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import { ReadStream } from 'fs';
import { RequestInit, Response } from 'node-fetch';
export interface UdfColor {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
a: number;
export function createColor(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): UdfColor;
export interface UdfColorStop {
color: UdfColor;
percent: number;
export interface UdfPercentPoint {
x: number;
y: number;
export type UdfFill = UdfSolidFill | UdfLinearGradientFill | UdfRadialGradientFill | UdfImageFill;
export interface UdfBaseFill {
id: string;
color?: UdfColor;
isEnabled?: boolean;
blendMode?: BlendType;
opacity?: number;
export interface UdfSolidFill extends UdfBaseFill {
type: 'solid';
color: UdfColor;
export interface UdfBaseGradientFill extends UdfBaseFill {
stops: UdfColorStop[];
origin: UdfPercentPoint;
destination: UdfPercentPoint;
export interface UdfLinearGradientFill extends UdfBaseGradientFill {
type: 'linear-gradient';
export interface UdfRadialGradientFill extends UdfBaseGradientFill {
type: 'radial-gradient';
radius?: number;
export interface UdfImageFill extends UdfBaseFill {
type: 'image-fill';
image: UdfImageFillImage;
export interface UdfImageFillImage {
fit: string;
resourceId: string;
scale: number;
export const TYPE_ARTBOARD = "artboard";
export const TYPE_GROUP = "group";
export const TYPE_RECTANGLE = "rectangle";
export const TYPE_OVAL = "oval";
export const TYPE_PATH = "path";
export const TYPE_TEXT = "text";
export const TYPE_IMAGE = "image";
export const TYPE_PAGE = "page";
export const TYPE_COMBINED_SHAPE = "combined-shape";
export const TYPE_COMPONENT_DEFINITION = "component-definition";
export const TYPE_COMPONENT_STATE = "component-state";
export const TYPE_COMPONENT_INSTANCE = "component-instance";
export type AnchorSettings = number;
export type CorderRadius = number[];
export const BLEND_MODE_NORMAL = "normal";
export const BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY = "multiply";
export const BLEND_MODE_SCREEN = "screen";
export const BLEND_MODE_OVERLAY = "overlay";
export const BLEND_MODE_DARKEN = "darken";
export const BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = "lighten";
export const BLEND_MODE_COLOR_DODGE = "color-dodge";
export const BLEND_MODE_COLOR_BURN = "color-burn";
export type BlendMode = 'normal' | 'multiply' | 'screen' | 'overlay' | 'darken' | 'lighten' | 'color-dodge' | 'color-burn';
export const BLUR_TYPE_GAUSSIAN = "gaussian";
export const BLUR_TYPE_MOTION = "motion";
export const BLUR_TYPE_ZOOM = "zoom";
export const BLUR_TYPE_BACKGROUND = "background";
export type BlurType = 'gaussian' | 'motion' | 'zoom' | 'background';
export const FILL_TYPE_SOLID = "solid";
export const FILL_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT = "linear-gradient";
export const FILL_TYPE_RADIAL_GRADIENT = "radial-gradient";
export const FILL_IMAGE = "image-fill";
export type FillType = 'solid' | 'linear-gradient' | 'radial-gradient' | 'image-fill';
export const BORDER_TYPE_SOLID = "solid";
export const BORDER_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT = "linear-gradient";
export const BORDER_TYPE_RADIAL_GRADIENT = "radial-gradient";
export type BorderType = 'solid' | 'linear-gradient' | 'radial-gradient';
export const PLACEMENT_TYPE_CENTER = "center";
export const PLACEMENT_TYPE_INSIDE = "inside";
export const PLACEMENT_TYPE_OUTSIDE = "outside";
export type PlacementType = 'center' | 'inside' | 'outside';
export const BLEND_TYPE_NORMAL = "normal";
export const BLEND_TYPE_MULTIPLE = "multiply";
export const BLEND_TYPE_SCREEN = "screen";
export const BLEND_TYPE_OVERLAY = "overlay";
export const BLEND_TYPE_DARKEN = "darken";
export const BLEND_TYPE_LIGHTEN = "lighten";
export const BLEND_TYPE_COLORDODGE = "color-dodge";
export const BLEND_TYPE_COLORBURN = "color-burn";
export type BlendType = 'normal' | 'multiply' | 'screen' | 'overlay' | 'darken' | 'lighten' | 'color-dodge' | 'color-burn';
export const BORDER_OPT_CAPSTYLE_BUTT = "butt";
export const BORDER_OPT_CAPSTYLE_ROUND = "round";
export const BORDER_OPT_CAPSTYLE_SQUARE = "square";
export type BorderOptionCapStyle = 'butt' | 'round' | 'square';
export const BORDER_OPT_JOINSTYLE_MITER = "miter";
export const BORDER_OPT_JOINSTYLE_ROUND = "round";
export const BORDER_OPT_JOINSTYLE_BEVEL = "bevel";
export type BorderOptionJoinStyle = 'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel';
export const BORDER_OPT_ARROW_ARROW = "arrow";
export const BORDER_OPT_ARROW_BUTT = "butt";
export type BorderOptionArrowStyle = 'arrow' | 'butt';
export const PATH_POINT_STRAIGHT = "straight";
export const PATH_POINT_MIRROR = "mirror";
export const PATH_POINT_ASSYMETRIC = "assymetric";
export const PATH_POINT_DISCONNECTED = "disconnected";
export type PathPointType = 'straight' | 'mirror' | 'assymetric' | 'disconnected';
export const UNIT_PIXEL = "pixel";
export const UNIT_PERCENT = "percent";
export const UNIT_AUTO = "auto";
export const UNIT_FILL = "fill";
export const UNIT_MAINTAIN_OFFSETS = "maintain-offsets";
export type UnitType = 'pixel' | 'percent' | 'auto' | 'fill' | 'maintain-offsets';
export const TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT = "left";
export const TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER = "center";
export const TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT = "right";
export const TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY = "justify";
export type TextAlignType = 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify';
export const TEXT_TRANSFORM_NONE = "none";
export const TEXT_TRANSFORM_UPPERCASE = "uppercase";
