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@internetarchive/recaptcha-manager - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.1-alpha.4 to 0.1.0




@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ import { html, css, LitElement } from 'lit';

private recaptchaManager: RecaptchaManagerInterface = new RecaptchaManager({
defaultSiteKey: '6LeTUvYUAAAAAPTvW98MaXyS8c6vxk4-9n8DI1ve',
defaultSiteKey: '<your-site-key>',

@@ -72,3 +72,3 @@

this.recaptcha2 = await this.recaptchaManager?.getRecaptchaWidget({
siteKey: '6LfDgOgeAAAAAEIzkbGeW4N_yQoN3PxhUYdkxbS6',
siteKey: '<your-site-key>',

@@ -75,0 +75,0 @@ }

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ import { __decorate } from "tslib";

this.recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
defaultSiteKey: '6LeTUvYUAAAAAPTvW98MaXyS8c6vxk4-9n8DI1ve',
defaultSiteKey: '<your-site-key>',

@@ -58,3 +58,3 @@ }

this.recaptcha2 = await ((_a = this.recaptchaManager) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getRecaptchaWidget({
siteKey: '6LfDgOgeAAAAAEIzkbGeW4N_yQoN3PxhUYdkxbS6',
siteKey: '<your-site-key>',

@@ -61,0 +61,0 @@ }

export { RecaptchaManager, RecaptchaManagerInterface, } from './src/recaptcha-manager';
export { RecaptchaWidget, RecaptchaWidgetInterface, } from './src/recaptcha-widget';
export { RecaptchaWidget, RecaptchaWidgetInterface, RecaptchaWidgetConfig, } from './src/recaptcha-widget';

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ import { LazyLoaderService, } from '@internetarchive/lazy-loader-service';

if (!key) {
throw new Error('RecaptchaManager requires a site key');
throw new Error('The reCaptcha widget requires a site key');

@@ -19,0 +19,0 @@ const cached = this.recaptchaCache[key];

