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@hulla/api-request - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.4 to 1.0.5



@@ -1,325 +0,174 @@

import * as _hulla_api from '@hulla/api'
import { Args, Call, Context, Fn, Obj, Resolver, TypeError } from '@hulla/api'
import * as _hulla_api from '@hulla/api';
import { TypeError, Args, Fn, Resolver, Context, Call, Obj } from '@hulla/api';
type Methods = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE' | 'OPTIONS' | 'HEAD' | 'CONNECT' | 'TRACE'
type Methods = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE' | 'OPTIONS' | 'HEAD' | 'CONNECT' | 'TRACE';
type LowercaseMethods = {
[K in Methods]: Lowercase<K>
type StaticConfig<M extends Methods | LowercaseMethods, U extends string = string, P extends boolean = true> = Partial<
RequestInit & {
method?: M
data?: unknown
checkParams?: P
params?: Record<string, URICompoent>
> & {
readonly url: U
} & (Uppercase<M> extends 'HEAD' | 'GET'
? {
body?: TypeError<
`ERROR: method "${M}" cannot contain a body`,
: {})
type TypedRequestConfig<
M extends LowercaseMethods | Methods,
U extends string = string,
P extends boolean = true,
> = StaticConfig<M, U, P> &
(P extends true
? U extends string
? HasPath<U> extends never
? ParseSearch<U> extends never
? {}
: {
params: URLToParams<U>
: {
params: URLToParams<U>
: {}
: {})
[K in Methods]: Lowercase<K>;
type StaticConfig<M extends Methods | LowercaseMethods, U extends string = string, P extends boolean = true> = Partial<RequestInit & {
method?: M;
data?: unknown;
checkParams?: P;
params?: Record<string, URICompoent>;
}> & {
readonly url: U;
} & (Uppercase<M> extends 'HEAD' | 'GET' ? {
body?: TypeError<`ERROR: method "${M}" cannot contain a body`, ''>;
} : {});
type TypedRequestConfig<M extends LowercaseMethods | Methods, U extends string = string, P extends boolean = true> = StaticConfig<M, U, P> & (P extends true ? U extends string ? HasPath<U> extends never ? ParseSearch<U> extends never ? {} : {
params: URLToParams<U>;
} : {
params: URLToParams<U>;
} : {} : {});
type RequestMap<CTX> = {
[M in LowercaseMethods]: <
const N extends string,
const R extends TypedRequestConfig<M | Uppercase<M>> | string | URL | Request,
A extends Args = [],
const R2 = Promise<Response>,
route: N,
configOrConfigFn: Fn<A, R> | R,
resolver?: Resolver<CTX & Context<N, M, A>, R, R2>
) => Call<N, M, CTX, A, R, R2>
type URLType = InstanceType<typeof URL>
type ExtractUrl<U> = U extends
| {
url: string
| string
? U extends {
url: string
? U['url']
: U
: never
type URICompoent = string | number | boolean
type ParsePath<
U extends
| string
| {
url: string
> =
ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param}/${infer Rest}`
? {
[K in Param]: URICompoent
} & ParsePath<Rest>
: ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param}`
? {
[K in Param]: URICompoent
: {}
type HasPath<
U extends
| string
| {
url: string
> =
ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param}/${infer Rest}`
? {
[K in Param]: URICompoent
} & ParsePath<Rest>
: ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param}`
? {
[K in Param]: URICompoent
: never
type ParseSearch<
U extends
| string
| {
url: string
> =
ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}?${infer Params}`
? Params extends `${infer Key}&${infer Rest}`
? {
[K in Key]: URICompoent
} & ParseSearch<`?${Rest}`>
: Params extends `${infer Key}`
? {
[K in Key]: URICompoent
: never
: never
type URLToParams<
U extends
| string
| {
url: string
> = U extends
| {
url: string
| string
? {
[K in keyof ParsePath<U>]: ParsePath<U>[K]
} & {
[K in keyof ParseSearch<U>]: ParseSearch<U>[K]
: never
[M in LowercaseMethods]: <const N extends string, const R extends TypedRequestConfig<M | Uppercase<M>> | string | URL | Request, A extends Args = [], const R2 = Promise<Response>>(route: N, configOrConfigFn: Fn<A, R> | R, resolver?: Resolver<CTX & Context<N, M, A>, R, R2>) => Call<N, M, CTX, A, R, R2>;
type URLType = InstanceType<typeof URL>;
type ExtractUrl<U> = U extends {
url: string;
} | string ? (U extends {
url: string;
} ? U['url'] : U) : never;
type URICompoent = string | number | boolean;
type ParsePath<U extends string | {
