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@fxjs/orm - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.4.3-postalpha.4 to 1.4.3-postalpha.5



@@ -1,7 +0,863 @@

/// <reference path="./orm_mirror/orm.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./orm_mirror/sql-query.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./3rd.d.ts" />
import orm from './orm_mirror/orm'
declare module "@fxjs/orm" {
import events = require('events');
import sqlquery = require('sqlquery');
import SqlQueryNS from 'sqlquery'
type Buffer = Class_Buffer
declare module "@fxjs/orm" {
module orm {
/* Connection About Patch :start */
interface ExtensibleError extends Error {
[extensibleProperty: string]: any
* it should be defined in 'orm' but there is not, so we should fix it
interface ConnInstanceInOrmConnDriverDB {
begin(): void;
close(): void;
commit(): void;
rollback(): void;
trans(func: Function): boolean
execute(sql: string, ...args: any[]): any[];
hasMany?: Function;
remove?: Function;
propertyToValue?: Function;
insert?: Function;
interface SQLiteConnInstanceInOrmConnDriverDB extends ConnInstanceInOrmConnDriverDB, Class_SQLite {
interface MySQLConnInstanceInOrmConnDriverDB extends ConnInstanceInOrmConnDriverDB, Class_MySQL {
interface MSSQLConnInstanceInOrmConnDriverDB extends ConnInstanceInOrmConnDriverDB, Class_MSSQL {
interface DbInstanceInOrmConnDriver {
conn: ConnInstanceInOrmConnDriverDB
export interface OrigOrmExecQueryOpts {
[key: string]: any;
export interface OrigOrmConnDriver {
// dialog type
dialect: string;
propertyToValue: Function;
valueToProperty: Function;
insert: Function;
db: DbInstanceInOrmConnDriver
* then we should patch still
export interface PatchedOrmConnDriver extends OrigOrmConnDriver {
execQuerySync: (query: SqlQueryNS.Query, opt: OrigOrmExecQueryOpts) => any
export interface OrmConnectionOpts {
/* Connection About Patch :end */
interface ORMMethod__CommonCallback {
(err: Error): void
export interface FibOrmFixedModelOptions /* extends ModelOptions */ {
id?: string[];
autoFetch?: boolean;
autoFetchLimit?: number;
cacheFetch?: boolean;
hooks?: Hooks;
methods?: { [name: string]: Function };
[extensibleProperty: string]: any;
interface TransformFibOrmModel2InstanceOptions extends FibOrmFixedModelOptions {
export interface FibORM extends ORM {
/* all fixed: start */
models: { [key: string]: FibOrmFixedModel };
use(plugin: string, options?: any): FibORM;
use(plugin: Plugin, options?: any): FibORM;
define(name: string, properties: { [key: string]: OrigModelPropertyDefinition }, opts?: FibOrmFixedModelOptions): FibOrmFixedModel;
ping(callback: ORMMethod__CommonCallback): FibORM;
close(callback: ORMMethod__CommonCallback): FibORM;
load(file: string, callback: ORMMethod__CommonCallback): any;
sync(callback: ORMMethod__CommonCallback): FibORM;
drop(callback: ORMMethod__CommonCallback): FibORM;
/* all fixed: end */
/* memeber patch: start */
driver: PatchedOrmConnDriver
begin: () => any
commit: () => any
rollback: () => any
trans: (func: Function) => any
syncSync(): void;
[extraMember: string]: any;
/* memeber patch: end */
// bad annotation but 'db' is used as like 'orm' ever, so we use 'FibOrmDB' to substitute FibORM
type FibOrmDB = FibORM
