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@huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-core - npm Package Versions






3.1.96 2024-05-23

HuaweiCloud SDK AS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateScalingGroup
      • changes of request param
        • + tags
    • ListScalingGroups
      • changes of response param
        • + scaling_groups.tags
    • ShowScalingGroup
      • changes of response param
        • + scaling_group.tags

HuaweiCloud SDK Config

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListResourcesByTag
      • CountResourcesByTag
      • TagResource
      • UnTagResource
      • ListTagsForResource
      • ListTagsForResourceType
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowPolicyAssignment
      • changes of response param
        • + tags
    • UpdatePolicyAssignment
      • changes of request param
        • + tags
      • changes of response param
        • + tags
    • ShowAggregatePolicyAssignmentDetail
      • changes of response param
        • + tags
    • CreatePolicyAssignments
      • changes of request param
        • + tags
      • changes of response param
        • + tags
    • ListPolicyAssignments
      • changes of response param
        • + tags
        • + value.tags

HuaweiCloud SDK DataArtsStudio

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpdateSecurityPermissionSetPermission
      • changes of response param
        • + url
    • CreateSecurityPermissionSetPermission
      • changes of request param
        • + url
      • changes of response param
        • + url
    • ListSecurityPermissionSetPermissions
      • changes of response param
        • + url
        • + permissions.url
    • ListSecurityDlfDataWareHouses
      • changes of request param
        • + offset
        • + limit

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforNoSQL

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ShowRedisBigKeys, ShowPasswordlessConfig, UpdatePasswordlessConfig
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • OfflineNodes
      • changes of request param
        • * x-auth-token: optional -> required

HuaweiCloud SDK MetaStudio

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ShowAgency
      • CreateAgencyWithRoleType
      • DeleteAgencyWithRoleType
      • ListHotWords
      • CreateHotWords
      • ShowHotWords
      • UpdateHotWords
      • DeleteHotWords
      • ShowHotWordsSwitch
      • UpdateHotWordsSwitch
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the API CheckTextLanguage
    • ShowRobot
      • changes of response param
        • + is_ifly_production
        • + tail_silence_time
        • + sis_region
        • + sis_project_id
    • UpdateRobot
      • changes of request param
        • + tail_silence_time
        • + huawei_ei_cbs.sis_region
        • + huawei_ei_cbs.sis_project_id
        • + iflytek_aiui_config.is_production
        • + iflytek_spark.is_production
        • + third_party_model_config.sis_region
        • + third_party_model_config.sis_project_id
        • + mobvoi_config.sis_region
        • + mobvoi_config.sis_project_id
    • CreateRobot
      • changes of request param
        • + tail_silence_time
        • + huawei_ei_cbs.sis_region
        • + huawei_ei_cbs.sis_project_id
        • + iflytek_aiui_config.is_production
        • + iflytek_spark.is_production
        • + third_party_model_config.sis_region
        • + third_party_model_config.sis_project_id
        • + mobvoi_config.sis_region
        • + mobvoi_config.sis_project_id
    • ListRobot
      • changes of response param
        • + is_ifly_production
        • + tail_silence_time
        • + sis_region
        • + sis_project_id
        • + data.is_ifly_production
        • + data.tail_silence_time
        • + data.sis_region
        • + data.sis_project_id
    • ListDigitalHumanVideo
      • changes of request param
        • + job_id

HuaweiCloud SDK RDS

  • Features
    • Support the API DownloadErrorlog
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None
published 3.1.95 •



3.1.95 2024-05-16

HuaweiCloud SDK CDN

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Deprecate the APIs UpdateDomainFullConfig, ShowDomainFullConfig
    • ShowDomainFullConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + configs.https.enc_certificate_value
        • + configs.https.certificates
    • UpdateDomainFullConfig
      • changes of request param
        • + configs.https.enc_certificate_value
        • + configs.https.enc_private_key
        • + configs.https.certificates

HuaweiCloud SDK Config

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CountTrackedResources
      • changes of request param
        • + resource_deleted
    • ShowTrackedResourceDetail
      • changes of response param
        • + state
    • ShowResourceById
      • changes of response param
        • + state
    • ShowResourceDetail
      • changes of response param
        • + state
    • ListResources
      • changes of response param
        • + state
        • + resources.state
    • ListTrackedResources
      • changes of request param
        • + resource_deleted
      • changes of response param
        • + state
        • + resources.state
    • ListTrackedResourceTags
      • changes of request param
        • + resource_deleted
    • CollectTrackedResourcesSummary
      • changes of request param
        • + resource_deleted
    • ListAllResources
      • changes of response param
        • + state
        • + resources.state
    • ShowResourceHistory
      • changes of response param
        • + state
        • + items.resource.state

HuaweiCloud SDK DataArtsStudio

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListSecurityMemberSyncTasks
      • ShowSecurityMemberSyncTask
      • ListSecurityAssignedQueues
      • CreateSecurityAssignedQueue
      • UpdateSecurityAssignedQueue
      • DeleteSecurityAssignedQueue
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK DCS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListClients
      • changes of response param
        • * clients.idle: string -> int32

HuaweiCloud SDK DLI

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateSqlJob
      • changes of request param
        • + current_catalog

HuaweiCloud SDK DWS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListUpdatableVersion
      • changes of request param
        • + type

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDB

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • CreateStarrocksInstance
      • ListStarrocksInstanceInfo
      • DeleteStarrocksInstance
      • RestartStarrocksInstance
      • RestartStarrocksNode
      • CheckStarRocksResource
      • ListHtapDataStore
      • ListHtapStorageType
      • ListHtapFlavor
      • ListHtapInstanceInfo
      • ShowStarRocksDatabaseUser
      • CreateStarRocksDatabaseUser
      • DeleteStarRocksDatabaseUser
      • UpdateStarRocksDatabaseUserPassword
      • UpdateStarRocksDatabaseUserPermission
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforopenGauss

  • Features
    • Support the API RestoreInstance
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateDbInstance
      • changes of request param
        • + enable_single_float_ip

HuaweiCloud SDK IAM

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListCustomPolicies
      • changes of response param
        • * roles.policy.Statement.Resource: list<string> -> object
    • CreateCloudServiceCustomPolicy
      • changes of request param
        • * role.policy.Statement.Resource: list<string> -> object
      • changes of response param
        • * role.policy.Statement.Resource: list<string> -> object
    • ShowCustomPolicy
      • changes of response param
        • * role.policy.Statement.Resource: list<string> -> object
    • UpdateCloudServiceCustomPolicy
      • changes of request param
        • * role.policy.Statement.Resource: list<string> -> object
      • changes of response param
        • * role.policy.Statement.Resource: list<string> -> object
    • CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByToken
      • changes of request param
        • * auth.identity.policy.Statement.Resource: list<string> -> object
    • CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgency
      • changes of request param
        • * auth.identity.policy.Statement.Resource: list<string> -> object

