flywire-js ·
React components for Flywire
Add the dependency to your package.json
npm i @flywire/react-flywire-js
Install the dependencies and start the development server
npm install
npm install jsrsasign --no-save
npm run dev
Create a new release
To create a new release, make all the changes that you need and commit them,
then execute:
npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease | from-git]
For example:
npm version patch
This will bump the package.json
version, build a new bundle, commit, push the
changes tagging them to a new release and update the documentation.
Then create a PR and request the review from other project commiters. Once
accepted and merged to master, execute npm publish
from master branch.