect": true,
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"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": true,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Use postMessage event to communicate"
"attribute": "use-postmessage",
"reflect": true
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"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Event name to be sent when the button is clicked"
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"defaultValue": "''"
"blogsLimit": {
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"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation"
"attribute": "blogs-limit",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "'0'"
"paginationActive": {
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"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
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"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Customize pagination: Activate pagination"
"attribute": "pagination-active",
"reflect": true
"arrowsActive": {
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"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Customize pagination: Activate pagination arrows"
"attribute": "arrows-active",
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"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Customize pagination: Activate pagination secondary arrows"
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"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
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"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation"
"attribute": "numbered-nav-active",
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"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Intl date format"
"attribute": "intl-date-time-format",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "''"
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"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
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"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Page to particularly be opened on start"
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"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "'1'"
componentDidLoad() {
if (this.clientStyling || this.clientStylingUrl)
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridLoaded' }, window.location.href);
this.device = getDeviceCustom();
}; }
static get states() { return {
"paginationBlogList": {},
"currentPage": {},
"hasErrors": {},
"isLoading": {},
"bannerMatrixReady": {},
"nextPage": {},
"previousPage": {},
"device": {},
"blogData": {},
"totalBlogs": {}
}; }
static get events() { return [{
"method": "ArticleActionButton",
"name": "ArticleActionButton",
"bubbles": true,
"cancelable": true,
"composed": true,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"complexType": {
"original": "Object",
"resolved": "Object",
"references": {
"Object": {
"location": "global"
fetchClientStyling() {
if (!this.clientStylingUrl)
return new Promise(resolve => {
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((data) => {
this.clientStylingContent += data;
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Error fetching Client Styling:', err);
formatDate(dateString) {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.intlDateTimeFormat).format(new Date(dateString));
render() {
var _a, _b;
if (this.hasErrors) {
return (h("div", { class: "BlogsContainer" }, h("div", { class: "ErrorMessage" }, translate('error', this.language))));
}]; }
static get watchers() { return [{
"propName": "page",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "hasErrors",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "cmsEndpoint",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "language",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "cmsEnv",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "userRoles",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "blogsLimit",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "clientStyling",
"methodName": "handleStylingChange"
}, {
"propName": "clientStylingUrl",
"methodName": "handleStylingChange"
}]; }
static get listeners() { return [{
"name": "BannerMatrixReady",
"method": "handleBannerReady",
"target": "window",
"capture": false,
"passive": false
}, {
"name": "hpPageChange",
"method": "hpPageChange",
"target": undefined,
"capture": false,
"passive": false
}]; }
// Create an array to store the placeholder elements for each card
const placeholderCards = [];
// Loop through the blogsLimit in order to generate the desired number of cards
for (let i = 0; i < parseInt(this.blogsLimit); i++) {
placeholderCards.push(h("div", { class: "GridContainer FeaturedPost Skeleton" }, h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" }, h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, h("div", { class: "VisualContent LoadingImage" })), h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, h("div", { class: "BlogTitle LoadingStripe LoadingSmallStripe" }), h("div", { class: "BlogDetails LoadingStripe LoadingMediumStripe" }), h("div", { class: "BlogLink LoadingStripe LoadingLongStripe" })))));
return (h("div", { ref: el => this.stylingContainer = el }, h("div", { class: "BlogPageContainer" }, h("div", { class: "BlogGridPaginationWrapper" }, this.paginationActive == true && this.totalBlogs > +this.blogsLimit && h("helper-pagination", { "next-page": this.nextPage, "prev-page": this.previousPage, offset: this.paginationBlogList.offset, limit: parseInt(this.blogsLimit, 10), total: (_b = (_a = this.blogData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.items) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length, language: this.language, "client-styling": this.clientStyling || this.defaultStyling, "arrows-active": this.arrowsActive || true, "secondary-arrows-active": this.secondaryArrowsActive || false, "numbered-nav-active": this.numberedNavActive || false })), (!this.isLoading) &&
h("div", { class: `GridContainerWrapper BlogPage-${this.currentPage}` }, this.blogData && => {
var _a, _b;
return h("div", { key: data.postID, class: data.isFeaturedPost ? 'GridContainer FeaturedPost' : 'GridContainer' }, h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" }, h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, this.showPublishingDate &&
h("div", { class: "BlogDate" }, this.formatDate(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.publishingDate)), this.showImage && ((_a = data.image) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.src) ? (h("div", { class: "VisualContent", style: { background: `url(${this.setImage(data.image)}) no-repeat center center / cover` } })) : (((_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.sources[this.device]) ? (h("video", { class: "VisualContent", src:[this.device], controls: true })) : (h("h1", { class: "VisualContent", style: { color: "#fff" } }, "No Image")))), h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, this.showTitle &&
h("div", { class: "BlogTitle" }, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.title), this.showContent &&
this.renderContentConditionally(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.descriptionPreview), this.showButton &&
h("div", { class: "BlogLink" }, h("button", { onClick: () => this.getArticleId(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.postID, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.slug, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.customPath) }, translate('readmore', this.language))))));
})), (this.isLoading) &&
h("div", { class: "GridContainerWrapper LoadingGrid" }, placeholderCards))));
static get is() { return "blog-articles-grid"; }
static get encapsulation() { return "shadow"; }
static get originalStyleUrls() {
return {
"$": ["blog-articles-grid.scss"]
static get styleUrls() {
return {
"$": ["blog-articles-grid.css"]
static get properties() {
return {
"cmsEndpoint": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Endpoint URL for the source of data"
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"reflect": true
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"mutable": false,
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"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Language of the widget"
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"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "'en'"
"userRoles": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "User roles"
"attribute": "user-roles",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "'everyone'"
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"complexType": {
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"resolved": "string",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "CMS Endpoint stage"
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"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "'stage'"
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"complexType": {
"original": "string",
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"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
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"defaultValue": "''"
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"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Client custom styling via url"
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"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "''"
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"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Property used to display the publishing date"
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"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "true"
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"type": "boolean",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
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"references": {}
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"optional": false,
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"tags": [],
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"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "true"
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"docs": {
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"text": "Property used to display the image"
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"docs": {
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"docs": {
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"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
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"required": true,
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"docs": {
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"text": "Use postMessage event to communicate"
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"reflect": true
"postMessageEvent": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "string",
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Event name to be sent when the button is clicked"
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"defaultValue": "''"
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"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
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"required": false,
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"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation"
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"docs": {
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"docs": {
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"text": "Customize pagination: Activate pagination secondary arrows"
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"type": "boolean",
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation"
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"reflect": true
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"complexType": {
"original": "string",
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"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Intl date format"
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"defaultValue": "''"
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"mutable": false,
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"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": "Page to particularly be opened on start"
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"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "'1'"
static get states() {
return {
"paginationBlogList": {},
"currentPage": {},
"hasErrors": {},
"isLoading": {},
"bannerMatrixReady": {},
"nextPage": {},
"previousPage": {},
"device": {},
"blogData": {},
"totalBlogs": {}
static get events() {
return [{
"method": "articleActionButton",
"name": "articleActionButton",
"bubbles": true,
"cancelable": true,
"composed": true,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"complexType": {
"original": "Object",
"resolved": "Object",
"references": {
"Object": {
"location": "global",
"id": "global::Object"
static get watchers() {
return [{
"propName": "page",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "hasErrors",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "cmsEndpoint",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "language",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "cmsEnv",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "userRoles",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "blogsLimit",
"methodName": "watchEndpoint"
}, {
"propName": "clientStyling",
"methodName": "handleStylingChange"
}, {
"propName": "clientStylingUrl",
"methodName": "handleStylingChange"
static get listeners() {
return [{
"name": "BannerMatrixReady",
"method": "handleBannerReady",
"target": "window",
"capture": false,
"passive": false
}, {
"name": "hpPageChange",
"method": "hpPageChange",
"target": undefined,
"capture": false,
"passive": false
const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'en';
en: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ro: {
error: 'Eroare',
readmore: 'Read more',
fr: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ar: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Read more',
hu: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Tovább olvasom',
hr: {
error: 'Greška',
readmore: 'Pročitaj više'
'pt-br': {
error: 'Erro',
readmore: 'Ler mais'
'es-mx': {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Leer más'
en: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ro: {
error: 'Eroare',
readmore: 'Read more',
fr: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ar: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Read more',
hu: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Tovább olvasom',
hr: {
error: 'Greška',
readmore: 'Pročitaj više'
'pt-br': {
error: 'Erro',
readmore: 'Ler mais'
'es-mx': {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Leer más'
export const translate = (key, customLang) => {
const lang = customLang;
return TRANSLATIONS[(lang !== undefined) && (lang in TRANSLATIONS) ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE][key];
const lang = customLang;
return TRANSLATIONS[(lang !== undefined) && (lang in TRANSLATIONS) ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE][key];
export function checkDeviceType() {
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
const width = screen.availWidth;
const height = screen.availHeight;
if (userAgent.includes('iphone')) {
return 'mobile';
if (userAgent.includes('android')) {
if (height > width && width < 800) {
return 'mobile';
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
const width = screen.availWidth;
const height = screen.availHeight;
if (userAgent.includes('iphone')) {
return 'mobile';
if (width > height && height < 800) {
return 'tablet';
if (userAgent.includes('android')) {
if (height > width && width < 800) {
return 'mobile';
if (width > height && height < 800) {
return 'tablet';
return 'desktop';
return 'desktop';
function checkCustomDeviceWidth() {
const width = screen.availWidth;
if (width < 600) {
return 'mobile';
else if (width >= 600 && width < 1100) {
return 'tablet';
const width = screen.availWidth;
if (width < 600) {
return 'mobile';
else if (width >= 600 && width < 1100) {
return 'tablet';
function isIpad() {
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
// Traditional iPad user agent
if (userAgent.includes('ipad')) {
return true;
return userAgent.indexOf('macintosh') > -1 && navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2;
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
// Traditional iPad user agent
if (userAgent.includes('ipad')) {
return true;
return userAgent.indexOf('macintosh') > -1 && navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2;
export function getDeviceCustom() {
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
let source = '';
source = (userAgent.includes('android') || userAgent.includes('iphone') || isIpad()) ? checkCustomDeviceWidth() : 'desktop';
return source;
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
let source = '';
source = (userAgent.includes('android') || userAgent.includes('iphone') || isIpad()) ? checkCustomDeviceWidth() : 'desktop';
return source;
export const getDevice = () => {
let userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/i)) {
return 'Android';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/iphone/i)) {
return 'iPhone';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/ipad|ipod/i)) {
return 'iPad';
return 'PC';
export const getDevicePlatform = () => {
const device = getDevice();
if (device) {
if (device === 'PC') {
return 'dk';
let userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/i)) {
return 'Android';
else if (device === 'iPad' || device === 'iPhone') {
return 'mtWeb';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/iphone/i)) {
return 'iPhone';
else {
return 'mtWeb';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/ipad|ipod/i)) {
return 'iPad';
return 'PC';
export const getDevicePlatform = () => {
const device = getDevice();
if (device) {
if (device === 'PC') {
return 'dk';
else if (device === 'iPad' || device === 'iPhone') {
return 'mtWeb';
else {
return 'mtWeb';

