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@hpcc-js/common - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.73.0 to 3.1.0



"name": "@hpcc-js/common",
"version": "2.73.0",
"version": "3.1.0",
"description": "hpcc-js - Viz Common",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.es6",
"unpkg": "dist/index.min.js",
"jsdelivr": "dist/index.min.js",
"types": "types/index.d.ts",
"typesVersions": {
"<3.8": {
"*": [
"type": "module",
"exports": {
".": {
"types": "./types/index.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/index.js"
"module": "./dist/index.js",
"browser": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./types/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf --glob lib* types dist *.tsbuildinfo",
"copy-resources": "cpx \"../../node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/*\" \"./font-awesome/fonts\" && cpx \"../../node_modules/font-awesome/css/*\" \"./font-awesome/css\"",
"compile-es6": "tsc --module es6 --outDir ./lib-es6",
"compile-es6-watch": "npm run compile-es6 -- -w",
"compile-umd": "tsc --module umd --outDir ./lib-umd",
"compile-umd-watch": "npm run compile-umd -- -w",
"bundle": "rollup -c",
"bundle-watch": "npm run bundle -- -w",
"minimize": "terser dist/index.js -c -m --source-map \"content='dist/',url=''\" -o dist/index.min.js",
"gen-legacy-types": "downlevel-dts ./types ./types-3.4",
"build": "npm run compile-es6 && npm run copy-resources && npm run bundle",
"watch": "npm-run-all compile-es6 -p compile-es6-watch bundle-watch",
"clean": "rimraf --glob lib* types dist *.tsbuildinfo .turbo",
"bundle": "node esbuild.js",
"bundle-watch": "npm run bundle -- --development --watch",
"gen-types": "tsc --project tsconfig.json",
"gen-types-watch": "npm run gen-types -- --watch",
"build": "run-p gen-types bundle",
"stamp": "node ../../node_modules/@hpcc-js/bundle/src/stamp.js",
"lint": "eslint ./src",
"lint-fix": "eslint --fix src/**/*.ts",
"docs": "typedoc --options tdoptions.json .",
"update": "npx --yes npm-check-updates -u -t minor"
"test-browser": "vitest run --project browser",
"test": "vitest run",
"coverage": "vitest run --coverage",
"update": "npx -y npm-check-updates -u -t minor"
"dependencies": {
"@hpcc-js/util": "^2.53.0",
"@hpcc-js/util": "^3.1.0",
"@types/d3-array": "1.2.12",

@@ -55,10 +50,10 @@ "@types/d3-brush": "1.1.8",

"@types/d3-scale": "1.0.22",
"@types/d3-selection": "1.4.6",
"@types/d3-selection": "1.4.7",
"@types/d3-time-format": "2.3.4",
"@types/d3-transition": "1.3.5",
"@types/d3-transition": "1.3.6",
"@types/d3-zoom": "1.8.7"
"devDependencies": {
"@hpcc-js/bundle": "^2.12.0",
"colorbrewer": "1.5.6",
"@hpcc-js/esbuild-plugins": "^1.2.0",
"colorbrewer": "1.5.7",
"d3-array": "^1",

@@ -80,4 +75,3 @@ "d3-brush": "^1",

"d3-zoom": "^1",
"font-awesome": "4.7.0",
"tslib": "2.7.0"
"font-awesome": "4.7.0"

@@ -95,3 +89,3 @@ "repository": {

"homepage": "",
"gitHead": "fbbef050700b0e9d76ef99714856383d95155149"
"gitHead": "3f6146539f487dca08a35cdd5f94ca29609b4343"
export const PKG_NAME = "@hpcc-js/common";
export const PKG_VERSION = "2.73.0";
export const PKG_VERSION = "3.1.0";
export const BUILD_VERSION = "2.107.0";

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget.ts";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ export class CanvasWidget extends HTMLWidget {

@@ -15,4 +15,9 @@ import { classID2Meta, ClassMeta } from "@hpcc-js/util";

export class Class {
static _class: string;
_class: string;
constructor() {
this._class = Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._class;
class(): string;

@@ -19,0 +24,0 @@ class(_: string): this;

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ import { deviation as d3Deviation, max as d3Max, mean as d3Mean, median as d3Median, min as d3Min, sum as d3Sum, variance as d3Variance } from "d3-array";

import { timeFormat as d3TimeFormat, timeParse as d3TimeParse } from "d3-time-format";
import { PropertyExt } from "./PropertyExt";
import * as Utility from "./Utility";
import { PropertyExt } from "./PropertyExt.ts";
import * as Utility from "./Utility.ts";

@@ -177,6 +177,2 @@ const d3Aggr = {

label_default: { (): string; (x: string): Field; };
label: { (): string; (x: string): Field; };
mask: { (): string; (x: string): Field; };
format: { (): string; (x: string): Field; };

@@ -186,4 +182,12 @@ Field.prototype._class += " common_Database.Field";

export interface Field {
label(): string;
label(_: string): this;
label_default(): string;
label_default(_: string): this;
type(): FieldType;
type(_: FieldType): this;
mask(): string;
mask(_: string): this;
format(): string;
format(_: string): this;

@@ -190,0 +194,0 @@

import { local as d3Local } from "d3-selection";
import { Icon } from "./Icon";
import { Shape } from "./Shape";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { Text } from "./Text";
import { BBox, Widget } from "./Widget";
import { Icon } from "./Icon.ts";
import { Shape } from "./Shape.ts";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import { Text } from "./Text.ts";
import { BBox, Widget } from "./Widget.ts";

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ export interface IAnnotation {

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Entity } from "./Entity";
import { Entity } from "./Entity.ts";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ export class EntityCard extends Entity {