HuaweiCloud SDK LTS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListLogs
      • changes of request param
        • + __time__
    • ListStructuredLogsWithTimeRange
      • changes of request param
        • * time_range.start_time: string -> int64
        • * time_range.end_time: string -> int64

HuaweiCloud SDK MetaStudio

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • CreateLargeFile
      • ListHotQuestion
      • CreateHotQuestion
      • ShowHotQuestion
      • UpdateHotQuestion
      • DeleteHotQuestion
      • ListKnowledgeSkill
      • CreateKnowledgeSkill
      • ShowKnowledgeSkill
      • UpdateKnowledgeSkill
      • DeleteKnowledgeSkill
      • ExportKnowledgeSkill
      • ListKnowledgeIntent
      • CreateKnowledgeIntent
      • ShowKnowledgeIntent
      • UpdateKnowledgeIntent
      • DeleteKnowledgeIntent
      • CreateIntentAndQuestion
      • ListKnowledgeQuestion
      • CreateKnowledgeQuestion
      • ShowKnowledgeQuestion
      • UpdateKnowledgeQuestion
      • DeleteKnowledgeQuestion
      • UpdateBatchKnowledgeQuestion
      • CreateBatchKnowledgeQuestion
      • ListWelcomeSpeech
      • CreateWelcomeSpeech
      • ShowWelcomeSpeech
      • UpdateWelcomeSpeech
      • DeleteWelcomeSpeech
      • ShowWelcomeSpeechSwitch
      • UpdateWelcomeSpeechSwitch
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowRobot
      • changes of response param
        • + app_key
        • + role_id
    • UpdateRobot
      • changes of request param
        • + mobvoi_config
    • CreateTrainingBasicJob
      • changes of request param
        • + phone
    • CreateTrainingMiddleJob
      • changes of request param
        • + phone
    • CreateTrainingAdvanceJob
      • changes of request param
        • + phone
    • ShowVoiceTrainingJob
      • changes of response param
        • + phone
        • + job_type: enum value [LLM_MAJOR,LLM_MINOR,THIRD_PARTY]
    • CreateRobot
      • changes of request param
        • + mobvoi_config
    • ListRobot
      • changes of response param
        • + app_key
        • + role_id
        • + data.app_key
        • + data.role_id
    • ListVoiceTrainingJob
      • changes of response param
        • + phone
        • +
        • + jobs.job_type: enum value [LLM_MAJOR,LLM_MINOR,THIRD_PARTY]

HuaweiCloud SDK OCR

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • RecognizeSmartDocumentRecognizer
      • changes of request param
        • + pdf_page_number
published 3.1.94 •



3.1.94 2024-05-09

HuaweiCloud SDK CBH

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ChangeInstanceNetwork
      • changes of response param
        • - nics
        • - public_eip_statu
        • * status: string -> boolean
        • * security_grp_status: string -> boolean

HuaweiCloud SDK DLI

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ImportFlinkJobSavepoint, ExecuteFlinkJobSavepoint
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowSparkJobLog
      • changes of response param
        • * from: string -> int32
    • CreateConnectivityTask
      • changes of response param
        • * task_id: string -> int64
    • UpdateQueuePlan
      • changes of response param
        • * plan_id: string -> int64
    • BatchRunFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
        • * : list<SuccessResponse> -> list<FlinkSuccessResponse>
    • BatchStopFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
        • * : list<SuccessResponse> -> list<FlinkSuccessResponse>
    • BatchDeleteFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • - is_success
        • - message
    • ExportFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • ListElasticResourcePoolScaleRecords
      • changes of response param
        • * count: int32 -> int64
    • ShowFlinkJobExecutionGraph
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • ImportFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • DeleteFlinkJob
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • ShowFlinkJob
      • changes of response param
        • * job_detail.job_config.root_id: int32 -> int64
    • ListFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * job_list.total_count: int32 -> int64
        • * int32 -> int64

HuaweiCloud SDK DRS

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListObejectLevelCompareOverview
      • CreateObjectLevelCompareJob
      • ListObejectLevelCompareDetail
      • ListContentCompareDifference
      • DownloadCompareResultFile
      • CreateCompareResultFile
      • ShowHealthCompareJobDetail
      • ShowHealthObjectCompareJobOverview
      • UpdateComparePolicy
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • BatchCreateJobs
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.source_endpoint.kafka_security_config
    • BatchValidateConnections
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.endpoint_algorithm
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.sasl_mechanism
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.delegation_tokens
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.enable_key_store
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.key_store_key
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.key_store_key_name
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.key_store_password
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.set_private_key_password
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.key_password
        • + jobs.kafka_security_config.type: enum value [SASL_PLAINTEXT,SSL]
    • ShowJobList
      • changes of response param
        • + jobs.children.job_direction: enum value [no-dbs]
        • - jobs.children.job_direction: enum value [non-dbs]
    • BatchUpdateJob
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.source_endpoint.kafka_security_config
    • BatchListJobDetails
      • changes of response param
        • + results.source_endpoint.kafka_security_config
    • ListAsyncJobDetail
      • changes of response param
        • + jobs.is_writable
        • + jobs.compare_result.content_diff_detail_info
        • + jobs.compare_result.content_compare_overview_infos.status: enum value [WAIT_FOR_COMPARE,CANCELED]
    • UpdateBatchAsyncJobs
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.type: enum value [notify]
    • ShowJobDetail
      • changes of request param
        • + type: enum value [is_writable,cloud_connection]
      • changes of response param
        • + job.is_writable
        • + job.compare_result.content_diff_detail_info
        • + job.compare_result.content_compare_overview_infos.status: enum value [WAIT_FOR_COMPARE,CANCELED]
    • UpdateJob
      • changes of request param
        • + job.type: enum value [notify]
    • ExecuteJobAction
      • changes of request param
        • + job.action_name: enum value [set_writable,cloud_connection]
        • + job.action_params.replay_config
    • BatchExecuteJobActions
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.action_name: enum value [set_writable,cloud_connection]
        • + jobs.action_params.replay_config

HuaweiCloud SDK ECS

  • Features
    • Support the API ChangeVpc
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpdateFunctionCode
      • changes of request param
        • - depend_list
    • CreateFunction
      • changes of request param
        • + gpu_type

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDB

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListStarRocksDataReplications
      • CreateStarRocksDataReplication
      • DeleteStarRocksDataReplication
      • CheckDataBaseConfig
      • CheckTableConfig
      • ListStarRocksDataReplicationConfig
      • ListStarRocksDbParameters
      • ListStarRocksDataBases
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK GES

