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@hpcc-js/tree - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.42.0 to 3.0.0


"name": "@hpcc-js/tree",
"version": "2.42.0",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "hpcc-js - Viz Tree",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.es6",
"unpkg": "dist/index.min.js",
"jsdelivr": "dist/index.min.js",
"types": "types/index.d.ts",
"typesVersions": {
"<3.8": {
"*": [
"type": "module",
"exports": {
".": {
"types": "./types/index.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/index.js"
"module": "./dist/index.js",
"browser": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./types/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf --glob lib* types dist *.tsbuildinfo",
"compile-es6": "tsc --module es6 --outDir ./lib-es6",
"compile-es6-watch": "npm run compile-es6 -- -w",
"compile-umd": "tsc --module umd --outDir ./lib-umd",
"compile-umd-watch": "npm run compile-umd -- -w",
"bundle": "rollup -c",
"bundle-watch": "npm run bundle -- -w",
"minimize": "terser dist/index.js -c -m --source-map \"content='dist/',url=''\" -o dist/index.min.js",
"gen-legacy-types": "downlevel-dts ./types ./types-3.4",
"build": "npm run compile-es6 && npm run bundle",
"watch": "npm-run-all compile-es6 -p compile-es6-watch bundle-watch",
"stamp": "node ../../node_modules/@hpcc-js/bundle/src/stamp.js",
"clean": "rimraf --glob lib* types dist *.tsbuildinfo .turbo",
"bundle": "node esbuild.js",
"bundle-watch": "npm run bundle -- --development --watch",
"gen-types": "tsc --project tsconfig.json",
"gen-types-watch": "npm run gen-types -- --watch",
"build": "run-p gen-types bundle",
"lint": "eslint ./src",
"lint-fix": "eslint --fix src/**/*.ts",
"docs": "typedoc --options tdoptions.json .",
"update": "npx --yes npm-check-updates -u -t minor"
"test-browser": "vitest run --project browser",
"test": "vitest run",
"coverage": "vitest run --coverage",
"update": "npx --yes npm-check-updates -u -t minor",
"update-major": "npx --yes npm-check-updates -u"
"dependencies": {
"@hpcc-js/api": "^2.14.0",
"@hpcc-js/common": "^2.73.0"
"@hpcc-js/api": "^3.1.0",
"@hpcc-js/common": "^3.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@hpcc-js/bundle": "^2.12.0",
"@types/d3-transition": "1.3.5",
"@hpcc-js/esbuild-plugins": "^1.2.0",
"@types/d3-transition": "1.3.6",
"d3-hierarchy": "^1",

@@ -52,4 +49,3 @@ "d3-interpolate": "^1",

"d3-shape": "^1",
"d3-transition": "^1",
"tslib": "2.7.0"
"d3-transition": "^1"

@@ -67,3 +63,3 @@ "repository": {

"homepage": "",
"gitHead": "fbbef050700b0e9d76ef99714856383d95155149"
"gitHead": "658c50fd965a7744ba8db675ba6878607c44d5e2"
export const PKG_NAME = "@hpcc-js/tree";
export const PKG_VERSION = "2.42.0";
export const BUILD_VERSION = "2.107.0";
export const PKG_VERSION = "3.0.0";
export const BUILD_VERSION = "3.2.0";

@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ import { ITree } from "@hpcc-js/api";

paletteID: (_?: string) => string | CirclePacking;
useClonedPalette: (_?: boolean) => boolean | CirclePacking;
// I2DChart
click: (row, column, selected) => void;
dblclick: (row, column, selected) => void;
CirclePacking.prototype._class += " tree_CirclePacking";
export interface CirclePacking {
// I2DChart ---
click(row, column, selected): void;
dblclick(row, column, selected): void;
// Properties ---
showSize(): boolean;

@@ -143,2 +143,6 @@ showSize(_: boolean): this;

paletteDepthVariant(_: "brighter" | "darker"): this;
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
useClonedPalette(): boolean;
useClonedPalette(_: boolean): this;

@@ -145,0 +149,0 @@

@@ -178,3 +178,3 @@ import { ITree } from "@hpcc-js/api";

if (d.depth > 0) {
if(tmp.origRows) {
if (tmp.origRows) {[0]), context.mappings()[d.depth - 1].column(), true);

