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@greatnonprofits-nfp/flow-editor - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.6.6 to 1.6.7



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@@ -20,0 +20,0 @@

@@ -7,738 +7,756 @@ ### Changelog

#### [v1.6.2](
#### [v1.6.7](
> 11 December 2019
- Lookup parameters validation [`#13`](
- Hotfix: shorten_url to call_shorten_url [`#12`](
- Feature/lookup giftcard [`#11`](
- Trackable links [`#10`](
- Lookup parameters [`#9`](
- Giftcard [`#8`](
- Fix Lookup [`#5`](
- Updated tests for timeout on less than 1 min [`#6`](
- Updated links to point to GreatNonprofits repo [`#4`](
- Added timeout for less than 1 minute [`#3`](
- WIP [`e2ccd19`](
- WIP - Adding new Lookup Flow Step [`5406b5b`](
- Add GiftCardRouterForm [`31d3e87`](
#### [v1.6.2](
> 28 June 2019
- Move dev dependencies into the proper place [`5a8a379`](
- Tweak post version command [`711414f`](
- Move dev dependencies into the proper place [`5a8a379`](
- Tweak post version command [`711414f`](
#### [v1.6.1](
#### [v1.6.1](
> 26 June 2019
- Fix loop when dragging new connection [`#656`](
- Fix infinite loop when dragging new connection [`de93fff`](
- Fix loop when dragging new connection [`#656`](
- Fix infinite loop when dragging new connection [`de93fff`](
#### [v1.6.0](
#### [v1.6.0](
> 25 June 2019
- Show error messages during async field creation [`#654`](
- Force save flag [`#652`](
- Changes to set language [`#649`](
- Update completion for @run.results [`#648`](
- Tweak alignment on attachments [`#647`](
- Use org language name if present, exclude default from set language [`1ee72dd`](
- Add flag to force saves on load [`03cca2e`](
- Remove quiet period on forced save [`11ec950`](
- Show error messages during async field creation [`#654`](
- Force save flag [`#652`](
- Changes to set language [`#649`](
- Update completion for @run.results [`#648`](
- Tweak alignment on attachments [`#647`](
- Use org language name if present, exclude default from set language [`1ee72dd`](
- Add flag to force saves on load [`03cca2e`](
- Remove quiet period on forced save [`11ec950`](
#### [v1.5.15](
#### [v1.5.15](
> 20 June 2019
#### [v1.5.13](
#### [v1.5.13](
> 20 June 2019
- Make default webhook payload more explicit [`#643`](
- Allow expressions in email recipients [`#636`](
- Add RFC-based header name validation [`#637`](
- Allow expressions on email addresses, fix styling [`43d9196`](
- Fix unit test for header name validation [`b764dae`](
- Make default webhook payload more explicit [`#643`](
- Allow expressions in email recipients [`#636`](
- Add RFC-based header name validation [`#637`](
- Allow expressions on email addresses, fix styling [`43d9196`](
- Fix unit test for header name validation [`b764dae`](
#### [v1.5.12](
#### [v1.5.12](
> 18 June 2019
- Styling [`#629`](
- Random split fixes [`#626`](
- Remove exits if bucket count shrinks on edit [`c09a557`](
- Add rendering test for named random split [`c99c134`](
- update travis build [`9766a6e`](
- Styling [`#629`](
- Random split fixes [`#626`](
- Remove exits if bucket count shrinks on edit [`c09a557`](
- Add rendering test for named random split [`c99c134`](
- update travis build [`9766a6e`](
#### [v1.5.11](
#### [v1.5.11](
> 10 June 2019
- Remove directory change on deploy [`bc4c242`](
- Remove directory change on deploy [`bc4c242`](
#### [v1.5.10](
#### [v1.5.10](
> 10 June 2019
- Fix deploy script [`3cf87ef`](
- Fix deploy script [`3cf87ef`](
#### [v1.5.9](
#### [v1.5.9](
> 10 June 2019
- Add deploy job for travis [`1f11f81`](
- Update publish command to defer to travis for deploy [`f12be47`](
- Add deploy job for travis [`1f11f81`](
- Update publish command to defer to travis for deploy [`f12be47`](
#### [v1.5.8](
#### [v1.5.8](
> 7 June 2019
#### [v1.5.7](
#### [v1.5.7](
> 7 June 2019
- Surveyor visibility [`#619`](
- Select boxes and conditional requires [`#617`](
- Make a best effort loading non-editor flows [`#616`](
- Conditional requires validation, better select styling [`db6ecf5`](
- More tests for gracefully handling missing \_ui [`d1edb07`](
- Fix visibility for various bits when editing surveyor flows [`68aef41`](
- Surveyor visibility [`#619`](
- Select boxes and conditional requires [`#617`](
- Make a best effort loading non-editor flows [`#616`](
- Conditional requires validation, better select styling [`db6ecf5`](
- More tests for gracefully handling missing \_ui [`d1edb07`](
- Fix visibility for various bits when editing surveyor flows [`68aef41`](
#### [v1.5.6](
#### [v1.5.6](
> 5 June 2019
- Tweak publish command, update readme [`105fa86`](
- Tweak publish command, update readme [`105fa86`](
#### [v1.5.5](
#### [v1.5.5](
> 5 June 2019
- Auto page through asset results [`#615`](
- Bugfixes [`#614`](
- Remove package-lock and update readme [`#613`](
- ⛑️ Fix splitting by contact URN [`#609`](
- 🗞️ Updates to auto-completion to reflect current engine context [`#605`](
- 🚑 Fix rendering of recent messages when using simulator [`#603`](
- Update test files [`624659d`](
- Update snap for completion [`f94c9b5`](
- Updates to auto-completion to reflect current engine context [`f010064`](
- Auto page through asset results [`#615`](
- Bugfixes [`#614`](
- Remove package-lock and update readme [`#613`](
- ⛑️ Fix splitting by contact URN [`#609`](