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Entity } from "./Entity";
import { Entity } from "./Entity.ts";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ export class EntityPin extends Entity {

import { local as d3Local, select as d3Select } from "d3-selection";
import { Entity } from "./Entity";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget";
import { publish } from "./PropertyExt";
import * as Utility from "./Utility";
import { InputField } from "./Widget";
import { Entity } from "./Entity.ts";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget.ts";
import * as Utility from "./Utility.ts";
import { InputField } from "./Widget.ts";

@@ -98,33 +97,2 @@ import "../src/EntityRect.css";

@publish(64, "number", "fixedHeight")
fixedHeight: publish<this, number>;
@publish("#f8f8f8", "string", "Default Background Color", null, { inputType: "html-color" })
backgroundColor: publish<this, string>;
@publish(null, "set", "Background Color Column", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true })
backgroundColorColumn: publish<this, string>;
@publish("black", "string", "Default Border Color", null, { inputType: "html-color" })
borderColor: publish<this, string>;
@publish(null, "set", "Border Color Column", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true })
borderColorColumn: publish<this, string>;
@publish("", "string", "Icon")
icon: publish<this, string>;
@publish(null, "set", "Icon Column", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true })
iconColumn: publish<this, string>;
@publish("red", "string", "Default Icon Color", null, { inputType: "html-color" })
iconColor: publish<this, string>;
@publish(null, "set", "Icon Color Column ", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true })
iconColorColumn: publish<this, string>;
@publish(null, "set", "Title Column", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true })
titleColumn: publish<this, string>;
@publish("black", "string", "Default Title Color", null, { inputType: "html-color" })
titleColor: publish<this, string>;
@publish(null, "set", "Title Color Column ", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true })
titleColorColumn: publish<this, string>;
@publish(null, "set", "Description Column", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true })
descriptionColumn: publish<this, string>;
@publish("black", "string", "Default Description Color", null, { inputType: "html-color" })
descriptionColor: publish<this, string>;
@publish(null, "set", "Description Color Column ", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true })
descriptionColorColumn: publish<this, string>;
private _enityRectLocal = d3Local<EntityRect>();

@@ -238,1 +206,51 @@

EntityRectList.prototype._class += " common_EntityRectList";
export interface EntityRectList {
fixedHeight(): number;
fixedHeight(_: number): this;
backgroundColor(): string;
backgroundColor(_: string): this;
backgroundColorColumn(): string;
backgroundColorColumn(_: string): this;
borderColor(): string;
borderColor(_: string): this;
borderColorColumn(): string;
borderColorColumn(_: string): this;
icon(): string;
icon(_: string): this;
iconColumn(): string;
iconColumn(_: string): this;
iconColor(): string;
iconColor(_: string): this;
iconColorColumn(): string;
iconColorColumn(_: string): this;
titleColumn(): string;
titleColumn(_: string): this;
titleColor(): string;
titleColor(_: string): this;
titleColorColumn(): string;
titleColorColumn(_: string): this;
descriptionColumn(): string;
descriptionColumn(_: string): this;
descriptionColor(): string;
descriptionColor(_: string): this;
descriptionColorColumn(): string;
descriptionColorColumn(_: string): this;
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("fixedHeight", 64, "number", "fixedHeight");
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("backgroundColor", "#f8f8f8", "string", "Default Background Color", null, { inputType: "html-color" });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("backgroundColorColumn", null, "set", "Background Color Column", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("borderColor", "black", "string", "Default Border Color", null, { inputType: "html-color" });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("borderColorColumn", null, "set", "Border Color Column", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("icon", "", "string", "Icon");
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("iconColumn", null, "set", "Icon Column", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("iconColor", "red", "string", "Default Icon Color", null, { inputType: "html-color" });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("iconColorColumn", null, "set", "Icon Color Column ", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("titleColumn", null, "set", "Title Column", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("titleColor", "black", "string", "Default Title Color", null, { inputType: "html-color" });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("titleColorColumn", null, "set", "Title Color Column ", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("descriptionColumn", null, "set", "Description Column", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("descriptionColor", "black", "string", "Default Description Color", null, { inputType: "html-color" });
EntityRectList.prototype.publish("descriptionColorColumn", null, "set", "Description Color Column ", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true });

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { Entity } from "./Entity";
import { TextBox } from "./TextBox";
import { Entity } from "./Entity.ts";
import { TextBox } from "./TextBox.ts";

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ export class EntityVertex extends Entity {

import { select as d3Select } from "d3-selection";
import { Widget } from "./Widget";
import { Widget } from "./Widget.ts";

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ export class HTMLWidget extends Widget {

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { FAChar } from "./FAChar";
import { textColor } from "./Palette";
import { Shape } from "./Shape";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { FAChar } from "./FAChar.ts";
import { textColor } from "./Palette.ts";
import { Shape } from "./Shape.ts";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";

@@ -141,16 +141,28 @@ import "../src/Icon.css";

shape: { (): string; (_: string): Icon; };
faChar: { (): string; (_: string): Icon; };
imageUrl: { (): string; (_: string): Icon; };
image_colorFill: { (): string; (_: string): Icon; };
image_colorFill_exists: () => boolean;
tooltip: { (): string; (_: string): Icon; };
diameter: { (): number; (_: number): Icon; };
paddingPercent: { (): number; (_: number): Icon; };
shape_colorFill: { (): string; (_: string): Icon; };
shape_colorFill_exists: () => boolean;
shape_colorStroke: { (): string; (_: string): Icon; };
Icon.prototype._class += " common_Icon";
export interface Icon {
shape(): string;
shape(_: string): this;
faChar(): string;
faChar(_: string): this;
imageUrl(): string;
imageUrl(_: string): this;
image_colorFill(): string;
image_colorFill(_: string): this;
image_colorFill_exists(): boolean;
tooltip(): string;
tooltip(_: string): this;
diameter(): number;
diameter(_: number): this;
paddingPercent(): number;
paddingPercent(_: number): this;
shape_colorFill(): string;
shape_colorFill(_: string): this;
shape_colorFill_exists(): boolean;
shape_colorStroke(): string;
shape_colorStroke(_: string): this;
Icon.prototype.publish("shape", "circle", "set", "Shape Type", ["circle", "square"], { tags: ["Private"] });

