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@harperdb/nextjs - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.16 to 1.0.0-0



@@ -1,11 +0,14 @@

import fs from 'node:fs';
import path from 'node:path';
import url from 'node:url';
import child_process from 'node:child_process';
import assert from 'node:assert';
import { existsSync, statSync, readFileSync, openSync, writeSync, unlinkSync } from 'node:fs';
import { join } from 'node:path';
import { parse as urlParse } from 'node:url';
import { spawnSync } from 'node:child_process';
import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers/promises';
import { createRequire } from 'node:module';
import { performance } from 'node:perf_hooks';
import { tmpdir } from 'node:os';
import shellQuote from 'shell-quote';
class HarperDBNextJSExtensionError extends Error {}

@@ -16,11 +19,9 @@ * @typedef {Object} ExtensionOptions - The configuration options for the extension. These are all configurable via `config.yaml`.

* @property {boolean=} dev - Enable dev mode. Defaults to `false`.
* @property {string=} installCommand - A custom install command. Defaults to `npm install`.
* @property {number=} port - A port for the Next.js server. Defaults to the HarperDB HTTP Port.
* @property {boolean=} prebuilt - Instruct the extension to skip executing the `buildCommand`. Defaults to `false`.
* @property {number=} securePort - A (secure) port for the https Next.js server. Defaults to the HarperDB HTTP Secure Port.
* @property {boolean=} prebuilt - Instruct the extension to skip executing the `buildCommand`. Defaults to `false`.
* @property {string=} subPath - A sub path for serving request from. Defaults to `''`.
* Assert that a given option is a specific type
* Assert that a given option is a specific type, if it is defined.

@@ -32,5 +33,4 @@ * @param {string} name The name of the option

function assertType(name, option, expectedType) {
if (option) {
const found = typeof option;
assert.strictEqual(found, expectedType, `${name} must be type ${expectedType}. Received: ${found}`);
if (option && typeof option !== expectedType) {
throw new HarperDBNextJSExtensionError(`${name} must be type ${expectedType}. Received: ${typeof option}`);

@@ -40,3 +40,4 @@ }

* Resolves the incoming extension options into a config for use throughout the extension
* Resolves the incoming extension options into a config for use throughout the extension.
* @param {ExtensionOptions} options - The options object to be resolved into a configuration

@@ -64,42 +65,26 @@ * @returns {Required<ExtensionOptions>}

assertType('buildCommand', options.buildCommand, 'string');
assertType('buildOnly', options.buildOnly, 'boolean');
assertType('dev',, 'boolean');
assertType('installCommand', options.installCommand, 'string');
assertType('port', options.port, 'number');
assertType('prebuilt', options.prebuilt, 'boolean');
assertType('securePort', options.securePort, 'number');
assertType('prebuilt', options.prebuilt, 'boolean');
assertType('subPath', options.subPath, 'string');
// Remove leading and trailing slashes from subPath
if (options.subPath?.[0] === '/') {
options.subPath = options.subPath.slice(1);
if (options.subPath?.[options.subPath?.length - 1] === '/') {
options.subPath = options.subPath.slice(0, -1);
return {
const config = {
buildCommand: options.buildCommand ?? 'npx next build',
buildOnly: options.buildOnly ?? false,
dev: ?? false,
installCommand: options.installCommand ?? 'npm install',
port: options.port,
prebuilt: options.prebuilt ?? false,
securePort: options.securePort,
prebuilt: options.prebuilt ?? false,
subPath: options.subPath ?? '',
cache: options.cache ?? false,
class NextJSAppVerificationError extends Error {}
logger.debug('@harperdb/nextjs extension configuration:\n' + JSON.stringify(config, undefined, 2));
const nextJSAppCache = {};
return config;
* This function verifies if the input is a Next.js app through a couple of
* verification methods. It does not return nor throw anything. It will either
* succeed (and return the path to the Next.js main file), or log an error to
* `logger.fatal` and exit the process with exit code 1.
* verification methods. See the implementation for details.
* Additionally, it memoizes previous verifications.
* @param {string} componentPath

@@ -109,15 +94,13 @@ * @returns {string} The path to the Next.js main file

function assertNextJSApp(componentPath) {
logger.debug(`Verifying ${componentPath} is a Next.js application`);
try {
if (nextJSAppCache[componentPath]) {
return nextJSAppCache[componentPath];
if (!existsSync(componentPath)) {
throw new HarperDBNextJSExtensionError(`The folder ${componentPath} does not exist`);
if (!fs.existsSync(componentPath)) {
throw new NextJSAppVerificationError(`The folder ${componentPath} does not exist`);
if (!statSync(componentPath).isDirectory) {
throw new HarperDBNextJSExtensionError(`The path ${componentPath} is not a folder`);
if (!fs.statSync(componentPath).isDirectory) {
throw new NextJSAppVerificationError(`The path ${componentPath} is not a folder`);
// Couple options to check if its a Next.js project

