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@giveth/commons-abc-contracts - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.12 to 0.1.13



@@ -5,10 +5,15 @@ const ReserveTokenMock = artifacts.require("ERC20Mintable");

const reserveRatio = 142857; // kappa ~ 6
const theta = 350000; // 35% in ppm
const p0 = 1;
const initialRaise = 300000;
const friction = 20000; // 2% in ppm
const gasPrice = 15000000000; // 15gwei
// Curve parameters:
const reserveRatio = 142857; // Kappa (~ 6)
const theta = 350000; // 35% in ppm
const p0 = 1; // Price of internal token in external tokens.
const initialRaise = 300000; // Raise amount in external tokens.
const friction = 20000; // 2% in ppm
const gasPrice = 15000000000; // 15 gwei
const duration = 3024000000000000; // ~5 weeks.
const minExternalContibution = 100000;
module.exports = async function(deployer, networks, accounts) {

@@ -22,11 +27,14 @@ await deployer.deploy(FundingPoolMock);

await deployer.deploy(CommonsToken,
friction, {gas: 10000000}
ReserveTokenMockInstance.address, // _externalToken
reserveRatio, // _reserveRatio
gasPrice, // _gasPrice
theta, // _theta
p0, // _p0
initialRaise, // _initialRaise
FundingPoolMockInstance.address, // _fundingPool
friction, // _friction
duration, // _duration
minExternalContibution, // _minExternalContribution
{ gas: 10000000 }
"name": "@giveth/commons-abc-contracts",
"version": "0.1.12",
"version": "0.1.13",
"devDependencies": {

@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ "chai": "^4.2.0",

"start": "concurrently 'npm:ganache' 'npm:deploy'",
"ganache": "mkdir -p .chain && ganache-cli -p 8545 -d --gasLimit 7000000000000 --gasPrice 1 --acctKeys ./.chain/ganache-accounts.json -m 'ivory sibling about kiwi grant sunset beauty solar cup fame south girl'",
"deploy": "wait-on tcp:8545 && truffle migrate --compile-all --reset --network development",
"compile": "truffle compile",
"test": "wait-on tcp:8545 && truffle test",
"ganache": "mkdir -p .chain && ./node_modules/.bin/ganache-cli -p 8545 -d -i 5777 --gasLimit 7000000000000 --gasPrice 1 --acctKeys ./.chain/ganache-accounts.json -m 'ivory sibling about kiwi grant sunset beauty solar cup fame south girl'",
"deploy": "wait-on tcp:8545 && ./node_modules/.bin/truffle migrate --compile-all --reset --network development",
"compile": "./node_modules/.bin/truffle compile",
"test": "wait-on tcp:8545 && ./node_modules/.bin/truffle test",
"lint": "solhint --max-warnings 0 \"contracts/**/*.sol\"",
"ci": "concurrently 'npm:ganache' 'npm:test'"
"dependencies": {}

