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@ibm-functions/composer - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.1 to 0.2.0



* Copyright 2017 IBM Corporation
* Copyright 2017-2018 IBM Corporation

@@ -19,263 +19,502 @@ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

const clone = require('clone')
// composer module
const fs = require('fs')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const util = require('util')
const fs = require('fs')
const uglify = require('uglify-es')
class ComposerError extends Error {
constructor(message, cause) {
const index = this.stack.indexOf('\n')
this.stack = this.stack.substring(0, index) + '\nCause: ' + util.inspect(cause) + this.stack.substring(index)
constructor(message, argument) {
super(message + (typeof argument !== 'undefined' ? '\nArgument: ' + util.inspect(argument) : ''))
function chain(front, back) {
front.Exit.Next = back.Entry
front.Exit = back.Exit
return front
* Validates options and converts to JSON
function validate(options) {
if (options == null) return
if (typeof options !== 'object' || Array.isArray(options)) throw new ComposerError('Invalid options', options)
options = JSON.stringify(options)
if (options === '{}') return
return JSON.parse(options)
function push(id) {
const Entry = { Type: 'Push', id }
return { Entry, States: [Entry], Exit: Entry }
* Encodes a composition as an action by injecting the conductor code
function encode({ name, action }) {
if (action.exec.kind !== 'composition') return { name, action }
const code = `${conductor}(eval,${JSON.stringify(action.exec.composition)})\n` // invoke conductor on composition
return { name, action: { exec: { kind: 'nodejs:default', code }, annotations: [{ key: 'conductor', value: action.exec.composition }] } }
function pop(id) {
const Entry = { Type: 'Pop', id }
return { Entry, States: [Entry], Exit: Entry }
* Parses a (possibly fully qualified) resource name and validates it. If it's not a fully qualified name,
* then attempts to qualify it.
* Examples string to namespace, [package/]action name
* foo => /_/foo
* pkg/foo => /_/pkg/foo
* /ns/foo => /ns/foo
* /ns/pkg/foo => /ns/pkg/foo
function parseActionName(name) {
if (typeof name !== 'string' || name.trim().length == 0) throw new ComposerError('Name is not specified')
name = name.trim()
let delimiter = '/'
let parts = name.split(delimiter)
let n = parts.length
let leadingSlash = name[0] == delimiter
// no more than /ns/p/a
if (n < 1 || n > 4 || (leadingSlash && n == 2) || (!leadingSlash && n == 4)) throw new ComposerError('Name is not valid')
// skip leading slash, all parts must be non empty (could tighten this check to match EntityName regex)
parts.forEach(function (part, i) { if (i > 0 && part.trim().length == 0) throw new ComposerError('Name is not valid') })
let newName = parts.join(delimiter)
if (leadingSlash) return newName
else if (n < 3) return `${delimiter}_${delimiter}${newName}`
else return `${delimiter}${newName}`
function begin(id, symbol, value) {
const Entry = { Type: 'Let', Symbol: symbol, Value: value, id }
return { Entry, States: [Entry], Exit: Entry }
class Composition {
constructor(composition, options, actions = []) {
// collect actions defined in nested composition
Object.keys(composition).forEach(key => {
if (composition[key] instanceof Composition) {
// TODO: check for duplicate entries
actions.push(...composition[key].actions || [])
composition[key] = composition[key].composition
if (actions.length > 0) this.actions = actions
options = validate(options)
if (typeof options !== 'undefined') composition = Object.assign({ options }, composition)
// flatten composition array
this.composition = Array.isArray(composition) ? [].concat(...composition) : [composition]
/** Names the composition and returns a composition which invokes the named composition */
named(name) {
if (arguments.length > 1) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument', name)
name = parseActionName(name)
if (this.actions && this.actions.findIndex(action => === name) !== -1) throw new ComposerError('Duplicate action name', name)
const actions = (this.actions || []).concat({ name, action: { exec: { kind: 'composition', composition: this.composition } } })
return new Composition({ type: 'action', name }, null, actions)
/** Encodes all compositions as actions by injecting the conductor code in them */
encode(name) {
if (arguments.length > 1) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
if (typeof name !== 'undefined' && typeof name !== 'string') throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument', name)
const obj = typeof name === 'string' ? this.named(name) : this
if (obj.composition.length !== 1 || obj.composition[0].type !== 'action') throw new ComposerError('Cannot encode anonymous composition')
return new Composition(obj.composition, null,
function end(id) {
const Entry = { Type: 'End', id }
return { Entry, States: [Entry], Exit: Entry }
class Compositions {
constructor(wsk) {
this.actions = wsk.actions
deploy(composition, name) {
if (arguments.length > 2) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
if (!(composition instanceof Composition)) throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument', composition)
const obj = composition.encode(name)
return obj.actions.reduce((promise, action) => promise.then(() => this.actions.delete(action).catch(() => { }))
.then(() => this.actions.update(action)), Promise.resolve())
.then(() => composition)
const isObject = obj => typeof (obj) === 'object' && obj !== null && !Array.isArray(obj)
class Composer {
openwhisk(options) {
// try to extract apihost and key first from whisk property file file and then from process.env
let apihost
let api_key
class Composer {
task(obj, options) {
if (options != null && options.output) return this.assign(options.output, obj, options.input)
if (options != null && options.merge) return this.sequence(this.retain(obj), ({ params, result }) => Object.assign({}, params, result))
const id = {}
let Entry
if (obj == null) { // identity function (must throw errors if any)
Entry = { Type: 'Task', Helper: 'null', Function: 'params => params', id }
} else if (typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.Entry === 'object' && Array.isArray(obj.States) && typeof obj.Exit === 'object') { // an action composition
return clone(obj)
} else if (typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.Entry === 'string' && typeof obj.States === 'object' && typeof obj.Exit === 'string') { // a compiled composition
return this.decompile(obj)
} else if (typeof obj === 'function') { // function
Entry = { Type: 'Task', Function: obj.toString(), id }
} else if (typeof obj === 'string') { // action
Entry = { Type: 'Task', Action: obj, id }
} else if (typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.Helper !== 'undefined' && typeof obj.Function === 'string') { //helper function
Entry = { Type: 'Task', Function: obj.Function, Helper: obj.Helper, id }
} else { // error
throw new ComposerError('Invalid composition argument', obj)
return { Entry, States: [Entry], Exit: Entry }
try {
const wskpropsPath = process.env.WSK_CONFIG_FILE || path.join(os.homedir(), '.wskprops')
const lines = fs.readFileSync(wskpropsPath, { encoding: 'utf8' }).split('\n')
for (let line of lines) {
let parts = line.trim().split('=')
if (parts.length === 2) {
if (parts[0] === 'APIHOST') {
apihost = parts[1]
} else if (parts[0] === 'AUTH') {
api_key = parts[1]
} catch (error) { }
if (process.env.__OW_API_HOST) apihost = process.env.__OW_API_HOST
if (process.env.__OW_API_KEY) api_key = process.env.__OW_API_KEY
const wsk = require('openwhisk')(Object.assign({ apihost, api_key }, options))
wsk.compositions = new Compositions(wsk)
return wsk
sequence() {
if (arguments.length == 0) return this.task()
return, x => this.task(x), this).reduce(chain)
seq() {
return this.sequence(...arguments)
if(test, consequent, alternate) {
if (test == null || consequent == null) throw new ComposerError('Missing arguments in composition', arguments)
const id = {}
test = chain(push(id), this.task(test))
consequent = this.task(consequent)
alternate = this.task(alternate)
const Exit = { Type: 'Pass', id }
const choice = { Type: 'Choice', Then: consequent.Entry, Else: alternate.Entry, id }
test.Exit.Next = choice
consequent.Exit.Next = Exit
alternate.Exit.Next = Exit
test.Exit = Exit
return test
value() {
return this.literal(...arguments)
while(test, body) {
if (test == null || body == null) throw new ComposerError('Missing arguments in composition', arguments)
const id = {}
test = chain(push(id), this.task(test))
body = this.task(body)
const Exit = { Type: 'Pass', id }
const choice = { Type: 'Choice', Then: body.Entry, Else: Exit, id }
test.Exit.Next = choice
body.Exit.Next = test.Entry
test.Exit = Exit
return test
/** Takes a serialized Composition and returns a Composition instance */
deserialize({ composition, actions }) {
return new Composition(composition, null, actions)
try(body, handler) {
if (body == null || handler == null) throw new ComposerError('Missing arguments in composition', arguments)
const id = {}
body = this.task(body)
handler = this.task(handler)
const Exit = { Type: 'Pass', id }
const Entry = { Type: 'Try', Next: body.Entry, Handler: handler.Entry, id }
const pop = { Type: 'Catch', Next: Exit, id }
const States = [Entry]
States.push(...body.States, pop, ...handler.States, Exit)
body.Exit.Next = pop
handler.Exit.Next = Exit
return { Entry, States, Exit }
task(obj) {
if (arguments.length > 1) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
if (obj == null) return this.seq()
if (obj instanceof Composition) return obj
if (typeof obj === 'function') return this.function(obj)
if (typeof obj === 'string') return this.action(obj)
throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument', obj)
retain(body, flag = false) {
if (body == null) throw new ComposerError('Missing arguments in composition', arguments)
if (typeof flag !== 'boolean') throw new ComposerError('Invalid retain flag', flag)
sequence() { // varargs, no options
return new Composition(, obj => this.task(obj), this))
const id = {}
if (!flag) return chain(push(id), chain(this.task(body), pop(id)))
if(test, consequent, alternate, options) {
if (arguments.length > 4) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
return new Composition({ type: 'if', test: this.task(test), consequent: this.task(consequent), alternate: this.task(alternate) }, options)
let helperFunc_1 = { 'Helper': 'retain_1', 'Function': 'params => ({params})' }
let helperFunc_3 = { 'Helper': 'retain_3', 'Function': 'params => ({params})' }
let helperFunc_2 = { 'Helper': 'retain_2', 'Function': 'params => ({ params: params.params, result: params.result.params })' }
while(test, body, options) {
if (arguments.length > 3) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
return new Composition({ type: 'while', test: this.task(test), body: this.task(body) }, options)
return this.sequence(
dowhile(body, test, options) {
if (arguments.length > 3) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
return new Composition({ type: 'dowhile', test: this.task(test), body: this.task(body) }, options)
assign(dest, body, source, flag = false) {
if (dest == null || body == null) throw new ComposerError('Missing arguments in composition', arguments)
if (typeof flag !== 'boolean') throw new ComposerError('Invalid assign flag', flag)
try(body, handler, options) {
if (arguments.length > 3) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
return new Composition({ type: 'try', body: this.task(body), handler: this.task(handler) }, options)
let helperFunc_1 = { 'Helper': 'assign_1', 'Function': 'params => params[source]' };
let helperFunc_2 = { 'Helper': 'assign_2', 'Function': 'params => { params.params[dest] = params.result; return params.params }' };
finally(body, finalizer, options) {
if (arguments.length > 3) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
return new Composition({ type: 'finally', body: this.task(body), finalizer: this.task(finalizer) }, options)
const t = source ? this.let('source', source, this.retain(this.sequence(helperFunc_1, body), flag)) : this.retain(body, flag)
return this.let('dest', dest, t, helperFunc_2)
let(declarations) { // varargs, no options
if (typeof declarations !== 'object' || declarations === null) throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument', declarations)
return new Composition({ type: 'let', declarations, body: this.seq(, 1)) })
let(arg1, arg2) {
if (arg1 == null) throw new ComposerError('Missing arguments in composition', arguments)
if (typeof arg1 === 'string') {
const id = {}
return chain(begin(id, arg1, arg2), chain(this.sequence(, 2)), end(id)))
} else if (isObject(arg1)) {
const enter = []
const exit = []
for (const name in arg1) {
const id = {}