export function connectSync(opts: FibORMIConnectionOptions | string): FibOrmDB;
export interface FibORMIConnectionOptions extends IConnectionOptions {
timezone: string;
type AssociationKeyComputation = Function | string
interface AssociationDefinitionOptions {
name?: string;
model?: FibOrmFixedModel;
field?: OrigDetailedModelProperty
// is the association is extendsTo
extension?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
reversed?: boolean;
accessor?: string;
reverseAccessor?: string;
autoFetch?: boolean;
autoFetchLimit?: number;
interface InstanceAssociationItem {
name: string;
field?: OrigDetailedModelProperty;
// is the association is extendsTo
extension?: boolean;
getAccessor: string;
setAccessor: string;
hasAccessor: string;
delAccessor: string;
model: FibOrmFixedModel;
reversed?: boolean;
autoFetch: boolean;
autoFetchLimit: number
interface AssociationDefinitionOptions_HasOne extends AssociationDefinitionOptions {
reverse?: string;
interface AssociationDefinitionOptions_HasMany extends AssociationDefinitionOptions {
reverse?: string;
// is association property a primary key
key?: boolean
mergeId?: string
mergeAssocId?: string
reverseAssociation?: string
hooks?: Hooks
mergeTable?: string
association?: string
getAccessor?: string;
setAccessor?: string;
hasAccessor?: string;
delAccessor?: string;
addAccessor?: string;
interface InstanceAssociationItem_ExtendTos extends InstanceAssociationItem {
field: OrigDetailedModelProperty;
table: string;
interface InstanceAssociationItem_HasOne extends InstanceAssociationItem {
field?: OrigDetailedModelProperty;
reverse?: string;
// template name
accessor?: string;
reverseAccessor?: string;
addAccessor?: string;
required?: boolean;
extension?: boolean;
mapsTo?: {
[key: string]: any;
interface InstanceAssociationItem_HasMany extends InstanceAssociationItem {
props: ModelPropertyDefinitionHash
hooks: Hooks
field?: OrigDetailedModelProperty
mergeTable: string
mergeId: string
mergeAssocId: string
getAccessor: string
setAccessor: string
hasAccessor: string
delAccessor: string
addAccessor: string
interface InnerInstanceOptions extends ModelOptions {
one_associations: InstanceAssociationItem[]
many_associations: InstanceAssociationItem[]
extend_associations: InstanceAssociationItem[]
association_properties: any
fieldToPropertyMap: any
associations?: InnerInstanceOptionsAssociationInfoItem[]
// for compability
type InstanceOptions = InnerInstanceOptions
interface InnerInstanceOptionsAssociationInfoItem {
value: any
changed: boolean
interface PatchedSyncfiedModelOrInstance {
* @important
* methods patchSyncfied by 'fib-orm'
countSync: Function;
firstSync: Function;
lastSync: Function;
allSync: Function;
whereSync: Function;
findSync: Function;
removeSync: Function;
runSync: Function;
interface PatchedSyncfiedInstanceWithDbWriteOperation extends PatchedSyncfiedModelOrInstance {
saveSync: Function;
removeSync: Function;
validateSync: Function;
modelSync: Function;
interface PatchedSyncfiedInstanceWithAssociations {
* generated by association, but you don't know what it is
/* getXxx: Function; */
/* setXxx: Function; */
/* removeXxx: Function; */
/* findByXxx: Function; */
[associationFunc: string]: Function;
interface ModelPropertyDefinition extends Property {
// ?
