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Core code for Huaweicloud SDK for Node.js

Version published



3.1.94 2024-05-09

HuaweiCloud SDK CBH

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ChangeInstanceNetwork
      • changes of response param
        • - nics
        • - public_eip_statu
        • * status: string -> boolean
        • * security_grp_status: string -> boolean

HuaweiCloud SDK DLI

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ImportFlinkJobSavepoint, ExecuteFlinkJobSavepoint
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowSparkJobLog
      • changes of response param
        • * from: string -> int32
    • CreateConnectivityTask
      • changes of response param
        • * task_id: string -> int64
    • UpdateQueuePlan
      • changes of response param
        • * plan_id: string -> int64
    • BatchRunFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
        • * : list<SuccessResponse> -> list<FlinkSuccessResponse>
    • BatchStopFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
        • * : list<SuccessResponse> -> list<FlinkSuccessResponse>
    • BatchDeleteFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • - is_success
        • - message
    • ExportFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • ListElasticResourcePoolScaleRecords
      • changes of response param
        • * count: int32 -> int64
    • ShowFlinkJobExecutionGraph
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • ImportFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • DeleteFlinkJob
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • ShowFlinkJob
      • changes of response param
        • * job_detail.job_config.root_id: int32 -> int64
    • ListFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * job_list.total_count: int32 -> int64
        • * int32 -> int64

HuaweiCloud SDK DRS

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListObejectLevelCompareOverview
      • CreateObjectLevelCompareJob
      • ListObejectLevelCompareDetail
      • ListContentCompareDifference
      • DownloadCompareResultFile
      • CreateCompareResultFile
      • ShowHealthCompareJobDetail
      • ShowHealthObjectCompareJobOverview
      • UpdateComparePolicy
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • BatchCreateJobs
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.source_endpoint.kafka_security_config
    • BatchValidateConnections
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.endpoint_algorithm
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.sasl_mechanism
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.delegation_tokens
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.enable_key_store
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.key_store_key
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.key_store_key_name
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.key_store_password
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.set_private_key_password
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.key_password
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.type: enum value [SASL_PLAINTEXT,SSL]
    • ShowJobList
      • changes of response param
        • + jobs.children.job_direction: enum value [no-dbs]
        • - jobs.children.job_direction: enum value [non-dbs]
    • BatchUpdateJob
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.source_endpoint.kafka_security_config
    • BatchListJobDetails
      • changes of response param
        • + results.source_endpoint.kafka_security_config
    • ListAsyncJobDetail
      • changes of response param
        • + jobs.is_writable
        • + jobs.compare_result.content_diff_detail_info
        • + jobs.compare_result.content_compare_overview_infos.status: enum value [WAIT_FOR_COMPARE,CANCELED]
    • UpdateBatchAsyncJobs
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.type: enum value [notify]
    • ShowJobDetail
      • changes of request param
        • + type: enum value [is_writable,cloud_connection]
      • changes of response param
        • + job.is_writable
        • + job.compare_result.content_diff_detail_info
        • + job.compare_result.content_compare_overview_infos.status: enum value [WAIT_FOR_COMPARE,CANCELED]
    • UpdateJob
      • changes of request param
        • + job.type: enum value [notify]
    • ExecuteJobAction
      • changes of request param
        • + job.action_name: enum value [set_writable,cloud_connection]
        • + job.action_params.replay_config
    • BatchExecuteJobActions
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.action_name: enum value [set_writable,cloud_connection]
        • + jobs.action_params.replay_config

HuaweiCloud SDK ECS

  • Features
    • Support the API ChangeVpc
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpdateFunctionCode
      • changes of request param
        • - depend_list
    • CreateFunction
      • changes of request param
        • + gpu_type

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDB

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListStarRocksDataReplications
      • CreateStarRocksDataReplication
      • DeleteStarRocksDataReplication
      • CheckDataBaseConfig
      • CheckTableConfig
      • ListStarRocksDataReplicationConfig
      • ListStarRocksDbParameters
      • ListStarRocksDataBases
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK GES

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateGraph2
      • changes of request param
        • + graph.is_dynamic_graph
    • DeleteGraph2
      • changes of request param
        • + delete_eip

HuaweiCloud SDK MetaStudio

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • StartSmartChatJob
      • changes of response param
        • + chat_video_type
    • ShowSmartChatJob
      • changes of response param
        • + chat_video_type
    • CreateSmartChatRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + chat_video_type
    • ShowSmartChatRoom
      • changes of response param
        • + chat_video_type
    • UpdateSmartChatRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + chat_video_type
      • changes of response param
        • + chat_video_type
    • CreateSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
    • ShowSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of response param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
    • UpdateSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
      • changes of response param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
    • UpdateInteractionRuleGroup
      • changes of request param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
      • changes of response param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
    • CreateVideoScripts
      • changes of request param
        • + view_mode
    • ShowVideoScript
      • changes of response param
        • + view_mode
    • UpdateVideoScript
      • changes of request param
        • + view_mode
    • CreateInteractionRuleGroup
      • changes of request param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
    • ListInteractionRuleGroups
      • changes of response param
        • + interaction_rule_groups.interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rule_groups.interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rule_groups.interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]

HuaweiCloud SDK MPC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateTranscodingTask
      • changes of request param
        • + video_process.hls_segment_type


Last updated on 09 May 2024

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