url: string;
}> = ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param}/${infer Rest}` ? {
[K in Param]: URICompoent;
} & ParsePath<Rest> : ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param}` ? {
[K in Param]: URICompoent;
} : {};
type HasPath<U extends string | {
url: string;
}> = ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param}/${infer Rest}` ? {
[K in Param]: URICompoent;
} & ParsePath<Rest> : ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param}` ? {
[K in Param]: URICompoent;
} : never;
type ParseSearch<U extends string | {
url: string;
}> = ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}?${infer Params}` ? Params extends `${infer Key}&${infer Rest}` ? {
[K in Key]: URICompoent;
} & ParseSearch<`?${Rest}`> : Params extends `${infer Key}` ? {
[K in Key]: URICompoent;
} : never : never;
type URLToParams<U extends string | {
url: string;
}> = U extends {
url: string;
} | string ? {
[K in keyof ParsePath<U>]: ParsePath<U>[K];
} & {
[K in keyof ParseSearch<U>]: ParseSearch<U>[K];
} : never;
type Callables<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never
}[keyof T]
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never;
}[keyof T];
declare function resolve<
Req extends TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods> | string | URL =
| TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods>
| string
| URL,
T extends Callables<Response> = 'json',
>(req: Req, ctx: Context<string, LowercaseMethods, Args, string>, transformer?: T): R
declare function request<const CTX>(_ctx?: CTX): {
get: <const N extends string, const U extends string, const R extends string | URL | Request | TypedRequestConfig<"GET" | "get", U>, A extends _hulla_api.Args = [], const R2 = Promise<Response>>(route: N, configOrConfigFn: R | _hulla_api.Fn<A, R>, resolver?: _hulla_api.Resolver<CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N, "get", A>, R, R2>) => _hulla_api.Call<N, "get", CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N, "get", A>, A, R, R2>;
post: <const N_1 extends string, const U_1 extends string, const R_1 extends string | URL | Request | TypedRequestConfig<"POST" | "post", U_1>, A_1 extends _hulla_api.Args = [], const R2_1 = Promise<Response>>(route: N_1, configOrConfigFn: R_1 | _hulla_api.Fn<A_1, R_1>, resolver?: _hulla_api.Resolver<CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_1, "post", A_1>, R_1, R2_1>) => _hulla_api.Call<N_1, "post", CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_1, "post", A_1>, A_1, R_1, R2_1>;
patch: <const N_2 extends string, const U_2 extends string, const R_2 extends string | URL | Request | TypedRequestConfig<"PATCH" | "patch", U_2>, A_2 extends _hulla_api.Args = [], const R2_2 = Promise<Response>>(route: N_2, configOrConfigFn: R_2 | _hulla_api.Fn<A_2, R_2>, resolver?: _hulla_api.Resolver<CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_2, "patch", A_2>, R_2, R2_2>) => _hulla_api.Call<N_2, "patch", CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_2, "patch", A_2>, A_2, R_2, R2_2>;
put: <const N_3 extends string, const U_3 extends string, const R_3 extends string | URL | Request | TypedRequestConfig<"PUT" | "put", U_3>, A_3 extends _hulla_api.Args = [], const R2_3 = Promise<Response>>(route: N_3, configOrConfigFn: R_3 | _hulla_api.Fn<A_3, R_3>, resolver?: _hulla_api.Resolver<CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_3, "put", A_3>, R_3, R2_3>) => _hulla_api.Call<N_3, "put", CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_3, "put", A_3>, A_3, R_3, R2_3>;
delete: <const N_4 extends string, const U_4 extends string, const R_4 extends string | URL | Request | TypedRequestConfig<"DELETE" | "delete", U_4>, A_4 extends _hulla_api.Args = [], const R2_4 = Promise<Response>>(route: N_4, configOrConfigFn: R_4 | _hulla_api.Fn<A_4, R_4>, resolver?: _hulla_api.Resolver<CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_4, "delete", A_4>, R_4, R2_4>) => _hulla_api.Call<N_4, "delete", CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_4, "delete", A_4>, A_4, R_4, R2_4>;