@@ -1,8 +0,197 @@

// const CommonsToken = artifact.require("CommonsToken");
const { BN, constants, expectEvent, shouldFail } = require('openzeppelin-test-helpers');
contract("CommonsToken", accounts => {
it("some test case", async () => {
const CommonsToken = artifacts.require("CommonsToken.sol");
const FundingPoolMock = artifacts.require("FundingPoolMock.sol");
const ReserveTokenMock = artifacts.require("./contracts/vendor/ERC20/ERC20Mintable.sol");
const DENOMINATOR_PPM = 1000000;
contract("CommonsToken", ([reserveTokenMinter, contractCreator, hatcherOne, hatcherTwo, lateInvestor]) => {
const reserveRatio = 142857; // kappa ~ 6
const theta = 350000; // 35% in ppm
const p0 = 1;
const initialRaise = 300000;
const friction = 20000; // 2% in ppm
const gasPrice = 15000000000; // 15gwei
const duration = 604800; // 1 week in seconds
const minimalContribution = 100 // in xDai
beforeEach(async function() {
this.fundingPool = await;
this.reserveToken = await;
this.commonsToken = await
{ gas: 10000000 }
await, 1000000);
await, 1000000);
describe('hatchContribute', function () {
describe('When we are in the hatch phase', function() {
describe("When we are within the duration deadline", function() {
describe('When the contribution does not reach the initialRaise', function() {
const amountToFundExtern = 200;
describe("When there is sufficient contribution", function() {
describe('When the commonToken can pull the external token', function() {
beforeEach(async function() {
// problem. The msg.sender is the smart contract.
await this.reserveToken.approve(this.commonsToken.address, amountToFundExtern, {from: hatcherOne});
await this.commonsToken.hatchContribute(amountToFundExtern, {from: hatcherOne});
it("Should have increased the total amount raised", async function() {
let raisedExternal = await this.commonsToken.raisedExternal()
assert.equal(raisedExternal, amountToFundExtern);
it("Should have allocated the external tokens to the bonding curve", async function() {
let externalTokensOwned = await this.reserveToken.balanceOf(this.commonsToken.address);
assert.equal(externalTokensOwned, amountToFundExtern);
it("Should have set the initial external contributions for the hatcher", async function() {
let initialContributions = await this.commonsToken.initialContributions(hatcherOne);
let paidExternal = initialContributions.paidExternal;
assert.equal(paidExternal, amountToFundExtern);
it("Should have set the locked internal tokens for the hatcher", async function() {
let initialContributions = await this.commonsToken.initialContributions(hatcherOne);
let lockedInternal = initialContributions.lockedInternal;
assert.equal(lockedInternal, amountToFundExtern * p0);
describe("When the commonToken cannot pull the reserve token", async function() {
it('reverts', async function() {
await shouldFail.reverting(this.commonsToken.hatchContribute(amountToFundExtern, {from: hatcherOne}))
describe("When there is no sufficient contribution", function() {
const amountToFundExtern = 1
it('reverts', async function() {
await shouldFail.reverting(this.commonsToken.hatchContribute(amountToFundExtern, {from: hatcherOne}))
describe("When the contribution reaches the initial raise", function() {
// increase raised
// pull reservetoken from the contributer to our account
// set the initialContributions for the hatcher
// mint bonding curve tokens to the bondingcurve contract
describe("When the contribution reaches over the initial raise", function() {
const amountToFundExtern = 400000;
beforeEach(async function() {
await this.reserveToken.approve(this.commonsToken.address, amountToFundExtern, {from: hatcherOne});
await this.commonsToken.hatchContribute(amountToFundExtern, {from: hatcherOne});
it("Should have increased the total amount raised", async function() {
let raisedExternal = await this.commonsToken.raisedExternal()
assert.equal(raisedExternal, initialRaise);
it("Should have allocated the external tokens to the bonding curve", async function() {
let externalTokensOwned = await this.reserveToken.balanceOf(this.commonsToken.address);
assert.equal(externalTokensOwned, initialRaise);
it("Should have set the initial external contributions for the hatcher", async function() {
let initialContributions = await this.commonsToken.initialContributions(hatcherOne);
let paidExternal = initialContributions.paidExternal;
assert.equal(paidExternal, initialRaise);
it("Should have minted the correct amount to the fundingPool", async function() {
let internalTokensInFundingPool = await this.commonsToken.balanceOf(this.fundingPool.address)
assert.equal(internalTokensInFundingPool, (initialRaise / p0 ) * (theta / DENOMINATOR_PPM));
it("Should have minted the correct amount to the reserve", async function() {
let internalTokensReserve = await this.commonsToken.balanceOf(this.commonsToken.address);
assert.equal(internalTokensInFundingPool, (initialRaise / p0 ) * (1 - (theta / DENOMINATOR_PPM)));
it("Should have ended the hatching phase", async function() {
let isHatched = await this.isHatched();
describe("When we are outside the duration deadline", function() {
// do something with the time
describe("When we are not in the hatch phase", function() {
const amountToFundExtern = 400000;
beforeEach(async function() {
// problem. The msg.sender is the smart contract.
await this.reserveToken.approve(this.commonsToken.address, amountToFundExtern, {from: hatcherOne});
await this.commonsToken.hatchContribute(amountToFundExtern, {from: hatcherOne});
it('reverts', async function() {
await shouldFail.reverting(this.commonsToken.hatchContribute(amountToFundExtern, {from: hatcherOne}))
describe("fundsAllocated", function() {
describe("When the sender is the fundingPool", function() {
describe("When we have not yet allocated all the initial funds", function() {
describe("When we don't allocate all the initial funds", function() {
//totalUnlocked increases to less than 100%
describe("When we allocate all the initial funds", function() {
//totalUnlocked 100%
describe("When we allocate more than the initial funds", function() {
//totalUnlocked 100%
describe("When the sender is not the fundingPool", function() {
describe("burn", function() {
describe("When we are not in the hatching phase", function() {
describe("When the callee has enough internal tokens", function() {
// burn tokens
// transfer 1-friction to the callee in external token to the callee
// transfer fridction to the funding pool
describe("When the callee has not enough internal tokens", function() {
describe("When we are in the hatchin phase", function() {
describe("mint", function() {
describe("when we are not in the hatching phase", function() {
describe("When we are in the hatching phase", function() {
// scenarios

@@ -9,0 +198,0 @@ // 1. Init

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