@@ -1,169 +0,103 @@

import { r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, h } from './index-6c1af2f1.js';
import { r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, h } from './index-2c19cd94.js';
const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE$1 = 'en';
const TRANSLATIONS$1 = {
en: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ro: {
error: 'Eroare',
readmore: 'Read more',
fr: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ar: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Read more',
hu: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Tovább olvasom',
hr: {
error: 'Greška',
readmore: 'Pročitaj više'
'pt-br': {
error: 'Erro',
readmore: 'Ler mais'
'es-mx': {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Leer más'
en: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ro: {
error: 'Eroare',
readmore: 'Read more',
fr: {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Read more',
ar: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Read more',
hu: {
error: 'خطأ',
readmore: 'Tovább olvasom',
hr: {
error: 'Greška',
readmore: 'Pročitaj više'
'pt-br': {
error: 'Erro',
readmore: 'Ler mais'
'es-mx': {
error: 'Error',
readmore: 'Leer más'
const translate$1 = (key, customLang) => {
const lang = customLang;
return TRANSLATIONS$1[(lang !== undefined) && (lang in TRANSLATIONS$1) ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE$1][key];
const lang = customLang;
return TRANSLATIONS$1[(lang !== undefined) && (lang in TRANSLATIONS$1) ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE$1][key];
function checkCustomDeviceWidth() {
const width = screen.availWidth;
if (width < 600) {
return 'mobile';
else if (width >= 600 && width < 1100) {
return 'tablet';
const width = screen.availWidth;
if (width < 600) {
return 'mobile';
else if (width >= 600 && width < 1100) {
return 'tablet';
function isIpad() {
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
// Traditional iPad user agent
if (userAgent.includes('ipad')) {
return true;
return userAgent.indexOf('macintosh') > -1 && navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2;
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
// Traditional iPad user agent
if (userAgent.includes('ipad')) {
return true;
return userAgent.indexOf('macintosh') > -1 && navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2;
function getDeviceCustom() {
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
let source = '';
source = (userAgent.includes('android') || userAgent.includes('iphone') || isIpad()) ? checkCustomDeviceWidth() : 'desktop';
return source;
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
let source = '';
source = (userAgent.includes('android') || userAgent.includes('iphone') || isIpad()) ? checkCustomDeviceWidth() : 'desktop';
return source;
const getDevice = () => {
let userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/i)) {
return 'Android';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/iphone/i)) {
return 'iPhone';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/ipad|ipod/i)) {
return 'iPad';
return 'PC';
const getDevicePlatform = () => {
const device = getDevice();
if (device) {
if (device === 'PC') {
return 'dk';
let userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/i)) {
return 'Android';
else if (device === 'iPad' || device === 'iPhone') {
return 'mtWeb';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/iphone/i)) {
return 'iPhone';
else {
return 'mtWeb';
if (userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/ipad|ipod/i)) {
return 'iPad';
return 'PC';
const getDevicePlatform = () => {
const device = getDevice();
if (device) {
if (device === 'PC') {
return 'dk';
else if (device === 'iPad' || device === 'iPhone') {
return 'mtWeb';
else {
return 'mtWeb';
const blogArticlesGridCss = ":host {\n display: block;\n}\n\n.BlogPageContainer {\n background: #0A0A17;\n padding: 20px;\n}\n\n.GridContainerWrapper {\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;\n gap: 20px;\n}\n\n.BlogPage-0 .GridContainer.FeaturedPost:first-child {\n width: 100%;\n flex-basis: auto;\n}\n\n.GridContainer {\n container-type: inline-size;\n container-name: article;\n border-radius: 15px;\n color: #000;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n.GridContainer.FeaturedPost:first-child {\n grid-column: 1/-1;\n width: 100%;\n}\n.GridContainer .GridWrapper {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n height: 280px;\n background: var(--emfe-w-color-white, #FFFFFF);\n}\n.GridContainer .GridSector {\n flex-basis: 50%;\n position: relative;\n}\n.GridContainer .GridSector:first-of-type {\n height: 280px;\n display: flex;\n}\n.GridContainer .GridSector:last-of-type {\n padding: 20px 40px;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n}\n.GridContainer .VisualContent {\n width: 100%;\n}\n.GridContainer .BlogDate {\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 0px;\n left: 30px;\n font-size: 12px;\n border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;\n padding: 10px;\n width: fit-content;\n text-align: center;\n color: var(--emfe-w-color-white, #FFFFFF);\n background-color: #CD0B5E;\n z-index: 1;\n}\n.GridContainer .BlogTitle {\n font-size: 24px;\n color: #000;\n padding-bottom: 10px;\n}\n.GridContainer .BlogContent {\n display: -webkit-box;\n font-size: 14px;\n line-height: 1.2em;\n -webkit-line-clamp: 6;\n color: #000;\n -webkit-box-orient: vertical;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n.GridContainer .BlogLink {\n color: #000;\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 16px;\n}\n.GridContainer .BlogLink button {\n font-size: 14px;\n border: none;\n padding: 0;\n background: none;\n color: #D0046C;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n@container article (max-width: 550px) {\n .GridContainer .GridWrapper {\n height: 380px;\n flex-direction: column;\n }\n .GridContainer .GridWrapper .GridSector:first-of-type {\n height: 120px;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n flex-basis: 150px;\n }\n .GridContainer .GridWrapper .GridSector:last-of-type {\n padding: 20px 20px 40px;\n }\n}\n.LoadingImage {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n background-color: var(--emfe-w-color-gray-100, #E6E6E6);\n}\n\n.LoadingStripe {\n border: 1px solid var(--emfe-w-color-white, #FFFFFF);\n height: 20%;\n background-color: var(--emfe-w-color-gray-100, #E6E6E6);\n margin-bottom: 5px;\n}\n\n.LoadingSmallStripe {\n width: 40%;\n}\n\n.LoadingMediumStripe {\n width: 70%;\n}\n\n.BlogLink.LoadingLongStripe {\n position: static;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n.GridContainerWrapper.LoadingGrid .GridSector {\n justify-content: space-around;\n}\n\n.GridContainerWrapper.LoadingGrid .LoadingImage, .GridContainerWrapper.LoadingGrid .LoadingStripe {\n animation: pulsatingLoader 2s ease-in-out 0s infinite reverse;\n -webkit-animation: pulsatingLoader 2s ease-in-out 0s infinite reverse;\n}\n\n@keyframes pulsatingLoader {\n 0% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n }\n 50% {\n opacity: 1;\n }\n 100% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n }\n}\n@-webkit-keyframes pulsatingLoader {\n 0% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n }\n 50% {\n opacity: 1;\n }\n 100% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n }\n}";
const BlogArticlesGridStyle0 = blogArticlesGridCss;
const BlogArticlesGrid = class {
constructor(hostRef) {
registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.ArticleActionButton = createEvent(this, "ArticleActionButton", 7);
* Language of the widget
this.language = 'en';
* User roles
this.userRoles = 'everyone';
* CMS Endpoint stage
this.cmsEnv = 'stage';
* Client custom styling via string
this.clientStyling = '';
* Client custom styling via url
this.clientStylingUrl = '';
* Property used to display the publishing date
this.showPublishingDate = true;
* Property used to display the image
this.showImage = true;
* Property used to display the image
this.showTitle = true;
* Property used to display the description
this.showContent = true;
* Property used to display the button
this.showButton = true;
* Event name to be sent when the button is clicked
this.postMessageEvent = '';
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation
this.blogsLimit = '0';
* Intl date format
this.intlDateTimeFormat = '';
* Page to particularly be opened on start
*/ = '1';
this.paginationBlogList = {
offset: 0
this.currentPage = 0;
this.hasErrors = false;
this.isLoading = true;
this.bannerMatrixReady = false;
this.nextPage = '';
this.previousPage = '';
this.device = '';
this.totalBlogs = 0;
this.clientStylingContent = '';
this.defaultStyling = `
constructor(hostRef) {
registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.articleActionButton = createEvent(this, "articleActionButton", 7);
this.clientStylingContent = '';
this.defaultStyling = `
div#PaginationContainer {

