Framer Next Pages
- Ability to create pages that are overlays over other pages.
- Ability to create multiple levels of overlays over other pages.
- Ability to create entry and exit animations.
- Ability to maintain a SharedComponent between multiple pages.
- Handles proper scroll position
This package does not provide any actual overlays, that is up to the
Create a pages/_app.ts
import { FramerNextPages } from '@graphcommerce/framer-next-pages'
import { AppPropsType } from 'next/dist/next-server/lib/utils'
export default function App({ router, Component, pageProps }: AppPropsType) {
return (
Enable Next's scrollRestoration
const config = {
experimental: {
scrollRestoration: true,
Creating overlays
Create a page that works as an overlay:
Define pageOptions on a page. This can be any static or dynamic page:
Example routes:
import { PageOptions } from '@graphcommerce/framer-next-pages'
export default function Overlay() {
return <MyOverlay>blabla</MyOverlay>
Overlay.pageOptions = {
overlayGroup: 'left',
} as PageOptions
Create an overlay that doesn't share the layout in a dynamic routes:
Define key
as router.asPath in pageOptions.
Example route:
import { PageOptions } from '@graphcommerce/framer-next-pages'
Overlay.pageOptions = {
overlayGroup: 'left',
sharedKey: (router) => router.asPath,
} as PageOptions
Create an overlay that shares the layout between different dynamic routs:
Define key
as a static value in pageOptions in your routes.
Example routes:
import { PageOptions } from '@graphcommerce/framer-next-pages'
Overlay.pageOptions = {
overlayGroup: 'left',
sharedKey: () => 'account',
} as PageOptions
To create a stable layout between multiple routes we can define a
Example route:
CmsPage.pageOptions = {
SharedComponent: LayoutSheet,
} as PageOptions
Passing props to a SharedComponent with sharedProps
CmsPage.pageOptions = {
SharedComponent: LayoutSheet,
sharedProps: { variant: 'bottom' },
} as PageOptions
Passing props to a SharedComponent with getStaticProps
export function getStaticProps() {
return {
variantMd: 'bottom',
Create a SharedComponent between multiple routes
const pageOptions: PageOptions<LayoutSheetProps> = {
SharedComponent: LayoutSheet,
sharedKey: () => 'page',
const pageOptions: PageOptions<LayoutSheetProps> = {
overlayGroup: 'account',
SharedComponent: LayoutSheet,
sharedKey: () => 'account',
We have multiple hooks available to animate based on certain states, etc.
export default function MyComponent() {
const { level, depth, direction } = usePageContext()
If we have multiple pages layered on top of each other we get the level the page
: level === 0
After navigating to overlay-one
: level === 0
: level === 1
After navigation to overlay-two
: level === 0
: level === 1
: level === 2
If we have multiple pages layered on top of each other we get the depth the page
: depth === 0
After navigating to overlay-one
: depth === -1
: depth === 0
After navigation to overlay-two
: depth === -2
: depth === -1
: depth === 0
- When navigating forward:
usePageContext().direction === 1
- When navigating back:
usePageContext().direction === -1
When navigating inside an overlay we need to be able to navigate back. We give a
count that shows us if we can go back
function MyComponent {
const { backSteps } = usePageContext();
const router = useRouter();
return <button onClick={backSteps > 0 && () => router.back()}>back</button>
When tying to close an overlay we need to be able to navigate back x-times to
close the overlay. So we give the times it needs to go back.
function MyComponent {
const { closeSteps } = usePageContext();
const go = useGo();
return <button onClick={closeSteps > 0 && () => go(closeSteps * -1)}>close</button>
Fallback routes
When an overlay is accessed by URL, it will render but it won't render as a
normal page. You can provide a fallback to render something in this case.
Creates a pageList
containing all the pages that should be rendered on top of
each other.
Each time a new page is provided to <FramerNextPages />
it will add them to
the pageList. This pageList is remembered when navigating between pages.
If an overlay is rendered, we find the closest 'regular' page (that isn't an
overlay) and render from that page until the current active page.
Uses Framer's
AnimatePresence to
animate pages in and out of existence.