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateGraph2
      • changes of request param
        • + graph.is_dynamic_graph
    • DeleteGraph2
      • changes of request param
        • + delete_eip

HuaweiCloud SDK MetaStudio

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • StartSmartChatJob
      • changes of response param
        • + chat_video_type
    • ShowSmartChatJob
      • changes of response param
        • + chat_video_type
    • CreateSmartChatRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + chat_video_type
    • ShowSmartChatRoom
      • changes of response param
        • + chat_video_type
    • UpdateSmartChatRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + chat_video_type
      • changes of response param
        • + chat_video_type
    • CreateSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
    • ShowSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of response param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
    • UpdateSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
      • changes of response param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
    • UpdateInteractionRuleGroup
      • changes of request param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
      • changes of response param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
    • CreateVideoScripts
      • changes of request param
        • + view_mode
    • ShowVideoScript
      • changes of response param
        • + view_mode
    • UpdateVideoScript
      • changes of request param
        • + view_mode
    • CreateInteractionRuleGroup
      • changes of request param
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
    • ListInteractionRuleGroups
      • changes of response param
        • + interaction_rule_groups.interaction_rules.trigger.extra_layer_config
        • + interaction_rule_groups.interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.text_config
        • + interaction_rule_groups.interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]

HuaweiCloud SDK MPC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateTranscodingTask
      • changes of request param
        • + video_process.hls_segment_type
published 3.1.93 •



3.1.93 2024-04-30

HuaweiCloud SDK AOS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • EstimateExecutionPlanPrice
      • changes of response param
        • - currency: enum value [CNY,USD]

HuaweiCloud SDK DataArtsStudio

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowTechnicalAssetsStatistic
      • changes of response param
        • * datasource_statistics.data_size: int32 -> double
        • * datasource_statistics.databases.data_size: int32 -> double
        • * datasource_statistics.folders.data_size: int32 -> double
        • * datasource_statistics.css_indices.index_data_size: int32 -> double

HuaweiCloud SDK RocketMQ

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateInstanceByEngine
      • changes of request param
        • + engine_version: enum value [[4.8.0](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[5.x](tag:hcs)]
        • - engine_version: enum value [[4.8.0](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[5.x](tag:hcs)]
        • + product_id: enum value [[c6.4u8g.cluster.small](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[c6.2u8g.single.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.4u8g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[c6.4u16g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.8u16g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[c6.8u32g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.12u24g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[c6.16u64g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.16u32g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[c6.32u128g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs)]
        • - product_id: enum value [[c6.4u8g.cluster.small](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[c6.2u8g.single.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.4u8g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[c6.4u16g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.8u16g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[c6.8u32g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.12u24g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[c6.16u64g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.16u32g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[c6.32u128g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs)]
    • ShowInstance
      • changes of response param
        • + available_zone_names
        • + enterprise_project_id
    • CreateTopicOrBatchDeleteTopic
      • changes of request param
        • + queues
    • CreatePostPaidInstance
      • changes of request param
        • + engine_version: enum value [[4.8.0](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[5.x](tag:hcs)]
        • - engine_version: enum value [[4.8.0](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[5.x](tag:hcs)]
        • + product_id: enum value [[c6.4u8g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[c6.4u16g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.8u16g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[c6.8u32g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.12u24g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[c6.16u64g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.16u32g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,sbc,hk_sbc,hk_tm)[c6.32u128g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs)]
        • - product_id: enum value [[c6.4u8g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[c6.4u16g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.8u16g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[c6.8u32g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.12u24g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[c6.16u64g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs),[c6.16u32g.cluster](tag:hws,hws_eu,hws_hk,ocb,hws_ocb,ctc,g42,hk_g42,tm,hk_tm)[c6.32u128g.cluster.x86](tag:hcs)]
    • ListInstances
      • changes of response param
        • + available_zone_names
        • + enterprise_project_id
        • + instances.available_zone_names
        • + instances.enterprise_project_id
published 3.1.92 •



3.1.92 2024-04-25

HuaweiCloud SDK AAD

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowUnblockRecord
      • changes of response param
        • * unblock_record.block_id: string -> int64

HuaweiCloud SDK CodeArtsDeploy

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowDeployTaskDetail
      • changes of response param
        • + is_disable
        • + can_disable
    • ListDeployTasks
      • changes of response param
        • + is_disable
        • + can_disable
        • + result.can_disable
        • + result.is_disable
    • ListAllApp
      • changes of response param
        • + result.is_disable
        • + result.can_disable
    • ShowAppDetailById
      • changes of response param
        • + result.is_disable
        • + result.can_disable
        • + result.arrange_infos.can_disable
        • + result.arrange_infos.is_disable

HuaweiCloud SDK DataArtsStudio

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ImportDataServiceExcel
      • ExportDataServiceExcel
      • ExportDataServiceZip
      • ExportDataServiceExcelTemplate
      • ListSecurityDlfDataWareHouses
      • BatchUpdateSecurityDlfDataWareHouses
      • DebugSecurityDlfDataWareHouses
      • ListSecuritySensitiveDataOverviews
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the API PublishApi
    • DeleteApi
      • changes of request param
        • * workspace: optional -> required
    • ListApicGroups
      • changes of request param
        • + apig_type: enum value [APIG]
    • ListApis
      • changes of request param
        • + name
        • + description
        • + create_user
        • + start_time
        • + end_time
        • + tags
        • + api_type
        • + publish_status
        • + table_name

HuaweiCloud SDK DCS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateMigrationTask
      • changes of request param
        • + source_instance.task_status
        • +
        • + source_instance.ip
        • + source_instance.port
        • +
        • + source_instance.proxy_multi_db
        • + source_instance.db
        • + target_instance.ip
        • + target_instance.port
        • + target_instance.addrs
        • + target_instance.proxy_multi_db
        • + target_instance.db
    • ShowMigrationTask
      • changes of response param
        • + source_instance.task_status
        • +
        • + source_instance.ip
        • + source_instance.port
        • +
        • + source_instance.proxy_multi_db
        • + source_instance.db
        • + target_instance.ip
        • + target_instance.port
        • + target_instance.addrs
        • + target_instance.proxy_multi_db
        • + target_instance.db
    • StopMigrationTask
      • changes of response param
        • + source_instance.task_status
        • +
        • + source_instance.ip
        • + source_instance.port
        • +
        • + source_instance.proxy_multi_db
        • + source_instance.db
        • + target_instance.ip
        • + target_instance.port
        • + target_instance.addrs
        • + target_instance.proxy_multi_db
        • + target_instance.db