enter.push(begin(id, name, arg1[name]))
if (enter.length == 0) return this.sequence(, 1))
return chain(enter.reduce(chain), chain(this.sequence(, 1)), exit.reduce(chain)))
} else {
throw new ComposerError('Invalid first let argument', arg1)
literal(value, options) {
if (arguments.length > 2) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
if (typeof value === 'function') throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument', value)
return new Composition({ type: 'literal', value: typeof value === 'undefined' ? {} : value }, options)
function(fun, options) {
if (arguments.length > 2) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
if (typeof fun === 'function') {
fun = `${fun}`
if (fun.indexOf('[native code]') !== -1) throw new ComposerError('Cannot capture native function', fun)
if (typeof fun === 'string') {
fun = { kind: 'nodejs:default', code: fun }
if (typeof fun !== 'object' || fun === null) throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument', fun)
return new Composition({ type: 'function', exec: fun }, options)
retry(count, body) {
if (body == null) throw new ComposerError('Missing arguments in composition', arguments)
if (typeof count !== 'number') throw new ComposerError('Invalid retry count', count)
action(name, options) {
if (arguments.length > 2) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
name = parseActionName(name) // throws ComposerError if name is not valid
let exec
if (options && Array.isArray(options.sequence)) { // native sequence
const components = => a.indexOf('/') == -1 ? `/_/${a}` : a)
exec = { kind: 'sequence', components }
delete options.sequence
if (options && typeof options.filename === 'string') { // read action code from file
options.action = fs.readFileSync(options.filename, { encoding: 'utf8' })
delete options.filename
if (options && typeof options.action === 'function') {
options.action = `${options.action}`
if (options.action.indexOf('[native code]') !== -1) throw new ComposerError('Cannot capture native function', options.action)
if (options && typeof options.action === 'string') {
options.action = { kind: 'nodejs:default', code: options.action }
if (options && typeof options.action === 'object' && options.action !== null) {
exec = options.action
delete options.action
return new Composition({ type: 'action', name }, options, exec ? [{ name, action: { exec } }] : [])
let helperFunc_1 = { 'Helper': 'retry_1', 'Function': "params => typeof params.result.error !== 'undefined' && count-- > 0" }
let helperFunc_2 = { 'Helper': 'retry_2', 'Function': 'params => params.params' }
let helperFunc_3 = { 'Helper': 'retry_3', 'Function': 'params => params.result' }
retain(body, options) {
if (arguments.length > 2) throw new ComposerError('Too many arguments')
if (options && typeof options.filter === 'function') {
// return { params: filter(params), result: body(params) }
const filter = options.filter
delete options.filter
options.field = 'result'
return this.seq(this.retain(filter), this.retain(this.finally(this.function(({ params }) => params, { helper: 'retain_3' }), body), options))
if (options && typeof options.catch === 'boolean' && options.catch) {
// return { params, result: body(params) } even if result is an error
delete options.catch
return this.seq(
this.retain(this.finally(body, this.function(result => ({ result }), { helper: 'retain_1' })), options),
this.function(({ params, result }) => ({ params, result: result.result }), { helper: 'retain_2' }))
if (options && typeof options.field !== 'undefined' && typeof options.field !== 'string') throw new ComposerError('Invalid options', options)
// return new Composition({ params, result: body(params) } if no error, otherwise body(params)
return new Composition({ type: 'retain', body: this.task(body) }, options)
return this.let('count', count,
this.retain(body, true),
this.sequence(helperFunc_2, this.retain(body, true))),
repeat(count) { // varargs, no options
if (typeof count !== 'number') throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument', count)
return this.let({ count }, this.while(this.function(() => count-- > 0, { helper: 'repeat_1' }), this.seq(, 1))))
repeat(count, body) {
if (body == null) throw new ComposerError('Missing arguments in composition', arguments)
if (typeof count !== 'number') throw new ComposerError('Invalid repeat count', count)
let helperFunc_1 = { 'Helper': 'repeat_1', 'Function': '() => count-- > 0' }
return this.let('count', count, this.while(helperFunc_1, body))
retry(count) { // varargs, no options
if (typeof count !== 'number') throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument', count)
const attempt = this.retain(this.seq(, 1)), { catch: true })
return this.let({ count },
this.function(params => ({ params }), { helper: 'retry_1' }),
this.finally(this.function(({ params }) => params, { helper: 'retry_2' }), attempt),
this.function(({ result }) => typeof result.error !== 'undefined' && count-- > 0, { helper: 'retry_3' })),
this.function(({ result }) => result, { helper: 'retry_4' }))
value(json) {
const id = {}
if (typeof json === 'function') throw new ComposerError('Value cannot be a function', json.toString())
const Entry = { Type: 'Task', Value: typeof json === 'undefined' ? {} : json, id }
return { Entry, States: [Entry], Exit: Entry }
module.exports = new Composer()
// conductor action
const conductor = `const main=(${uglify.minify(`${init}`).code})`
function init(__eval__, composition) {
function chain(front, back) {
front.slice(-1)[0].next = 1
return front
compile(obj, filename) {
if (typeof obj !== 'object' || typeof obj.Entry !== 'object' || !Array.isArray(obj.States) || typeof obj.Exit !== 'object') {
throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument to compile', obj)
function compile(json, path = '') {
if (Array.isArray(json)) {
if (json.length === 0) return [{ type: 'pass', path }]
return, index) => compile(json, path + '[' + index + ']')).reduce(chain)
obj = clone(obj)
const States = {}
let Entry
let Exit
let Count = 0
obj.States.forEach(state => {
if (typeof === 'undefined') = Count++
obj.States.forEach(state => {
const id = (state.Type === 'Task' ? state.Action && 'action' || state.Function && 'function' || state.Value && 'value' : state.Type.toLowerCase()) + '_' +
States[id] = state = id
if (state === obj.Entry) Entry = id
if (state === obj.Exit) Exit = id
obj.States.forEach(state => {
if (state.Next) state.Next =
if (state.Then) state.Then =
if (state.Else) state.Else =
if (state.Handler) state.Handler =
obj.States.forEach(state => {
const app = { Entry, States, Exit }
if (filename) fs.writeFileSync(filename, JSON.stringify(app, null, 4), { encoding: 'utf8' })
return app
const options = json.options || {}
switch (json.type) {
case 'action':
return [{ type: 'action', name:, path }]
case 'function':
return [{ type: 'function', exec: json.exec, path }]
case 'literal':
return [{ type: 'literal', value: json.value, path }]
case 'finally':
var body = compile(json.body, path + '.body')
const finalizer = compile(json.finalizer, path + '.finalizer')
var fsm = [[{ type: 'try', path }], body, [{ type: 'exit', path }], finalizer].reduce(chain)
fsm[0].catch = fsm.length - finalizer.length
return fsm
case 'let':
var body = compile(json.body, path + '.body')
return [[{ type: 'let', let: json.declarations, path }], body, [{ type: 'exit', path }]].reduce(chain)
case 'retain':
var body = compile(json.body, path + '.body')
var fsm = [[{ type: 'push', path }], body, [{ type: 'pop', collect: true, path }]].reduce(chain)
if (options.field) fsm[0].field = options.field
return fsm
case 'try':
var body = compile(json.body, path + '.body')
const handler = chain(compile(json.handler, path + '.handler'), [{ type: 'pass', path }])
var fsm = [[{ type: 'try', path }], body].reduce(chain)
fsm[0].catch = fsm.length
fsm.slice(-1)[0].next = handler.length
return fsm
case 'if':
var consequent = compile(json.consequent, path + '.consequent')
var alternate = chain(compile(json.alternate, path + '.alternate'), [{ type: 'pass', path }])
if (!options.nosave) consequent = chain([{ type: 'pop', path }], consequent)
if (!options.nosave) alternate = chain([{ type: 'pop', path }], alternate)
var fsm = chain(compile(json.test, path + '.test'), [{ type: 'choice', then: 1, else: consequent.length + 1, path }])
if (!options.nosave) fsm = chain([{ type: 'push', path }], fsm)
consequent.slice(-1)[0].next = alternate.length
return fsm
case 'while':
var consequent = compile(json.body, path + '.body')
var alternate = [{ type: 'pass', path }]
if (!options.nosave) consequent = chain([{ type: 'pop', path }], consequent)
if (!options.nosave) alternate = chain([{ type: 'pop', path }], alternate)
var fsm = chain(compile(json.test, path + '.test'), [{ type: 'choice', then: 1, else: consequent.length + 1, path }])
if (!options.nosave) fsm = chain([{ type: 'push', path }], fsm)
consequent.slice(-1)[0].next = 1 - fsm.length - consequent.length
return fsm
case 'dowhile':
var test = compile(json.test, path + '.test')
if (!options.nosave) test = chain([{ type: 'push', path }], test)
var fsm = [compile(json.body, path + '.body'), test, [{ type: 'choice', then: 1, else: 2, path }]].reduce(chain)
if (options.nosave) {
fsm.slice(-1)[0].then = 1 - fsm.length
fsm.slice(-1)[0].else = 1
} else {
fsm.push({ type: 'pop', path })
fsm.slice(-1)[0].next = 1 - fsm.length
var alternate = [{ type: 'pass', path }]
if (!options.nosave) alternate = chain([{ type: 'pop', path }], alternate)
return fsm
decompile(obj) {
if (typeof obj !== 'object' || typeof obj.Entry !== 'string' || typeof obj.States !== 'object' || typeof obj.Exit !== 'string') {
throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument to decompile', obj)
const fsm = compile(composition)
const isObject = obj => typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && !Array.isArray(obj)
// encode error object
const encodeError = error => ({
code: typeof error.code === 'number' && error.code || 500,
error: (typeof error.error === 'string' && error.error) || error.message || (typeof error === 'string' && error) || 'An internal error occurred'
// error status codes
const badRequest = error => Promise.reject({ code: 400, error })
const internalError = error => Promise.reject(encodeError(error))
return params => Promise.resolve().then(() => invoke(params)).catch(internalError)
// do invocation
function invoke(params) {
// initial state and stack
let state = 0
let stack = []
// restore state and stack when resuming
if (typeof params.$resume !== 'undefined') {
if (!isObject(params.$resume)) return badRequest('The type of optional $resume parameter must be object')
state = params.$resume.state
stack = params.$resume.stack
if (typeof state !== 'undefined' && typeof state !== 'number') return badRequest('The type of optional $resume.state parameter must be number')
if (!Array.isArray(stack)) return badRequest('The type of $resume.stack must be an array')
delete params.$resume
inspect() // handle error objects when resuming
obj = clone(obj)
const States = []
const ids = []
for (const name in obj.States) {
const state = obj.States[name]
if (state.Next) state.Next = obj.States[state.Next]
if (state.Then) state.Then = obj.States[state.Then]
if (state.Else) state.Else = obj.States[state.Else]
if (state.Handler) state.Handler = obj.States[state.Handler]
const id = parseInt(name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('_') + 1)) = ids[id] = typeof ids[id] !== 'undefined' ? ids[id] : {}
// wrap params if not a dictionary, branch to error handler if error
function inspect() {
if (!isObject(params)) params = { value: params }
if (typeof params.error !== 'undefined') {
params = { error: params.error } // discard all fields but the error field
state = undefined // abort unless there is a handler in the stack
while (stack.length > 0) {
if (typeof (state = stack.shift().catch) === 'number') break
return { Entry: obj.States[obj.Entry], States, Exit: obj.States[obj.Exit] }
// run function f on current stack
function run(f) {
// update value of topmost matching symbol on stack if any
function set(symbol, value) {
const element = stack.find(element => typeof element.let !== 'undefined' && typeof element.let[symbol] !== 'undefined')
if (typeof element !== 'undefined') element.let[symbol] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))
// collapse stack for invocation
const env = stack.reduceRight((acc, cur) => typeof cur.let === 'object' ? Object.assign(acc, cur.let) : acc, {})
let main = '(function(){try{'
for (const name in env) main += `var ${name}=arguments[1]['${name}'];`
main += `return eval((${f}))(arguments[0])}finally{`
for (const name in env) main += `arguments[1]['${name}']=${name};`
main += '}})'
try {
return __eval__(main)(params, env)
} finally {
for (const name in env) set(name, env[name])
while (true) {
// final state, return composition result