@@ -25,2 +25,3 @@ /**

this.isExecuting = true;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

@@ -27,0 +28,0 @@ this.executionSuccessBlock = (token) => {

@@ -1,99 +0,62 @@

"use strict";
// /* eslint-disable camelcase */
// /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
// /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
// export enum MockGrecaptchaMode {
// Success,
// Expired,
// Error,
// }
// export class MockGrecaptcha implements ReCaptchaV2.ReCaptcha {
// renderCalled = false;
// executeCalled = false;
// resetCalled = false;
// getResponseCalled = false;
// mode: MockGrecaptchaMode;
// addDelay: boolean;
// callback?: (response: string) => void;
// 'expired-callback'?: () => void;
// 'error-callback'?: () => void;
// render(
// container: string | HTMLElement,
// parameters?: ReCaptchaV2.Parameters | undefined,
// inherit?: boolean | undefined,
// ): number {
// this.callback = parameters?.callback?.bind(this);
// this['error-callback'] = parameters?.['error-callback']?.bind(this);
// this['expired-callback'] = parameters?.['expired-callback']?.bind(this);
// this.renderCalled = true;
// return 1;
// }
// reset(opt_widget_id?: number | undefined): void {
// this.resetCalled = true;
// }
// getResponse(opt_widget_id?: number | undefined): string {
// this.getResponseCalled = true;
// return 'foo';
// }
// // execute(opt_widget_id?: number): void {
// // this.executeCalled = true;
// // if (this.addDelay) {
// // setTimeout(this.callCallback, 100);
// // } else {
// // this.callCallback();
// // }
// // }
// // /**
// // * Programatically invoke the reCAPTCHA check. Used if the invisible reCAPTCHA is on a div instead of a button.
// // * @param siteKey the key of your site
// // * @param action the action
// // *
// // * @return a promise-like object containing the token
// // */
// // async execute(siteKey: string, action: ReCaptchaV2.Action): Promise<string> {
// // return '';
// // }
// // execute(opt_widget_id?: number): void {
// // this.executeCalled = true;
// // if (this.addDelay) {
// // setTimeout(this.callCallback, 100);
// // } else {
// // this.callCallback();
// // }
// // }
// // execute(opt_widget_id?: number): void {
// // }
// // async execute(siteKey: string, action: ReCaptchaV2.Action): PromiseLike<string> {
// // return '';
// // }
// // async execute(siteKey?: any, action?: any): void | PromiseLike<string> {
// // }
// ready(callback: () => void): void {
// }
// private callCallback(): void {
// switch (this.mode) {
// case MockGrecaptchaMode.Success:
// if (this.callback) {
// this.callback('foo');
// }
// break;
// case MockGrecaptchaMode.Error:
// if (this['error-callback']) {
// this['error-callback']();
// }
// break;
// case MockGrecaptchaMode.Expired:
// if (this['expired-callback']) {
// this['expired-callback']();
// }
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// }
// constructor(mode: MockGrecaptchaMode, addDelay = false) {
// this.mode = mode;
// this.addDelay = addDelay;
// }
// }
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
export class MockGrecaptcha {
constructor(options) {
var _a;
this.response = 'foo';
this.renderCalled = false;
this.executeCalled = false;
this.resetCallCount = 0;
this.getResponseCalled = false;
this.mode = options.mode;
this.addDelay = (_a = options.addDelay) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false;
render(container, parameters, inherit) {
var _a, _b, _c;
this.callback = (_a = parameters === null || parameters === void 0 ? void 0 : parameters.callback) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.bind(this);
this['error-callback'] = (_b = parameters === null || parameters === void 0 ? void 0 : parameters['error-callback']) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.bind(this);
this['expired-callback'] = (_c = parameters === null || parameters === void 0 ? void 0 : parameters['expired-callback']) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.bind(this);
this.renderCalled = true;
return 1;
reset(opt_widget_id) {
this.resetCallCount += 1;
getResponse(opt_widget_id) {
this.getResponseCalled = true;
return 'foo';
execute(opt_widget_id) {
this.executeCalled = true;
if (this.addDelay) {
setTimeout(this.callCallback.bind(this), 100);
else {
ready(callback) { }
callCallback() {
switch (this.mode) {
case 'success':
if (this.callback) {
case 'error':
if (this['error-callback']) {
case 'expired':
if (this['expired-callback']) {

@@ -1,69 +0,138 @@

"use strict";
// import { html, fixture, expect } from '@open-wc/testing';
// import { MockGrecaptcha, MockGrecaptchaMode } from './mock-grecaptcha';
// import { RecaptchaManager } from '../src/recaptcha-manager';
describe('ReCaptcha Manager', () => {
// it('can execute the recaptcha like a Promise', async () => {
// const recaptchaElement = (await fixture(html`
// <div></div>
// `)) as HTMLElement;
// const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha(MockGrecaptchaMode.Success);
// const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
// grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
// siteKey: '123',
// });
// recaptchaManager.setup(recaptchaElement, 1, 'dark', 'image');
// const result = await recaptchaManager.execute();
// expect(result).to.equal('foo');
// });
// it('can error properly like a Promise', async () => {
// const recaptchaElement = (await fixture(html`
// <div></div>
// `)) as HTMLElement;
// const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha(MockGrecaptchaMode.Error);
// const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
// grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
// siteKey: '123',
// });
// recaptchaManager.setup(recaptchaElement, 1, 'dark', 'image');
// try {
// await recaptchaManager.execute();
//'should not get here');
// } catch (error) {
// expect(error).to.equal('error');
// }
// });
// it('can expire properly like a Promise', async () => {
// const recaptchaElement = (await fixture(html`
// <div></div>
// `)) as HTMLElement;
// const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha(MockGrecaptchaMode.Expired);
// const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
// grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
// siteKey: '123',
// });
// recaptchaManager.setup(recaptchaElement, 1, 'dark', 'image');
// try {
// await recaptchaManager.execute();
//'should not get here');
// } catch (error) {
// expect(error).to.equal('expired');
// }
// });
// it('resets the captcha if execute() gets called more than once', async () => {
// const recaptchaElement = (await fixture(html`
// <div></div>
// `)) as HTMLElement;
// const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha(MockGrecaptchaMode.Success, true);
// const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
// grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
// siteKey: '123',
// });
// recaptchaManager.setup(recaptchaElement, 1, 'dark', 'image');
// recaptchaManager.execute();
// expect(mockGrecaptcha.resetCalled);
// recaptchaManager.execute();
// expect(mockGrecaptcha.resetCalled);
// });
import { expect } from '@open-wc/testing';
import { MockGrecaptcha } from './mock-grecaptcha';
import { RecaptchaManager } from '../src/recaptcha-manager';
import { MockLazyLoaderService } from './mock-lazy-loader';
const mockLazyLoader = new MockLazyLoaderService();
describe('ReCaptcha Management', () => {
describe('ReCaptcha Manager', () => {
it('can return recaptchas', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'success',
mockGrecaptcha.response = 'foo';
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
const result = await recaptcha.execute();
it('throws an error if no site key found', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'success',
mockGrecaptcha.response = 'foo';
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
try {
await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();'should not get here');
catch (e) {
expect(e.message).to.equal('The reCaptcha widget requires a site key');
it('returns a cached version if one already exists for a given site key', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'success',
mockGrecaptcha.response = 'foo';
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha1 = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
const recaptcha2 = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
it('loads the recaptcha library if needed', async () => {
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
const loadUrl = mockLazyLoader.loadScriptSrc;
expect(loadUrl === null || loadUrl === void 0 ? void 0 : loadUrl.includes('recaptcha/api.js?onload=grecaptchaLoadedCallback'));
describe('ReCaptcha Widget', () => {
it('can error properly like a Promise', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'error',
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
try {
await recaptcha.execute();'should not get here');
catch (error) {
it('can expire properly like a Promise', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'expired',
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
try {
await recaptcha.execute();'should not get here');
catch (error) {
it('resets the captcha after execution', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'success',
addDelay: true,
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
await recaptcha.execute();
await recaptcha.execute();
// there's no way to know if the user has dismissed the captcha so if another execution
// comes through while the captcha is still active, it will be reset
it('resets the captcha if another execution gets called', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'success',
addDelay: true,
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
await recaptcha.execute();