@@ -192,3 +192,3 @@ } else {

if (d.depth > 0) {
if(tmp.origRows) {
if (tmp.origRows) {
context.dblclick(context.rowToObj(tmp.origRows[0]), context.mappings()[d.depth - 1].column(), true);

@@ -254,20 +254,2 @@ } else {

paletteID: { (): string; (_: string): Dendrogram; };
useClonedPalette: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Dendrogram; };
mappings: { (): DendrogramColumn[]; (_: DendrogramColumn[]): Dendrogram; };
circleRadius: { (): number; (_: number): Dendrogram; };
separation: { (): number; (_: number): Dendrogram; };
dendrogram: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Dendrogram; };
radial: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Dendrogram; };
orientation: { (): string; (_: string): Dendrogram; };
// ITree
click: (row, column, selected) => void;
dblclick: (row, column, selected) => void;
// SimpleSelectionMixin

@@ -279,2 +261,32 @@ Dendrogram.prototype._class += " tree_Dendrogram";

export interface Dendrogram {
// ITree ---
click(row, column, selected): void;
dblclick(row, column, selected): void;
// SimpleSelectionMixin ---
// Properties ---
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
useClonedPalette(): boolean;
useClonedPalette(_: boolean): this;
mappings(): DendrogramColumn[];
mappings(_: DendrogramColumn[]): this;
circleRadius(): number;
circleRadius(_: number): this;
separation(): number;
separation(_: number): this;
dendrogram(): boolean;
dendrogram(_: boolean): this;
radial(): boolean;
radial(_: boolean): this;
orientation(): "horizontal" | "vertical";
orientation(_: "horizontal" | "vertical"): this;
Dendrogram.prototype.publish("paletteID", "default", "set", "Color palette for this widget", Dendrogram.prototype._palette.switch(), { tags: ["Basic", "Shared"] });

@@ -281,0 +293,0 @@ Dendrogram.prototype.publish("useClonedPalette", false, "boolean", "Enable or disable using a cloned palette", null, { tags: ["Intermediate", "Shared"] });

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { HTMLWidget, Palette, Platform, select as d3Select, Utility, } from "@hpcc-js/common";
import { max as d3Max} from "d3-array";
import { HTMLWidget, Palette, Platform, select as d3Select, Utility, } from "@hpcc-js/common";
import { max as d3Max } from "d3-array";
import { hierarchy as d3Hierarchy } from "d3-hierarchy";

@@ -21,4 +21,2 @@

constructor() {

@@ -96,3 +94,3 @@ super();

rowClick(str, markers) {}
rowClick(str, markers) { }

@@ -116,6 +114,6 @@ enter(domNode, element) {

const flatData = this.flattenData(;
const maxWeightValue = d3Max(flatData, n=>Number(n.weightValue));
const maxWeightValue = d3Max(flatData, n => Number(n.weightValue));
flatData.forEach(d => {
if (!d.weightValue) {
d.weightColor = "transparent";

@@ -133,3 +131,3 @@ } else {

const fontSize = this.fontSize();
const maxWeightWidth = d3Max(flatData, d=>this.textSize(d.weightValue, fontFamily, fontSize).width);
const maxWeightWidth = d3Max(flatData, d => this.textSize(d.weightValue, fontFamily, fontSize).width);
const rowItemPadding = `${padding}px ${padding}px ${padding / 2}px ${padding}px`;

@@ -195,3 +193,3 @@


@@ -213,3 +211,3 @@ .on("mouseenter", () => {

if (d.isFolder) {

@@ -258,6 +256,6 @@ rowDiv.on("click", function (d: any) {

weight_mouseenter(d) {
weight_mouseleave(d) {

@@ -267,4 +265,17 @@ }

DirectoryTree.prototype._class += " tree_DirectoryTree";
DirectoryTree.prototype._palette = Palette.rainbow("Blues");
export interface DirectoryTree {
depthSize(): number;
depthSize(_: number): this;
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
omitRoot(): boolean;
omitRoot(_: boolean): this;
rowItemPadding(): number;
rowItemPadding(_: number): this;
selectionBackgroundColor(): string;
selectionBackgroundColor(_: string): this;
backgroundColor(): string;

@@ -276,4 +287,2 @@ backgroundColor(_: string): this;

fontFamily(_: string): this;
omitRoot(): boolean;
omitRoot(_: boolean): this;
fontSize(): number;