- 🗞️ Updates to auto-completion to reflect current engine context [`#605`](
- 🚑 Fix rendering of recent messages when using simulator [`#603`](
- Update test files [`624659d`](
- Update snap for completion [`f94c9b5`](
- Updates to auto-completion to reflect current engine context [`f010064`](
#### [v1.5.4](
#### [v1.5.4](
> 1 June 2019
- Update packages [`#601`](
- Fix arrow color on localize view, honor language order [`#600`](
- Show recent messages when using the simulator [`#599`](
- Recent Messages [`#597`](
- Bug fixes [`#596`](
- Run prettify globally for nicer diffs [`#595`](
- More package updates [`8915b15`](
- Make sure recents to take focus, nicer treatment [`728eae3`](
- Update axios and RTL [`82fbc9c`](
- Update packages [`#601`](
- Fix arrow color on localize view, honor language order [`#600`](
- Show recent messages when using the simulator [`#599`](
- Recent Messages [`#597`](
- Bug fixes [`#596`](
- Run prettify globally for nicer diffs [`#595`](
- More package updates [`8915b15`](
- Make sure recents to take focus, nicer treatment [`728eae3`](
- Update axios and RTL [`82fbc9c`](
#### [v1.5.3](
#### [v1.5.3](
> 26 May 2019
- Use relative links for static files [`d200216`](
- Use relative links for static files [`d200216`](
#### [v1.5.2](
#### [v1.5.2](
> 24 May 2019
- Enforce all localizations to be arrays [`#594`](
- Add unit tests [`#592`](
- Formatting [`#591`](
- Add tests for TextInputElement, remove unused index [`137805d`](
- Add base tests for some components [`45b100e`](
- Tweak formatting settings [`3054804`](
- Enforce all localizations to be arrays [`#594`](
- Add unit tests [`#592`](
- Formatting [`#591`](
- Add tests for TextInputElement, remove unused index [`137805d`](
- Add base tests for some components [`45b100e`](
- Tweak formatting settings [`3054804`](
#### [v1.5.1](
#### [v1.5.1](
> 18 May 2019
- Mark package as public, disable watchind on preversion tests [`c95fd44`](
- Mark package as public, disable watchind on preversion tests [`c95fd44`](
#### [v1.5.0](
#### [v1.5.0](
> 18 May 2019
- Inject [`#590`](
- Package update [`#589`](
- inject create react app [`4c7d540`](
- Update packages [`bb7114c`](
- Update audit vulns, and explicit react-redux dep [`07d29ff`](
- Inject [`#590`](
- Package update [`#589`](
- inject create react app [`4c7d540`](
- Update packages [`bb7114c`](
- Update audit vulns, and explicit react-redux dep [`07d29ff`](
#### [v1.4.19](
#### [v1.4.19](
> 14 May 2019
- Active state for buttons, better asset selector errors [`#588`](
- Show error styling for asset selector [`#587`](
- Show linebreaks for send message and send broadcast [`#586`](
- Active state for buttons better asset selector errors [`8e3adfa`](
- Make webhook result names required [`a84656d`](
- Active state for buttons, better asset selector errors [`#588`](
- Show error styling for asset selector [`#587`](
- Show linebreaks for send message and send broadcast [`#586`](
- Active state for buttons better asset selector errors [`8e3adfa`](
- Make webhook result names required [`a84656d`](
#### [v1.4.18](
#### [v1.4.18](
> 13 May 2019
- Don't allow scrolling while modal is open [`#584`](
- Allow shift+enter to trigger the dialog primary button [`#583`](
- Slightly nicer connection staggering [`#582`](
- Allow deletion of multiple nodes at once [`#581`](
- Get functions remotely [`#580`](
- Staggered connections from same node [`#579`](
- Add default content type for webhooks [`#578`](
- Fix issue with hybrid nodes splicing unnecessarily [`#577`](
- Don't allow empty send messages [`#576`](
- Drag helper, rework click model [`#575`](
- Add changelog [`a3586b4`](
- Drag helper, rework click model, oof. [`490bd9d`](
- Add auto-changelog [`0bd3d6b`](
- Don't allow scrolling while modal is open [`#584`](
- Allow shift+enter to trigger the dialog primary button [`#583`](
- Slightly nicer connection staggering [`#582`](
- Allow deletion of multiple nodes at once [`#581`](
- Get functions remotely [`#580`](
- Staggered connections from same node [`#579`](
- Add default content type for webhooks [`#578`](
- Fix issue with hybrid nodes splicing unnecessarily [`#577`](
- Don't allow empty send messages [`#576`](
- Drag helper, rework click model [`#575`](
- Add changelog [`a3586b4`](
- Drag helper, rework click model, oof. [`490bd9d`](
- Add auto-changelog [`0bd3d6b`](
#### [v1.4.17](
#### [v1.4.17](
> 8 May 2019
- Template status filtering and icons [`#573`](
- Capped categories and results [`#572`](
- Remove beautiful dnd in favor of something simpler and lighter weight [`#571`](
- Cap categories and result names, share result widget creation [`11f1f30`](
- Update tests for capped categories and results [`f6da82e`](
- template status filtering and icons [`f6be827`](
- Template status filtering and icons [`#573`](
- Capped categories and results [`#572`](
- Remove beautiful dnd in favor of something simpler and lighter weight [`#571`](
- Cap categories and result names, share result widget creation [`11f1f30`](
- Update tests for capped categories and results [`f6da82e`](
- template status filtering and icons [`f6be827`](
#### [v1.4.16](
#### [v1.4.16](
> 2 May 2019
- Bias arrows downward [`#568`](
- Rework nodes to use flexbox [`#567`](
- Add confirmX style [`fa402ba`](
- Update tests for subflow default [`c3c4e65`](
- Bias arrows downward [`#568`](