@@ -157,0 +169,0 @@ Icon.prototype.publishProxy("faChar", "_faChar", "char");

import { select as d3Select } from "d3-selection";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget.ts";

@@ -81,11 +81,20 @@ export class Image extends HTMLWidget {

source: { (): string; (_: string): Image; };
sizing: { (): string; (_: string): Image; };
customWidth: { (): string; (_: string): Image; };
customHeight: { (): string; (_: string): Image; };
lockAspectRatio: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Image; };
alignment: { (): string; (_: string): Image; };
Image.prototype._class += " common_Image";
export interface Image {
source(): string;
source(_: string): this;
sizing(): "actual" | "fit" | "custom";
sizing(_: "actual" | "fit" | "custom"): this;
customWidth(): string;
customWidth(_: string): this;
customHeight(): string;
customHeight(_: string): this;
lockAspectRatio(): boolean;
lockAspectRatio(_: boolean): this;
alignment(): "center" | "origin";
alignment(_: "center" | "origin"): this;
Image.prototype.publish("source", null, "string", "Image Source", null, { tags: ["Basic"] });

@@ -92,0 +101,0 @@ Image.prototype.publish("sizing", "actual", "set", "Controls sizing mode", ["actual", "fit", "custom"], { tags: ["Basic"] });

@@ -1,37 +0,37 @@

export * from "./__package__";
export * from "./CanvasWidget";
export * from "./Class";
import * as Database from "./Database";
export * from "./__package__.ts";
export * from "./CanvasWidget.ts";
export * from "./Class.ts";
import * as Database from "./Database.ts";
export { Database };
export * from "./Entity";
export * from "./EntityCard";
export * from "./EntityPin";
export * from "./EntityRect";
export * from "./EntityVertex";
export * from "./FAChar";
export * from "./HTMLWidget";
export * from "./Icon";
export * from "./IList";
export * from "./Image";
export * from "./IMenu";
export * from "./List";
export * from "./Menu";
import * as Palette from "./Palette";
export * from "./Entity.ts";
export * from "./EntityCard.ts";
export * from "./EntityPin.ts";
export * from "./EntityRect.ts";
export * from "./EntityVertex.ts";
export * from "./FAChar.ts";
export * from "./HTMLWidget.ts";
export * from "./Icon.ts";
export * from "./IList.ts";
export * from "./Image.ts";
export * from "./IMenu.ts";
export * from "./List.ts";
export * from "./Menu.ts";
import * as Palette from "./Palette.ts";
export { Palette };
import * as Platform from "./Platform";
import * as Platform from "./Platform.ts";
export { Platform };
export * from "./ProgressBar";
export * from "./PropertyExt";
export * from "./ResizeSurface";
export * from "./Shape";
export * from "./Surface";
export * from "./SVGWidget";
export * from "./SVGZoomWidget";
export * from "./Text";
export * from "./TextBox";
export * from "./TitleBar";
import * as Utility from "./Utility";
export * from "./ProgressBar.ts";
export * from "./PropertyExt.ts";
export * from "./ResizeSurface.ts";
export * from "./Shape.ts";
export * from "./Surface.ts";
export * from "./SVGWidget.ts";
export * from "./SVGZoomWidget.ts";
export * from "./Text.ts";
export * from "./TextBox.ts";
export * from "./TitleBar.ts";
import * as Utility from "./Utility.ts";
export { Utility };
export * from "./Widget";
export * from "./WidgetArray";
export * from "./Widget.ts";
export * from "./WidgetArray.ts";

@@ -38,0 +38,0 @@ export * from "d3-array";

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { IList } from "./IList";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { TextBox } from "./TextBox";
import { IList } from "./IList.ts";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import { TextBox } from "./TextBox.ts";

@@ -95,6 +95,11 @@ import "../src/List.css";

anchor: { (): string; (_: string): List; };
// anchor: { (): string; (_: string): List; };
List.prototype._class += " common_List";
export interface List {
anchor(): "" | "start" | "middle" | "end";
anchor(_: "" | "start" | "middle" | "end"): this;
List.prototype.publish("anchor", "start", "set", "Anchor Position", ["", "start", "middle", "end"], { tags: ["Private"] });
import { event as d3Event, select as d3Select } from "d3-selection";
import { Icon } from "./Icon";
import { IMenu } from "./IMenu";
import { List } from "./List";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { Icon } from "./Icon.ts";
import { IMenu } from "./IMenu.ts";
import { List } from "./List.ts";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";

@@ -128,8 +128,13 @@ import "../src/Menu.css";

faChar: { (): string; (_: string): Menu; };
paddingPercent: { (): number; (_: number): Menu; };
Menu.prototype._class += " common_Menu";
export interface Menu {
faChar(): string;
faChar(_: string): this;
paddingPercent(): number;
paddingPercent(_: number): this;
Menu.prototype.publishProxy("faChar", "_icon", null, "\uf0c9");
Menu.prototype.publishProxy("paddingPercent", "_icon", null, 10);

@@ -1,22 +0,5 @@

import { PropertyExt, publish } from "./PropertyExt";
import { PropertyExt } from "./PropertyExt.ts";
export class ProgressBar extends PropertyExt {
@publish(5000, "number", "Half Life")
halfLife: publish<this, number>;
@publish(1.2, "number", "Decay")
decay: publish<this, number>;
@publish(2, "number", "Size")
size: publish<this, number>;
@publish("#2ed573", "string", "Color")
color: publish<this, string>;
@publish(true, "boolean", "Bar Blur")
blurBar: publish<this, boolean>;
@publish(50, "number", "Blur Size")
blurSize: publish<this, number>;
@publish("#7bed9f", "string", "Blur Color (hex)", null, { optional: true })
blurColor: publish<this, string>;
@publish(0.35, "number", "Blur Opacity")
blurOpacity: publish<this, number>;
protected _elementID: string;