export const TEXT_TRANSFORM_LOWERCASE = "lowercase";
export type TextTransformType = 'none' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase';
export const TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP = "top";
export const TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_MIDDLE = "middle";
export const TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM = "bottom";
export type TextVerticalAlignType = 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom';
export const BOOLEAN_TYPE_UNION = "union";
export const BOOLEAN_TYPE_INTERSECT = "intersect";
export const BOOLEAN_TYPE_SUBTRACT = "subtract";
export const BOOLEAN_TYPE_DIFFERENCE = "difference";
export type BooleanType = 'union' | 'intersect' | 'subtract' | 'difference';
export const LAYOUT_TYPE_GRID = "grid";
export const LAYOUT_TYPE_ROWS = "rows";
export const LAYOUT_TYPE_COLUMNS = "columns";
export const LAYOUT_TYPE_RULER_GUIDE = "ruler-guide";
export type LayoutType = typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_GRID | typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_ROWS | typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_COLUMNS | typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_RULER_GUIDE;
export const LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_ANCHOR_START = "start";
export const LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_ANCHOR_CENTER = "center";
export const LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_ANCHOR_END = "end";
export const LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_AXIS_HORIZONTAL = "horizontal";
export const LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_AXIS_VERTICAL = "vertical";
export const OVERFLOW_MODE_NONE = "none";
export const OVERFLOW_MODE_VERTICAL = "vertical";
export const OVERFLOW_MODE_HORIZONTAL = "horizontal";
export const OVERFLOW_MODE_BOTH = "both";
export type OverflowModeType = 'none' | 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both';
export type EaseType = 'ease-in' | 'ease-out' | 'ease-both' | 'pop' | 'bounce' | 'elastic' | 'linear';
export type TransitionType = 'instant' | 'motion' | 'fade-in' | 'slide-left' | 'slide-right' | 'slide-up' | 'slide-down' | 'push-left' | 'push-right' | 'push-up' | 'push-down';
export type GestureType = 'none' | 'tap' | 'double-tap' | 'press' | 'swipe-left' | 'swipe-right' | 'swipe-up' | 'swipe-down' | 'touch-down' | 'touch-up' | 'mouse-over' | 'mouse-out' | 'timer';
export type AppearanceType = 'border' | 'device' | 'none' | 'shadow';
export type ViewportAppearanceDevice = {
type: 'device';
deviceId: string;
export type ViewportAppearanceBorder = {
type: 'border';
borderColor: string;
borderWidth: string;
borderStyle: string;
export type ViewportAppearanceShadow = {
type: 'shadow';
boxShadow?: string;
export type ViewportAppearanceNone = {
type: 'none';
export type ViewportAppearance = ViewportAppearanceDevice | ViewportAppearanceBorder | ViewportAppearanceShadow | ViewportAppearanceNone;
export type ViewportDimensionPixel = {
unit: 'pixel';
value: number;
export type ViewportDimensionAuto = {
unit: 'auto';
value?: number;
export type ViewportDimension = ViewportDimensionPixel | ViewportDimensionAuto;
export type ViewportSettings = {
viewportUUID: string;
viewportAppearance: ViewportAppearance;
viewportHeight: ViewportDimension;
viewportWidth: ViewportDimension;
orientation?: number;
export type ViewportSettingsTypes = 'artboard' | 'custom' | 'full-window';
export type PreviewBackgrounds = UdfSolidFill[];
export const PREVIEW_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT: UdfSolidFill;
export interface UdfBaseObject {
id: string;
type: string;
export interface UdfDimension {
unit: UnitType;
value: number;
export type UdfLayoutGrid = UdfLayoutCommon & {
type: typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_GRID;
size: UdfDimension;
color: UdfColor;
isVisible: boolean;
export type UdfLayoutRows = UdfLayoutCommon & {
type: typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_ROWS;
size: UdfDimension;
gutter?: UdfDimension;
margin?: UdfDimension;
color: UdfColor;
isVisible: boolean;
export type UdfLayoutColumns = UdfLayoutCommon & {
behavior?: string;
size: UdfDimension;
count?: number;
gutter?: UdfDimension;
margin?: UdfDimension;
color: UdfColor;
isVisible: boolean;
export type UdfLayoutRulerGuide = UdfLayoutCommon & {
id: string;
position: UdfDimension;
anchor: LayoutRulerGuideAnchor;
axis: LayoutRulerGuideAxis;
export type UdfLayout = UdfLayoutGrid | UdfLayoutRows | UdfLayoutColumns | UdfLayoutRulerGuide;
export interface UdfPivot {
x: number;
y: number;
export interface UdfShadow {
id: string;
color?: UdfColor;
offsetX?: number;
offsetY?: number;
blurRadius?: number;
isEnabled?: boolean;
spread?: number;
blendMode?: BlendType;
export type UdfBlur = UdfGaussianBlur | UdfBackgroundBlur;
export interface UdfBaseBlur {
isEnabled?: boolean;
radius?: number;
export interface UdfGaussianBlur extends UdfBaseBlur {
type: 'gaussian';
export interface UdfBackgroundBlur extends UdfBaseBlur {
type: 'background';
export interface UdfBorderOption {
capStyle?: BorderOptionCapStyle;
joinStyle?: BorderOptionJoinStyle;
miter?: number;
isEnabled?: boolean;
startArrow?: string;
endArrow?: string;
dashPattern?: Array<number>;
export type UdfBorder = UdfSolidBorder | UdfLinearGradientBorder | UdfRadialGradientBorder;
export interface UdfBaseBorder {
id: string;
type: BorderType;
width: number;
opacity?: number;
isEnabled?: boolean;
placement?: PlacementType;
blendMode?: BlendType;
capStyle?: BorderOptionCapStyle;
joinStyle?: BorderOptionJoinStyle;
miter?: number;
