Fylgja - Auto Grid
A super small grid with auto flowing behavior, based on the container size.
Using a similar method to container queries.
This grid uses a minmax method,
it fills the grid items based on the space available.
Where the min value is static value and the max value is 1fr
It creates a grid without needing to setup any columns and rows,
since the grid items will do this for you, following the content first approach!
npm install @fylgja/auto-grid
Then include the component in to your code via;
@use "@fylgja/auto-grid";
@import "@fylgja/auto-grid";
If you need support for @layer
use the following import;
@use "@fylgja/auto-grid" with ($auto-grid-layer: "components");
@import "@fylgja/auto-grid" layer("components");
How to use
For more information see the auto-grid docs on the Fylgja.dev.