HuaweiCloud SDK DLI

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListTables
      • changes of response param
        • * tables.create_time: int32 -> int64
        • * tables.last_access_time: int32 -> int64
        • * tables.table_size: int32 -> int64
    • CreateFlinkSqlJob
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • UpdateFlinkSqlJob
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • CreateFlinkJarJob
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • UpdateFlinkJarJob
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
    • ShowFlinkJob
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string

HuaweiCloud SDK DWS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListMetricsData
      • changes of response param
        • * data: list<map<string, string>> -> list<map<string, object>>

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforNoSQL

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListInstances
      • changes of response param
        • + instances.availability_zone

HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListDeviceProxies
      • CreateDeviceProxy
      • ShowDeviceProxy
      • UpdateDeviceProxy
      • DeleteDeviceProxy
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK Moderation

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • RunCreateVideoModerationJob
      • changes of request param
        • + seed
    • RunCreateAudioStreamModerationJob
      • changes of request param
        • + seed
    • RunCreateDocumentModerationJob
      • changes of request param
        • + seed
    • RunCreateVideoStreamModerationJob
      • changes of request param
        • + seed
    • RunCreateAudioModerationJob
      • changes of request param
        • + seed

HuaweiCloud SDK OCR

  • Features
    • Support the API RecognizeBankReceipt
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • RecognizeBusinessLicense
      • changes of response param
        • + result.organization_form
    • RecognizeSmartDocumentRecognizer
      • changes of request param
        • + formula
      • changes of response param
        • + result.formula_result

HuaweiCloud SDK VPC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateFirewall
      • changes of response param
        • + firewall.ingress_rules.enabled
    • ShowFirewall
      • changes of response param
        • + firewall.ingress_rules.enabled
    • UpdateFirewall
      • changes of response param
        • + firewall.ingress_rules.enabled
    • UpdateFirewallRules
      • changes of request param
        • + firewall.ingress_rules.enabled
      • changes of response param
        • + firewall.ingress_rules.enabled
    • AddFirewallRules
      • changes of request param
        • + firewall.ingress_rules.enabled
      • changes of response param
        • + firewall.ingress_rules.enabled
    • RemoveFirewallRules
      • changes of response param
        • + firewall.ingress_rules.enabled
    • AssociateSubnetFirewall
      • changes of response param
        • + firewall.ingress_rules.enabled
    • DisassociateSubnetFirewall
      • changes of response param
        • + firewall.ingress_rules.enabled

HuaweiCloud SDK WAF

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpdatePolicyRuleStatus
      • changes of request param
        • + ruletype: enum value [cc]
published 3.1.91 •



3.1.91 2024-04-18

HuaweiCloud SDK AOM

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListEvents
      • changes of request param
        • + Enterprise-Project-Id
    • CountEvents
      • changes of response param
        • + summary
    • UpdateAlarmRule
      • changes of request param
        • + period: enum value [3600000]
        • - period: enum value [36000000]
    • AddAlarmRule
      • changes of request param
        • + period: enum value [3600000]
        • - period: enum value [36000000]

HuaweiCloud SDK Config

  • Features
    • Support the APIs UpdateConformancePack, UpdateOrganizationConformancePack
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowOrganizationPolicyAssignmentDetailedStatus
      • changes of request param
        • * organization_policy_assignment_name: required -> optional
    • ShowConformancePack
      • changes of response param
        • + template_key
        • + agency_name
        • + template_uri
    • ShowOrganizationConformancePack
      • changes of response param
        • + template_key
        • + template_uri
    • ShowOrganizationConformancePackDetailedStatuses
      • changes of request param
        • * conformance_pack_name: required -> optional
    • ShowTrackerConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + retention_period_in_days
    • CreateTrackerConfig
      • changes of request param
        • + retention_period_in_days
    • CreateConformancePack
      • changes of response param
        • + template_key
        • + agency_name
        • + template_uri
    • ListConformancePacks
      • changes of response param
        • + template_key
        • + agency_name
        • + template_uri
        • + value.template_key
        • + value.template_uri
        • + value.agency_name
        • + value.status: enum value [UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL,UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS,UPDATE_FAILED]

HuaweiCloud SDK CSE

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListFlavors
      • changes of response param
        • + data.spec

HuaweiCloud SDK DCS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListMigrationTask
      • changes of response param
        • + migration_tasks.description
        • + migration_tasks.source_instance_status
        • + migration_tasks.target_instance_status
        • + migration_tasks.source_instance_subnet_id
        • + migration_tasks.target_instance_subnet_id
        • + migration_tasks.source_instance_spec_code
        • + migration_tasks.target_instance_spec_code
        • + migration_tasks.error_message
        • + migration_tasks.released_at
        • + migration_tasks.version
        • + migration_tasks.resume_mode
        • + migration_tasks.supported_features
    • ShowMigrationTask
      • changes of response param
        • + task_status
        • + tenant_security_group_id
        • + tenant_vpc_id
        • + released_at
        • + version
        • + resume_mode
        • + supported_features
        • + bandwidth_limit_mb
        • + tenant_subnet_id
    • StopMigrationTask
      • changes of response param
        • + task_status
        • + tenant_security_group_id
        • + tenant_vpc_id
        • + released_at
        • + version
        • + resume_mode
        • + supported_features
        • + bandwidth_limit_mb
        • + tenant_subnet_id
    • ListBackgroundTask
      • changes of response param
        • + tasks.details.old_resource_spec_code
        • + tasks.details.new_resource_spec_code
        • + tasks.details.old_replica_num
        • + tasks.details.new_replica_num
        • + tasks.details.old_cache_type
        • + tasks.details.new_cache_type
        • + tasks.details.replica_ip
        • + tasks.details.replica_az
        • + tasks.details.group_name
        • + tasks.details.old_port
        • + tasks.details.new_port
        • + tasks.details.is_only_adjust_charging
        • + tasks.details.account_name
        • + tasks.details.source_ip
        • + tasks.details.target_ip
        • + tasks.details.node_name
        • + tasks.details.rename_commands
        • + tasks.details.updated_config_length
    • ListCenterTask
      • changes of response param
        • + tasks.details.old_resource_spec_code
        • + tasks.details.new_resource_spec_code
        • + tasks.details.old_replica_num
        • + tasks.details.new_replica_num
        • + tasks.details.old_cache_type
        • + tasks.details.new_cache_type
        • + tasks.details.replica_ip
        • + tasks.details.replica_az
        • + tasks.details.group_name
        • + tasks.details.old_port
        • + tasks.details.new_port
        • + tasks.details.is_only_adjust_charging
        • + tasks.details.account_name
        • + tasks.details.source_ip
        • + tasks.details.target_ip
        • + tasks.details.node_name
        • + tasks.details.rename_commands
        • + tasks.details.updated_config_length

