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@fission-codes/homestar - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.0 to 0.5.1




@@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ /**

* @param {Schemas.Workflow} workflow
* @param {import('./workflow/index.js').Workflow} workflow
* @param {(data: MaybeResult<Schemas.WorkflowNotification, Schemas.WorkflowNotificationError>)=>void} [receiptCb] - Callback for workflow notifications
runWorkflow(workflow: Schemas.Workflow, receiptCb?: ((data: MaybeResult<Schemas.WorkflowNotification, Schemas.WorkflowNotificationError>) => void) | undefined): Promise<{
runWorkflow(workflow: import('./workflow/index.js').Workflow, receiptCb?: ((data: MaybeResult<Schemas.WorkflowNotification, Schemas.WorkflowNotificationError>) => void) | undefined): Promise<{
result: string;

@@ -51,0 +51,0 @@ error?: undefined;

@@ -8,3 +8,2 @@ export type Metrics = import('zod').z.infer<typeof Metrics>;

* @typedef {import('zod').z.infer<typeof Task>} Task
* @typedef {import('zod').z.infer<typeof Workflow>} Workflow
* @typedef {import('./types.js').InferError<typeof Metrics>} MetricsError

@@ -247,2 +246,4 @@ * @typedef {import('./types.js').InferError<typeof Health>} HealthError

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
run: {

@@ -257,4 +258,2 @@ op: string;

meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
v?: string | undefined;

@@ -272,2 +271,4 @@ cause?: {

}, {
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
run: {

@@ -282,4 +283,2 @@ op: string;

meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
v?: string | undefined;

@@ -297,222 +296,2 @@ cause?: {

export type Workflow = import('zod').z.infer<typeof Workflow>;
export const Workflow: z.ZodObject<{
name: z.ZodString;
workflow: z.ZodObject<{
tasks: z.ZodArray<z.ZodObject<{
v: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
run: z.ZodObject<{
op: z.ZodString;
rsc: z.ZodString;
nnc: z.ZodString;
input: z.ZodObject<{
func: z.ZodString;
args: z.ZodArray<z.ZodAny, "many">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
func: string;
args: any[];
}, {
func: string;
args: any[];
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
op: string;
rsc: string;
nnc: string;
input: {
func: string;
args: any[];
}, {
op: string;
rsc: string;
nnc: string;
input: {
func: string;
args: any[];
cause: z.ZodNullable<z.ZodOptional<z.ZodObject<{
ran: z.ZodType<import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>, z.ZodTypeDef, import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>>;
out: z.ZodTuple<[z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodLiteral<"ok">, z.ZodLiteral<"error">]>, z.ZodAny], null>;
fx: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodAny>;
meta: z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodAny>;
iss: z.ZodNullable<z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>>;
prf: z.ZodArray<z.ZodType<import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>, z.ZodTypeDef, import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>>, "many">;
s: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodAny>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
ran: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
out: ["error" | "ok", any];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
fx?: any;
iss?: string | null | undefined;
s?: any;
}, {
ran: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
out: ["error" | "ok", any];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
fx?: any;
iss?: string | null | undefined;
s?: any;
auth: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodAny>;
meta: z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodAny>;
prf: z.ZodArray<z.ZodType<import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>, z.ZodTypeDef, import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>>, "many">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
run: {
op: string;
rsc: string;
nnc: string;
input: {
func: string;
args: any[];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
v?: string | undefined;
cause?: {
ran: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
out: ["error" | "ok", any];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
fx?: any;
iss?: string | null | undefined;
s?: any;
} | null | undefined;
auth?: any;
}, {
run: {
op: string;
rsc: string;
nnc: string;
input: {
func: string;
args: any[];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
v?: string | undefined;
cause?: {
ran: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
out: ["error" | "ok", any];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
fx?: any;
iss?: string | null | undefined;
s?: any;
} | null | undefined;
auth?: any;
}>, "many">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
tasks: {
run: {
op: string;
rsc: string;
nnc: string;
input: {
func: string;
args: any[];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
v?: string | undefined;
cause?: {
ran: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
out: ["error" | "ok", any];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
fx?: any;
iss?: string | null | undefined;
s?: any;
} | null | undefined;
auth?: any;
}, {
tasks: {
run: {
op: string;
rsc: string;
nnc: string;
input: {
func: string;
args: any[];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
v?: string | undefined;
cause?: {
ran: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
out: ["error" | "ok", any];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
fx?: any;
iss?: string | null | undefined;
s?: any;
} | null | undefined;
auth?: any;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
name: string;
workflow: {
tasks: {
run: {
op: string;
rsc: string;
nnc: string;
input: {
func: string;
args: any[];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
v?: string | undefined;
cause?: {
ran: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
out: ["error" | "ok", any];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
fx?: any;
iss?: string | null | undefined;
s?: any;
} | null | undefined;
auth?: any;
}, {
name: string;
workflow: {
tasks: {
run: {
op: string;
rsc: string;
nnc: string;
input: {
func: string;
args: any[];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
v?: string | undefined;
cause?: {
ran: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
out: ["error" | "ok", any];
meta: Record<string, any>;
prf: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>[];
fx?: any;
iss?: string | null | undefined;
s?: any;
} | null | undefined;
auth?: any;
export const WorkflowMetadata: z.ZodObject<{