@@ -217,214 +151,246 @@ justify-content: right;

this.setClientStyling = () => {
this.clientStylingContent += this.clientStyling;
const sheet = document.createElement('style');
sheet.innerHTML = this.clientStylingContent;
this.setImage = (image) => {
let source = '';
switch (this.device) {
case 'mobile':
source = image.sources[0].pictureSource;
case 'tablet':
source = image.sources[1].pictureSource;
case 'desktop':
source = image.sources[2].pictureSource;
return source;
this.renderContentConditionally = (content) => {
if (!content)
const hasBanner = content.indexOf('<bannermatrix-banner') !== -1;
if (!hasBanner) {
return h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
if (this.bannerMatrixReady) {
return h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
return null;
getArticleId(postId, slug, customPath) {
if (this.usePostmessage) {
window.postMessage({ type: this.postMessageEvent, postId, slug, customPath });
this.setClientStyling = () => {
this.clientStylingContent += this.clientStyling;
const sheet = document.createElement('style');
sheet.innerHTML = this.clientStylingContent;
this.setImage = (image) => {
let source = '';
switch (this.device) {
case 'mobile':
source = image.sources[0].pictureSource;
case 'tablet':
source = image.sources[1].pictureSource;
case 'desktop':
source = image.sources[2].pictureSource;
return source;
this.renderContentConditionally = (content) => {
if (!content)
const hasBanner = content.indexOf('<bannermatrix-banner') !== -1;
if (!hasBanner) {
return h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
if (this.bannerMatrixReady) {
return h("div", { class: "BlogContent", innerHTML: content });
return null;
this.cmsEndpoint = undefined;
this.language = 'en';
this.userRoles = 'everyone';
this.cmsEnv = 'stage';
this.clientStyling = '';
this.clientStylingUrl = '';
this.showPublishingDate = true;
this.showImage = true;
this.showTitle = true;
this.showContent = true;
this.showButton = true;
this.usePostmessage = undefined;
this.postMessageEvent = '';
this.blogsLimit = '0';
this.paginationActive = undefined;
this.arrowsActive = undefined;
this.secondaryArrowsActive = undefined;
this.numberedNavActive = undefined;
this.intlDateTimeFormat = ''; = '1';
this.paginationBlogList = {
offset: 0
this.currentPage = 0;
this.hasErrors = false;
this.isLoading = true;
this.bannerMatrixReady = false;
this.nextPage = '';
this.previousPage = '';
this.device = '';
this.blogData = undefined;
this.totalBlogs = 0;
else {
this.ArticleActionButton.emit({ postId, slug, customPath });
getArticleId(postId, slug, customPath) {
if (this.usePostmessage) {
window.postMessage({ type: this.postMessageEvent, postId, slug, customPath });
else {
this.articleActionButton.emit({ postId, slug, customPath });
// Rerender when bannermatrix has finished loaded. Issue when bannermatrix passed as content from CMS.
handleBannerReady() {
this.bannerMatrixReady = true;
watchEndpoint(newValue, oldValue) {
this.currentPage = parseInt( - 1;
if (newValue && newValue != oldValue && this.cmsEndpoint && this.language) {
// Rerender when bannermatrix has finished loaded. Issue when bannermatrix passed as content from CMS.
handleBannerReady() {
this.bannerMatrixReady = true;
handleStylingChange(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
this.fetchClientStyling().then(_ => this.setClientStyling());
watchEndpoint(newValue, oldValue) {
this.currentPage = parseInt( - 1;
if (newValue && newValue != oldValue && this.cmsEndpoint && this.language) {
hpPageChange(event) {
var _a, _b;
this.paginationBlogList = event.detail;
this.currentPage = Math.floor(((_a = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offset) / ((_b = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.limit));
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
handleStylingChange(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
this.fetchClientStyling().then(_ => this.setClientStyling());
if (this.currentPage + 1 > this.lastPage) {
this.nextPage = null;
hpPageChange(event) {
var _a, _b;
this.paginationBlogList = event.detail;
this.currentPage = Math.floor(((_a = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offset) / ((_b = this.paginationBlogList) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.limit));
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
if (this.currentPage + 1 > this.lastPage) {
this.nextPage = null;
if (this.currentPage < 0) {
this.previousPage = null;
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridActivePagination', currentPage: this.currentPage }, window.location.href);
if (this.currentPage < 0) {
this.previousPage = null;
sortArticlesByDate(arr) {
arr.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.publishingDate > b.publishingDate)
return -1;
if (a.publishingDate < b.publishingDate)
return 1;
return 0;
return arr;
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridActivePagination', currentPage: this.currentPage }, window.location.href);
sortArticlesByDate(arr) {
arr.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.publishingDate > b.publishingDate)
return -1;
if (a.publishingDate < b.publishingDate)
return 1;
return 0;
return arr;
findLatestFeatured(array) {
let featuredItems = array.filter(item => item.isFeaturedPost);
if (featuredItems.length === 0) {
return null;
findLatestFeatured(array) {
let featuredItems = array.filter(item => item.isFeaturedPost);
if (featuredItems.length === 0) {
return null;
featuredItems = this.sortArticlesByDate(featuredItems);
return featuredItems[0];
featuredItems = this.sortArticlesByDate(featuredItems);
return featuredItems[0];
moveLatestFeatureToStart(articlesArray, latestFeatured) {
const index = articlesArray.indexOf(latestFeatured);
if (index !== -1) {
articlesArray.splice(index, 1);
moveLatestFeatureToStart(articlesArray, latestFeatured) {
const index = articlesArray.indexOf(latestFeatured);
if (index !== -1) {
articlesArray.splice(index, 1);
return articlesArray;
return articlesArray;
getBlogArticleGrid(page) {
this.isLoading = true;
let url = new URL(`${this.cmsEndpoint}/${this.language}/blog-posts`);
url.searchParams.append('per_page', this.blogsLimit);
url.searchParams.append('page', JSON.stringify(page ? page : this.currentPage + 1));
url.searchParams.append('env', this.cmsEnv);
url.searchParams.append('userRoles', this.userRoles);
url.searchParams.append('device', getDevicePlatform());
.then((res) => {
if (res.status >= 300) {
this.hasErrors = true;
throw new Error('There was an error while fetching the data');
return res.json();
.then((blogContent) => {
this.lastPage = +blogContent.pages.last.match(/&page=(\d+)/)[1];
let blogItems = blogContent.items;
this.nextPage =;
this.previousPage = blogContent.pages.previous;
this.totalBlogs =;
const latestFeatured = this.findLatestFeatured(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.sortArticlesByDate(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.moveLatestFeatureToStart(blogItems, latestFeatured);
this.blogData.items = => {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { publishingDate: new Date(item.publishingDate).toLocaleDateString() });
this.isLoading = false;
this.hasErrors = false;
.catch((err) => {
this.hasErrors = true;
console.log('Error', err);
.finally(() => this.isLoading = false);
connectedCallback() {
if (this.cmsEndpoint && this.language && this.blogsLimit) {
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
else {
getBlogArticleGrid(page) {
this.isLoading = true;
let url = new URL(`${this.cmsEndpoint}/${this.language}/blog-posts`);
url.searchParams.append('per_page', this.blogsLimit);
url.searchParams.append('page', JSON.stringify(page ? page : this.currentPage + 1));
url.searchParams.append('env', this.cmsEnv);
url.searchParams.append('userRoles', this.userRoles);
url.searchParams.append('device', getDevicePlatform());
.then((res) => {
if (res.status >= 300) {
this.hasErrors = true;
throw new Error('There was an error while fetching the data');
return res.json();
.then((blogContent) => {
this.lastPage = +blogContent.pages.last.match(/&page=(\d+)/)[1];
let blogItems = blogContent.items;
this.nextPage =;
this.previousPage = blogContent.pages.previous;
this.totalBlogs =;
const latestFeatured = this.findLatestFeatured(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.sortArticlesByDate(blogItems);
this.blogData = this.moveLatestFeatureToStart(blogItems, latestFeatured);
this.blogData.items = => {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { publishingDate: new Date(item.publishingDate).toLocaleDateString() });
this.isLoading = false;
this.hasErrors = false;
.catch((err) => {
this.hasErrors = true;
console.log('Error', err);
.finally(() => this.isLoading = false);
componentWillLoad() {
if (this.clientStylingUrl)
return this.fetchClientStyling();
componentDidLoad() {
if (this.clientStyling || this.clientStylingUrl)