if (typeof state === 'undefined') {
console.log(`Entering final state`)
if (params.error) return params; else return { params }
// process one state
const json = fsm[state] // json definition for current state
console.log(`Entering state ${state} at path fsm${json.path}`)
const current = state
state = typeof === 'undefined' ? undefined : current + // default next state
switch (json.type) {
case 'choice':
state = current + (params.value ? json.then : json.else)
case 'try':
stack.unshift({ catch: current + json.catch })
case 'let':
stack.unshift({ let: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json.let)) })
case 'exit':
if (stack.length === 0) return internalError(`State ${current} attempted to pop from an empty stack`)
case 'push':
stack.unshift(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({ params: json.field ? params[json.field] : params })))
case 'pop':
if (stack.length === 0) return internalError(`State ${current} attempted to pop from an empty stack`)
params = json.collect ? { params: stack.shift().params, result: params } : stack.shift().params
case 'action':
return { action:, params, state: { $resume: { state, stack } } } // invoke continuation
case 'literal':
params = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json.value))
case 'function':
let result
try {
result = run(json.exec.code)
} catch (error) {
result = { error: `An exception was caught at state ${current} (see log for details)` }
if (typeof result === 'function') result = { error: `State ${current} evaluated to a function` }
// if a function has only side effects and no return value, return params
params = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(typeof result === 'undefined' ? params : result))
case 'pass':
return internalError(`State ${current} has an unknown type`)
module.exports = new Composer()
# JSON Format
This document provides a specification of the JSON format for encoding action compositions and its semantics.
__TODO__: document the `Let` and `End` states for variable declarations.
## Principles
An action composition is a kind of [_finite state machine_]( (FSM) with one initial state and one final state. One execution of the action composition (a _trace_) consists of a finite sequence of states starting with the initial state. It is possible for the trace to end at a state other than the final state because of errors or timeouts.
Each state has a unique [_Type_](#state-types) that characterizes the behavior of the state. For example, a `Task` state can specify an OpenWhisk action to run, a `Choice` state can select a next state among two possible successor states.
The input parameter object for the action composition is the input parameter object for the first state of the composition. The output parameter object of the last state in the trace is the output parameter object of the composition (unless a failure occurs). The output parameter object of one state is the input object parameter for the next state in the trace.
An output parameter object of a `Task` state with an `error` field is an _error object_. Error objects interrupt the normal flow of execution. They are processed by the current error handler if any or abort the execution.
In addition to the implicit flow of parameter objects from state to state, an action composition has access to a stack of objects that can be manipulated explicitly using `Push` states and `Pop` states but is also used implicitly by other types of states like `Try` and `Catch`. The stack is initially empty.
## Specification
An action composition is specified by means of a JSON object. The JSON object has three mandatory fields:
* the object field `States` lists the states in the composition,
* the string field `Entry` is the name of the initial state of the composition,
* the string field `Exit` is the name of the final state of the composition.
Additional fields are ignored if present.
Each field of the `States` object describes a state. The state name is the field name. State names are case sensitive and must be pairwise distinct. Each state has a string field [`Type`](#state-types) that characterizes the behavior of the state. For example, a `Task` state can specify via a string field `Action` an OpenWhisk action to run. Most states can specify a successor state via the string field `Next`.
### Example
A sequence of two actions `foo` and `bar` can be encoded as the following:
"Entry": "first_state",
"Exit": "last_state",
"States": {
"first_state": {
"Type": "Task",
"Action": "foo",
"Next": "last_state"
"last_state": {
"Type": "Task",
"Action": "bar"
### Well-formedness
A JSON object is a _well-formed_ action composition if it complies with all the requirements specified in this document. For instance mandatory fields must be present with the required types. The execution of an ill-formed composition may fail in unspecified ways.
### State Types
Each state has a mandatory string field `Type` and possibly additional fields depending on the type of the state. The supported types are `Pass`, `Task`, `Choice`, `Push`, `Pop`, `Try`, and `Catch`.
Every state except for the final state must specify one or two potential successor states. `Choice` states have two potential successor states specified by the string fields `Then` and `Else`. Other non-final states have a single potential successor state specified by the string field `Next`. The final state cannot be a `Choice` state and cannot have a `Next` field. In an execution trace, a state is always followed by one of its potential successors.
The following fields must be specified for each type of state. Other fields are ignored.
| | Pass | Task | Choice | Push | Pop | Try | Catch |
| ------------------------------- |:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|
| Type | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| Next _(unless state is final)_ | X | X | | X | X | X | X |
| Then | | | X | | | | |
| Else | | | X | | | | |
| Handler | | | | | | X | |
| _kind name_ | | X | | | | | |
The values of the `Next`, `Then`, `Else`, and `Handler` fields must be state names, i.e., names of fields of the `States` object. The `Task` state must specify a task to execute by providing a field named according to its _kind_. The possible field names are `Action`, `Function`, `Value`.
#### Pass State
The Pass state is the identity function on the parameter object. The execution continues with the `Next` state if defined (even if the parameter object is an error object) or terminates if there is no `Next` state (final state).
##### Examples
"intermediate_state": {
"Type": "Pass",
"Next": "next_state"
"final_state": {
"Type": "Pass"
#### Task State
The `Task` states must contain either a string field named `Action` or `Function` or a JSON object field named `Value`.
* An `Action` task runs the OpenWhisk action with the specified name.
* A `Function` task evaluates the specified Javascript function expression.
* A `Value` task returns the specified JSON object. The input parameter object is discarded. The output parameter object is the value of the `Value` field.
Function expressions occurring in action compositions cannot capture any part of their environment and must return a JSON object. The two syntax `params => params` and `function (params) { return params }` are supported. A `Task` state with a `Function` field invokes the specified function expression on the input parameter object. The output parameter object is the JSON object returned by the function.
If the output parameter object of a `Task` state is not an error object, the execution continues with the `Next` state if defined (non-final state) or terminates if not (final state). If the output parameter object of a `Task` state is an error object, the executions continues with the current error handler if any (see [Try and Catch States](#try-and-catch-states)) or terminates if none. In essence, a `Task` state implicitly throws error objects instead of returning them.
| Output object is | not an error object | an error object |
| ---- |:----:|:----:|
| Transitions to | `Next` state if defined<br> or terminates if not defined | current error handler if any<br>or terminates if no error handler |
When transitioning to an error handler, all the objects pushed to the stack (`Push` state) since the `Try` state that introduced this error handler are popped from the stack. The error handler is also popped from the stack.
A failure to invoke an action, for instance because the action with the specified name does not exist, produces an output parameter object with an `error` field describing the error. Since this is an error object, the executions continues with the current error handler if any or terminates if none.
##### Examples
"action_state": {
"Type": "Task",
"Action": "myAction"
"function_state": {
"Type": "Task",
"Function": "params => { params.count++; return params }"
"value_state": {
"Type": "Task",
"Value": {
"error": "divide by zero"
#### Push and Pop States
The `Push` state pushes a clone of the current parameter object to the top of the stack. The execution continues with the `Next` state if defined or terminates if not (final state). The output parameter object of the `Push` state is its input parameter object (no change).
The `Pop` state pops the object at the top of the stack and returns an object with two object fields `result` and `params`, where `result` is the input parameter object and `params` is the object popped from the top of the stack. The execution continues with the `Next` state if defined or terminates if not (final state).
Obviously the stack must not be empty when entering a `Pop` state. Moreover, the object at the top of the stack must have been pushed onto the stack using a `Push` state.
The field names `result` and `params` are chosen so that a sequential composition of three states of type `Push`, `Task`, and `Pop` in this order returns an object where the `params` field contains the input parameter object for the composition and the `result` field contains the output parameter object of the `Task` state.
##### Example
"push_state": {
"Type": "Push",
"Next": "function_state"
"function_state": {
"Type": "Task",
"Function": "params => { params.count++; return params }",
"Next": "pop_state"
"pop_state": {
"Type": "Pop"
#### Choice State
The `Choice` state decides among two potential successor states. The execution continues with the `Then` state if the `value` field of the input parameter object is defined and holds JSON's `true` value. It continues with the `Else` state otherwise.
The `Choice` state pops and returns the object at the top of the stack discarding the input parameter object. The `Choice` state is typically used in a sequential composition of three states of type `Push`, `Task`, and `Choice` in this order so that the input parameter object for the composition is also the input parameter object for the `Then` or `Else` state.
Obviously the stack must not be empty when entering a `Choice` state. Moreover, the object at the top of the stack must have been pushed onto the stack using a `Push` state.
##### Example
"push_state": {
"Type": "Push",
"Next": "condition_state"
"condition_state": {
"Type": "Task",
"Function": "params => ({ value: params.count % 2 == 0 })",
"Next": "choice_state"
"choice_state": {
"Type": "Choice",
"Then": "even_state",
"Else": "odd_state"
#### Try and Catch States
The `Try` and `Catch` states manage error handlers, i.e., error handling states. The `Try` state pushes a new error handling state whose name is given by its string field `Handler` onto the stack. The `Catch` state pops the handling state at the top of the stack. The topmost handling state is the current handling state that is transitioned to when a `Task` state produces an error object.
The execution of a `Try` or `Catch` state continues with the `Next` state if defined or terminates if not (final state). The output parameter object of the `Try` or `Catch` state is its input parameter object (no change).
Obviously the stack must not be empty when entering a `Catch` state. Moreover, the topmost stack element must have been created using a `Try` state.
##### Example
"try_state": {
"Type": "Try",
"Handler": "handler_state",
"Next": "function_state"
"function_state": {
"Type": "Task",
"Function": "params => (params.den == 0 ? { error: 'divide by 0' } : { result: params.num / params.den })",
"Next": "catch_state"
"catch_state": {
"Type": "Catch",
"Next": "output_state"
"output_state": {
"Type": "Task",
"Function": "params => ({ message: 'Ratio: ' + params.result })",
"Next": "final_state"
"handler_state": {
"Type": "Task",
"Function": "params => ({ message: 'Error: ' + params.error })",
"Next": "final_state"
"final_state": {
"Type": "Pass"
This document will soon provide a specification of the JSON format for encoding compositions.