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforopenGauss

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ListTopIoTraffics, ShowErrorLogSwitchStatus, ListInstanceErrorLogs, DeleteInstanceTag
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the API ShowInstancesStatistics
    • UpgradeInstanceVersion
      • changes of request param
        • + upgrade_action
        • - upgrde_action
        • - is_parallel_upgrade
    • ShowBackupPolicy
      • changes of response param
        • * backup_policy.differential_period: string -> int32

HuaweiCloud SDK HSS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListSecurityEvents
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.process_info_list.process_file_hash
        • + data_list.process_info_list.parent_process_file_hash
        • + data_list.process_info_list.block

HuaweiCloud SDK MetaStudio

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Create2dModelTrainingJob
      • changes of request param
        • + model_version
    • List2dModelTrainingJob
      • changes of request param
        • + query_project_id
        • + model_resolution
      • changes of response param
        • + jobs.model_resolution
        • + jobs.app_user_id
        • + jobs.model_version: enum value [V3.2]
    • ShowRobot
      • changes of response param
        • + room_id
        • - concurrency
    • UpdateRobot
      • changes of request param
        • + room_id
        • - concurrency
    • ExecuteSmartLiveCommand
      • changes of request param
        • + command: enum value [REFRESH_OUTPUT_URL]
      • changes of response param
        • + command: enum value [REFRESH_OUTPUT_URL]
    • Update2dModelTrainingJob
      • changes of request param
        • * body: object<Create2dModelTrainingJobReq> -> object<Update2dModelTrainingJobReq>
    • Show2dModelTrainingJob
      • changes of response param
        • + inference_data_process_eye_correction_mark_info
        • + worker_type
        • + app_user_id
        • + model_version: enum value [V3.2]
        • + operation_logs.log_type: enum value [SYSTEM_COMPILE_FAILED,SYSTEM_COMPILE_SUCCESS]
    • CreateRobot
      • changes of request param
        • + room_id
        • - concurrency
    • ListRobot
      • changes of request param
        • + room_id
      • changes of response param
        • + room_id
        • - concurrency
        • + data.room_id
        • - data.concurrency
    • CreateSmartChatRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + background_config.background_color_config
        • - background_config.background_title
        • - background_config.human_position_2d
        • - background_config.human_size_2d
        • - background_config.background_cover_url
        • + background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • ShowSmartChatRoom
      • changes of response param
        • + background_config.background_color_config
        • - background_config.background_title
        • - background_config.human_position_2d
        • - background_config.human_size_2d
        • - background_config.background_cover_url
        • + background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • UpdateSmartChatRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + background_config.background_color_config
        • - background_config.background_title
        • - background_config.human_position_2d
        • - background_config.human_size_2d
        • - background_config.background_cover_url
        • + background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
      • changes of response param
        • + background_config.background_color_config
        • - background_config.background_title
        • - background_config.human_position_2d
        • - background_config.human_size_2d
        • - background_config.background_cover_url
        • + background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • ShowSmartLive
      • changes of response param
        • + live_event_callback_config.auth_type: enum value [RTMP_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE,MEITUAN_DEFAULT]
    • ShowVideoMotionCaptureJob
      • changes of response param
        • + output_info.output_data_version
    • StartSmartLive
      • changes of request param
        • + play_policy.need_independent_capture_client
        • + live_event_callback_config.auth_type: enum value [RTMP_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE,MEITUAN_DEFAULT]
      • changes of response param
        • + live_event_callback_config.auth_type: enum value [RTMP_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE,MEITUAN_DEFAULT]
    • ListSmartLive
      • changes of response param
        • + smart_live_jobs.live_event_callback_config.auth_type: enum value [RTMP_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE,MEITUAN_DEFAULT]
    • ListSmartLiveJobs
      • changes of response param
        • + smart_live_jobs.live_event_callback_config.auth_type: enum value [RTMP_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE,MEITUAN_DEFAULT]
    • CreateVideoMotionCaptureJob
      • changes of request param
        • + output_info.output_data_version
    • ListVideoMotionCaptureJobs
      • changes of response param
        • + video_motion_capture_jobs.output_info.output_data_version
    • ShowAsset
      • changes of response param
        • + asset_extra_meta.image_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.video_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.audio_meta
    • UpdateDigitalAsset
      • changes of request param
        • + asset_extra_meta.image_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.video_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.audio_meta
      • changes of response param
        • + asset_extra_meta.image_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.video_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.audio_meta
    • Create2DDigitalHumanVideo
      • changes of request param
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_color_config
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_title
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • Show2DDigitalHumanVideo
      • changes of response param
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_color_config
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_title
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • CreatePhotoDigitalHumanVideo
      • changes of request param
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_color_config
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_title
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • ShowPhotoDigitalHumanVideo
      • changes of response param
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_color_config
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_title
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • CreateSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + play_policy.need_independent_capture_client
        • + live_event_callback_config.auth_type: enum value [RTMP_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE,MEITUAN_DEFAULT]
        • + scene_scripts.background_config.background_color_config
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.background_title
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + scene_scripts.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • ShowSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of response param
        • + play_policy.need_independent_capture_client
        • + live_event_callback_config.auth_type: enum value [RTMP_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE,MEITUAN_DEFAULT]
        • + scene_scripts.background_config.background_color_config
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.background_title
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + scene_scripts.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • UpdateSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + play_policy.need_independent_capture_client
        • + live_event_callback_config.auth_type: enum value [RTMP_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE,MEITUAN_DEFAULT]
        • + scene_scripts.background_config.background_color_config
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.background_title
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + scene_scripts.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
      • changes of response param
        • + play_policy.need_independent_capture_client
        • + live_event_callback_config.auth_type: enum value [RTMP_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE,MEITUAN_DEFAULT]
        • + scene_scripts.background_config.background_color_config
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.background_title
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - scene_scripts.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + scene_scripts.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • CreateVideoScripts
      • changes of request param
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_color_config
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_title
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • ShowVideoScript
      • changes of response param
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_color_config
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_title
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • UpdateVideoScript
      • changes of request param
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_color_config
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_title
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_position_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.human_size_2d
        • - shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_cover_url
        • + shoot_scripts.shoot_script.background_config.background_type: enum value [COLOR]
    • CreateDigitalAsset
      • changes of request param
        • + is_need_generate_cover
        • + asset_extra_meta.image_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.video_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.audio_meta
    • ListAssets
      • changes of request param
        • - X-REAL-IP
      • changes of response param
        • + assets.asset_extra_meta.image_meta
        • + assets.asset_extra_meta.video_meta
        • + assets.asset_extra_meta.audio_meta

HuaweiCloud SDK TMS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • DeleteResourceTag
      • changes of request param
        • + tags.value
published 3.1.90 •



3.1.90 2024-04-12

HuaweiCloud SDK Core

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • Fix some problems
  • Change
    • None
published 3.1.89 •