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridLoaded' }, window.location.href);
this.device = getDeviceCustom();
fetchClientStyling() {
if (!this.clientStylingUrl)
return new Promise(resolve => {
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((data) => {
this.clientStylingContent += data;
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Error fetching Client Styling:', err);
formatDate(dateString) {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.intlDateTimeFormat).format(new Date(dateString));
render() {
var _a, _b;
if (this.hasErrors) {
return (h("div", { class: "BlogsContainer" }, h("div", { class: "ErrorMessage" }, translate$1('error', this.language))));
connectedCallback() {
if (this.cmsEndpoint && this.language && this.blogsLimit) {
if ( {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + - 1;
else {
// Create an array to store the placeholder elements for each card
const placeholderCards = [];
// Loop through the blogsLimit in order to generate the desired number of cards
for (let i = 0; i < parseInt(this.blogsLimit); i++) {
placeholderCards.push(h("div", { class: "GridContainer FeaturedPost Skeleton" }, h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" }, h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, h("div", { class: "VisualContent LoadingImage" })), h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, h("div", { class: "BlogTitle LoadingStripe LoadingSmallStripe" }), h("div", { class: "BlogDetails LoadingStripe LoadingMediumStripe" }), h("div", { class: "BlogLink LoadingStripe LoadingLongStripe" })))));
componentWillLoad() {
if (this.clientStylingUrl)
return this.fetchClientStyling();
return (h("div", { ref: el => this.stylingContainer = el }, h("div", { class: "BlogPageContainer" }, h("div", { class: "BlogGridPaginationWrapper" }, this.paginationActive == true && this.totalBlogs > +this.blogsLimit && h("helper-pagination", { "next-page": this.nextPage, "prev-page": this.previousPage, offset: this.paginationBlogList.offset, limit: this.blogsLimit, total: (_b = (_a = this.blogData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.items) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length, language: this.language, "client-styling": this.clientStyling || this.defaultStyling, "arrows-active": this.arrowsActive || true, "secondary-arrows-active": this.secondaryArrowsActive || false, "numbered-nav-active": this.numberedNavActive || false })), (!this.isLoading) &&
h("div", { class: `GridContainerWrapper BlogPage-${this.currentPage}` }, this.blogData && => {
componentDidLoad() {
if (this.clientStyling || this.clientStylingUrl)
window.postMessage({ type: 'BlogArticlesGridLoaded' }, window.location.href);
this.device = getDeviceCustom();
fetchClientStyling() {
if (!this.clientStylingUrl)
return new Promise(resolve => {
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((data) => {
this.clientStylingContent += data;
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Error fetching Client Styling:', err);
formatDate(dateString) {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.intlDateTimeFormat).format(new Date(dateString));
render() {
var _a, _b;
return h("div", { key: data.postID, class: data.isFeaturedPost ? 'GridContainer FeaturedPost' : 'GridContainer' }, h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" }, h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, this.showPublishingDate &&
h("div", { class: "BlogDate" }, this.formatDate(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.publishingDate)), this.showImage && ((_a = data.image) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.src) ? (h("div", { class: "VisualContent", style: { background: `url(${this.setImage(data.image)}) no-repeat center center / cover` } })) : (((_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.sources[this.device]) ? (h("video", { class: "VisualContent", src:[this.device], controls: true })) : (h("h1", { class: "VisualContent", style: { color: "#fff" } }, "No Image")))), h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, this.showTitle &&
h("div", { class: "BlogTitle" }, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.title), this.showContent &&
this.renderContentConditionally(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.descriptionPreview), this.showButton &&
h("div", { class: "BlogLink" }, h("button", { onClick: () => this.getArticleId(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.postID, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.slug, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.customPath) }, translate$1('readmore', this.language))))));
})), (this.isLoading) &&
h("div", { class: "GridContainerWrapper LoadingGrid" }, placeholderCards))));
static get watchers() { return {
"page": ["watchEndpoint"],
"hasErrors": ["watchEndpoint"],
"cmsEndpoint": ["watchEndpoint"],
"language": ["watchEndpoint"],
"cmsEnv": ["watchEndpoint"],
"userRoles": ["watchEndpoint"],
"blogsLimit": ["watchEndpoint"],
"clientStyling": ["handleStylingChange"],
"clientStylingUrl": ["handleStylingChange"]
}; }
if (this.hasErrors) {
return (h("div", { class: "BlogsContainer" }, h("div", { class: "ErrorMessage" }, translate$1('error', this.language))));
// Create an array to store the placeholder elements for each card
const placeholderCards = [];
// Loop through the blogsLimit in order to generate the desired number of cards
for (let i = 0; i < parseInt(this.blogsLimit); i++) {
placeholderCards.push(h("div", { class: "GridContainer FeaturedPost Skeleton" }, h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" }, h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, h("div", { class: "VisualContent LoadingImage" })), h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, h("div", { class: "BlogTitle LoadingStripe LoadingSmallStripe" }), h("div", { class: "BlogDetails LoadingStripe LoadingMediumStripe" }), h("div", { class: "BlogLink LoadingStripe LoadingLongStripe" })))));
return (h("div", { ref: el => this.stylingContainer = el }, h("div", { class: "BlogPageContainer" }, h("div", { class: "BlogGridPaginationWrapper" }, this.paginationActive == true && this.totalBlogs > +this.blogsLimit && h("helper-pagination", { "next-page": this.nextPage, "prev-page": this.previousPage, offset: this.paginationBlogList.offset, limit: parseInt(this.blogsLimit, 10), total: (_b = (_a = this.blogData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.items) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length, language: this.language, "client-styling": this.clientStyling || this.defaultStyling, "arrows-active": this.arrowsActive || true, "secondary-arrows-active": this.secondaryArrowsActive || false, "numbered-nav-active": this.numberedNavActive || false })), (!this.isLoading) &&
h("div", { class: `GridContainerWrapper BlogPage-${this.currentPage}` }, this.blogData && => {
var _a, _b;
return h("div", { key: data.postID, class: data.isFeaturedPost ? 'GridContainer FeaturedPost' : 'GridContainer' }, h("div", { class: "GridWrapper" }, h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, this.showPublishingDate &&
h("div", { class: "BlogDate" }, this.formatDate(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.publishingDate)), this.showImage && ((_a = data.image) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.src) ? (h("div", { class: "VisualContent", style: { background: `url(${this.setImage(data.image)}) no-repeat center center / cover` } })) : (((_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.sources[this.device]) ? (h("video", { class: "VisualContent", src:[this.device], controls: true })) : (h("h1", { class: "VisualContent", style: { color: "#fff" } }, "No Image")))), h("div", { class: "GridSector" }, this.showTitle &&
h("div", { class: "BlogTitle" }, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.title), this.showContent &&
this.renderContentConditionally(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.descriptionPreview), this.showButton &&
h("div", { class: "BlogLink" }, h("button", { onClick: () => this.getArticleId(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.postID, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.slug, data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.customPath) }, translate$1('readmore', this.language))))));
})), (this.isLoading) &&
h("div", { class: "GridContainerWrapper LoadingGrid" }, placeholderCards))));
static get watchers() { return {
"page": ["watchEndpoint"],
"hasErrors": ["watchEndpoint"],
"cmsEndpoint": ["watchEndpoint"],
"language": ["watchEndpoint"],
"cmsEnv": ["watchEndpoint"],
"userRoles": ["watchEndpoint"],
"blogsLimit": ["watchEndpoint"],
"clientStyling": ["handleStylingChange"],
"clientStylingUrl": ["handleStylingChange"]
}; }
}; = blogArticlesGridCss; = BlogArticlesGridStyle0;