- Rework nodes to use flexbox [`#567`](
- Add confirmX style [`fa402ba`](
- Update tests for subflow default [`c3c4e65`](
#### [v1.4.14](
#### [v1.4.14](
> 1 May 2019
- Update completion options [`#565`](
- Audit operators, add has_time [`#564`](
- Webhook / Validation [`#563`](
- Add partial match creation on asset selector [`#561`](
- Validate result names [`#560`](
- Update webhook post and validation, refactor validators with more regexes [`9e1e28a`](
- Update completion options [`#565`](
- Audit operators, add has_time [`#564`](
- Webhook / Validation [`#563`](
- Add partial match creation on asset selector [`#561`](
- Validate result names [`#560`](
- Update webhook post and validation, refactor validators with more regexes [`9e1e28a`](
#### [v1.4.13](
#### [v1.4.13](
> 29 April 2019
- Sim updates [`#558`](
- Set Result Asset Selector [`#554`](
- Use asset selector for ret run result [`c467d31`](
- Add missing renders and clickable email details [`030a9e5`](
- Show out of flow messages and exit flow messages properly [`0175982`](
- Sim updates [`#558`](
- Set Result Asset Selector [`#554`](
- Use asset selector for ret run result [`c467d31`](
- Add missing renders and clickable email details [`030a9e5`](
- Show out of flow messages and exit flow messages properly [`0175982`](
#### [v1.4.12](
#### [v1.4.12](
> 26 April 2019
- Asset style [`#552`](
- Fixy [`#551`](
- Connectors [`#550`](
- Drag scroll [`#549`](
- Base canvas height on window height, scroll/expand when dragging new nodes [`a8d5130`](
- Add contact.uuid to completion [`3cc0907`](
- Add fixy saving balls [`de7155a`](
- Asset style [`#552`](
- Fixy [`#551`](
- Connectors [`#550`](
- Drag scroll [`#549`](
- Base canvas height on window height, scroll/expand when dragging new nodes [`a8d5130`](
- Add contact.uuid to completion [`3cc0907`](
- Add fixy saving balls [`de7155a`](
#### [v1.4.11](
#### [v1.4.11](
> 25 April 2019
- Honor result names for webhook based actions [`#547`](
- Add completion options for send broadcast and start session [`#546`](
- Attempt to eliminate trample save [`#545`](
- Update function tests [`64be5c7`](
- Add dark teal to palette [`26baeb6`](
- Tweak connector midpoints and gaps [`82eff83`](
- Honor result names for webhook based actions [`#547`](
- Add completion options for send broadcast and start session [`#546`](
- Attempt to eliminate trample save [`#545`](
- Update function tests [`64be5c7`](
- Add dark teal to palette [`26baeb6`](
- Tweak connector midpoints and gaps [`82eff83`](
#### [v1.4.10](
#### [v1.4.10](
> 24 April 2019
- Localized quick reply names [`#542`](
- Webhook config update [`#540`](
- Quick Reply updates [`#541`](
- Add result names to splits [`#539`](
- Update webhook-based routers to latest goflow expectations [`f30447f`](
- Reset quick replies after each sprint, confirm non-empty new entries [`c93380a`](
- Localized quick reply names [`#542`](
- Webhook config update [`#540`](
- Quick Reply updates [`#541`](
- Add result names to splits [`#539`](
- Update webhook-based routers to latest goflow expectations [`f30447f`](
- Reset quick replies after each sprint, confirm non-empty new entries [`c93380a`](
#### [v1.4.9](
#### [v1.4.9](
> 23 April 2019
- Bugfixes [`#538`](
- Fix result name references on load and loop detection [`be731bf`](
- Fix matching for asset names with case [`8b08a24`](
- Bugfixes [`#538`](
- Fix result name references on load and loop detection [`be731bf`](
- Fix matching for asset names with case [`8b08a24`](
#### [v1.4.8](
#### [v1.4.8](
> 22 April 2019
- Honor previous categories that have been renamed [`#537`](
- Fix fetching run results on load [`#536`](
- Update flow types to fix filtering, add formClearable to AssetSelector [`#535`](
- Add endpoint for editor to link subflows [`#534`](
- Don't trample slow revision creation [`#533`](
- Canvas updates [`#532`](
- Completion updates [`#531`](
- Show functions at the bottom, fix '@(field(' issue [`9b6415f`](
- Fix bumped exits with activity and right clicking on canvas [`b18c9ee`](
- Reenable blur [`0869e2b`](
- Honor previous categories that have been renamed [`#537`](
- Fix fetching run results on load [`#536`](
- Update flow types to fix filtering, add formClearable to AssetSelector [`#535`](
- Add endpoint for editor to link subflows [`#534`](
- Don't trample slow revision creation [`#533`](
- Canvas updates [`#532`](
- Completion updates [`#531`](
- Show functions at the bottom, fix '@(field(' issue [`9b6415f`](
- Fix bumped exits with activity and right clicking on canvas [`b18c9ee`](
- Reenable blur [`0869e2b`](
#### [v1.4.7](
#### [v1.4.7](
> 19 April 2019
- Fix flow filtering and no operand rules [`2f9071d`](
- Fix flow filtering and no operand rules [`2f9071d`](
#### [v1.4.6](
#### [v1.4.6](
> 19 April 2019
- Preserve operand on split by expression [`fca20db`](
- Update test for expression router [`bd240bc`](
- Preserve operand on split by expression [`fca20db`](
- Update test for expression router [`bd240bc`](
#### [v1.4.5](
#### [v1.4.5](
> 19 April 2019
- Allow looping through expressions and subflows. Searchable TypeList. [`ee52dfa`](
- Allow looping through expressions and subflows. Searchable TypeList. [`ee52dfa`](
#### [v1.4.4](
#### [v1.4.4](
> 19 April 2019
- Update definition for subflows [`9c0ac75`](
- Update definition for subflows [`9c0ac75`](