startArrow?: string;
endArrow?: string;
dashPattern?: Array<number>;
export interface UdfSolidBorder extends UdfBaseBorder {
type: 'solid';
color: UdfColor;
export interface UdfBaseGradientBorder extends UdfBaseBorder {
origin: UdfPercentPoint;
destination: UdfPercentPoint;
stops?: Array<UdfColorStop>;
export interface UdfLinearGradientBorder extends UdfBaseGradientBorder {
type: 'linear-gradient';
color: UdfColor;
export interface UdfRadialGradientBorder extends UdfBaseGradientBorder {
type: 'radial-gradient';
color: UdfColor;
radius: number;
export function createSolidBorder(width: number, color: UdfColor): UdfSolidBorder;
export interface UdfExportOption {
id: string;
fileFormat: string;
name: string;
namingScheme: string;
scale: number;
export interface UdfBaseShape extends UdfBaseObject {
name: string;
isVisible?: boolean;
isLocked?: boolean;
height: UdfDimension;
width: UdfDimension;
farOffsetY?: number;
farOffsetX?: number;
x: UdfDimension;
y: UdfDimension;
rotation?: number;
rotationX?: number;
rotationY?: number;
rotationZ?: number;
anchor: AnchorSettings;
readonly pivot?: UdfPivot;
scale?: number;
isFixedAspectRatio?: boolean;
aspectRatio?: number;
isFlippedHorizontal?: boolean;
isFlippedVertical?: boolean;
opacity?: number;
fills?: Array<UdfFill>;
shadows?: Array<UdfShadow>;
innerShadows?: Array<UdfShadow>;
borders?: Array<UdfBorder>;
borderOptions?: UdfBorderOption;
blendMode?: BlendMode;
blur?: UdfBlur;
isMask?: boolean;
ignoreMask?: boolean;
isPinned?: boolean;
booleanOperation?: BooleanType;
exportOptions?: UdfExportOption[];
export interface UdfPathPoint {
type: PathPointType;
x: number;
y: number;
frontX?: number;
frontY?: number;
backX?: number;
backY?: number;
export interface UdfPath extends UdfBaseShape {
type: 'path';
isClosed?: boolean;
points?: Array<UdfPathPoint>;
aspectRatio?: number;
export interface UdfFont {
postScriptName: string;
family: string;
fileName: string;
size: number;
weight: string;
defaultLineHeight: number;
export interface UdfTextAttribute {
id: string;
range: Array<number>;
attributes: UdfAttribute;
export interface UdfAttribute {
font: UdfFont;
color: UdfColor;
textAlign: TextAlignType;
paragraphSpacing: number;
characterSpacing: number;
lineHeight?: number;
underline?: boolean;
strikethrough?: boolean;
transform?: TextTransformType;
export interface UdfText extends UdfBaseShape {
type: 'text';
content: string;
textAttributes?: UdfTextAttribute[];
verticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignType;
export interface ColorControls {
brightness: number;
contrast: number;
hue: number;
saturation: number;
export interface UdfImage extends UdfBaseShape {
type: 'image';
resourceId?: string;
colorControls?: ColorControls;
aspectRatio?: number;
export interface CornerRadius {
top: number;
right: number;
bottom: number;
left: number;
export type UdfGroup = UdfAutoGroup | UdfHorizontalContainerGroup | UdfVerticalContainerGroup | UdfContainerGroup;
export type UdfContainerGroup = UdfHorizontalContainerGroup & UdfVerticalContainerGroup;
export interface UdfAutoGroup extends UdfBaseObject {
type: 'group';
name: string;
isVisible: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
rotation?: number;
rotationX?: number;
rotationY?: number;
rotationZ?: number;
readonly pivot?: UdfPivot;
scale?: number;
isFixedAspectRatio?: boolean;
isCollapsed?: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal?: boolean;
isFlippedVertical?: boolean;
opacity?: number;
fills?: Array<UdfFill>;
shadows?: UdfShadow[];
innerShadows?: UdfShadow[];
borders?: Array<UdfBorder>;
borderOptions?: UdfBorderOption;
blendMode?: BlendMode;
blur?: UdfBlur;
children: Array<UdfArtboardChild>;
ignoreMask?: boolean;
isPinned?: boolean;
isMask?: boolean;
aspectRatio?: number;
overflowMode?: OverflowModeType;
cornerRadius?: CornerRadius;
export interface UdfHorizontalContainerGroup extends UdfAutoGroup {
isHorizontalContainer: true;
x: UdfDimension;
farOffsetX?: number;
anchor: AnchorSettings;
width: UdfDimension;
export interface UdfVerticalContainerGroup extends UdfAutoGroup {
isVerticalContainer: true;
y: UdfDimension;
farOffsetY?: number;
anchor: AnchorSettings;
height: UdfDimension;
export interface UdfRectangle extends UdfBaseShape {
type: 'rectangle';
cornerRadius?: CornerRadius;
aspectRatio?: number;
export interface UdfOval extends UdfBaseShape {
type: 'oval';
aspectRatio?: number;
export type UdfCombinedShapeChild = UdfRectangle | UdfOval | UdfPath;
export interface UdfCombinedShape extends UdfBaseObject {
type: 'combined-shape';
name: string;
isVisible: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
x?: UdfDimension;
y?: UdfDimension;
height?: UdfDimension;
width?: UdfDimension;
farOffsetY?: number;
farOffsetX?: number;
rotation?: number;
rotationX?: number;
rotationY?: number;
rotationZ?: number;
anchor?: AnchorSettings;
readonly pivot?: UdfPivot;
scale?: number;
isFixedAspectRatio?: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal?: boolean;
isFlippedVertical?: boolean;
opacity?: number;
fills?: Array<UdfFill>;
shadows?: Array<UdfShadow>;
innerShadows?: Array<UdfShadow>;
borders?: Array<UdfBorder>;
borderOptions?: UdfBorderOption;
blendMode?: BlendMode;
blur?: UdfBlur;
children: Array<UdfCombinedShapeChild>;
ignoreMask?: boolean;
isPinned?: boolean;
booleanOperation?: BooleanType;
aspectRatio?: number;
export interface UdfComponentInstance extends UdfBaseObject {
componentId: string;
stateId: string;
name: string;
type: 'component-instance';
height: UdfDimension;
width: UdfDimension;
farOffsetY?: number;
farOffsetX?: number;
x: UdfDimension;
y: UdfDimension;
isVisible?: boolean;
isLocked?: boolean;