@@ -1,569 +0,360 @@

# Introduction to Serverless Composition
# Composer Reference
Composer is an [IBM Cloud Functions](
programming model for composing individual functions into larger
applications. Compositions, informally named _apps_, run in the cloud
using automatically managed compute and memory resources. Composer is
an extension of the function-as-a-service computing model, and enables
stateful computation, control flow, and rich patterns of data flow.
The [`composer`](../composer.js) Node.js module makes it possible define action [compositions](#example) using [combinators](#combinators) and [deploy](#deployment) them.
Composer has two parts. The first is a library for describing
compositions, programmatically. The library is currently available in
Node.js. The second is a runtime that executes the composition. We
will explain these components in greater detail, but first, we will
introduce you to the programming environment for compositions.
## Installation
Programming for the serverless cloud is a uniquely new experience. For
this reason, we have developed a unified environment that offers the
benefits and familiarity of a command line interface, with
visualization and a graphical interface to assist in certain
tasks. This environment is offered through a new tool called `fsh`:
_the functions programming shell for the IBM Cloud_.
To install the `composer` module use the Node Package Manager:
npm -g install @ibm-functions/composer
We recommend to install the module globally (with `-g` option) so the `compose`
command is added to the path. Otherwise, it can be found in the `bin` folder of
the module installation.
- [Programming shell quick start](#programming-shell-quick-start)
- [Installing the shell](#installing-the-shell)
- [Tour of the command line tool](#tour-of-the-programming-shell)
- [Getting setup to run compositions](#before-you-run-your-first-app)
## Example
- Your first composition
- [Create a composition](#your-first-composition)
- [Preview your composition](#previewing-a-composition)
- [Deploy and run](#running-your-first-app)
- [Visualize an execution](#visualizing-sessions)
- [Composing OpenWhisk actions](#composing-openwhisk-actions)
- [Compositions by example](#compositions-by-example)
- [if-then-else](#if-combinator)
- [try-catch](#try-combinator)
- [data forwarding](#nesting-and-forwarding)
- [scoped variables](#variables-and-scoping)
- The Composer programming model
- [The composition library](
- [The underlying composition model](
- [The execution model](
## Programming shell quick start
The programming shell for functions and compositions is a new
developer experience with fluid migration between a conventional
command line tool and a graphical interface. It is also the
environment for developing and working with serverless compositions.
### Installing the shell
The programming shell is currently distributed through the [Node
package manager](
$ npm install -g @ibm-functions/shell
A composition is typically defined by means of a Javascript file as illustrated
in [samples/demo.js](samples/demo.js):
composer.action('authenticate', { action: function main({ password }) { return { value: password === 'abc123' } } }),
composer.action('success', { action: function main() { return { message: 'success' } } }),
composer.action('failure', { action: function main() { return { message: 'failure' } } }))
Composer offers traditional control-flow concepts as methods. These methods
are called _combinators_. This example composition composes three actions named
`authenticate`, `success`, and `failure` using the `composer.if` combinator,
which implements the usual conditional construct. It take three actions (or
compositions) as parameters. It invokes the first one and, depending on the
result of this invocation, invokes either the second or third action.
We roll out frequent updates and bug fixes. You can check for new
releases via `fsh version -u`.
This composition includes the definitions of the three composed actions. If the
actions are defined and deployed elsewhere, the composition code can be shorten
composer.if('authenticate', 'success', 'failure')
$ fsh version -u
You are currently on version 1.3.219
Checking for updates... you are up to date!
To deploy this composition use the `compose` command:
We recommend updating the shell via the same `npm install` command
shown earlier. Refer to [`npm` troubleshooting]( if your
installation fails.
### Tour of the programming shell
At the end of the installation, you can run the programming shell form your terminal. It is
typically installed in `/usr/local/bin/fsh`.
compose demo.js --deploy demo
$ fsh
Welcome to the IBM Cloud Functions Shell
The `compose` command synthesizes and deploy an action named `demo` that
implements the composition. It also deploys the composed actions if definitions
are provided for them.
Usage information:
fsh about [ Display version information ]
fsh help [ Show more detailed help, with tutorials ]
fsh shell [ Open graphical shell ]
fsh run <script.fsh> [ Execute commands from a file ]
fsh app init [ Initialize state management ]
fsh app preview <file.js|file.json> [ Prototype a composition, with visualization help ]
fsh app list [ List deployed compositions ]
fsh app create <name> <file.js|file.json> [ Deploy a composition ]
fsh app update <name> <file.js|file.json> [ Update or deploy composition ]
fsh app delete <name> [ Undeploy a composition ]
fsh app invoke <name> [ Invoke a composition and wait for its response ]
fsh app async <name> [ Asynchronously invoke a composition ]
fsh session list [ List recent app invocations ]
fsh session get <sessionId> [ Graphically display the result and flow of a session ]
fsh session result <sessionId> [ Print the return value of a session ]
fsh session kill <sessionId> [ Kill a live session ]
fsh session purge <sessionId> [ Purge the state of a completed session ]
The `demo` composition may be invoked like any action, for instance using the
OpenWhisk CLI:
The commands above allow you to create/update/delete a composition,
visualize the computation, invoke the app, inspect the result and
the dynamic execution graph.
### Before you run your first app
Composer allows you to orchestrate the execution of several cloud
functions, and further, to describe the dataflow between them. Its
model of computing automatically manages the state of the application
as it executes, and determines which functions to execute at any given
transition. This automatically managed state requires a backing
store, and the current implementation of Composer uses
[Redis]( for this purpose.
Before running an app, you must have a valid IBM Cloud (i.e., Bluemix)
[account](, or deploy [Apache
locally. This is needed because Composer builds on and extends Apache
OpenWhisk, which powers IBM Cloud Functions.
* _Using composer with IBM Cloud Functions:_ you need an IBM Cloud
[account](, and a valid access token which
you can get using [`bx login`](
_Tip:_ you do not need to perform the login operations if you simply
want to locally build and preview a composition. The setup described
here is strictly required for actually deploying and running a
composition in the IBM Cloud.
wsk action invoke demo -r -p password passw0rd
$ bx login -a -o yourBluemixOrg -s yourBluemixSpace
"message": "failure"
* _Using composer with Apache OpenWhisk:_ you need a valid
`$HOME/.wskprops` file and a locally deployed OpenWhisk instance.
The shell initializes the backing store with `fsh app init`:
## Activation Records
An invocation of a composition creates a series of activation records:
$ fsh app init --url redis://user:password@hostname:port
Waiting for redis [Done]
Successfully initialized the required services. You may now create compositions.
wsk action invoke demo -p password passw0rd
For Openwhisk, the actual command is shown below.
$ fsh app init --url redis://
ok: invoked /_/demo with id 4f91f9ed0d874aaa91f9ed0d87baaa07
For the IBM Cloud, you can provision a [Redis instance
yourself]( and retrieve its service keys to initialize the
shell in a similar way. Alternatively, you can use an _experimental_
auto-provisioning feature via `fsh app init --auto`. Note that
[charges will
for the provisioned Redis instance.
The initialization step creates a package in your namespace called
`bluemix.redis` which includes useful administrative operations. Read
more about Redis provisioning [here](
## Your first composition
Compositions are described using a [Node.js library](
which offers an SDK for describing control structures. We call these
_combinators_. The simplest combinator constructs a sequence. Here is
a composition snippet to create your first app: it creates a sequence
with just one function that is inlined for convenience. _You may user
your favorite editor to compose apps._ When finished, save your code
to a file with the extension `.js`.
composer.sequence(args => ({msg: `hello ${}!`}))
You use the `composer` to construct an application, then _compile_ it
into a [finite state machine (FSM)]( representation, encoded
as a JSON object. While you can author a composition directly as an
FSM, it is far more convenient and natural to program at the level of
the Node.js library instead. It is the FSM that is used to create the
app in the IBM Cloud. [Later examples](#compositions-by-example) we will
show how to create more elaborate compositions using `if-then-else`,
`try-catch`, and `while` combinators to name a few.
_Advanced Tip:_ It is possible to compile the FSM without using the
shell, and instead using `node` directly. In this case, you must
import the `composer` and `compile` the FSM explicitly as shown below.
$ npm install @openwhisk/composer
$ node
const composer = require('@openwhisk/composer')
const app = composer.sequence(args => ({msg: `hello ${}!`}))
composer.compile(app, 'hello.json')
wsk activation list
fd89b99a90a1462a89b99a90a1d62a8e demo
eaec119273d94087ac119273d90087d0 failure
3624ad829d4044afa4ad829d40e4af60 demo
a1f58ade9b1e4c26b58ade9b1e4c2614 authenticate
3624ad829d4044afa4ad829d40e4af60 demo
4f91f9ed0d874aaa91f9ed0d87baaa07 demo
The entry with the earliest start time (`4f91f9ed0d874aaa91f9ed0d87baaa07`) summarizes the invocation of the composition while other entries record later activations caused by the composition invocation. There is one entry for each invocation of a composed action (`a1f58ade9b1e4c26b58ade9b1e4c2614` and `eaec119273d94087ac119273d90087d0`). The remaining entries record the beginning and end of the composition as well as the transitions between the composed actions.
