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@flexilla/offcanvas - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.0 to 2.0.0



@@ -5,2 +5,4 @@ declare type BackdropHidden = {

declare type BackdropOptions = BackdropVisible | BackdropHidden;
declare type BackdropVisible = {

@@ -21,9 +23,9 @@ visibility: "visible";

private backdropClass;
instance: OffCanvas;
private backdrop;
* Create an Offcanvas instance.
* @param {OffcanvasParams} options - The options for configuring the Offcanvas.
* Offcanvas Component
* @param offcanvas
* @param options
constructor({ offCanvasElement, options }: OffcanvasParams);
constructor(offcanvas: string | HTMLElement, options?: OffcanvasOptions);
private findOffCanvasElements;

@@ -49,13 +51,8 @@ private setupAttributes;

export declare type OffcanvasOptions = BackdropVisible | BackdropHidden;
export declare type OffcanvasParams = {
offCanvasElement: HTMLElement;
options?: {
staticBackdrop?: boolean;
allowBodyScroll?: boolean;
backdrop?: OffcanvasOptions;
export declare type OffcanvasOptions = {
staticBackdrop?: boolean;
allowBodyScroll?: boolean;
backdrop?: BackdropOptions;
export { }

@@ -1,11 +0,5 @@

var v = Object.defineProperty;
var h = (e, t, s) => t in e ? v(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : e[t] = s;
var n = (e, t, s) => (h(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, s), s);
const c = ({
selector: e,
parentElement: t
}) => t.querySelector(e), f = ({
selector: e,
parentElement: t
}) => Array.from(t.querySelectorAll(e)), m = ({
var h = Object.defineProperty;
var m = (e, t, s) => t in e ? h(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : e[t] = s;
var n = (e, t, s) => (m(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, s), s);
const r = (e, t = document.body) => t.querySelector(e), d = (e, t = document.body) => Array.from(t.querySelectorAll(e)), C = ({
newElement: e,

@@ -41,12 +35,12 @@ existingElement: t

return s || "";
}, C = (e, t) => {
}, p = (e, t) => {
}, d = (e, t) => {
}, v = (e, t) => {
element: e,
callback() {
C(e, t);
p(e, t);
}, p = (e, t, s) => {
}, b = (e, t, s) => {
if (!e && t === "")

@@ -61,30 +55,25 @@ return;

return o !== "" && a.classList.add(...l), a;
}, r = (e, t, s) => {
e.setAttribute("aria-hidden", s === "open" ? "false" : "true"), e.setAttribute("data-state", s), t || b(s);
}, b = (e) => {
}, c = (e, t, s) => {
e.setAttribute("aria-hidden", s === "open" ? "false" : "true"), e.setAttribute("data-state", s), t || g(s);
}, g = (e) => { = e === "open" ? "hidden" : "", = e === "open" ? "hidden" : "auto";
}, g = (e, t) => {
}, y = (e, t) => {
if (e === t)
e.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), e.setAttribute("data-state", "close");
const s = c({
selector: `[data-fx-offcanvas-overlay][data-offcanvas-el=${e.getAttribute("id")}]`,
parentElement: e.parentElement
s instanceof HTMLElement && d(s, e.parentElement);
}, y = (e) => {
const t = f({
selector: "[data-fx-offcanvas][data-state=open]",
parentElement: document.body
const s = r(`[data-fx-offcanvas-overlay][data-offcanvas-el=${e.getAttribute("id")}]`, e.parentElement);
s instanceof HTMLElement && v(s, e.parentElement);
}, O = (e) => {
const t = d("[data-fx-offcanvas][data-state=open]");
if (!(t.length <= 0))
for (const s of t)
g(s, e);
y(s, e);
class k {
class A {
* Create an Offcanvas instance.
* @param {OffcanvasParams} options - The options for configuring the Offcanvas.
constructor({ offCanvasElement: t, options: s = {} }) {
* Offcanvas Component
* @param offcanvas
* @param options
constructor(t, s = {}) {
n(this, "offCanvasElement");