#### [v1.4.3](
#### [v1.4.3](
> 19 April 2019
- Trim cookie values [`f27a018`](
- Trim cookie values [`f27a018`](
#### [v1.4.2](
#### [v1.4.2](
> 19 April 2019
- Show errors on 500s [`50e813e`](
- Show errors on 500s [`50e813e`](
#### [v1.4.1](
#### [v1.4.1](
> 18 April 2019
- Add template configuration to SendMsg [`#510`](
- Add templates to preview [`6d31cbf`](
- Add template configuration to SendMsg [`#510`](
- Add templates to preview [`6d31cbf`](
#### [v1.4.0](
#### [v1.4.0](
> 17 April 2019
- Saving feedback [`#509`](
- Allow reverting to a specific revision [`#508`](
- update snapshot from functions [`7c56020`](
- Update functions [`d546b21`](
- Add feedback when saving [`926bc52`](
- Saving feedback [`#509`](
- Allow reverting to a specific revision [`#508`](
- update snapshot from functions [`7c56020`](
- Update functions [`d546b21`](
- Add feedback when saving [`926bc52`](
#### [v1.3.3](
#### [v1.3.3](
> 5 April 2019
- Add saving [`#505`](
- update snapshots for default operand [`5983f69`](
- Missed version [`91b0e60`](
- Tweak default wait operand [`18cb764`](
- Add saving [`#505`](
- update snapshots for default operand [`5983f69`](
- Missed version [`91b0e60`](
- Tweak default wait operand [`18cb764`](
#### [v1.3.0](
#### [v1.3.0](
> 5 April 2019
- Add empty flow treatment [`#504`](
- Add recent messages on exit rollover [`#502`](
- Allow activity to trigger callback [`#499`](
- Move timeout category details, remove timeout rule [`#498`](
- Fix field split [`#497`](
- Fix switching from router to action [`#496`](
- Make language selector a list instead of a dropdown [`#495`](
- Update operands to use constants [`#494`](
- Move waits under router [`#493`](
- Embed callbacks [`#492`](
- Redux activity [`#491`](
- Show starting node [`#488`](
- Update dependencies [`#487`](
- Add MultiChoice component [`#486`](
- Fix adding random using plus button [`#485`](
- Default category name on reuse [`#484`](
- Add contact field validation [`#481`](
- Slightly better reflow logic [`#478`](
- Decouple categories from exits [`#477`](
- Only show same type flows for subflow router [`#476`](
- Show active simulation bubble and keep it in view [`#475`](
- Only use twitterid scheme for AddURN [`#472`](
- Add simulation keypad drawer [`#473`](
- Loop detection [`#471`](
- Add support for relative date cases [`#469`](
- Use bounds only in canvas [`#468`](
- Fix react select styling on embed [`#465`](
- Issues with notes [`#463`](
- Snap to grid on drop [`#462`](
- Add quick replies to simulator [`#461`](
- Add surveyor routes and simulator attachments [`#452`](
- Add support for IVR [`#449`](
- Track references for flow results, mark invalid routers [`#447`](
- AddURN action [`#446`](
- Add completion for run results [`#445`](
- Fix remove all groups [`#444`](
- Remove cruft, match simulator tab [`#443`](
- Revision Explorer w/ PopTab [`#442`](
- Create fields on the fly, move to api v2 [`#440`](
- Switch on asset type based on creation flag [`#439`](
- Create labels on the fly, move to api v2 [`#438`](
- Create groups on the fly, switch to API v2 [`#437`](
- Update simulator to work with current flow engine [`#428`](
- Honor previous positions when rapidly updating dimensions [`#427`](
- Propagate position changes [`#426`](
- Fix select styles on new Chrome [`#425`](
- Add reflow to canvas [`#424`](
- Remove jquery, npm audit, use non-deprecated sass color functions [`69e45c2`](
- Modality filtering, add regex rule and validation [`bbf17a6`](
- Update snapshots [`f532838`](
- Add empty flow treatment [`#504`](
- Add recent messages on exit rollover [`#502`](
- Allow activity to trigger callback [`#499`](
- Move timeout category details, remove timeout rule [`#498`](
- Fix field split [`#497`](
- Fix switching from router to action [`#496`](
- Make language selector a list instead of a dropdown [`#495`](
- Update operands to use constants [`#494`](
- Move waits under router [`#493`](
- Embed callbacks [`#492`](
- Redux activity [`#491`](
- Show starting node [`#488`](
- Update dependencies [`#487`](
- Add MultiChoice component [`#486`](
- Fix adding random using plus button [`#485`](
- Default category name on reuse [`#484`](
- Add contact field validation [`#481`](
- Slightly better reflow logic [`#478`](
- Decouple categories from exits [`#477`](
- Only show same type flows for subflow router [`#476`](
- Show active simulation bubble and keep it in view [`#475`](
- Only use twitterid scheme for AddURN [`#472`](
- Add simulation keypad drawer [`#473`](
- Loop detection [`#471`](
- Add support for relative date cases [`#469`](
- Use bounds only in canvas [`#468`](
- Fix react select styling on embed [`#465`](
- Issues with notes [`#463`](
- Snap to grid on drop [`#462`](
- Add quick replies to simulator [`#461`](
- Add surveyor routes and simulator attachments [`#452`](
- Add support for IVR [`#449`](
- Track references for flow results, mark invalid routers [`#447`](
- AddURN action [`#446`](
- Add completion for run results [`#445`](
- Fix remove all groups [`#444`](
- Remove cruft, match simulator tab [`#443`](
- Revision Explorer w/ PopTab [`#442`](
- Create fields on the fly, move to api v2 [`#440`](
- Switch on asset type based on creation flag [`#439`](
- Create labels on the fly, move to api v2 [`#438`](
- Create groups on the fly, switch to API v2 [`#437`](