@@ -283,4 +292,2 @@ fontSize(_: number): this;

iconSize(_: number): this;
fileIconSize(): number;
fileIconSize(_: number): this;
folderIconOpen(): string;

@@ -290,8 +297,2 @@ folderIconOpen(_: string): this;

folderIconClosed(_: string): this;
hoverBackgroundColor(): string;
hoverBackgroundColor(_: string): this;
selectionBackgroundColor(): string;
selectionBackgroundColor(_: string): this;
rowItemPadding(): number;
rowItemPadding(_: number): this;
textFileIcon(): string;

@@ -301,8 +302,3 @@ textFileIcon(_: string): this;

verticalScroll(_: boolean): this;
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
depthSize(): number;
depthSize(_: number): this;
DirectoryTree.prototype._palette = Palette.rainbow("Blues");

@@ -309,0 +305,0 @@ DirectoryTree.prototype.publish("depthSize", 14, "number", "Width of indentation per file or folder depth (pixels)");

@@ -232,15 +232,2 @@ import { ITree } from "@hpcc-js/api";

xmlColumn: { (_: string): Indented; (): string; };
xmlColumn_exists: () => boolean;
mappings: { (_: IndentedColumn[]): Indented; (): IndentedColumn[]; };
barHeight: { (_: number): Indented; (): number; };
// ITree
click: (row, column, selected) => void;
dblclick: (row, column, selected) => void;
// SimpleSelectionMixin

@@ -252,2 +239,22 @@ Indented.prototype._class += " tree_Indented";

export interface Indented {
// ITree ---
click(row, column, selected): void;
dblclick(row, column, selected): void;
// SimpleSelectionMixin ---
// Properties ---
xmlColumn(): string;
xmlColumn(_: string): this;
xmlColumn_exists(): boolean;
mappings(): IndentedColumn[];
mappings(_: IndentedColumn[]): this;
barHeight(): number;
barHeight(_: number): this;
Indented.prototype.publish("xmlColumn", null, "set", "Field", function () { return this.columns(); }, { optional: true });

@@ -254,0 +261,0 @@ Indented.prototype.publish("mappings", [], "propertyArray", "Source Columns", null, { autoExpand: IndentedColumn, disable: (w) => w.xmlColumn_exists() });

@@ -1,7 +0,7 @@

export * from "./__package__";
export * from "./CirclePacking";
export * from "./Dendrogram";
export * from "./DirectoryTree";
export * from "./Indented";
export * from "./SunburstPartition";
export * from "./Treemap";
export * from "./__package__.ts";
export * from "./CirclePacking.ts";
export * from "./Dendrogram.ts";
export * from "./DirectoryTree.ts";
export * from "./Indented.ts";
export * from "./SunburstPartition.ts";
export * from "./Treemap.ts";

@@ -138,10 +138,2 @@ import { ITree } from "@hpcc-js/api";

paletteID: (_?: string) => string | SunburstPartition;
useClonedPalette: (_?: boolean) => boolean | SunburstPartition;
// ITree
click: (row, column, selected) => void;
dblclick: (row, column, selected) => void;

@@ -151,3 +143,17 @@ SunburstPartition.prototype._class += " tree_SunburstPartition";

export interface SunburstPartition {
// ITree ---
click(row, column, selected): void;
dblclick(row, column, selected): void;
// Properties ---
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
useClonedPalette(): boolean;
useClonedPalette(_: boolean): this;
SunburstPartition.prototype.publish("paletteID", "default", "set", "Color palette for this widget", SunburstPartition.prototype._palette.switch(), { tags: ["Basic", "Shared"] });
SunburstPartition.prototype.publish("useClonedPalette", false, "boolean", "Enable or disable using a cloned palette", null, { tags: ["Intermediate", "Shared"] });

@@ -151,3 +151,3 @@ import { ITree } from "@hpcc-js/api";

if(d.origRows) {
if (d.origRows) {[0]), columnLabel, context._selection.selected(this));

@@ -167,3 +167,3 @@ } else {

if(d.origRows) {
if (d.origRows) {
context.dblclick(context.rowToObj(d.origRows[0]), columnLabel, context._selection.selected(this));

