What is @floating-ui/react?
The @floating-ui/react package is a library for creating floating elements that can be positioned next to a given reference element. It is commonly used for tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, and similar components. The library provides a set of hooks and utilities to manage the positioning and behavior of these floating elements in a React application.
What are @floating-ui/react's main functionalities?
Positioning Tooltips
This code demonstrates how to use @floating-ui/react to position a tooltip above a reference button, with an offset and the ability to flip based on available space.
import {useFloating, offset, flip} from '@floating-ui/react';
function Tooltip() {
const {x, y, reference, floating, strategy} = useFloating({
placement: 'top',
middleware: [offset(10), flip()]
return (
<button ref={reference}>Reference Element</button>
<div ref={floating} style={{
position: strategy,
top: y ?? '',
left: x ?? ''
}}>Floating Content</div>
Creating Popovers
This example shows how to create a popover component positioned to the right of a reference element, including shifting to stay within the viewport and an arrow pointing to the reference.
import {useFloating, shift, arrow} from '@floating-ui/react';
function Popover({referenceElement}) {
const {x, y, floating, strategy, middlewareData} = useFloating({
placement: 'right-start',
middleware: [shift(), arrow({element: arrowElement})]
return (
<div ref={floating} style={{
position: strategy,
top: y ?? '',
left: x ?? ''
Popover Content
<div ref={arrowElement} style={{
position: 'absolute',
[middlewareData.arrow.x != null ? 'left' : 'top']: middlewareData.arrow.x ?? middlewareData.arrow.y
}} />
Other packages similar to @floating-ui/react
Popper.js is a predecessor to @floating-ui/react, offering similar functionality for positioning floating elements. While Popper.js provides a robust API for managing poppers, @floating-ui/react offers a more modern, hook-based approach tailored for React applications, potentially offering a more streamlined integration.
Tippy.js is a tooltip and popover library that builds on top of Popper.js. It provides a high-level abstraction for creating and managing tooltips, popovers, and dropdowns. Compared to @floating-ui/react, Tippy.js includes more out-of-the-box styling and interaction options, making it a good choice for users looking for a more complete solution with less setup.