3.1.89 2024-04-12

HuaweiCloud SDK Core

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Upgrade axios: 0.21.4 -> 0.28.1
published 3.1.88 •



3.1.88 2024-04-11

HuaweiCloud SDK AOS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowStackSetMetadata
      • changes of response param
        • + managed_operation
    • UpdateStackSet
      • changes of request param
        • + managed_operation
    • CreateStackSet
      • changes of request param
        • + managed_operation
    • CreateStackInstance
      • changes of request param
        • + operation_preferences
    • DeleteStackInstanceDeprecated
      • changes of request param
        • + operation_preferences
    • UpdateStackInstances
      • changes of request param
        • + operation_preferences
    • DeleteStackInstance
      • changes of request param
        • + operation_preferences
    • DeployStackSet
      • changes of request param
        • + operation_preferences
    • ShowStackSetOperationMetadata
      • changes of response param
        • + operation_preferences

HuaweiCloud SDK APIG

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpdateGatewayResponseTypeV2
      • changes of request param
        • * headers.value: object -> string

HuaweiCloud SDK CDN

  • Features
    • Support the API ShowQuota
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowDomainFullConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + configs.sni
        • + configs.request_url_rewrite
        • + configs.browser_cache_rules
    • UpdateDomainFullConfig
      • changes of request param
        • + configs.sni
        • + configs.request_url_rewrite
        • + configs.browser_cache_rules

HuaweiCloud SDK DataArtsStudio

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • SearchFieldsForRelation
      • ExportDesignModels
      • ExportDesignResult
      • ExportDesignModelTableDdl
      • AddDesignEntityTags
      • RemoveDesignEntityTags
      • UpdateDesignTableQuality
      • RemoveDesignQualityInfos
      • DeleteDesignLatestApproval
      • SearchDesignLatestApprovalDiff
      • UpdateDesignAggregationLogicTable
      • CreateDesignAggregationLogicTable
      • DeleteDesignAggregationLogicTable
      • UpdateDesignAtomicIndex
      • CreateDesignAtomicIndex
      • DeleteDesignAtomicIndex
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ResetLinkAttributeAndStandard
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListCatalogTree
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • SearchCatalogs
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ChangeCatalog
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CreateCatalog
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • DeleteCatalog
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * ids: list<integer> -> list<string>
    • ShowBizCatalogDetail
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ShowStandardTemplate
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • UpdateStandardTemplate
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CreateStandardTemplate
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • DeleteStandardTemplate
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • SearchApprovals
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • RollbackApproval
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ConfirmApprovals
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListApprovers
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CreateApprover
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • DeleteApprover
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListBusiness
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CountOverviews
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CountTableModels
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CountAllModels
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CountStandards
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListDirectories
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • UpdateDirectory
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • - type: enum value [TAG]
    • CreateDirectory
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • - type: enum value [TAG]
    • DeleteDirectory
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ShowBizMetricById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListBizMetricDimensions
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListBizMetricOwners
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListMetricRelations
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • SearchVersions
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
      • changes of response param
        • + data.value
    • ListDimensions
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ShowDimensionById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListDimensionGroups
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CheckDimensionStatus
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListDimensionLogicTables
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ShowDimensionLogicTableById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListFactLogicTables
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ShowFactLogicTableById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CheckFactLogicTableStatus
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListAggregationLogicTables
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
      • changes of response param
        • + data.value
    • ShowAggregationLogicTableById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
      • changes of response param
        • + data.value
    • ListCondition
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ShowConditionById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListRelations
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ShowRelationById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListTableModelRelations
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ShowTableModelById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ShowWorkspaceDetailById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ImportResult
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • SearchDwByType
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListAllTables
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ImportCatalogs
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ImportModels
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • RenewDataProfile
      • changes of request param
        • + obsconfig.column_map
        • + obsconfig.path
        • + obsconfig.delimiter
        • + obsconfig.quote
        • + obsconfig.escape
        • + obsconfig.header
        • + obsconfig.data_type
        • + obsconfig.date_format
        • + obsconfig.timestamp_format
        • + obsconfig.null_value
        • + obsconfig.comment
        • + obsconfig.parse_mode
        • + obsconfig.join_table
        • * obsconfig: object -> object<OBSCommonConfig>
    • InitializeStandardTemplate
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListSubjectLevels
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ChangeSubjects
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListWorkspaces
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • DeleteWorkspaces
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • UpdateWorkspace
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CreateWorkspace
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • SearchCustomizedFields
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • + type: enum value [METRIC]
    • ModifyCustomizedFields
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • SearchSubjectNew
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • DeleteSubjectNew
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * ids: list<integer> -> list<string>
    • UpdateSubjectNew
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CreateSubjectNew
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListAllStandards
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
      • changes of response param
        • + data.value
    • DeleteStandard
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * ids: list<integer> -> list<string>
    • CreateStandard
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • + from_public
        • * integer -> string
        • * approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • ShowStandardById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • UpdateStandard
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • + from_public
        • * integer -> string
        • * approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • SearchCodeTables
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • DeleteCodeTable
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * ids: list<integer> -> list<string>
    • CreateCodeTable
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * integer -> string
        • * approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • ShowCodeTableById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • UpdateCodeTable
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * integer -> string
        • * approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • SearchCodeTableValues
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • UpdateCodeTableValues
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • BatchPublish
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • BatchOffline
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • ListBizMetrics
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • DeleteBizMetric
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * ids: list<integer> -> list<string>
    • UpdateBizMetric
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * integer -> string
        • * approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • CreateBizMetric
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * integer -> string
        • * approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • SearchSubject
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • DeleteSubject
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * ids: list<integer> -> list<string>
    • UpdateSubject
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • CreateSubject
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • SearchAtomicIndexes
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
      • changes of response param
        • * integer -> string
        • * data.value.records.l3_id: integer -> string
        • * data.value.records.table_id: integer -> string
        • * integer -> string
        • * data.value.records.approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • ShowAtomicIndexById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
      • changes of response param
        • * integer -> string
        • * data.value.l3_id: integer -> string
        • * data.value.table_id: integer -> string
        • * integer -> string
        • * data.value.approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • ListCompoundMetrics
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
      • changes of response param
        • * integer -> string
        • * data.value.records.approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • ShowCompoundMetricById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
      • changes of response param
        • * integer -> string
        • * data.value.approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • ListTableModels
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
    • DeleteTableModel
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * ids: list<integer> -> list<string>
    • UpdateTableModel
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * integer -> string
        • * approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
        • * integer -> string
    • CreateTableModel
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
        • * id: integer -> string
        • * model_id: integer -> string
        • * parent_table_id: integer -> string
        • * logic_tb_id: integer -> string
        • * biz_catalog_id: integer -> string
        • * l1_id: integer -> string
        • * l3_id: integer -> string
        • * quality_id: integer -> string
        • * integer -> string
        • * approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
        • * integer -> string
    • ListDerivativeIndexes
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
      • changes of response param
        • * integer -> string
        • * data.value.records.atomic_index.l3_id: integer -> string
        • * data.value.records.atomic_index.table_id: integer -> string
        • * integer -> string
        • * data.value.records.approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string
    • ShowDerivativeIndexById
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Project-Id
      • changes of response param
        • * integer -> string
        • * data.value.atomic_index.l3_id: integer -> string
        • * data.value.atomic_index.table_id: integer -> string
        • * integer -> string
        • * data.value.approval_info.biz_id: integer -> string