@@ -263,33 +263,2 @@ } else {

paletteID: { (): string[]; (_: string[]): Treemap; };
useClonedPalette: { (): boolean[]; (_: boolean[]): Treemap; };
mappings: { (): TreemapColumn[]; (_: TreemapColumn[]): Treemap; };
aggrType: { (): string; (_: string): Treemap; };
aggrColumn: { (): string; (_: string): Treemap; };
fontSize: { (): number; (_: number): Treemap; };
fontSize_exists: () => boolean;
paddingInner: { (): number; (_: number): Treemap; };
paddingOuter: { (): number; (_: number): Treemap; };
paddingTop: { (): number; (_: number): Treemap; };
parentFontSize: { (): number; (_: number): Treemap; };
leafFontSize: { (): number; (_: number): Treemap; };
brighterLeafNodes: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Treemap; };
showRoot: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Treemap; };
enableParentLabels: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Treemap; };
enableParentTooltips: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Treemap; };
showParentWeight: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Treemap; };
showLeafWeight: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Treemap; };
usePaletteOnParentNodes: { (): boolean; (_: boolean): Treemap; };
depthColorLimit: { (): number; (_: number): Treemap; };
squarifyRatio: { (): number; (_: number): Treemap; };
weightSuffix: { (): string; (_: string): Treemap; };
tilingMethod: { (): string; (_: string): Treemap; };
transitionDuration: { (): number[]; (_: number[]): Treemap; };
// ITree
click: (row, column, selected) => void;
dblclick: (row, column, selected) => void;

@@ -301,2 +270,59 @@ Treemap.prototype._class += " tree_Treemap";

export interface Treemap {
// ITree ---
click(row, column, selected): void;
dblclick(row, column, selected): void;
// Properties ---
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
useClonedPalette(): boolean;
useClonedPalette(_: boolean): this;
mappings(): TreemapColumn[];
mappings(_: TreemapColumn[]): this;
aggrType(): string;
aggrType(_: string): this;
aggrColumn(): string;
aggrColumn(_: string): this;
fontSize(): number;
fontSize(_: number): this;
fontSize_exists(): boolean;
paddingInner(): number;
paddingInner(_: number): this;
paddingOuter(): number;
paddingOuter(_: number): this;
paddingTop(): number;
paddingTop(_: number): this;
showRoot(): boolean;
showRoot(_: boolean): this;
parentFontSize(): number;
parentFontSize(_: number): this;
leafFontSize(): number;
leafFontSize(_: number): this;
usePaletteOnParentNodes(): boolean;
usePaletteOnParentNodes(_: boolean): this;
depthColorLimit(): number;
depthColorLimit(_: number): this;
squarifyRatio(): number;
squarifyRatio(_: number): this;
showParentWeight(): boolean;
showParentWeight(_: boolean): this;
showLeafWeight(): boolean;
showLeafWeight(_: boolean): this;
weightSuffix(): string;
weightSuffix(_: string): this;
brighterLeafNodes(): boolean;
brighterLeafNodes(_: boolean): this;
enableParentLabels(): boolean;
enableParentLabels(_: boolean): this;
enableParentTooltips(): boolean;
enableParentTooltips(_: boolean): this;
transitionDuration(): number[];
transitionDuration(_: number[]): this;
tilingMethod(): string;
tilingMethod(_: string): this;
Treemap.prototype.publish("paletteID", "default", "set", "Color palette for this widget", Treemap.prototype._palette.switch(), { tags: ["Basic", "Shared"] });

@@ -303,0 +329,0 @@ Treemap.prototype.publish("useClonedPalette", false, "boolean", "Enable or disable using a cloned palette", null, { tags: ["Intermediate", "Shared"] });

export declare const PKG_NAME = "@hpcc-js/tree";
export declare const PKG_VERSION = "2.42.0";
export declare const BUILD_VERSION = "2.107.0";
export declare const PKG_VERSION = "3.0.0";
export declare const BUILD_VERSION = "3.2.0";

@@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ import { SVGWidget } from "@hpcc-js/common";

zoomTo(v: any): void;
paletteID: (_?: string) => string | CirclePacking;
useClonedPalette: (_?: boolean) => boolean | CirclePacking;
_palette: any;
click: (row: any, column: any, selected: any) => void;
dblclick: (row: any, column: any, selected: any) => void;
export interface CirclePacking {
_palette: any;
click(row: any, column: any, selected: any): void;
dblclick(row: any, column: any, selected: any): void;
showSize(): boolean;