name?: string
* text | number | integer | boolean | date | enum | object | <del>point</del> | binary | serial
* view details in
type: string
// has unique constrain
unique?: boolean
// is primary key
key?: boolean
// is required
required?: boolean
defaultValue?: any
unsigned?: boolean
size?: number
values?: any[]
time?: boolean
big?: boolean
mapsTo?: string
alwaysValidate?: boolean
enumerable?: boolean
// for compatibility
type OrigDetailedModelProperty = ModelPropertyDefinition
type ComplexModelPropertyDefinition = ModelPropertyDefinition |
String | Boolean | Number | Date | object | Buffer | any[]
// for compatibility
type OrigModelPropertyDefinition = ComplexModelPropertyDefinition
interface ModelPropertyDefinitionHash {
[key: string]: ComplexModelPropertyDefinition
type OrigAggreteGenerator = (...args: any[]) => IAggregated
interface OrigHooks extends Hooks {
afterAutoFetch?: (next?) => void
export interface FibOrmFixedModel extends Model, OrigHooks, PatchedSyncfiedModelOrInstance {
(): FibOrmFixedModel;// FibOrmFixedModelInstance;
(...ids: any[]): FibOrmFixedModel;// FibOrmFixedModelInstance;
new (): FibOrmFixedModelInstance;
new (...ids: any[]): FibOrmFixedModelInstance;
properties: { [property: string]: OrigDetailedModelProperty }
allProperties: { [key: string]: OrigDetailedModelProperty }
* methods used to add associations
// hasOne: (...args: any[]) => any;
hasOne: {
(assoc_name: string, ext_model: FibOrmFixedModel, assoc_options?: AssociationDefinitionOptions_HasOne): FibOrmFixedExtendModel
(assoc_name: string, assoc_options?: AssociationDefinitionOptions_HasOne): FibOrmFixedExtendModel
hasMany: {
(assoc_name: string, ext_model: FibOrmFixedModel, assoc_options?: AssociationDefinitionOptions_HasMany): FibOrmFixedExtendModel
(assoc_name: string, ext_model: FibOrmFixedModel, assoc_props?: ModelPropertyDefinitionHash, assoc_options?: AssociationDefinitionOptions_HasMany): FibOrmFixedExtendModel
extendsTo: (...args: any[]) => Model;
extends: { [extendModel: string]: ExtendModelWrapper };
[extraProperty: string]: any;
export interface ExtendModelWrapper {
// 'hasOne', 'hasMany'
type: string;
reversed?: boolean;
model: FibOrmFixedExtendModel;
export interface FibOrmFixedExtendModel extends FibOrmFixedModel {
model_name: string;
export interface FibOrmFindLikeQueryObject {
[key: string]: any;
// patch the missing field defined in orm/lib/Instance.js (such as defined by Object.defineProperty)
export interface FibOrmFixedModelInstance extends Instance {
/* all fixed: start */
on(event: string, callback): FibOrmFixedModelInstance;
save(callback?: ORMMethod__CommonCallback): Instance;
save(data: { [property: string]: any; }, callback?: ORMMethod__CommonCallback): FibOrmFixedModelInstance;
save(data: { [property: string]: any; }, options: any, callback?: ORMMethod__CommonCallback): FibOrmFixedModelInstance;
saved(): boolean;
remove(callback?: ORMMethod__CommonCallback): FibOrmFixedModelInstance;
* @noenum
isInstance(): boolean;
* @noenum
isPersisted(): boolean;
* @noenum
isShell(): boolean;
validate(callback: (errors: Error[]) => void);
/* all fixed: end */
/* missing fix: start */
* @noenum
set: Function;
markAsDirty: Function;
dirtyProperties: object;
* @noenum
readonly __singleton_uid: string | number;
* @noenum
readonly __opts?: InstanceOptions;
* @noenum
readonly model: FibOrmFixedModel;
/* missing fix: end */
[extraProperty: string]: any;
export interface FibOrmFixedModelInstanceFn {
(model: FibOrmFixedModel, opts: object): FibOrmFixedModelInstance
new (model: FibOrmFixedModel, opts: object): FibOrmFixedModelInstance
export interface FibOrmPatchedSyncfiedInstantce extends PatchedSyncfiedInstanceWithDbWriteOperation, PatchedSyncfiedInstanceWithAssociations {
export interface FibOrmPatchedSyncfiedDueToAggregationInstance {
/* function getXxx() */
// export type FibOrmObjectToPatch =
// FibOrmFixedModel | FibOrmFixedModelInstance
// | FibOrmPatchedSyncfiedInstantce | PatchedSyncfiedInstanceWithDbWriteOperation | PatchedSyncfiedInstanceWithAssociations
export interface IChainFibORMFind extends PatchedSyncfiedModelOrInstance, SqlQueryNS.SelectQuery {
only(args: string|string[]): IChainFibORMFind;
only(...args: string[]): IChainFibORMFind;
order(...order: string[]): IChainFibORMFind;
/* Orm About Patch :end */
/* instance/model computation/transform about :start */