@@ -106,1 +89,28 @@ protected _running: boolean = false;

ProgressBar.prototype._class += " common_ProgressBar";
export interface ProgressBar {
halfLife(): number;
halfLife(_: number): this;
decay(): number;
decay(_: number): this;
size(): number;
size(_: number): this;
color(): string;
color(_: string): this;
blurBar(): boolean;
blurBar(_: boolean): this;
blurSize(): number;
blurSize(_: number): this;
blurColor(): string;
blurColor(_: string): this;
blurOpacity(): number;
blurOpacity(_: number): this;
ProgressBar.prototype.publish("halfLife", 5000, "number", "Half Life");
ProgressBar.prototype.publish("decay", 1.2, "number", "Decay");
ProgressBar.prototype.publish("size", 2, "number", "Size");
ProgressBar.prototype.publish("color", "#2ed573", "string", "Color");
ProgressBar.prototype.publish("blurBar", true, "boolean", "Bar Blur");
ProgressBar.prototype.publish("blurSize", 50, "number", "Blur Size");
ProgressBar.prototype.publish("blurColor", "#7bed9f", "string", "Blur Color (hex)", null, { optional: true });
ProgressBar.prototype.publish("blurOpacity", 0.35, "number", "Blur Opacity");
import { hashSum } from "@hpcc-js/util";
import { event as d3Event } from "d3-selection";
import { Class } from "./Class";
import { Class } from "./Class.ts";

@@ -771,24 +771,1 @@ const GEN_PUB_STUBS: boolean = false;

PropertyExt.prototype._class += " common_PropertyExt";
export function publish(defaultValue, type?: PublishTypes, description?: string, set?: string[] | (() => string[] | Array<{ value: string, text: string }>) | IPublishExt, ext: IPublishExt = {}) {
return function (target: any, key: string) {
if (!key) throw new Error("???");
if (ext.reset) {
target.publish(key, defaultValue, type, description, set, ext);
export type publish<T, U> = {
(_: U): T;
(): U;
export function publishProxy(proxy: string, method?: string, defaultValue?, ext: { reset?: boolean } = {}) {
return function (target: any, key: string) {
if (ext.reset) {
target.publishProxy(key, proxy, method, defaultValue);
import { dispatch as d3Dispatch } from "d3-dispatch";
import { drag as d3Drag } from "d3-drag";
import { event as d3Event, select as d3Select } from "d3-selection";
import { Surface } from "./Surface";
import { Surface } from "./Surface.ts";

@@ -217,6 +217,10 @@ import "../src/ResizeSurface.css";

allowResize: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): ResizeSurface; };
ResizeSurface.prototype._class += " common_ResizeSurface";
export interface ResizeSurface {
allowResize(): boolean;
allowResize(_: boolean): this;
ResizeSurface.prototype.publish("allowResize", true, "boolean", "Sets if surface can be resized", null, { tags: ["Private", "Shared"] });
import { select as d3Select } from "d3-selection";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ import "../src/Shape.css";

import { select as d3Select } from "d3-selection";
import "d3-transition";
import { Icon } from "./Icon";
import { Menu } from "./Menu";
import { Shape } from "./Shape";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { Text } from "./Text";
import { Icon } from "./Icon.ts";
import { Menu } from "./Menu.ts";
import { Shape } from "./Shape.ts";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import { Text } from "./Text.ts";

@@ -299,17 +299,32 @@ import "../src/Surface.css";

showTitle: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Surface; };
title: { (): string; (_: string): Surface; };
titleFontSize: { (): string; (_: string): Surface; };
showIcon: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Surface; };
icon_faChar: { (): string; (_: string): Surface; };
icon_shape: { (): string; (_: string): Surface; };
content: { (): any; (_: any): Surface; };
buttonAnnotations: { (): any[]; (_: any[]): Surface; };
buttonGutter: { (): number; (_: number): Surface; };
showContent: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Surface; };
menu: { (): any[]; (_: any[]): Surface; };
menuPadding: { (): number; (_: number): Surface; };
Surface.prototype._class += " common_Surface";
export interface Surface {
showTitle(): boolean;
showTitle(_: boolean): this;
title(): string;
title(_: string): this;
titleFontSize(): string;
titleFontSize(_: string): this;
showIcon(): boolean;
showIcon(_: boolean): this;
icon_faChar(): string;
icon_faChar(_: string): this;
icon_shape(): string;
icon_shape(_: string): this;
content(): any;
content(_: any): this;
buttonAnnotations(): any[];
buttonAnnotations(_: any[]): this;
buttonGutter(): number;
buttonGutter(_: number): this;
showContent(): boolean;
showContent(_: boolean): this;
menu(): any[];
menu(_: any[]): this;
menuPadding(): number;
menuPadding(_: number): this;
Surface.prototype.publish("showTitle", true, "boolean", "Show Title", null, { tags: ["Basic"] });

@@ -316,0 +331,0 @@ Surface.prototype.publish("title", "", "string", "Title", null, { tags: ["Basic"] });

import { rgb as d3Rgb } from "d3-color";
import { select as d3Select } from "d3-selection";
import { fontAwsesomeStyle } from "./FAChar";
import { svgMarkerGlitch } from "./Platform";
import { Transition } from "./Transition";
import { debounce, downloadBlob, downloadString, timestamp } from "./Utility";
import { ISize, Widget } from "./Widget";
import { fontAwsesomeStyle } from "./FAChar.ts";
import { svgMarkerGlitch } from "./Platform.ts";
import { Transition } from "./Transition.ts";
import { debounce, downloadBlob, downloadString, timestamp } from "./Utility.ts";
import { ISize, Widget } from "./Widget.ts";