@@ -438,6 +404,6 @@ /**

const isMobile = (userAgent) => {
return !!(userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/blackberry|bb/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/iphone|ipad|ipod/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/windows phone|windows mobile|iemobile|wpdesktop/i));
return !!(userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/blackberry|bb/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/iphone|ipad|ipod/i) ||
userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/windows phone|windows mobile|iemobile|wpdesktop/i));

@@ -447,236 +413,207 @@

en: {
firstPage: 'First',
previousPage: 'Previous',
nextPage: 'Next',
lastPage: 'Last'
ro: {
firstPage: 'Prima',
previousPage: 'Anterior',
nextPage: 'Urmatoarea',
lastPage: 'Ultima'
fr: {
firstPage: 'First',
previousPage: 'Previous',
nextPage: 'Next',
lastPage: 'Last'
ar: {
firstPage: 'First',
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const translate = (key, customLang) => {
const lang = customLang;
return TRANSLATIONS[(lang !== undefined) && (lang in TRANSLATIONS) ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE][key];
const lang = customLang;
return TRANSLATIONS[(lang !== undefined) && (lang in TRANSLATIONS) ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE][key];
const helperPaginationCss = "@import url(\"\");:host{display:block;font-family:\"Roboto\", sans-serif}#PaginationContainer{width:100%;margin:20px 0;display:inline-flex;justify-content:space-between;align-items:center}.LeftItems button:not(:first-child),.RightItems button:not(:last-child){margin:0 10px}.LeftItems button,.RightItems button{padding:0;background-color:#009993;border-color:#009993}.PaginationArea{display:inline-flex;gap:10px;list-style:none}.PaginationArea li{margin:0;padding:0}.PaginationArea li button{width:24px;height:24px;display:flex;border:0;padding:0;justify-content:center;align-items:center;background-color:transparent;color:#000;cursor:pointer;pointer-events:all}.PaginationItem.ActiveItem button{background:#009993;border-color:#009993;color:#fff}.PaginationItem.ActiveItem button:disabled{pointer-events:none;cursor:not-allowed}.PaginationItem button:hover,.PaginationItem button:active{background:#009993;border-color:#009993;color:#fff;opacity:0.8}button{width:100px;height:32px;border:1px solid #524e52;border-radius:5px;background:#524e52;color:#fff;font-size:14px;font:inherit;cursor:pointer;transition:all 0.1s linear;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:0}button:hover,button:active{background:#004D4A;border-color:#004D4A}button:disabled{background-color:#ccc;border-color:#ccc;color:#fff;cursor:not-allowed}@media screen and (max-width: 720px){button{width:90px;font-size:14px}}@media screen and (max-width: 480px){button{width:70px;font-size:14px}.paginationArea{padding:5px}}@media screen and (max-width: 320px){button{width:58px;font-size:12px}.paginationArea{padding:5px;gap:5px}}@media (hover: none){.paginationItem button:hover{background:inherit;border-color:inherit;color:inherit;opacity:1}.paginationItem.activeItem button:hover{background:#009993;border-color:#009993;color:#fff}}";
const HelperPaginationStyle0 = helperPaginationCss;
const HelperPagination = class {
constructor(hostRef) {
registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.hpPageChange = createEvent(this, "hpPageChange", 7);
* Next page string value - determines if the next page is disabled or active
this.nextPage = '';
* Previous page string value - determines if the previous page is disabled or active
this.prevPage = '';
* The received offset
this.offset = 0;
* The received limit for the number of pages
this.limit = 1;
* The received total number of pages
*/ = 1;
* Language
this.language = 'en';
* Client custom styling via string
this.clientStyling = '';
* Client custom styling via url content
this.clientStylingUrlContent = '';
* Component working variable for last page
this.lastPage = false;
* Component working variable for prvious page
this.previousPage = false;
* In component working variable for the array of pages
this.pagesArray = [];
* In component working variable for last page
this.endInt = 0;
this.userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
this.currentPage = 1;
this.limitStylingAppends = false;
* Navigation logic
this.navigateTo = (navigationPage) => {
switch (navigationPage) {
case 'firstPage':
this.offsetInt = 0;
case 'lastPage':
this.offsetInt = this.endInt * this.limitInt;
case 'previousPage':
this.offsetInt -= this.limitInt;
case 'nextPage':
this.offsetInt += this.limitInt;
case 'fivePagesBack':
this.offsetInt -= this.limitInt * 5;
this.offsetInt = this.offsetInt <= 0 ? 0 : this.offsetInt;
case 'fivePagesForward':
this.offsetInt += this.limitInt * 5;
this.offsetInt = this.offsetInt / this.limitInt >= this.endInt ? this.endInt * this.limitInt : this.offsetInt;
this.previousPage = !this.offsetInt ? false : true;
this.hpPageChange.emit({ offset: this.offsetInt, limit: this.limitInt, total: this.totalInt });
* Handle navigation from here
this.paginationNavigation = (pageNumber, index) => {
this.previousPage = true;
if (!isNaN(pageNumber)) {
if (pageNumber === 1) {
this.offsetInt = pageNumber - 1;
this.previousPage = false;
constructor(hostRef) {
registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.hpPageChange = createEvent(this, "hpPageChange", 7);
this.userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
this.currentPage = 1;
* Navigation logic
this.navigateTo = (navigationPage) => {
switch (navigationPage) {
case 'firstPage':
this.offsetInt = 0;
case 'lastPage':
this.offsetInt = this.endInt * this.limitInt;
case 'previousPage':
this.offsetInt -= this.limitInt;
case 'nextPage':
this.offsetInt += this.limitInt;
case 'fivePagesBack':
this.offsetInt -= this.limitInt * 5;
this.offsetInt = this.offsetInt <= 0 ? 0 : this.offsetInt;
case 'fivePagesForward':
this.offsetInt += this.limitInt * 5;
this.offsetInt = this.offsetInt / this.limitInt >= this.endInt ? this.endInt * this.limitInt : this.offsetInt;
this.previousPage = !this.offsetInt ? false : true;
this.hpPageChange.emit({ offset: this.offsetInt, limit: this.limitInt, total: this.totalInt });
* Handle navigation from here
this.paginationNavigation = (pageNumber, index) => {
this.previousPage = true;
if (!isNaN(pageNumber)) {
if (pageNumber === 1) {
this.offsetInt = pageNumber - 1;
this.previousPage = false;
else {
this.offsetInt = (pageNumber - 1) * this.limitInt;
else {
if (index === 0 && this.currentPage <= 4) {
else if (index === 0 && this.currentPage > 4) {
else if (index === 4 && this.endInt - this.currentPage >= 2) {
this.hpPageChange.emit({ offset: this.offsetInt, limit: this.limitInt, total: this.totalInt });
this.setClientStyling = () => {
let sheet = document.createElement('style');
sheet.innerHTML = this.clientStyling;
this.setClientStylingURL = () => {
let cssFile = document.createElement('style');
setTimeout(() => {
cssFile.innerHTML = this.clientStylingUrlContent;
}, 1);
this.nextPage = '';
this.prevPage = '';
this.offset = 0;
this.limit = 1; = 1;
this.language = 'en';
this.clientStyling = '';
this.clientStylingUrlContent = '';
this.arrowsActive = undefined;
this.secondaryArrowsActive = undefined;
this.numberedNavActive = undefined;
this.offsetInt = undefined;
this.lastPage = false;
this.previousPage = false;
this.limitInt = undefined;
this.totalInt = undefined;
this.pagesArray = [];
this.endInt = 0;
this.limitStylingAppends = false;
componentWillRender() {
this.offsetInt = this.offset;
this.limitInt = this.limit;
this.currentPage = (this.offsetInt / this.limitInt) + 1;
this.limitInt = this.limit;
this.totalInt =;
this.endInt = (Math.ceil(this.totalInt / this.limitInt) - 1);
this.lastPage = (this.offsetInt >= this.endInt * this.limitInt) ? false : true;
* Construct numbered navigation area based on current page position
if (this.currentPage == 1 || this.currentPage == 2) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_, i) => i + 1);
else {
this.offsetInt = (pageNumber - 1) * this.limitInt;
else if (this.currentPage >= 3 && ((this.endInt - this.currentPage) >= 2)) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 3 }, (_, i) => this.currentPage + i - 1);
else {
if (index === 0 && this.currentPage <= 4) {
else if ((this.endInt - this.currentPage) < 3) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_, i) => this.endInt - 2 + i);
else if (index === 0 && this.currentPage > 4) {
componentDidRender() {
// start custom styling area
if (!this.limitStylingAppends && this.stylingContainer) {
if (this.clientStyling)
if (this.clientStylingUrlContent)
this.limitStylingAppends = true;
else if (index === 4 && this.endInt - this.currentPage >= 2) {
// end custom styling area
render() {
* Center navigation area
let navigationArea = h("ul", { class: "PaginationArea" },, index) => {
return (h("li", { class: 'PaginationItem' + (item === this.currentPage ? ' ActiveItem' : ' ') + ' ' + (isMobile(this.userAgent) ? 'MobileButtons' : '') }, h("button", { disabled: item === this.currentPage ? true : false, onClick: this.paginationNavigation.bind(this, item, index) }, h("span", null, item))));
* Left navigation area
let buttonSecondaryLeftSide = h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'firstPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('firstPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" }));
let buttonsLeftSide = h("div", { class: "LeftItems" }, this.secondaryArrowsActive && buttonSecondaryLeftSide, h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'previousPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('previousPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
if (isMobile(this.userAgent)) {
buttonsLeftSide =
h("div", { class: "LeftItems" }, h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'previousPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('previousPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
this.hpPageChange.emit({ offset: this.offsetInt, limit: this.limitInt, total: this.totalInt });
this.setClientStyling = () => {
let sheet = document.createElement('style');
sheet.innerHTML = this.clientStyling;
this.setClientStylingURL = () => {
let cssFile = document.createElement('style');
setTimeout(() => {
cssFile.innerHTML = this.clientStylingUrlContent;
}, 1);
componentWillRender() {
this.offsetInt = this.offset;
this.limitInt = this.limit;
this.currentPage = (this.offsetInt / this.limitInt) + 1;
this.limitInt = this.limit;
this.totalInt =;
this.endInt = (Math.ceil(this.totalInt / this.limitInt) - 1);
this.lastPage = (this.offsetInt >= this.endInt * this.limitInt) ? false : true;
* Construct numbered navigation area based on current page position
if (this.currentPage == 1 || this.currentPage == 2) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_, i) => i + 1);
* Right navigation area
let buttonSecondaryRightSide = h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'lastPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('lastPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" }));
let buttonsRightSide = h("div", { class: "RightItems" }, h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'nextPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('nextPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })), this.secondaryArrowsActive && buttonSecondaryRightSide);
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buttonsRightSide =
h("div", { class: "RightItems" }, h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'nextPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('nextPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
return (h("div", { id: "PaginationContainer", ref: el => this.stylingContainer = el }, this.arrowsActive && buttonsLeftSide, this.numberedNavActive && navigationArea, this.arrowsActive && buttonsRightSide));
else if (this.currentPage >= 3 && ((this.endInt - this.currentPage) >= 2)) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 3 }, (_, i) => this.currentPage + i - 1);
else if ((this.endInt - this.currentPage) < 3) {
this.pagesArray = Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_, i) => this.endInt - 2 + i);
componentDidRender() {
// start custom styling area
if (!this.limitStylingAppends && this.stylingContainer) {
if (this.clientStyling)
if (this.clientStylingUrlContent)
this.limitStylingAppends = true;
// end custom styling area
render() {
* Center navigation area
let navigationArea = h("ul", { class: "PaginationArea" },, index) => {
return (h("li", { class: 'PaginationItem' + (item === this.currentPage ? ' ActiveItem' : ' ') + ' ' + (isMobile(this.userAgent) ? 'MobileButtons' : '') }, h("button", { disabled: item === this.currentPage ? true : false, onClick: this.paginationNavigation.bind(this, item, index) }, h("span", null, item))));
* Left navigation area
let buttonSecondaryLeftSide = h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'firstPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('firstPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" }));
let buttonsLeftSide = h("div", { class: "LeftItems" }, this.secondaryArrowsActive && buttonSecondaryLeftSide, h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'previousPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('previousPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
if (isMobile(this.userAgent)) {
buttonsLeftSide =
h("div", { class: "LeftItems" }, h("button", { disabled: this.prevPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'previousPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('previousPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
* Right navigation area
let buttonSecondaryRightSide = h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'lastPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('lastPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" }));
let buttonsRightSide = h("div", { class: "RightItems" }, h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'nextPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('nextPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })), this.secondaryArrowsActive && buttonSecondaryRightSide);
if (isMobile(this.userAgent)) {
buttonsRightSide =
h("div", { class: "RightItems" }, h("button", { disabled: this.nextPage ? false : true, onClick: this.navigateTo.bind(this, 'nextPage') }, h("span", { class: "NavigationButton" }, translate('nextPage', this.language)), h("span", { class: "NavigationIcon" })));
return (h("div", { id: "PaginationContainer", ref: el => this.stylingContainer = el }, this.arrowsActive && buttonsLeftSide, this.numberedNavActive && navigationArea, this.arrowsActive && buttonsRightSide));
}; = helperPaginationCss; = HelperPaginationStyle0;
export { BlogArticlesGrid as blog_articles_grid, HelperPagination as helper_pagination };

