Generic functions library
Use the package manager npm to install utils.
npm install @ijx/utils
import "@ijx/utils"
List of prototypes
- Array
- filter2(func)
- deleteElement(element)
- concat2(...arrays)
- mapAsync(func)
- hasDuplicates()
- Object
- getKeyByValue(value)
- clone()
- assign(obj)
- defObject(fuente)
- forEach(fn, thisArg)
- filter(fn, thisArg)
- map(fn, thisArg)
- getName()
- getMethods()
- String
- camelToSnakeCase()
- camelCase(sep="_", type=true)
- rellenar(size, character=' ')
- delExt()
- getExt()
- zeroPad(n = 2)
- suspensivos(max, chars="...")
- Number
- Date
List of functions
- NOOP()
- isInteger(num: any)
- isFloat(num: any)
- isClass(entity: any)
- isNullable(data: any)
- isType(data: any, type: string)
- isTypeNotNull(data: any, type: string)
- isTypeStringNotEmpty(data: any)
- wait(time=1)
- thread(func: function)
- echo(cad: any)
- getDate(...t)
- basename(path: string, sep="/")
- dirname(path: string, sep="/")
- makeid(length=5)
- decToHex(num: number)
- base64_encode(data: any)
- base64_decode(data: any)
- decimalAdjust(value: number, exp=0, type="round")
- secondsToDhms(seconds: number)
- stringifyNoCircular(obj: object, space=null)
- replaceSqlValues(sqlQuery: string, data: (string | number | null)[])
- isJson(text: string)
- escapeHtml(str: string)
- unescapeHtml(str: string)
- readArgs(validArgs: object, initChar="-", defaultBool=false)
List of functions with dependencies
- createDirs(src: string)
- readable(src: string)
- writable(src: string)
- readableAndWritable(src: string)
- existsAsync(src: string)
- getRelative(metaurl, ...file)
- getImportPath(metaurl)
- pathToImport(metaurl, ruta)
- exec(command: string)