@@ -147,4 +147,2 @@ type Point = { x: number, y: number };

protected _boundingBox;

@@ -151,0 +149,0 @@ protected transition;

import { event as d3Event, mouse as d3Mouse } from "d3-selection";
import { zoom as d3Zoom, zoomIdentity as d3ZoomIdentity } from "d3-zoom";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { safeRaise } from "./Utility";
import { Button, IconBar, Spacer, ToggleButton } from "./TitleBar";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import { safeRaise } from "./Utility.ts";
import { Button, IconBar, Spacer, ToggleButton } from "./TitleBar.ts";

@@ -7,0 +7,0 @@ import "../src/SVGZoomWidget.css";

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ import "../src/Text.css";

@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

import { textColor } from "./Palette";
import { Shape } from "./Shape";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { Text } from "./Text";
import { ISize } from "./Widget";
import { textColor } from "./Palette.ts";
import { Shape } from "./Shape.ts";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import { Text } from "./Text.ts";
import { ISize } from "./Widget.ts";

@@ -138,19 +138,34 @@ import "../src/TextBox.css";

text: { (): string; (_: string): TextBox; };
fontSize: { (): number; (_: number): TextBox; };
shape_colorFill: { (): string; (_: string): TextBox; };
shape_colorStroke: { (): string; (_: string): TextBox; };
text_colorFill: { (): string; (_: string): TextBox; };
text_fontFamily: { (): string; (_: string): TextBox; };
paddingLeft: { (): number; (_: number): TextBox; };
paddingRight: { (): number; (_: number): TextBox; };
paddingTop: { (): number; (_: number): TextBox; };
paddingBottom: { (): number; (_: number): TextBox; };
anchor: { (): "start" | "middle" | "end"; (_: "start" | "middle" | "end"): TextBox; };
fixedSize: { (): ISize; (_: ISize): TextBox; };
tooltip: { (): string; (_: string): TextBox; };
TextBox.prototype._class += " common_TextBox";
export interface TextBox {
text(): string;
text(_: string): this;
fontSize(): number;
fontSize(_: number): this;
shape_colorFill(): string;
shape_colorFill(_: string): this;
shape_colorStroke(): string;
shape_colorStroke(_: string): this;
text_colorFill(): string;
text_colorFill(_: string): this;
text_fontFamily(): string;
text_fontFamily(_: string): this;
paddingLeft(): number;
paddingLeft(_: number): this;
paddingRight(): number;
paddingRight(_: number): this;
paddingTop(): number;
paddingTop(_: number): this;
paddingBottom(): number;
paddingBottom(_: number): this;
anchor(): "start" | "middle" | "end";
anchor(_: "start" | "middle" | "end"): this;
fixedSize(): ISize;
fixedSize(_: ISize): this;
tooltip(): string;
tooltip(_: string): this;
TextBox.prototype.publishProxy("text", "_text");

@@ -157,0 +172,0 @@ TextBox.prototype.publishProxy("fontSize", "_text", "fontSize");

import { event as d3Event } from "d3-selection";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget";
import { fa5Class } from "./Utility";
import { Widget } from "./Widget";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget.ts";
import { fa5Class } from "./Utility.ts";
import { Widget } from "./Widget.ts";

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ import "../src/TitleBar.css";

import { select as d3Select } from "d3-selection";
import "d3-transition";
import { Field, Grid } from "./Database";
import { } from "./Platform";
import { PropertyExt } from "./PropertyExt";
import { debounce, textRect, TextRect, textSize, TextSize } from "./Utility";
import { Field, Grid } from "./Database.ts";
import { } from "./Platform.ts";
import { PropertyExt } from "./PropertyExt.ts";
import { debounce, textRect, TextRect, textSize, TextSize } from "./Utility.ts";

@@ -47,3 +47,3 @@ import "../src/Widget.css";

export abstract class Widget extends PropertyExt {
_idSeed: string;
static _idSeed: string;

@@ -74,4 +74,3 @@ protected _tag: string;

this._class = Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._class;
this._id = this._idSeed + widgetID++;
this._id = Widget._idSeed + widgetID++;

@@ -719,3 +718,3 @@ this._db = new Grid();

Widget.prototype._idSeed = "_w";
Widget._idSeed = "_w";

@@ -722,0 +721,0 @@ Widget.prototype.publishProxy("fields", "_db", "fields");

@@ -1,9 +0,5 @@

import { publish } from "./PropertyExt";
import { Widget } from "./Widget";
import { Widget } from "./Widget.ts";
export class WidgetArray extends Widget {
@publish([], "widgetArray", "Widget Array")
content: publish<this, Widget[]>;
constructor() {

@@ -14,1 +10,7 @@ super();

WidgetArray.prototype._class += " common_WidgetArray";
export interface WidgetArray {
content(): Widget[];
content(_: Widget[]): this;
WidgetArray.prototype.publish("content", [], "widgetArray", "Widget Array");
export declare const PKG_NAME = "@hpcc-js/common";
export declare const PKG_VERSION = "2.73.0";
export declare const PKG_VERSION = "3.1.0";
export declare const BUILD_VERSION = "2.107.0";

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget.ts";
export declare class CanvasWidget extends HTMLWidget {

@@ -9,2 +9,1 @@ _ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;

import { ClassMeta } from "@hpcc-js/util";
export declare class Class {
static _class: string;
_class: string;
class(): string;

@@ -13,2 +15,1 @@ class(_: string): this;


@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { PropertyExt } from "./PropertyExt";
import { PropertyExt } from "./PropertyExt.ts";
export interface INestedColumn {