head: <const N_5 extends string, const U_5 extends string, const R_5 extends string | URL | Request | TypedRequestConfig<"HEAD" | "head", U_5>, A_5 extends _hulla_api.Args = [], const R2_5 = Promise<Response>>(route: N_5, configOrConfigFn: R_5 | _hulla_api.Fn<A_5, R_5>, resolver?: _hulla_api.Resolver<CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_5, "head", A_5>, R_5, R2_5>) => _hulla_api.Call<N_5, "head", CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_5, "head", A_5>, A_5, R_5, R2_5>;
options: <const N_6 extends string, const U_6 extends string, const R_6 extends string | URL | Request | TypedRequestConfig<"OPTIONS" | "options", U_6>, A_6 extends _hulla_api.Args = [], const R2_6 = Promise<Response>>(route: N_6, configOrConfigFn: R_6 | _hulla_api.Fn<A_6, R_6>, resolver?: _hulla_api.Resolver<CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_6, "options", A_6>, R_6, R2_6>) => _hulla_api.Call<N_6, "options", CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_6, "options", A_6>, A_6, R_6, R2_6>;
connect: <const N_7 extends string, const U_7 extends string, const R_7 extends string | URL | Request | TypedRequestConfig<"CONNECT" | "connect", U_7>, A_7 extends _hulla_api.Args = [], const R2_7 = Promise<Response>>(route: N_7, configOrConfigFn: R_7 | _hulla_api.Fn<A_7, R_7>, resolver?: _hulla_api.Resolver<CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_7, "connect", A_7>, R_7, R2_7>) => _hulla_api.Call<N_7, "connect", CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_7, "connect", A_7>, A_7, R_7, R2_7>;
trace: <const N_8 extends string, const U_8 extends string, const R_8 extends string | URL | Request | TypedRequestConfig<"TRACE" | "trace", U_8>, A_8 extends _hulla_api.Args = [], const R2_8 = Promise<Response>>(route: N_8, configOrConfigFn: R_8 | _hulla_api.Fn<A_8, R_8>, resolver?: _hulla_api.Resolver<CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_8, "trace", A_8>, R_8, R2_8>) => _hulla_api.Call<N_8, "trace", CTX & _hulla_api.Context<N_8, "trace", A_8>, A_8, R_8, R2_8>;
declare function addParams<const U extends string>(
req: TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods, U> & {
params?: Record<string, URICompoent>
): string
declare function parseUrl<CTX extends Obj>(
req: TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods> | URL | string | Request,
context?: CTX
): URL
declare function parseBody(
req: TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods> | URL | string | Request
): RequestInit['body']
declare function parseRequest<M extends LowercaseMethods>(
req: TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods> | URL | string | Request,
url: URL,
body: RequestInit['body'],
ctx: Context<string, M, Args, string>
| {
body?: BodyInit | null | undefined
url: URL
method: M
| {
body?: BodyInit | null | undefined
url: URL
hash: string
host: string
hostname: string
href: string
toString(): string
origin: string
password: string
pathname: string
port: string
protocol: string
search: string
searchParams: URLSearchParams
username: string
toJSON(): string
createObjectURL(obj: Blob): string
revokeObjectURL(url: string): void
canParse(url: string, base?: string | undefined): boolean
method: M
| {
body: BodyInit | null
url: URL
cache: RequestCache
credentials: RequestCredentials
destination: RequestDestination
headers: Headers
integrity: string
keepalive: boolean
method: string
mode: RequestMode
redirect: RequestRedirect
referrer: string
referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy
signal: AbortSignal
clone(): Request
bodyUsed: boolean
arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>
blob(): Promise<Blob>
formData(): Promise<FormData>
json(): Promise<any>
text(): Promise<string>
| {
body?: BodyInit | null | undefined
url: URL
cache?: RequestCache | undefined
credentials?: RequestCredentials | undefined
headers?: HeadersInit | undefined
integrity?: string | undefined
keepalive?: boolean | undefined
| 'GET'
| 'POST'
| 'PUT'
| 'HEAD'
| 'get'
| 'post'
| 'put'
| 'patch'
| 'delete'
| 'options'
| 'head'
| 'connect'
| 'trace'
mode?: RequestMode | undefined
priority?: RequestPriority | undefined
redirect?: RequestRedirect | undefined
referrer?: string | undefined
referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy | undefined