- Update simulator to work with current flow engine [`#428`](
- Honor previous positions when rapidly updating dimensions [`#427`](
- Propagate position changes [`#426`](
- Fix select styles on new Chrome [`#425`](
- Add reflow to canvas [`#424`](
- Remove jquery, npm audit, use non-deprecated sass color functions [`69e45c2`](
- Modality filtering, add regex rule and validation [`bbf17a6`](
- Update snapshots [`f532838`](
#### [v1.2.0](
#### [v1.2.0](
> 29 January 2019
- Updates for embedding [`#423`](
- Disable bootstrap input styling [`#422`](
- Prep for RP embed [`#419`](
- publish global wrapper function for embedding [`2abec60`](
- disable bootstrap input styling [`8e53623`](
- Forced styling for errors and asset selector [`cad063a`](
- Updates for embedding [`#423`](
- Disable bootstrap input styling [`#422`](
- Prep for RP embed [`#419`](
- publish global wrapper function for embedding [`2abec60`](
- disable bootstrap input styling [`8e53623`](
- Forced styling for errors and asset selector [`cad063a`](
#### [v1.1.11](
#### [v1.1.11](
> 24 January 2019
- Case Validation [`#418`](
- Remove border security when dragging [`#415`](
- You complete me [`#414`](
- Update contact [`#412`](
- Fix asset props for splits [`#411`](
- Move more dnd bits under canvas control [`#409`](
- Undraggable [`#408`](
- Prefetch assets used in completion [`#400`](
- Use tabs on dialog instead of flipper [`#398`](
- Add message attachments [`#397`](
- Add airtime transfer form [`#394`](
- Add resthook split [`#393`](
- Split by run result delimited [`#392`](
- Render state transition on AssetSelector [`#391`](
- Nested operand in configs [`#390`](
- Lean on prettierrc for formatting [`#389`](
- Random split [`#385`](
- Find assets for unnamed initial values [`#384`](
- Dedupe remote and local matches [`#383`](
- Updated selection [`#381`](
- Add split by contact field [`#380`](
- Reduce renders [`#379`](
- Cleanup up pointers on node removal [`#377`](
- Type switch UUID fix [`#376`](
- Properly clear pending connections [`#375`](
- Debug Options [`#374`](
- Remove and exclude for coverage [`#373`](
- Moar tests [`#372`](
- Add tests for CaseList [`#371`](
- Add case element tests [`#370`](
- More UpdateContact tests [`#369`](
- Webhook tests [`#368`](
- Collapse editor redux [`#367`](
- Fix security issues raised in npm audit [`#366`](
- Switching from a router to actions [`#365`](
- Seeded UUIDs [`#364`](
- Change preview endpoints to be inline with goflow [`#363`](
- Webhook GET [`#362`](
- Tweaks to make simulator work [`#361`](
- Download button [`#360`](
- 🚧 [WIP] Composed modal [`#359`](
- Tweak preview settings [`#358`](
- 🗃 Modules modules modules [`#357`](
- Absolute imports [`#356`](
- Move to webpack4 [`#355`](
- Turn on tsc for tests [`#354`](
- 🔡 Language assets [`#353`](
- Add Contact Fields to Completion Menu [`#351`](
- Add Missing Completion Options [`#350`](
- Wire SetRunResult action to Redux Store [`#347`](
- Update Contact Completion Options [`#346`](
- Add Result Properties to Autocomplete Menu [`#345`](
- Nest result state [`#339`](
- Fix #343 [`#344`](
- Fix #334 [`#342`](
- Form initialization [`#336`](
- WIP: Result Count Updates [`#328`](
- Move nodeToEdit and actionToEdit [`#335`](
- Set Contact Channel Action [`#332`](
- Revive Autocomplete [`#327`](
- Set Language Action [`#323`](
- Add checkbox icon to timeout control [`#329`](
- Storybook [`#314`](
- Storybook [`#314`](
- Migrate form validation to redux [`#326`](
- Quick replies [`#324`](
- Move EmailElement to TaggingElement [`#321`](
- Set contact name refactor [`#313`](
- Font checkbox [`#320`](
- New font name, more icons [`#319`](
- Start session [`#318`](
- Fix standalone broadcast [`#316`](
- Small rendering fixes [`#315`](
- More tests, shared node rendering [`#312`](
- Fix timeout control display logic [`#311`](
- Clickabilitay [`#310`](
- Send broadcast [`#301`](
- Add Label Action [`#308`](
- Apply isOptionUnique callback to GroupsElement [`#309`](
- Update Attribute Ref in SetContactAttribForm [`#307`](
- Fix footer style [`#306`](
- WIP: Wait timeouts [`#302`](
- Fix definition pruning [`#303`](
- Show missing cases, add operators [`#296`](
- make clearable [`14e4c5d`](
- move to webpack4 [`b1839ae`](
- address npm audit issues, switch travis to test node 10 instead of 7 [`211459e`](
- Case Validation [`#418`](
- Remove border security when dragging [`#415`](
- You complete me [`#414`](
- Update contact [`#412`](
- Fix asset props for splits [`#411`](
- Move more dnd bits under canvas control [`#409`](
- Undraggable [`#408`](
- Prefetch assets used in completion [`#400`](
- Use tabs on dialog instead of flipper [`#398`](
- Add message attachments [`#397`](
- Add airtime transfer form [`#394`](
- Add resthook split [`#393`](
- Split by run result delimited [`#392`](
- Render state transition on AssetSelector [`#391`](
- Nested operand in configs [`#390`](
- Lean on prettierrc for formatting [`#389`](
- Random split [`#385`](
- Find assets for unnamed initial values [`#384`](
- Dedupe remote and local matches [`#383`](
- Updated selection [`#381`](
- Add split by contact field [`#380`](
- Reduce renders [`#379`](
- Cleanup up pointers on node removal [`#377`](
- Type switch UUID fix [`#376`](
- Properly clear pending connections [`#375`](
- Debug Options [`#374`](
- Remove and exclude for coverage [`#373`](