@@ -25,22 +25,14 @@ label: string;

children(_: Array<string | INestedColumn | Field>, asDefault?: boolean): this;
label_default: {
(): string;
(x: string): Field;
label: {
(): string;
(x: string): Field;
mask: {
(): string;
(x: string): Field;
format: {
(): string;
(x: string): Field;
export interface Field {
label(): string;
label(_: string): this;
label_default(): string;
label_default(_: string): this;
type(): FieldType;
type(_: FieldType): this;
mask(): string;
mask(_: string): this;
format(): string;
format(_: string): this;

@@ -138,2 +130,1 @@ export declare class Grid extends PropertyExt {


@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

import { Icon } from "./Icon";
import { Shape } from "./Shape";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { Text } from "./Text";
import { BBox, Widget } from "./Widget";
import { Icon } from "./Icon.ts";
import { Shape } from "./Shape.ts";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import { Text } from "./Text.ts";
import { BBox, Widget } from "./Widget.ts";
export interface IAnnotation {

@@ -89,2 +89,1 @@ faChar: string;


@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Entity } from "./Entity";
import { Entity } from "./Entity.ts";
export declare class EntityCard extends Entity {

@@ -14,2 +14,1 @@ protected _element_textbox: any;


@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Entity } from "./Entity";
import { Entity } from "./Entity.ts";
export declare class EntityPin extends Entity {

@@ -23,2 +23,1 @@ protected _element_textbox: any;


@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import { Entity } from "./Entity";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget";
import { publish } from "./PropertyExt";
import { InputField } from "./Widget";
import { Entity } from "./Entity.ts";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget.ts";
import { InputField } from "./Widget.ts";
import "../src/EntityRect.css";

@@ -21,17 +20,2 @@ export declare class EntityRect extends Entity {

static __inputs: InputField[];
fixedHeight: publish<this, number>;
backgroundColor: publish<this, string>;
backgroundColorColumn: publish<this, string>;
borderColor: publish<this, string>;
borderColorColumn: publish<this, string>;
icon: publish<this, string>;
iconColumn: publish<this, string>;
iconColor: publish<this, string>;
iconColorColumn: publish<this, string>;
titleColumn: publish<this, string>;
titleColor: publish<this, string>;
titleColorColumn: publish<this, string>;
descriptionColumn: publish<this, string>;
descriptionColor: publish<this, string>;
descriptionColorColumn: publish<this, string>;
private _enityRectLocal;

@@ -47,2 +31,33 @@ constructor();

export interface EntityRectList {
fixedHeight(): number;
fixedHeight(_: number): this;
backgroundColor(): string;
backgroundColor(_: string): this;
backgroundColorColumn(): string;
backgroundColorColumn(_: string): this;
borderColor(): string;
borderColor(_: string): this;
borderColorColumn(): string;
borderColorColumn(_: string): this;
icon(): string;
icon(_: string): this;
iconColumn(): string;
iconColumn(_: string): this;
iconColor(): string;
iconColor(_: string): this;
iconColorColumn(): string;
iconColorColumn(_: string): this;
titleColumn(): string;
titleColumn(_: string): this;
titleColor(): string;
titleColor(_: string): this;
titleColorColumn(): string;
titleColorColumn(_: string): this;
descriptionColumn(): string;
descriptionColumn(_: string): this;
descriptionColor(): string;
descriptionColor(_: string): this;
descriptionColorColumn(): string;
descriptionColorColumn(_: string): this;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { Entity } from "./Entity";
import { TextBox } from "./TextBox";
import { Entity } from "./Entity.ts";
import { TextBox } from "./TextBox.ts";
export declare class EntityVertex extends Entity {

@@ -31,2 +31,1 @@ protected _textbox_widget: TextBox;


@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Widget } from "./Widget";
import { Widget } from "./Widget.ts";
export declare class HTMLWidget extends Widget {

@@ -28,2 +28,1 @@ private observer;


@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import "../src/Icon.css";

@@ -24,41 +24,24 @@ export declare class Icon extends SVGWidget {

exit(domNode: any, element: any): void;
shape: {
(): string;
(_: string): Icon;
faChar: {
(): string;
(_: string): Icon;
imageUrl: {
(): string;
(_: string): Icon;
image_colorFill: {
(): string;
(_: string): Icon;
image_colorFill_exists: () => boolean;
tooltip: {
(): string;
(_: string): Icon;
diameter: {
(): number;
(_: number): Icon;
paddingPercent: {
(): number;
(_: number): Icon;
shape_colorFill: {
(): string;
(_: string): Icon;
shape_colorFill_exists: () => boolean;
shape_colorStroke: {
(): string;
(_: string): Icon;
export interface Icon {
shape(): string;
shape(_: string): this;
faChar(): string;
faChar(_: string): this;
imageUrl(): string;
imageUrl(_: string): this;
image_colorFill(): string;
image_colorFill(_: string): this;
image_colorFill_exists(): boolean;
tooltip(): string;
tooltip(_: string): this;
diameter(): number;
diameter(_: number): this;
paddingPercent(): number;
paddingPercent(_: number): this;
shape_colorFill(): string;
shape_colorFill(_: string): this;
shape_colorFill_exists(): boolean;
shape_colorStroke(): string;
shape_colorStroke(_: string): this;

@@ -5,2 +5,1 @@ export interface IList {


@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget.ts";
export declare class Image extends HTMLWidget {

@@ -9,27 +9,16 @@ private _imgElement;

exit(domNode: any, element: any): void;
source: {
(): string;
(_: string): Image;
sizing: {
(): string;
(_: string): Image;
customWidth: {
(): string;
(_: string): Image;
customHeight: {
(): string;
(_: string): Image;
lockAspectRatio: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Image;
alignment: {
(): string;
(_: string): Image;
export interface Image {
source(): string;
source(_: string): this;
sizing(): "actual" | "fit" | "custom";
sizing(_: "actual" | "fit" | "custom"): this;
customWidth(): string;
customWidth(_: string): this;
customHeight(): string;
customHeight(_: string): this;
lockAspectRatio(): boolean;
lockAspectRatio(_: boolean): this;
alignment(): "center" | "origin";
alignment(_: "center" | "origin"): this;