@@ -136,14 +119,12 @@ // 1. Check for Next.js config file (next.config.{js|mjs|ts})

// Check for Next.js Config
const configExists = ['js', 'mjs', 'ts'].some((ext) =>
fs.existsSync(path.join(componentPath, `next.config.${ext}`))
const configExists = ['js', 'mjs', 'ts'].some((ext) => existsSync(join(componentPath, `next.config.${ext}`)));
// Check for dependency
let nextJSExists;
const packageJSONPath = path.join(componentPath, 'package.json');
if (fs.existsSync(packageJSONPath)) {
const packageJSON = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJSONPath));
let dependencyExists = false;
const packageJSONPath = join(componentPath, 'package.json');
if (existsSync(packageJSONPath)) {
const packageJSON = JSON.parse(readFileSync(packageJSONPath));
for (let dependencyList of ['dependencies', 'devDependencies', 'peerDependencies', 'optionalDependencies']) {
if (packageJSON[dependencyList]?.['next']) {
nextJSExists = true;
dependencyExists = true;

@@ -153,16 +134,12 @@ }

if (!configExists && !nextJSExists) {
throw new NextJSAppVerificationError(
if (!configExists && !dependencyExists) {
throw new HarperDBNextJSExtensionError(
`Could not determine if ${componentPath} is a Next.js project. It is missing both a Next.js config file and the "next" dependency in package.json`
nextJSAppCache[componentPath] = nextJSExists;
return nextJSExists;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof NextJSAppVerificationError) {
logger.fatal(`Component path is not a Next.js application: `, error.message);
if (error instanceof HarperDBNextJSExtensionError) {
logger.fatal(`Component path is not a Next.js application: ` + error.message);
} else {
logger.fatal(`Unexpected Error thrown during Next.js Verification: `, error);
logger.fatal(`Unexpected Error thrown during Next.js Verification: ` + error.toString());

@@ -175,44 +152,3 @@

* Execute a command as a promise and wait for it to exit before resolving.
* Will automatically stream output to stdio when log level is set to debug.
* @param {string} commandInput The command string to be parsed and executed
* @param {string} componentPath The path to the application component
* @param {boolean=} debug Print debugging information. Defaults to false
function executeCommand(commandInput, componentPath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const [command, ...args] = shellQuote.parse(commandInput);
const cp = child_process.spawn(command, args, {
cwd: componentPath,
env: {
PATH: `${process.env.PATH}:${componentPath}/node_modules/.bin`,
stdio: ['info', 'debug', 'trace'].includes(logger.log_level) ? 'inherit' : 'ignore',
cp.on('error', (error) => {
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
logger.fatal(`Command: \`${commandInput}\` not found. Make sure it is included in PATH.`);
cp.on('exit', (exitCode) => {
logger.debug(`Command: \`${commandInput}\` exited with ${exitCode}`);
* This method is executed once, on the main thread, and is responsible for
* returning a Resource Extension that will subsequently be executed once,
* on the main thread.
* The Resource Extension is responsible for installing application component
* dependencies and running the application build command.
* @param {ExtensionOptions} options

@@ -224,47 +160,16 @@ * @returns

logger.debug('Next.js Extension Configuration:', JSON.stringify(config, undefined, 2));
return {
async setupDirectory(_, componentPath) {`Next.js Extension is setting up ${componentPath}`);
const componentRequire = createRequire(componentPath);
// Some Next.js apps will include cwd relative operations throughout the application (generally in places like `next.config.js`).
// So set the cwd to the component path by default.
if (options.useAsCWD !== false) {
// Change the current working directory to the component path, a lot of Next.js components expect this
// (although not Next.js itself)
if (config.buildOnly) {
await build(config, componentPath);'@harperdb/nextjs extension build only mode is enabled, exiting');
try {
} catch (error) {
if (!config.prebuilt) {
await executeCommand(config.installCommand, componentPath);
try {
} catch (error) {
logger.error('Next.js not found after installing dependencies');
if (!config.prebuilt && ! {
const timerStart =;
await executeCommand(config.buildCommand, componentPath);
const timerStop =;
const duration = timerStop - timerStart;`The build took ${((duration % 60000) / 1000).toFixed(2)} seconds`);
// Send build time to HDB analtyics
let pathString = componentPath.toString().slice(0, -1);
const projectDirectoryName = pathString.split('/').pop();
server.recordAnalytics(duration, 'nextjs_build_time_in_milliseconds', projectDirectoryName);
if (config.buildOnly) process.exit(0);
return true;

