Bioseal tools is a library that contains UI elements for bioseal client projects
npm install @id3/biosealTools
The library contains header and footer components styled with the standards of id3 technologies.
Import the module in your app.module.ts:
import {BiosealToolsModule} from '@id3/bioseal-tools';
You can now use the header/footer directly in your app.component.html
the components has arguments to load images and values inside the the header and footer
The header has :
- backgroundColor //To set the color wanted of the header
- companyIconWebsite //website to direct for Icon
- headerIcon //To set the icon of the main title
- isImageDisabled //To showcase an icon or not true||false
The footer has:
- referenceCompany // title for company logo "Powered by"
- logoCompany
- titleVersion "version" example as a title
- version
- mailTO ""
- titleContact
- imageAt "@ icon for the component to upload"
- backgroundColor //To set the color wanted of the header