@@ -32,3 +30,6 @@ showSize(_: boolean): this;

paletteDepthVariant(_: "brighter" | "darker"): this;
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
useClonedPalette(): boolean;
useClonedPalette(_: boolean): this;

@@ -23,39 +23,24 @@ import { PropertyExt, SVGZoomWidget } from "@hpcc-js/common";

update(domNode: any, element: any): void;
paletteID: {
(): string;
(_: string): Dendrogram;
useClonedPalette: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Dendrogram;
mappings: {
(): DendrogramColumn[];
(_: DendrogramColumn[]): Dendrogram;
circleRadius: {
(): number;
(_: number): Dendrogram;
separation: {
(): number;
(_: number): Dendrogram;
dendrogram: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Dendrogram;
radial: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Dendrogram;
orientation: {
(): string;
(_: string): Dendrogram;
export interface Dendrogram {
_palette: any;
click: (row: any, column: any, selected: any) => void;
dblclick: (row: any, column: any, selected: any) => void;
click(row: any, column: any, selected: any): void;
dblclick(row: any, column: any, selected: any): void;
_selection: any;
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
useClonedPalette(): boolean;
useClonedPalette(_: boolean): this;
mappings(): DendrogramColumn[];
mappings(_: DendrogramColumn[]): this;
circleRadius(): number;
circleRadius(_: number): this;
separation(): number;
separation(_: number): this;
dendrogram(): boolean;
dendrogram(_: boolean): this;
radial(): boolean;
radial(_: boolean): this;
orientation(): "horizontal" | "vertical";
orientation(_: "horizontal" | "vertical"): this;

@@ -16,3 +16,2 @@ import { HTMLWidget } from "@hpcc-js/common";

export declare class DirectoryTree extends HTMLWidget {
_palette: any;

@@ -29,2 +28,13 @@ flattenData(json: any): DirectoryItem[];

export interface DirectoryTree {
_palette: any;
depthSize(): number;
depthSize(_: number): this;
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
omitRoot(): boolean;
omitRoot(_: boolean): this;
rowItemPadding(): number;
rowItemPadding(_: number): this;
selectionBackgroundColor(): string;
selectionBackgroundColor(_: string): this;
backgroundColor(): string;

@@ -36,4 +46,2 @@ backgroundColor(_: string): this;

fontFamily(_: string): this;
omitRoot(): boolean;
omitRoot(_: boolean): this;
fontSize(): number;

@@ -43,4 +51,2 @@ fontSize(_: number): this;

iconSize(_: number): this;
fileIconSize(): number;
fileIconSize(_: number): this;
folderIconOpen(): string;

@@ -50,8 +56,2 @@ folderIconOpen(_: string): this;

folderIconClosed(_: string): this;
hoverBackgroundColor(): string;
hoverBackgroundColor(_: string): this;
selectionBackgroundColor(): string;
selectionBackgroundColor(_: string): this;
rowItemPadding(): number;
rowItemPadding(_: number): this;
textFileIcon(): string;

@@ -61,8 +61,3 @@ textFileIcon(_: string): this;

verticalScroll(_: boolean): this;
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
depthSize(): number;
depthSize(_: number): this;
export {};

@@ -28,20 +28,15 @@ import { PropertyExt, SVGZoomWidget } from "@hpcc-js/common";

update(domNode: any, _element: any): void;
xmlColumn: {
(_: string): Indented;
(): string;
xmlColumn_exists: () => boolean;
mappings: {
(_: IndentedColumn[]): Indented;
(): IndentedColumn[];
barHeight: {
(_: number): Indented;
(): number;
export interface Indented {
_palette: any;
click: (row: any, column: any, selected: any) => void;
dblclick: (row: any, column: any, selected: any) => void;
click(row: any, column: any, selected: any): void;
dblclick(row: any, column: any, selected: any): void;
_selection: any;
xmlColumn(): string;
xmlColumn(_: string): this;
xmlColumn_exists(): boolean;
mappings(): IndentedColumn[];
mappings(_: IndentedColumn[]): this;
barHeight(): number;
barHeight(_: number): this;

