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@geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0 to 2.0.1


"name": "@geoapify/geocoder-autocomplete",
"version": "2.0.0",
"version": "2.0.1",
"description": "Geocoder autocomplete field",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -131,3 +131,3 @@ # Geoapify Geocoder Autocomplete

| ------ | ------ | ------ |
| constructor | `GeocoderAutocomplete(<HTMLElement> el, <String> geoapifyApiKey, <GeocoderAutocompleteOptions> options?)` | `GeocoderAutocomplete(document.getElementById('autocomplete'), 'sdf45dfg68879fhsdgs346dfhdj', { lang: 'it' }`
| constructor | *GeocoderAutocomplete(<HTMLElement> el, <String> geoapifyApiKey, <GeocoderAutocompleteOptions> options?)* | *GeocoderAutocomplete(document.getElementById('autocomplete'), 'sdf45dfg68879fhsdgs346dfhdj', { lang: 'it' }*

@@ -217,32 +217,32 @@ ### GeocoderAutocompleteOptions

| `setType(type: 'country' or 'state' or 'city' or 'postcode' or 'street' or 'amenity'): void` | Sets the type of location for address suggestions. |
| `setLang(lang: SupportedLanguage): void` | Sets the language for address suggestions. |
| `setCountryCodes(codes: CountyCode[]): void` | Sets specific country codes to filter address suggestions. |
| `setPosition(position: GeoPosition = {lat: number; lon: number}): void` | Sets the geographic position to influence suggestions based on proximity.|
| `setLimit(limit: number): void` | Sets the maximum number of suggestions to display. |
| `setValue(value: string): void` | Sets the value of the input field programmatically. |
| `getValue(): string` | Retrieves the current value of the input field. |
| `addFilterByCountry(codes: CountyCode[]): void` | Adds a filter to include or exclude suggestions based on specific country codes. |
| `addFilterByCircle(filterByCircle: ByCircleOptions = {lon: number; lat: number; radiusMeters: number }): void` | Adds a circular filter to include or exclude suggestions within a specified geographic area. |
| `addFilterByRect(filterByRect: ByRectOptions = { lon1: number; lat1: number; lon2: number; lat2: number}): void` | Adds a rectangular filter to include or exclude suggestions within a specified geographic area. |
| `addFilterByPlace(filterByPlace: string): void` | Adds a filter to include or exclude suggestions based on a specific place or location. |
| `clearFilters(): void` | Clears all previously added filters. |
| `addBiasByCountry(codes: CountyCode[]): void` | Adds a bias to prioritize suggestions from specific countries. |
| `addBiasByCircle(biasByCircle: ByCircleOptions = {lon: number; lat: number; radiusMeters: number }): void` | Adds a circular bias to prioritize suggestions within a specified geographic area. |
| `addBiasByRect(biasByRect: ByRectOptions = { lon1: number; lat1: number; lon2: number; lat2: number}): void` | Adds a rectangular bias to prioritize suggestions within a specified geographic area. |
| `addBiasByProximity(biasByProximity: ByProximityOptions = { lon: number; lat: number }): void` | Adds a bias based on proximity to a specific location. |
| `clearBias(): void` | Clears all previously added biases. |
| `setSuggestionsFilter(suggestionsFilterFunc?: (suggestions: GeoJSON.Feature[]) => GeoJSON.Feature[]): void` | Sets a custom filter function for suggestions. |
| `setPreprocessHook(preprocessHookFunc?: (value: string) => string): void` | Sets a preprocessing hook to modify the input value before sending a request. |
| `setPostprocessHook(postprocessHookFunc?: (value: string) => string): void` | Sets a post-processing hook to modify the suggestion values after retrieval. |
| `isOpen(): boolean` | Checks if the suggestions dropdown is currently open. |
| `close(): void` | Manually closes the suggestions dropdown. |
| `open(): void` | Manually opens the suggestions dropdown. |
| `sendGeocoderRequest(value: string): Promise<GeoJSON.FeatureCollection>` | Sends a geocoder request based on the provided value and returns a Promise with the response in [GeoJSON FeatureCollection]( format containing suggestions. |
| `sendPlaceDetailsRequest(feature: GeoJSON.Feature): Promise<GeoJSON.Feature>` | Sends a place details request based on the provided [GeoJSON feature]( and returns a Promise with the response in GeoJSON Feature format containing place details. |
| `setSendGeocoderRequestFunc(sendGeocoderRequestFunc: (value: string, geocoderAutocomplete: GeocoderAutocomplete) => Promise<GeoJSON.FeatureCollection>): void` | Sets a custom function to send geocoder requests. |
| `setSendPlaceDetailsRequestFunc(sendPlaceDetailsRequestFunc: (feature: GeoJSON.Feature, geocoderAutocomplete: GeocoderAutocomplete) => Promise<GeoJSON.Feature>): void` | Sets a custom function to send place details requests. |
| `on(operation: 'select' or 'suggestions' or 'input' or 'close' or 'open', callback: (param: any) => void): void` | Attaches event listeners to various operations such as selection, suggestions, input changes, and dropdown open/close. |