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ export {

} from './src/recaptcha-widget';
"name": "@internetarchive/recaptcha-manager",
"description": "A library that lets you lazy load and interact with reCaptcha more easily.",
"description": "A library that lets you lazy load and interact with reCaptcha.",
"repository": {

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "type": "git",

"author": "Internet Archive",
"version": "0.0.1-alpha.4",
"version": "0.1.0",
"main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ "module": "dist/index.js",

"@internetarchive/lazy-loader-service": "^0.2.0",
"@types/grecaptcha": "^3.0.3"
"@types/grecaptcha": "^2"

@@ -46,2 +46,3 @@ "devDependencies": {

"madge": "^5.0.1",
"nanoevents": "^6.0.2",
"prettier": "^2.4.1",

@@ -48,0 +49,0 @@ "sinon": "^12.0.1",

@@ -5,4 +5,33 @@ ![Build Status](

A library to lazy load and more easily interact with reCaptcha
A library to lazy load and interact with reCaptcha
## Installation
> yarn add @internetarchive/recaptcha-manager
## Usage
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
defaultSiteKey: 'your-site-key',
// will load recaptcha library if it's not loaded
const recaptchaWidget = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget({
recaptchaParams: {
tabindex: 0,
theme: 'light',
type: 'image',
const token = await recaptchaWidget.execute();
// submit token with your post and validate on the backend
For more usage examples, see `demo/app-root.ts` and `test/recaptcha-manager.test.ts`.
## Local Demo with `web-dev-server`

@@ -9,0 +38,0 @@ ```bash

@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ import {

if (!key) {
throw new Error('RecaptchaManager requires a site key');
throw new Error('The reCaptcha widget requires a site key');