export interface ModelAutoFetchOptions {
autoFetchLimit?: number
autoFetch?: boolean
export interface InstanceAutoFetchOptions extends ModelAutoFetchOptions {
export interface ModelExtendOptions {
export interface InstanceExtendOptions extends ModelExtendOptions {
/* instance/model computation/transform about :end */
/* query conditions :start */
type QueryConditionInTypeType = string | number
type QueryCondition_SimpleEq = { [key: string]: any }
type QueryCondition_eq = QueryCondition_SimpleEq | { [key: string]: { "eq": any } }
type QueryCondition_ne = { [key: string]: { "ne": any } }
type QueryCondition_gt = { [key: string]: { "gt": number } }
type QueryCondition_gte = { [key: string]: { "gte": number } }
type QueryCondition_lt = { [key: string]: { "lt": number } }
type QueryCondition_lte = { [key: string]: { "lte": number } }
type QueryCondition_like = { [key: string]: { "like": string } }
type QueryCondition_not_like = { [key: string]: { "not_like": string } }
type QueryCondition_between = { [key: string]: { "between": [number, number] } }
type QueryCondition_not_between = { [key: string]: { "not_between": [number, number] } }
type QueryCondition_in = { [key: string]: { "in": QueryConditionInTypeType[] } }
type QueryCondition_not_in = { [key: string]: { "not_in": QueryConditionInTypeType[] } }
type QueryConditionAtomicType =
QueryCondition_eq |
QueryCondition_ne |
QueryCondition_gt |
QueryCondition_gte |
QueryCondition_lt |
QueryCondition_lte |
QueryCondition_like |
QueryCondition_not_like |
QueryCondition_between |
QueryCondition_not_between |
QueryCondition_in |
interface QueryConditions {
or?: QueryConditionAtomicType[]
[query_field: string]: QueryConditionAtomicType
// interface ReqWhere {
// [key: string]: QueryConditionAtomicType
// or?: QueryConditionAtomicType[]
// }
/* query conditions :end */
* Parameter Type Interfaces
interface ModelAssociationMethod__ComputationPayload__Merge {
from: {table: string, field: string | string[]}
to: {table: string, field: string | string[]}
where: [string, ModelMethod__FindConditions]
table?: string
export interface ModelMethod__FindOptions {
limit?: number;
order?: any;
offset?: number;
export interface ModelAssociationMethod__Options {
autoFetch: boolean
cascadeRemove: boolean
autoSave: boolean
identityCache: boolean
autoFetchLimit: number
__merge: ModelAssociationMethod__ComputationPayload__Merge
extra: ModelPropertyDefinitionHash | any[]
extra_info: {
table: string
id: any
export interface ModelAssociationMethod__FindOptions extends ModelMethod__FindOptions, ModelAssociationMethod__Options {
export interface ModelAssociationMethod__GetOptions extends ModelMethod__FindOptions, ModelAssociationMethod__Options {
export interface ModelMethod__FindConditions {
[property: string]: any
export interface ModelMethod__CommonCallback {
(err: Error, results: Instance[]): void
export interface ModelMethod__CountCallback {
(err: Error, count?: number): void
export interface Model {
(): Instance;
(...ids: any[]): Instance;
properties: { [property: string]: Property };
settings: Settings;
drop(callback?: (err: Error) => void): Model;
sync(callback?: (err: Error) => void): Model;
get(...args: any[]): Model;
find(): any /* Model|IChainFind */;
find(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): Model;
find(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, options: ModelMethod__FindOptions, callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): Model;
find(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, limit: number, order: string[], callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): Model;
find(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions): IChainFind;
all(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): Model;
all(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, options: ModelMethod__FindOptions, callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): Model;
all(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, limit: number, order: string[], callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): Model;
one(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, callback: (err: Error, result: Instance) => void): Model;
one(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, options: ModelMethod__FindOptions, callback: (err: Error, result: Instance) => void): Model;