## Previewing a composition
Compositions are implemented by means of OpenWhisk conductor actions. The [documentation of conductor actions]( discusses activation records in greater details.
The programming shell offers a visual representation of a composition
to quickly validate if the app represents the desired control flow
structure, before actually deploying any assets to the cloud. This
code snippet is bundled with the shell as
## Deployment
$ fsh app preview @demos/hello.js
The `compose` command when not invoked with the `--deploy` option returns the composition encoded as a JSON dictionary:
|<img src="hello-composition.png" width="50%" title="Hello app">|
|Composition preview showing the control flow for the app.|
You can view the actual JSON description of the FSM by clicking on the
corresponding tab in the shell UI.
_Tip:_ The shell watches the file you are editing and automatically
updates the view as you compose. You can use this active preview mode
to incrementally build your application, sanity checking your control
flow as you go.
## Running your first app
You create and invoke apps in a manner similar to working with
OpenWhisk actions.
$ fsh app create hello @demos/hello.js
$ fsh app invoke hello -p name composer
compose demo.js
msg: 'hello composer!'
"actions": [
"name": "/_/authenticate",
"action": {
"exec": {
"kind": "nodejs:default",
"code": "function main({ password }) { return { value: password === 'abc123' } }"
"name": "/_/success",
"action": {
"exec": {
"kind": "nodejs:default",
"code": "function main() { return { message: 'success' } }"
"name": "/_/failure",
"action": {
"exec": {
"kind": "nodejs:default",
"code": "function main() { return { message: 'failure' } }"
"composition": [
"type": "if",
"test": [
"type": "action",
"name": "/_/authenticate"
"consequent": [
"type": "action",
"name": "/_/success"
"alternate": [
"type": "action",
"name": "/_/failure"
The JSON format is documented in []( The format is meant to be stable, self-contained, language-independent, and human-readable. The JSON dictionary includes the definition for the composition as well as definitions of nested actions and compositions (if any).
_Tip:_ If you have an action already named `hello`, the shell will
report a name conflict. Use a different name for your app. Apps are
stored as OpenWhisk actions, and hence the naming restrictions for
OpenWhisk apply.
A JSON-encoded composition may be deployed using the `compose` command:
compose demo.js > demo.json
compose demo.json --deploy demo
The `compose` command can also produce the code of the conductor action generated for the composition:
compose demo.js --encode
const main=(function init(e,t){function r(e,t){return e.slice(-1)[0].next=1,e.push(...t),e}const a=function e(t,a=""){if(Array.isArray(t))return 0===t.length?[{type:"pass",path:a}],r)=>e(t,a+"["+r+"]")).reduce(r);const n=t.options||{};switch(t.type){case"action":return[{type:"action",,path:a}];case"function":return[{type:"function",exec:t.exec,path:a}];case"literal":return[{type:"literal",value:t.value,path:a}];case"finally":var s=e(t.body,a+".body");const l=e(t.finalizer,a+".finalizer");return(o=[[{type:"try",path:a}],s,[{type:"exit",path:a}],l].reduce(r))[0].catch=o.length-l.length,o;case"let":return s=e(t.body,a+".body"),[[{type:"let",let:t.declarations,path:a}],s,[{type:"exit",path:a}]].reduce(r);case"retain":s=e(t.body,a+".body");var o=[[{type:"push",path:a}],s,[{type:"pop",collect:!0,path:a}]].reduce(r);return n.field&&(o[0].field=n.field),o;case"try":s=e(t.body,a+".body");const h=r(e(t.handler,a+".handler"),[{type:"pass",path:a}]);return(o=[[{type:"try",path:a}],s].reduce(r))[0].catch=o.length,o.slice(-1)[0].next=h.length,o.push(...h),o;case"if":var p=e(t.consequent,a+".consequent"),c=r(e(t.alternate,a+".alternate"),[{type:"pass",path:a}]);return n.nosave||(p=r([{type:"pop",path:a}],p)),n.nosave||(c=r([{type:"pop",path:a}],c)),o=r(e(t.test,a+".test"),[{type:"choice",then:1,else:p.length+1,path:a}]),n.nosave||(o=r([{type:"push",path:a}],o)),p.slice(-1)[0].next=c.length,o.push(...p),o.push(...c),o;case"while":return p=e(t.body,a+".body"),c=[{type:"pass",path:a}],n.nosave||(p=r([{type:"pop",path:a}],p)),n.nosave||(c=r([{type:"pop",path:a}],c)),o=r(e(t.test,a+".test"),[{type:"choice",then:1,else:p.length+1,path:a}]),n.nosave||(o=r([{type:"push",path:a}],o)),p.slice(-1)[0].next=1-o.length-p.length,o.push(...p),o.push(...c),o;case"dowhile":var i=e(t.test,a+".test");return n.nosave||(i=r([{type:"push",path:a}],i)),o=[e(t.body,a+".body"),i,[{type:"choice",then:1,else:2,path:a}]].reduce(r),n.nosave?(o.slice(-1)[0].then=1-o.length,o.slice(-1)[0].else=1):(o.push({type:"pop",path:a}),o.slice(-1)[0].next=1-o.length),c=[{type:"pass",path:a}],n.nosave||(c=r([{type:"pop",path:a}],c)),o.push(...c),o}}(t),n=e=>"object"==typeof e&&null!==e&&!Array.isArray(e),s=e=>Promise.reject({code:400,error:e}),o=e=>Promise.reject((e=>({code:"number"==typeof e.code&&e.code||500,error:"string"==typeof e.error&&e.error||e.message||"string"==typeof e&&e||"An internal error occurred"}))(e));return t=>Promise.resolve().then(()=>(function(t){let r=0,p=[];if(void 0!==t.$resume){if(!n(t.$resume))return s("The type of optional $resume parameter must be object");if(r=t.$resume.state,p=t.$resume.stack,void 0!==r&&"number"!=typeof r)return s("The type of optional $resume.state parameter must be number");if(!Array.isArray(p))return s("The type of $resume.stack must be an array");delete t.$resume,c()}function c(){if(n(t)||(t={value:t}),void 0!==t.error)for(t={error:t.error},r=void 0;p.length>0&&"number"!=typeof(r=p.shift().catch););}function i(r){function a(e,t){const r=p.find(t=>void 0!==t.let&&void 0!==t.let[e]);void 0!==r&&(r.let[e]=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t)))}const n=p.reduceRight((e,t)=>"object"==typeof t.let?Object.assign(e,t.let):e,{});let s="(function(){try{";for(const e in n)s+=`var ${e}=arguments[1]['${e}'];`;s+=`return eval((${r}))(arguments[0])}finally{`;for(const e in n)s+=`arguments[1]['${e}']=${e};`;s+="}})";try{return e(s)(t,n)}finally{for(const e in n)a(e,n[e])}}for(;;){if(void 0===r)return console.log("Entering final state"),console.log(JSON.stringify(t)),t.error?t:{params:t};const e=a[r];console.log(`Entering state ${r} at path fsm${e.path}`);const n=r;switch(r=void,e.type){case"choice":r=n+(t.value?e.then:e.else);break;case"try":p.unshift({catch:n+e.catch});break;case"let":p.unshift({let:JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e.let))});break;case"exit":if(0===p.length)return o(`State ${n} attempted to pop from an empty stack`);p.shift();break;case"push":p.unshift(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({params:e.field?t[e.field]:t})));break;case"pop":if(0===p.length)return o(`State ${n} attempted to pop from an empty stack`);t=e.collect?{params:p.shift().params,result:t}:p.shift().params;break;case"action":return{,params:t,state:{$resume:{state:r,stack:p}}};case"literal":t=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e.value)),c();break;case"function":let a;try{a=i(e.exec.code)}catch(e){console.error(e),a={error:`An exception was caught at state ${n} (see log for details)`}}"function"==typeof a&&(a={error:`State ${n} evaluated to a function`}),t=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(void 0===a?t:a)),c();break;case"pass":c();break;default:return o(`State ${n} has an unknown type`)}}})(t)).catch(o)})(eval,[{"type":"if","test":[{"type":"action","name":"/_/authenticate"}],"consequent":[{"type":"action","name":"/_/success"}],"alternate":[{"type":"action","name":"/_/failure"}]}])
This code may be deployed using the OpenWhisk CLI:
compose demo.js > demo-conductor.js
wsk action create demo demo-conductor.js -a conductor true
In contrast to the JSON format, the conductor action code does not include definitions for nested actions or compositions.
All app activations are asynchronous and non-blocking. The immediate
result of an invocation is a _session id_, which you may use to query
the app for its final output. For development convenience, the shell
implements a client-side poll to provide a the final output of the
app, if it is ready within 30 seconds. Otherwise, you may use the
session id to retrieve the output; in this way, working with a session
id is similar to working with an activation id when invoking an
## Parameter Objects and Error Objects
_Tip:_ You may disable the client-side poll by using `app async`
instead of `app invoke`. The session id is returned immediately when
it is available.
A composition, like any action, accepts a JSON dictionary (the _input parameter object_) and produces a JSON dictionary (the _output parameter object_). An output parameter object with an `error` field is an _error object_. A composition _fails_ if it produces an error object.
$ fsh session list # lists all recent sessions
$ fsh session result <id> # retrieves the JSON output of the app as text
By convention, an error object returned by a composition is stripped from all fields except from the `error` field. This behavior is consistent with the OpenWhisk action semantics, e.g., the action with code `function main() { return { error: 'KO', message: 'OK' } }` outputs `{ error: 'KO' }`.
_Note:_ Sessions only persist for up to 24 hours, and expire automatically.
## Combinators
## Visualizing sessions
The `composer` module offers a number of combinators to define compositions:
The shell can also summarize the dynamic execution flow of an app, as
described by the app session id.
| Combinator | Description | Example |
| --:| --- | --- |
| [`action`](#action) | action | `composer.action('echo')` |
| [`function`](#function) | function | `composer.function(({ x, y }) => ({ product: x * y }))` |
| [`literal` or `value`](#literal) | constant value | `composer.literal({ message: 'Hello, World!' })` |
| [`sequence` or `seq`](#sequence) | sequence | `composer.sequence('hello', 'bye')` |
| [`let`](#let) | variable declarations | `composer.let({ count: 3, message: 'hello' }, ...)` |
| [`if`](#if) | conditional | `composer.if('authenticate', 'success', 'failure')` |
| [`while`](#while) | loop | `composer.while('notEnough', 'doMore')` |
| [`dowhile`](#dowhile) | loop at least once | `composer.dowhile('fetchData', 'needMoreData')` |
| [`repeat`](#repeat) | counted loop | `composer.repeat(3, 'hello')` |
| [`try`](#try) | error handling | `composer.try('divideByN', 'NaN')` |
| [`finally`](#finally) | finalization | `composer.finally('tryThis', 'doThatAlways')` |
| [`retry`](#retry) | error recovery | `composer.retry(3, 'connect')` |
| [`retain`](#retain) | persistence | `composer.retain('validateInput')` |
$ fsh session get <id>