@@ -44,0 +44,0 @@

@@ -67,2 +67,4 @@ /**

this.isExecuting = true;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

@@ -69,0 +71,0 @@ this.executionSuccessBlock = (token: string): void => {

@@ -1,124 +0,87 @@

// /* eslint-disable camelcase */
// /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
// /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
// export enum MockGrecaptchaMode {
// Success,
// Expired,
// Error,
// }
export type MockGrecaptchaMode = 'success' | 'expired' | 'error';
// export class MockGrecaptcha implements ReCaptchaV2.ReCaptcha {
// renderCalled = false;
export class MockGrecaptcha implements ReCaptchaV2.ReCaptcha {
response = 'foo';
// executeCalled = false;
renderCalled = false;
// resetCalled = false;
executeCalled = false;
// getResponseCalled = false;
resetCallCount = 0;
// mode: MockGrecaptchaMode;
getResponseCalled = false;
// addDelay: boolean;
mode: MockGrecaptchaMode;
// callback?: (response: string) => void;
addDelay: boolean;
// 'expired-callback'?: () => void;
callback?: (response: string) => void;
// 'error-callback'?: () => void;
'expired-callback'?: () => void;
// render(
// container: string | HTMLElement,
// parameters?: ReCaptchaV2.Parameters | undefined,
// inherit?: boolean | undefined,
// ): number {
// this.callback = parameters?.callback?.bind(this);
// this['error-callback'] = parameters?.['error-callback']?.bind(this);
// this['expired-callback'] = parameters?.['expired-callback']?.bind(this);
// this.renderCalled = true;
// return 1;
// }
'error-callback'?: () => void;
// reset(opt_widget_id?: number | undefined): void {
// this.resetCalled = true;
// }
container: string | HTMLElement,
parameters?: ReCaptchaV2.Parameters | undefined,
inherit?: boolean | undefined
): number {
this.callback = parameters?.callback?.bind(this);
this['error-callback'] = parameters?.['error-callback']?.bind(this);
this['expired-callback'] = parameters?.['expired-callback']?.bind(this);
this.renderCalled = true;
return 1;
// getResponse(opt_widget_id?: number | undefined): string {
// this.getResponseCalled = true;
// return 'foo';
// }
reset(opt_widget_id?: number | undefined): void {
this.resetCallCount += 1;
// // execute(opt_widget_id?: number): void {
// // this.executeCalled = true;
getResponse(opt_widget_id?: number | undefined): string {
this.getResponseCalled = true;
return 'foo';
// // if (this.addDelay) {
// // setTimeout(this.callCallback, 100);
// // } else {
// // this.callCallback();
// // }
// // }
// // /**
// // * Programatically invoke the reCAPTCHA check. Used if the invisible reCAPTCHA is on a div instead of a button.
// // * @param siteKey the key of your site
// // * @param action the action
// // *
// // * @return a promise-like object containing the token
// // */
execute(opt_widget_id?: number): void {
this.executeCalled = true;
// // async execute(siteKey: string, action: ReCaptchaV2.Action): Promise<string> {
// // return '';
// // }
if (this.addDelay) {
setTimeout(this.callCallback.bind(this), 100);
} else {
// // execute(opt_widget_id?: number): void {
// // this.executeCalled = true;
ready(callback: () => void): void {}
// // if (this.addDelay) {
// // setTimeout(this.callCallback, 100);
// // } else {
// // this.callCallback();
// // }
// // }
private callCallback(): void {
switch (this.mode) {
case 'success':
if (this.callback) {
case 'error':
if (this['error-callback']) {
case 'expired':
if (this['expired-callback']) {
// // execute(opt_widget_id?: number): void {
// // }
// // async execute(siteKey: string, action: ReCaptchaV2.Action): PromiseLike<string> {
// // return '';
// // }
// // async execute(siteKey?: any, action?: any): void | PromiseLike<string> {
// // }
// ready(callback: () => void): void {
// }
// private callCallback(): void {
// switch (this.mode) {
// case MockGrecaptchaMode.Success:
// if (this.callback) {
// this.callback('foo');
// }
// break;
// case MockGrecaptchaMode.Error:
// if (this['error-callback']) {
// this['error-callback']();
// }
// break;
// case MockGrecaptchaMode.Expired:
// if (this['expired-callback']) {
// this['expired-callback']();
// }
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// }
// constructor(mode: MockGrecaptchaMode, addDelay = false) {
// this.mode = mode;
// this.addDelay = addDelay;
// }
// }
constructor(options: { mode: MockGrecaptchaMode; addDelay?: boolean }) {
this.mode = options.mode;
this.addDelay = options.addDelay ?? false;