signal?: AbortSignal | null | undefined
window?: null | undefined
data?: unknown
checkParams?: true | undefined
params?: Record<string, URICompoent> | undefined
declare function response<
M extends LowercaseMethods | Methods,
RQ extends TypedRequestConfig<M> | URL | string | Request,
R2 = Promise<Response>,
>(req: RQ, ctx: Context<string, Lowercase<M>, Args, string>): R2
declare function resolve<R, Req extends TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods> | string | URL = TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods> | string | URL, T extends Callables<Response> = 'json'>(req: Req, ctx: Context<string, LowercaseMethods, Args, string>, transformer?: T): R;
declare function rq<const M extends LowercaseMethods | Methods, const U extends string, P extends boolean = true>(
config: TypedRequestConfig<M, U, P> & {
method: M
): Partial<
RequestInit & {
method?: M | undefined
data?: unknown
checkParams?: P | undefined
params?: Record<string, URICompoent> | undefined
> & {
readonly url: U
} & (Uppercase<M> extends 'GET' | 'HEAD'
? {
| _hulla_api.TypeError<
`ERROR: method "${M}" cannot contain a body`,
| undefined
: {}) &
(P extends true
? U extends string
? (
ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param}/${infer Rest}`
? { [K in Param]: URICompoent } & ParsePath<Rest>
: ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param_1}`
? { [K_1 in Param_1]: URICompoent }
: never
) extends never
? ParseSearch<U> extends never
? {}
: {
params: URLToParams<U>
: {
params: URLToParams<U>
: {}
: {}) & {
method: M
declare function addParams<const U extends string>(req: TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods, U> & {
params?: Record<string, URICompoent>;
}): string;
declare function parseUrl<CTX extends Obj>(req: TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods> | URL | string | Request, context?: CTX): URL;
declare function parseBody(req: TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods> | URL | string | Request): RequestInit['body'];
declare function parseRequest<M extends LowercaseMethods>(req: TypedRequestConfig<LowercaseMethods | Methods> | URL | string | Request, url: URL, body: RequestInit['body'], ctx: Context<string, M, Args, string>): {
body?: BodyInit | null | undefined;
url: URL;
method: M;
} | {
body?: BodyInit | null | undefined;
url: URL;
hash: string;
host: string;
hostname: string;
href: string;
toString(): string;
origin: string;
password: string;
pathname: string;
port: string;
protocol: string;
search: string;
searchParams: URLSearchParams;
username: string;
toJSON(): string;
createObjectURL(obj: Blob): string;
revokeObjectURL(url: string): void;
canParse(url: string, base?: string | undefined): boolean;
method: M;
} | {
body: BodyInit | null;
url: URL;
cache: RequestCache;
credentials: RequestCredentials;
destination: RequestDestination;
headers: Headers;
integrity: string;
keepalive: boolean;
method: string;
mode: RequestMode;
redirect: RequestRedirect;
referrer: string;
referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy;
signal: AbortSignal;
clone(): Request;
bodyUsed: boolean;
arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
blob(): Promise<Blob>;
formData(): Promise<FormData>;
json(): Promise<any>;
text(): Promise<string>;
} | {
body?: BodyInit | null | undefined;
url: URL;
cache?: RequestCache | undefined;
credentials?: RequestCredentials | undefined;
headers?: HeadersInit | undefined;
integrity?: string | undefined;
keepalive?: boolean | undefined;
method: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "PATCH" | "DELETE" | "OPTIONS" | "HEAD" | "CONNECT" | "TRACE" | "get" | "post" | "put" | "patch" | "delete" | "options" | "head" | "connect" | "trace";
mode?: RequestMode | undefined;
priority?: RequestPriority | undefined;
redirect?: RequestRedirect | undefined;
referrer?: string | undefined;
referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy | undefined;
signal?: AbortSignal | null | undefined;
window?: null | undefined;
data?: unknown;
checkParams?: true | undefined;
params?: Record<string, URICompoent> | undefined;
