A chip is a discrete interaction element conveying information that is
filterable, cancelable, and clickable. More information about chips can be found
in the
Material Design documentation.
npm install @graph-paper/core @graph-paper/chip
import { Chip, ChipSet } from '@graph-paper/chip';
<Chip>a plain chip</Chip>
<Chip disabled>a plain chip</Chip>
<Chip toggled={whichChip} on:click={() => { whichChip = true; }}>A</Chip>
<Chip toggled={whichChip} on:click={() => { whichChip = true; }}>B</Chip>
<Chip filterable toggled={whichChip} on:click={() => { whichChip = true; }}>
A filterable
<Chip filterable toggled={whichChip} on:click={() => { whichChip = true; }}>
B filterable
<Chip cancelable on:cancel={console.log}>
Cancelable Chip