isPinned?: boolean;
isMask?: boolean;
ignoreMask?: boolean;
booleanOperation?: BooleanType;
opacity?: number;
scale?: number;
isFixedAspectRatio?: boolean;
rotation?: number;
rotationX?: number;
rotationY?: number;
rotationZ?: number;
anchor?: AnchorSettings;
readonly pivot?: UdfPivot;
isFlippedHorizontal?: boolean;
isFlippedVertical?: boolean;
blendMode?: BlendMode;
fills?: Array<UdfFill>;
shadows?: Array<UdfShadow>;
borders?: Array<UdfBorder>;
innerShadows?: Array<UdfShadow>;
overrides: object;
aspectRatio?: number;
exportOptions?: UdfExportOption[];
export type UdfArtboardChild = UdfRectangle | UdfOval | UdfPath | UdfText | UdfGroup | UdfCombinedShape | UdfComponentInstance | UdfImage;
export interface UdfArtboard extends UdfBaseObject {
type: 'artboard';
name: string;
isCollapsed?: boolean;
isVisible?: boolean;
children: Array<UdfArtboardChild>;
layouts?: Array<UdfLayout>;
fills?: Array<UdfFill>;
x: UdfDimension;
y: UdfDimension;
height: UdfDimension;
width: UdfDimension;
overflowMode: OverflowModeType;
exportOptions?: Array<UdfExportOption>;
includeBackgroundColorInExport?: boolean;
includeInPreview: boolean;
viewportHeight: ViewportDimension;
viewportWidth: ViewportDimension;
viewportUUID: string;
viewportAppearance: ViewportAppearance;
orientation: number;
export type UdfComponentStateChild = UdfArtboardChild;
export interface UdfComponentState extends UdfBaseObject {
name: string;
type: 'component-state';
isCollapsed?: boolean;
includeFillsInInstances?: boolean;
isClippingLayers?: boolean;
includeBackgroundColorInExport?: boolean;
height: UdfDimension;
width: UdfDimension;
x: UdfDimension;
y: UdfDimension;
children: Array<UdfComponentStateChild>;
isVisible?: boolean;
layouts?: Array<UdfLayout>;
fills?: Array<UdfFill>;
exportOptions?: Array<UdfExportOption>;
export type UdfComponentDefinitionChild = UdfComponentState | UdfComponentStateChild;
export interface UdfComponentDefinition extends UdfBaseObject {
type: 'component-definition';
name: string;
children: Array<UdfComponentDefinitionChild>;
export interface UdfComponent {
id: string;
children: Array<UdfComponentDefinition>;
export interface UdfEase {
type: EaseType;
config?: number[];
export interface UdfFontResource {
postScriptName: string;
family: string;
weight: string;
fileName: string;
ext: string;
fileType: string;
hash: string;
size: number;
export interface UdfImageResource {
id: string;
hash: string;
ext: string;
fileType: string;
size: number;
width: number;
height: number;
export interface UdfInnerShadow {
id: string;
color?: UdfColor;
offsetX?: number;
offsetY?: number;
blurRadius?: number;
isEnabled?: boolean;
spread?: number;
blendMode?: BlendType;
export type InteractionLink = {
id?: string;
type?: string;
export interface UdfTimelineLayerProperty {
id: string;
property: string;
delay: number;
duration: number;
ease: UdfEase;
export interface UdfTimelineTarget {
type: 'timeline-target';
id: string;
export interface UdfTimelineLayer {
id: string;
from: UdfTimelineTarget;
to: UdfTimelineTarget;
delay: number;
duration: number;
ease: UdfEase;
properties: Array<UdfTimelineLayerProperty>;
export interface UdfInteractionTransition {
type: TransitionType;
delay?: number;
duration?: number;
ease?: UdfEase;
autoLinkIgnoredLayers?: string[];
timeline?: UdfTimelineLayer[];
export interface UdfInteractionKey {
value: string;
export interface UdfInteractionSource {
id: string;
type: string;
export interface UdfInteractionTarget {
id: string;
type: 'artboard' | 'component-state';
export interface UdfInteractionTimer {
duration: number;
export interface UdfInteraction {
id: string;
key?: UdfInteractionKey;
prototypeId: string;
gesture: GestureType;
source: UdfInteractionSource;
timer?: UdfInteractionTimer;
transition: UdfInteractionTransition;
target: UdfInteractionTarget;
maintainScrollPosition: boolean;
export interface UdfLibrary {
id: string;
components: UdfComponent;
export function createOverflowMode(allowVerticalScroll?: boolean, allowHorizontalScroll?: boolean): OverflowModeType;
export type UdfPageChild = UdfArtboard | UdfArtboardChild;
export interface UdfPage extends UdfBaseObject {
type: 'page';
name: string;
children: Array<UdfPageChild>;
export interface UdfPrototype {
id: string;
name: string;
pageId: string;
homeArtboardId: string;
interactions: [UdfInteraction];
selectedViewportSettings: string;
customViewportSettings: ViewportSettings;
previewBackgrounds: PreviewBackgrounds;
export interface UdfResources {
fonts: Array<UdfFontResource>;
images: Array<UdfImageResource>;
export interface UdfProject {
id: string;
lastSequence?: number;
name: string;
library: UdfLibrary;
children: [UdfPage];
resources: UdfResources;
prototypes: [UdfPrototype];
export function createViewportAppearance(): ViewportAppearance;
export function createViewportSettings(): ViewportSettings;
export declare type EventListener = (...args: any[]) => void;

@@ -798,2 +82,720 @@ export declare type RemoveEventListener = () => void;

export interface UdfColor {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
a: number;
export declare function createColor(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): UdfColor;
export interface UdfColorStop {
color: UdfColor;
percent: number;
export interface UdfPercentPoint {
x: number;
y: number;
export declare type UdfFill = UdfSolidFill | UdfLinearGradientFill | UdfRadialGradientFill | UdfImageFill;
export interface UdfBaseFill {
id: string;
color?: UdfColor;
isEnabled?: boolean;
blendMode?: BlendType;
opacity?: number;
export interface UdfSolidFill extends UdfBaseFill {
type: 'solid';
color: UdfColor;
export interface UdfBaseGradientFill extends UdfBaseFill {