| `off(operation: 'select' or 'suggestions' or 'input' or 'close' or 'open', callback?: (param: any) => void): void` | Detaches previously attached event listeners. |
| `once(operation: 'select' or 'suggestions' or 'input' or 'close' or 'open', callback: (param: any) => void): void` | Attaches a one-time event listener that triggers only once for the specified operation. |
| *setType(type: 'country' or 'state' or 'city' or 'postcode' or 'street' or 'amenity'): void* | Sets the type of location for address suggestions. |
| *setLang(lang: SupportedLanguage): void* | Sets the language for address suggestions. |
| *setCountryCodes(codes: CountyCode[]): void* | Sets specific country codes to filter address suggestions. |
| *setPosition(position: GeoPosition = {lat: number; lon: number}): void* | Sets the geographic position to influence suggestions based on proximity.|
| *setLimit(limit: number): void* | Sets the maximum number of suggestions to display. |
| *setValue(value: string): void* | Sets the value of the input field programmatically. |
| *getValue(): string* | Retrieves the current value of the input field. |
| *addFilterByCountry(codes: CountyCode[]): void* | Adds a filter to include or exclude suggestions based on specific country codes. |
| *addFilterByCircle(filterByCircle: ByCircleOptions = {lon: number; lat: number; radiusMeters: number }): void* | Adds a circular filter to include or exclude suggestions within a specified geographic area. |
| *addFilterByRect(filterByRect: ByRectOptions = { lon1: number; lat1: number; lon2: number; lat2: number}): void* | Adds a rectangular filter to include or exclude suggestions within a specified geographic area. |
| *addFilterByPlace(filterByPlace: string): void* | Adds a filter to include or exclude suggestions based on a specific place or location. |
| *clearFilters(): void* | Clears all previously added filters. |
| *addBiasByCountry(codes: CountyCode[]): void* | Adds a bias to prioritize suggestions from specific countries. |
| *addBiasByCircle(biasByCircle: ByCircleOptions = {lon: number; lat: number; radiusMeters: number }): void* | Adds a circular bias to prioritize suggestions within a specified geographic area. |
| *addBiasByRect(biasByRect: ByRectOptions = { lon1: number; lat1: number; lon2: number; lat2: number}): void* | Adds a rectangular bias to prioritize suggestions within a specified geographic area. |
| *addBiasByProximity(biasByProximity: ByProximityOptions = { lon: number; lat: number }): void* | Adds a bias based on proximity to a specific location. |
| *clearBias(): void* | Clears all previously added biases. |
| *setSuggestionsFilter(suggestionsFilterFunc?: (suggestions: GeoJSON.Feature[]) => GeoJSON.Feature[]): void* | Sets a custom filter function for suggestions. |
| *setPreprocessHook(preprocessHookFunc?: (value: string) => string): void* | Sets a preprocessing hook to modify the input value before sending a request. |
| *setPostprocessHook(postprocessHookFunc?: (value: string) => string): void* | Sets a post-processing hook to modify the suggestion values after retrieval. |
| *isOpen(): boolean* | Checks if the suggestions dropdown is currently open. |
| *close(): void* | Manually closes the suggestions dropdown. |
| *open(): void* | Manually opens the suggestions dropdown. |
| *sendGeocoderRequest(value: string): Promise<GeoJSON.FeatureCollection>* | Sends a geocoder request based on the provided value and returns a Promise with the response in [GeoJSON FeatureCollection]( format containing suggestions. |
| *sendPlaceDetailsRequest(feature: GeoJSON.Feature): Promise<GeoJSON.Feature>* | Sends a place details request based on the provided [GeoJSON feature]( and returns a Promise with the response in GeoJSON Feature format containing place details. |
| *setSendGeocoderRequestFunc(sendGeocoderRequestFunc: (value: string, geocoderAutocomplete: GeocoderAutocomplete) => Promise<GeoJSON.FeatureCollection>): void* | Sets a custom function to send geocoder requests. |
| *setSendPlaceDetailsRequestFunc(sendPlaceDetailsRequestFunc: (feature: GeoJSON.Feature, geocoderAutocomplete: GeocoderAutocomplete) => Promise<GeoJSON.Feature>): void* | Sets a custom function to send place details requests. |
| *on(operation: 'select' or 'suggestions' or 'input' or 'close' or 'open', callback: (param: any) => void): void* | Attaches event listeners to various operations such as selection, suggestions, input changes, and dropdown open/close. |
| *off(operation: 'select' or 'suggestions' or 'input' or 'close' or 'open', callback?: (param: any) => void): void* | Detaches previously attached event listeners. |
| *once(operation: 'select' or 'suggestions' or 'input' or 'close' or 'open', callback: (param: any) => void): void* | Attaches a one-time event listener that triggers only once for the specified operation. |

@@ -249,0 +249,0 @@ #### Example. Setting Geocoder options

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