@@ -288,43 +193,145 @@ },

const config = resolveConfig(options);
return {
async handleDirectory(_, componentPath) {`Next.js Extension is creating Next.js Request Handlers for ${componentPath}`);
// Assert the component path is a Next.js app. This will throw if it is not.
const componentRequire = createRequire(componentPath);
// Setup (build) the component.
const next = (await import(componentRequire.resolve('next'))).default;
// Prebuilt mode requires validating the `.next` directory exists
if (config.prebuilt && !fs.existsSync(path.join(componentPath, '.next'))) {
throw new HarperDBNextJSExtensionError('Prebuilt mode is enabled, but the .next folder does not exist');
const app = next({ dir: componentPath, dev: });
// In non prebuilt or dev modes, build the Next.js app.
// This only needs to happen once, on a single thread.
// All threads need to wait for this to complete.
if (!config.prebuilt && ! {
await build(config, componentPath);
await app.prepare();
// Start the Next.js server
await serve(config, componentPath);
const requestHandler = app.getRequestHandler();
return true;
const servers = options.server.http(
async (request, nextHandler) => {
if (config.subPath && !request._nodeRequest.url.startsWith(`/${config.subPath}/`)) {
return nextHandler(request);
* Build the Next.js application located at `componentPath`.
* Uses a lock file to ensure only one thread builds the application.
* @param {Required<ExtensionOptions>} config
* @param {string} componentPath
async function build(config, componentPath) {
// Theoretically, all threads should have roughly the same start time
const startTime =;
const buildLockPath = join(tmpdir(), '.harperdb-nextjs-build.lock');
while (true) {
try {
// Open lock
const buildLockFD = openSync(buildLockPath, 'wx');
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'EEXIST') {
try {
// Check if the lock is stale
if (statSync(buildLockPath).mtimeMs < startTime - 100) {
// The lock was created before (with a 100ms tolerance) any of the threads started building.
// Safe to consider it stale and remove it.
let nodeRequest = request._nodeRequest;
nodeRequest.url = config.subPath
? nodeRequest.url.replace(new RegExp(`^\/${config.subPath}\/`), '/')
: nodeRequest.url;
return requestHandler(nodeRequest, request._nodeResponse, url.parse(nodeRequest.url, true));
{ port: config.port, securePort: config.securePort }
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
// The lock was removed by another thread.
if ( {
const upgradeHandler = app.getUpgradeHandler();
servers[0].on('upgrade', (req, socket, head) => {
return upgradeHandler(req, socket, head);
throw error;
// Wait for a second and try again
await setTimeout(1000);
return true;
throw error;
try {
// Check if the .next/BUILD_ID file is fresh
if (statSync(join(componentPath, '.next', 'BUILD_ID')).mtimeMs > startTime) {
} catch (error) {
// If the build id file does not exist, continue to building
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') {
// All other errors should be thrown
throw error;
// Build
const [command, ...args] = shellQuote.parse(config.buildCommand);
const timerStart =;
const { stdout, stderr, status, error } = spawnSync(command, args, {
cwd: componentPath,
encoding: 'utf-8',
if (status === 0) {
if (stdout);
const duration = - timerStart;`The Next.js build took ${((duration % 60000) / 1000).toFixed(2)} seconds`);
componentPath.toString().slice(0, -1).split('/').pop()
} else {
if (stderr) logger.error(stderr);
if (error) logger.error(error);
// Release lock and exit
* Serve the Next.js application located at `componentPath`.
* The app must be built before calling this function.
* @param {Required<ExtensionOptions>} config
* @param {string} componentPath
async function serve(config, componentPath) {
const componentRequire = createRequire(componentPath);
const next = (await import(componentRequire.resolve('next'))).default;
const app = next({ dir: componentPath, dev: });
await app.prepare();
const requestHandler = app.getRequestHandler();
const servers = server.http(
(request) => requestHandler(request._nodeRequest, request._nodeResponse, urlParse(request._nodeRequest.url, true)),
{ port: config.port, securePort: config.securePort }
if ( {
const upgradeHandler = app.getUpgradeHandler();
servers[0].on('upgrade', (req, socket, head) => {
return upgradeHandler(req, socket, head);
"name": "@harperdb/nextjs",
"version": "0.0.16",
"version": "1.0.0-0",
"type": "module",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "description": "A HarperDB Component for running Next.js apps.",

@@ -87,2 +87,14 @@ # @harperdb/nextjs

HarperDB relies on native dependencies and must be configured as an external package. In Next.js v14, update the next.config.js `webpack` option with:
webpack: (config) => {
harperdb: 'commonjs harperdb',
return config;
## Options

@@ -106,11 +118,5 @@

### `installCommand: string`
Specify an install command. Defaults to `npm install`.
> Note: the extension will skip installing dependencies if it detects a `node_modules` folder in the application component.
### `port: number`
Specify a port for the Next.js server. Defaults to `9926`.
Specify a port for the Next.js server. Defaults to the HarperDB default port (generally `9926`).

@@ -121,5 +127,5 @@ ### `prebuilt: boolean`

### `subPath: string`
### `port: number`
Specify a sub path to route requests from. For example, with `subPath: 'harperdb'`, any requests within the Next.js app to that path, such as `/harperdb/image.png`, will be rerouted to `/image.png`. Defaults to `''`.
Specify a secure port for the Next.js server. Defaults to the HarperDB default secure port.

@@ -126,0 +132,0 @@ ## CLI

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