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fast-csv formatting module

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122 kB

Package description

What is @fast-csv/format?

The @fast-csv/format package is a powerful, fast, and flexible library for formatting CSV data in Node.js. It allows users to easily convert arrays or streams of objects into CSV format, supporting complex features like custom headers, transforming data, and more.

What are @fast-csv/format's main functionalities?

Formatting an array of objects to CSV

This feature allows you to easily convert an array of objects into a CSV string. The example demonstrates how to use the `writeToString` method to convert an array of objects into a CSV format string, including headers.

const { writeToString } = require('@fast-csv/format');
const rows = [
  { id: 'A1', name: 'John Doe' },
  { id: 'A2', name: 'Jane Doe' }
writeToString(rows, { headers: true })
  .then(csvString => console.log(csvString));

Streaming data to CSV

This feature demonstrates how to stream data to a CSV file. It uses the `format` function to create a stream that formats objects into CSV format and pipes the output to a file. This is useful for handling large datasets or real-time data processing.

const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');
const { format } = require('@fast-csv/format');
const stream = format({ headers: true });
stream.write({ id: 'A1', name: 'John Doe' });
stream.write({ id: 'A2', name: 'Jane Doe' });

Other packages similar to @fast-csv/format




  • [FIXED] Issue where invalid rows were not accounted for when skipRows was set #317
  • [FIXED] Issue where readableObjectMode was not set to false when formatting #319
  • [FIXED] Issue where carriage returns and line feeds were not always quoted when formatting #320




fast-csv package to create CSVs.


npm i -S @fast-csv/format


To use fast-csv in javascript you can require the module

const csv = require('@fast-csv/format');

To import with typescript

import * as format csv '@fast-csv/format';


  • delimiter: {string} = ',': Specify an alternate field delimiter such as ; or \t.
    • NOTE When specifying an alternate delimiter you may only pass in a single character delimiter
  • rowDelimiter: {string} = '\n': Specify an alternate row delimiter (i.e \r\n)
  • quote: {string|boolean} = '"':
    • If provided as a string it will be used to quote fields that contain a delimiter.
      • "first,name",last name
    • If quote is set to true the default quote will be used.
      • NOTE This is the same as not providing the option
    • If quote false then quoting will be disabled
      • CAUTION If your field could contain a delimiter then you may end up with extra columns
  • escape: {string} = '"': The character to use when escaping a value that is quoted and contains a quote character that is not the end of the field.
    • i.e: First,"Name"' => '"First,""Name"""
  • includeEndRowDelimiter: {boolean} = false: Set to true to include a row delimiter at the end of the csv.
  • writeBOM: {boolean} = false: Set to true if you want the first character written to the stream to be a utf-8 BOM character.
  • headers: {null|boolean|string[]} = null:
    • If true then the headers will be auto detected from the first row.
      • If the row is a one-dimensional array then headers is a no-op
      • If the row is an object then the keys will be used.
      • If the row is an array of two element arrays ([ ['header', 'column'], ['header2', 'column2'] ]) then the first element in each array will be used.
    • If there is not a headers row and you want to provide one then set to a string[]
      • NOTE If the row is an object the headers must match fields in the object, otherwise you will end up with empty fields
      • NOTE If there are more headers than columns then additional empty columns will be added
  • writeHeaders: {boolean} = true: Set to false you dont want to write headers.
    • If headers is set to true and writeHeaders is false then any auto discovered headers will not be written in the output.
    • If headers is an array and writeHeaders is false then they will not be written.
    • NOTE This is can be used to append to an existing csv.
  • alwaysWriteHeaders: {boolean} = false: Set to true if you always want headers written, even if no rows are written.
    • NOTE This will throw an error if headers are not specified as an array.
  • quoteColumns: {boolean|boolean[]|{[string]: boolean} = false
    • If true then columns and headers will be quoted (unless quoteHeaders is specified).
    • If it is an object then each key that has a true value will be quoted ((unless quoteHeaders is specified)
    • If it is an array then each item in the array that is true will have the column at the corresponding index quoted (unless quoteHeaders is specified)
    • NOTE if quoteHeaders is not specified this option will apply to both columns and headers.
  • quoteHeaders: {boolean|boolean[]|{[string]: boolean} = quoteColumns
    • Defaults to the quoteColumns option.
    • If true then all headers will be quoted.
    • If it is an object then each key that has a true value will be quoted (see example below)
    • If it is an array then each item in the array that is true will have the header at the corresponding index quoted (see example below)
  • transform: {(row) => Row | (row, cb) => void} = null: A function that accepts a row and returns a transformed one to be written, or your function can accept an optional callback to do async transformations.

Valid Row Types

When creating a CSV fast-csv supports a few row formats.

{[string]: any}

You can pass in object to any formatter function if your CSV requires headers the keys of the first object will be used as the header names.

  a: "a1",
  b: "b1",
  c: "c1",

//Generated CSV


You can also pass in your rows as arrays. If your CSV requires headers the first row passed in will be the headers used.

    ["a", "b", "c"],
    ["a1", "b1", "c1"]
//Generated CSV

[string, any][]

This is the least commonly used format but can be useful if you have requirements to generate a CSV with headers with the same column name (Crazy we know but we have seen it).

        ["a", "a1"],
        ["a", "a2"],
        ["b", "b1"],
        ["b", "b2"],
        ["c", "c1"],
        ["c", "c2"]

//Generated CSV

Formatting Methods

csv.format(options): CsvFormatterStream

This is the main entry point for formatting CSVs. It is used by all other helper methods.

const stream = csv.format();

stream.write([ 'a', 'b' ]);
stream.write([ 'a1', 'b1' ]);
stream.write([ 'a2', 'b2' ]);

Expected output


write(rows[, options]): CsvFormatterStream

Create a formatter, writes the rows and returns the CsvFormatterStream.

const rows = [
    [ 'a', 'b' ],
    [ 'a1', 'b1' ],
    [ 'a2', 'b2' ],

Expected output


writeToStream(stream, rows[, options])

Write an array of values to a WritableStream, and returns the original stream

const rows = [
    [ 'a', 'b' ],
    [ 'a1', 'b1' ],
    [ 'a2', 'b2' ],
csv.writeToStream(process.stdout, rows);

Expected output


writeToPath(path, rows[, options])

Write an array of values to the specified path

const rows = [
    [ 'a', 'b' ],
    [ 'a1', 'b1' ],
    [ 'a2', 'b2' ],
csv.writeToPath(path.resolve(__dirname, 'tmp.csv'), rows)
    .on('error', err => console.error(err))
    .on('finish', () => console.log('Done writing.'));

Expected file content


writeToString(arr[, options]): Promise<string>

Formats the rows and returns a Promise that will resolve with the CSV content as a string.

const rows = [
    [ 'a', 'b' ],
    [ 'a1', 'b1' ],
    [ 'a2', 'b2' ],
csv.writeToString(rows).then(data => console.log(data));

writeToBuffer(arr[, options]): Promise<Buffer>

Formats the rows and returns a Promise that will resolve with the CSV content as a Buffer.

const rows = [
    [ 'a', 'b' ],
    [ 'a1', 'b1' ],
    [ 'a2', 'b2' ],
csv.writeToBuffer(rows).then(data => console.log(data.toString()));



Last updated on 14 Feb 2020

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