stops: UdfColorStop[];
origin: UdfPercentPoint;
destination: UdfPercentPoint;
export interface UdfLinearGradientFill extends UdfBaseGradientFill {
type: 'linear-gradient';
export interface UdfRadialGradientFill extends UdfBaseGradientFill {
type: 'radial-gradient';
radius?: number;
export interface UdfImageFill extends UdfBaseFill {
type: 'image-fill';
image: UdfImageFillImage;
export interface UdfImageFillImage {
fit: string;
resourceId: string;
scale: number;
export declare const TYPE_ARTBOARD = "artboard";
export declare const TYPE_GROUP = "group";
export declare const TYPE_RECTANGLE = "rectangle";
export declare const TYPE_OVAL = "oval";
export declare const TYPE_PATH = "path";
export declare const TYPE_TEXT = "text";
export declare const TYPE_IMAGE = "image";
export declare const TYPE_PAGE = "page";
export declare const TYPE_COMBINED_SHAPE = "combined-shape";
export declare const TYPE_COMPONENT_DEFINITION = "component-definition";
export declare const TYPE_COMPONENT_STATE = "component-state";
export declare const TYPE_COMPONENT_INSTANCE = "component-instance";
export declare type AnchorSettings = number;
export declare type CorderRadius = number[];
export declare const BLEND_MODE_NORMAL = "normal";
export declare const BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY = "multiply";
export declare const BLEND_MODE_SCREEN = "screen";
export declare const BLEND_MODE_OVERLAY = "overlay";
export declare const BLEND_MODE_DARKEN = "darken";
export declare const BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = "lighten";
export declare const BLEND_MODE_COLOR_DODGE = "color-dodge";
export declare const BLEND_MODE_COLOR_BURN = "color-burn";
export declare type BlendMode = 'normal' | 'multiply' | 'screen' | 'overlay' | 'darken' | 'lighten' | 'color-dodge' | 'color-burn';
export declare const BLUR_TYPE_GAUSSIAN = "gaussian";
export declare const BLUR_TYPE_MOTION = "motion";
export declare const BLUR_TYPE_ZOOM = "zoom";
export declare const BLUR_TYPE_BACKGROUND = "background";
export declare type BlurType = 'gaussian' | 'motion' | 'zoom' | 'background';
export declare const FILL_TYPE_SOLID = "solid";
export declare const FILL_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT = "linear-gradient";
export declare const FILL_TYPE_RADIAL_GRADIENT = "radial-gradient";
export declare const FILL_IMAGE = "image-fill";
export declare type FillType = 'solid' | 'linear-gradient' | 'radial-gradient' | 'image-fill';
export declare const BORDER_TYPE_SOLID = "solid";
export declare const BORDER_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT = "linear-gradient";
export declare const BORDER_TYPE_RADIAL_GRADIENT = "radial-gradient";
export declare type BorderType = 'solid' | 'linear-gradient' | 'radial-gradient';
export declare const PLACEMENT_TYPE_CENTER = "center";
export declare const PLACEMENT_TYPE_INSIDE = "inside";
export declare const PLACEMENT_TYPE_OUTSIDE = "outside";
export declare type PlacementType = 'center' | 'inside' | 'outside';
export declare const BLEND_TYPE_NORMAL = "normal";
export declare const BLEND_TYPE_MULTIPLE = "multiply";
export declare const BLEND_TYPE_SCREEN = "screen";
export declare const BLEND_TYPE_OVERLAY = "overlay";
export declare const BLEND_TYPE_DARKEN = "darken";
export declare const BLEND_TYPE_LIGHTEN = "lighten";
export declare const BLEND_TYPE_COLORDODGE = "color-dodge";
export declare const BLEND_TYPE_COLORBURN = "color-burn";
export declare type BlendType = 'normal' | 'multiply' | 'screen' | 'overlay' | 'darken' | 'lighten' | 'color-dodge' | 'color-burn';
export declare const BORDER_OPT_CAPSTYLE_BUTT = "butt";
export declare const BORDER_OPT_CAPSTYLE_ROUND = "round";
export declare const BORDER_OPT_CAPSTYLE_SQUARE = "square";
export declare type BorderOptionCapStyle = 'butt' | 'round' | 'square';
export declare const BORDER_OPT_JOINSTYLE_MITER = "miter";
export declare const BORDER_OPT_JOINSTYLE_ROUND = "round";
export declare const BORDER_OPT_JOINSTYLE_BEVEL = "bevel";
export declare type BorderOptionJoinStyle = 'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel';
export declare const BORDER_OPT_ARROW_ARROW = "arrow";
export declare const BORDER_OPT_ARROW_BUTT = "butt";
export declare type BorderOptionArrowStyle = 'arrow' | 'butt';
export declare const PATH_POINT_STRAIGHT = "straight";
export declare const PATH_POINT_MIRROR = "mirror";
export declare const PATH_POINT_ASSYMETRIC = "assymetric";
export declare const PATH_POINT_DISCONNECTED = "disconnected";
export declare type PathPointType = 'straight' | 'mirror' | 'assymetric' | 'disconnected';
export declare const UNIT_PIXEL = "pixel";
export declare const UNIT_PERCENT = "percent";
export declare const UNIT_AUTO = "auto";
export declare const UNIT_FILL = "fill";
export declare const UNIT_MAINTAIN_OFFSETS = "maintain-offsets";
export declare type UnitType = 'pixel' | 'percent' | 'auto' | 'fill' | 'maintain-offsets';
export declare const TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT = "left";
export declare const TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER = "center";
export declare const TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT = "right";
export declare const TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY = "justify";
export declare type TextAlignType = 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify';
export declare const TEXT_TRANSFORM_NONE = "none";
export declare const TEXT_TRANSFORM_UPPERCASE = "uppercase";
export declare const TEXT_TRANSFORM_LOWERCASE = "lowercase";
export declare type TextTransformType = 'none' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase';
