Indexer Agent
graph-indexer-agent start
Start the agent
--ethereum Ethereum node or provider URL [string] [required]
--mnemonic Mnemonic for the wallet [string] [required]
Indexer Infrastructure
--graph-node-query-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for querying subgraphs
[string] [required]
--graph-node-status-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for indexing statuses etc.
[string] [required]
--graph-node-admin-endpoint Graph Node endpoint for applying and updating
subgraph deployments [string] [required]
--public-indexer-url Indexer endpoint for receiving requests from the
network [string] [required]
--indexer-geo-coordinates Coordinates describing the Indexer's location
using latitude and longitude
[array] [default: ["31.780715","-41.179504"]]
--index-node-ids Node IDs of Graph nodes to use for indexing
[array] [required]
--indexer-management-port Port to serve the indexer management API at
[number] [default: 8000]
Network Subgraph
--network-subgraph-deployment Network subgraph deployment [string]
--network-subgraph-endpoint Endpoint to query the network subgraph from
--default-allocation-amount Default amount of GRT to allocate to a subgraph
deployment [string] [default: "0.01"]
--postgres-host Postgres host [string] [required]
--postgres-port Postgres port [number] [default: 5432]
--postgres-username Postgres username [string] [default: "postgres"]
--postgres-password Postgres password [string] [default: ""]
--postgres-database Postgres database name [string] [required]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]