HuaweiCloud SDK DRS

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListDataLevelTableCompareJobs
      • CreateDataLevelTableCompareJob
      • DeleteCompareJob
      • StartPromptlyDataLevelTableCompareJob
      • ListDataCompareOverview
      • ListDataCompareDetail
      • ListContentCompareOverview
      • ListContentCompareDetail
      • ListsAgencyPermissions
      • ShowReplayResults
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowDataFilteringResult
      • changes of response param
        • + db_object_filtering_result.source
        • + db_object_filtering_result.target_result
        • + db_object_filtering_result.source_result
        • + db_object_filtering_result.target_message
        • + db_object_filtering_result.source_message
    • ShowDataProgress
      • changes of response param
        • + data_process_info.source
    • UpdateDataProgress
      • changes of request param
        • + data_process_info.source
    • CheckDataFilter
      • changes of request param
        • + data_process_info.source
    • ExecuteJobAction
      • changes of request param
        • + job.action_params.compare_task_param.data_process_info
    • BatchExecuteJobActions
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.action_params.compare_task_param.data_process_info

HuaweiCloud SDK DSC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowTopics
      • changes of response param
        • + id

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforopenGauss

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ShowInstancesStatistics
      • ShowSlowLogDownload
      • CreateSlowLogDownload
      • UpgradeInstanceVersion
      • SearchAutoEnlargePolicy
      • ListCnInfosBeforeReduce
      • StartInstance
      • ShowUpgradeCandidateVersions
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListRoutingBacklogPolicy
      • CreateRoutingBacklogPolicy
      • ShowRoutingBacklogPolicy
      • UpdateRoutingBacklogPolicy
      • DeleteRoutingBacklogPolicy
      • ListRoutingFlowControlPolicy
      • CreateRoutingFlowControlPolicy
      • ShowRoutingFlowControlPolicy
      • UpdateRoutingFlowControlPolicy
      • DeleteRoutingFlowControlPolicy
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListInstances
      • changes of request param
        • * engine: optional -> required

HuaweiCloud SDK RabbitMQ

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListInstancesDetails
      • changes of request param
        • * engine: optional -> required
        • + engine: enum value [rabbitmq]

HuaweiCloud SDK RDS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the APIs ShowReplayDelayStatus, SwitchLogReplay
    • StartResizeFlavorAction
      • changes of request param
        • + resize_flavor.is_delay
    • ListPostgresqlDatabases
      • changes of request param
        • + db

HuaweiCloud SDK RocketMQ

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListInstances
      • changes of request param
        • * engine: optional -> required
        • + engine: enum value [rocketmq]
        • + engine: enum value [reliability]

HuaweiCloud SDK SWR

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListSharedReposDetails
      • changes of request param
        • * center: optional -> required
published 3.1.87 •



3.1.87 2024-04-03

HuaweiCloud SDK CFW

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListFlowLogs
      • changes of request param
        • + src_region_name
        • + dst_region_name
      • changes of response param
        • + data.records.dst_region_id
        • + data.records.dst_region_name
        • + data.records.src_region_id
        • + data.records.src_region_name
    • ListAccessControlLogs
      • changes of request param
        • + src_region_name
        • + dst_region_name
    • ListAddressSets
      • changes of request param
        • + address_set_type
    • ListAttackLogs
      • changes of request param
        • + attack_rule_id
        • + src_region_name
        • + dst_region_name
    • UpdateAclRuleOrder
      • changes of request param
        • + bottom
    • ListServiceSetDetail
      • changes of request param
        • + query_service_set_type
    • AddAclRule
      • changes of request param
        • + rules.applications
        • + rules.applicationsJsonString
        • + rules.profile
        • + rules.sequence.bottom
        • + rules.source.address_set_type
        • + rules.source.predefined_group
        • - rules.source.address_group
        • - rules.source.address_group_names
        • * rules.source: object<RuleAddressDto> -> object<RuleAddressDtoForRequest>
        • + rules.service.protocols
        • + rules.service.predefined_group
        • + rules.service.service_set_type
        • + rules.service.service_group_names.protocols
        • + rules.service.service_group_names.service_set_type
    • UpdateAclRule
      • changes of request param
        • + applications
        • + applicationsJsonString
        • + profile
        • + sequence.bottom
        • + source.address_set_type
        • + source.predefined_group
        • + source.address_group_names.protocols
        • + source.address_group_names.service_set_type
        • + service.protocols
        • + service.predefined_group
        • + service.service_set_type
    • ListAclRules
      • changes of request param
        • + application
      • changes of response param
        • + data.records.sequence.bottom
        • + data.records.source.address_set_type
        • + data.records.source.predefined_group
        • + data.records.source.address_group_names.protocols
        • + data.records.source.address_group_names.service_set_type
        • + data.records.service.protocols
        • + data.records.service.predefined_group
        • + data.records.service.service_set_type
    • ListServiceItems
      • changes of request param
        • + query_service_set_type
    • ListAddressItems
      • changes of request param
        • + query_address_set_type
    • ListServiceSets
      • changes of request param
        • + query_service_set_type
    • ListDomainSets
      • changes of response param
        • + data.records.rules
    • ListFirewallDetail
      • changes of request param
        • + name
      • changes of response param
        • + data.records.tags
        • + data.records.flavor.default_bandwidth
        • + data.records.flavor.default_eip_count
        • + data.records.flavor.default_log_storage
        • + data.records.flavor.default_vpc_count
    • ListFirewallList
      • changes of response param
        • + data.records.tags
        • + data.records.flavor.default_bandwidth
        • + data.records.flavor.default_eip_count
        • + data.records.flavor.default_log_storage
        • + data.records.flavor.default_vpc_count