export declare const TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP = "top";
export declare const TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_MIDDLE = "middle";
export declare const TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM = "bottom";
export declare type TextVerticalAlignType = 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom';
export declare const BOOLEAN_TYPE_UNION = "union";
export declare const BOOLEAN_TYPE_INTERSECT = "intersect";
export declare const BOOLEAN_TYPE_SUBTRACT = "subtract";
export declare const BOOLEAN_TYPE_DIFFERENCE = "difference";
export declare type BooleanType = 'union' | 'intersect' | 'subtract' | 'difference';
export declare const LAYOUT_TYPE_GRID = "grid";
export declare const LAYOUT_TYPE_ROWS = "rows";
export declare const LAYOUT_TYPE_COLUMNS = "columns";
export declare const LAYOUT_TYPE_RULER_GUIDE = "ruler-guide";
export declare type LayoutType = typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_GRID | typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_ROWS | typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_COLUMNS | typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_RULER_GUIDE;
export declare const LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_ANCHOR_START = "start";
export declare const LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_ANCHOR_CENTER = "center";
export declare const LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_ANCHOR_END = "end";
export declare const LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_AXIS_HORIZONTAL = "horizontal";
export declare const LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_AXIS_VERTICAL = "vertical";
export declare type LayoutRulerGuideAxis = typeof LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_AXIS_HORIZONTAL | typeof LAYOUT_RULER_GUIDE_AXIS_VERTICAL;
export declare const OVERFLOW_MODE_NONE = "none";
export declare const OVERFLOW_MODE_VERTICAL = "vertical";
export declare const OVERFLOW_MODE_HORIZONTAL = "horizontal";
export declare const OVERFLOW_MODE_BOTH = "both";
export declare type OverflowModeType = 'none' | 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both';
export declare type EaseType = 'ease-in' | 'ease-out' | 'ease-both' | 'pop' | 'bounce' | 'elastic' | 'linear';
export declare type TransitionType = 'instant' | 'motion' | 'fade-in' | 'slide-left' | 'slide-right' | 'slide-up' | 'slide-down' | 'push-left' | 'push-right' | 'push-up' | 'push-down';
export declare type GestureType = 'none' | 'tap' | 'double-tap' | 'press' | 'swipe-left' | 'swipe-right' | 'swipe-up' | 'swipe-down' | 'touch-down' | 'touch-up' | 'mouse-over' | 'mouse-out' | 'timer';
export declare type AppearanceType = 'border' | 'device' | 'none' | 'shadow';
export declare type ViewportAppearanceDevice = {
type: 'device';
deviceId: string;
export declare type ViewportAppearanceBorder = {
type: 'border';
borderColor: string;
borderWidth: string;
borderStyle: string;
export declare type ViewportAppearanceShadow = {
type: 'shadow';
boxShadow?: string;
export declare type ViewportAppearanceNone = {
type: 'none';
export declare type ViewportAppearance = ViewportAppearanceDevice | ViewportAppearanceBorder | ViewportAppearanceShadow | ViewportAppearanceNone;
export declare type ViewportDimensionPixel = {
unit: 'pixel';
value: number;
export declare type ViewportDimensionAuto = {
unit: 'auto';
value?: number;
export declare type ViewportDimension = ViewportDimensionPixel | ViewportDimensionAuto;
export declare type ViewportSettings = {
viewportUUID: string;
viewportAppearance: ViewportAppearance;
viewportHeight: ViewportDimension;
viewportWidth: ViewportDimension;
orientation?: number;
export declare type ViewportSettingsTypes = 'artboard' | 'custom' | 'full-window';
export declare type PreviewBackgrounds = UdfSolidFill[];
export declare const PREVIEW_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT: UdfSolidFill;
export interface UdfBaseObject {
id: string;
type: string;
export interface UdfDimension {
unit: UnitType;
value: number;
export declare type UdfLayoutCommon = {
id: string;
type: LayoutType;
export declare type UdfLayoutGrid = UdfLayoutCommon & {
type: typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_GRID;
size: UdfDimension;
color: UdfColor;
isVisible: boolean;
export declare type UdfLayoutRows = UdfLayoutCommon & {
type: typeof LAYOUT_TYPE_ROWS;
size: UdfDimension;
gutter?: UdfDimension;
margin?: UdfDimension;
color: UdfColor;
isVisible: boolean;
export declare type UdfLayoutColumns = UdfLayoutCommon & {
behavior?: string;
size: UdfDimension;
count?: number;
gutter?: UdfDimension;
margin?: UdfDimension;
color: UdfColor;
isVisible: boolean;
export declare type UdfLayoutRulerGuide = UdfLayoutCommon & {
id: string;
position: UdfDimension;
anchor: LayoutRulerGuideAnchor;
axis: LayoutRulerGuideAxis;
export declare type UdfLayout = UdfLayoutGrid | UdfLayoutRows | UdfLayoutColumns | UdfLayoutRulerGuide;
export interface UdfPivot {
x: number;
y: number;
export interface UdfShadow {
id: string;
color?: UdfColor;
offsetX?: number;
offsetY?: number;
blurRadius?: number;
isEnabled?: boolean;
spread?: number;
blendMode?: BlendType;
export declare type UdfBlur = UdfGaussianBlur | UdfBackgroundBlur;
export interface UdfBaseBlur {
isEnabled?: boolean;
radius?: number;
export interface UdfGaussianBlur extends UdfBaseBlur {
type: 'gaussian';
export interface UdfBackgroundBlur extends UdfBaseBlur {
type: 'background';
export interface UdfBorderOption {
capStyle?: BorderOptionCapStyle;
joinStyle?: BorderOptionJoinStyle;
miter?: number;
isEnabled?: boolean;