@@ -6,2 +6,1 @@ export interface IMenu {


@@ -1,37 +0,37 @@

export * from "./__package__";
export * from "./CanvasWidget";
export * from "./Class";
import * as Database from "./Database";
export * from "./__package__.ts";
export * from "./CanvasWidget.ts";
export * from "./Class.ts";
import * as Database from "./Database.ts";
export { Database };
export * from "./Entity";
export * from "./EntityCard";
export * from "./EntityPin";
export * from "./EntityRect";
export * from "./EntityVertex";
export * from "./FAChar";
export * from "./HTMLWidget";
export * from "./Icon";
export * from "./IList";
export * from "./Image";
export * from "./IMenu";
export * from "./List";
export * from "./Menu";
import * as Palette from "./Palette";
export * from "./Entity.ts";
export * from "./EntityCard.ts";
export * from "./EntityPin.ts";
export * from "./EntityRect.ts";
export * from "./EntityVertex.ts";
export * from "./FAChar.ts";
export * from "./HTMLWidget.ts";
export * from "./Icon.ts";
export * from "./IList.ts";
export * from "./Image.ts";
export * from "./IMenu.ts";
export * from "./List.ts";
export * from "./Menu.ts";
import * as Palette from "./Palette.ts";
export { Palette };
import * as Platform from "./Platform";
import * as Platform from "./Platform.ts";
export { Platform };
export * from "./ProgressBar";
export * from "./PropertyExt";
export * from "./ResizeSurface";
export * from "./Shape";
export * from "./Surface";
export * from "./SVGWidget";
export * from "./SVGZoomWidget";
export * from "./Text";
export * from "./TextBox";
export * from "./TitleBar";
import * as Utility from "./Utility";
export * from "./ProgressBar.ts";
export * from "./PropertyExt.ts";
export * from "./ResizeSurface.ts";
export * from "./Shape.ts";
export * from "./Surface.ts";
export * from "./SVGWidget.ts";
export * from "./SVGZoomWidget.ts";
export * from "./Text.ts";
export * from "./TextBox.ts";
export * from "./TitleBar.ts";
import * as Utility from "./Utility.ts";
export { Utility };
export * from "./Widget";
export * from "./WidgetArray";
export * from "./Widget.ts";
export * from "./WidgetArray.ts";
export * from "d3-array";

@@ -53,2 +53,1 @@ export * from "d3-brush";

export declare const d3Event: () => any;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { IList } from "./IList";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { IList } from "./IList.ts";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import "../src/List.css";

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ export declare class List extends SVGWidget implements IList {

dblclick(d: any): void;
anchor: {
(): string;
(_: string): List;
export interface List {
anchor(): "" | "start" | "middle" | "end";
anchor(_: "" | "start" | "middle" | "end"): this;

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { Icon } from "./Icon";
import { IMenu } from "./IMenu";
import { List } from "./List";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { Icon } from "./Icon.ts";
import { IMenu } from "./IMenu.ts";
import { List } from "./List.ts";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import "../src/Menu.css";

@@ -20,11 +20,8 @@ export declare class Menu extends SVGWidget implements IMenu {

postHideMenu(): void;
faChar: {
(): string;
(_: string): Menu;
paddingPercent: {
(): number;
(_: number): Menu;
export interface Menu {
faChar(): string;
faChar(_: string): this;
paddingPercent(): number;
paddingPercent(_: number): this;

@@ -20,2 +20,1 @@ export interface PaletteFunc {

export declare function textColor(backgroundColor: string): string;

@@ -6,2 +6,1 @@ export declare function version(): string;

export declare function getScrollbarWidth(): any;

@@ -1,11 +0,3 @@

import { PropertyExt, publish } from "./PropertyExt";
import { PropertyExt } from "./PropertyExt.ts";
export declare class ProgressBar extends PropertyExt {
halfLife: publish<this, number>;
decay: publish<this, number>;
size: publish<this, number>;
color: publish<this, string>;
blurBar: publish<this, boolean>;
blurSize: publish<this, number>;
blurColor: publish<this, string>;
blurOpacity: publish<this, number>;
protected _elementID: string;

@@ -22,2 +14,19 @@ protected _running: boolean;

export interface ProgressBar {
halfLife(): number;
halfLife(_: number): this;
decay(): number;
decay(_: number): this;
size(): number;
size(_: number): this;
color(): string;
color(_: string): this;
blurBar(): boolean;
blurBar(_: boolean): this;
blurSize(): number;
blurSize(_: number): this;
blurColor(): string;
blurColor(_: string): this;
blurOpacity(): number;
blurOpacity(_: number): this;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Class } from "./Class";
import { Class } from "./Class.ts";
export interface IAutoExpand extends PropertyExt {

@@ -103,14 +103,2 @@ owner(): PropertyExt;

export declare function publish(defaultValue: any, type?: PublishTypes, description?: string, set?: string[] | (() => string[] | Array<{
value: string;
text: string;
}>) | IPublishExt, ext?: IPublishExt): (target: any, key: string) => void;
export type publish<T, U> = {
(_: U): T;
(): U;
export declare function publishProxy(proxy: string, method?: string, defaultValue?: any, ext?: {
reset?: boolean;
}): (target: any, key: string) => void;
export {};

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Surface } from "./Surface";
import { Surface } from "./Surface.ts";
import "../src/ResizeSurface.css";

@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ export declare class ResizeSurface extends Surface {

updateHandles(_domNode: any, _element: any): void;
allowResize: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): ResizeSurface;
export interface ResizeSurface {
allowResize(): boolean;
allowResize(_: boolean): this;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import "../src/Shape.css";