@@ -96,16 +85,13 @@ n(this, "offCanvasTriggers");

n(this, "backdropClass");
n(this, "instance");
n(this, "backdrop");
if (this.instance = this, !(t instanceof HTMLElement))
const a = typeof t == "string" ? r(t) : t;
if (!(a instanceof HTMLElement))
throw new Error("Invalid Offcanvas, the provided Element is not a valid HTMLElement");
const { staticBackdrop: a, allowBodyScroll: i, backdrop: o } = s;
this.offCanvasElement = t, this.setupAttributes(), this.staticBackdrop = a || t.hasAttribute("data-static-backdrop") && t.dataset.staticBackdrop !== "false" || !1, this.allowBodyScroll = i || t.hasAttribute("data-allow-body-scroll") && t.dataset.allowBodyScroll !== "false" || !1;
const l = this.offCanvasElement.getAttribute("id");
this.offCanvasTriggers = this.findOffCanvasElements("[data-offcanvas-trigger]", l), this.offCanvasCloseBtns = this.findOffCanvasElements("[data-offcanvas-close]", l), this.backdrop = o, this.backdropClass = this.offCanvasElement.dataset.offcanvasBackdrop || "", this.init();
const { staticBackdrop: i, allowBodyScroll: o, backdrop: l } = s;
this.offCanvasElement = a, this.setupAttributes(), this.staticBackdrop = i || a.hasAttribute("data-static-backdrop") && a.dataset.staticBackdrop !== "false" || !1, this.allowBodyScroll = o || a.hasAttribute("data-allow-body-scroll") && a.dataset.allowBodyScroll !== "false" || !1;
const f = this.offCanvasElement.getAttribute("id");
this.offCanvasTriggers = this.findOffCanvasElements("[data-offcanvas-trigger]", f), this.offCanvasCloseBtns = this.findOffCanvasElements("[data-offcanvas-close]", f), this.backdrop = l, this.backdropClass = this.offCanvasElement.dataset.offcanvasBackdrop || "", this.init();
findOffCanvasElements(t, s) {
return f({
selector: `${t}[data-target=${s}]`,
parentElement: document.body
return d(`${t}[data-target=${s}]`);

@@ -123,11 +109,11 @@ setupAttributes() {

closeOffCanvas() {
const t = this.offCanvasElement.getAttribute("id"), s = c({ selector: `[data-fx-offcanvas-overlay][data-offcanvas-el=${t}]`, parentElement: this.offCanvasElement.parentElement });
const t = this.offCanvasElement.getAttribute("id"), s = r(`[data-fx-offcanvas-overlay][data-offcanvas-el=${t}]`, this.offCanvasElement.parentElement);
), s instanceof HTMLElement && d(s, this.offCanvasElement.parentElement), document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.closeWithEsc), !this.allowBodyScroll && !s && document.removeEventListener("click", (a) => this.closeWhenClickOutSide(a));
), s instanceof HTMLElement && v(s, this.offCanvasElement.parentElement), document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.closeWithEsc), !this.allowBodyScroll && !s && document.removeEventListener("click", (a) => this.closeWhenClickOutSide(a));
openOffCanvas() {
y(this.offCanvasElement), r(
O(this.offCanvasElement), c(

@@ -137,3 +123,3 @@ this.allowBodyScroll,

const t = this.offCanvasElement.getAttribute("id"), s = p(
const t = this.offCanvasElement.getAttribute("id"), s = b(

@@ -143,3 +129,3 @@ this.backdropClass,

s instanceof HTMLElement && (m({ newElement: s, existingElement: this.offCanvasElement }), this.staticBackdrop || s.addEventListener("click", () => {
s instanceof HTMLElement && (C({ newElement: s, existingElement: this.offCanvasElement }), this.staticBackdrop || s.addEventListener("click", () => {

@@ -176,3 +162,3 @@ })), document.addEventListener("keydown", (a) => this.closeWithEsc(a));

export {
k as OffCanvas
A as OffCanvas
"name": "@flexilla/offcanvas",
"private": false,
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "2.0.0",
"type": "module",

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ "description": "An offcanvas component for creating responsive and off-screen navigation panels in web applications.",

"./offcanvas.css": "./dist/offcanvas.css"

@@ -68,3 +68,4 @@ "files": [

"license": "MIT",
"author": "johnkat-mj"
"author": "johnkat-mj",
"gitHead": "b182c7035953bc34e8f350b834df9862bec8acb5"

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