startArrow?: string;
endArrow?: string;
dashPattern?: number[];
export declare type UdfBorder = UdfSolidBorder | UdfLinearGradientBorder | UdfRadialGradientBorder;
export interface UdfBaseBorder {
id: string;
type: BorderType;
width: number;
opacity?: number;
isEnabled?: boolean;
placement?: PlacementType;
blendMode?: BlendType;
capStyle?: BorderOptionCapStyle;
joinStyle?: BorderOptionJoinStyle;
miter?: number;
startArrow?: string;
endArrow?: string;
dashPattern?: number[];
export interface UdfSolidBorder extends UdfBaseBorder {
type: 'solid';
color: UdfColor;
export interface UdfBaseGradientBorder extends UdfBaseBorder {
origin: UdfPercentPoint;
destination: UdfPercentPoint;
stops?: UdfColorStop[];
export interface UdfLinearGradientBorder extends UdfBaseGradientBorder {
type: 'linear-gradient';
color: UdfColor;
export interface UdfRadialGradientBorder extends UdfBaseGradientBorder {
type: 'radial-gradient';
color: UdfColor;
radius: number;
export declare function createSolidBorder(width: number, color: UdfColor): UdfSolidBorder;
export interface UdfExportOption {
id: string;
fileFormat: string;
name: string;
namingScheme: string;
scale: number;
export interface UdfBaseShape extends UdfBaseObject {
name: string;
isVisible?: boolean;
isLocked?: boolean;
height: UdfDimension;
width: UdfDimension;
farOffsetY?: number;
farOffsetX?: number;
x: UdfDimension;
y: UdfDimension;
rotation?: number;
rotationX?: number;
rotationY?: number;
rotationZ?: number;
anchor: AnchorSettings;
readonly pivot?: UdfPivot;
scale?: number;
isFixedAspectRatio?: boolean;
aspectRatio?: number;
isFlippedHorizontal?: boolean;
isFlippedVertical?: boolean;
opacity?: number;
fills?: UdfFill[];
shadows?: UdfShadow[];
innerShadows?: UdfShadow[];
borders?: UdfBorder[];
borderOptions?: UdfBorderOption;
blendMode?: BlendMode;
blur?: UdfBlur;
isMask?: boolean;
ignoreMask?: boolean;
isPinned?: boolean;
booleanOperation?: BooleanType;
exportOptions?: UdfExportOption[];
export interface UdfPathPoint {
type: PathPointType;
x: number;
y: number;
frontX?: number;
frontY?: number;
backX?: number;
backY?: number;
export interface UdfPath extends UdfBaseShape {
type: 'path';
isClosed?: boolean;
points?: UdfPathPoint[];
aspectRatio?: number;
export interface UdfFont {
postScriptName: string;
family: string;
fileName: string;
size: number;
weight: string;
defaultLineHeight: number;
export interface UdfTextAttribute {
id: string;
range: number[];
attributes: UdfAttribute;
export interface UdfAttribute {
font: UdfFont;
color: UdfColor;
textAlign: TextAlignType;
paragraphSpacing: number;
characterSpacing: number;
lineHeight?: number;
underline?: boolean;
strikethrough?: boolean;
transform?: TextTransformType;
export interface UdfText extends UdfBaseShape {
type: 'text';
content: string;
textAttributes?: UdfTextAttribute[];
verticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignType;
export interface ColorControls {
brightness: number;
contrast: number;
hue: number;
saturation: number;
export interface UdfImage extends UdfBaseShape {
type: 'image';
resourceId?: string;
colorControls?: ColorControls;
aspectRatio?: number;
export interface CornerRadius {
top: number;
right: number;
bottom: number;
left: number;
export declare type UdfGroup = UdfAutoGroup | UdfHorizontalContainerGroup | UdfVerticalContainerGroup | UdfContainerGroup;
export declare type UdfContainerGroup = UdfHorizontalContainerGroup & UdfVerticalContainerGroup;
export interface UdfAutoGroup extends UdfBaseObject {
type: 'group';
name: string;
isVisible: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
rotation?: number;
rotationX?: number;
rotationY?: number;
rotationZ?: number;
readonly pivot?: UdfPivot;
scale?: number;
isFixedAspectRatio?: boolean;
isCollapsed?: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal?: boolean;
isFlippedVertical?: boolean;
opacity?: number;
fills?: UdfFill[];
shadows?: UdfShadow[];
innerShadows?: UdfShadow[];
borders?: UdfBorder[];
borderOptions?: UdfBorderOption;
blendMode?: BlendMode;
blur?: UdfBlur;
children: UdfArtboardChild[];
ignoreMask?: boolean;
isPinned?: boolean;
isMask?: boolean;
aspectRatio?: number;
overflowMode?: OverflowModeType;
cornerRadius?: CornerRadius;
export interface UdfHorizontalContainerGroup extends UdfAutoGroup {
isHorizontalContainer: true;
x: UdfDimension;
farOffsetX?: number;
anchor: AnchorSettings;
width: UdfDimension;
export interface UdfVerticalContainerGroup extends UdfAutoGroup {
isVerticalContainer: true;
y: UdfDimension;
farOffsetY?: number;
anchor: AnchorSettings;
height: UdfDimension;
export interface UdfRectangle extends UdfBaseShape {
type: 'rectangle';
cornerRadius?: CornerRadius;
aspectRatio?: number;
export interface UdfOval extends UdfBaseShape {
type: 'oval';
aspectRatio?: number;
export declare type UdfCombinedShapeChild = UdfRectangle | UdfOval | UdfPath;
export interface UdfCombinedShape extends UdfBaseObject {
type: 'combined-shape';
name: string;
isVisible: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
x?: UdfDimension;
y?: UdfDimension;
height?: UdfDimension;
width?: UdfDimension;
farOffsetY?: number;
farOffsetX?: number;
rotation?: number;
rotationX?: number;
rotationY?: number;
rotationZ?: number;
anchor?: AnchorSettings;
readonly pivot?: UdfPivot;
scale?: number;
isFixedAspectRatio?: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal?: boolean;
isFlippedVertical?: boolean;
opacity?: number;
fills?: UdfFill[];
shadows?: UdfShadow[];
innerShadows?: UdfShadow[];
borders?: UdfBorder[];
borderOptions?: UdfBorderOption;
blendMode?: BlendMode;
blur?: UdfBlur;
children: UdfCombinedShapeChild[];
ignoreMask?: boolean;