The `action`, `function`, and `literal` combinators and their synonymous construct compositions respectively from actions, functions, and constant values. The other combinators combine existing compositions to produce new compositions.
|<img src="hello-session.png" width="50%" title="Hello session">|
|An example session.|
Where a composition is expected, the following shorthands are permitted:
- `name` of type `string` stands for `composer.action(name)`,
- `fun` of type `function` stands for `composer.function(fun)`,
- `null` stands for the empty sequence `composer.sequence()`.
The session view uses a green color scheme for a successful
activation, and red for a failed activation (i.e., the result of the
function or app is an `error`.) The `Entry` and `Exit` nodes are the
logical start and end states of the activation. Hovering over the
nodes will typically show the result of the underlying function or
### Action
## Composing OpenWhisk actions
`composer.action(name, [options])` is a composition with a single action named _name_. It invokes the action named _name_ on the input parameter object for the composition and returns the output parameter object of this action invocation.
Combinators accept either inline Node.js functions or actions by name.
For the latter, you may use a fully qualified name of an action (i.e.,
`/namespace[/package]/action`) or its short name. Here is an example
using the `date` action from the `/whisk.system/utils` package.
The action _name_ may specify the namespace and/or package containing the action following the usual OpenWhisk grammar. If no namespace is specified, the default namespace is assumed. If no package is specified, the default package is assumed.
The optional `options` dictionary makes it possible to provide a definition for the action being composed:
// specify the code for the action
composer.action('hello', { action: function main() { return { message: 'hello' } } })
composer.action('hello', { action: "function main() { return { message: 'hello' } }" })
composer.action('hello', {
action: {
kind: 'nodejs:default',
code: "function main() { return { message: 'hello' } }"
A composition which refers to actions by name will not run correctly
if there are missing referenced entities. The `app preview` will
highlight any missing entities. As an example, preview the built-in
composition, which is [described in the next
section](#if-combinator). The control flow graph should be
self-explanatory. An action is gray when it is not yet deployed, and
blue otherwise.
// specify a file containing the code for the action
composer.action('hello', { filename: 'hello.js' })
$ fsh app preview @demos/if.js
// define an action sequence
composer.action('helloAndBye', { sequence: ['hello', 'bye'] })
|<img src="if-preview.png" title="if combinator preview" width="50%">|
|Control flow graph for `if` combinator. An action that is not yet deployed is gray, and blue otherwise.|
### Function
To create and deploy the actions, you may use the `wsk` CLI or the
OpenWhisk API directly. For added convenience, `fsh` uses [`npm
openwhisk`]( and can create actions
directly. Its command structure for creating an action will be
familiar to `wsk` users (but does not offer full parity). You may
find it convenient to use `fsh` directly instead for everything,
including to create and update actions. Read more about [`fsh` vs
`composer.function(fun)` is a composition with a single Javascript function _fun_. It applies the specified function to the input parameter object for the composition.
- If the function returns a value of type `function`, the composition returns an error object.
- If the function throws an exception, the composition returns an error object. The exception is logged as part of the conductor action invocation.
- If the function returns a value of type other than function, the value is first converted to a JSON value using `JSON.stringify` followed by `JSON.parse`. If the resulting JSON value is not a JSON dictionary, the JSON value is then wrapped into a `{ value }` dictionary. The composition returns the final JSON dictionary.
- If the function does not return a value and does not throw an exception, the composition returns the input parameter object for the composition converted to a JSON dictionary using `JSON.stringify` followed by `JSON.parse`.
## Compositions by example
composer.function(params => ({ message: 'Hello ' + }))
composer.function(function (params) { return { error: 'error' } })
You now have the basic tools to build a serverless composition, invoke
it, and inspect its execution and result. This section will introduce
you to more combinators for creating richer control and data flow.
function product({ x, y }) { return { product: x * y } }
The following composition methods are currently supported. The rest of the document will show you example compositions using some of these combinators. The rest of the combinators are covered in the [reference manual](
#### Environment capture
| Composition | Description | Example |
| --:| --- | --- |
| [`task`]( | single task | `composer.task('sayHi', { input: 'userInfo' })` |
| [`value`]( | constant value | `composer.value({ message: 'Hello World!' })` |
| [`sequence`]( | sequence | `composer.sequence('getLocation', 'getWeatherForLocation')` |
| [`let`]( | variables | `composer.let('n', 42, ...)` |
| [`if`]( | conditional | `composer.if('authenticate', /* then */ 'welcome', /* else */ 'login')` |
| [`while`]( | loop | `composer.while('needMoreData', 'fetchMoreData')` |
| [`try`]( | error handling | `try('DivideByN', /* catch */ 'NaN')` |
| [`repeat`]( | repetition | `repeat(42, 'sayHi')` |
| [`retry`]( | error recovery | `retry(3, 'connect')` |
| [`retain`]( | parameter retention | `composer.retain('validateInput')` |
Functions intended for compositions cannot capture any part of their declaration environment. They may however access and mutate variables in an environment consisting of the variables declared by the [composer.let](#composerletname-value-composition_1-composition_2-) combinator discussed below.
### `if` combinator
An `if` combinator allows you to describe a conditional flow with a
`then` and optional `else` branch. This is convenient for
short-circuiting a sequence for example, or taking data-dependent
paths in the control flow.
Here is a short example. Say you have a function `welcome` which
generates an HTML page.
The following is not legal:
let welcome = args => ({ html: `<html><body>welcome ${}!</body></html>` })
let name = 'Dave'
composer.function(params => ({ message: 'Hello ' + name }))
In order to use this function as part of an authenticated API, we can
modify the function itself to introduce authentication middleware. Or,
we can compose it with an authentication function.
The following is legal:
let authenticate = args => ({ value: args.token === "secret" })
composer.let({ name: 'Dave' }, composer.function(params => ({ message: 'Hello ' + name })))
For illustration purposes, `authenticate` is a simple token based
checker. If the token equals the secret value, return `true`, and
`false` otherwise. In a real scenario, this function may delegate to a
third party service or identity provider.
### Literal
Let's add a third function, this one to deal with the
non-authenticated case and return a different HTML page, perhaps
informing the client to try again with the proper secret.
`composer.literal(value)` and its synonymous `composer.value(value)` output a constant JSON dictionary. This dictionary is obtained by first converting the _value_ argument to JSON using `JSON.stringify` followed by `JSON.parse`. If the resulting JSON value is not a JSON dictionary, the JSON value is then wrapped into a `{ value }` dictionary.
The _value_ argument may be computed at composition time. For instance, the following composition captures the date at the time the composition is encoded to JSON:
let login = args => ({ html: `<html><body>please say the magic word.</body></html>` })
The `if` combinator composes these three functions as you might
expect. This example is bundled in the shell samples as
### Sequence
/* cond */ 'authenticate',
/* then */ 'welcome',
/* else */ 'login')
`composer.sequence(composition_1, composition_2, ...)` chains a series of compositions (possibly empty).
# create required actions
$ fsh action create authenticate @demos/authenticate.js
$ fsh action create welcome @demos/welcome.js
$ fsh action create login @demos/login.js
The input parameter object for the composition is the input parameter object of the first composition in the sequence. The output parameter object of one composition in the sequence is the input parameter object for the next composition in the sequence. The output parameter object of the last composition in the sequence is the output parameter object for the composition.
# create app
$ fsh app create if @demos/if.js
If one of the components fails, the remainder of the sequence is not executed. The output parameter object for the composition is the error object produced by the failed component.
# invoke app, with no secret parameter
$ fsh app invoke if
html: "<html><body>please say the magic word.</body></html>"
An empty sequence behaves as a sequence with a single function `params => params`. The output parameter object for the empty sequence is its input parameter object unless it is an error object, in which case, as usual, the error object only contains the `error` field of the input parameter object.
# now invoke with secret parameter
$ fsh app invoke if -p token secret -p name if-combinator
html: "<html><body>welcome if-combinator!</body></html>"
### Let
Each of the activations will have a different session id, which are reported by listing the available sessions.
$ fsh session list
sessionId app start status
339c82e5e1ad45cd9c82e5e1ada5cd24 if 10/6/2017, 6:53:28 PM done
9c361e9d06364064b61e9d0636e06482 if 10/6/2017, 6:53:21 PM done
`composer.let({ name_1: value_1, name_2: value_2, ... }, composition_1_, _composition_2_, ...)` declares one or more variables with the given names and initial values, and runs runs a sequence of compositions in the scope of these declarations.
### `try` combinator
Variables declared with `composer.let` may be accessed and mutated by functions __running__ as part of the following sequence (irrespective of their place of definition). In other words, name resolution is [dynamic]( If a variable declaration is nested inside a declaration of a variable with the same name, the innermost declaration masks the earlier declarations.
Another common composition pattern is for error handling and
recovery. Composer offers a `try` combinator that is analogous to