- Moar tests [`#372`](
- Add tests for CaseList [`#371`](
- Add case element tests [`#370`](
- More UpdateContact tests [`#369`](
- Webhook tests [`#368`](
- Collapse editor redux [`#367`](
- Fix security issues raised in npm audit [`#366`](
- Switching from a router to actions [`#365`](
- Seeded UUIDs [`#364`](
- Change preview endpoints to be inline with goflow [`#363`](
- Webhook GET [`#362`](
- Tweaks to make simulator work [`#361`](
- Download button [`#360`](
- 🚧 [WIP] Composed modal [`#359`](
- Tweak preview settings [`#358`](
- 🗃 Modules modules modules [`#357`](
- Absolute imports [`#356`](
- Move to webpack4 [`#355`](
- Turn on tsc for tests [`#354`](
- 🔡 Language assets [`#353`](
- Add Contact Fields to Completion Menu [`#351`](
- Add Missing Completion Options [`#350`](
- Wire SetRunResult action to Redux Store [`#347`](
- Update Contact Completion Options [`#346`](
- Add Result Properties to Autocomplete Menu [`#345`](
- Nest result state [`#339`](
- Fix #343 [`#344`](
- Fix #334 [`#342`](
- Form initialization [`#336`](
- WIP: Result Count Updates [`#328`](
- Move nodeToEdit and actionToEdit [`#335`](
- Set Contact Channel Action [`#332`](
- Revive Autocomplete [`#327`](
- Set Language Action [`#323`](
- Add checkbox icon to timeout control [`#329`](
- Storybook [`#314`](
- Storybook [`#314`](
- Migrate form validation to redux [`#326`](
- Quick replies [`#324`](
- Move EmailElement to TaggingElement [`#321`](
- Set contact name refactor [`#313`](
- Font checkbox [`#320`](
- New font name, more icons [`#319`](
- Start session [`#318`](
- Fix standalone broadcast [`#316`](
- Small rendering fixes [`#315`](
- More tests, shared node rendering [`#312`](
- Fix timeout control display logic [`#311`](
- Clickabilitay [`#310`](
- Send broadcast [`#301`](
- Add Label Action [`#308`](
- Apply isOptionUnique callback to GroupsElement [`#309`](
- Update Attribute Ref in SetContactAttribForm [`#307`](
- Fix footer style [`#306`](
- WIP: Wait timeouts [`#302`](
- Fix definition pruning [`#303`](
- Show missing cases, add operators [`#296`](
- make clearable [`14e4c5d`](
- move to webpack4 [`b1839ae`](
- address npm audit issues, switch travis to test node 10 instead of 7 [`211459e`](
#### [v1.1.8](
#### [v1.1.8](
> 1 May 2018
- Remove sim logs [`#295`](
- remove sim logs [`f0eb69b`](
- Remove sim logs [`#295`](
- remove sim logs [`f0eb69b`](
#### [v1.1.7](
#### [v1.1.7](
> 1 May 2018
- independent engine endpoints [`3d22f79`](
- fix flow test [`1a91aef`](
- independent engine endpoints [`3d22f79`](
- fix flow test [`1a91aef`](
#### [v1.1.6](
#### [v1.1.6](
> 1 May 2018
- dont post to asset endpoints yet [`c188643`](
- dont post to asset endpoints yet [`c188643`](
#### [v1.1.5](
#### [v1.1.5](
> 1 May 2018
- Embed flow uuid in ele attribute [`#294`](
- embed flow uuid in ele attribute [`0b90d26`](
- Embed flow uuid in ele attribute [`#294`](
- embed flow uuid in ele attribute [`0b90d26`](
#### [v1.1.4](
#### [v1.1.4](
> 1 May 2018
- use preview as the node env [`#293`](
- fix git tagging [`650f88a`](
- use preview as the node env [`#293`](
- fix git tagging [`650f88a`](
#### [v1.1.3](
#### [v1.1.3](
> 1 May 2018
- Switch to different icon prefix [`#292`](
- Adjustments to prep for RP asset format [`#291`](
- Use asset service for simulation [`#290`](
- Remove use of label for ContactField [`#289`](
- Asset refactor [`#288`](
- AssetService for flows [`#287`](
- AssetService for ContactFields [`#284`](
- Draggable simulator [`#285`](
- AssetService for ContactFields Tweaks [`#286`](
- Rework package scoping [`#283`](
- AssetService for Groups [`#281`](
- Remove groups, flows, and fields from redux [`9f47dd8`](
- switch to different icon prefix [`d1eafd8`](
- fix tests [`93bbf88`](
- Switch to different icon prefix [`#292`](
- Adjustments to prep for RP asset format [`#291`](
- Use asset service for simulation [`#290`](
- Remove use of label for ContactField [`#289`](
- Asset refactor [`#288`](
- AssetService for flows [`#287`](
- AssetService for ContactFields [`#284`](
- Draggable simulator [`#285`](
- AssetService for ContactFields Tweaks [`#286`](
- Rework package scoping [`#283`](
- AssetService for Groups [`#281`](
- Remove groups, flows, and fields from redux [`9f47dd8`](
- switch to different icon prefix [`d1eafd8`](
- fix tests [`93bbf88`](
#### [v1.1.2](
#### [v1.1.2](
> 24 April 2018
- UMD build config for NPM [`#282`](
- Re-enable simulator in standalone mode [`#280`](
- Local Groups [`#275`](
- Declare custom matcher types [`#274`](
- Color Considerations [`#271`](
- Keep track of added contact fields [`#272`](
- Use palette red for removal [`#273`](
- Jesticulate [`#270`](
- Remove more references to non-test assets [`#269`](
- Find groups and fields when parsing initial flow [`#268`](
- Boring Pull Request [`#267`](
- Transition color change just for nic [`#266`](
- Move and rename test flows [`#265`](
- JAWS [`#264`](
- Stickies [`#262`](
- Flow coverage [`#261`](
- Router position [`#259`](
- Fix selector [`#258`](
- Embed Tweaks [`#257`](
- Drag to select [`#256`](
- Simulator Linting [`#255`](
- Fix 250 [`#252`](
- Store coverage [`#251`](
- Group widget now Groups widget [`#248`](
- lose assetHost [`#249`](
- two configs [`#245`](
- More coverage for store module [`#244`](
- Test: move asset endpoints to netlify [`#242`](