isPinned?: boolean;
booleanOperation?: BooleanType;
aspectRatio?: number;
export interface UdfComponentInstance extends UdfBaseObject {
componentId: string;
stateId: string;
name: string;
type: 'component-instance';
height: UdfDimension;
width: UdfDimension;
farOffsetY?: number;
farOffsetX?: number;
x: UdfDimension;
y: UdfDimension;
isVisible?: boolean;
isLocked?: boolean;
isPinned?: boolean;
isMask?: boolean;
ignoreMask?: boolean;
booleanOperation?: BooleanType;
opacity?: number;
scale?: number;
isFixedAspectRatio?: boolean;
rotation?: number;
rotationX?: number;
rotationY?: number;
rotationZ?: number;
anchor?: AnchorSettings;
readonly pivot?: UdfPivot;
isFlippedHorizontal?: boolean;
isFlippedVertical?: boolean;
blendMode?: BlendMode;
fills?: UdfFill[];
shadows?: UdfShadow[];
borders?: UdfBorder[];
innerShadows?: UdfShadow[];
overrides: object;
aspectRatio?: number;
exportOptions?: UdfExportOption[];
export declare type UdfArtboardChild = UdfRectangle | UdfOval | UdfPath | UdfText | UdfGroup | UdfCombinedShape | UdfComponentInstance | UdfImage;
export interface UdfArtboard extends UdfBaseObject {
type: 'artboard';
name: string;
isCollapsed?: boolean;
isVisible?: boolean;
children: UdfArtboardChild[];
layouts?: UdfLayout[];
fills?: UdfFill[];
x: UdfDimension;
y: UdfDimension;
height: UdfDimension;
width: UdfDimension;
overflowMode: OverflowModeType;
exportOptions?: UdfExportOption[];
includeBackgroundColorInExport?: boolean;
includeInPreview: boolean;
viewportHeight: ViewportDimension;
viewportWidth: ViewportDimension;
viewportUUID: string;
viewportAppearance: ViewportAppearance;
orientation: number;
export declare type UdfComponentStateChild = UdfArtboardChild;
export interface UdfComponentState extends UdfBaseObject {
name: string;
type: 'component-state';
isCollapsed?: boolean;
includeFillsInInstances?: boolean;
isClippingLayers?: boolean;
includeBackgroundColorInExport?: boolean;
height: UdfDimension;
width: UdfDimension;
x: UdfDimension;
y: UdfDimension;
children: UdfComponentStateChild[];
isVisible?: boolean;
layouts?: UdfLayout[];
fills?: UdfFill[];
exportOptions?: UdfExportOption[];
export declare type UdfComponentDefinitionChild = UdfComponentState | UdfComponentStateChild;
export interface UdfComponentDefinition extends UdfBaseObject {
type: 'component-definition';
name: string;
children: UdfComponentDefinitionChild[];
export interface UdfComponent {
id: string;
children: UdfComponentDefinition[];
export interface UdfEase {
type: EaseType;
config?: number[];
export interface UdfFontResource {
postScriptName: string;
family: string;
weight: string;
fileName: string;
ext: string;
fileType: string;
hash: string;
size: number;
export interface UdfImageResource {
id: string;
hash: string;
ext: string;
fileType: string;
size: number;
width: number;
height: number;
export interface UdfInnerShadow {
id: string;
color?: UdfColor;
offsetX?: number;
offsetY?: number;
blurRadius?: number;
isEnabled?: boolean;
spread?: number;
blendMode?: BlendType;
export declare type InteractionLink = {
id?: string;
type?: string;
export interface UdfTimelineLayerProperty {
id: string;
property: string;
delay: number;
duration: number;
ease: UdfEase;
export interface UdfTimelineTarget {
type: 'timeline-target';
id: string;
export interface UdfTimelineLayer {
id: string;
from: UdfTimelineTarget;
to: UdfTimelineTarget;
delay: number;
duration: number;
ease: UdfEase;
properties: UdfTimelineLayerProperty[];
export interface UdfInteractionTransition {
type: TransitionType;
delay?: number;
duration?: number;
ease?: UdfEase;
autoLinkIgnoredLayers?: string[];
timeline?: UdfTimelineLayer[];
export interface UdfInteractionKey {
value: string;
export interface UdfInteractionSource {
id: string;
type: string;
export interface UdfInteractionTarget {
id: string;
type: 'artboard' | 'component-state';
export interface UdfInteractionTimer {
duration: number;
export interface UdfInteraction {
id: string;
key?: UdfInteractionKey;
prototypeId: string;
gesture: GestureType;
source: UdfInteractionSource;
timer?: UdfInteractionTimer;
transition: UdfInteractionTransition;
target: UdfInteractionTarget;
maintainScrollPosition: boolean;
export interface UdfLibrary {
id: string;
components: UdfComponent;
export declare function createOverflowMode(allowVerticalScroll?: boolean, allowHorizontalScroll?: boolean): OverflowModeType;
export declare type UdfPageChild = UdfArtboard | UdfArtboardChild;
export interface UdfPage extends UdfBaseObject {
type: 'page';
name: string;
children: UdfPageChild[];
export interface UdfPrototype {
id: string;
name: string;
pageId: string;
homeArtboardId: string;
interactions: [UdfInteraction];
selectedViewportSettings: string;
customViewportSettings: ViewportSettings;
previewBackgrounds: PreviewBackgrounds;
export interface UdfResources {
fonts: UdfFontResource[];
images: UdfImageResource[];
export interface UdfProject {
id: string;
lastSequence?: number;
name: string;
library: UdfLibrary;
children: [UdfPage];
resources: UdfResources;
prototypes: [UdfPrototype];
export interface IUserInfo {

@@ -1224,6 +1226,4 @@ userId: number;

export declare type UdfLayoutCommon = {
id: string;
type: LayoutType;
export declare function createViewportAppearance(): ViewportAppearance;
export declare function createViewportSettings(): ViewportSettings;
export declare const auth: API.Auth;

@@ -1230,0 +1230,0 @@ export declare const core: API.Core;

"name": "@invisionapp/studio-api",
"version": "3.5.6",
"version": "3.5.7",
"repository": {

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "type": "git",

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