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@forter/button - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.1-beta.265 to 1.0.1-beta.292


import { decorate as _decorate, get as _get, getPrototypeOf as _getPrototypeOf } from './_virtual/_rollupPluginBabelHelpers.js';
import { property, html, LitElement } from 'lit-element';
import { LitElement, property, html } from 'lit-element';
import { classMap } from 'lit-html/directives/class-map';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ import { styleMap } from 'lit-html/directives/style-map';

import { decorate as _decorate } from './_virtual/_rollupPluginBabelHelpers.js';
import { property, query, html, LitElement } from 'lit-element';
import { LitElement, property, query, html } from 'lit-element';
import '@forter/icon/fc-icon';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ import shared from './fc-button-shared.css';

import { decorate as _decorate } from './_virtual/_rollupPluginBabelHelpers.js';
import { property, html, LitElement } from 'lit-element';
import { LitElement, property, html } from 'lit-element';
import '@forter/icon/fc-icon';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ import shared from './fc-button-shared.css';

"name": "@forter/button",
"version": "1.0.1-beta.265+c2193ed",
"version": "1.0.1-beta.292+9682982",
"description": "Button from Forter Components",

@@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ "main": "index.js",

"clean": "sh ../../scripts/",
"link": "npm link",
"link": "yarn link",
"postbuild": "sh ../../scripts/",
"prepare": "npm run build",
"prepare": "yarn build",
"test": "echo \"Please run tests from the repository root\" && exit 1"

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ },

"gitHead": "c2193ed0147763e09beadef1d8b117edd8fef5f6"
"gitHead": "9682982c188a9dd0bc4fcdb60a34586f7937f030"

@@ -6,18 +6,67 @@ import { capitalize } from '@forter/helpers';

import { withClassPropertiesKnobs } from '@open-wc/demoing-storybook';
import { withKnobs, color, number, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import { withKnobs, boolean, color, number, select, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/polymer';
import { FcButton } from '../src/FcButton';
import '../src/fc-button';
import markdown from '../';
const notes = { markdown };
const options = { selectedPanel: 'storybooks/knobs/panel' }
const options = { selectedPanel: 'storybooks/knobs/panel' };
Apply: 'apply',
Cancel: 'cancel',
Danger: 'danger',
Success: 'success',
Warn: 'warn',
None: null,
function elementProperties() {
return withClassPropertiesKnobs(FcButton, { template: html`
return html`
fc-button {
/* colours */
--fc-button-color: ${color('--fc-button-color', '#495057', 'Styles')};
--fc-button-active-color: ${color('--fc-button-active-color', '#495057', 'Styles')};
--fc-button-background-color: ${color('--fc-button-background-color', '#f5f5f5', 'Styles')};
--fc-button-icon-color: ${color('--fc-button-icon-color', '#495057', 'Styles')};
--fc-button-hover-color: ${color('--fc-button-hover-color', '#495057', 'Styles')};
/* hover styles */
--fc-button-hover-background-color: ${color('--fc-button-hover-background-color', '#e1e1e1', 'Styles')};
--fc-button-hover-icon-color: ${color('--fc-button-hover-icon-color', '#5dcdd5', 'Styles')};
--fc-button-hover-color: ${color('--fc-button-hover-color', '#495057', 'Styles')};
/* sizes */
--fc-button-border-radius: ${number('--fc-button-border-radius', 20, { range: true, min: 1, max: 100, step: 1 }, 'Styles')}px;
--fc-button-font-size: ${number('--fc-button-font-size:', 14, {}, 'Styles')}px;
--fc-button-font-weight: ${number('--fc-button-font-weight', 500, { range: true, min: 100, max: 900, step: 100 }, 'Styles')};
--fc-button-height: ${number('--fc-button-height:', 35, {}, 'Styles')}px;
--fc-button-inner-margin: ${number('--fc-button-inner-margin:', 3, {}, 'Styles')}px;
--fc-button-min-width: ${number('--fc-button-min-width:', 35, {}, 'Styles')}px;
--fc-button-outer-margin: ${number('--fc-button-outer-margin:', 4, {}, 'Styles')}px;
?disabled="${boolean('disabled', false, 'Attributes')}"
?active="${boolean('active', false, 'Attributes')}"
?loading="${boolean('loading', false, 'Attributes')}"
label="${text('label', 'Label', 'Attributes')}"
intent="${select('intent', INTENT_OPTIONS, null, 'Attributes')}"
icon="${ifDefined(text('icon', undefined, 'Attributes'))}"
icon-size="${number('icon-size', 18, { range: true, min: 12, max: 48 }, 'Attributes')}px"
secondary-icon="${ifDefined(text('icon', undefined, 'Attributes'))}"
tooltip="${ifDefined(text('tooltip', undefined, 'Attributes'))}"
tooltip-position="${select('tooltip-position', TOOLTIP_POSITION_OPTIONS, 'top', 'Attributes')}"