- SetContactAttribForm tests [`#240`](
- Moar coverage [`#239`](
- Fix gridding and parameterize it [`#237`](
- Rename Node to FlowNode to avoid colliding with dom [`#238`](
- Component tests [`#225`](
- Reflow [`#236`](
- Contact Attributes [`#230`](
- Mutator tests [`#232`](
- Add mutators, separate concerns for easier testing [`#231`](
- Fix update spec on reflow [`#227`](
- Fix z-index on drag [`#226`](
- Move to map based state for nodes [`#222`](
- Move to map based state for nodes [`#222`](
- Wrap jsplumb nodes so endpoints don't overlap [`#220`](
- Shadows only whilst dragging [`#219`](
- remove jason folder [`#218`](
- initial post-redux tests [`#213`](
- fix localization [`#214`](
- Cache async react-select options [`#216`](
- Redux - Main [`#186`](
- Redux - Main [`#186`](
- remove tests [`#212`](
- colocate redux actions, reducers [`#210`](
- fix router update [`#206`](
- fix router update [`#206`](
- fix flow list [`#205`](
- Create a custom click handler based on mouseDown and mouseUp [`#199`](
- Cleanup actions and type them [`#201`](
- action click fix [`#198`](
- updateRouter cleanup [`#189`](
- Make result name suggestion for new msg waits [`#181`](
- Only lint staged files on precommit [`#184`](
- Confirm delete styling [`#182`](
- prettify [`#183`](
- Update field help [`#178`](
- Don't show editor when dragging back to the same node [`#176`](
- Enforce prettier on commit [`#175`](
- Update actions [`#174`](
- Smooth drag [`#170`](
- icier canvas, a lot less grey [`#166`](
- Create expiration route when calling out to a flow [`#163`](
- Experiment: Brighter [`#155`](
- localization fix [`#162`](
- Result names [`#157`](
- multi-arg-case [`#153`](
- hot load scss globals [`#161`](
- load google fonts [`#147`](
- update actionlist [`#150`](
- character-counter [`#151`](
- close on select [`#148`](
- link to preview [`#146`](
- preview [`#142`](
- group split [`#135`](
- pin deps [`#138`](
- fix headers [`#137`](
- PUT option [`#125`](
- Add/remove groups [`#120`](
- Headers [`#124`](
- fix typo [`#121`](
- Update localization [`#102`](
- Update [`#94`](
- Reorder rules react beautiful dnd [`#90`](
- Lint node [`#82`](
- hot load sass w/ css-hot-loader [`#79`](
- remove instances of findDOMNode [`#81`](
- Localization pre population [`#80`](
- Button order [`#75`](
- Initial tests [`#72`](
- Use jest-enzyme matchers instead of global type defs [`#67`](
- Bump tests [`#65`](
- Jest in time [`#62`](
- Tooling [`#61`](
- Advanced config [`#59`](
- Add support for all_urns on Reply [`#58`](
- Refactor advanced forms to allow flipping [`#57`](
- Remove dependence on flowbase [`b9e71c1`](
- reintroduce react-dnd [`33bd181`](
- add jaws to track performance [`342509e`](
- UMD build config for NPM [`#282`](
- Re-enable simulator in standalone mode [`#280`](
- Local Groups [`#275`](
- Declare custom matcher types [`#274`](
- Color Considerations [`#271`](
- Keep track of added contact fields [`#272`](
- Use palette red for removal [`#273`](
- Jesticulate [`#270`](
- Remove more references to non-test assets [`#269`](
- Find groups and fields when parsing initial flow [`#268`](
- Boring Pull Request [`#267`](
- Transition color change just for nic [`#266`](
- Move and rename test flows [`#265`](
- JAWS [`#264`](
- Stickies [`#262`](
- Flow coverage [`#261`](
- Router position [`#259`](
- Fix selector [`#258`](
- Embed Tweaks [`#257`](
- Drag to select [`#256`](
- Simulator Linting [`#255`](
- Fix 250 [`#252`](
- Store coverage [`#251`](
- Group widget now Groups widget [`#248`](
- lose assetHost [`#249`](
- two configs [`#245`](
- More coverage for store module [`#244`](
- Test: move asset endpoints to netlify [`#242`](
- SetContactAttribForm tests [`#240`](
- Moar coverage [`#239`](
- Fix gridding and parameterize it [`#237`](
- Rename Node to FlowNode to avoid colliding with dom [`#238`](
- Component tests [`#225`](
- Reflow [`#236`](
- Contact Attributes [`#230`](
- Mutator tests [`#232`](
- Add mutators, separate concerns for easier testing [`#231`](
- Fix update spec on reflow [`#227`](
- Fix z-index on drag [`#226`](
- Move to map based state for nodes [`#222`](
- Move to map based state for nodes [`#222`](
- Wrap jsplumb nodes so endpoints don't overlap [`#220`](
- Shadows only whilst dragging [`#219`](
- remove jason folder [`#218`](
- initial post-redux tests [`#213`](
- fix localization [`#214`](
- Cache async react-select options [`#216`](
- Redux - Main [`#186`](
- Redux - Main [`#186`](
- remove tests [`#212`](
- colocate redux actions, reducers [`#210`](
- fix router update [`#206`](
- fix router update [`#206`](
- fix flow list [`#205`](
- Create a custom click handler based on mouseDown and mouseUp [`#199`](
- Cleanup actions and type them [`#201`](
- action click fix [`#198`](
- updateRouter cleanup [`#189`](
- Make result name suggestion for new msg waits [`#181`](
- Only lint staged files on precommit [`#184`](
- Confirm delete styling [`#182`](
- prettify [`#183`](
- Update field help [`#178`](
- Don't show editor when dragging back to the same node [`#176`](
- Enforce prettier on commit [`#175`](
- Update actions [`#174`](
- Smooth drag [`#170`](
- icier canvas, a lot less grey [`#166`](
- Create expiration route when calling out to a flow [`#163`](
- Experiment: Brighter [`#155`](
- localization fix [`#162`](
- Result names [`#157`](
