Shop Cloud
Shop Cloud (The Shop) is FlipGive's drop-in cashback store. If you would like to know more please visit www.flipgive.com/cloud or contact us at partners@flipgive.com.
Links of Interest
To begin using @flipgive/shop-cloud
, you should have obtained an ID
and Secret
pair from FlipGive, store these securely so that they are accessible in your application (env variables, etc). If you haven't received credentials, please contact us at partners@flipgive.com.
Add the @flipgive/shopcloud package to your package.json:
npm install --save @flipgive/shopcloud git+https://github.com/BetterTheWorld/FlipGiveSDK_node.git
After you have installed the package include the code below to initialize the ShopCloud:
import ShopCloud from '@flipgive/shopcloud';
ShopCloud(shop_cloud_id, shop_cloud_secret).then(shopCloud => { ... });
ShopCloud is now ready to use.
The main purpose of @flipgive/shopcloud
is to generate Tokens to gain access to FlipGive's Shop Cloud API. There are 6 methods on the package's public API.
This method is used to initialize the SDK, as described on the setup section of this document. It takes 2 arguments, the shop_cloud_id
and the shop_cloud_secret
This method is used to decode a token that has been generated with your credentials. It takes a single string as an argument and, if able to decode the token, it will return a hash.
token = "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIn0..demoToken.g8PZPWb1KDFcAkTsufZq0w@A2DE537C";
shopCloud.readToken(token).then(payload => { console.log(payload) });
=> { "user_data": { "id": 1, "name": "Emmett Brown", "email": "ebrown@time.ca", "country": "USA" } }
This method is used to generate a token that will identify a user or campaign. It accepts a Payload Object as an argument and it returns an encrypted token.
payload = {
user_data: user_data,
campaign_data: campaign_data,
group_data: group_data,
organization_data: organization_data
shopCloud.identifiedToken(payload).then(token => { console.log(token) });
=> "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIn0..demoToken.g8PZPWb1KDFcAkTsufZq0w@A2DE537C"
The variable in this example uses other variables, (user_data, campaign_data, etc.). let's look at each one of them:
: required when campaign_data
is not present in the payload, otherwise optional. It represents the user using the Shop, and must contain:
: required. A string representing the user's ID in your system.email
: required. A string with the user's email.name
: required. A string with the user's name.country
: required. A string with the ISO code of the user's country, which must be 'CAN' or 'USA' at this time.
user_data = {
id: 19850703,
name: "Emmett Brown",
email: "ebrown@time.com",
country: "USA"
: Required when user_data is not present in the payload, otherwise optional. It represents the fundraising campaign and it must contain:
: required A string representing the user's ID in your system.name
: required A string with the campaign's email.category
: required A string with the campaign's category. We will try to match it with one of our existing categories, or assign a default. You can see a list of our categories here.country
: required A string with the ISO code of the campaign's country, which must be 'CAD' or 'USA' at this time.admin_data
: required The user information for the campaign's admin. It must contain the same information as $user_data
campaign_data = {
id: 19551105,
name: "The Time Travelers",
category: "Events & Trips",
country: "USA",
admin_data: user_data
: Always optional. Groups are aggregators for users within a campaign. For example, a group can be a Player on a sport's team and the users would be the people supporting them.
: required. A string with the group's name.player_number
: Optional. A sport's player number on the team.
group_data = {
name: "Marty McFly"
: Always optional. Organizations are used to group campaigns. As an example: A School (organization) has many Grades (campaigns), with Students (groups) and Parents (users) shopping to support their student.
: required. A string with the organization's ID.name
: required. A string with the organization's name.organization_admin
: required. The user information for the organization's admin. It must contain the same information as $user_data
organization_data = {
id: 980,
name: "Back to the Future",
admin_data: user_data
This method is used to validate a payload, without attempting to generate a token. It returns a Boolean. The same rules for identifiedToken
apply here as well.
payload = {
user_data: user_data
=> true
This method is used to generate a token that can only be used by the Shop Cloud partner (that's you) to access reports and other API endpoints. It is only valid for an hour.
shopCloud.getPartnerToken().then(token => console.log(token));
=> "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIn0..demoToken.h9QXQEn2LFGVSlTdiGXW1e@A2DE537C"
Validation errors that occur while attempting to generate a token can be retrieved here.
user_data["country"] = "ENG";
payload = {
user_data: user_data
# InvalidPayloadException
=> [{ "user_data": "Country must be one of: 'CAN, USA'." }]
For developer support please open an issue on this repository.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/BetterTheWorld/FlipGiveSDK_node.
This library is distributed under the
Apache License, version 2.0
copyright 2023. FlipGive, inc. all rights reserved.
licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.
you may obtain a copy of the license at
unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis,
without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
see the license for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the license.