Node.js SDK for Hoist
$ npm install @hoist/node-sdk
Quick Start
var Hoist = require('@hoist/node-sdk');
Creating Connector Authorization
connector: 'xxx',
bucketKey: 'xxx',
returnUrl: 'xxx'
}).then(function(url) {
connector: 'xxx',
bucketKey: 'xxx',
returnUrl: 'xxx'
}, function(err, url) {
Use the connector key you set up in the portal.
If both the return URL and bucket key are set; the user will be authenticated, the token is stored against them, and the user is redirected to the return URL.
If the return URL isn't set and the bucket key is set; the user will see a success screen showing the logo of the service they're connecting to and a success message.
If the return URL is set and the bucket key isn't set; the token will be appended to the URL in the querystring of the return URL on redirect.
If neither the return URL or bucket key are set; the user will see a success screen with the logo of the service they're connecting to, and the token that needs to be stored.
Listening to events
Hoist.on("EVENTNAME", function(event) {
Removing event listeners
Hoist.off("EVENTNAME", function() { });
If you specify the method to remove, any other listener under that event will be retained. If you only specify the eventname, al events with that name will be removed.
Raising events
Hoist.raise("EVENTNAME", {});