A example to illustrate using `try` is a schema or data validation
action. Let `validate` be an action which checks if a string is base64
encoded, and which throws an exception if the input is not valid. A
`try` combinator allows an error handler to rewrite the result, as
one example, to suite the particular usage scenario in the app.
For example, the following composition invokes composition `composition` repeatedly `n` times.
/* try */ 'validate',
/* catch */ args => ({ ok: false }))
composer.let({ i: n }, composer.while(() => i-- > 0, composition))
Variables declared with `composer.let` are not visible to invoked actions. However, they may be passed as parameters to actions as for instance in:
composer.let({ n: 42 }, () => ({ n }), 'increment', params => { n = params.n })
The `validate` action is available as [`@demos/validate.js`]( and the
composition as [`@demos/try.js`]( for your convenience.
In this example, the variable `n` is exposed to the invoked action as a field of the input parameter object. Moreover, the value of the field `n` of the output parameter object is assigned back to variable `n`.
# create validate action
$ fsh action create validate @demos/validate.js
### If
# create app
$ fsh app create try @demos/try.js
`composer.if(condition, consequent, [alternate], [options])` runs either the _consequent_ composition if the _condition_ evaluates to true or the _alternate_ composition if not.
# invoke app with valid parameter
$ fsh app invoke try -p str aGVsbG8gdHJ5IQ==
ok: true
A _condition_ composition evaluates to true if and only if it produces a JSON dictionary with a field `value` with value `true`. Other fields are ignored. Because JSON values other than dictionaries are implicitly lifted to dictionaries with a `value` field, _condition_ may be a Javascript function returning a Boolean value. An expression such as `params.n > 0` is not a valid condition (or in general a valid composition). One should write instead `params => params.n > 0`. The input parameter object for the composition is the input parameter object for the _condition_ composition.
# and now for the failing case
$ fsh app invoke try -p str bogus
ok: false
The _alternate_ composition may be omitted. If _condition_ fails, neither branch is executed.
It is worth looking at the execution of the second app invoke where
the catch handler is invoked.
The optional `options` dictionary supports a `nosave` option. If `options.nosave` is thruthy, the _consequent_ composition or _alternate_ composition is invoked on the output parameter object of the _condition_ composition. Otherwise, the output parameter object of the _condition_ composition is discarded and the _consequent_ composition or _alternate_ composition is invoked on the input parameter object for the composition. For example, the following compositions divide parameter `n` by two if `n` is even:
composer.if(params => params.n % 2 === 0, params => { params.n /= 2 })
composer.if(params => { params.value = params.n % 2 === 0 }, params => { params.n /= 2 }, null, { nosave: true })
$ fsh session get --last try
In the first example, the condition function simply returns a Boolean value. The consequent function uses the saved input parameter object to compute `n`'s value. In the second example, the condition function adds a `value` field to the input parameter object. The consequent function applies to the resulting object. In particular, in the second example, the output parameter object for the condition includes the `value` field.
|<img src="try-session.png" title="try session with exception" width="50%">|
|Session execution for `try` where the handler is invoked.|
While, the default `nosave == false` behavior is typically more convenient, preserving the input parameter object is not free as it counts toward the parameter size limit for OpenWhisk actions. In essence, the limit on the size of parameter objects processed during the evaluation of the condition is reduced by the size of the saved parameter object. The `nosave` option omits the parameter save, hence preserving the parameter size limit.
### While
Notice that the `validate` action failed, as expected. This is
visually recognized by the red-colored action, and the hover text which
shows the action result containing the error. The app result is
successful however, as the handler rewrites the exception into a
different result.
`composer.while(condition, body, [options])` runs _body_ repeatedly while _condition_ evaluates to true. The _condition_ composition is evaluated before any execution of the _body_ composition. See [composer.if](#composerifcondition-consequent-alternate) for a discussion of conditions.
## Nesting and forwarding
A failure of _condition_ or _body_ interrupts the execution. The composition returns the error object from the failed component.
An important property of the combinators is that they nest. This
encourages modularity and composition reuse. The example that follows
illustrates both composition nesting, and data forwarding. The example
builds on the `try` app described in the previous section. Here, after
the validate task, we extend the composition with a base64 decoder to
render the input `str` in plain text.
Like `composer.if`, `composer.while` supports a `nosave` option. By default, the output parameter object of the _condition_ composition is discarded and the input parameter object for the _body_ composition is either the input parameter object for the whole composition the first time around or the output parameter object of the previous iteration of _body_. However if `options.nosave` is thruthy, the input parameter object for _body_ is the output parameter object of _condition_. Moreover, the output parameter object for the whole composition is the output parameter object of the last _condition_ evaluation.
Recall that the result of the `validate` task is `{ok: true}`,
not the `str` argument that it processed. So we need a way to forward
`str` around this action. In other words, we _retain_ the input
arguments to `validate`, and pass them to the next action in the
sequence. Composer offers a combinator for just this purpose. Below
is the composition showing the inner sequence with the data forwarding
combinator `retain`.
For instance, the following composition invoked on dictionary `{ n: 28 }` outputs `{ n: 7 }`:
args => ({ text: new Buffer(args.params.str, 'base64').toString() })),
args => ({ ok: false }))
composer.while(params => params.n % 2 === 0, params => { params.n /= 2 })
For instance, the following composition invoked on dictionary `{ n: 28 }` outputs `{ n: 7, value: false }`:
composer.while(params => { params.value = params.n % 2 === 0 }, params => { params.n /= 2 }, { nosave: true })
The `retain` combinator produces an output with two fields: `params`
and `result`. The former is the input parameter of the
composition. The latter is the output of `validate`. The control and
dataflow for this composition is shown below, and is available in the
shell as
### Dowhile
$ fsh app preview @demos/retain.js
`composer.dowhile(condition, body, [options])` is similar to `composer.while(body, condition, [options])` except that _body_ is invoked before _condition_ is evaluated, hence _body_ is always invoked at least once.
|<img src="retain.png" title="retain combinator and nesting" width="50%">|
|Control flow graph showing the `retain` combinator and the implied dataflow around `validate`.|
### Repeat
The app will now produce the decoded text as its final output.
`composer.repeat(count, body)` invokes _body_ _count_ times.
# create app
$ fsh app create try @demos/retain.js
### Try
# invoke app with valid parameter
> fsh app invoke retain -p str aGVsbG8gdHJ5IQ==
text: "hello try!"
`composer.try(body, handler)` runs _body_ with error handler _handler_.
# and now for the failing case
> fsh app invoke retain -p str bogus
ok: false
If _body_ outputs an error object, _handler_ is invoked with this error object as its input parameter object. Otherwise, _handler_ is not run.
## Variables and scoping
### Finally
The composer allows you to introduce variables within a composition,
and to limit their scope. This is useful when you have to introduce
service keys and credentials for example. A scoped variable is defined
using `let`. The example below illustrates how you might introduce a
"secret" for a specific task without its value escaping to other
compositions or functions.
`composer.finally(body, finalizer)` runs _body_ and then _finalizer_.
composer.let({secret: 42},
composer.task(_ => ({ ok: secret === 42 }))),
composer.task(_ => ({ ok: (typeof secret === 'undefined') })))
The _finalizer_ is invoked in sequence after _body_ even if _body_ returns an error object.
The composition will execute successfully only if `secret` is not
leaked to the final task in the composition, while the value is
available inside the task nested within the `let`.
### Retry
$ fsh app create let @demos/let.js
$ fsh app invoke let
ok: true
`composer.retry(count, body)` runs _body_ and retries _body_ up to _count_ times if it fails. The output parameter object for the composition is either the output parameter object of the successful _body_ invocation or the error object produced by the last _body_ invocation.
## Other combinators
### Retain
The examples shown here illustrate the more common combinators you
may use to create serverless compositions. There are more combinators
available in the Composer library. Refer to the [Composer reference
manual]( for more details.
`composer.retain(body, [options])` runs _body_ on the input parameter object producing an object with two fields `params` and `result` such that `params` is the input parameter object of the composition and `result` is the output parameter object of _body_.
An `options` dictionary object may be specified to alter the default behavior of `composer.retain` in the following ways:
- If `options.catch` is thruthy, the `retain` combinator behavior will be the same even if _body_ returns an error object. Otherwise, if _body_ fails, the output of the `retain` combinator is only the error object (i.e., the input parameter object is not preserved).
- If `options.filter` is a function, the combinator only persists the result of the function application to the input parameter object.
- If `options.field` is a string, the combinator only persists the value of the field of the input parameter object with the given name.
"name": "@ibm-functions/composer",
"version": "0.1.1",
"version": "0.2.0",
"description": "Composer is an IBM Cloud Functions programming model for composing individual functions into larger applications.",