HuaweiCloud SDK Config

  • Features
    • Support the API UpdateOrganizationPolicyAssignment
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowOrganizationPolicyAssignmentDetailedStatus
      • changes of request param
        • + organization_policy_assignment_id
    • ListOrganizationConformancePackStatuses
      • changes of request param
        • + organization_conformance_pack_id
    • ShowOrganizationConformancePackDetailedStatuses
      • changes of request param
        • + organization_conformance_pack_id
    • ListOrganizationPolicyAssignments
      • changes of request param
        • + organization_policy_assignment_id
    • ListOrganizationConformancePacks
      • changes of request param
        • + organization_conformance_pack_id

HuaweiCloud SDK DLI

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowQuota
      • changes of response param
        • + quotas
        • + is_success
        • - Quotas
    • ListJobResources
      • changes of response param
        • + groups.group_name
        • + groups.status
        • + groups.resources
        • + groups.details
        • + groups.create_time
        • + groups.update_time
        • + groups.owner
        • + groups.is_async
        • * groups: list<object> -> list<PackageResourceGroup>
    • CreateSqlJob
      • changes of request param
        • + engine_type: enum value [trino,spark]
    • CreateQueueProperty
      • changes of request param
        • * properties: object -> object<CommonQueueProperty>
    • ShowFlinkJob
      • changes of response param
        • + job_detail.user_name
        • + job_detail.duration
        • + job_detail.root_id
        • + job_detail.graph_editor_enabled
        • + job_detail.has_savepoint
        • + job_detail.edge_group_ids
        • + job_detail.restart_times
        • + job_detail.job_config.real_cu_number
        • * job_detail.job_config: object<FlinkJobConfigDetail> -> object<FlinkJobConfig>
        • * job_detail: object<FlinkJobDetail> -> object<FlinkJob>
    • ListFlinkJobs
      • changes of response param
        • * is_success: boolean -> string
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • +
        • * list<FlinkJobInfo> -> list<FlinkJob>

HuaweiCloud SDK ECS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the APIs ShowServerAutoRecovery, RegisterServerAutoRecovery
    • ResizePostPaidServer
      • changes of request param
        • + resize.cpu_options
    • ShowServer
      • changes of response param
        • + server.cpu_options.hw:cpu_threads: enum value [1,2]
    • ListServersDetails
      • changes of response param
        • + servers.cpu_options.hw:cpu_threads: enum value [1,2]
    • ChangeServerOsWithCloudInit
      • changes of request param
        • + os-change.isAutoPay
    • ChangeServerOsWithoutCloudInit
      • changes of request param
        • + os-change.isAutoPay
    • ResizeServer
      • changes of request param
        • + resize.cpu_options
    • CreateServers
      • changes of request param
        • + server.cpu_options
    • CreatePostPaidServers
      • changes of request param
        • + server.cpu_options

HuaweiCloud SDK EIP

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListTenantVpcIgws
      • changes of request param
        • + offset
        • + marker
    • ListProjectGeipBindings
      • changes of request param
        • + offset
        • + marker
      • changes of response param
        • + geip_bindings.instance_type
        • + geip_bindings.instance_id
        • - geip_bindings.binding_instance_type
        • - geip_bindings.binding_instance_id
        • +
        • + geip_bindings.gcbandwidth.admin_status
        • + geip_bindings.gcbandwidth.size
        • + geip_bindings.gcbandwidth.short_id
        • + geip_bindings.gcbandwidth.sla_level
        • + geip_bindings.gcbandwidth.dscp
        • * geip_bindings.gcbandwidth: object -> object<BackboneBandwidthResp>
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.private_ip_address
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.device_id
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.device_owner
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.vpc_id
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.port_id
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.mac
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.vtep
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.vni
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.instance_id
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.instance_type
        • + geip_bindings.vnic.port_profile
        • * geip_bindings.vnic: object -> object<InstanceVnicResp>

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateDependencyVersion
      • changes of request param
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
      • changes of response param
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • ShowDependencyVersion
      • changes of response param
        • + is_shared
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • ListDependencies
      • changes of response param
        • + dependencies.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • ListDependencyVersion
      • changes of response param
        • + dependencies.is_shared
        • + dependencies.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • ShowFunctionCode
      • changes of response param
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
        • + dependencies.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • UpdateFunctionCode
      • changes of response param
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
        • + dependencies.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • ImportFunction
      • changes of response param
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • ListFunctions
      • changes of response param
        • + functions.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • CreateFunction
      • changes of request param
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0,Custom Image]
      • changes of response param
        • + is_return_stream
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
        • + dependencies.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • ShowFunctionConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + is_return_stream
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
        • + dependencies.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • UpdateFunctionConfig
      • changes of request param
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0,Custom Image]
      • changes of response param
        • + enable_cloud_debug
        • + is_return_stream
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
        • + dependencies.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • UpdateFunctionMaxInstanceConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + is_return_stream
        • + enable_cloud_debug
        • + enable_auth_in_header
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
        • + dependencies.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • ListBridgeFunctions
      • changes of response param
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • ListStatistics
      • changes of response param
        • + gpu_gbs
    • CreateFunctionVersion
      • changes of response param
        • + runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
        • + dependencies.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]
    • ListFunctionVersions
      • changes of response param
        • - versions.enable_cloud_debug
        • + versions.runtime: enum value [Java17,Python3.10,Node.js16.17,Node.js18.15,C#(.NET Core 6.0),Cangjie1.0]

HuaweiCloud SDK HSS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowProductdataOfferingInfos
      • changes of response param
        • * charging_mode: object -> string

HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowConnectorTask
      • changes of response param
        • + topics_regex
    • CreateConnectorTask
      • changes of response param
        • + topics_regex
    • ListConnectorTasks
      • changes of response param
        • + topics_regex
        • + tasks.topics_regex

HuaweiCloud SDK KMS

  • Features
    • Support the APIs GenerateMac, VerifyMac
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK RDS

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ShowReplayDelayStatus, SwitchLogReplay
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK RocketMQ

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpdateConsumerGroup
      • changes of request param
        • - from_beginning
    • ListMessageTrace
      • changes of response param
        • + trace.trace_type: enum value [SubBefore,SubAfter]
        • - trace.trace_type: enum value [Sub]
    • ListInstanceConsumerGroups
      • changes of response param
        • * max: number -> int32
        • * remaining: number -> int32
        • * next_offset: number -> int32
        • * previous_offset: number -> int32

HuaweiCloud SDK VPC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListSubNetworkInterfaces
      • changes of response param
        • + sub_network_interfaces.security_enabled
    • CreateSubNetworkInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + sub_network_interface.security_enabled
    • BatchCreateSubNetworkInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + sub_network_interfaces.security_enabled
    • ShowSubNetworkInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + sub_network_interface.security_enabled
    • UpdateSubNetworkInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + sub_network_interface.security_enabled
    • MigrateSubNetworkInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + sub_network_interfaces.security_enabled
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