@@ -55,70 +104,49 @@

function intentButton() {
const intentKnob = select('Intent', {
Apply: 'apply',
Cancel: 'cancel',
Danger: 'danger',
Success: 'success',
Warn: 'warn',
None: null,
}, null);
function intentButton(intent = null, documentation = '') {
return function noIntentButton() {
const intentKnob = select('Intent', INTENT_OPTIONS, intent);
const icon =
intentKnob === 'apply' ? 'edit'
: intentKnob === 'danger' ? 'delete'
: intentKnob === 'cancel' ? 'forter'
: intentKnob === 'success' ? 'star-true'
: intentKnob === 'warn' ? 'warn'
: 'forter';
const icon =
intentKnob === 'apply' ? 'edit'
: intentKnob === 'danger' ? 'delete'
: intentKnob === 'cancel' ? 'forter'
: intentKnob === 'success' ? 'star-true'
: intentKnob === 'warn' ? 'warn'
: 'forter';
const type = intentKnob || intent;
const type = intentKnob || undefined;
const label = !type ? 'No Intent' : capitalize(intentKnob);
const label = !type ? 'No Intent' : capitalize(intentKnob);
return html`
<fc-button intent="${ifDefined(type)}" label="${label} Button" icon="${icon}"></fc-button>
return html`${documentation}
<fc-button intent="${ifDefined(type)}" label="${label} Button" icon="${icon}"></fc-button>
function customStyles() {
return html`
fc-button {
/* colours */
--fc-button-color: ${color('--fc-button-color', '#495057', 'Colors')};
--fc-button-active-color: ${color('--fc-button-active-color', '#495057', 'Colors')};
--fc-button-background-color: ${color('--fc-button-background-color', '#f5f5f5', 'Colors')};
--fc-button-icon-color: ${color('--fc-button-icon-color', '#495057', 'Colors')};
--fc-button-hover-color: ${color('--fc-button-hover-color', '#495057', 'Colors')};
(storiesOf('Buttons|Button', module)
.addParameters({ notes })
.add('Attributes and Styles', elementProperties)
/* hover styles */
--fc-button-hover-background-color: ${color('--fc-button-hover-background-color', '#e1e1e1', 'Colors')};
--fc-button-hover-icon-color: ${color('--fc-button-hover-icon-color', '#5dcdd5', 'Colors')};
--fc-button-hover-color: ${color('--fc-button-hover-color', '#495057', 'Colors')};
(storiesOf('Buttons|Button/Attributes', module)
.addParameters({ notes, options })
.add('Label', withLabel)
.add('Icon', withIcon)
.add('Icon and Secondary Icon', withIconAndSecondary)
.add('Label and Icon', withLabelAndIcon)
.add('Label, Icon, and Secondary Icon', withLabelIconAndSecondary)
/* sizes */
--fc-button-border-radius: ${number('--fc-button-border-radius', 20, {range: true, min: 1, max: 100, step: 1}, 'Sizes')}px;
--fc-button-font-size: ${number('--fc-button-font-size:', 14, {}, 'Sizes')}px;
--fc-button-font-weight: ${number('--fc-button-font-weight', 500, { range: true, min: 100, max: 900, step: 100 }, 'Sizes')};
--fc-button-height: ${number('--fc-button-height:', 35, {}, 'Sizes')}px;
--fc-button-inner-margin: ${number('--fc-button-inner-margin:', 3, {}, 'Sizes')}px;
--fc-button-min-width: ${number('--fc-button-min-width:', 35, {}, 'Sizes')}px;
--fc-button-outer-margin: ${number('--fc-button-outer-margin:', 4, {}, 'Sizes')}px;
<fc-button label="Stylish Button 💋" icon="add"></fc-button>
(storiesOf('<fc-button>', module)
(storiesOf('Buttons|Button/Intents', module)
.add('ElementProperties', elementProperties, { notes, options })
.add('With Label', withLabel, { notes, options })
.add('With Icon', withIcon, { notes, options })
.add('With Icon and Secondary Icon', withIconAndSecondary, { notes, options })
.add('With Label and Icon', withLabelAndIcon, { notes, options })
.add('With Label, Icon, and Secondary Icon', withLabelIconAndSecondary, { notes, options })
.add('Intent Button', intentButton, { notes, options })
.add('Custom Styles', customStyles, { notes, options })
.addParameters({ notes, options })
.add('No Intent', intentButton())
.add('Apply', intentButton('apply'))
.add('Success', intentButton('success'))
.add('Danger', intentButton('danger'))
.add('Warn', intentButton('warn'))
.add('Cancel', intentButton('cancel'))

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { html } from 'lit-html'
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/polymer';

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ import { withKnobs, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';

const notes = { markdown };
const options = { selectedPanel: 'storybooks/knobs/panel' }
const options = { selectedPanel: 'storybooks/knobs/panel' };

@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@

(storiesOf('<fc-copy>', module)
(storiesOf('Buttons|Copy', module)
.add('Element Properties', elementProperties, { notes, options })

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ import { html } from 'lit-html';

const notes = { markdown };
const options = { selectedPanel: 'storybooks/knobs/panel' }
const options = { selectedPanel: 'storybooks/knobs/panel' };

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const resultsChange = action('results-change');

const onResult = ({ detail: { results, transcript } }) => {
document.getElementById('transcript').innerText = transcript;
document.getElementById('results').innerText = JSON.stringify(results, null, 2);

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ function elementProperties() {

<fc-speech @result="${onResult}"></fc-speech>
` })}

@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ <dl>

(storiesOf('<fc-speech>', module)
(storiesOf('Buttons|Speech', module)
.add('Element Properties', elementProperties, { notes, options })
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