declare function response<M extends LowercaseMethods | Methods, RQ extends TypedRequestConfig<M> | URL | string | Request, R2 = Promise<Response>>(req: RQ, ctx: Context<string, Lowercase<M>, Args, string>): R2;
export {
type Callables,
type ExtractUrl,
type LowercaseMethods,
type Methods,
type ParsePath,
type ParseSearch,
type RequestMap,
type StaticConfig,
type TypedRequestConfig,
type URICompoent,
type URLToParams,
type URLType,
declare function rq<const M extends LowercaseMethods | Methods, const U extends string, P extends boolean = true>(config: TypedRequestConfig<M, U, P> & {
method: M;
}): Partial<RequestInit & {
method?: M | undefined;
data?: unknown;
checkParams?: P | undefined;
params?: Record<string, URICompoent> | undefined;
}> & {
readonly url: U;
} & (Uppercase<M> extends "GET" | "HEAD" ? {
body?: _hulla_api.TypeError<`ERROR: method "${M}" cannot contain a body`, ""> | undefined;
} : {}) & (P extends true ? U extends string ? (ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param}/${infer Rest}` ? { [K in Param]: URICompoent; } & ParsePath<Rest> : ExtractUrl<U> extends `${string}/:${infer Param_1}` ? { [K_1 in Param_1]: URICompoent; } : never) extends never ? ParseSearch<U> extends never ? {} : {
params: URLToParams<U>;
} : {
params: URLToParams<U>;
} : {} : {}) & {
method: M;
export { type Callables, type ExtractUrl, type LowercaseMethods, type Methods, type ParsePath, type ParseSearch, type RequestMap, type StaticConfig, type TypedRequestConfig, type URICompoent, type URLToParams, type URLType, addParams, parseBody, parseRequest, parseUrl, request, resolve, response, rq };

@@ -1,49 +0,1 @@

function e(e) {
return e instanceof URL
function t(e) {
let t = e.url,
n = e.params ?? {}
for (let e in n)
t = (t = (t = t.replace(RegExp(':' + e, 'g'), encodeURIComponent(n[e]))).replace(
RegExp('\\?' + e, 'g'),
)).replace(RegExp('&' + e, 'g'), `&${e}=${encodeURIComponent(n[e])}`)
return t
function n(n, r = {}) {
let o = r.baseURL ?? ''
if ('string' == typeof n) return new URL(`${o}${n}`)
if (e(n)) return n
if (n instanceof Request) return new URL(n.url)
let s = t(n)
return new URL(`${o}${s}`)
function r(e) {
let t =
return e.body ? e.body : ? ('string' == typeof t ? t : JSON.stringify(t)) : void 0
function o(t, n, r, o) {
return {
...('string' == typeof t || e(t) ? { method: o.method } : { method: o.method, ...t }),
url: n,
...(void 0 === r ? {} : { body: r }),
function s(e, t) {
let s = n(e, t),
p = r(e),
u = o(e, s, p, t)
return fetch(s, u)
;(exports.addParams = t),
(exports.parseBody = r),
(exports.parseRequest = o),
(exports.parseUrl = n),
(exports.resolve = function (e, t, n) {
return s(e, t).then((e) => e[n ?? 'json']())
(exports.response = s),
(exports.rq = function (e) {
return e
function e(e){return e instanceof URL}function t(e){let t=e.url,n=e.params??{};for(let e in n)t=(t=(t=t.replace(RegExp(":"+e,"g"),encodeURIComponent(n[e]))).replace(RegExp("\\?"+e,"g"),`?${e}=${encodeURIComponent(n[e])}`)).replace(RegExp("&"+e,"g"),`&${e}=${encodeURIComponent(n[e])}`);return t}function n(n,o={}){let r=o.baseURL??"";if("string"==typeof n)return new URL(`${r}${n}`);if(e(n))return new URL(`${r}${n.href}`);if(n instanceof Request)return new URL(`${r}${n.url}`);let p=t(n);return new URL(`${r}${p}`)}function o(e){let;return e.body?"string"==typeof t?t:JSON.stringify(t):void 0}function r(t,n,o,r){return{..."string"==typeof t||e(t)?{method:r.method}:{method:r.method,...t},url:n,...void 0===o?{}:{body:o}}}function p(e,t){let p=n(e,t),s=o(e),u=r(e,p,s,t);return fetch(p,u)}const s=e=>(t,n,o=p)=>({route:t,method:e.toLowerCase(),fn:"function"==typeof n?n:()=>n,resolver:o});exports.addParams=t,exports.parseBody=o,exports.parseRequest=r,exports.parseUrl=n,exports.request=function(e){return{get:s("get"),post:s("post"),patch:s("patch"),put:s("put"),delete:s("delete"),head:s("head"),options:s("options"),connect:s("connect"),trace:s("trace")}},exports.resolve=function(e,t,n){return p(e,t).then(e=>e[n??"json"]())},exports.response=p,exports.rq=function(e){return e};
"name": "@hulla/api-request",
"version": "1.0.4",
"version": "1.0.5",
"description": "The next-gen API/RPC manager 🚀",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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