@@ -1,17 +0,20 @@

import { p as promiseResolve, b as bootstrapLazy } from './index-6c1af2f1.js';
import { p as promiseResolve, b as bootstrapLazy } from './index-2c19cd94.js';
export { s as setNonce } from './index-2c19cd94.js';
import { g as globalScripts } from './app-globals-0f993ce5.js';
Stencil Client Patch Browser v2.15.2 | MIT Licensed |
Stencil Client Patch Browser v4.20.0 | MIT Licensed |
const patchBrowser = () => {
const importMeta = import.meta.url;
const opts = {};
if (importMeta !== '') {
opts.resourcesUrl = new URL('.', importMeta).href;
return promiseResolve(opts);
var patchBrowser = () => {
const importMeta = import.meta.url;
const opts = {};
if (importMeta !== "") {
opts.resourcesUrl = new URL(".", importMeta).href;
return promiseResolve(opts);
patchBrowser().then(options => {
return bootstrapLazy([["blog-articles-grid_2",[[1,"blog-articles-grid",{"cmsEndpoint":[513,"cms-endpoint"],"language":[513],"userRoles":[513,"user-roles"],"cmsEnv":[513,"cms-env"],"clientStyling":[513,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrl":[513,"client-styling-url"],"showPublishingDate":[516,"show-publishing-date"],"showImage":[516,"show-image"],"showTitle":[516,"show-title"],"showContent":[516,"show-content"],"showButton":[516,"show-button"],"usePostmessage":[516,"use-postmessage"],"postMessageEvent":[513,"post-message-event"],"blogsLimit":[513,"blogs-limit"],"paginationActive":[516,"pagination-active"],"arrowsActive":[516,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[516,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[516,"numbered-nav-active"],"intlDateTimeFormat":[513,"intl-date-time-format"],"page":[513],"paginationBlogList":[32],"currentPage":[32],"hasErrors":[32],"isLoading":[32],"bannerMatrixReady":[32],"nextPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"device":[32],"blogData":[32],"totalBlogs":[32]},[[8,"BannerMatrixReady","handleBannerReady"],[0,"hpPageChange","hpPageChange"]]],[1,"helper-pagination",{"nextPage":[1537,"next-page"],"prevPage":[1537,"prev-page"],"offset":[1538],"limit":[1538],"total":[1538],"language":[1537],"clientStyling":[1537,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrlContent":[1537,"client-styling-url-content"],"arrowsActive":[1540,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[1540,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[1540,"numbered-nav-active"],"offsetInt":[32],"lastPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"limitInt":[32],"totalInt":[32],"pagesArray":[32],"endInt":[32],"limitStylingAppends":[32]}]]]], options);
patchBrowser().then(async (options) => {
await globalScripts();
return bootstrapLazy([["blog-articles-grid_2",[[1,"blog-articles-grid",{"cmsEndpoint":[513,"cms-endpoint"],"language":[513],"userRoles":[513,"user-roles"],"cmsEnv":[513,"cms-env"],"clientStyling":[513,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrl":[513,"client-styling-url"],"showPublishingDate":[516,"show-publishing-date"],"showImage":[516,"show-image"],"showTitle":[516,"show-title"],"showContent":[516,"show-content"],"showButton":[516,"show-button"],"usePostmessage":[516,"use-postmessage"],"postMessageEvent":[513,"post-message-event"],"blogsLimit":[513,"blogs-limit"],"paginationActive":[516,"pagination-active"],"arrowsActive":[516,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[516,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[516,"numbered-nav-active"],"intlDateTimeFormat":[513,"intl-date-time-format"],"page":[513],"paginationBlogList":[32],"currentPage":[32],"hasErrors":[32],"isLoading":[32],"bannerMatrixReady":[32],"nextPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"device":[32],"blogData":[32],"totalBlogs":[32]},[[8,"BannerMatrixReady","handleBannerReady"],[0,"hpPageChange","hpPageChange"]],{"page":["watchEndpoint"],"hasErrors":["watchEndpoint"],"cmsEndpoint":["watchEndpoint"],"language":["watchEndpoint"],"cmsEnv":["watchEndpoint"],"userRoles":["watchEndpoint"],"blogsLimit":["watchEndpoint"],"clientStyling":["handleStylingChange"],"clientStylingUrl":["handleStylingChange"]}],[1,"helper-pagination",{"nextPage":[1537,"next-page"],"prevPage":[1537,"prev-page"],"offset":[1538],"limit":[1538],"total":[1538],"language":[1537],"clientStyling":[1537,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrlContent":[1537,"client-styling-url-content"],"arrowsActive":[1540,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[1540,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[1540,"numbered-nav-active"],"offsetInt":[32],"lastPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"limitInt":[32],"totalInt":[32],"pagesArray":[32],"endInt":[32],"limitStylingAppends":[32]}]]]], options);

@@ -1,17 +0,11 @@

import { p as promiseResolve, b as bootstrapLazy } from './index-6c1af2f1.js';
import { b as bootstrapLazy } from './index-2c19cd94.js';
export { s as setNonce } from './index-2c19cd94.js';
import { g as globalScripts } from './app-globals-0f993ce5.js';
Stencil Client Patch Esm v2.15.2 | MIT Licensed |
const patchEsm = () => {
return promiseResolve();
const defineCustomElements = async (win, options) => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') return undefined;
await globalScripts();
return bootstrapLazy([["blog-articles-grid_2",[[1,"blog-articles-grid",{"cmsEndpoint":[513,"cms-endpoint"],"language":[513],"userRoles":[513,"user-roles"],"cmsEnv":[513,"cms-env"],"clientStyling":[513,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrl":[513,"client-styling-url"],"showPublishingDate":[516,"show-publishing-date"],"showImage":[516,"show-image"],"showTitle":[516,"show-title"],"showContent":[516,"show-content"],"showButton":[516,"show-button"],"usePostmessage":[516,"use-postmessage"],"postMessageEvent":[513,"post-message-event"],"blogsLimit":[513,"blogs-limit"],"paginationActive":[516,"pagination-active"],"arrowsActive":[516,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[516,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[516,"numbered-nav-active"],"intlDateTimeFormat":[513,"intl-date-time-format"],"page":[513],"paginationBlogList":[32],"currentPage":[32],"hasErrors":[32],"isLoading":[32],"bannerMatrixReady":[32],"nextPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"device":[32],"blogData":[32],"totalBlogs":[32]},[[8,"BannerMatrixReady","handleBannerReady"],[0,"hpPageChange","hpPageChange"]],{"page":["watchEndpoint"],"hasErrors":["watchEndpoint"],"cmsEndpoint":["watchEndpoint"],"language":["watchEndpoint"],"cmsEnv":["watchEndpoint"],"userRoles":["watchEndpoint"],"blogsLimit":["watchEndpoint"],"clientStyling":["handleStylingChange"],"clientStylingUrl":["handleStylingChange"]}],[1,"helper-pagination",{"nextPage":[1537,"next-page"],"prevPage":[1537,"prev-page"],"offset":[1538],"limit":[1538],"total":[1538],"language":[1537],"clientStyling":[1537,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrlContent":[1537,"client-styling-url-content"],"arrowsActive":[1540,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[1540,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[1540,"numbered-nav-active"],"offsetInt":[32],"lastPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"limitInt":[32],"totalInt":[32],"pagesArray":[32],"endInt":[32],"limitStylingAppends":[32]}]]]], options);
const defineCustomElements = (win, options) => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') return Promise.resolve();
return patchEsm().then(() => {
return bootstrapLazy([["blog-articles-grid_2",[[1,"blog-articles-grid",{"cmsEndpoint":[513,"cms-endpoint"],"language":[513],"userRoles":[513,"user-roles"],"cmsEnv":[513,"cms-env"],"clientStyling":[513,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrl":[513,"client-styling-url"],"showPublishingDate":[516,"show-publishing-date"],"showImage":[516,"show-image"],"showTitle":[516,"show-title"],"showContent":[516,"show-content"],"showButton":[516,"show-button"],"usePostmessage":[516,"use-postmessage"],"postMessageEvent":[513,"post-message-event"],"blogsLimit":[513,"blogs-limit"],"paginationActive":[516,"pagination-active"],"arrowsActive":[516,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[516,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[516,"numbered-nav-active"],"intlDateTimeFormat":[513,"intl-date-time-format"],"page":[513],"paginationBlogList":[32],"currentPage":[32],"hasErrors":[32],"isLoading":[32],"bannerMatrixReady":[32],"nextPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"device":[32],"blogData":[32],"totalBlogs":[32]},[[8,"BannerMatrixReady","handleBannerReady"],[0,"hpPageChange","hpPageChange"]]],[1,"helper-pagination",{"nextPage":[1537,"next-page"],"prevPage":[1537,"prev-page"],"offset":[1538],"limit":[1538],"total":[1538],"language":[1537],"clientStyling":[1537,"client-styling"],"clientStylingUrlContent":[1537,"client-styling-url-content"],"arrowsActive":[1540,"arrows-active"],"secondaryArrowsActive":[1540,"secondary-arrows-active"],"numberedNavActive":[1540,"numbered-nav-active"],"offsetInt":[32],"lastPage":[32],"previousPage":[32],"limitInt":[32],"totalInt":[32],"pagesArray":[32],"endInt":[32],"limitStylingAppends":[32]}]]]], options);
export { defineCustomElements };

@@ -1,22 +0,17 @@

import { sass } from '@stencil/sass';
import { sass } from "@stencil/sass";
export const config = {
namespace: 'blog-articles-grid',
taskQueue: 'async',
plugins: [sass()],
outputTargets: [
type: 'dist',
esmLoaderPath: '../loader',
namespace: 'blog-articles-grid',
taskQueue: 'async',
sourceMap: false,
minifyJs: true,
extras: {
experimentalImportInjection: true
type: 'dist-custom-elements',
type: 'docs-readme',
type: 'www',
serviceWorker: null, // disable service workers
plugins: [sass()],
outputTargets: [
type: 'dist',
esmLoaderPath: '../loader'

