FastNear JS
FastNear is a JavaScript library that allows you to interact with the NEAR blockchain. It is designed to be fast, lightweight, and easy to use.
Global object window.near
is available after including the library. It has the following methods:
- getter
- either getter or setter
near.authStatus -> SignedIn | SignedOut | SignedInWithLimitedAccessKey(AccessKey)
- getter
near.view({ contractId, methodName, args, argsBase64, blockId }): Promise<any>
is optional and can be either a block hash, a block height or finality (final
or optimistic
near.account({ accountId, blockId }): Promise<Account>
near.block({ blockId }): Promise<Block>
near.accessKey({ accountId, publicKey, blockId }): Promise<AccessKey>
near.tx({ txId }): Promise<Tx>
near.localTxHistory(): TxStatus[]
- returns the list of transactions that were locally issued by this application.
Sending transactions:
near.sendTx({ receiverId, actions, ... }): Promise<LocalTransactionId>
- returns the local transaction ID that can be used to track the transaction status using
Helper methods to construct action objects:
near.actions.functionCall({ methodName, gas, deposit, args, argsBase64 }): Action
// The ammount should be a string in yoctoNEAR
near.actions.transfer(amount: string): Action
near.actions.transferFt({ receiverId, ftContract, amount, memo }): Action
near.actions.stakeNEAR({ amount, publicKey }): Action
near.actions.unstakeNEAR({ amount }): Action
near.actions.addFullAccessKey({ publicKey }): Action
near.actions.addLimitedAccessKey({ publicKey, allowance, accountId, methodNames }): Action
near.actions.deleteKey({ publicKey }): Action
near.actions.deleteAccount({ beneficiaryId }): Action
near.actions.createAccount(): Action
near.actions.deployContract({ code }): Action
near.requestSignIn({ contractId }): Promise<void>
near.onAccount((accountId: AccountId) => {})
- called when the account changes
near.onTx((txStatus: TxStatus) => {})
- called when a transaction status changes locally or remotely. E.g. you sent a new transaction, or a transaction that you sent was confirmed.