@@ -1,68 +0,151 @@

// import { html, fixture, expect } from '@open-wc/testing';
// import { MockGrecaptcha, MockGrecaptchaMode } from './mock-grecaptcha';
// import { RecaptchaManager } from '../src/recaptcha-manager';
import { expect } from '@open-wc/testing';
import { MockGrecaptcha } from './mock-grecaptcha';
import { RecaptchaManager } from '../src/recaptcha-manager';
import { MockLazyLoaderService } from './mock-lazy-loader';
describe('ReCaptcha Manager', () => {
// it('can execute the recaptcha like a Promise', async () => {
// const recaptchaElement = (await fixture(html`
// <div></div>
// `)) as HTMLElement;
// const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha(MockGrecaptchaMode.Success);
// const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
// grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
// siteKey: '123',
// });
// recaptchaManager.setup(recaptchaElement, 1, 'dark', 'image');
// const result = await recaptchaManager.execute();
// expect(result).to.equal('foo');
// });
// it('can error properly like a Promise', async () => {
// const recaptchaElement = (await fixture(html`
// <div></div>
// `)) as HTMLElement;
// const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha(MockGrecaptchaMode.Error);
// const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
// grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
// siteKey: '123',
// });
// recaptchaManager.setup(recaptchaElement, 1, 'dark', 'image');
// try {
// await recaptchaManager.execute();
//'should not get here');
// } catch (error) {
// expect(error).to.equal('error');
// }
// });
// it('can expire properly like a Promise', async () => {
// const recaptchaElement = (await fixture(html`
// <div></div>
// `)) as HTMLElement;
// const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha(MockGrecaptchaMode.Expired);
// const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
// grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
// siteKey: '123',
// });
// recaptchaManager.setup(recaptchaElement, 1, 'dark', 'image');
// try {
// await recaptchaManager.execute();
//'should not get here');
// } catch (error) {
// expect(error).to.equal('expired');
// }
// });
// it('resets the captcha if execute() gets called more than once', async () => {
// const recaptchaElement = (await fixture(html`
// <div></div>
// `)) as HTMLElement;
// const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha(MockGrecaptchaMode.Success, true);
// const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
// grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
// siteKey: '123',
// });
// recaptchaManager.setup(recaptchaElement, 1, 'dark', 'image');
// recaptchaManager.execute();
// expect(mockGrecaptcha.resetCalled);
// recaptchaManager.execute();
// expect(mockGrecaptcha.resetCalled);
// });
const mockLazyLoader = new MockLazyLoaderService();
describe('ReCaptcha Management', () => {
describe('ReCaptcha Manager', () => {
it('can return recaptchas', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'success',
mockGrecaptcha.response = 'foo';
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
const result = await recaptcha.execute();
it('throws an error if no site key found', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'success',
mockGrecaptcha.response = 'foo';
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
try {
await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();'should not get here');
} catch (e) {
expect((e as Error).message).to.equal(
'The reCaptcha widget requires a site key'
it('returns a cached version if one already exists for a given site key', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'success',
mockGrecaptcha.response = 'foo';
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha1 = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
const recaptcha2 = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
it('loads the recaptcha library if needed', async () => {
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
const loadUrl = mockLazyLoader.loadScriptSrc;
describe('ReCaptcha Widget', () => {
it('can error properly like a Promise', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'error',
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
try {
await recaptcha.execute();'should not get here');
} catch (error) {
expect((error as Error).message).to.equal('error');
it('can expire properly like a Promise', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'expired',
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
try {
await recaptcha.execute();'should not get here');
} catch (error) {
expect((error as Error).message).to.equal('expired');
it('resets the captcha after execution', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'success',
addDelay: true,
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
await recaptcha.execute();
await recaptcha.execute();
// there's no way to know if the user has dismissed the captcha so if another execution
// comes through while the captcha is still active, it will be reset
it('resets the captcha if another execution gets called', async () => {
const mockGrecaptcha = new MockGrecaptcha({
mode: 'success',
addDelay: true,
const recaptchaManager = new RecaptchaManager({
lazyLoader: mockLazyLoader,
grecaptchaLibrary: mockGrecaptcha,
defaultSiteKey: '123',
const recaptcha = await recaptchaManager.getRecaptchaWidget();
await recaptcha.execute();

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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