one(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, limit: number, order: string[], callback: (err: Error, result: Instance) => void): Model;
count(callback: ModelMethod__CountCallback): Model;
count(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, callback: ModelMethod__CountCallback): Model;
aggregate(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions): IAggregated;
aggregate(properties: string[]): IAggregated;
aggregate(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions, properties: string[]): IAggregated;
exists(id: any, callback: (err: Error, exists: boolean) => void): Model;
exists(...args: any[]): Model;
create(data: { [property: string]: any; }, callback: (err: Error, instance: Instance) => void): Model;
create(...args: any[]): Model;
clear(...args: any): Model;
table: string;
// id: string[];
id: string;
[property: string]: any;
export interface Instance {
on(event: string, callback): Instance;
save(): Instance;
save(data: { [property: string]: any; }, callback: (err: Error) => void): Instance;
save(data: { [property: string]: any; }, options: any, callback: (err: Error) => void): Instance;
saved(): boolean;
remove(callback: (err: Error) => void): Instance;
isInstance(): boolean;
isPersisted(): boolean;
isShell(): boolean;
validate(callback: (errors: Error[]) => void);
model: Model;
[property: string]: any;
export interface ModelOptions {
id?: string[];
autoFetch?: boolean;
autoFetchLimit?: number;
cacheFetch?: boolean;
hooks?: { [property: string]: Hooks };
methods?: { [name: string]: Function };
export interface Hooks {
beforeValidation?: (next?) => void;
beforeCreate?: (next?) => void;
afterCreate?: (next?) => void;
beforeSave?: (next?) => void;
afterSave?: (next?) => void;
afterLoad?: (next?) => void;
afterAutoFetch?: (next?) => void;
beforeRemove?: (next?) => void;
afterRemove?: (next?) => void;
export interface IConnectionOptions {
protocol: string;
host?: string;
port?: number;
auth?: string;
username?: string;
password?: string;
database?: string;
pool?: boolean;
debug?: boolean;
export interface IAggregated {
groupBy(...columns: string[]): IAggregated;
limit(limit: number): IAggregated;
limit(offset: number, limit: number): IAggregated;
order(...order: string[]): IAggregated;
select(columns: string[]): IAggregated;
select(...columns: string[]): IAggregated;
as(alias: string): IAggregated;
call(fun: string, args: any[]): IAggregated;
get(callback: (err: Error, instance: Instance) => void);
export interface IChainFind {
find(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions): IChainFind;
only(...args: string[]): IChainFind;
limit(limit: number): IChainFind;
offset(offset: number): IChainFind;
run(callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): void;
count(callback: ModelMethod__CountCallback): void;
remove(callback: (err: Error) => void): void;
save(callback: (err: Error) => void): void;
each(callback: (result: Instance) => void): void;
each(): IChainFind;
filter(callback: (result: Instance) => boolean): IChainFind;
sort(callback: (a: Instance, b: Instance) => boolean): IChainFind;
get(callback: (results: Instance[]) => void): IChainFind;
export interface ChainFindInstanceType {
all(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions): IChainFind;
where(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions): IChainFind;
find(conditions: ModelMethod__FindConditions): IChainFind;
only(...args: string[]): IChainFind;
omit(): IChainFind;
skip(offset: number): IChainFind;
offset(offset: number): IChainFind;
order(propertyOrderDesc: string, order: string | "Z" | "A" ): IChainFind;
orderRaw(str: string, args: any[]): IChainFind;
limit(limit: number): IChainFind;
count(callback: ModelMethod__CountCallback): void;
remove(callback: (err: Error) => void): void;
run(callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): void;
success(callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): void;
fail(callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): void;
first(callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): void;
last(callback?: ModelMethod__CommonCallback): void;
each(callback: (result: Instance) => void): void;
each(): IChainFind;
eager(): IChainFind;
model: FibOrmFixedModel;
options: ChainFindInstanceOptions
export interface ChainFindOptions {