@@ -10,2 +10,12 @@ "homepage": "",

"bin": {
"compose": "./bin/compose"
"files": [
"repository": {

@@ -24,8 +34,8 @@ "type": "git",

"dependencies": {
"redis": "^2.8.0",
"clone": "^2.1.1"
"minimist": "^1.2.0",
"openwhisk": "^3.11.0",
"uglify-es": "^3.3.9"
"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "^3.5.0",
"openwhisk": "git://"
"mocha": "^3.5.0"

@@ -51,2 +61,2 @@ "author": {

"license": "Apache-2.0"

@@ -1,45 +0,142 @@

Composer is a new programming model from [IBM
Research]( for composing [IBM
Cloud Functions](, built on [Apache
OpenWhisk]( Composer
extends Functions and sequences with more powerful control flow and
automatic state management. With it, developers can build even more
serverless applications including using it for IoT, with workflow
orchestration, conversation services, and devops automation, to name a
few examples.
# @ibm-functions/composer
Composer helps you express cloud-native apps that are serverless by
construction: scale automatically, and pay as you go and not for idle
time. Programming compositions for IBM Cloud Functions is done via the
[functions shell](, which
offers a CLI and graphical interface for fast, incremental, iterative,
and local development of serverless apps. Some additional highlights
of the shell include:
* Edit your code and program using your favorite text editor, rather than using a drag-n-drop UI
* Validate your compositions with readily accessible visualizations, without switching tools or using a browser
* Deploy and invoke compositions using familiar CLI commands
* Debug your invocations with either familiar CLI commands or readily accessible visualizations
Composer is a new programming model from [IBM
Research]( for composing [IBM Cloud
Functions](, built on [Apache
OpenWhisk]( With Composer,
developers can build even more serverless applications including using it for
IoT, with workflow orchestration, conversation services, and devops automation,
to name a few examples.
Composer and shell are currently available as IBM Research
previews. We are excited about both and are looking forward to what
compositions you build and run using [IBM Cloud
Functions]( or directly on [Apache
Programming compositions for IBM Cloud Functions is supported by a new developer
tool called [IBM Cloud Shell](, or just
_Shell_. Shell offers a CLI and graphical interface for fast, incremental,
iterative, and local development of serverless applications. While we recommend
using Shell, Shell is not required to work with compositions. Compositions may
be managed using a combination of the Composer [compose](bin/compose) shell
script (for deployment) and the [OpenWhisk
CLI]( (for configuration,
invocation, and life-cycle management).
We welcome your feedback and criticism. Find bugs and we will squash
them. And will be grateful for your help. As an early adopter, you
will also be among the first to experience even more features planned
for the weeks ahead. We look forward to your feedback and encourage
you to [join us on slack](
**In contrast to earlier releases of Composer, a REDIS server is not required to
run compositions**. Composer now synthesizes OpenWhisk [conductor
to implement compositions. Compositions have all the attributes and capabilities
of an action (e.g., default parameters, limits, blocking invocation, web
This repository includes:
* the [composer](composer.js) Node.js module for authoring compositions using
* the [compose](bin/compose) shell script for deploying compositions,
* [documentation](docs), [examples](samples), and [tests](test).
* [tutorial](docs) for getting started with Composer in the [docs](docs) folder,
* [composer](composer.js) node.js module to author compositions using JavaScript,
* [conductor](conductor.js) action code to orchestrate the execution of compositions,
* [manager](manager.js) node.js module to query the state of compositions,
* [test-harness](test-harness.js) helper module for testing composer,
* [redis-promise](redis-promise.js) helper module that implements a promisified redis client for node.js,
* example compositions in the [samples](samples) folder,
* unit tests in the [test](test) folder.
Composer and Shell are currently available as _IBM Research previews_. As
Composer and Shell continue to evolve, it may be necessary to redeploy existing
compositions to take advantage of new capabilities. However existing
compositions should continue to run fine without redeployment.
## Installation
To install the `composer` module use the Node Package Manager:
npm -g install @ibm-functions/composer
We recommend to install the module globally (with `-g` option) so the `compose`
command is added to the path. Otherwise, it can be found in the `bin` folder of
the module installation.
## Example
A composition is typically defined by means of a Javascript file as illustrated
in [samples/demo.js](samples/demo.js):
composer.action('authenticate', { action: function main({ password }) { return { value: password === 'abc123' } } }),
composer.action('success', { action: function main() { return { message: 'success' } } }),
composer.action('failure', { action: function main() { return { message: 'failure' } } }))
Composer offers traditional control-flow concepts as methods. These methods
are called _combinators_. This example composition composes three actions named
`authenticate`, `success`, and `failure` using the `composer.if` combinator,
which implements the usual conditional construct. It take three actions (or
compositions) as parameters. It invokes the first one and, depending on the
result of this invocation, invokes either the second or third action.
This composition includes the definitions of the three composed actions. If the
actions are defined and deployed elsewhere, the composition code can be shorten
composer.if('authenticate', 'success', 'failure')
To deploy this composition use the `compose` command:
compose demo.js --deploy demo
The `compose` command synthesizes and deploy an action named `demo` that
implements the composition. It also deploys the composed actions if definitions
are provided for them.
The `demo` composition may be invoked like any action, for instance using the
OpenWhisk CLI:
wsk action invoke demo -r -p password passw0rd
"message": "failure"
## Getting started
* [Introduction to Serverless Composition](docs/tutorials/introduction/
Setting up your programming environment and getting started with Shell and
* [Building a Translation Slack Bot with Serverless
Composition](docs/tutorials/translateBot/ A more advanced tutorial
using Composition to build a serverless Slack chatbot that does language
* [Composer Reference](docs/ A comprehensive reference manual for
the Node.js programmer.
## Videos
* The [IBM Cloud Shell YouTube
channel]( hosts demo
videos of IBM Cloud Shell, including editing a composition [using a built-in
editor]( or [an external
editor](, and [visualizing a composition's
* Watch [our presentation at
about Composer and Shell.
* [Conductor Actions and Composer
(29:30 minutes into the video): A discussion of the composition runtime.
## Blog posts
* [Serverless Composition with IBM Cloud
* [Building Your First Serverless Composition with IBM Cloud
* [Upgrading Serverless Superman to IBM
* [Calling Multiple Serverless Actions and Retaining Values with IBM
* [Serverless Try/Catch/Finally with IBM
* [Composing functions into
* [A composition story: using IBM Cloud Functions to relay SMS to
## Contributions
We are looking forward to your feedback and criticism. We encourage you to [join
us on slack]( File bugs and we will squash them.
We welcome contributions to Composer and Shell. See

@@ -17,10 +17,5 @@ /*

'use strict'
const composer = require('@openwhisk/composer')
// author action composition
const app = composer.if('authenticate', /* then */ 'welcome', /* else */ 'login')
// compile action composition
composer.compile(app, 'demo.json')
composer.action('authenticate', { action: function main({ password }) { return { value: password === 'abc123' } } }),
composer.action('success', { action: function main() { return { message: 'success' } } }),
composer.action('failure', { action: function main() { return { message: 'failure' } } }))
"Entry": "push_0",
"States": {
"push_0": {
"Type": "Push",
"Next": "action_1"
"actions": [
"name": "/_/authenticate",
"action": {
"exec": {
"kind": "nodejs:default",
"code": "function main({ password }) { return { value: password === 'abc123' } }"
"action_1": {
"Type": "Task",
"Action": "authenticate",
"Next": "choice_0"
"name": "/_/success",
"action": {
"exec": {
"kind": "nodejs:default",
"code": "function main() { return { message: 'success' } }"
"choice_0": {
"Type": "Choice",
"Then": "action_2",
"Else": "action_3"
"action_2": {
"Type": "Task",
"Action": "welcome",
"Next": "pass_0"
"action_3": {
"Type": "Task",
"Action": "login",
"Next": "pass_0"
"pass_0": {
"Type": "Pass"
"name": "/_/failure",
"action": {
"exec": {
"kind": "nodejs:default",
"code": "function main() { return { message: 'failure' } }"
"Exit": "pass_0"
"composition": [
"type": "if",
"test": [
"type": "action",
"name": "/_/authenticate"
"consequent": [
"type": "action",
"name": "/_/success"
"alternate": [
"type": "action",
"name": "/_/failure"
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