@@ -92,4 +92,19 @@ /* eslint-disable */

export interface BlogArticlesGridCustomEvent<T> extends CustomEvent<T> {
detail: T;
target: HTMLBlogArticlesGridElement;
declare global {
interface HTMLBlogArticlesGridElementEventMap {
"articleActionButton": Object;
interface HTMLBlogArticlesGridElement extends Components.BlogArticlesGrid, HTMLStencilElement {
addEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLBlogArticlesGridElementEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLBlogArticlesGridElement, ev: BlogArticlesGridCustomEvent<HTMLBlogArticlesGridElementEventMap[K]>) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
addEventListener<K extends keyof DocumentEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: Document, ev: DocumentEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
addEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLBlogArticlesGridElementEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLBlogArticlesGridElement, ev: BlogArticlesGridCustomEvent<HTMLBlogArticlesGridElementEventMap[K]>) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof DocumentEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: Document, ev: DocumentEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void;
removeEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void;

@@ -142,3 +157,3 @@ var HTMLBlogArticlesGridElement: {

"numberedNavActive"?: boolean;
"onArticleActionButton"?: (event: CustomEvent<Object>) => void;
"onArticleActionButton"?: (event: BlogArticlesGridCustomEvent<Object>) => void;

@@ -145,0 +160,0 @@ * Page to particularly be opened on start

import { EventEmitter } from '../../stencil-public-runtime';
import '@everymatrix/helper-pagination';
import "../../../../../../dist/packages/stencil/helper-pagination/dist/types/index";
export declare class BlogArticlesGrid {
* Endpoint URL for the source of data
cmsEndpoint: string;
* Language of the widget
language: string;
* User roles
userRoles: string;
* CMS Endpoint stage
cmsEnv: string;
* Client custom styling via string
clientStyling: string;
* Client custom styling via url
clientStylingUrl: string;
* Property used to display the publishing date
showPublishingDate: boolean;
* Property used to display the image
showImage: boolean;
* Property used to display the image
showTitle: boolean;
* Property used to display the description
showContent: boolean;
* Property used to display the button
showButton: boolean;
* Use postMessage event to communicate
usePostmessage: boolean;
* Event name to be sent when the button is clicked
postMessageEvent: string;
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation
blogsLimit: string;
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination
paginationActive: boolean;
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination arrows
arrowsActive: boolean;
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination secondary arrows
secondaryArrowsActive: boolean;
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation
numberedNavActive: boolean;
* Intl date format
intlDateTimeFormat: string;
* Page to particularly be opened on start
page: string;
ArticleActionButton: EventEmitter<Object>;
getArticleId(postId: number, slug: string, customPath: string): void;
paginationBlogList: any;
currentPage: number;
hasErrors: boolean;
private isLoading;
bannerMatrixReady: boolean;
nextPage: string;
previousPage: string;
device: string;
blogData: any;
totalBlogs: number;
lastPage: number;
clientStylingContent: string;
handleBannerReady(): void;
watchEndpoint(newValue: string, oldValue: string): void;
handleStylingChange(newValue: string, oldValue: string): void;
private stylingContainer;
private defaultStyling;
hpPageChange(event: CustomEvent<BlogArticlesGrid>): void;
sortArticlesByDate(arr: any): any;
findLatestFeatured(array: any): any;
moveLatestFeatureToStart(articlesArray: any, latestFeatured: any): any;
getBlogArticleGrid(page?: number): void;
connectedCallback(): void;
componentWillLoad(): Promise<string>;
componentDidLoad(): void;
setClientStyling: () => void;
fetchClientStyling(): Promise<string>;
setImage: (image: any) => string;
formatDate(dateString: any): string;
renderContentConditionally: (content: string) => HTMLElement;
render(): void;
* Endpoint URL for the source of data
cmsEndpoint: string;
* Language of the widget
language: string;
* User roles
userRoles: string;
* CMS Endpoint stage
cmsEnv: string;
* Client custom styling via string
clientStyling: string;
* Client custom styling via url
clientStylingUrl: string;
* Property used to display the publishing date
showPublishingDate: boolean;
* Property used to display the image
showImage: boolean;
* Property used to display the image
showTitle: boolean;
* Property used to display the description
showContent: boolean;
* Property used to display the button
showButton: boolean;
* Use postMessage event to communicate
usePostmessage: boolean;
* Event name to be sent when the button is clicked
postMessageEvent: string;
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation
blogsLimit: string;
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination
paginationActive: boolean;
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination arrows
arrowsActive: boolean;
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination secondary arrows
secondaryArrowsActive: boolean;
* Customize pagination: Activate pagination numbered navigation
numberedNavActive: boolean;
* Intl date format
intlDateTimeFormat: string;
* Page to particularly be opened on start
page: string;
articleActionButton: EventEmitter<Object>;
getArticleId(postId: number, slug: string, customPath: string): void;
paginationBlogList: any;
currentPage: number;
hasErrors: boolean;
private isLoading;
bannerMatrixReady: boolean;
nextPage: string;
previousPage: string;
device: string;
blogData: any;
totalBlogs: number;
lastPage: number;
clientStylingContent: string;
handleBannerReady(): void;
watchEndpoint(newValue: string, oldValue: string): void;
handleStylingChange(newValue: string, oldValue: string): void;
private stylingContainer;
private defaultStyling;
hpPageChange(event: CustomEvent<BlogArticlesGrid>): void;
sortArticlesByDate(arr: any): any;
findLatestFeatured(array: any): any;
moveLatestFeatureToStart(articlesArray: any, latestFeatured: any): any;
getBlogArticleGrid(page?: number): void;
connectedCallback(): void;
componentWillLoad(): Promise<string>;
componentDidLoad(): void;
setClientStyling: () => void;
fetchClientStyling(): Promise<string>;
setImage: (image: any) => string;
formatDate(dateString: any): string;
renderContentConditionally: (content: string) => HTMLElement;
render(): void;

@@ -7,2 +7,12 @@ declare type CustomMethodDecorator<T> = (target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>) => TypedPropertyDescriptor<T> | void;

* When set to `true` this component will be form-associated. See
* documentation on how to
* build form-associated Stencil components that integrate into forms like
* native browser elements such as `<input>` and `<textarea>`.
* The {@link AttachInternals} decorator allows for access to the
* `ElementInternals` object to modify the associated form.
formAssociated?: boolean;
* Tag name of the web component. Ideally, the tag name must be globally unique,

@@ -66,3 +76,3 @@ * so it's recommended to choose an unique prefix for all your components within the same collection.

* Stencil uses different heuristics to determine the default name of the attribute,
* but using this property, you can override the default behaviour.
* but using this property, you can override the default behavior.

@@ -112,2 +122,5 @@ attribute?: string | null;

export interface AttachInternalsDecorator {
(): PropertyDecorator;
export interface ListenDecorator {

@@ -134,3 +147,3 @@ (eventName: string, opts?: ListenOptions): CustomMethodDecorator<any>;

* Using the `passive` option can be used to change the default behaviour.
* Using the `passive` option can be used to change the default behavior.
* Please see for further information.

@@ -140,3 +153,3 @@ */

export declare type ListenTargetOptions = 'body' | 'document' | 'window';
export type ListenTargetOptions = 'body' | 'document' | 'window';
export interface StateDecorator {

@@ -184,2 +197,8 @@ (): PropertyDecorator;

* If the `formAssociated` option is set in options passed to the
* `@Component()` decorator then this decorator may be used to get access to the
* `ElementInternals` instance associated with the component.
export declare const AttachInternals: AttachInternalsDecorator;
* The `Listen()` decorator is for listening DOM events, including the ones

@@ -223,4 +242,4 @@ * dispatched from `@Events()`.

export declare const Watch: WatchDecorator;
export declare type ResolutionHandler = (elm: HTMLElement) => string | undefined | null;
export declare type ErrorHandler = (err: any, element?: HTMLElement) => void;
export type ResolutionHandler = (elm: HTMLElement) => string | undefined | null;
export type ErrorHandler = (err: any, element?: HTMLElement) => void;

@@ -231,3 +250,5 @@ * `setMode()` is used for libraries which provide multiple "modes" for styles.

* getMode
* `getMode()` is used for libraries which provide multiple "modes" for styles.
* @param ref a reference to the node to get styles for
* @returns the current mode or undefined, if not found

@@ -245,2 +266,5 @@ export declare function getMode<T = string | undefined>(ref: any): T;

* if the path needs to be customized.
* @param path the path to use in calculating the asset path. this value will be
* used in conjunction with the base asset path
* @returns the base path

@@ -258,9 +282,22 @@ export declare function getAssetPath(path: string): string;

* But do note that this configuration depends on how your script is bundled, or lack of
* bunding, and where your assets can be loaded from. Additionally custom bundling
* bundling, and where your assets can be loaded from. Additionally custom bundling
* will have to ensure the static assets are copied to its build directory.
* @param path the asset path to set
* @returns the set path
export declare function setAssetPath(path: string): string;
* getElement
* Used to specify a nonce value that corresponds with an application's
* [Content Security Policy (CSP)](
* When set, the nonce will be added to all dynamically created script and style tags at runtime.
* Alternatively, the nonce value can be set on a `meta` tag in the DOM head
* (<meta name="csp-nonce" content="{ nonce value here }" />) and will result in the same behavior.
* @param nonce The value to be used for the nonce attribute.
export declare function setNonce(nonce: string): void;
* Retrieve a Stencil element for a given reference
* @param ref the ref to get the Stencil element for
* @returns a reference to the element
export declare function getElement(ref: any): HTMLStencilElement;

@@ -270,3 +307,5 @@ /**

* Notice `forceUpdate()` is not syncronous and might perform the DOM render in the next frame.
* Notice `forceUpdate()` is not synchronous and might perform the DOM render in the next frame.
* @param ref the node/element to force the re-render of

@@ -276,2 +315,3 @@ export declare function forceUpdate(ref: any): void;

* getRenderingRef
* @returns the rendering ref

@@ -287,2 +327,4 @@ export declare function getRenderingRef(): any;

* For further information:
* @param task the DOM-write to schedule

@@ -295,2 +337,4 @@ export declare function writeTask(task: RafCallback): void;