@@ -1,8 +0,7 @@

export * from "./__package__";
export * from "./CirclePacking";
export * from "./Dendrogram";
export * from "./DirectoryTree";
export * from "./Indented";
export * from "./SunburstPartition";
export * from "./Treemap";
export * from "./__package__.ts";
export * from "./CirclePacking.ts";
export * from "./Dendrogram.ts";
export * from "./DirectoryTree.ts";
export * from "./Indented.ts";
export * from "./SunburstPartition.ts";
export * from "./Treemap.ts";

@@ -17,8 +17,11 @@ import { SVGWidget } from "@hpcc-js/common";

zoomTo(d: any): void;
paletteID: (_?: string) => string | SunburstPartition;
useClonedPalette: (_?: boolean) => boolean | SunburstPartition;
export interface SunburstPartition {
_palette: any;
click: (row: any, column: any, selected: any) => void;
dblclick: (row: any, column: any, selected: any) => void;
click(row: any, column: any, selected: any): void;
dblclick(row: any, column: any, selected: any): void;
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
useClonedPalette(): boolean;
useClonedPalette(_: boolean): this;

@@ -28,99 +28,54 @@ import { HTMLWidget, PropertyExt } from "@hpcc-js/common";

leafWeightHTML(d: any): string;
paletteID: {
(): string[];
(_: string[]): Treemap;
useClonedPalette: {
(): boolean[];
(_: boolean[]): Treemap;
mappings: {
(): TreemapColumn[];
(_: TreemapColumn[]): Treemap;
aggrType: {
(): string;
(_: string): Treemap;
aggrColumn: {
(): string;
(_: string): Treemap;
fontSize: {
(): number;
(_: number): Treemap;
fontSize_exists: () => boolean;
paddingInner: {
(): number;
(_: number): Treemap;
paddingOuter: {
(): number;
(_: number): Treemap;
paddingTop: {
(): number;
(_: number): Treemap;
parentFontSize: {
(): number;
(_: number): Treemap;
leafFontSize: {
(): number;
(_: number): Treemap;
brighterLeafNodes: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Treemap;
showRoot: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Treemap;
enableParentLabels: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Treemap;
enableParentTooltips: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Treemap;
showParentWeight: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Treemap;
showLeafWeight: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Treemap;
usePaletteOnParentNodes: {
(): boolean;
(_: boolean): Treemap;
depthColorLimit: {
(): number;
(_: number): Treemap;
squarifyRatio: {
(): number;
(_: number): Treemap;
weightSuffix: {
(): string;
(_: string): Treemap;
tilingMethod: {
(): string;
(_: string): Treemap;
transitionDuration: {
(): number[];
(_: number[]): Treemap;
export interface Treemap {
_palette: any;
click: (row: any, column: any, selected: any) => void;
dblclick: (row: any, column: any, selected: any) => void;
click(row: any, column: any, selected: any): void;
dblclick(row: any, column: any, selected: any): void;
paletteID(): string;
paletteID(_: string): this;
useClonedPalette(): boolean;
useClonedPalette(_: boolean): this;
mappings(): TreemapColumn[];
mappings(_: TreemapColumn[]): this;
aggrType(): string;
aggrType(_: string): this;
aggrColumn(): string;
aggrColumn(_: string): this;
fontSize(): number;
fontSize(_: number): this;
fontSize_exists(): boolean;
paddingInner(): number;
paddingInner(_: number): this;
paddingOuter(): number;
paddingOuter(_: number): this;
paddingTop(): number;
paddingTop(_: number): this;
showRoot(): boolean;
showRoot(_: boolean): this;
parentFontSize(): number;
parentFontSize(_: number): this;
leafFontSize(): number;
leafFontSize(_: number): this;
usePaletteOnParentNodes(): boolean;
usePaletteOnParentNodes(_: boolean): this;
depthColorLimit(): number;
depthColorLimit(_: number): this;
squarifyRatio(): number;
squarifyRatio(_: number): this;
showParentWeight(): boolean;
showParentWeight(_: boolean): this;
showLeafWeight(): boolean;
showLeafWeight(_: boolean): this;
weightSuffix(): string;
weightSuffix(_: string): this;
brighterLeafNodes(): boolean;
brighterLeafNodes(_: boolean): this;
enableParentLabels(): boolean;
enableParentLabels(_: boolean): this;
enableParentTooltips(): boolean;
enableParentTooltips(_: boolean): this;
transitionDuration(): number[];
transitionDuration(_: number[]): this;
tilingMethod(): string;
tilingMethod(_: string): this;

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