- multi-arg-case [`#153`](
- hot load scss globals [`#161`](
- load google fonts [`#147`](
- update actionlist [`#150`](
- character-counter [`#151`](
- close on select [`#148`](
- link to preview [`#146`](
- preview [`#142`](
- group split [`#135`](
- pin deps [`#138`](
- fix headers [`#137`](
- PUT option [`#125`](
- Add/remove groups [`#120`](
- Headers [`#124`](
- fix typo [`#121`](
- Update localization [`#102`](
- Update [`#94`](
- Reorder rules react beautiful dnd [`#90`](
- Lint node [`#82`](
- hot load sass w/ css-hot-loader [`#79`](
- remove instances of findDOMNode [`#81`](
- Localization pre population [`#80`](
- Button order [`#75`](
- Initial tests [`#72`](
- Use jest-enzyme matchers instead of global type defs [`#67`](
- Bump tests [`#65`](
- Jest in time [`#62`](
- Tooling [`#61`](
- Advanced config [`#59`](
- Add support for all_urns on Reply [`#58`](
- Refactor advanced forms to allow flipping [`#57`](
- Remove dependence on flowbase [`b9e71c1`](
- reintroduce react-dnd [`33bd181`](
- add jaws to track performance [`342509e`](
#### [v1.1.0](
#### [v1.1.0](
> 7 July 2017
- Honor config path support optional activity endpoint [`fd01bb5`](
- npm publish after versioning [`8543631`](
- Honor config path support optional activity endpoint [`fd01bb5`](
- npm publish after versioning [`8543631`](
#### [v1.0.10](
#### [v1.0.10](
> 7 July 2017
- Add support for array-based localizations [`8f793a1`](
- Add support for array-based localizations [`8f793a1`](
#### [v1.0.9](
#### [v1.0.9](
> 6 July 2017
- Use current definition for flow in editor when simulating [`4e6cd38`](
- update node versions [`12caa64`](
- poke build [`3ef3464`](
- Use current definition for flow in editor when simulating [`4e6cd38`](
- update node versions [`12caa64`](
- poke build [`3ef3464`](
#### [v1.0.8](
#### [v1.0.8](
> 6 July 2017
- add postversion [`78a3eeb`](
- add postversion [`78a3eeb`](
#### [v1.0.7](
#### [v1.0.7](
> 6 July 2017
- Run tests and build:prod on version [`52c0141`](
- Use single-run for tests [`cf63cad`](
- Run tests and build:prod on version [`52c0141`](
- Use single-run for tests [`cf63cad`](
#### [v1.0.6](
#### [v1.0.6](
> 6 July 2017
- Support non-configured languages [`24c58b3`](
- Support non-configured languages [`24c58b3`](
#### [v1.0.5](
#### [v1.0.5](
> 6 July 2017
#### [v1.0.4](
#### [v1.0.4](
> 6 July 2017
- add .npmignore [`b4afccb`](
- Update [`cf84efe`](
- add .npmignore [`b4afccb`](
- Update [`cf84efe`](
#### [v1.0.3](
#### [v1.0.3](
> 6 July 2017
- Translations [`#56`](
- Add language editing state [`b2c60df`](
- Add license [`23b15b7`](
- Add exit translation [`102680b`](
- Translations [`#56`](
- Add language editing state [`b2c60df`](
- Add license [`23b15b7`](
- Add exit translation [`102680b`](
#### [v1.0.2](
#### [v1.0.2](
> 20 June 2017
- Introduce new NodeEditor [`a28d8f4`](
- Add advanced section for webhook [`3527231`](
- Remove NodeModal, make hybrids work on new editor [`5b92fb1`](
- Introduce new NodeEditor [`a28d8f4`](
- Add advanced section for webhook [`3527231`](
- Remove NodeModal, make hybrids work on new editor [`5b92fb1`](
#### [v1.0.1](
#### [v1.0.1](
> 14 June 2017
- update npm targets [`eea63c9`](
- update npm targets [`eea63c9`](

@@ -749,19 +767,19 @@ #### v1.0.0

- Fix tests [`#55`](
- Add simulation activity [`#44`](
- Add activity visualization for exits and active nodes [`#43`](
- Add configurable body for webhooks [`#42`](
- Add save flow result [`#41`](
- Rename name to result_name in router definition for consistency [`#36`](
- Completion [`#32`](
- Fix save to contact [`#30`](
- Hide sim [`#29`](
- Add split by expression, breaks existing flows [`#28`](
- Nested props [`#27`](
- styling for simulator, tweaks to simulation [`#26`](
- Allow removal of cases, fix empty case logic [`#25`](
- Reimplement simulator etc.. [`#1`](
- Underline webhook details in simulator. Fixes #48 [`#48`](
- Add css modules, use custom form elements [`8245dde`](
- fix widths for wait nodes [`fcbe5b3`](
- Add TitleBar and action/node removal. Add icon font. [`30116a4`](
- Fix tests [`#55`](
- Add simulation activity [`#44`](
- Add activity visualization for exits and active nodes [`#43`](
- Add configurable body for webhooks [`#42`](
- Add save flow result [`#41`](
- Rename name to result_name in router definition for consistency [`#36`](
- Completion [`#32`](
- Fix save to contact [`#30`](
- Hide sim [`#29`](
- Add split by expression, breaks existing flows [`#28`](
- Nested props [`#27`](
- styling for simulator, tweaks to simulation [`#26`](
- Allow removal of cases, fix empty case logic [`#25`](
- Reimplement simulator etc.. [`#1`](
- Underline webhook details in simulator. Fixes #48 [`#48`](
- Add css modules, use custom form elements [`8245dde`](
- fix widths for wait nodes [`fcbe5b3`](
- Add TitleBar and action/node removal. Add icon font. [`30116a4`](

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"repository": "git://",
"version": "1.6.6",
"version": "1.6.7",
"description": "'Standalone flow editing tool designed for use within the RapidPro suite of messaging tools but can be adopted for use outside of that ecosystem.'",

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ "browser": "umd/flow-editor.min.js",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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