* For further information:
* @param task the DOM-read to schedule

@@ -424,3 +468,3 @@ export declare function readTask(task: RafCallback): void;

interface HostAttributes {
export interface HostAttributes {
class?: string | {

@@ -435,4 +479,40 @@ [className: string]: boolean;

* Utilities for working with functional Stencil components. An object
* conforming to this interface is passed by the Stencil runtime as the third
* argument to a functional component, allowing component authors to work with
* features like children.
* The children of a functional component will be passed as the second
* argument, so a functional component which uses these utils to transform its
* children might look like the following:
* ```ts
* export const AddClass: FunctionalComponent = (_, children, utils) => (
*, child => ({
* ...child,
* vattrs: {
* ...child.vattrs,
* class: `${child.vattrs.class} add-class`
* }
* }))
* );
* ```
* For more see the Stencil documentation, here:
export interface FunctionalUtilities {
* Utility for reading the children of a functional component at runtime.
* Since the Stencil runtime uses a different interface for children it is
* not recommended to read the children directly, and is preferable to use
* this utility to, for instance, perform a side effect for each child.
forEach: (children: VNode[], cb: (vnode: ChildNode, index: number, array: ChildNode[]) => void) => void;
* Utility for transforming the children of a functional component. Given an
* array of children and a callback this will return a list of the results of
* passing each child to the supplied callback.
map: (children: VNode[], cb: (vnode: ChildNode, index: number, array: ChildNode[]) => ChildNode) => VNode[];

@@ -443,2 +523,10 @@ }

* A Child VDOM node
* This has most of the same properties as {@link VNode} but friendlier names
* (i.e. `vtag` instead of `$tag$`, `vchildren` instead of `$children$`) in
* order to provide a friendlier public interface for users of the
* {@link FunctionalUtilities}).
export interface ChildNode {

@@ -490,2 +578,5 @@ vtag?: string | number | Function;

export declare function h(sel: any, data: VNodeData | null, children: VNode): VNode;
* A virtual DOM node
export interface VNode {

@@ -698,2 +789,3 @@ $flags$: number;

media?: string;
ping?: string;
rel?: string;

@@ -725,3 +817,2 @@ target?: string;

interface ButtonHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
autoFocus?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;

@@ -742,2 +833,5 @@ form?: string;

value?: string | string[] | number;
popoverTargetAction?: string;
popoverTargetElement?: Element | null;
popoverTarget?: string;

@@ -764,2 +858,3 @@ interface CanvasHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {

interface DialogHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
onCancel?: (event: Event) => void;
onClose?: (event: Event) => void;

@@ -824,2 +919,4 @@ open?: boolean;

alt?: string;
crossOrigin?: string;
crossorigin?: string;
decoding?: 'async' | 'auto' | 'sync';

@@ -846,8 +943,6 @@ importance?: 'low' | 'auto' | 'high';

alt?: string;
autoCapitalize?: any;
autocapitalize?: any;
autoCapitalize?: string;
autocapitalize?: string;
autoComplete?: string;
autocomplete?: string;
autoFocus?: boolean;
autofocus?: boolean | string;
capture?: string;

@@ -884,2 +979,4 @@ checked?: boolean;

name?: string;
onSelect?: (event: Event) => void;
onselect?: (event: Event) => void;
pattern?: string;

@@ -903,6 +1000,7 @@ placeholder?: string;

width?: number | string;
popoverTargetAction?: string;
popoverTargetElement?: Element | null;
popoverTarget?: string;
interface KeygenHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
autoFocus?: boolean;
autofocus?: boolean | string;
challenge?: string;

@@ -920,3 +1018,2 @@ disabled?: boolean;

htmlFor?: string;
htmlfor?: string;

@@ -1032,3 +1129,2 @@ interface LiHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {

htmlFor?: string;
htmlfor?: string;
name?: string;

@@ -1058,3 +1154,2 @@ }

interface SelectHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
autoFocus?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;

@@ -1070,2 +1165,3 @@ form?: string;

interface SourceHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
height?: number;
media?: string;

@@ -1076,2 +1172,3 @@ sizes?: string;

type?: string;
width?: number;

@@ -1092,4 +1189,4 @@ interface StyleHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {

interface TextareaHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
autoFocus?: boolean;
autofocus?: boolean | string;
autoComplete?: string;
autocomplete?: string;
cols?: number;

@@ -1103,2 +1200,4 @@ disabled?: boolean;

name?: string;
onSelect?: (event: Event) => void;
onselect?: (event: Event) => void;
placeholder?: string;

@@ -1146,2 +1245,4 @@ readOnly?: boolean;

accessKey?: string;
autoFocus?: boolean;
autofocus?: boolean | string;
class?: string | {

@@ -1158,2 +1259,3 @@ [className: string]: boolean;

id?: string;
inert?: boolean;
lang?: string;

@@ -1167,2 +1269,3 @@ spellcheck?: 'true' | 'false' | any;

title?: string;
popover?: string | null;
inputMode?: string;

@@ -1184,4 +1287,4 @@ inputmode?: string;

vocab?: string;
autoCapitalize?: any;
autocapitalize?: any;
autoCapitalize?: string;
autocapitalize?: string;
autoCorrect?: string;

@@ -1254,3 +1357,3 @@ autocorrect?: string;

'color-interpolation'?: number | string;
'color-interpolation-filters'?: 'auto' | 's-rGB' | 'linear-rGB' | 'inherit';
'color-interpolation-filters'?: 'auto' | 'sRGB' | 'linearRGB';
'color-profile'?: number | string;

@@ -1478,8 +1581,8 @@ 'color-rendering'?: number | string;

onPasteCapture?: (event: ClipboardEvent) => void;
onCompositionEnd?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionEndCapture?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionStart?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionStartCapture?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionUpdate?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionUpdateCapture?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionend?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionendCapture?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionstart?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionstartCapture?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionupdate?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onCompositionupdateCapture?: (event: CompositionEvent) => void;
onFocus?: (event: FocusEvent) => void;

@@ -1495,4 +1598,4 @@ onFocusCapture?: (event: FocusEvent) => void;

onChangeCapture?: (event: Event) => void;
onInput?: (event: Event) => void;
onInputCapture?: (event: Event) => void;
onInput?: (event: InputEvent) => void;
onInputCapture?: (event: InputEvent) => void;
onReset?: (event: Event) => void;

@@ -1587,4 +1690,10 @@ onResetCapture?: (event: Event) => void;

onAnimationIterationCapture?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void;
onTransitionCancel?: (event: TransitionEvent) => void;
onTransitionCancelCapture?: (event: TransitionEvent) => void;
onTransitionEnd?: (event: TransitionEvent) => void;
onTransitionEndCapture?: (event: TransitionEvent) => void;
onTransitionRun?: (event: TransitionEvent) => void;
onTransitionRunCapture?: (event: TransitionEvent) => void;
onTransitionStart?: (event: TransitionEvent) => void;
onTransitionStartCapture?: (event: TransitionEvent) => void;

@@ -1591,0 +1700,0 @@ }

@@ -1,3 +0,1 @@

module.exports = require('../dist/cjs/loader.cjs.js');
module.exports.applyPolyfills = function() { return Promise.resolve() };
module.exports = require('../dist/cjs/loader.cjs.js');

@@ -1,3 +0,1 @@

module.exports = require('../dist/cjs/loader.cjs.js');
module.exports.applyPolyfills = function() { return Promise.resolve() };
module.exports = require('../dist/cjs/loader.cjs.js');

@@ -11,3 +11,15 @@ export * from '../dist/types/components';

export declare function defineCustomElements(win?: Window, opts?: CustomElementsDefineOptions): Promise<void>;
export declare function defineCustomElements(win?: Window, opts?: CustomElementsDefineOptions): void;
* @deprecated
export declare function applyPolyfills(): Promise<void>;
* Used to specify a nonce value that corresponds with an application's CSP.
* When set, the nonce will be added to all dynamically created script and style tags at runtime.
* Alternatively, the nonce value can be set on a meta tag in the DOM head
* (<meta name="csp-nonce" content="{ nonce value here }" />) which
* will result in the same behavior.
export declare function setNonce(nonce: string): void;

@@ -1,3 +0,1 @@

export * from '../dist/esm/polyfills/index.js';
export * from '../dist/esm/loader.js';
export * from '../dist/esm/loader.js';

@@ -1,4 +0,2 @@

(function(){if("undefined"!==typeof window&&void 0!==window.Reflect&&void 0!==window.customElements){var a=HTMLElement;window.HTMLElement=function(){return Reflect.construct(a,[],this.constructor)};HTMLElement.prototype=a.prototype;HTMLElement.prototype.constructor=HTMLElement;Object.setPrototypeOf(HTMLElement,a)}})();
export * from '../dist/esm/polyfills/index.js';
export * from '../dist/esm/loader.js';
export * from '../dist/esm/loader.js';
"name": "blog-articles-grid-loader",
"private": true,
"typings": "./index.d.ts",

@@ -4,0 +5,0 @@ "module": "./index.js",

"name": "@everymatrix/blog-articles-grid",
"version": "1.44.0",
"version": "1.45.0",
"main": "./dist/index.cjs.js",

@@ -12,2 +12,9 @@ "module": "./dist/index.js",

"unpkg": "./dist/blog-articles-grid/blog-articles-grid.esm.js",
"exports": {
".": {
"import": "./dist/esm/blog-articles-grid.js",
"require": "./dist/cjs/blog-articles-grid.cjs"
"./dist/cjs/blog-articles-grid.cjs.js": "./dist/cjs/blog-articles-grid.cjs.js"
"files": [

@@ -21,5 +28,4 @@ "dist/",

"dependencies": {
"@everymatrix/helper-pagination": "^1.32.4",
"@stencil/core": "2.17.4"
"@everymatrix/helper-pagination": "1.0.72"
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