/* in instance */
export interface ChainFindInstanceOptions extends ChainFindOptions {
* Classes
export class ORM extends events.EventEmitter {
validators: enforce;
enforce: enforce;
settings: Settings;
driver_name: string;
driver: any;
tools: any;
models: { [key: string]: Model };
plugins: Plugin[];
use(plugin: string, options?: any): ORM;
use(plugin: Plugin, options?: any): ORM;
define(name: string, properties: { [key: string]: Property }, opts?: ModelOptions): Model;
ping(callback: (err: Error) => void): ORM;
close(callback: (err: Error) => void): ORM;
load(file: string, callback: (err: Error) => void): any;
sync(callback: (err: Error) => void): ORM;
drop(callback: (err: Error) => void): ORM;
export class enforce {
static required(message?: string);
static notEmptyString(message?: string);
static rangeNumber(min: number, max: number, message?: string);
static rangeLength(min: number, max: number, message?: string);
static insideList(inside: string[], message?: string);
static insideList(inside: number[], message?: string);
static outsideList(outside: string[], message?: string);
static outsideList(outside: number[], message?: string);
static password(conditions?: string, message?: string);
static patterns(expr: RegExp, message?: string);
static patterns(expr: string, flags: string, message?: string);
static equalToProperty(name: string, message?: string);
static unique(message?: string);
static unique(opts: { ignoreCase: boolean }, message?: string);
export function equalToProperty(name: string, message?: string);
export function unique(message?: string);
export function unique(opts: { ignoreCase: boolean }, message?: string);
export interface SingletonOptions {
identityCache?: any;
saveCheck?: boolean;
export class singleton {
static clear(key?: string): singleton;
static get(key, opts: SingletonOptions, createCb: Function, returnCb: Function);
export class Settings {
static Container: any;
static defaults(): {
properties: {
primary_key: string;
association_key: string;
required: boolean;
instance: {
identityCache: boolean;
identityCacheSaveCheck: boolean;
autoSave: boolean;
autoFetch: boolean;
autoFetchLimit: number;
cascadeRemove: boolean;
returnAllErrors: boolean;
connection: {
reconnect: boolean;
poll: boolean;
debug: boolean;
constructor(settings: any);
get: {
(key: string, def?: Function): any
//[key: string]: {
// get: (key, def) => any;
// set: (key, value) => Settings;
// unset: (...keys: string[]) => Settings;
export var settings: Settings;
export class Property {
static normalize(property: string, settings: Settings): any;
static validate(value: any, property: string): any;
export interface ErrorCodes {
QUERY_ERROR: number;
NOT_FOUND: number;
NOT_DEFINED: number;
NO_SUPPORT: number;
generateError(code: number, message: string, extra: any): Error;
export function Text(type: string): sqlquery.TextQuery;
export function eq(value: any): sqlquery.Comparator;
export function ne(value: any): sqlquery.Comparator;
export function gt(value: any): sqlquery.Comparator;
export function gte(value: any): sqlquery.Comparator;
export function lt(value: any): sqlquery.Comparator;
export function lte(value: any): sqlquery.Comparator;
export function like(value: string): sqlquery.Comparator;
export function between(a: number, b: number): sqlquery.Comparator;
export function not_between(a: number, b: number): sqlquery.Comparator;
export function express(uri: string, handlers: {
define(db: ORM, models: { [key: string]: Model });
}): (req, res, next) => void;
export function use(connection, protocol: string, options, callback: (err: Error, db?: ORM) => void);
export function connect(uri: string): ORM;
export function connect(uri: string, callback: (err: Error, db: ORM) => void);
export function connect(options: IConnectionOptions): ORM;
export function connect(options: IConnectionOptions, callback: (err: Error, db: ORM) => void);
export = orm;
v1.4.3-postalpha.4 / 2018-10-12
v1.4.3-postalpha.5 / 2018-10-12
* typo fix
v1.4.3-postalpha.4 / 2018-10-12
* Release v1.4.3-postalpha.4
* upgrade '@fibjs/enforce', typo fix

@@ -6,0 +12,0 @@


"name": "@fxjs/orm",
"version": "1.4.3-postalpha.4",
"version": "1.4.3-postalpha.5",
"description": "Object Relational Mapping for fibjs",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

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