@@ -524,8 +303,8 @@ name: z.ZodString;

name: string;
replayed: boolean;
workflow: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
replayed: boolean;
}, {
name: string;
replayed: boolean;
workflow: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
replayed: boolean;

@@ -540,8 +319,8 @@ export type WorkflowNotification = import('zod').z.infer<typeof WorkflowNotification>;

name: string;
replayed: boolean;
workflow: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
replayed: boolean;
}, {
name: string;
replayed: boolean;
workflow: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
replayed: boolean;

@@ -577,4 +356,4 @@ receipt: z.ZodObject<{

name: string;
replayed: boolean;
workflow: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
replayed: boolean;

@@ -594,4 +373,4 @@ receipt: {

name: string;
replayed: boolean;
workflow: import("multiformats").Link<any, number, number, 1>;
replayed: boolean;

@@ -598,0 +377,0 @@ receipt: {

import type { ZodTypeAny } from 'zod';
import type { CID } from 'multiformats/cid';
import type { Transport } from './channel/transports/types';
import type { Invocation, Task, Workflow } from './schemas';
export type InferError<S extends ZodTypeAny> = Extract<ReturnType<S['safeParse']>, {

@@ -15,95 +13,2 @@ success: false;

export type Result<Out> = ['ok' | 'error', Out];
export interface TemplateWorkflow<Args extends any[] = any[]> extends Workflow {
workflow: {
tasks: Array<TemplateInvocation<Args>>;
export interface TemplateTask<Args extends any[]> extends Task {
name: string;
needs?: string;
input: {
args: Args;
func: string;
export interface TemplateInvocation<Args extends any[] = any[]> extends Invocation {
run: TemplateTask<Args>;
export type Placeholder = `{{${string}${`:${string}` | ''}}}`;
export type DataURI = `data:${string};base64,${string}`;
export interface InvocationOptions<Args extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>> {
name: string;
needs?: string;
args: Args;
* The resource to use for the invocation. This should be a URI but for now just pass the CID string.
resource: string;
export type CropInvocation = TemplateInvocation<[
CID | Placeholder | DataURI,
export type CropOptions = InvocationOptions<{
data: CID | Placeholder | DataURI;
x: number;
y: number;
width: number;
height: number;
export type GrayscaleInvocation = TemplateInvocation<[
CID | Placeholder | DataURI
export type GrayscaleOptions = InvocationOptions<{
data: CID | Placeholder | DataURI;
export type Rotate90Invocation = TemplateInvocation<[
CID | Placeholder | DataURI
export type Rotate90Options = InvocationOptions<{
data: CID | Placeholder | DataURI;
export type BlurInvocation = TemplateInvocation<[
CID | Placeholder | DataURI,
export type BlurOptions = InvocationOptions<{
data: CID | Placeholder | DataURI;
sigma: number;
export type AddOneInvocation = TemplateInvocation<[number | Placeholder]>;
export type AddOneOptions = InvocationOptions<{
a: number | Placeholder;
export type AppendStringInvocation = TemplateInvocation<[string | Placeholder]>;
export type AppendStringOptions = InvocationOptions<{
a: string | Placeholder;
export type JoinStringsInvocation = TemplateInvocation<[
string | Placeholder,
string | Placeholder
export type JoinStringsOptions = InvocationOptions<{
a: string | Placeholder;
b: string | Placeholder;
export type TransposeInvocation = TemplateInvocation<[[[number]] | Placeholder]>;
export type TransposeOptions = InvocationOptions<{
matrix: [[number]] | Placeholder;
export interface WorkflowContext {
needs: Record<string, {
output?: {
'await/ok': {
'/': string;
cid: (str: string) => CID;
export type TemplateInput = string | Record<string, any> | any[];
export type TemplateOutput<T extends TemplateInput> = T extends string ? string : T extends any[] ? any[] : T extends Record<string, any> ? Task : T;
"name": "@fission-codes/homestar",
"type": "module",
"version": "0.5.0",
"version": "0.5.1",
"description": "Homestart Client.",

