Translations of Gitter to other languages. Please submit pull-requests if you would like to add or change anything!
How this works
At the moment we are busy externalising all of our strings, so the only two areas that currently work are:
- Timestamps in chat
- Homepage
Homepage instructions
The homepage strings are kept in the homepage directory
Additional areas of the application
We will continue to expand on the entire application over time. Please watch this repository for updates
It possible to visit the site with the lang query parameter, ex.
Or you can change the browser main language in Chrome in Language Settings by putting tested language at the top of the list.
Generating keys and placeholders
Generation and formatting happens automatically when linking this package to webapp
npm link
in this packagenpm link '@gitterhq/translations'
in webapp
and then starting the webapp
and going to:
Generated translation links
This adds all the missing keys to the homepage translation files.