Originally created by Leo Lamprecht, forked from v3.1.4.
This package lets you use Next.js for building the renderer of your Electron apps!
- In production, it ensures that the
protocol (which Electron uses to load your static assets in the renderer process) works properly with your Next.js bundle (generated by next export
). - While developing, it takes care of the whole flow required for building the renderer code.
Install: npm i @guildplanner.pro/electron-next
In Main code of your Electron app:
import prepareRenderer from '@guildplanner.pro/electron-next';
app.on('ready', async () => {
await prepareRenderer('./renderer');
See Next.js example.
await prepareRenderer(<path>, <port>)
): The path to the directory containing the renderer (relative to the app's root directory). If the paths for development
and production
aren't the same, this can be an object holding a development and a production key with their respective paths.<port>
, optional, defaults to 8000
): Used for running Next.js in development.