Test solution for syncano socket based on @eyedea/syncano.
Install package in your socket directory:
$ npm install -D @eyedea/syncano-test
It is recommended to install this package as dev dependency, otherwise a lot of unnecessary packages will be deployed with socket.
- Create
directory in your socket. Add __tests__/tsconfig.json
with the following content:
"compilerOptions": {
"lib": ["ES2015"]
- Create your test file
import {run, stub, createSyncanoCoreMock} from '@eyedea/syncano'
describe('SOCKET/ENDPOINT-NAME', () => {
it('should not fail', async () => {
const meta = {user: undefined}
const args = {id: 1}
const mocks = createSyncanoCoreMock({
data: {
entity: {
create: stub().resolves(args)
fields: stub().fn({
with: stub().fn({
findOrFail: stub().resolves(args)
const result = await run('ENDPOINT-NAME', {args, meta}, {mocks})
expect(result).toHaveProperty('data.id', args.id)
expect(result).toHaveProperty('code', 200)
MIT © Eyedea AS