@@ -35,2 +35,1 @@ export declare class Shape extends SVGWidget {

import "d3-transition";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import "../src/Surface.css";

@@ -21,51 +21,28 @@ export declare class Surface extends SVGWidget {

click(d: any): void;
showTitle: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Surface;
title: {
(): string;
(_: string): Surface;
titleFontSize: {
(): string;
(_: string): Surface;
showIcon: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Surface;
icon_faChar: {
(): string;
(_: string): Surface;
icon_shape: {
(): string;
(_: string): Surface;
content: {
(): any;
(_: any): Surface;
buttonAnnotations: {
(): any[];
(_: any[]): Surface;
buttonGutter: {
(): number;
(_: number): Surface;
showContent: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Surface;
menu: {
(): any[];
(_: any[]): Surface;
menuPadding: {
(): number;
(_: number): Surface;
export interface Surface {
showTitle(): boolean;
showTitle(_: boolean): this;
title(): string;
title(_: string): this;
titleFontSize(): string;
titleFontSize(_: string): this;
showIcon(): boolean;
showIcon(_: boolean): this;
icon_faChar(): string;
icon_faChar(_: string): this;
icon_shape(): string;
icon_shape(_: string): this;
content(): any;
content(_: any): this;
buttonAnnotations(): any[];
buttonAnnotations(_: any[]): this;
buttonGutter(): number;
buttonGutter(_: number): this;
showContent(): boolean;
showContent(_: boolean): this;
menu(): any[];
menu(_: any[]): this;
menuPadding(): number;
menuPadding(_: number): this;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { ISize, Widget } from "./Widget";
import { ISize, Widget } from "./Widget.ts";
type Point = {

@@ -24,3 +24,2 @@ x: number;

static _class: string;
_tag: any;
protected _boundingBox: any;

@@ -79,2 +78,1 @@ protected transition: any;

export {};

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { IconBar, ToggleButton } from "./TitleBar";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import { IconBar, ToggleButton } from "./TitleBar.ts";
import "../src/SVGZoomWidget.css";

@@ -74,2 +74,1 @@ export type MouseMode = "zoom" | "marqueeSelection";


@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import "../src/Text.css";

@@ -38,2 +38,1 @@ export declare class Text extends SVGWidget {


@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { Shape } from "./Shape";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget";
import { Text } from "./Text";
import { ISize } from "./Widget";
import { Shape } from "./Shape.ts";
import { SVGWidget } from "./SVGWidget.ts";
import { Text } from "./Text.ts";
import { ISize } from "./Widget.ts";
import "../src/TextBox.css";

@@ -24,55 +24,30 @@ export declare class TextBox extends SVGWidget {

dblclick(): void;
text: {
(): string;
(_: string): TextBox;
fontSize: {
(): number;
(_: number): TextBox;
shape_colorFill: {
(): string;
(_: string): TextBox;
shape_colorStroke: {
(): string;
(_: string): TextBox;
text_colorFill: {
(): string;
(_: string): TextBox;
text_fontFamily: {
(): string;
(_: string): TextBox;
paddingLeft: {
(): number;
(_: number): TextBox;
paddingRight: {
(): number;
(_: number): TextBox;
paddingTop: {
(): number;
(_: number): TextBox;
paddingBottom: {
(): number;
(_: number): TextBox;
anchor: {
(): "start" | "middle" | "end";
(_: "start" | "middle" | "end"): TextBox;
fixedSize: {
(): ISize;
(_: ISize): TextBox;
tooltip: {
(): string;
(_: string): TextBox;
export interface TextBox {
text(): string;
text(_: string): this;
fontSize(): number;
fontSize(_: number): this;
shape_colorFill(): string;
shape_colorFill(_: string): this;
shape_colorStroke(): string;
shape_colorStroke(_: string): this;
text_colorFill(): string;
text_colorFill(_: string): this;
text_fontFamily(): string;
text_fontFamily(_: string): this;
paddingLeft(): number;
paddingLeft(_: number): this;
paddingRight(): number;
paddingRight(_: number): this;
paddingTop(): number;
paddingTop(_: number): this;
paddingBottom(): number;
paddingBottom(_: number): this;
anchor(): "start" | "middle" | "end";
anchor(_: "start" | "middle" | "end"): this;
fixedSize(): ISize;
fixedSize(_: ISize): this;
tooltip(): string;
tooltip(_: string): this;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget";
import { Widget } from "./Widget";
import { HTMLWidget } from "./HTMLWidget.ts";
import { Widget } from "./Widget.ts";
import "../src/TitleBar.css";

@@ -118,2 +118,1 @@ export declare class Button extends HTMLWidget {


@@ -12,2 +12,1 @@ export declare class Transition {


@@ -103,2 +103,1 @@ import { Selection as d3SelectionT } from "d3-selection";

export declare function safeRaise(domNode: Element): void;
import "d3-transition";
import { Field, Grid } from "./Database";
import { PropertyExt } from "./PropertyExt";
import { TextRect, TextSize } from "./Utility";
import { Field, Grid } from "./Database.ts";
import { PropertyExt } from "./PropertyExt.ts";
import { TextRect, TextSize } from "./Utility.ts";
import "../src/Widget.css";

@@ -37,3 +37,3 @@ export type IPrimative = boolean | number | string | object;

export declare abstract class Widget extends PropertyExt {
_idSeed: string;
static _idSeed: string;
protected _tag: string;

@@ -155,2 +155,1 @@ protected _isRootNode: boolean;


@@ -1,7 +0,8 @@

import { publish } from "./PropertyExt";
import { Widget } from "./Widget";
import { Widget } from "./Widget.ts";
export declare class WidgetArray extends Widget {
content: publish<this, Widget[]>;
export interface WidgetArray {
content(): Widget[];
content(_: Widget[]): this;

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