@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ "author": "Hugo Dias <> (",

"./workflow": {
"types": "./dist/src/workflow.d.ts",
"default": "./src/workflow.js"
"types": "./dist/src/workflow/index.d.ts",
"default": "./src/workflow/index.js"
"./channel": {
"types": "./dist/src/channel/channel.d.ts",
"default": "./src/channel/channel.js"
"types": "./dist/src/channel/index.d.ts",
"default": "./src/channel/index.js"

@@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ "./transports/*": {

"workflow": [
"channel": [

@@ -53,0 +53,0 @@ "transports/*": [

@@ -88,3 +88,3 @@ import { decode } from '@ipld/dag-json'

* @param {Schemas.Workflow} workflow
* @param {import('./workflow/index.js').Workflow} workflow
* @param {(data: MaybeResult<Schemas.WorkflowNotification, Schemas.WorkflowNotificationError>)=>void} [receiptCb] - Callback for workflow notifications

@@ -91,0 +91,0 @@ */

@@ -10,3 +10,2 @@ import { z } from 'zod'

* @typedef {import('zod').z.infer<typeof Task>} Task
* @typedef {import('zod').z.infer<typeof Workflow>} Workflow
* @typedef {import('./types.js').InferError<typeof Metrics>} MetricsError

@@ -90,9 +89,2 @@ * @typedef {import('./types.js').InferError<typeof Health>} HealthError

export const Workflow = z.object({
name: z.string(),
workflow: z.object({
tasks: z.array(Invocation),
export const WorkflowMetadata = z.object({

@@ -99,0 +91,0 @@ name: z.string(),

import type { ZodTypeAny } from 'zod'
import type { CID } from 'multiformats/cid'
import type { Transport } from './channel/transports/types'
import type { Invocation, Task, Workflow } from './schemas'

@@ -20,112 +19,1 @@ export type InferError<S extends ZodTypeAny> = Extract<

export type Result<Out> = ['ok' | 'error', Out]
export interface TemplateWorkflow<Args extends any[] = any[]> extends Workflow {
workflow: {
tasks: Array<TemplateInvocation<Args>>
export interface TemplateTask<Args extends any[]> extends Task {
name: string
needs?: string
input: {
args: Args
func: string
export interface TemplateInvocation<Args extends any[] = any[]>
extends Invocation {
run: TemplateTask<Args>
export type Placeholder = `{{${string}${`:${string}` | ''}}}`
export type DataURI = `data:${string};base64,${string}`
export interface InvocationOptions<
Args extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>,
> {
name: string
needs?: string
args: Args
* The resource to use for the invocation. This should be a URI but for now just pass the CID string.
resource: string
export type CropInvocation = TemplateInvocation<
[CID | Placeholder | DataURI, number, number, number, number]
export type CropOptions = InvocationOptions<{
data: CID | Placeholder | DataURI
x: number
y: number
width: number
height: number
export type GrayscaleInvocation = TemplateInvocation<
[CID | Placeholder | DataURI]
export type GrayscaleOptions = InvocationOptions<{
data: CID | Placeholder | DataURI
export type Rotate90Invocation = TemplateInvocation<
[CID | Placeholder | DataURI]
export type Rotate90Options = InvocationOptions<{
data: CID | Placeholder | DataURI
export type BlurInvocation = TemplateInvocation<
[CID | Placeholder | DataURI, number]
export type BlurOptions = InvocationOptions<{
data: CID | Placeholder | DataURI
sigma: number
export type AddOneInvocation = TemplateInvocation<[number | Placeholder]>
export type AddOneOptions = InvocationOptions<{
a: number | Placeholder
export type AppendStringInvocation = TemplateInvocation<[string | Placeholder]>
export type AppendStringOptions = InvocationOptions<{
a: string | Placeholder
export type JoinStringsInvocation = TemplateInvocation<
[string | Placeholder, string | Placeholder]
export type JoinStringsOptions = InvocationOptions<{
a: string | Placeholder
b: string | Placeholder
export type TransposeInvocation = TemplateInvocation<[[[number]] | Placeholder]>
export type TransposeOptions = InvocationOptions<{
matrix: [[number]] | Placeholder
export interface WorkflowContext {
needs: Record<
output?: {
'await/ok': { '/': string }
cid: (str: string) => CID
export type TemplateInput = string | Record<string, any> | any[]
export type TemplateOutput<T extends TemplateInput> = T extends string
? string
: T extends any[]
? any[]
: T extends Record<string, any>
? Task
: T

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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